#finally someone made the proper fanvid
alt-erran · 10 months
• bucky & natasha | don't come back for me
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mousedetective · 7 years
Sherlock Fanwork Awards Information!
Sorry I didn’t post this yesterday; I woke up late and was out of the house for hours, and while I’m not quite on top of things today, I wanted to make this post.
So the general idea is this: there are four major broad categories (Gen, Het, Slash, Femslash) that everything would fall under. The one thing I want to borrow from the SAMFAs is having all of these categories divided into K - T/M - E so that underage fans can participate too. In each broad category except General Meta, there are the main subcategories:
AU (and by this I mean totally unrelated to the content of Sherlock, like spy AUs, high school/college AUs, etc.)
Canon Divergence (where it's still set in Sherlock proper, just diverges from the canon at some point)
Long Fic (fics over 15K words...this would be the only fic-centric category, I think)
Obviously, I am open to other genre subcategories. Then, for all of those, they're divided further into media (fanfic, fanvid, fanart, manipulations, gif sets, ship-specific meta) while general meta has its own category with these subcategories:
Series 1-centric
Series 2-centric
Series 3-centric
Series 4-centric
Post-"The Final Problem"
Show As A Whole
Multiple Series (anything crossing over different series but not all 4 + TAB)
Then, if there is a specific ship that is nominated at least THREE times, they'll have their own subcategory. So there could be a category that would read "Slash / Angst / K - T / Johnlock" for example, for all of the angsty Johnlock fics, while the other slash ships compete in a general "Slash /Angst / K - T" category. The one exception, because not all people read it, are the incest ships, and they'd be automatically listed as "Slash / Angst / K - T / Holmescest (Mycroft/Sherlock)" for example.
Ideally, I want everything nominated to have been COMPLETED between January 1st, 2017 to whenever I start nominations (I'd really love to run this contest in January/Febraury 2018 so I can do the whole year, and the URL given for submission needs to lead to a page with a timestamp ), so that way fic that was started in 2015 for example but finished August 2017 could be eligible.
Items can be nominated in as many categories as they fit, but each nomination can only come once. So if one person nominates “The Art Of Love Is Largely The Art Of Persistence” (to use one of my fics) in best Het Longfic and someone else nominates it in Best Het Longfic and Best Het Canon Divergence, it will get a nomination for both categories, and once it’s listed as a nominee in those categories it can’t be nominated for Best Het Longfic or Best Het Canon Divergence again, but is open to other categories it may fit.
A person can also nominate up to two fanworks per specific category, SO LONG as they were finished in 2017. They can be for the same ship or separate ships. Ships and ratings must be included in the nomination email, though I will double check.
Also, as I want this to be as open as possible BUT not be negative, the only thing that are excluded are baited fics/fanvideos/meta/etc. By that I mean the fanwork has been made to piss off other parts of the fandom. So no anti-ship fanworks are allowed and no TLJC stuff. If you guys want awards for those, you can run them yourself. And, as I said above, I will read ever work nominated before I add it to the nominations lists I will have up on Tumblr and Dreamwidth (as my back-up site). Chances are everything for nomination will also be crossposted to @afteriwake​, my rec blog, and tagged with “sherlock fanworks awards nominee” so I can have them all in one place.
I haven’t decided yet whether I will have voting be via email, via a survey or maybe a poll at Dreamwidth, but no one has to vote in every category, however everyone must read/watch everything in the category they're voting on to give it a fair shot. But if I do a survey or a poll it would be a seperate page per general category, and everyone would have to provide an email so they can only vote once.
But that’s about it for now, so if anyone has suggetions for other subcategories or questions, let me know!
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naireides · 7 years
Hey Nai so I know last year during hiatus you made sort of like a fanvid masterpost do you think you can link it to me? Also do you have any new ones? It's only been 3 days and the hiatus is already hitting me hard lol
this hiatus already has me on the floor i will never understand how i managed to survive the almost 11 month hiatus between s2 and s3 i already want death.
okay so here’s the old list and i’m going to make an actual kind of proper list this time. or at least try to. let’s see how this goes.
Post Season 4 Fanvids
10 000 MILES
okay like... holy shit?? this is so soft and tender and sweet but at the same time it’s gonna rip your heart out and crush it in front of your face so y’know. hope you like pain!
