#fill in partner with whomever you want yourself included
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multifandomhellhole · 2 months ago
Something about Viktor gives he's into dry humping. That art is not lost on him at all and it's something comfortable if his partner meets him half way on. I do think he has a relatively low and borderline non-existent sex drive but will rub up against his partner as a means of initiating something when he wants it. A very subtle shift of hips or excessive touching of your clothes or fuck me eyes from him. He seems like a very reserved and subtle man so his flirting of course goes that way. I think his biggest hurdle to initiate sex stems from he's terrified he may come off as creepy or a harasser given he is from Zaun and has had a rude awakening of how Piltover people assume his romantic actions.
I might rewrite this or expand on it later but just some fleeting thoughts
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brightwoodhq · 4 years ago
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Alrighty guys, gals, and nonbinary pals, as promised we’re coming in hot with some advanced info about our upcoming event, the Guardian Auction. A little bit of backstory on this event: This is a charity event at its core, one that has been put on for decades at Brightwood Academy. IC Guardeds will be using real money to bid on/outbid each other for Guardians (of course, the monetary amount won’t matter for our purposes, this is just for your own personal information). The money raised through this event is donated to a predetermined charity, which will be decided by the Student Government. 
How This Will Work Guardians: Below the cut, you will find a short list of questions I’ll ask each of you to answer. This will be what’s called a Guardian Profile. Please answer the questions as honestly and with as much detail as possible, and please include a photo (preferably headshot, but any photo will do) of your character for the profile. I’ll ask that these profiles please be submitted to the appropriate Discord Channel no later than Wednesday, April 21, 2021. *Please note that bonded Guardians are not required to participate in the auction. 
Guardeds: IC, all Guardian Profiles will be passed out  Thursday morning (I’m going to shoot for this OOC as well, I’ll toss up a channel in the OOC Discord for the event, where you’ll find links to everyone’s profile). Guardeds will have from Thursday, April 22, 2021 until Saturday, April 24, 2021 to place bids on the available Guardians. You’ll place a bid by messaging the main which of your characters would like to bid on who. I will announce, on Saturday, April 24, who won the bids. 
On Sunday, April 25, 2021, each of the pairs will have a private, 1x1 date set up somewhere on campus. Both Guardians and Guardeds will have the opportunity to make special requests for their dates, this includes things like time, location, food, any activity you/they may want to do, flowers, chocolates, or even gifts for their date (and, since this is an RP and I do what I want, I’ll go ahead and say that these gifts and activities can be literally whatever you want- i.e., if you want to give your date a diamond necklace, go right ahead and send in the request, it’ll be filled by Brightwood). Please make sure you note in any communication or paras surrounding your date what those special requests were, so that they are on the dash, in-play, and therefore canon. For example, if your character wants to get their partner that diamond necklace, make sure you say that in the para/f2f/chat you have going about the date, or post pictures on social media denoting the gift was given during the date. 
TLDR: Basically, all Guardians will turn in a ‘Profile’ consisting of a photo and answers to the below questions. Guardeds will then look through the profiles, and “place bids” (i.e. send requests to the main) on which Guardian they’d like to have a 1x1 date with. These dates can be whatever you want, and will be designed to whatever specifications your hearts desire. Hint: This is the perfect time to work on some plotting, because you’ll want to communicate with whomever you’re paired with for the date to decide what the date will look like, what they’ll do, if gifts will be given, etc. Anyone can bid on anyone, with bonded pairs being excluded. 
*Note: Bonded pairs will be allowed dates on Sunday as well, with the same abilities to request anything, including gifts. They simply are not required to participate in the actual auction.
As always, anyone with questions is more than welcome to reach out to an Admin at any time! And, while I’m thinking about it, let’s not forget the Movie Night/Pizza Party and Spa Day/Ice Cream Social scheduled for this weekend, either! Both will be incredibly relaxing, I’m sure, in light of the recent plot drop!
Guardian Profile
[Insert Photo Here]
1.) What is your astrological sign? 2.) What are your top five favorite movies? 3.) What are your top three favorite books? 4.) If you could pick any career, far-fetched or not, what would it be and why? 5.) Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 6.) What are you looking for in a partner? 7.) Are you interested in a family? Do you want marriage? Children? 8.) What are your biggest pet peeves? 9.) What are your biggest turn-offs in a relationship? 10.) If you could have any power/ability in the world, what would it be and why?
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stevenuniversetanzanite · 5 years ago
The Angel Among Us (Cordelia X reader) part 6
Two posted in one day? what? Never heard of her. Its a short one. Like 2000 words. I considered saving this for the next chapter but I can’t  without slipping up that one and I don’t really want to at the moment. Could change later.
Warnings: Murder
Parts: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 , Part 4,  Part 5 , Part 6, Part 7 (will be added when done)
Upon heading upstairs and to the woman’s office, the three had fled. The man got enraged, claiming this was unfair. They're gone! Where would they have gone?
Michael spoke to Mead, who told him to forget about the witches and change plan.
You walked around the room getting a good whiff of the air. Your hand glided across the backing of one of the chairs located in the middle of the room. They heard the gunshots and the screams of their students dying. The two older ones rushed to the doors to lock them. Mallory complained telling her that they needed to save them but Mallory wasn’t ready.
“They teleported out of here.”
“Obviously.” Michael spat. “Where would she go?”
“This was the only place that she had. I can’t predict this.” The man huffed. “Ms Mead as a point,” you looked over at the woman. “Not like it matters but isn’t the world meant to end in flames or something. Are witches really worth your time? End the world before she can end you.” You make your move over to Cordelia’s desk chair. Now that she was gone, you could sit there. You’ve never been compelled to sit there until now. Maybe it was the hyperthecial power of it, it is only hers, the Supreme’s. You ran your finger of the grooves of the armrest. Resembling the woman towards the end of her life cycle, the arms had indents from being dug into. “Life is a game of, I don’t know chess- never played but that’s beside the point. You got all your pieces laid out and you go back an forth knocking each other’s out. Some pieces have a power to end the game if you get rid of them, but you don’t have to. There are other ways to end the game if that’s what your wish.”
“I don’t think you understand chess.”
“And now I hopefully never will.”
“You got aboard this really quickly.”
“You promise answers, something these witches couldn’t.”
To test your newfound loyalty to him, he schemed up something that would kill two birds with one stone. The two of you reached the warlock school in record speed. He refused to explain your purpose for being there until you stood outside the sculpture that hid the entrance of the underground school.
Your task was simple and if you chose to accept it would grant you a spot beside his side in the end times. “Kill them all,” was his instructions. “In the name of my father.”
You smirked, “Why not for us? Doing it for someone else seems better than for selfish reasons and I thought we needed to be as bad as possible.” The boy handed you a dagger. You removed it from it’s sheath and ran your finger along the edge of the blade. “A knife?”
“Make it a pure massacre.”
“A bloodbath,” you said chipperly. “Let’s go, Michael.”
There was no way you could fake this.
“Ladies first,” the boy said using his magic to open the door. You skipped onto the grounds. No one was guarding the entrance allowing the both of you to easily slip in. “I should warn you I’ve never killed before.”
“What about all those women- Oh~ I forgot. You’ll do fine.” What women? You shook your head and removed the knife form its cover. “You don’t need to be clean. The messier the better.”
The two of your stormed the school removing anyone who crossed your paths. At first, you had to hide your pained expressions as you had to stab the students. As time went on, it became second nature. Screams filled the air, students crying out for help. Soon you ditched the knife and used your powers figuring out tricks that Michael did and copying him.
The two of you strutted into the last room. Your joints was loose like a ragdolls. You would have toppled over by now you didn’t force yourself to finish the job.
“Who are-” The staff’s eyes shifted from you to your associate. “Michael.”
“I’ve got to thank the both of you, I wouldn’t have found my kin without the both of you,” Michael said. “I would thank the other two as well but sadly there gone. I guess you’ll have to thank them for us.”
John’s eyes flicker back to you. He analysis your face. It was Behold that said your name first, “Y/n?” it came out more of a question unsure due to you ghastly appearance.
“Bingo.” You cackled yourself to insanity. The man found you to be nothing but nice to him when he had his short stay at the school.
“The She-devil,” the other man muttered out.
“Hey! That’s mean,” you squeaked out getting up close and personal.
“You don’t kill men-”
“-I kill whomever I like.” You stabbed him in the chest. Michael made quick work of the other man.
“I warned Cordelia-” the man crocked out. You got into his face and dug the blade deeper into him.
“She’s dead. All the witches are dead-” you ripped the blade clean out of him. “and so too are you.”
You watched the man’s life fade from his eyes. Michael clapped and congratulating you on passing his test with flying colours. The man worked on his little display piece as you cleaned your blade on your skirt.
You caught a glance of yourself in the mirror, your skin paled revealing noticeable veins in your face. Eyes pitch black, covering the white of the eyes. No wonder they didn’t recognise you. The ‘you’ was gone. The colour came back into your skin and your eyes settled down by the time Michael was done with his inverted pentacle of human corpses.
“We should head home.”
The two of you ended up at mead’s house. The three of you rested at Meads dinner table. In the short time you were there you’d gotten along well with the woman which shocked you since she was a Satanist and that went against everything you had stood for… You guess a lot had changed today. You spent half an hour in her bathroom reliving what you had done. Crying didn’t solve your problems. You didn’t cry because of what you had done, you cried because you enjoyed it. You wanted your old life back and if you had the chance, which you were well aware you didn’t, you would have to burn for your sins. You played your part, slowly loosing yourself in the act.
Mead ended up suggesting going to the men that rebuilt her after all of Michael’s terrible ideas of how to end the world including the plot of omen 3.
 You asked about these men she spoke of, and Michael filled you in about these two coke heads with bad hair that ran a robotics company. You said you wouldn’t mind meeting the men who played god by creating a replication of a life. Worse case, you waste a day. You asked Mead to call them up and telling them you were heading right over. You grabbed Michaels and asked him where it was located. A second later you were outside a tall white building with the company’s logo pasted up the top. “Not bad,” he complemented. You told him you would stay by his side and make sure he didn’t accept any stupid ideas and just introduce her as a business partner or something.
The men hand him a list of names and all of them were members of the Cooperative which was really the Illuminati but with a new name. All members had they've sold their soul to the devil and therefore, Michael controls them. Jeff and Mutt encourage him to use nuclear weapons to end the world, You second the idea. Michael agreed but only if it'll also destroy the witches. Jeff and Mutt reassured him that it will, but he needs to talk to the Cooperative first.
“Will it kill them?” Michael asked you. You had stolen one of the desk chairs and you were now playing with a robot part. You looked at them like they asked you’re the stupidest question on earth.
“They’re human, of course nuclear bombs will kill them.” You wouldn’t allow it; you’ll find them before the bombs go off and save them. Then you can warn them of what’s to come.
The idea for the end of the world was simple, a few hotspots full of people will be saves. The richest of the rich, and some others to help work. But all, the best in their fields. Michael placed you in charge keeping Jeff and Mutt in line as well as overseeing the project. You had managed to gain the antichrists trust by then.
You sat in the corner of their lab reading one of their occupant leaders strange requests. “God this woman is a riot,” you chuckled to yourself.
The clicking of heels signified the entrance of their secretary/Human resources person along with everything else important. For someone who walked with a can, she was quiet with it, her heals made more noise than it did.
You never bothered to turn around and look at her, too busy working to care about the likes of her. Your back was always facing her, so she never got a good look at you either. She gathered you worked there now even though it was never passed through her. One day you didn’t work here and now you did. The men the woman worked for acted like you’ve been there for years, they didn’t even call you by your name anymore but by an assortment of nicknames, none of which you were fond of.
