#finally found work and friends and meaning SO WHY DO I WANNA HARM MYSELF ARGH I WANNA BREAK MY LEGS
Everything is fine in my life why do i wanna hurty :(
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ghostmartyr · 6 years
Pokémon White Randomized Nuzlocke Run [Part 11]
We have made it to post-game!
Sort of!
The plot done away with, now is the time to explore the rest of the map and wrap up the entire run with one last go at the Elite Four in their final form!
Our main contestants are
still spoiler tagged!
for maximum worrying.
Let’s get marching.
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Back in the room where it all began. I wonder if this beginning will also start with my friends running in unannounced and starting a battle with me. ...That would be bad, it’d better not.
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...Looker. I’m gonna level with you.
I don’t wanna be a junior detective.
He’s still on the trail of Team Plasma, and has decided to assign us the task of tracking down the Seven Sages. He also gives us a Super Rod. I don’t think we could fish before this, which is kind of an odd feature for a pokemon game.
Looker’s a nut, but an endearing nut.
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Ah yes, my besties.
And hey, Professor Juniper’s dad shows up to upgrade my pokedex! Half my team will no longer be without numbers!
So. Now what.
Which really means, do I let Buzz Fly me to Nimbasa or Opelucid?
I think the Nimbasa route will contain a bridge.
We’re going on the bridge.
Though before we do that, I want to check out the train area again to see if the IV person is there now that I’ve beaten the plot. I’m probably just misremembering their entire existence, but I could have sworn someone was down there.
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Okay okay okay we’ve got to give this a full check.
Frogger is above average, with fantastic Attack and Special Attack. Rojo is decent, with very good Special Defense. Tock is above average with very good Special Attack. Fido is above average with HP that ‘can’t be better.’ That explains a few numbers. Batman is above average with fantastic HP. Palm is above average with fantastic Speed.
Rojo, you poor, useless legendary.
You are still one of the most broken things on the team, and I love you for it.
That’s more rounded than I expected, honestly. I figured a few of them would just be terrible, and maybe one would be extraordinary, but it’s above average across the board. Which is. kind of average. Pokemon NPCs are kind people.
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The dude offering me a Magikarp to buy does not count as the first encounter. Also, I did not buy it. It is not randomized, and as we all know that means it’s awful.
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That’s pretty much my reaction, word for word.
Ghetsis told them to give me the Adamant Orb. And the Lustrous Orb. And the Griseous Orb. I think those are... Diamond and Pearl’s legendary special items?
Then the ninja zoom away after telling me we’ll never meet again.
That’s one lazy way to get rid of ninja. I could have sworn I fought them once... wait, did I? That seems like something I could go back and check. Eh, whatever.
Speaking of lazy things, was Team Plasma having a giant castle ever explained? I feel like it wasn’t. I’m okay with that, I just want to know.
The inclusion of the wings you can pick up on bridges were really helpful to EV training. I don’t know how many hours I would spend biking on bridges, and frankly the answer would likely depress me, but picking up all those feather things was so useful.
Of course, I have no real use for them at the moment. I’m trying to find a pokemon in those shadows.
I found one!
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Look at you, little adorable guy. Oh, girl.
Quick Ball, then faint if that doesn’t work.
Caught her!
What’s your name, though... gotta go with something musical... I dub thee Pink.
Some girl in the gateway area wants to have a Rotation Battle with me. Like a fool, I say yes, and--
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Oh shit.
I was kidding when I called myself a fool, but no, yes, that classification stands. Ahahaha. Um. Okay so after this, I’m gonna. Gonna go to Opelucid instead, maybe.
I didn’t even look at Pink’s level when I caught her. It was all Quick Ball action and ignorance. Could I have been forewarned?
This is bad.
Rotation Battles in general irk me. Rotation Battles that place me at a considerable level disadvantage are. something else. Oy.