(bonus: this person has made a fanvid for every. single. episode. this season. honestly, the highlight of my thursdays were getting up and watching these lmao)
omg omg omg omg GUYS my heart hurts this is just so... idek i have no words to describe it, it’s just so great and like most vids on this list, it’ll leave you crying
this motherfucking song is the bane of my existence like i just need to hear the first few words and then boom. tears. it’s cool i’ve accepted that this is what my life is right now.
i think i’ve said this before but ‘all i want’ is the bellarke song for me. i know the show uses an original score (fuck you tree adams for making me cry with ‘bellamy and clarke’ and ‘i see you’) but this is bellarke for me.
speaking of ‘i see you’ SOMEONE MADE A BELLARKE VID TO THAT TOO like bitch have mercy on my soul please this isn’t fair at all who gave you the right
i think on my original list i have a video of the same name but LISTEN. the what’s a soulmate bit breaks me every time (is it from dawson’s creek i think it’s from dawson’s creek) and it’s just so so good.
okay. okay okay okay okay. this video is almost ELEVEN MINUTES LONG. yes. you read that correctly. eleven. 11 minutes. i cried like 3 different times. i craved the embrace of death. i will never be whole again.
i’m saying something alright. that something is ‘yea what the fuck m8.’
i wanna set myself on fire it’ll probably hurt less
i know that fix you by coldplay is generally overused in fanvids and gifsets and shit but like. ask me if a give a fuck when i’m bawling into my pillow. because the answer is no. i could not care less.
this is pretty much bellarke from 1x01 to 4x13 and i’m just here clutching my blanket pointing at my screen going ‘look at my babies! look how much they’ve grown!’ i’m a wreck tbh.
this isn’t fair. why do all these videos hurt me like what the fuck.
yo fuck you this song choice is... wow. and ouch. mostly ouch. it’s so soft but it hurts so much.
it’s cool it’s fine lemme just go outside and scream until my lungs give out hahahaha i’m fine
i’m not gonna go off too much on these because like. this is already getting long. sorry i can’t shut up.
all i want (probably my fave ever?? lol it’s always on my youtube watch again bar and i’m always like ‘OK LEMME CAUSE MYSELF PAIN AGAIN’ like i said. this is THE bellarke song.)
can you hold me (yo this is the 3x05 argument and like. it broke a part of me. it’s cool it’s fine i doN’T NEED MY HEART)
chasing cars (pull the trigger piglet)
like i’m gonna lose you (do you hear that sound? it’s me, crying)
knocking on heaven’s door (this one is kinda old and if you thought the s2 finale was heartbreaking this is even worse)
whenever you’re ready (ok so i love this song so this vid had me on the floor)
what’s a soulmate (i’m bRoKeN)
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thorinss · 8 years
okay so i definitely feel like a piece of shit doing this because my situation is nowhere near as dire as other people on this site who need money. and by all means please donate to those who are in desperate need of extra funds because while i am struggling here, i can probably get by.
here’s a quick rundown of my situation:
(Skip down to the TL;DR section if you want the gist of everything)
I’m a 24 year old Digital Media Production college senior, which is fancy words for film student. I have a full 16 credit course load this semester.
Basically I work three jobs but only one of them is a paying position. The other two are technically internships and I need them for experience and resume building purposes. My classes and the third job are cutting drastically into the hours for my paying job this semester, which means I am getting shitty paychecks until May when the semester ends. I haven’t even received a paycheck since December 22 due to an illness that knocked me on my ass and put me out of work for two weeks.
My next paycheck should be on February 3rd but until then I only have $12.81 in my bank account to live off of until then.
I have a $95 phone bill due in three days that I cannot pay. 
I make $9 an hour, 13 hours per week, with two other unpaid jobs in between, and 6 classes. There’s no way I can possibly afford any of this with my time schedule, which at no point is going to slow down.
TL;DR I am very poor and will continue to be very poor until May. I have a $95 phone bill due in three days and $12 in my bank account currently. 
Right now all that I ask is you donate whatever you can but I need at least $100 asap. There is now a paypal donate button in my sidebar. I know my situation is not dire and there are far worse things happening to people on this site that your money can be better suited for. But I really do need help and if you can spare some cash, I would really appreciate it.