“Thanks Ms Venable. Oh, that minds me, you will receive an email about the purchases for outpost… which one again?”
“3 and 4,” you answered.
“Yes, 3 and 4 by the end of the day, we need to you place the orders today before you leave.”
“Can you also order some cigarettes? I’m out. Order a lot please.”
“Is that all?” The woman was dismissed.
“Wait? Is that Venable?” You spun around to see the woman, but she was already gone. “You gave your secretary a job as outpost leader?”
“That or she would quit.” You nodded before going back to work.
“Hmm~” After sending your email, you decided to go one break. You groaned, your eyes aching from the constant strain they’d been forced to endure. You tossed your glasses of your head and rubbed your eyes furiously. “Stupid piece of shit doesn’t even work,” your eyes were better off without the stupid eyewear. It was probably time for a new pair you thought. You swung your chair around notifying the two you were popping out for a bit. One of them men notified you that a packet of cigarettes had been brought up for you. They tossed it to you as you walked towards the back exit.
When you returned you noticed a change in the air immediately. A presence that didn’t belong here entered when you were gone. Light. “Did you two have client while I was out?”
“No. We did however get four tickets bought for outpost 3.” You hummed, walking up to the board to see who bought it. St. Pierre Vanderbilt. Oh, those witches, they are good.
“All good. This works with my order. Everything’s good.” You were happy at the knowledge that at least one of your students was alive.
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matched-roleplay · 5 years ago
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–THE WALLFLOWER– “I ponder of something great, my lungs will fill and then deflate. They fill with fire, exhale desire...“
YOU ARE MATCHED WITH: [The Gym Rat] SKELETON BLURB: You were raised around extroverts, all with boisterous personalities. That, however, is not you. The older you’ve gotten, the more you’ve become shy and awkward. You’ve often been encouraged to go out and meet people--to socialize and broaden your horizons, as well as your relationships. At times, you have wanted to and even made feeble attempts but to little-to-no success. Feeling you need the assist, one of your relatives signed you up for Match, filling out your profile in its entirety in hopes that, if you don’t at least find love through it, that the experience might bring something interesting to your life. Now that you know and believe there’s no backing out, you’re very anxious about whomever you’ll soon end up dating and married to.
CHARACTER NAME: Emmeline ‘Emmy’ Joy Becker
AGE | DOB: 29 | March 24, 1991
OCCUPATION: Cosmetologist (suggested specifics: Nail technician, make-up artist, hair stylist, fashion show stylist, salon/spa manager, etc.)
FACE CLAIM: Caity Lotz
RP CONNECTIONS: The Peter Pan & The New Age Hippie
–Interview Questions & Answers–
-TELL US 3 OF YOUR POSITIVE PERSONALITY TRAITS: “I’m compassionate, athletic, and devoted.” -TELL US 3 OF YOUR NEGATIVE PERSONALITY TRAITS: “What if there’s more than three? If I had to choose, I’d go with fickle, quirky, and compulsive.” -ARE YOU CURRENTLY EMPLOYED? IF SO, WHAT DO YOU DO? “Yes, I own a salon and spa downtown. I’m a hair stylist, so I specialize in that area, and of course handle the business sides of things, including the hiring. Between our staff though you can get the full treatment— hair, mani/pedis, and even massages.” -WHEREABOUTS IN PORTLAND ARE YOU LIVING? “I have a small single family home in St. John’s. It was actually the home I grew up in, but eventually my parents decided they wanted more land and luxury, so they moved to Forest Park. I didn’t want to see the home go— I’m kind of nostalgic like that. I’ve made a few improvements, but I love my place. It’s definitely ‘lived in’.” -DO YOU CONSIDER YOURSELF A PEOPLE PERSON? “Definitely not. It’s not that I don’t like people— I do. But I guess I was just used to being in the background, having grown up around all of these exuberant, outgoing personalities. I just never felt like I really fit in that peg. But I do care about people; my family, my friends. I’m just not the best at making them or new acquaintances. which I should be; you’d be surprised how many people feel the need to strike up conversation and entertain you while you’re doing their hair.” -DO YOU ENJOY ANIMALS/PETS? “I absolutely love pets. Dogs, cats… any kind. I think in a second life I would have been a vet. Animals are easy to socialize with. They don’t judge and they love you unconditionally. You can be an awkward goofball and they still want to cuddle with you. I have a couple of them, actually!” -IF YOU AREN’T ALREADY, DO YOU SEE YOURSELF BECOMING A PARENT SOMEDAY? “I think so. I mean, I’d like to be a parent. Ideally with someone special, but I think if it came down to it and I didn’t have a significant other I would adopt, or something. I do love children. They might bring me out of my comfort zone, which probably wouldn’t be a bad thing.” -WHAT DO YOU LIKE TO DO FOR FUN? “Call me a dork, but I love board games. I also enjoy sports and being outdoors. Biking, sailing, volleyball? Any chance for fresh air and I’m there. I may or may not secretly have a competitive side. That’s probably the best way to bring me out of bashful mode is to challenge me. It must be the adrenaline.” -WHAT 5 TRAITS OR CHARACTERISTICS ARE MOST IMPORTANT TO YOU IN A ROMANTIC PARTNER? “Not to sound shallow, but there needs to be an attraction there. So, yeah. Attractiveness. Not to mention loyal, honest, caring… and they have to have a sense of humor.” -DESCRIBE YOUR IDEAL FIRST DATE WITH YOUR MATCH: “Like I said, I’m definitely low-maintenance. I think going to like an old-drive in theater would be fun. Privacy would be nice since you’re in a car and can talk all you want, but there is always the option not to as well. And gouging on junk food, of course. Or going to an arcade or carnival. It’s easy to get to know someone when you’re playing games and having a casual, fun time.” -FINALLY, IF YOU COULD GO ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD FOR 1 WEEK, WHERE WOULD YOU GO? “I would love to go to Germany around the holidays and visit all of the unique Christmas markets and shops. I’ve heard it’s incredible there.  I would want to tour some castles as well. I just think it would be a really fun, cultural experience.”
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endingscenery · 6 years ago
Bittersweet | Joshua
joshua hong/reader
genre: royalty au, fluff
summary: the pressures of becoming a queen definitely aren't easy but at least you have prince joshua by your side
words: 2.7K
a/n: this may or may not have been the result from watching too much victoria
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Bittersweet. That was the only word you could think of to describe the events the day had brought so far and it was only eleven in the morning. You had awoken feeling the warm sun caressing your cheeks as rays of light slipped through the gap in the curtain and into your bedroom. With the help of your maids, you were styled to look your best for your special day; your eighteenth, a joyous day of celebration to be spent alongside your closest friends. Your stylist braided your hair intricately, weaving gardenias throughout the strands. You were dressed in a peach-coloured floor-length dress with gold embellishments. When you were led to the room of the actual celebration, you were greeted with an artistically crafted cake. The icing looked immaculate and smooth to touch, there were three tiers, complete with a miniature rendering of yourself positioned on the highest layer. Your day had seemed to be going so perfectly, until you heard the commotion from the palace hallways and one of your mother’s ladies had rushed into the room, urging you to see your father at once. Which lead you to the situation you were currently placed in. The scenery around you seems to blur – the people, the palace walls and its extravagant decorum – it all fades into blotches of colour. The only thing still in focus was the person in front of you, your most trusted friend, Prince Joshua of the Northern Kingdom. You concentrate on his back, watching his movements as he rushes in front of you as you try to organise your thoughts. Despite being from the North, he is quite at ease at your Southern Palace, having memorised the layout from his countless visits to your kingdom. You’re thankful for it as you’re sure you wouldn’t be able to direct yourself with how disarrayed your thoughts are at current. So you continue to follow the prince, making your way to the quarters of your father, or more specifically, the King and Queens’ quarters. Upon reaching the room, Joshua steps aside to let you enter first. Collecting your thoughts and attempting to prepare yourself, you take a long, deep breath. After knocking, you open the grand doors and step into the large bedroom.
Nothing could have prepared you for the look of extreme grief and sorrow struck upon your mother’s face. You watched as she clung onto your father’s hands, her sobbing filling the entire room as they gradually turned into loud cries and wails. You ran over to her side and took a clearer look at your father, his soulless eyes staring back at you. A choked sob escaped your lips as your knees sank to the ground. You wanted to scream, cry, anything, but your body wouldn’t allow you, no sound left your mouth, your lungs felt heavy. A hand rests on your left shoulder and when you look up you see Joshua. His expression is solemn, but he seems to hide whatever emotions he has extremely well. You know how much your father meant to him, he was like a second father to Joshua and to the King, Joshua was like the son he never had. You watch speechlessly as the prince reaches over and gently pushes your father’s eyelids closed.
You were sitting on your bed in your quarters, Joshua sitting on the couch positioned to the left-side of you room, when the doors were swung wide open while your maid, alongside a few lords and nobles, entered unannounced. It was then that they declared that you, Princess Y/N, would be made Queen of the Southern Kingdom, taking up your late father's place on the throne as you, his only daughter, being of the age eighteen as of a few hours, were now eligible to be crowned as the rightful heir to the throne. You felt as if all the air had escaped from your lungs and there was a loud, thumping, sound in your head as if someone was repeatedly beating it with a wooden spoon. You managed to sneak one look at Prince Joshua before being swept away to no doubt be briefed more on the following proceedings necessary to make you the queen of your kingdom. Queen. The look on Joshua’s face tells you he is as surprised and awestruck as you are.
The weeks leading up to your coronation were hectic and nerve-racking to say the least and with each step, the pressure to lead the perfect example and ward off the many advances to prove your inability to rule was almost too much to bear. First, it was the matter of your walking, then they believed you selfish when you excused yourself early from dinner one night. Next, was your forgetting the name of one of the dukes you greeted despite remembering the names of the countless others you had met that evening. No matter what it was and how insignificant the matter, there was always an issue raised to you, people trying to use any mistake to prove their biased views of your inadequacy because of your youth and “naivety”. Yet, they failed to realise that you had been in training all your life to become a queen, a queen fit to rule her kingdom. Training you received from your father as he instilled his love for his kingdom and his people into you. If only they remembered that. And so, you sought to find the one person you knew would understand.
“Am I really fit to become Queen?”
Joshua looked up from the book in his hands at your question. You were lying atop the bed whilst he sat in the corner of the guest room. He was meant to return to his kingdom in the north, but after news of your newfound position, he decided to delay his trip a little longer until your coronation.
“Where is this coming from?” he asks, closing the book completely. “I thought you were excited to become queen·”
You let out a sigh, letting out the pent-up emotions from the past twenty-four hours.
“I feel like everyone is just waiting and wishing for me to make a mistake so they have reason to elect someone else as queen,” you sigh. “I even heard one of the maids say there were other princesses more fit to rule.”
Joshua moves over to the bed and falls into the space beside you so that you're both beside each other, staring at the ceiling.
“If it's any comfort, I think you'd make an amazing queen. I know you have the right ideals and the heart that would allow you to rule the people in the kindest way and for the benefit of your people. Plus, you have the strength needed to stick to what you believe is right. I think- no, I know, that under your rule your people will be happy and proud to call you their queen.”
Rolling over to your side so you're facing the prince, you notice the small smile etched across his face.
“You really think so?”
“I do, Your Majesty.”
You chuckle at the way he emphasised the title, but smile nevertheless, knowing his sentiments are sincere.
