#finally made a signature brush 🙄
evelynismahnameboi · 3 months
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Just a guy walking his two monsters
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onmyyan · 20 days
So I'm imagining a bit of a silly concept, but imagine delivery driver!reader with yanderes Dick and Jason. Like they'll keep ordering from the place reader works in hopes that reader will show up (and she will - your boss got fed up with all the 1 star reviews when anyone other than you shows up) but they act like creeps trying to get you to join in on their movie night or whatever. They totally don't realize they're being creeps, though - this is their darling! They would never scare her! But like reader gets fed up with them "propositioning" her so she has her boss put them on the do not deliver list. The boys are surprised (they knew her boss was sending all those other drivers on purpose! 🙄), but it's nothing a call to Barbara can't fix (she wants to be an Auntie ASAP - platonic yan Barbara, perhaps?)
It starts with a simple delivery to Wayne Manor, one insignificant package set their sights on you, but could you blame them? That smile when you handed Dick the package, the pretty laugh you let out when Jason said something witty, it wasn't their fault you enamored them with a single meeting, and it didn't help when you delivered their second package, about a week after the first, and remember their names, the audacity to do such a thing and not expect them to fall in love.
Anytime someone other than you shows up they're met with the coldest glares, Dick is short with them, no banter no charm, Jason straight up doesn't speak to anyone that isn't you.
They don't start to get creepy until about week three, that's how long their resolve lasts before Dick is inviting you in for a drink, you must be hot in that uniform of yours, why don't you come inside? It's cool in the manor and he's sure your boss wouldn't miss you for a few minutes.
Jason, to his credit, really does try to be casual about his interest, of course it's anything but casual, he pretends to be working on his bike when you come to get his signature, purposely showing off as he takes his time signing, intense blue eyes staring at you with an intensity that made you sweat. He says a pretty girl like you shouldn't have to work so hard, that you should have someone to take care of you, you grit your teeth biting out a smile as you snatch the tablet back as soon as he finishes signing.
It isn't until your latest delivery do you put them on the do not deliver list, as usual they were together when you rang the doorbell, Dick smiles so brightly at you, you'd think you were delivering the stars in a neatly wrapped box. "Hey (y/n)!" He greets you like a long time friend instead of someone you'd only spoken to a handful of times, "You mind bringing that inside?" He asks the question and despite its oddity, you comply bringing the package inside.
Jason closes the door behind you, causing you to jump, when the hell did he get here?
"Good to see you bunny." He was always calling you pet names, far too intimate for your liking, he smirks before taking the box from your hands, his fingers purposely brushing against yours. "You're like a little messenger fairy."
You choose to ignore him, turning to Dick, you hold out the tablet for him to sign. "We'll get to that in a minute- why don't you sit down for a sec?" He sits on the couch patting the spot beside him. "I gotta get back to my route-"
"it's midnight, you guys stop delivering after midnight right?" Jason speaks up causing you to look at him, he looks way too satisfied with himself, catching you in a lie. Feeling trapped you sit on the couch reluctantly. "What's up?" You ask looking between the two, Jason remains standing his beefy arms crossed across his chest. God he made you uneasy.
"we've noticed how hard you've been working lately and since we're friends-" you don't hide the confusion on your face at the proclamation, "-We figured you could use a break." Dick spoke almost as if he was nervous. "Come on bunny, take a load off." Jason finally sat down sandwiching you between the two.
"or- and hear me out on this one, you sign for your package and I leave?" They share a look before Dick is almost sadly signing the tablet. "Well if you ever wanna just chill or something-"
You don't hesitate you leap off the couch and run out the door, heart slamming so hard in your chest you felt the rumble in your throat.
You thought you'd be done with them after putting their names on your company's do not deliver list, and for about a week you are, until they realize what's going on and collectively lose their minds.
Barbara couldn't stand seeing two of her closest friends so down, so unlike themselves, once they explain the situation to her she's quick to act, understanding their... particular intensity when it came to love, and clearly you'd stolen their hearts, she couldn't stand to see them so upset so she quickly devizes a plan to get you back where you belong.
All it takes is hacking into your company's files to find your route and schedule, it's like child's play to her to set up the meeting, she ordered a shit ton of stuff all for you unbeknownst to you of course, all items you'd need for your upcoming vacation, Bruce had a few private islands for situations just like this one, and it be the perfect place for Dick and Jason to break you in. By the time you left the little slice of paradise, you'd be a perfect little darling.
With a smile too pretty for her deeds, she presses confirm on the order and sends a text to the guys.
"Your Darling is approaching with your order."