I think the Alomomola might have Water Absorb. But Frogger is the most likely to survive whatever awful thing is about to happen. So that limits me to attacking with Mud Shot or Hyper Voice until the Alomomola is downed. It’s a Normal move. It isn’t going to do much against a Steel type, and it doesn’t do much against Beheeyem either, but I think one of those probably has Levitate for their Ability.
Frogger should not be in front.
He is staying in front.
So far, none of these things are using an actual attack, which I’m grateful for.
As I say that, Alomomola uses Hydro Pump. Frogger’s still green, so. Yeah.
Frogger just keeps using Hyper Voice. He’s going to run out of PP for it. Oh well.
Next Hydro Pump gets him low enough to warrant a Hyper Potion.
Beheeyem uses Power Split. Beheeyem’s not bad and this one is a higher level, so I’m not sure how bad that is.
Good news! Nothing has Levitate, and the Klinklang is defeated!
Alomomola is also defeated!
Beheeyem is defeated!
That only went so well because the other trainer almost never used attacks. It was all status stuff except for Hydro Pump, which missed twice. Something would be dead if a human trainer had been guiding those move choices.
I think I’m going to go outside and check what the wild life is like. It’s possible that the huge level difference is an artificial thing with this one trainer, rather than the norm. I mean, her AI virtually never attacked me. So I’ll hold off on going to Opelucid until I get a look at what other people have.
It could also be that I am underleveled for post-game life.
One thing at a time.
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Exploring time.
Oh. That guy’s a trainer. He has a level 62 Gulpin.
Okay, so I’m not comfortably leveled for this, but as long as I don’t fall into a Rotation Battle or a Triple Battle, I have items, and the exp will be worthwhile. I think I’ll keep going, with special attention paid to caution. Maybe something in the grass can help me out with some mild grinding.
I biked all the way back to a Pokemon Center.
That is how much confidence I am feeling.
Something should have a Lucky Egg, but I don’t even know if it’s safe to be here, let alone who my front runner should be.
...Fine, it’s Frogger, never mind.
I’m sorry Frogger, I have no idea why I’m so uninterested in cultivating you. I should be better about not taking you for granted and appreciate that you are the one true survivor of this squad.
It’s just you’re also level 60. So not the thing most in need of exp.
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Hello possible new friend. It’s level 48, so I think it might be that the post-game sections just have a level jump for trainers. Delightful.
Quick Ball ftw, Baltoy is now Woody.
Munna’s also in this grass. I can’t help but notice these things are not great for grinding.
Trainer with a level 65 Altaria.
I think Rojo might need to try to handle it before anything more creatively unfortunate happens. Altaria’s a Special Defense pokemon, and I think has a few really great Defense-boosting stat moves. If I let it, it can sweep.
It might also be able to kill Rojo in one hit already, but.
Argh, I hate this, lol.
Rojo, go in, if something happens I’m sorry in advance.
Yeeeeeah this Altaria is doing what I thought it would and I don’t care for it. Dragon Dance plus the Cotton thing that drastically raises Defense. .I am afeared. It uses another Dragon Dance.
Oh good job Rojo. Critical hit for the save. Good job, good job.
Abomasnow is up next.
Fido, you’re up.
Fido eats it.
You know. I like this better when I’m not chronicling every single fight out of the fear of imminent death. The next trainer looks like a Fighting one, so Tock is moved to the first slot.
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Are you fucking kidding me.
New plan!
We’re murdering legendaries for breakfast!
Because exp!
Side note: Air Slash has 95 accuracy. Why is it always missing.
...Oh fuck.
I hecked up. Badly. Oh fuck. no.
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I thought. Tock would out-Speed. Which I would have realized was a stupid thought if I had actually spent any time thinking about Tock’s features and the fact that the Hitmontop has eight levels on him.
I thought about healing him. Those missed Air Slashes left a lot of damage.
You know what also leaves a lot of damage.
STAB Close Combat.
Stop. thinking. “oh I’m sure it will be fine.”
-cradles head in hands-
I am so sorry Tock.
Fuck, this was not supposed to happen. I shouldn’t be allowed to touch Flying pokemon. Ever. Or fight Fighting pokemon. The fact that this keeps happenings suggests some underlying stupidity.