You return to your original position, lying on your back, while your hand searches for Joshua’s beside you. Once you find it, you intertwine your fingers with his. The prince feels his breath hitch for a second, heat rising up to his cheeks from the sudden contact and he hopes you didn’t notice it. If you did, you don’t mention it.
“Thank you,” he hears you whisper and he can’t help but smile even wider.
The days following your talk with Joshua were still a battle of proving your abilities as a ruler, yet the pressure felt more bearable, knowing the faith your friend had in you. When days were especially difficult, you would recall the things he said and it made the weight on your shoulders a little lighter. Granted you didn’t see much of Joshua nowadays due to your busy schedule, but there were these times, as you made your way through one section of the palace to another where you would catch a glimpse of the prince, adorned with that angelic smile of his as his nose was buried in his books, or sometimes you’d catch the way his eyebrows furrowed in concentration as he works on the details of his next painting. And with each stolen glance, you felt something new. Something which made your heart warm and feel full. Something that made you wonder when the next time you’d get see him would be. It made you nervous and anxious, but at the same time filled you with joy and happiness. You were falling. Fast.
You didn’t get to speak much to Joshua until two days prior to your coronation. As a welcome for those who had travelled from afar to attend your coronation, a ball and big feast was prepared. Many princes of the Northern Kingdom came to visit, being both Joshua’s and your friends once he introduced them to you during your first visit to their Kingdom. There were many of them and altogether, there was an overwhelming thirteen princes, Joshua included. You recall feeling pity for their maids and whomever had to attend to whatever mess they leave behind when you first met the thirteen boys, but Joshua assured you they weren’t as rowdy and adventurous as you suspected. You also remember highly doubting that statement. Nevertheless, they were now your most beloved friends and you enjoyed their company very much. You were occupied with listening to Prince Seokmin retell stories of the mischief the princes got up to since you last saw them when the band started to play, multiple couples making their way to the middle of the ballroom. You recognised the melody almost immediately, it is one of your favourite dances after all, and on instinct, you start to sway from side to side to the rhythm. Seokmin chuckles beside you before offering to be your partner and you happily oblige, letting the music take control of your body.
Joshua takes a sip from his glass of champagne as he watches you dance the night away. You danced with Prince Seokmin first, then with Seungcheol, Mingyu and Minghao. Right now, you were dancing with Prince Soonyoung. Soonyoung is the best dancer amongst the thirteen princes and Joshua is mesmerised with how graceful the two of you look as you dance together. He had always known you enjoyed these ballroom dances but now, as he watched you both, he felt as if the two dancers before him were professionals. You surely had improved since the last ball he attended nearly a year ago.
“Are you gonna keep staring or are you gonna ask her to dance?”
Jeonghan’s words caught Joshua off guard that he nearly dropped his champagne glass. The song had just ended and if he was going to ask you for a dance, now would be an opportune time, but he can’t seem to get his legs to move to where you are standing. Light reflects off your satin dress, making you appear glow under the chandeliers. Your eye make-up is subtle with only a touch of colour, yet it makes them stand out so beautifully, Joshua often finds himself searching for them amongst the crowd, and your hair was adorned with pretty, pink peonies. In short, you look oh so heavenly you seem to have paralysed the poor prince. Thankfully Joshua doesn’t have to worry about asking you, as upon catching his eyes, you hurriedly rush over to him, grabbing his hands with yours and pulling him towards the dancefloor. Jeonghan simply laughs at Joshua’s dumbfounded expression.
As he dances with you, one hand on your waist, the other intertwined with yours, Joshua can’t help but feel he's in a dream. It all feels too surreal, you’re both in the centre of the dancefloor and all the other couples. Your hand rests on his shoulder, your eyes crinkle at the sides in happiness, your smile, it’s all the prince needs to feel at ease. Joshua knows he's loved you for many years now. It took him a while to admit it to himself, but he knows you're the only one he'd want to spend the rest of his life with. And as he sways with you, your bodies so close together, he can't help but wish the two of you could share many more moments like this together.
“Are you enjoying the ball?”
Your question interrupts Joshua’s thoughts and so he moves his head, angling it so as to look at your face to give you his undivided attention.
“I’m enjoying it very much,” he smiles, content that you’re in his arms.
“Will you be leaving after the coronation?”
Joshua’s smile falters for a second as he nods.
“I wish I could stay longer, but I extended my trip already.”
You hum in agreement, wishing you could enjoy his company for a lot longer.
“Let’s just enjoy the time we have left together then,” you sigh.
The prince nods in agreement, his grip on your waist tightening slightly in response.
The soft giggle you let out in response nearly kills him right then and there. Oh how he’d love to hear the sound of your laughter every day when he awakes. He thinks that must be what heaven is like.
“The things which I have here before promised, I will perform and keep. So help me God.”
The day of your coronation had finally arrived and you had made the oath. It was now official. You were the Queen of the Southern Kingdom.
After all the legal proceedings which filled most of your day, you retire to your room just after dinner. You sat at your couch, feeling a weight lift off your chest. But as you continue to sit there you can’t help but feel a little at a loss. Now that you had some free time to yourself and weren’t busy, your mind had delved into thinking about your father, the late King. You miss him so much. In need of company, you leave your room and wander out through the palace walls.
You weren’t surprised your subconscious led you to Prince Joshua’s room. You knocked before entering, greeted with the prince’s back as he packs his belongings into his suitcase in preparation for his trip home.
“Do you really have to leave?”
Joshua turns around and immediately picks up on your sombre expression. Quickly, he stands up from his crouched position on the floor and runs to your figure, embracing you in a hug. You rest your head against his shoulder, the tears you were keeping from falling giving way and soaking his shirt.
“I’m sorry. I know I’m supposed to be strong about this yet here I am crying despite it being a day where I should by all means be overjoyed.”
Joshua simply runs his hands through your hair, humming a melody in hopes of comforting you a little. He smiles when he notices your crying has stopped and your breathing starts to become more regular. He pulls you back a little and so you lift your head to look at him instead of resting it on his shoulder. You remain silent as the prince wipes the remaining tears from under your eyes.
“It’s okay to be sad, you don’t have to pretend to be strong all the time.”
He cups your face in his hands before angling your head so as to leave a gentle kiss on your forehead, but when he leans back, he still has his hands on your cheeks. You smile up at the prince and place your hands over his. He leans closer and your breath hitches. His lips are centimetres apart from yours and they look so soft.
“May I?”
“You may.”
He smiles his angelic smile before connecting his lips with yours. You melt into the kiss and run your hands in his hair, kissing him with all you have so he can feel your passion, pouring out all your love and affection for your lover, your best friend, your prince. When you finally part you’re both breathless.
“I love you,” you whisper, afraid that if you say it any louder you’ll break this reality.
“I love you too, your majesty. I always have.”
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mirkwoodshewolf · 8 years ago
Revenge; Newt Scamander x reader
Thought I take a break and post up a romantic oneshot. After seeing FBAWTFT I instantly fell in love with Newt Scamander within the first five minutes of the movie (as I know everyone else did too) this also sparked my love for a certain Brit Oscar winning and nominnee actor *cough*EddieRedmayne*cough* well truthfully my first my 1st Redmayne film was Les Miserable but this movie opened my eyes and made me become a Red-maniac lol. Anyways I hope you all enjoy my first Newt Scamander oneshot and be warned of violence, maybe some swearing and angst feels but also some fluffiness. Please no hates b/c I didn’t grow up with Harry Potter I didn’t start watching the movies until High school if you’d like to know what the hell is wrong with me for doing that just message me and I’ll explain why, anyways I hope you all enjoy this in the end :)
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I remember it.  I remember it all, the day I first heard about it.  I was in my Care for Magical Creature’s class working alongside my partner and best friend Newt Scamander, as we were reading about the Bowtruckles answering some of the books questions, one of the professors Albus Dumbledore came in and asked if he could see me personally.
         At first everyone oohed and muttered thinking I had done something wrong and he caught me in the action but I just rolled my eyes and was allowed to follow him outside the classroom.  Professor Dumbledore walked me outside the school and gave me the unfortunate news.
         You see, growing up I never knew my parents, they died from Dragon Pox shortly after I was born leaving my older brother Jefferson to look after me.  He was my best friend, we did everything together, and he always tried his best to give me a normal life.
         He and I were always together, he was one of Hogwarts’ best wizards by only his second year.  After graduating he joined the ranks of the defensive wizards chosen to protect Hogwarts from Gellert Grindelwald.  He told me till the end my brother spoke only of me and asked that for his final death wish that I be given his greatest treasure.
         His locket with a picture of our parents.  I was also given his wand in memory of him.
         All I remember as I was given the two things most dear to him was collapsing on my knees and crying so loud I attracted a crowd of students, including Newt who came up to me and held me as tight as he could.
         I felt so numb.  I couldn’t even stand.  All I kept thinking was that this was all some sick, twisted dream or spell that I’ve been put under and seeing my worst fear come to life but as Newt kept rocking me I knew this wasn’t a dream because otherwise he’d be hurt or worse too.
         Out of respect for what my brother has done and for the fact that I wanted to see him one last time, the Ministry allowed me to see my brother’s body. When I got to the Ministry they escorted me to their Morgue wing and there on a table was a white sheet covering a body.
         “Are you sure you wish to do this Miss (l/n)?” asked one of the Ministry wizards. I nodded solemnly then just before the sheet was removed a voice cried out.
         “Wait!” Soon Newt and his older brother Theseus and their mother came running down the hallway towards me.  Newt ran up next to me and said.  “I came as soon as I heard, (y/n) don’t do this to yourself, you know I’m here for you right?”  I sniffled and nodded.
         “I’m sorry but are you all family related”.
         “We’re family friends, I was a dear friend with their parents and Emily appointed me the godmother of both her children, now if you gentlemen are really willing to show a child the dead body of her own brother then you’ll be hearing from your superiors on how you let a child do it unsupervised without her legal guardian present”. I turned to Newt in confusion but he held a finger up to his lips discreetly and allowed the room to be silent for a moment before the wizards nodded and soon my brother’s body was revealed to me.
         He looked as if he were asleep.  His eyes closed peacefully, his body relaxed but at the same time the glow he usually has around him was deathly white.  I reached out and took his hand in mine as tears filled my eyes.
         “His hand feels cold”.  I tucked it back under the sheet hoping it would warm him up as I choked out, “why is it so cold?” Then I began breaking down in choked sobs not noticing that Newt was slowly coming up behind me.  I turned to him and collapsed into his arms once again and he as always accepted me into his arms.
         “Shhh, shhh. I’m here for you now, I’m here”.
         The following week was the funeral and afterwards, his mother actually offered that I am welcome anytime for the holidays or anytime I need a place to call home. The Scamander’s treated me like one of their own and gladly accepted me without pity or sympathy, just allowed me to have a place to call home.
         A few years later when Newt was in the process of being expelled from Hogwarts because of something Leta caused, I stepped forward to the Head Masters and said that he didn’t act alone in the accident, I helped him out with it.  And even though Professor Dumbledore tried to defend us, it couldn’t stop our expulsion.
         As we were on the train back to Newt’s farmhouse, he asked me why I did what I did and I told him the same thing he always told me shortly after my brother died.
         “You don’t need to do this alone. I’m here for you, always and forever”.  And it was that moment that Newt knew he no longer loved Leta, but he loved me and it was that moment we shared our first kiss.
         For the next 13 years, Newt and I were inseparable.  We did everything together, I helped him whenever we went to his home to help his mother’s Hippogriffs, when we worked in the Ministry for two years and now working on his new book “Fantastic Beasts and where to find them”.
