jude5 · 6 years
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Just heard that plastic carrier bags are likely to go up in price from 5p to 10p in the UK and that statistics show that the initial charge of 5p a bag worked miracles! Really?? Maybe it drew peoples attention to how plastic is killing our wildlife and destroying the environment but was it really because it added 5p to our shopping bill? I don’t think so. Maybe it just jolted the memory and conscience of those folks who care about the environment. And what about the people who didn’t take note. The people who obviously don’t care. Is 10p really going to make any difference they are probably at this moment forking our £2/5 in a coffee shop for a coffee and a piece of cake? Will they really be concerned about forking out 10p on a carrier bag?? Maybe £1 might make them take note but 10p? It’s stupid. Why is the UK government pussyfooting around? Of course they don’t want to upset the public. After all votes count don’t they. Does it matter WHO votes for them. The votes of Litter louts count just as much as those of responsible people. But back to the 10p. Will it make a difference? Isn’t it more a matter of mentality? Either you respect people and your personal environment and the wider world or you don’t. You dispose of your litter in the correct manner or you don’t. You throw litter into your neighbours garden or you don’t. You care about the world your children will be growing up in or you don’t. Hitting pockets HARD might help. £1 instead of 10p for a carrier bag and an on the spot fine of £100 for anyone caught littering our streets and our beaches. #environment #plasticpollution #saynotoplasticstraws #plasticfree #conservation #plasticbags #plasticbagssuck #plasticbagsfree #beach #cleanbeaches #litter #litterlouts #ocean #plasticfreeoceans #litterfree #hateplastic #hatelitter #finesforlittering #saynotoplasticbags #cleanoceans #pussyfootingaround #goverment #uk
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