thorodinsonii · 3 years
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FREAKING FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not too happy that I had to wait this long OR that, if I hadn’t checked my phone until after work, they would’ve been all sold out because they got posted in the middle of the day on a random Friday after no rumblings of their release date were found ANYWHERE online 😡 but, despite not getting help or hints from anyone (@newrockstars @florencepugh @dkharbour etc) I FINALLY finally got tickets to see Black Widow on its premiere night - July 8th at 5PM on the boss-ass #cinemarkxd screen!!!!!!!!!!!! Get hype!!!! #blackwidow #scarlettjohansson #florencepugh #davidharbour #rachelweisz #marvel #marvelmovies #mcu #FINALLYWECANGOTOTHEMOVIESAGAIN #INEEDAamarvelmovie #giveittome #andnowweplaythewaitinggame https://www.instagram.com/p/CP_Shj6tXYV3GyfrpYto49AnpVtyk4qiiVNaI80/?utm_medium=tumblr
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