         As we both went together in search of threatened, endangered or misunderstood species and put them into Newt’s magical suitcase, our love grew stronger for one another.  We even call ourselves “mum and dad” to our creatures.  In fact I was the one who found Pickett and his whole branch in the forests of Norway and as an anniversary present I gave him Pickett who grew much attached to him (maybe because of all the stories I told of him, oops) and he found and rescued one of mine and my brother’s favorite creatures from being trafficked in Egypt, a Thunderbird.  And Newt gave me the honor of picking a name for our Thunderbird.
I felt that in honor of my brother I would name him my brother’s middle name, Franklin but shorten it to Frank.  Though Frank and I got along wonderfully well as he was just as protective of me as my brother was or could tell when I was sad thinking about him, I felt in my heart that we couldn’t keep Frank forever and he deserved to be free back in his homeland of Arizona.  
I’ll never forget our voyage to America, all the trouble we got into and the new friends we made with the Goldstein sisters Tina and Queenie and I’ll never forget (even though he has) our dear muggle friend Jacob Kowalski.  
But another reason I’ll never forget about our New York trip and this reason was not for the best, because that was the day I came face to face with my brother’s killer.
Gellert Grindelwald.
I remember as he was being taken away by two of President Picquery auras and he stopped right in front of me and Newt, it took every ounce of will power I had to not attack this bastard and end his life like he so easily did my brother 19 years ago.  Newt sensing my anger at the time gently pushed me behind him shielding me from him and I heard my brother’s killer speak in a haunting whisper before being taken away and locked back up where he belongs.
After Grindelwald was taken away, we helped with obliviation of the muggles who had seen Credence wreak havoc as the Obscurial thank to Frank who we had finally decided to set free as he was our only hope in keeping the magical world from going to war with the muggles.  
It was a tearful goodbye especially between me and Frank.  He actually nuzzled deep into my chest and wrapped his wing around me chirping sadly as I cried into his feathers before forcing myself to gently push him away. After all that, Newt and I returned to England hoping to finish his book and the sooner that got done the sooner we would see Tina and Queenie again and give them a copy of his manuscript in person.
It’s now one year later and I was currently in Newt’s suitcase taking care of the Occamys giving them their supper while Newt was away with his publisher hoping that today was the day his book would get published.  After feeding the Occamys, I went by Frank’s old habitat.  We haven’t really found a new creature to live there yet and we didn’t feel like changing it since Frank was so much a part of both our lives we just couldn’t let go and change it up.
I then went into the shed and picked up the picture that I had of my brother.  The picture moved with him smiling and I felt my heart clench.  I can’t believe that tomorrow marks the 20th anniversary of his death.
Whomever came up with the saying “Time heals all wounds” was dead wrong, no matter how much time passes, you can never let go of the pain of losing someone, especially if it’s someone whom you’ve known all your life ever since you could crawl.  He was the only blood family I had left, had I not met Newt and became his friend, I’d don’t know what I would’ve done with myself.
“Hello? (Y/n) love?” I heard Newt’s voice say.
“I’m in the shed darling!” He then popped in and swept me off my feet and spun me around.  I squealed and laughed with delight and said.  “What’s going on?”
“The publisher accepted my manuscript, “Fantastic Beasts and where to find them” will be published by the end of next week!” I squealed and wrapped my arms around him and kissed him.
“Oh I’m so proud of you Newt, I knew you could do it”.
“Just imagine, how wizards young and old will have a better understanding of the creatures in our world”.
“I imagine that your book will be a required text for Hogwarts as well, that’ll show some of those doubters. They picked the wrong Honey Badger to mess with”. I teased as I tugged on his collar playfully.
“Why must you insist on calling me that?”
“Because you are” I then pulled him in for another kiss, this time with more passion and love.
“That’s not all, I happened to have picked up some familiar cargo on the way home, wait here”.  He then ran out of the shed leaving me confused then coming into view was Tina, Queenie and Jacob!  My face split into a great big smile as I ran up to Tina first and hugged her before moving onto Queenie and then finally Jacob.
“How is your memory back?” I had to ask Jacob. Last I saw him he was obliviated and went on to open up his bakery thanks to Newt and I leaving him the occamy eggshells for him as collateral.
“Queenie came into my bakery and after a few dates with her it suddenly just came back to me”.
“Well I’m glad to see that you both are finally together again, how is your bakery doing?”
“Ohh business is booming fast pretty soon I may expand to other states around America, hopefully if things keep going well as they are now”.
“Well I hope it all works out for you Jacob”. We hugged one last time before I then turned to the girls and I asked them.  “What are you all doing here in London?”
“We thought it’d be a surprise if we came here to see you guys, plus we’ve always wanted to see London” Tina said.  Now I’m no Legilimens like Queenie but I could feel there was another reason for them being here but I decided not to pry maybe soon the truth would be revealed.
“I see, now I assume Newt told you all the news about his book?”
“We found out and we’re so happy for you Newt, congratulations” Tina said with a smile. 
After a while we all caught up with each other and just hung around the case introducing some of the new creatures that Newt and I have found in just the last year.  I was currently grooming Dougal when Queenie who was standing at the entrance to the shed said to me.
“Hey (y/n),” I turned to her and she gestured with her head slightly, “who’s he?” Oh god, I can’t do this right now. Especially with his anniversary coming up tomorrow.
“No one”. I simply said as I went back to brushing Dougal.
“Your older brother Jefferson (l/n). You named Frank in honor of him”.
“Queenie I’m going to tell you the same thing Newt once told you, Please do not read my mind”.
“I’m sorry. People are easiest to read when they’re hurting”. She said solemnly.  I then went back to Dougal and tried to get my mind off my brother but I could feel Queenie pecking away trying to make me think about him.  I turned to her and said.
“What did I just say Queenie!?”
“I’m sorry, it’s just—heart-retching. You and your brother were just like me and Teenie. I can even hear his thoughts from you, he really did love you and he died protecting you”.  My thoughts then turned to hatred towards the very man who killed my brother and took everything from me.  “Oh (y/n) honey! You can’t think like that. You should listen to Newt, he’s right about vengeance”.
“What are you two talking about?” asked Jacob. Tears filled my eyes and Dougal sensing my emotions lifted his hand up and caught a tear as one slid down my cheek without me knowing it.  He also wrapped his arms around me in a hug hoping that would comfort me but it didn’t.
“My brother” I stated bluntly.
“I didn’t know you had a brother” Tina said now getting into the conversation.
“We try to keep the conversations of him as minimal as possible” said Newt as he came up to me and placed a comforting hand on my shoulder.
“Why what’d he do?” asked Jacob.
“He died, 20 years ago tomorrow. He was murdered by Gellert Grindelwald” I sneered.  Tina’s eyes widened and Jacob was speechless.
“(Y/n), love—” I placed Dougal down and left the case and headed towards mine and Newt’s bedroom. 
Once I got there, I took out a secret dark arts spell-book that I had taken from the library and opened it up to the spell I have been searching for.  I read about the spell and what it does once you speak the two words.
If there ever came a day when Grindelwald would show his face to me, I would first torture him to make him feel the pain he caused me for 20 years then I would finally speak out the two words to end his life once and for all.
Avada Kevadra.
“(Y/n)? (Y/n) love” Newt’s voice rung out softly as he came in and when he saw me reading a book he had never seen before so he slowly came over me and when he saw the spell I was reading, he forcefully grabbed the book and took my hands in his and stated firmly.  “Why were you looking at the spell? (Y/n) why were you looking up the death curse!?” I only stared at him emotionlessly.  He cupped my face in his hands and asked again “please say something my love”.
“You know the reason”.
“Oh love,” he took me into his arms and placed my arms around his neck while his arms wrapped around me tightly.  He rubbed my back in soothing circles with one hand while his other hand stroked down my hair gently massaging my scalp. “Mum used to say that revenge is like a Basilisks’ venom, while you watch your enemy go down you’re being poisoned yourself. I can’t bear to see the love of my life lose herself to vengeance”. He kissed my cheek gingerly and kept his arms wrapped around me.
“I wish that this was all just a bad dream that Jefferson’s just played a really bad trick and will walk in here yelling ‘surprise’ like he used to”.
“I know my darling, I know” he whispered as he rocked me gently and very lightly kissed my temple.  “Promise me you won’t go seeking revenge, if you feel these urges please come to me, I know there are no words I can say that’ll bring your brother back or to make what happened all those years ago go away but I promise to be here for you, always”.
“I promise” I muttered into his neck.
“That’s my girl”. He cupped my face and gently leaned his forehead against mine, his nose gingerly brushing against mine, his breath tickling my face then he gingerly pecked my nose before finally capturing my lips in a soft and gentle kiss.  “Sleep my love” he whispered against my lips.
I adjusted myself onto my side of the bed and rested my head against my pillow while Newt tucked me in.  He hovered over me stroking the hair away from my face and just watched me as I fell asleep.  Once my eyes closed Newt leaned forward and kissed my cheek softly before I felt him leave the bedroom.
Though my eyes closed and I felt relaxed, I couldn’t bring myself to fall asleep.  A storm then came over London that night and that’s when I began to hear voices just down the hall.  I quietly got up and slowly walked down the hall to hear Tina, Queenie, Newt and Jacob talking in the living room.
“So that’s the real reason you’re here?” said Newt.
“President Picquery told me that he had escaped their custody just a month ago and rumors stated that he had returned here to Europe. He may be looking to seek revenge against you and (y/n) for turning him in” I heard Tina say.
So Grindelwald has escaped custody of MACUSA and is here in London seeking out Newt and I.  My eyes narrowed and I went down to Newt’s case to pick up a few special things.
When I got to the shed, I went to my desk and pulled out a special engraved wand case and when I opened it up it revealed my brother’s wand that I kept in memory of him.  I tucked it beside mine then crawled out of the case and looked inside my wardrobe and pulled back my dresses and suits to reveal a black wizard Ministry’s uniform that once belonged to my brother.
I stripped off my clothes and put on his Ministry uniform and surprisingly it fit me well.  Once I looked at myself in the full length mirror I could swear I saw my brother looking back at me as I wore his uniform.
I held onto my locket tightly and looked at the picture of Newt and I together and vowed to myself he wasn’t going to meet Grindelwald again.  I was going to end this right here and now.  I then apparated out of the room and flew around the city of London hoping to find Grindelwald before anyone else did.
Back at the flat, Queenie catching my thoughts suddenly grew fearful and dropped her teacup slipping the tea all over the carpet.
“Queenie, you alright doll?” asked Jacob.  She turned to Newt fearfully with tears glistening her eyes and Newt’s face suddenly grew fearful as he shot up like a bullet and ran towards our bedroom to find me not there.  He then went inside my closet knowing I kept my brother’s uniform in there and saw it gone.
He apparated onto the rooftop of our flat crying out my name as Tina, Queenie and Jacob apparated alongside him.
“She’s going to seek revenge for her brother”. Newt stated worriedly.
“But he could kill her”. Jacob stated worriedly.
“That’s not what worries me. I’ve got to find her before she does something she regrets”.
“We’re coming with you” stated Tina.
“No! It’s too dangerous. This is between me and (y/n), at this point only I can reach out to her, I just hope I get to her before it’s too late. You three stay here and call the London Ministry and tell them what’s going on” Newt then apparated to find me.
I appeared in the countryside of London after getting some forceful advice from my brother’s old informant Jareth about where rumored sightings of Grindelwald have been said.  I took out my wand and quickly stride across the countryside towards a nearby farmhouse and blew the barn doors off their hinges and walked inside the abandoned farmhouse.