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I can't even express my love for modern lucemond au. Istg it just gives thousands of scenarios to wright about. IM GNNA TWIST SHIT AND MAKE LUKE A BALLET DANCER. For example, 2nd year Aemond who majors in art and is just an all-around creative person. He's not cheery or friendly ofc but his limitless capabilities make him so fucking hot to his peers. His concepts are deep, it's the kind of art that makes people wonder, it's unique and terrifying but it captures everyone's attention because of its peculiarities. Like the motherfucker is just amazing at what he does and literally everyone is mesmerized with his pieces and his art concepts (although it's bit strange that his most prized piece is a boy with wild hair and dark eyes winkwink).
Then we have lucerys who's a 1st year and a fumbling ballet dancer. Not exactly fumbling cus he's literally a swan whenever he dances, he just lets himself exist and move to the music, though ofc some people are still self-appointed dickbags and try to tell him how " you're too stiff luke " and like no bitch you're stiff 🙄🙄. Anwys Rhaenyra is so proud of her sweet boy and attends almost every event that Lucerys dances in.
Now, imagine there's this old ballet room idk what to call it, that almost nobody uses cus ofc it's old and there's a new one in campus 🙄🙄. It's Aemond's secret little painting zone he has canvases and paint scattered all around the place. He likes how the lighting in the room and is perfect and how no one can ask him to paint them or some other dumb bullshit. Now ofc since Lucerys is a freshman and doesn't know this shit he stumbles upon it and is just fucking mesmerized with how detailed the artworks are.
Lucerys then leaves a little note there praising the pieces and commenting about the uniqueness of the brush strokes and ends it with his cute little L heart signature. Aemond comes back to his safe heaven and sees the note and is just "I will fucking kill the person who dared to intrude my space, but then again this note is so cute and this person is actually giving notice to the details so I'll let this one go". This goes on for weeks because their schedule just never seem to meet so luke just leaves little notes praising his work and commenting on some details and trying to decipher the meaning behind each painting. Aemond is wholly smitten with this person cause they're not basic af and doesn't ask him stupid shit, this person is actually trying to understand the meaning behind his art and he's just fucking inlove.
Then one day their university decides to hold an all talent kind of show for fundraising and Lucerys is asked to perform a dance of his own concept, ofc our nervous but brave little baby agrees. Ofc he's panicking because thinking of a concept is easy, it's making it an interpretative dance that's hard. And suddenly he thinks of the paintings that he saw in the old ballet room and is like " Jesus fucking christ that's it ". He then designs a costume and choreographs his own moves. But now that he's busy he didn't have much time to actually visit his secret painter. Aemond is just gloomy as all fuck cus his little note giver is gone and his day is never gnna be complete without those cute little L hearts.
Now imagine his fucking surprise when the even is finally held in their big ass stadium ( ofc the uni that they're attending is huge as fuck 🙄🙄 fucking rich people 🙄🙄 ). He sees everyone performing with their songs and their dances but what catches his eye (👁) the most is Lucerys. Truthfully he didn't even know that they're in the same uni, he was gonna leave cause ofc he still has resentment for Luke a(and he's not that interested in ballet) but stopped at the last minute when he saw what Luke was wearing. It's almost a perfect replica of the scenery in his painting he has no idea how Luke even made a scenery into a garment, Lucerys' movements were fluid and precise, the way he dances resembled the emotion that Aemond's painting was trying to express.
Aemond is just fucking flabbergasted, his little note giver is the object of his ire and the bastard who tore his eye out. All the rage and horniness*cough cough* is just pulsing inside him as he sees his pretty nephew twirl around in stage completely in his element. Suddenly the eyes met and he sees Lucerys' eyes widen a little before immediately regaining his composure and continuing his dance. Aemond swears to the seven that he's never seen anything more beautiful than this and his brain is just screenshotting the shit outta this performance. He sticks around until Luke stops performing and disappears into the crowd with the most beautiful art concept in his mind.
Lucerys had been fucking proud of his performance, he's content with how everything went except for the fact that a. his uncle, the one who's eye he tore out is literally there and b. they just locked gazes. Ofcourse since Lucerys is a bomb ass professional he didn't let that mess with his graceful movements. After this event ofc the awards were given and he won ( as he should ). Now because he won he obviously got more popular and he suddenly got busier with all that shit. Due to the distractions he was unable to visit his secret painter.
Few weeks passed and he finally had time to visit the old ballet room, at first he was expecting the usual cryptic but ethereal paintings. Then he sees a huge ass canvas in the middle of the room, what's shocking to him is that the painting was him, the brush strokes looked elegant and extravagantly precise, he looked almost godly in this, his face was perfectly framed and he was in a mid twirl position, there were small swans framing the edges of the canvas, and every single detail was just sublime. To put it simply, it's fucking beautiful, he felt himself flush at the idea that his secret painter thinks of him as this beautiful. He was still admiring the painting when he heard the door click open behind him.
"So, care to tell me what you think of this painting, nephew?"
