#finally typed all this out aghhggh
dood1e-bug · 9 days
So @thesecretsaturdaysvault reminded me that I made a small headcanon post about Munya back in April.
Oooh have I added more
I did keep the idea that he was a human that died and was brought back to life by Argost all Frankenstein's monster but at the time I didn't think about what he was originally. Sometime after that post I had the idea of him being one of the 43 secret scientist that died when they raided weird world.
His memories are gone, appearance changed, still looking like he was dead, skin deathly pale, cold to the touch, a missing eye.
Unable to speak due to Argost putting spider DNA in him (also didn't put two and two together but I was pointed out that theres a post somewhere talking about his vocals being replaced since it needed room to shoot webs out of his mouf it make since to me) can only mumble, growl, and make spider noises while transformed
also design note don't know if its just me but Munya's mutant forms face makes me think of a skull, so I give my mutant Munya the skull nose. (also Human without the monocle)
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Munya wasn't his name originally Argost gave him that name.
The family/scientist unable to recognize their former friend, Munya too far gone to even know/remember who hes attempting to murder. Yipppe! :)
Not too long ago I rewatched the two part pilot episodes, Zak mentions some of what the secret scientist do and one caught my attention "paranormal abilities", wouldn't it be ironic if past Munya messed with paranormal stuff and then died in weird world xD.
Noticed he favors his left hand alot
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now I can show my stupid doodle I keep joking about
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Also a little idea
Like before the excavation of the kur stone, before the raid on weird world. Doc and Drew had a group baby naming party with the other scientist, boy and girl names since it was very early. What if Munya (whatever the his name was originally) gave the name Zackary/Zakary (Doc and Drew shortened it to Zak)
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