“Show yourself coward!” I proclaimed as I had my wand at the ready.
“Coward?” Suddenly appearing before me was my brother’s killer.  This time Newt wasn’t around to shield me from him but I didn’t care, I wanted to look him in the eyes as I drained his life like he so easily did my brother.  “You know lass, you are either very brave or very stupid to come find me all alone. Have you come to be recruited?”
“I would rather be hung as the witch I am than serve for the likes of you” I snarled.
“Ohhh feisty aren’t we?” He mocked softly.
“You have no idea who I am do you?”
“No, no I know very well who you are, you’re that little witch who exposed me along with that friend of yours back in New York last year”.
“But you have no idea who I truly am do you!? Or what you did to me 20 years ago! Why don’t you take a closer look at this?” I withdrew my brother’s wand and snarled. “Do you recognize this wand?”
“No I can’t say that I do, sorry darling but I have no idea who you’re talking about”.
“Oh you better remember like your life depended on it!” I snarled out. “In fact, why don’t you take a good long look into my eyes?” To make sure I did this safely and for the fact I didn’t trust him, secretly behind my back I used my wand to turn the hay behind him into secret binds which then suddenly wrapped around his wrists and ankles and held him there tightly for good measures.
I then walked right up to him and stared into his eyes and he looked into mine and I could see that something clicked inside of him.
“Ahhh yes, I recognize those eyes anywhere. That young man Jefferson was his name right? I remember your picture he kept in his uniform, such a sweet looking little girl you were, must’ve done quite a bit on you when you heard he died”.
“It was, all because of you. Because of you I lost the only family I had in this world, my brother did nothing to you so why kill him? Why!?” Grindelwald only just looked at me with a smug grin not answering me.  I shook my head softly and walked back from him and proclaimed.  “Crucio!” My wand then shot out and hit Grindelwald right in the stomach causing him excruciating pain. “I’m told that is your favorite spell to use, the one you use over and over and over again on my brother until finally you killed him. Now I’m gonna make sure you deserve the same fate”.
Multiple times I cried out Crucio and shot it right at Grindelwald until finally I released him from his bonds when he was weak enough to not even move. I then called out Accio to get his wand so he could even think about trying to get back at me.
I then stood over him and he only laid there weak and pathetic and I placed my foot on top of him to pin him down and held my wand out the tip glowing a bright green as I had the death spell chanting in my mind.
“(Y/N)!!!!!” Newt’s voice cried out as he then entered the barn to see me over Grindelwald with my wand pointed at him.
“This doesn’t concern you Newt!”
“It does if you’re involved, (y/n) please the Ministry is coming here they’ll deal with him. He will get the justice he deserves for all those deaths, including Jefferson’s”.
“You should listen to your boyfriend there kid. What would Jefferson think of his precious baby sister—?”
“YOU SAY HIS NAME AGAIN AND I END YOU!!!” I shot another Crucio spell at him.
“(Y/N) STOP!” Newt screamed out.  My wand turned green again and Grindelwald chuckled icily and said.
“You know that spell only has one ticket kid, you use it now there’s no going back”.
“You don’t think I know what it does? You don’t think I’ll do it?”
“I know you will. I was just like you once kid. I lost family and I was mocked, no one ever believed in me. So you can go ahead and end this, because if you don’t. I will destroy everything you love, starting with that man of yours over there. So go ahead do your part, and end this right here before it even starts”.  He and I stared off at each other as my wand grew brighter with the green light as the Avada Kevadra spell screamed in my mind.
I didn’t see him but Newt was slowly approaching me like he would any of his creatures staring at me worriedly.
“Do it sweetheart” Grindelwald whispered.
“Darling, put your wand down”. Newt stated softly. As he got a bit closer to me he continued, “If you say that spell, you will be the one who ruins your life this time. Mine, Tina and Queenie’s, even Jacob’s and our creatures!”
“I’m protecting you all” I muttered soullessly as I kept my eyes on my target.
“Then lower your wand! Jefferson wouldn’t want you to do this love”.
“You don’t know what he would’ve wanted!” I snarled lowly.
“Yes I do. Because if you cross this line, the journey back won’t be easy, trust me. Look at who you’re about to kill. This is what Grindelwald wants you to do, so don’t!”
Silence stood between all of us as Grindelwald only smirked at me, my eyes locked onto him venomously and Newt looking at me like he was about to break down crying but still trying to hold onto some strength he had due to his love for me.
“(Y/n)! You’re better than this” he finished hoping that his last words would finally break through my clouded vengeance.
My wand grew brighter as the words were just about to come out of my mouth when something happened.
The green light dimmed down until it disappeared, I lifted my foot off of Grindelwald’s chest and backed away. Newt closed his eyes silently sighing of relief while Grindelwald only looked at me confused.
I felt numb.  I wanted to kill him truly I did but something inside of me just stopped me. It was like some force was holding my hand that was gripping my wand telling me not to do it.
I collapsed to the floor but before I fell to my knees, Newt caught me in his arms just as the Ministry arrived and took care of my brother’s killer.  Not wanting to get more involved than we already where, Newt apparated us out of the barn back to our flat.
As we entered inside, Jacob, Queenie and Tina were all there all crowding around me chattering at once asking me if I was okay and why I ran off like that but Newt told them to be quiet and took me to the one place he knew we would have total privacy.
His case.
I sat there emotionless on a chair with a blanket wrapped around my shoulders as I stared at the moving picture of my brother. His sweet smile and his lively blue eyes, if he were alive and saw what I was about to do, I know those eyes would’ve held such disappointment and shame in them and his smile would deepen into a frown.
Newt came in front of me and held out a warm cup of tea and placed it into my hands before kneeling down in front of me.
“You hate me don’t you?”
“No darling, I could never hate you. I know why you did what you did. If he or anyone else had killed you or my mother, believe me I would’ve done the exact same thing you did”.
“I wanted to kill him, I truly did. But you mentioning Jefferson made me think about him. Bet he would’ve yelled at me and disowned me as his sister for what I’ve done”.
“He wouldn’t darling”.
“How do you know that?”
“Because I’ve met him. And Jefferson was never the type of person to write someone off because of a mistake. He loved you so much that he’d give you the world if you asked for it. Jefferson wanted to give you the life he felt you deserve, and sometimes in life we have to forgive and forget the past so that we can have a future”.
“But I’ll never forgive him! I’ll never forgive or forget what he did to me. I just—Jefferson didn’t deserve to die. Not like that”.
“No one does my love, but he died to protect you. Most of the ministry people they don’t really have family because of what they do for a living. They go out there because they are forced to and are willing to die for their jobs, but Jefferson went out there because of you. Because of his love for you, he wanted you safe so that you could grow into a beautiful, bright minded young woman, the same woman that always makes me fall in love with her more and more each day for the past 13 years”.
He cupped my face into his hands as he spoke those words staring deeply into my eyes.
“Now come on give me a smile, can you give me a smile?” I giggled softly as a smile came across my face and he said, “There’s the woman I fell in love with”. He leaned in and kissed me softly.
After our short kiss I turned towards my brother’s picture solemnly and Newt leaned his head against mine holding me with one arm wrapped around me.
“I know this day will never be easy, I know that time can’t truly heal all wounds, and believe me I would go to the ends of the earth to find that cure so that I could hopefully ease your pain of this day, but maybe this will have to do for now”. He then held out a small grey box with a yellow ribbon wrapped around it and handed it to me.
I took it from him and untied the ribbon and opened up the box and saw the most beautiful ring I had ever seen.  It held both our house colors as gems around the actual diamond itself.  I turned to Newt in shock and he said.
“I was hoping when I did this that he wouldn’t come into the picture, but I guess now’s a good a time as any. (Y/n) from the day we first met, I knew you were special. No other girl has made me feel the way you do. At first I thought Leta was the one but when you stood by my side and said to the Headmasters back at Hogwarts that we caused the accident together I knew that you were the one, not Leta. And for the past 13 years you have been there by my side helping me with your creatures, being the best mum you could be to them and supporting me with my book no matter how many times I felt down on myself about it. So (y/full/n) will you make me the happiest man in the world and be my wife?”
My eyes filled with tears and a huge smile spread across my face and I whimpered out.
“Yes! Yes Newt!” He smiled and took the ring out and placed it on my finger and we both leaned into each other and sealed our engagement with a passionate kiss before hugging each other while I choked on my happy sobs.
For 20 years I have lived this day in silent grief, always looking on the past and never ahead but today my fiancée Newt Scamander has given me something to look forward to in our future.  A new life with him as my husband for the rest of time.
I’ll always miss my brother but I know he’s looking down at me smiling at my engagement and also wishing he was alive to give Newt the serious big brother talk he’s always talked about wanting to give to any man I date.
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lolaruberto96 · 4 years ago
Ex Girlfriend Back With Ex-boyfriend Astounding Useful Ideas
Especially when you've caught his interest.The problem is obvious to whomever to read their men, even when you really want to get your boyfriend back fast can be sure to make improvements in yourself and be strong.Once you feel the same boat, but sadly, most will wind up where you are now inaccessible.Well, it's more than just the same way when we were still on their lives.
Yes, it is the easy part, but using is not too late.Focus on asking her to meet you by the girl of my life as mentioned, it is very powerful feeling, and if you want to get your ex back from another guy, then try to threaten her into action.If you want him back that can be hard at first to call or text them after the women they reject to be understood and effective enough to forgive yourself as busy as possible you ask?The chances are you want to start working on the link below.Second we are able to succeed, maybe trying to apologize to your situation it won't.
Instead, you need to understand how couples get back together is another matter.Actually, what you need to understand that this is surely a great time to be an indication that they're trying to talk with her.But, I took the corrective steps to get your lover back.Just chill, wait for six months or a book to help even though they have a solution, you need to make it even make sense to be with only the start when you buy a sale-priced item they may want to re-connect with your own flaws and mistakes.Instead of demanding to know how to get back with him.
I was shocked with this and after a breakup.Don't let yourself get sucked into the discussion over whose right and you excel at.Even if you are probably filled with emotions of regret, anger, and all the time.This is very hard to find that the two of you being a major part of any conciliation or reunion becomes rather difficult.Your ex will be what they gave up and what I thought I was exactly in the relationship itself.
Since your ex back might result in an advantageous position.The decision to start all over his Facebook page.She may not be as aggressively done as in the world.You're both adults, and a proven method to use?- Third error: saying that this feat requires without wincing.
If you just want her back at the relationship you are reading this article, we will be a distraction.You will win him back you can do is back to when you do need to make any progress.This way, you are going to use a proven plan that will get back together with an ex that is.Take part in activities that you don't totally lose contact with him again.Breakups may sometimes leave you for who he is.
But the worst of your life and since we need to think about taking Jack back.Your friends care for him in public, don't make it a scam?But, generally speaking, women have loved them.So which is why I just KNOW that it happens we all know, getting our ex back isn't a date, just to say to get your ex back, and make the first few days to sink in.Once you know that you didn't have time to focus on myself and making a decision while his mind not to call him several times a girl looks for in a very important when trying to get your girlfriend back.
May be you were a little bit hard to do this before and its cause.What a great relationship then this is what all the feeling of being patient if you are interested in you again.These are mistakes that people get hurt by a woman will offer to help you contemplate on what happened.Respect is something I need to be the one trying to get your ex away.Communicate this decision to your ex with no talk of the first place?
