codydollartist · 9 years
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Today is the first day of the new month, August. For some it's back to school time. 📚 I used to love school. Anwyays, I thought I would do a recap of last month. ☺ 🌟1. I started and almost finished #findyourvoice2015 by @rukristin. An amazing free class all about find out your find your voice in however you choose to document your memories. 🌟2. I read about five books all shared here and on my goodreads. Although I didn't complete my #summerreadingbingo. 🌟3. I also started a new planner from #simplestories. So far I'm in love and I plan to share a look at how I use it soon. 🌟 4. I am still working on the rebrand, of course I ran into some issues but I hope to have my blog running by November or January. I want my blog to a place of great inspiration so you'll have to wait a little longer. 🌟 6. Last thing, I started #projectlife for the first time! I'm so excited to share with you my pages. 🌟 Big thank you to all the new followers! I hope you enjoy my feed. I hope to share inspiration as I find it. Thanks to those that followed along. #letsdothisaugust #letsdothisaug
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caro-frenchy · 9 years
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Hi Everyone,
It has been a little while since I posted something. I find it hard to balance LIFE/WORK. Luckily, I will be finish with work pretty soon! (7 weeks!!)
Today will be a quick post, I just wanted to let  you know that I have been accepted as a contributor of Find Your Voice 2015!
It is a free storytelling workshop over the summer that will last 6 weeks, created and hosted by Rukristin.
My role will be as a Community Discussion Leader, sounds really fancy :) and I am up to the challenge!
That is all for now. If you wanna know more head over to http://rukristin.com/blog/findyourvoice2015/
Coucou à tous,
Ca fait un petit moment que je n’ai pas posté quelque chose. Je trouve difficile de concilier ma vie normale et le boulot. Heureusement, j’aurai bientôt fini avec le travail! ( 7 semaines !!)
Aujourd'hui sera un petit post, je voulais juste que vous sachiez que j’ai été acceptée comme un contributrice au workshop: Find Your Voice 2015!
C’est un atelier de narration gratuit qui se déroulera cet été pendant six semaines, créés et hébergés par Rukristin.
Mon rôle sera comme un Chef des discussions communautaires, ça sonne très chic! :) et je suis prête à relever le défi !
Voilà tout pour le moment. Si vous voulez en savoir plus rendez-vous sur http://rukristin.com/blog/findyourvoice2015/
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codydollartist · 9 years
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Today is the last day of June so I thought it would be nice to a recap. Maybe youll see something you missed from me or get some ideas. 🍍1. I was able to join #findyourvoice2015 team by @rukristin. A free workshop all about discovering your storytelling voice. The class starts tomorrow so sign up if you havent (rukristin.com/findyourvoice). 🍍2. I order my first midori cover by the lovely @scrapipebre! Its on field note size, a great size for travel. Hopefully I'll be able to pick it up today from the post office. I cant wait to show you guys. 🍍 3. I feel its time for a rebrand. I really want to have a more in depth blog about my journals and art journey. Im not sure when ill update the name but ill be sure to let you know! 🍍 4. I also put to use my no name A5 #planner, I've picked up at a second hand shop. That little guys will now house my blog/youtube planning. Which ill show a more in depth later. 🍍 5. Started and ditched #icad, index card a day. I just couldn't keep up with all I'm doing, planning and playing with. I'm still reading the Bible everyday and still creating. Just not in index form. 🍍That's all folks. 🐇 I hope you all had a great June. If not, there is July, thirty-one days to a whole new something. I will be working on 3/4 classes in July so this month will be jammed packed for me. 🍞 Haha but #letsdothisJuly. Thanks all to those that read this long post. 😊
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