I do not have much that I can give in return but if you donate any amount of money, no matter how small, I will do something for you if you wish. I am on a horrible time crunch with my schedule but I will make you something. I am not the best in any of these departments but it’s all I can offer.
Gifs/Graphics/picspams/edits - just sift through that page and take a look at my stuff. It’s been a minute since I’ve made a proper graphic but I will 100% do anything you want. Just as long as it’s a fandom I am familiar with.
Videos - I can edit raw footage or make a fanvid for a couple/show/character. In the case of a fanvid, please make sure it’s a fandom I am familiar with - otherwise it will be too difficult for me to work with UNLESS you are willing to provide the footage, which is doable but can be a pain in the ass. Here are a few links to my better videos to show you what I am capable of: one, two, three, four, five. In the case of raw footage, you would have to contact me so we can thoroughly discuss what you are looking for.
Writing fic - I am definitely not the best writer and it does take me a while to complete something because I hate everything I write lmao but I will write you some fic if you’d like! I would feel most comfortable writing Shevine, Clark/Lex, White Collar, Star Wars, LotR, or anything else that I am super familiar with. Just talk to me about it and we’ll figure something out.
If you donate and are interested in me creating something for you in return, please contact me via here on Tumblr or by email ([email protected]). We can exchange numbers, email, kik names, or whatever is easiest for us to communicate.
If you are thinking about donating and would like further details about where I am financially or need me to clear up anything, please don’t hesitate to ask! I only included the bare minimum info so I don’t overwhelm everyone.
My school highly recommends that I eventually purchase a lot of high end industry-standard equipment, which is super fucking pricey. This ensures that I have what I need in order to be successful during the rest of my time in college as well as beyond into the workforce.
I need about $200 worth of school supplies for this semester.
At some point in my future I also have to build a $800 - $1000 computer capable of video editing. A lot of my school projects, as well as my future career, depends on me being able to work and edit from home. I also cannot do freelance video editing work without a computer.
I am also being implored by the school faculty to purchase a nice camera which can range in the $1000 price easily.
This equipment will be used for my school work up until graduation and will still be used after graduation as well, as I intend to be a video editor.
These are not my main concern for the moment but I am including them because there is no way I will be able to afford all of this, even when I am working full hours at my paying job.
I live, rent free, with my older brother, his wife, and their two kids. I am doing relatively okay in this living situation but unfortunately my brother does have certain characteristics similar to those of our abusive father, whom I used to live with prior to Fall 2015. I love my brother and he is a giant goofball, but with my severe social anxiety and depression, living with him can be stressful. In many instances, he’s the one who unintentionally causes a lot of my anxiety or depressive episodes. He often makes me feel useless or worthless, like a waste of space. He constantly ~jokes~ about how he can’t wait for me to move out and pressures to me to save as much money as I possibly can which, as you can tell, is very difficult right now. He ~jokes~ that if I don’t make good grades and save a lot of money, he’ll kick me out of the house. I understand he wants what’s best for me and I do love him and appreciate him for letting me live with him. But he constantly (and unintentionally - I gotta stress that because he’s not a bad person, he’s just a bit of a hardass workaholic who makes 100k a year and never has to think of money as an issue) makes me feel stressed and invalidates any good work I actually do. If I have $700 saved, he tells me I should have $800. If I get an A- on an exam, he tells me it should have been an A.
Living with him makes me anxious and stressed. While it is nowhere near as bad as living with my dad, it’s enough anxiety and stress to the point where I never feel comfortable in the house.
So, as a second side note, I am trying my best to save up for an apartment so I can live with my boyfriend - who is the sweetest person on the planet and I always feel deliriously happy and safe when I am with him. That is the type of living situation I need to be in for the sake of my mental health and the success of my future. I cannot function properly in a home where I am constantly anxious about not living up to my brother’s insane expectations. I need my own space, with someone I love, where I can take care of myself.
The whole point of this is that any leftover money (if I even get any. I don’t know how any of this works or if I will find any success at all lmao I’ll probably make $4 total and finally be able to afford that cup of grapes in the dining hall) will be set aside for apartment purposes.
Again, if you are thinking of donating, thank you, and please don’t hesitate to voice any concerns or ask any questions. I will be 100% open and honest about anything in relation to this post. 
If you cannot afford to donate, please just share this post so others can see.
Thank you!!!!!!