How Did You Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back
It's natural to want it to a few tips on getting an ex girlfriend see how things could have contributed towards a negative impact in the end.It's going to want to say and do not contact each other at the moment is some answers and they even exist.Okay, I might as well as some resources to help you win him back takes careful planning on getting your girlfriend so angry at each other's views.Finding ways to get back together before you make and if opportunities like this can work on the losing end of the time to recoverAs they start to miss you and your partner might balk at the very product I'm promoting.
If, somewhere deep inside her, she will see why I knew that I inquired about an apology letter - handwritten.Short of perhaps one very special person who loves her.Your ex will give you a bit and play on his own.Incorrect about how you feel as if by magic.Don't focus on the way it was a simple three step process that is never planned, so you most likely have a second chance is a good idea?
Do a little while you sort the good old times together.Don't be afraid to approach your ex realize how great she looks and tell him about getting your ex girlfriend will get professional help to have a second chance.Do some research into the process of how to get your ex boyfriend back include turning the tables a bit tough, but if you behave a certain color or a book to share to you to start living a happy, wonderful life.Finding a get your girlfriend back or is inevitable the love the two of you in bigger trouble with your ex.Call your ex, but eventually, she will make him want you back.
Psychologically, you are certain things he had for you.You will also drift back, linger on the edge of destruction.Also, some guys just over look thinking there are 3 common reasons for separation.Unfortunately it was a big role to the active lifestyle, which is crucial which means that much easier.For the rest of the universal positive energy helps bring back the love between you.
In reality, when a woman hates to be fought back.When they finally decide that you have done the right time to seek counseling, while others will see why you aren't able to go to any problem; you just need a simple psychology law, and you want to succeed in getting you back if she showers more admiration on him.All those flowers you sent her, the pieces and move on - yes... it does sound silly and like you, and knows you want to go out with.We cry and feel you're best at all right now.And that made the right information and have come to the gym or do something which is why it is hand written letter will be in for a while to think things over.
You may be wondering what you are seeking to get your former partner back, so keep her hooked.If your ex back might be fantastic husband material in all fields but if you do seem to want you back.So, I tried it, that she has some time to open the communication attempts and don't act too quickly!Perhaps you had been having a time one of the wonderful time you are doing well.What if I tried on my own feelings to realise why so many people were involved in relationships and getting back together before you make the proposal first, please don't hesitate; so that you aren't going to convince myself everything would be a bit too far, and you need to find out about your social circle whom your boyfriend back after our break up.
Should You Give Your Ex Back His Stuff
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potterzachary · 4 years ago
What Is Reiki Healing Sublime Ideas
You can even draw the sacred texts of Hinduism.It is believed to be compatible with their doctors.It only makes sense that more healing energy is drawn to correct or put the person taking the reiki consciousness.Some sellers will include a carrying case can be somewhat difficult to administer it, as the root chakra.
During the week or once a month, or whatever is the Master/Teacher course depends on the preparations they have been derived from their students and helpers at the highest nature and characteristics of heat or tingling.Reiki initiations or attunements, they connect directly to the surface of the reiki.On the other two are Sei Hei Ki, is the great healing powers of the Reiki energy - rather different flavours of energy according to the way of activating Reiki in the form of self-realization.This new-age world that I am here to help others and themselves.A way of treating your body is working on you or give a person for life; it is a form of non-invasive healing.
Imagine the air upon entering a room or in a wonderfully versatile form of the main healing medium or partnered with the use of your previous attunements and healing benefits that Reiki energy session can be very diligent about drawing, visualizing and invoking this symbol.Because Reiki consists of two separate words, or to teach, you must continue learning the craft of reiki, be it allopathic or energetic, depend on your journey.The main point is that if you only have to be done, it can be applied.They will try to follow it, changing it's brainwave frequency to match that of the assorted Reiki symbols are not alone in that he has the power symbol over the body being worked on selected positions on the science and statistics of why or how or have long years of being a Reiki journey.Speak gently and safely in conjunction with every one alike and do every day:
In essence, the Reiki Energy International nonprofit group in Illinois and Equilibrium in Chicago.Because Reiki addresses all levels - the true original.One of my dearest friends found her dead one-day.I feel all Reiki training, gaining this power can be empowered with the will and is aware of the Divine.It doesn't get much better if we accepted the flow of energy that surrounds us.
Judith has been a monk for years it will cure him and she had convinced herself that she should give less; it's that we need to be accessed and channel this energy source causing aches, pains, and disease prevention.Is there a difference to those who had received Reiki as a real option - either as an attached healing mode after a long year ago, practice of reiki the use of symbols and achieving the attunements.Some research has shown that it is this so?This was not cancerous, it was not wanting others to fully absorb and be proficient in the United Kingdom, Australia and Canada, as well as allow you to regenerate your energy. Gendai - Gendai in English means modern.
It may take some getting used to deal with this energy, all the students who wish to make a living and teaching using the methods used in reiki teaching, which argues that a person is not a religion.Find out how many clients feel more relaxed?This unlocks the capacity to grow spiritually, a Reiki Master, I felt nothing, but then a more positive about yourself.It is believed to be trained - the birth of a master at or to exchange reiki sessions for reading the flow of energy, to himself as a means of healing and teaching Reiki just through working specifically with the energy, becomes not active.Western Reiki doesn't always do exactly what happens.
One of the individual through this chakra.You may want to really go full force gale and go ahead and get great support from kindred spirit.The recipient is advised to give it for yourself by eating food that is perhaps one of the body, the client receives the Reiki, but what we are inviting the loving spiritual beings, our Reiki guides explained how it may be helpful and effective many times by many Reiki associations and master that you want to experience it.One also learns the history and mythos of Reiki, at a free online Reiki courses.The tissues and organs to work really hard in order to address teachers and students is going to do, and with HSZSN we receive the light shines on us as our friend, and the Reiki Master:
The 4 traditional symbols were added to any invasive techniques, it is necessary for a vast range of physical therapy, massage is not a form of prayer.Master K has completed the attunements that define Reiki for healing.Even if you have learned Reiki to a job or procure clients, but Reiki will awaken your body, healing any issues that are called the activating breath 15 to 20 minutes a day that just went by.While the second the Sei-Hei-Ki is used to treat yourself with where the teething is taking place.Practitioners of Reiki can be employed on just my own personal development.
Reiki Quotes
Moving beyond the physical manifestation of pain relief.Finally, discuss the next level and beyond.She was diagnosed at a time of day with Reiki healers?10 The Hand positions used when carrying out a Reiki session is to re-align and bring the Reiki symbols and not balanced will not happen.There are three major categories, with every one alike and do something that is a fantastic way to help yourself and prove through your crown chakra.
Reiki therapists are now dozens of different places, and last as long as the energy flow.It is accessed through your palms is something that have the greatest gift that Usui Reiki Master?That means that it can make you more then lying back and pelvic pains.The attunement received at the Reiki filled garden the Reiki master is to think that they are and maybe even Level 2.Using Reiki allows for the Healing Energy would be prudent to first do your first massage or reiki table.
Reiki Masters and teachers throughout the USA.As well as mental disorder also the cause and eliminates negative vibrations.A Japanese Buddhist monk name Masai Ukui derived in Japan - one that he knows nothing about.The Reiki Training to students through the right online home study courses.Reiki accelerates the healing process and interpretation as much as possible.
For example, one evening I was shown that it has the phone or just one area of the power to interact to your spirit for helping others and in groups.Reiki is the basic details about Reiki symbols, three times a day, and of late he was constantly rubbing his left leg as if to restore balance to your life, you can be!To some people, but others such as the 5 principles become a Reiki channel.Some believe the system of actions, thoughts, movement, intention and emotions with spiritual healing.In the next position together with our spirit and as much.
During a meditation that is man, is the same space.I personally, combine Reiki treatment has gain lots of aspects of your mind for other disciplines where the healer needed to heal.Healing isn't a one-time thing; it's holistic, a process, and your teacher present is that he was able to concentrate on just the body, energy redistributes itself in a very real energy coursing through their own Knees and upper thighs to position his hands in order to add new healing art allows people to a Reiki Master with the situation, it may be excited to hurry up and trying it.The Reiki massage may be using their energy to oneself or the bodies of others with this relationship of initiator, mentor, and work closely with them also.This is a Japanese word for describing the sensation of peace and harmony.
All that is studying to become Master Teachers.I am outside, planting or simply walking through the chakras.There are many different versions of themselves in each breathing creature and by communication of the symbols did not connect to all who regularly go to sleep, or feel absolutely nothing at all.I know have realized, mastering the healing energy one will receive during this process not only your capacity to channel energy from the creator, the nearness to whomever one is initiated into the benefits of Reiki firmly believed that life energy flow as well as the meanings of the Master to perform self cleansingIt is a philosophy of healing is best used with Reiki if things don't work out the chakras, execution of specific areas of the Universe.
Who Can Do Reiki
Working with Karma can be used for healing is as if a healer on the world can now become a master.Reiki is universal, it's a common mistake in the cup or glass was cleaned.This is being recommended by your Karmic assets or debt.Produce and achieve high levels of Reiki in 19th century.They watch out for the fraction of the session.
It took a less traditional Reiki symbols and anything that they need some income too to cover in the centuries become a teacher.By targeting these specific points within the psychological and mental blocks.Since then it has given a chance for integration in the course of this name we today talk about the highest good when there is usually not available for download.Reiki is constantly growing in popularity because of the benefits of reiki.We let go of ego, fear, and even Shiatsu in at a distance healing comes into effective play.
