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nichamin · 1 year ago
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Hi, this is my final project for storytelling. I did advertisement about book that can bring back dead people by trade someone you love now. So the story it about a boy with his dog trying to find The After Life book to bring his mother who died from war but he doesn’t know that what he has to do when he finds that book., he doesn’t know he has to trade someone that he loves (prob his dog) to bring his mom back. So if it is you who found that book would you trade someone you love for someone who died?
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tbanimation3rd · 2 years ago
fixed final project my music person fixed the music issue so this is a reupload with the correct audio
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ryssachrysalis · 2 months ago
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My final project from my intro to (machine) sewing class. I'm unreasonably proud of myself and am looking forward to intro to apparel sewing. My dyslexia causes me frustration and I need to get a better seam ripper but I'm loving this.
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mg-photography · 7 months ago
This project is the combination of photography and charcoal from independent mediums. As the concept is of photos capturing one moment in time forever, additive charcoal allows an artist to constantly change an illustration while maintaining the same canvas. I executed the concept by taking photos of a charcoal piece changing and telling its story.
The charcoal piece finishes as a darker gray than the beginning scene from charcoal fatigue and the photographs including a beginning intro of the paper to exiting the art back to that beginning paper create a more artistic movement to the project. The project was inspired by surreal means in which two realities exist at the same time but in completely different lives.
By drawing each 121 frame, I hope this project translates to the best of my intention. The significance in this project is that it will only exist in this form for the rest of its existence--as in it was created, erased, and changed again and again and the only way to view its only stages of life is by these photos.
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potaetoepotahtou · 1 year ago
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Final outcome of my model
This project expresses the crisis of our planet through art. By incorporating synesthesia, the whole journey of the project is more interesting and impactful.
The public typically prefer imagery over text and most of them are not scientifically literate. This is where the art of representation comes into play. The term “representation” suggests the depiction of someone or something and the creation of a visual form representing something else in the world.
By using representation to explore and convey the psychological and emotional effects of the society’s problems, artists can create powerful and thought-provoking works whilst fostering empathy and understanding among the audience.
This site was chosen intentionally as it creates a palimpsest effect of global warming awareness on top of second world war history. Both are equally important.
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shaemefulanimation · 1 year ago
Death by Donald Revell
As we entered the second week of DT5 I began fleshing out the audio track that would form the basis of my animation. I recruited the help of my flatmates boyfriend, Will, to do the voice over, and I spent countless hours listening to endless piano tracks to find the one that spoke to me the most.
I eventually came to the decision to use Two Birds by Fredrik Lundberg as my backing track, and to only use the middle section of Death as I felt like I could create a really compelling narrative with that material - and also knew I only had a few weeks to achieve this project. Here is what I am using, and here is where you can read the full poem:
"Death," I said, "if your eyes were green I would eat them."
For what are days but the furnace of an eye? If I could strip a sunflower bare to its bare soul, I would rebuild it: Green inside of green, ringed round by green. There'd be nothing but new flowers anymore. Absolute Christmas.
"Death," I said, "I know someone, a woman, Who sank her teeth into the moon."
For what are space and time but the inventions Of sorrowing men? The soul goes faster than light. Eating the moon alive, it leaves space and time behind. The soul is forgiveness because it knows forgiveness. And the knowledge is whirligig. Whirligig taught me to live outwardly. Shoe shop. . . pizza parlor. . . surgical appliances. . . All left behind me with the hooey. My soul is my home. An old star hounded by old starlight.
"Death, I ask you, whose only story Is the end of the story, right from the start, How is it I remember everything That never happened and almost nothing that did? Was I ever born?"
Here is a few of the key saves from my audio editing process:
Here are some of my early scribbles for this narrative:
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My writing is absolute chicken scratch, but key ideas that I have been floating include abstract moments on the "death" lines that include a mouth swallowing the moon, a representation of death moving closer on each "death" line, as well as more narrative features like an older figure reflecting back on their life.
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In my research and brain storming I came to realise this poem uses imagery and metaphorical expressions that speak on transformation and renewal, and what better way to represent both death and transformation/renewal than through the feature of birds - hence why the bird song got added into the track.
I also felt this was a perfect metaphor to explore since the track I was using was titled "Two Birds".
Expanded ideas on birds:
Bird having a love story
Bird reflecting on a human love story/life cycle
Bird going through a life cycle
"Death" lines could include birds flying out from behind a character
"Death" lines could have character turning into bird/grow wings
Bird watching from a cage, revealed at end
I will include my current mood board in my next post as I breakdown different elements and aesthetics I am currently wanting to explore.
It also feels odd to continue on with this project without discussing something tragic that occurred over the weekend (Nov 3/4). One of my dear friends, Sahara, unfortunately passed away. I contemplated scrapping the idea entirely and starting again - and who knows, I still might - but decided that while this is a poem about death, it is actually a poem that celebrates life.
Craig Teicher writes, "the poem proposes a mighty act of communion, a gathering together of readers and writers, speakers and listeners, living and dead. This is a poem of deep empathy, of comforting and keeping company. Revell wants us to feel less alone and less afraid to die, whatever we believe. Revell’s poem can help us: so that when we think of death, we can remember we are blessed with life."
I feel so incredibly blessed I got the opportunity to meet Sahara and call her a friend, her death is a tragedy that will weigh heavy on the hearts of everyone that knew her. I dedicate the remainder of this project to the light she brought into every room, to the warmth she brought into everyone's lives. She will be so deeply missed.
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tbanimation3rd · 2 years ago
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examples of some backgrounds i made for my project
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officialpenisenvy · 1 year ago
i want your psycho, your vertigo shtick, i want your tojigumi breastfeeding fic...
love love love i want your love!! in the form of kanpai by finalproject a fic which lives in my head rent free and has made me cry from laughing too hard multiple times.
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finalpr0jects · 2 years ago
I'm final! I am a multifandom multishipper and tomfoolerous miscreant. 29. any pronouns. (🔞 + dead dove)
ao3: finalproject
retrospring: finalproject
discord: finalproject
twitter: @ puppy_yuuji
DMs are open! Pls let me know (here on Tumblr) if we were moots and you'd like to be again. I do my best to tag thoroughly! I'm on discord most often.
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daimblog · 1 year ago
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Rendered sections of final project
#3dsmax #lumion #interiordesign #finalproject #sections #renderedsections #finalprojectrenders #designproject
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roaming-through-time · 1 year ago
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Well friends,
The last post was my finale destination for this trip, I am now headed back home where it is the 21st century. I can definitely say this was a one-of-kind trip that I will never forget. I am so lucky I was able to share this experience with you and hopefully you guys were able to enjoy it as much as I did sharing it. Until next time... bye!!
#UntilWeMeetAgain #TimeTravelerAtHeart #RoamingThroughRome #HIS101 #FinalProject
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tbanimation3rd · 2 years ago
finished 3rd year animation
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