Damn it.
Damn it.
This. Tock. Buddy.
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I. Hell, I am so sorry Tock. I did everything wrong for your final moments. You would still be alive (assuming Close Combat wouldn’t have killed you in one hit regardless, which... I will never get to know) if I had just been more careful and less stupid. Five seconds of common sense would have put you out of harm’s way.
I am just. so sorry. This shouldn’t have happened.
You have such a sweet, innocent face and I...
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I am upset?
I can’t even pick someone else for the team yet. It can wait. Nothing can really replace Tock, and I can’t act otherwise.
I can take Bandit for a walk, though. There are boulders nearby.
-eliminates Reshiram with no joy in heart-
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I think this place has more uses if you are not playing on the computer.
It has grass. That’s the important thing of the moment.
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Hey little guy.
Quick Ball go, Quick Ball get.
I don’t know what to call you.
So. I’m gonna go with Tick.
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It works out thanks to the typing.
But geez self. Show some learning.
See, okay, the kid standing above her also wants a Triple Battle.
Now, what are we going to do?
Go to the Pokemon Center, and then say absolutely because my guys need exp.
I’m not a greatly intelligent human.
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Not even a little.
It works out, though. Exp gained, no one dead.
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New route.
This trainer has a level 68 Purugly.
I think. I really need to drop everything and grind for a little bit.
Frogger has fallen in love with the Purugly. He is also now paralyzed. After a turn of that, thankfully, he uses Hydro Pump and it hits.
I’m judging you a bit.
Level 68 Espeon. Followed by level 68 Lapras. Good grief I should not be in this place.
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Ha. Ha. Ha.
So uh. There was this Future Sight Batman took. I made the executive decision that it was safer for her to be in there for it than Palm, and. I stand by that. Except then a critical hit Hydro Pump hit. And it’s a level 68 Lapras. So.
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You killed Boeing. By catching you, I took away your ability to kill. But I always knew you could still die. You were the terror. You were the knight.
You were Batman.
You deserved to be enshrined forever in the Hall of Fame.
But this is where we part, my friend.
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...4x STAB Leaf Storm.
This was meant to be the grass encounter where I caught one of them?
I was focused on that?
I did not think a level 59 Petilil could kill Frogger in one shot?
This is.
There is also a chance the Petilil is too dangerous to live?
But I catch it, so yay?
Petilil’s new name is Battousai.
This has been the longest hour of this run.
I am in so much more trouble than I was.
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Frogger. You were my second pokemon.
You saved the day against the Elite Four.
You were dependable, and I never learned to depend on you.
I did not see us ending this way.
I am so sorry.
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Darkness my old friend.
I’ve come to cry at you again.
So uh.
Guess who. needs a new team.
Ahahaha I am in hell.
You know what. I. am going to take a break. This has been an excruciating hour. I don’t care for it. I don’t know what I should put on my new team. All I know is that this is very sad and I continue to be worse at this game than I thought.
So that’s great.
[next session start]
Alrighty then.
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-stares blankly-
My party has Rock/Fighting, Fire, Grass/Fighting.
I, uh. Need to fill it.
With stuff.
Piglet (Spoink). You’re coming with. Buzz and Bandit will come along with HMs. I’ll see if I can hit the other routes, then figure the rest of this mess out.
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Right. Lesgo.
On the comforting side, the first trainer we see has a level 65 thing too. So the side picked didn’t severely change the outcome of. things.
The first thing I see is Lairon, but I have an Aron.
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Let’s see if I can catch you.
Score, I can. I forgot the Quick Ball, but damage lined up to make it a clean catch. I’mma name you Daffy.
I think. I need to grind more than anything. My surviving team is very much at risk, and Piglet is wholly untrained. Both of those things need fixing. Hopefully it won’t involve chasing down Slugma.
To Dragonspiral and Jellicent, I guess. One step at a time.
(Bandit learned Surf, by the way. Because. Something needed to know that.)