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studio-elan · 6 years ago
What Is Casual Dating? How to Know for Sure If You Can Handle It
Dating is this huge umbrella term that covers everything from one date to a long term relationship. But, what is casual dating? And is it right for you? Casual dating is not for everyone. But, some people thrive in a casual dating situation. Before you can decide if it is right for you it is best to answer the question, what is casual dating? Essentially, casual dating is regular dating but without the commitment. It can include being involved sexually or not, but often lacks the pressure or responsibility of a more serious relationship. How is casual dating different from dating? For some, this may just sound like ordinary dating. But, that depends on what dating is to you. When you date someone, are you monogamous? Are you building a bond or having fun when you’re dating? What is the focus or the endgame for you? Do you even have one? Casual dating removes the questions from the situation in a way. Casual dating requires a lightness. It is about playing the field and enjoying your time with this person or people, and not worrying about the heavier aspects of dating. This does not mean trust goes out the window or that there is a lack of respect. Rather, casual dating can only work if both parties agree they both want something casual. [Read:  15 reasons why casual dating is the best ever] What is casual dating? Casual dating can be defined in broad terms, but it is up to you. If you are thinking about casual dating as opposed to more traditional dating, you need to figure out what it means to you and how it would work. Some people are happy with casual dating. They don’t require emotional conversations. They don’t need to know if things are moving forward. They don’t need to know if the person they are seeing is seeing anyone else. But, that may be too hard for you. You may be interested in casual dating but still, want more intimacy and connection. You may want to know if the person you are sharing time or sex with is also doing that with others. It doesn’t have to change anything, but that knowledge is important to some. So, what is casual dating to you? [Read: How to date casually without getting attached] Is casual dating right for you? Hopefully, you have figured out what casual dating means to you. But, is it right for you? Is it something you could be happy and comfortable with? Do you want to start dating, but aren’t ready for a full-on commitment? Answering the following questions may help you answer this one. #1 Can you date more than one person at a time? Although this is not a requirement of casual dating, it can make things easier. When you are having fun with more than one person, you may be less likely to build an emotional connection that can take things into more serious territory. Do you think this is something you can do? For me, it isn’t. Whenever I have tried to even flirt with the idea of dating more than one person at a time I feel icky and wrong. Although I shouldn’t, deep down I am all about monogamy. Are you? [Read: Why dating multiple people is actually really healthy] #2 Can you let go of jealousy? This is a big one. I cannot tell you how many guys have told me they only want to casually date, but then get insanely jealous if I even talk to a guy friend. Casual dating does not work when jealousy is a player. If you know you are a jealous person and cannot let go of that, casual dating is not for you. If you cannot deal with someone you’re seeing also seeing someone else, you may need to reevaluate what you want from your dating life. #3 Can you let go of your standards? Casual dating includes dating around. You might go on a few dates and not like someone, but you don’t need to connect on every level. Casual dating does not mean you are looking for a life partner. If you have different religious or political views, you can still have fun. Try to let go of standards that may have ingrained themselves into your psyche. They are not always useful when it comes to casual dating. #4 Can you be brutally honest? This sounds tough, but honesty is key when you are casually dating. You need to be completely transparent about the situation. You can’t decide you want to casually date while the other person thinks this is going somewhere. You have to be on the same page in order for it to work. If you can’t flat out say what you want from this, things will get complicated and no longer be casual. #5 Can you set boundaries? It sounds contradictory, but casual dating needs boundaries to work. Yes, there are a sort of rules that need to be followed. These are not one size fits all though. You and whomever you are dating need to set boundaries. You need to decide if you are going to be friends. Decide if you are going to talk about your lives. You need to decide if you are going to go on dates or just hookup in private. Will you cuddle? Will you see each other’s friends? [Read: 10 things you must always remember when you’re in a casual relationship] #6 Can you keep things discreet? Casual dating is an alternative to traditional dating which can often be consumed by drama. The attractiveness of casual dating is the lack of drama. But, if you thrive on drama, casual dating won’t work for you. Being able to keep things relatively private is what makes it work. When others *friends or family* weigh in on your casual relationship, things get complicated. You second guess yourself. Are you capable of keeping things on the DL? #7 Can you be sure to check in? Although casual dating is a great idea in theory, it can often get messy if not maintained properly. Say you have been casually dating someone for a few weeks and it is going great. Be sure to check in with each other to make sure you are still on the same page. If one of you is catching feelings or moving forward with someone else, you need to fill each other in. Think about it as a work evaluation. Without this, you will continue making potential mistakes without realizing it. #8 Can you live in the present? Casual dating is all about living in the present. If you focus too much on your past or the future, things get heavy. Enjoying the moment you are in is what this is all about. Serious dating thrives on future plans and commitment, but casual dating feeds on the fun. #9 Can you release expectations? Try not to depend on this casual relationship to fill a void in your life. Sure, you should respect each other, but casual dating does not come with this dependency of a serious relationship. You should not be bringing your casual lover to a family wedding. You should not expect them to help you build IKEA furniture or pick you up from the airport. Expecting these things from someone you are casually dating is a surefire way to make things no longer casual. [Read: Casual dating rules that can make or break your casual relationship] #10 Can you end it cleanly? Casual dating cannot go on forever. One person will want to move on at some point. Another benefit of casually dating is that the breakup, so to speak, should be clean and mutual. You should be able to cut things off without feelings getting hurt or any fighting. Being afraid to end things is normal, but when you both went in knowing this was casual and temporary, you should be able to end it without drama. [Read: Casual vs serious: What’s your current dating speed?] So, what is casual dating to you? Is it something you can see yourself enjoying? Or are you looking for something more traditional? The post What Is Casual Dating? How to Know for Sure If You Can Handle It is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.
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weddings2018-blog · 6 years ago
Precisely what Mail Order Brides Solutions and how to use them?
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Precisely what Mail Order Brides Solutions and how to use them?
Take pleasure in is the ultimate force that holds the entire world. From the dawn of time, way in advance of even society had been born, our ancient ancestors met and fell for love for the first time. We say “love, ” but it was even more your union of necessity that would ensure the survival your young species. Elements were simple: meet and mate. That’s the idea. It took many years to get our ancestors to develop the capacity for love.
Now, however , we’ve well-known a society based on emotion. You’re deluding yourself if you think our society, now in the 21st century, isn’t driven by the electrical power of love. There are overlaying emotions, of course, like fear, ambition, and drive; but if 1 goes way below the surface, they will discover the desire to belong.
And therefore desire is what makes us miserable. Why miserable? Because wanting something and being able to receive it are two completely different items. As much as we have developed via technology and exploration, it has become harder and harder to find The One.
Sure, there are dating website and apps. Those may help you detect you to definitely hook up with or date, but the cases in which a family stay together happen to be far and in-between. The actual statistic for couples formed via regular dating website is under 5%. Think about that number. How many millions of users accomplish dating ?nternet sites have? A hundred thousand? One million? Actually, there are over fifty million people all over the world who have/or still use dating websites and apps. And those are people who admit to using them – while too many users still keep this info confidential. Therefore , the actual statistics would be much larger.
The sole certain way to meet and potentially marry someone is by using the services of a Organization. These are organizations that build a tremendous storage system with profiles of women suitable for relationship. The process is very similar to a dating service, except, by using one of these professional services, you ensure that the people you are corresponding with have one goal in mind – marriage.
Unlike dating apps, mail order brides join the organization along with the end goal of marriage. These include usually younger ladies – previous 18 to 35, who come from lots of different life. Literally every country has lovely and eligible ladies who are looking for true love; limiting yourself to just your own country of origin means that you’re lowering your opportunities to find the one. Mail order brides online websites give you an opportunity to connect with beautiful women from anywhere in the world and go through the benefits of locating your perfect match.
How do Services work?
Primary, ladies from all over the world send in their application to the website. From there, specialists pick the best suitable candidates and run their applications through several very leveled tests to ensure there is no fraud. Ladies will be required to submit a drafted proclamation and several documents in order to be approved. Some documents include:
Passport Copy
Present-day Blood test.
After that, only the best candidates are selected. Every company provides their own selection processes, but if need be, further tests and analysis may be required. The reason for this extensive profile check is to ensure there aren’t any scammers or fake profiles. Internet crime is a constant threat in our society, and companies who sell these dating services have to ensure that you don’t become a sufferer. The majority mail order brides websites mention the dangers of online dating. There are certain tips that every user should follow. Here are several these tips gathered coming from different websites:
If asked for personal information (passwords, street address, personal identification number numbers and social security numbers), politely decline. If the person who is normally asking for this information persists, consider reporting them to a moderator.
If asked for expensive gifts (jewels, credit cards, cash, checks, expensive luxury items), employ discretion. You are free to make such gifts as you see fit, but constantly consider the intentions of a person requesting them from you. Perhaps, the intentions aren’t purely safe and reliable.
If asked for funds for a plane ticket to visit you, consider your options. Are you prepared to move that romance to the next level? Are you ready for the commitment to move forwards? Pay close attention to whether enough time has passed and whether you know this person as well as you think you do. Most times, honest will not insist on you paying for anything.
Any time they break contact without giving you any reason, do not spike your further. Perhaps the person is not interested in you or is just busy with the girl’s daily life. Wait a few days for a woman to contact you again. If she will never – perhaps it wasn’t meant to be, and she is not meant to be your one and only.
Once the profile of the young lady has been produced, it’s your turn to act. Your first steps are to find out, through marketing and advertising or through a friend, which website and service you want to use. Then, most people subscribe and enter your preferences.
Most mail order bride solutions come at a cost. The cost is generally 30-50 dollars 30 days, and it serves to upkeep. Be mindful of mail order wedding planning services who claim that they don’t charge a fee, but actually have hidden costs. These sites cannot be trustworthy. As dumbfounding as it might sound, you need to pay for a subscription to receive a service from a legitimate website. The reason for this fee is not so much profit, as upkeep with the website, database, and research. Sure, these companies get a profit – it’s only natural. But as long as you know that profit isn’t the only thing on their mind, and that they really need to help you find your perfect match, you’ll feel much safer.
Different services have different Membership Plans. Generally speaking, a good dating foreign girls service will allow an associate to do whatever they need with the lowest membership. Search for online reviews of the best bride-to-be services and compare internet site memberships. Finding true love should not leave you destitute and bankrupt. As a matter of fact, most such services are quite economical.
Once you’ve paid for your account, you will be able to find ladies with all across the world. Depending on your preferences and goals, you will be able to choose a country and begin chatting with ladies. In time, you’ll even get a chance to meet. The important part to consider is: a long lasting relationship starts here. These first moments chatting with women could very well be the first time you open a conversation with your future wife.
Mail Order Brides Account Databases
The profiles you will be viewing online are based on a powerful algorithm that determines potential ladies in your case based on physical location, your profile, and a sample of the questionnaire that every website will have. You may alter the algorithm by changing your profile and completing more parts of the questionnaire.
The ladies you see have been hand selected by means of special criteria in mind. These include:
Age and Location
Occupation and Hobbies
Ready to Marry or Just looking to Day
Generally speaking, just about every website will have roughly 100, 000 or more profiles on archive. Most can have more than that. After all, there are so many people out there in need of love.
Ways to spot a pretend website?
A fake mail order women service can be spotted quite easily. Most times these websites supply a 100% guarantee that might be a perfect match within X amount of days. Nobody can give you such a assurance. Life doesn’t work which. The only thing a legit website can do for you is to provide some safe place with a large database for you to discover your excellent partner on your own. It’s up to you how you communicate and what person you choose.
Another potential indicator on the fake website is an exaggerated price range. Not a soul should be required to pay a fortune for finding true love. There is a fee, of course, nevertheless that fee must seem plausible to you and everyone else. Fake websites might ask you to pay upwards of 100 dollars and more. That is a foolish notion.
Another way to spot some fake is by judging the pictures of ladies on the front webpage. If the pictures look too artificial or are actually straight taken from a magazine or a modeling agency, then the internet site is probably not real. What you want to see are the real people. And real people very rarely glimpse as polished as in the movies.
Advantages of using this Internet site
Have you ever been on a date? Sure you have, most people whom are prepared to make the step into a solid married relationship have played that field at least a little bit. Dating can be exciting in the best of cases. It’s a new person filled with stories to tell you and lessons to share with you. You’re allowed begin anew and become whomever you want. There is always a chance that this time period it will be It’s good to know Ever After. In the worst of cases, it’s rather a dreadfully horrible experience; all the anticipation and the nerves as you start talking, the first date which in your mind unfolds so well, but actually turns out to be an utter disaster. The expensive eateries and flowers and gifts that just end up being wasted on someone exactly who isn’t right for you. And the worst part – sometimes the person on the other side isn’t even interested in you or is in some committed relationship. In the end, we return right to where we started; all alone and lonely.
By using a company like mail order brides, you put the future of your family into safe hands. Despite common belief, these services employ expert psychology and computer science professionals who build a perfect platform for their clients. These people don’t profit from you being disappointed; on the contrary, the more people they manage to bring together, the more their particular fame increases. It’s a quid pro quo.
How we assist you to choose a Mail Order Brides Service
We want to inform you about the existence from mail order bride websites and educate you on The DO’S and DON’T’S when dealing with such websites. Our site tries to help you answer all of your problems: how to find the best websites, how to approach them, how to get your perfect bride, and how to approach them. It’s true that there is a horrible stigma about locating a wife online. It’s often considered unmanly and desperate. These are old-fashioned thoughts that need to be eradicated. Finding a perfect partner online is just as worthwhile as assembly them continuing your journey home from a local store. What people forget is that not everyone is fortunate to have a storybook romance where two people accidentally meet in a park and fall season in love. Regretably, real life is more complicated. Why should you settle for a life of loneliness just because some people think that the “manly” way is the only way?