Anyways that's im literally in a zoom meeting rn HAHAHAHAHHA I FUCKING HATE THISSZS. FEU is so excessive sometimes fr 🙄🙄🙄. Tell me if u like this shit pls.
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mybiasisexo · 8 months
Numbers 58 & 69 with Junmyeon and Yixing
Together 🪞
Genre: angst | fluff Pairing: Suho x f.Reader x Yixing Length: 1.2k Warnings: Poly relationship
a/n: so... im changing the format for these things again 🙄. who knows i might change em again. im a libra, sue me 😂. also you said AND so i assumed that meant you were letting me live my poly fantasy. so thank you for thaaat!!!! enjoyyyy
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A pair of hands cup your hips, a chin rests on your shoulder.
You shiver from the contact.
“Is it that obvious?” You ask breathlessly. You try not to fidget with the expensive sweater hanging off your frame.
A sweet smile. “Everything about you is obvious to me. I know you.”
You meet tender brown eyes in the floor length mirror you’re standing in front of. You can’t help but smile back.
“That you do, Junmyeon.”
You both get lost in each other’s gazes. It’s easy to do. Your boyfriend is beyond handsome and the love that he holds for you is always grounding and reassuring.
“Are we ready?” Another softly spoken male's voice wafts into the room from the hall. Junmyeon and you both turn towards the sound, being met with the man as he enters the room seconds later. He stops at the threshold as he spots you both pressed together. He leans against the doorframe, biting his full lower lip, a satisfied moan leaving his throat that doesn’t fail to make your knees a little weak.
“Or maybe we aren’t?” he asks, catching your eye. His own sparkle dangerously, but are playful.
“Yixing!” You groan, knowing the game he’s playing. Now is not the time. But, you guess, this is his way of distracting you from your rising panic.
A pleased smile graces his lips at the way you say the syllables of his name, and he saunters his way over to you. He’s draped in black and leather—his signature look—and pulls your face away from the mirror, to face him instead. Junmyeon still rests his chin on the shoulder now in between you, so he moves over to rest on your opposite one, giving you two space.
Yixing leans down, brushing your noses. “What’s the matter, Dear?”
“I….” You take in his patient expression. “I don’t know if I’m ready yet… to tell everyone. To tell my family.”
He lets out a long breath, Junmyeon behind you squeezes you gently.
“We talked about this.” Yixing’s tone is a caress as he brushes his fingers through your hair.
“I know,” you nearly choke out. “But, you don’t know them. They’re so judgmental and…they wouldn’t understand.”
The two share a glance over your head that you’re too preoccupied to catch.
Yixing takes your face in his hands, holding you steady. “I won’t let you get hurt. Neither will Junmyeon. Plus, we’re big boys, we can handle any animosity thrown our way. All that matters at the end of the night is that you love us.”
“And we love you,” Junmyeon adds, squeezing you again.
“I know,” you say. “I know. But, maybe, just for tonight… we can tell them we’re just friends?”
The silence is deafening.
You regret the suggestion as soon as it’s out of your mouth. Especially seeing the flash of hurt that crosses over Yixing’s soft features.
His hands leave you, hanging limply at his sides.
Junmyeon, ever the pleaser, says, “if that’s what you want.”
“And are both of us playing the role of ‘friend’, or are you going to choose one of us to remain the boyfriend?” Yixing asks.
You deserve that.
His mood drops more. “You’ve been with Myeon longer, and he’s a parent’s wet dream. So, just go with him. I’ll stay home. Problem solved.”
He storms out of the room.
Behind you, Junmyeon sighs, finally pulling away. You feel your teeth start to chatter.
“I’ve made things worse,” you push through the clacking.
He shakes his head. “No, you haven’t, Love. This is still new for all of us. We’ve never been in a relationship like this. It’s understandable to be scared. Hell, I haven’t told my parents yet, either.”
“But we made that choice when we all decided to be together, as the three of us. If I were to choose….” It would hurt the other one. You didn’t love either one of them any more or less than the other, even with Yixing coming into the relationship a little later.
The three of you have been best friends since you were in your late teens, working at a rundown fast food restaurant. The chemistry and connection between you all had been instant. And even though it always felt like there was more brewing under the surface, you all played it cool, not wanting to ruin what you had.
That was until after graduating college, when Junmyeon decided that he indeed wanted to ruin it. He confessed to you, and the excitement and relief you had felt had you saying yes without any hesitation. But, despite being happy with him, it still felt like something was off, like something was missing.
And then one day, Yixing was third wheeling with you. He had never made a comment about your relationship, accepting it without complaint. Little did you know how much he was breaking, watching the two of you fall in love. That night the three of you had gotten drunk and one thing lead to another. Next thing you knew, you were waking up in your bed, butt ass naked with them on either side of you, just as naked. Once you all awoke, it was awkward. Yixing had tried to leave, but Junmyeon was adamant on him staying, and that’s when you realized that they were in love with each other. That you were in love with Yixing, and that they were both also in love with you.
