runawaybabyblue · 4 years
Searching for a person in Hungria
I need help from the tumblr community. 
I promised my grandma I would find an old friend of her with the power of the internet. She is old and have many regrets in a her life and not being able to find this person and properly apologize is one of them.  My grandma is named Jeannine, she met with this woman in vacations in France when the hungrian lady was still in high school. My grandma had a son who befriended the lady and in the end my grandma befriended the young girl and her family too. The girl wanted to practice french so they wrote letters for almost 7 years. But my grandma had to end the corresponsadance one day because of big family issues (her sons were begining to do wild shit, they were really poor, and she didn't have the time to write anymore). Here are the informations I gathered throu the letter; Birth name: Katalin László  Born in 1944 (more or less)  Came to France in 1964 (to pay a visit to my grandma (Jeannine) after 4 years of writing to each other) Graduated from high school in 1962 Lived in Felsőgöd with her mother and father in the 60s.  Studied art and tried to enter Les Beaux Arts in Hungria.  Her old adress is: Felsőgöd Tancsics m. u. 57  She moved out in 1965 to Felsőgöd Szegfü u. 2 I also find this photo (dated to 12/01/1964)
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Also found this paper (Katalin is mentioned by name and there is a photo of her in it, but I can’t manadge to read it since it’s in hungrian):
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(katalin send it to my grandma to show her what her group did for an expo I think ? But I’m not sure and my grandma can’t remember it) If you have any information, please contact me! Thank you!
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