Piglet is evolving! Form of... Grumpig!
What EVs does Reshiram give? Because if it’s Special Attack...
That’s worth investigating.
Cue nothing but Baltoy. ...I also don’t know what Baltoy gives. ...Or Snorunt. Snorunt is also here. Along with Piplup.
Reshiram gives Special Attack.
I’m taking this as confirmed based on recording several levels of Piglet’s stats attacking nothing but Reshiram. A wild extra point of Special Attack appeared. That makes some things so much easier. I don’t know the exact numbers on what I’m looking for out of Piglet (I think maybe max HP, some convenient split of Special Defense, Defense, and Special Attack), but. Geez this is a relief.
Looking at the numbers though, Piglet isn’t going to be able to pack much of a punch no matter how many EVs I pour into him. I need to focus on tank power.
Maxing HP, then whatever’s left will go to Special Defense and Defense.
Only not in that order.
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My memory being what it is, I’m not sure, but I think Relicanth might have Defense and Attack EVs. So I’m just here for Cloyster. I’ll down twenty, then go back to HP grinding. Simple.
Cue no Cloyster.
I should level up Bandit so I start getting better stuff with all this walking.
[one hour later]
This is still boring. I should have figured out my other replacements so I could do this all at once. At least one would have to have similar EV desires, right?
But then I’d have to figure out the other two.
My guess is it will be Yanmega and Jellicent. Fluttershy and Peanut.
I want to wait. Just. Just in case.
Also, screw it, Bandit gets the other Exp. Share. I have two, I’m going to use them. I’m also going to use some PP Ups on Fido’s Flamethrower. Healing after every fifteen fights is. No.
[many hours later]
Okay. HP handled.
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The journey continues.
[another hour (okay maybe not really)]
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I think what I want to do right now is level up what I have rather than focus on training any other new ones. I need to watch those exp bars zoom to the moon. It will sustain me in my grief/exhaustion.
Since I’m in Opelucid anyway, I’m just going to go right and hang in the grass until I’m slightly more confident in the ability of my team to not die.
Wild Pichu are not that helpful in that endeavor. Nor are Mime Jr. Granbull. You are our only hope in this arena.
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I miss Tock [’s Shadow Ball] so much.
The fear of death is omnipresent. Too much has happened. Where once there was confidence, now there is only dread. Recovery is a faint glimmer of a dream off in the distance.
Neat. Kingdra is also here.
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-tilts head-
Yeah, repeats. But still.
I wonder if anything helpful’s in the water.
Well. There’s a level 35 Surskit.
Leaning towards a hard no.
Oh wait, what am I doing. It should be all legendary murdering all the time.
It’s so frustrating, because I just keep thinking hey, I can go fight the trainers along the path for more exp! Then the rest of me remembers that I should not do that.
I don’t think I checked out the dark grass in the route I found Reshiram. I’ll check that out for a quick look. It will possibly be followed by running away as fast as humanly possible, but eh.
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That’s not too bad.
...Ah. Levels 58 and 57.
Their danger levels and their exp levels sadly do not line up. Gonna stick with the Reshiram grass.
...Also gonna check what’s in the water of the route with the level 68 hellbeasts.
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-deep breath-
-deep scream-
Okay. Okay. It’s fine. It’ll be fine.
Level 64 Primeape, Piglet gets switched in. ..And survives a Close Combat crit.
So then, Piglet is at 23 HP thanks to two Thrashes, and now Palm is out to hopefully do away with a level 64 Scrafty. Yes, because Palm is Palm Wonderful. Last one is a level 64 Poliwrath. Palm gets a crit because Palm loves us.
Piglet learns Power Gem because I don’t have the guts to use Rest as a real strategy.
All right. Lived.
Super Rod leads to Palpitoad. That’s not a bad thing to know. Regular Surfing leads to Wigglytuff. That’s better than the Reshiram grass for leveling if it’s the only thing in the water. But then there’s Shellder.
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New area!
Undella Town and Undella Bay are different places, so I must take care with Surfing for my new friend.