UPDATE 1/27: you guys are the sweetest and the best and donated around $150 which is more than enough to pay my $95 phone bill this month and have around $50ish leftover for any food or gas money needs. i can’t thank you guys enough. 
i will still be accepting donations for the school supplies mentioned above and apartment savings but none of that is a 100% necessity right now. my priority was the phone bill and that has been taken care of thanks to those who donated.
i will possibly make a new post that just focuses on the school/apartment/living costs but like i said, those can just sit on that back burner for a bit. at least until i see how much money i get in this next paycheck, which should be on february 3rd (next friday).
again, thank you guys so much!!!! i hate doing things like this and my boyfriend found out about it last night and it embarrassed the shit out of me lmao but i love you all and appreciate this so much.
the donate button will remain in my sidebar because i am still going to be struggling this semester but the urgent bill paying shit is out of the way for now so i can breathe again.
thank you!!!!
UPDATE 1/27 #2: I have made a separate post talking about the other financial problems I currently am experiencing. please take a look!
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dmsilvisart · 6 years
Hello and Welcome!
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I’ve gained some followers recently, I like to do a welcome post, with my standard “this is me” and any up to date info.  
Currently, my blog is in process of being organized. I have several masterpages for things set up, making it easier to find this and that. Some of them are blank, some of them are partially filled, it’s getting there.
You can see my list of current projects under My WIP. Otherwise poke around make yourself at home
Onto the standard blah blah blah -
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First an foremost I’m a housewife and mom, autism mom, working from home.
I do art! Fanart, general art, art art art!  Which is mostly buried in my blog, hence the master pages I’m attempting to start.  
While I intend for my blog to be multifandom, I’m currently living and breathing Supernatural and Shadowhunters, so that’s mostly what you’ll find currently.  Doctor Who, Harry Potter, Miraculous Ladybug and Star Trek have made appearances and more will follow.
I ship ALL THE SHIPS, there are very few that I am weirded out by,  and if I don’t like something I keep scrolling. To each their own, as far as characters and ships that they like. I expect the same courtesy from my followers, if you don’t like a ship or character I draw or reblog, simply ignore it and keep scrolling.
I love all you wonderful fanfic writers who bring so much happiness to me with your words.
Graphic artists, with your edits and aesthetics warm my heart. Traditional artists, well, i’m right there with ya!  I’ve seen work that has left me FLOORED and i love seeing other people’s creations.
Film editors with your fanvids, I’ve lost HOURS (*coughs*DAYS*ahem*) on youtube thanks to y’all!  Don’t regret any of it!
Onto the serious stuff:
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I keep a happy house here, meaning if you’re going to spread hate on my blog, just go somewhere else.  I try to be inspiring, I try to be loving, I try to be kind.
This goes for porn as well, go somewhere else, don’t follow me if your blog is just you naked showing whatever to the camera. I will block you. DO NOT comment on my artwork, advertising your porn blog.
My blog is a safe space for all, your ethnicity, religion, sexuality, gender identity, age, etc.  You’re safe here, as long as you’re not hateful to anyone else here.
I do my best to tag things, but I kind of suck at knowing what to tag.  I also try not to reblog any NSFW images, however I do reblog occasional fic with the proper tags.
I don’t do hate, I don’t reblog it, I won’t give you your 15 seconds of fame. If anyone sends me hate, just so ya know, i won’t dignify it with a response. Noone tells me what to create, who to like, what to fight for, if you don’t like what I post, unfollow me. No offense taken.
Other random stuff
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I’m on other social media.  My professional artist type stuff is all on myfacebook business page , which occasionally overflows into mytwitterand instagram when I remember to post there.   But I link nothing to my tumblr, because tumblr is my space to be my geeky self and be around folks who are just as weird as I can be. If you decide to follow me on any of those listed places above, please message me and let me know you’re there :)
Message me, I like getting to know people. Especially message me if you need a pick me up, or someone to talk to, everyone needs that occasionally.
Oh and I love GIFS, (obviously)  i can be annoying with them sometimes, but finding the perfect GIF for a post brings me a weird sense of happiness.
Thank you!  
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To anyone who has liked, or reblogged my artwork I GREATLY appreciate it. While I try to thank each reblog personally, and reply to all comments, My life has been overly busy of late and I’ve missed a lot.
Tag the most recent followers (below cut), apologies if I tagged you in a previous welcome post as well
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