It’s been over a year since that night, and you haven’t felt more fulfilled. But, being in a poly relationship isn’t easy. The stares—oh god, the stares—and the judgement from both strangers and friends…. It’s been a lot. And now you are going to reveal this secret to your family, who are super conservative. It’s not going to end well, you already know.
Junmyeon’s now the one to cup your cheeks. “You don’t have to choose. Like Yixing said, we’re in this together. We’re not going to let anyone hurt you. If they have a problem with us, we’ll leave. Simple.”
That’s one thing you loved about Myeon. Everything was simple to him. The way he loves is simple, the way he thinks is simple. It is the perfect balance for the constant chaos in your head.
“Okay,” you agree. “Let me apologize to Xing and then we can go. We’re already late.”
He kisses you briefly before letting you go and you head to the living room, where Yixing sits, scrolling mindlessly on his phone.
“Yixing. Baby….” He lifts his eyes to you and yours immediately water, filling with guilt. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you feel unimportant in this relationship. We’re more than just friends, you know that. I love you. You’re my boyfriend, and I don’t want to introduce you as anything else. No matter how terrifying it is.”
He’s smoothly on his feet, giving you a kiss too passionate to ever be just friendly.
“I love you,” he reveals in a rasp. “We’re going to get through tonight.”
“Together,” Junmyeon says from behind you before throwing his arms around you both.
“Together,” you agree with a sniff, laughing breathlessly as the two of them start kissing your face.
Your nerves go away as you’re wrapped in their love. Together. Together the three of you can face anything—anyone. You aren’t going to let anyone take that away from you.
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a-aexotic · 3 years
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a/n: i’ve been becoming more of a lupin simp more every fucking day so here’s some headcannons! these are gender neutral <3 also the reader is a marauder!
when he first starts realizing he likes you, he’s so weird about it
he’s like “okay i gotta be cool and i’ll get over it”
he’s never liked one of his friends so this is the first time he’s ever thought about going out with of the marauders
remus first starts ignoring his feels
but he just can’t help but get major butterflies every time you laugh at sirius’ stupid jokes
or when you accidentally touch his hand
or when you talk
or when you patch up his injuries after a full moon
he can’t get you out of his bloody head!
so he does the only thing he knows how to do; tells james about his “problem”
james laughs and stares at him like “you’ve never had a crush ... like ever?”
“no ... not like this, at least!!”
so james, being the mom he is, starts sending signals to you
and you’re all like wtf
and remus just sits there like 😐🙄😣
he tries his best to brush it off
honestly, you don’t think anything of it because the marauders always flirt with you/each other
after a few long months, remus couldn’t get you out of his heads
so finally,, he grows a pair and tries to get some one-on-one time with you
he asks you tell to help with potions even though he’s doing decent amazing in that class
obviously, you say yes because he’s your bestie bud
at the library, remus makes it VERY awkward ...
he gets awkward when your forearms touch, and he just gives you his signature awkward grin
after the whole library incident, you go to the marauders for help because you think something‘s wrong with moony
“hey guys, is it just me or is moony being ... suspicious??-”
sirius and pete is confused asf but james just starts laughing
they all look at james like “what...?”
james then realized — they don’t know abt moony’s crush! he mentally slaps himself
“uhm ... nothing just- i’ve been experiencing that too-”
you all gaze at james like “what?”
“okay okay, look- remus likes y/n.”
you all start to look at one another like “wait .. wHaT”
“let’s not tell moony how i just outed his crush, alright...”
“yup, agreed”
then, you were awkward
so like- remus + y/n being awkward made sirius very annoyed
so, he and james decided he’ll get you two together to relieve the tension *amazing plan, right?!??*
it was quite easy actually,, because you started liking remus more and more everyday
honestly him being awkward made him sO cute to you????? like he was just so kissable 😩😩
anyhow, james and sirius’ plan was just to trick remus 😄👍🏼
james went up to remus after class one day and was like “oh yeah, btw ... y/n likes you”
then remus was like “nah you’re real funny”
then sirius told him the same thing and he was like “wha-”
and surprisingly, the plan worked! he finally grew some balls and asked you to the ball while sirius and james watched!! 👩🏽‍🦯
“hey y/n...”
“hey moony! um, how are you?”
“amazing! i just wanted to ask you a question ...”
“what’s up, buttercup- i meant- sorry uh- UHM-”
“buttercup- 🧐🤨 okay um do you have a date to the ball?”
“no .............. do you?”
“no- uhm maybe-”
“maybe we could go to the ball together? 🤪 what a great idea!”
😳😄 “yeah omg for sure ........”
yeah you guys just stood there for a good minute b4 james and sirius came up to y’all
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