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This is the town’s choice. I throw a Quick Ball. Metapod caught. Now if only he had a name. Hm.
You can be Crystal.
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And this is the choice of the bay. Another Quick Ball is thrown. A Hoothoot is caught. Her name is Winnie.
I’m fast approaching the end of new areas. The map is almost completely lit up.
I think it might be okay to face trainers in the water, because I have Palm. So I’m going to try that, and hope I don’t soon have reason to cry like a baby again.
Level 63 Staryu.
You know, my new question is why that one girl had level 68 monstrosities.
There’s a Quagsire here that we don’t get to catch. ;-;
Oo, and Electrode. I’ve always loved Electrode. It smiles.
I have the HM for Dive now! Yay?
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-severe whimpering noises-
We are not in any way, shape, or form ready for post-game Cynthia. I have memories of grinding against her and others in this house thing, but those teams were allowed to come back after dying.
I will fight her before I fight the Elite Four. Because if I can’t beat her, I have no business facing the Elite Four again (...I think).
Okay, moved up to Route 13 because I don’t actually have anything that can learn Dive. New area. Time to see what we get.
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Hmmmmmmmm. Quick Ball get.
Finneon’s new name is F9.
I can’t help but notice that other trainers don’t walk around with level 68 pokemon. I guess that means I really am exploring the entire map before I start training another pokemon. That is possibly misguided, but I really just... am not ready to finalize my final (I hope) team.
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Wait, what the fuck?
I. I was typing.
It uses Hydro Pump against Piglet, so if I were to guess...
How is this still getting worse.
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Palm Wonderful.
I have no words.
I am distraught.
I will miss you so much.
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I no longer have the option of being cute about this. I can’t be walking around with three pokemon in an area where I’m losing them at this rate. I guess the simple fact is that things are now high enough level to know seriously dangerous moves, and there is no truly safe option except for absurd over-leveling.
I need to select three new ones.
I have Fido, Rojo, and Piglet. Fire, Rock/Fighting, and Psychic. I can basically pick whatever I want. And as much as I hate to say it, Palm’s loss keeps me from being overstocked on Fighting. So. If I wanted...
But what do I want?
I want to stack the deck. How do I do that.
IV checker. Everything I might consider using is getting a free checkup.
It’s a sea of “above average”s. With a few “decent”s here and there.
Maybe I should try something different. Maybe I should just select the pokemon I love most. That’s the point of a Nuzlocke, right? Getting attached? In terms of Type coverage, there are things I can do, but. I don’t wanna do that. I want to pick the things I love most. If it has good odds on ending horrifically no matter what I do, I want to have as much fun as possible.
Swiper and Wagston are in. As for the last one, that remains to be seen.
If memory serves, Riolu evolves into Lucario with good happiness during the daytime. So I should start walking. He will also be given a Soothe Bell. I think I’ll spend my time leveling up what remains. Rojo can kill a million Reshiram and become a demigod in addition to a legendary.
Oh, and sportsball. Let’s go do today’s.
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Baseball! Baseball is fun.
Have I been here since finishing the plot?
I have, right? There isn’t going to be a huge level jump?
This level 65 Persian staring me down says I’m a moron.
I should not be here. I should leave. Straight away.
But Piglet is a tank. Everything I uses in battle is over 60.
This stupidity is now on record. I’m going to try to beat the baseball peeps.
This level 66 Simipour makes me miss Palm so terribly.
Wow, I should not be doing this.
And yet.
There are a lot more trainers here now.
Level 64 Conkeldurr vs level 64 Piglet. My future nightmares start this way.
Piglet is victorious, and we continue this horrible decision!
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You know what, this is stupid. Piglet hurt himself in confusion twice, then I used a Lemonade to get him back to full health, then the Unfezant’s Sky Attack did. That.
So. This is going badly.
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Piglet, I swear I’d say sorry, but I’m mostly just dwelling on how amazingly screwed I am. So. Uh.
tfw I have two usable pokemon!
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