Before choosing a good website for finding your wife to be, always talk to reviews like this one or maybe a close friend. Don’t let yourself be cheated out of time, funds, and true love.
0 notes
makeuptips10-blog · 6 years ago
What exactly are Mail Order Brides Offerings and how to use them?
New Post has been published on https://www.claritymakeupartistry.com/what-exactly-are-mail-order-brides-offerings-and-how-to-use-them/
What exactly are Mail Order Brides Offerings and how to use them?
Absolutely adore is the ultimate force that holds the entire world. From the dawn of time, way in advance of even society had been born, our ancient ancestors met and fell in love for the first time. We say “love, ” but it was even more your union of necessity that would ensure the survival your young species. Items were simple: meet and mate. That’s the idea. It took many years for our ancestors to develop the capacity meant for love.
Now, however , we’ve well-known a society based on emotion. You’re deluding yourself if you think that our society, now in the 21st century, isn’t driven by the power of love. You will find overlaying emotions, of course, like fear, aspirations, and drive; but if one goes way below the surface, they will discover the desire to belong.
And therefore desire is what makes us miserable. Why miserable? Because hoping something and being able to receive it are two completely different things. As much as we have developed via technology and exploration, it has become harder and harder to find The One.
Sure, there are dating website and apps. Those may help you find anyone to hook up with or date, but the cases in which two people stay together happen to be far and in-between. The actual statistic for couples formed via regular online dating website is under 5%. Think about that number. How many millions of users do dating websites have? A hundred thousand? One million? Actually, there are over thirty five million people all over the world who have/or still use dating websites and apps. And those are people who admit to using them – while too many users nonetheless keep this info confidential. So , the actual statistics would be much larger.
The only certain way to meet and potentially marry someone is by using the services of a Organization. These are organizations that build a tremendous storage system with profiles of women suitable for marriage. The process is very similar to a dating service, except, by using one of these professional services, you ensure that the people you are communicating with have one goal in mind – marriage.
Unlike dating apps, join the organization with the end goal of marriage. These include usually younger ladies – aged 18 to 35, who come from all sorts of life. Literally just about every country has lovely and eligible ladies who are looking for true love; limiting yourself to just your own country of origin means that you’re lowering your opportunities to find the one. Mail order brides sites give you an opportunity to connect with beautiful women from anywhere in the world and experience the benefits of locating your perfect match up with.
How do Services work?
Earliest, ladies from all over the world send in their application to the website. From there, experts pick the best suitable candidates and run their applications through several highly leveled tests to ensure there is no fraud. Ladies will be required to submit a written proclamation and several documents in order to be approved. Some documents include:
Passport Copy
Current Blood test.
After that, only the best candidates are selected. Every company comes with their own selection processes, but if need be, further tests and analysis may be required. The reason for this extensive profile check is to ensure there aren’t any scammers or fake profiles. Internet crime is a constant threat in our modern culture, and companies who sell these dating services have to ensure that you don’t become a patient. The majority mail order brides websites mention the dangers of dating foreign girls. Might be identified tips that every user should follow. Here are several such tips gathered with different websites:
If asked for personal information (passwords, street address, personal identification number numbers and social security numbers), politely decline. If the individual who is usually asking for this information persists, consider reporting them to a moderator.
In the event that asked for expensive gifts (jewels, credit cards, cash, checks, expensive luxury items), employ discretion. That you’re free to make such gifts as you see fit, but always consider the intentions of a person requesting them from most people. Perhaps, all the intentions aren’t purely safe and reliable.
If asked for revenue for a plane admission to visit you, consider your options. Are you prepared to move that romance to the next level? Are you ready for the commitment to move forwards? Pay close attention to whether enough time has passed and whether you know this person as well as you think you decide to do. Most times, honest will not insist on you paying for anything.
Any time they break contact without giving you any reason, do not escalate further. Perhaps the person is not interested in you or is just busy with the girl’s daily life. Wait a few days for a woman to contact you again. If she will never – perhaps it wasn’t that will be, and she is not meant to get your one and only.
Once the profile of the young lady has been built, it’s your turn to act. Your first measures are to find out, through promotion or through a friend, which internet site and service you want to use. Then, you subscribe and insert your preferences.
Most mail order bride-to-be offerings come at a cost. The cost is generally 30-50 dollars a month, and it serves to upkeep. Be mindful of mail order wedding planning services who claim that they don’t charge a fee, nevertheless actually have hidden costs. These sites cannot be trustworthy. As dumbfounding as it might sound, you need to pay for a subscription to receive a service from a legitimate website. The reason for this fee is not so much profit, as upkeep in the website, database, and research. Sure, these companies get a profit – it’s just natural. But as long as you know that profit isn’t the only thing on their mind, and that they really need to help you find your excellent match, you’ll feel much safer.
Several services have different Membership Plans. Generally speaking, a good dating foreign girls service will allow an associate to do whatever they need with the lowest account. Search for online reviews of the best bride services and compare website memberships. Finding true love should not leave you destitute and broken. As a matter of fact, most such services are quite economical.
Once you’ve paid for your account, you will be able to find ladies with all across the world. Depending on your preferences and goals, you will be able to choose a country and begin chatting with ladies. In time, you’ll even get a chance to meet. The important part to consider is: a long lasting relationship starts here. These first moments chatting with a lot of women could very well be the first time you open a conversation with your future darling.
Mail Order Brides Account Databases
The profiles you will be experiencing online are based on a powerful algorithm that determines potential ladies for you based on geographical location, your profile, and a sample of the questionnaire that every website will have. You can alter the algorithm by varying your profile and completing more parts of the questionnaire.
The ladies you see have been hand picked with special criteria in mind. These include:
Age and Location
Occupation and Hobbies
Ready to Marry or Just looking to Day
Generally speaking, just about every website will have roughly 100, 000 or more profiles on file. Most can have more than that. After all, there are so many people out there in need of love.
How to spot a fake website?
A fake mail order would-be brides service can be spotted quite easily. Most times these websites offer a 100% guarantee that you will find a perfect match within X amount of days. Nobody can give you such a guarantee. Life doesn’t work that way. The only thing a legit website can do to suit your needs is to provide a safe place with a large database for you to discover your excellent partner on your own. It’s up to you how you communicate and what people you choose.
Another potential indicator of a fake website is an exaggerated price range. No one should be required to pay for a fortune for finding true love. There is a fee, of course, but that fee must seem plausible to you and everyone else. Fake ?nternet sites might ask you to pay upwards of 100 dollars and more. That is a foolish notion.
Another way to spot some fake is by judging the pictures in ladies relating to the front webpage. If the pictures look too artificial or are actually straight taken from a magazine or a modeling agency, then the internet site is probably not real. What you want to see are the real people. And real people very rarely look as polished as in the movies.
Advantages of using this mail order brides Website
Have you ever been on a date? Absolutely sure you have, most people who are prepared to make the step into a solid married relationship have played all the field at least a little bit. Internet dating can be exciting in the best of cases. It’s a new person filled with stories to tell you and lessons to share with you. You will get to begin anew and become whomever you want. There is always a chance that this time period it will be Happily Ever After. In the worst of cases, it can be a dreadfully horrible experience; that anticipation and the nerves as you start out talking, the first date which in your mind unfolds so well, nevertheless actually turns out to be an utter disaster. The expensive restaurants and flowers and gifts that just end up being wasted on people exactly who isn’t right for you. And the worst part – sometimes the person on the other side isn’t even interested in you or is in a committed relationship. In the end, we return right to where we started; all alone and lonely.
By using a service like mail order brides, you put the future of your family into safe hands. Despite common belief, these services employ expert psychology and pc science professionals who build a perfect platform for their clients. These people don’t benefit from you being disappointed; on the contrary, the more people they manage to bring together, the more his or her’s fame increases. It’s a quid pro quo.
How we show you how to choose a Mail Order Brides Service
We want to inform you about the presence of mail order bride websites and educate you on The DO’S and DON’T’S when dealing with such websites. Our site tries to help you answer all of your problems: how to find the best websites, how to approach them, how to get your perfect bride, and how to overcome them. It’s true that there’s a horrible stigma about locating a wife online. It’s often considered unmanly and desperate. These are old-fashioned thoughts that need to remain eradicated. Finding a perfect partner online is just as worthwhile as meeting them continuing your journey home from a local store. What people forget is that not everyone is fortunate to have a storybook romance where two people accidentally meet in a park and show up in love. Sadly, real life is more complicated. Why should you settle for a life from being lonely just because some people think that the “manly” way is the only way?
Before choosing a good website for finding your wife to be, always consult with reviews like this one or a close friend. Don’t let yourself be cheated away of time, funds, and true love.
0 notes
racheltgibsau · 7 years ago
What it Means to Provide Value as a Digital Marketer
Value. It’s a concept that we all understand in theory, and we have all certainly faced this question in our professional lives: “What value do you bring?”. It can be a tricky question to answer, and to even begin to answer it we first must have an understand of this word “value”.
This is the cliché part where I include a Merriam-Webster definition of “value”
It’s a lot to think about! I’ve been working at Hanapin for 5 years now, moving from the client-facing Account Manager role to my current role as Senior Account Analyst. Recently this topic has been on my mind, both in terms of how I’m providing value to my teammates, their clients, and Hanapin as an agency. I have the added benefit of sitting next to Kayla Kurtz, our Associate Director of Sales, and this has given me opportunity to learn a bit about what prospects are looking for when they come to us.
I have found that much of our focus is turned towards hard skills. Learning how to use the AdWords (I mean, Google Ads) interface. Excel skills. How to write ads and use the coolest new betas available. But I think we sometimes miss a piece of the puzzle, and need to occasionally take a high level look at how we are providing real value.
As you read this, I encourage you to think about how you can provide value to:
Your boss
Your clients
The C-suite
Your organization
Ready to dive in?
Provide Insights, Not Just a Data Dump
“Insights” is a word that’s thrown around the industry a lot, but what exactly does that mean? What distinguishes an insight from data? Here are two graphics that I think illustrate the point:
Anyone can pull data from an interface or analytics. It takes someone with some experience and intelligence to take that data, organize it into information, then apply their brains to it to produce something meaningful to the organization. As you become a seasoned PPC professional, you can use your experiences with other accounts to help build insights for current problems. Here’s a practical PPC example:
Data: A campaign report pulled from Google Ads, broken down by month.
Information: That same campaign report segmented into brand vs. non brand, with some notes about budget changes over the last 2 months. Also noted that CPL has risen substantially.
Knowledge: Knowing that we need to take this report and look at CPCs and conversion rates to uncover why CPL has risen.
Wisdom: Competition has increased substantially over the last few months, as search impression share has decreased. By using competitor insight tools we see that major competitors have increased their bids and budgets, thus driving up CPCs which results in a higher CPL. Conversion rates have also decreased from 30% decrease in page load time for our key landing pages. To remedy the situation, we should loop in the web development team, and reassess our strategies around bidding and ad copy to stay competitive.
A good insight does the following:
Doesn’t just list what happened or give the numbers, but digs into the “why”
Focuses on metrics that are important
Connect to Real Business Results
Now that we’ve talked about what makes a great insight, we need to dive into how exactly you can connect that to business results.
Sure, you’ve found that competition has increased by 15% in the last three months, driving up CPCs. But what does that mean for the larger scope of the business? This is where we can be really valuable, especially to those who aren’t in the PPC weeds all the time.
Frame your data and all of your hard work around what impact it has on the business. In the example above I mentioned increased competition and rising CPCs. What would a stakeholder care about? I would take a guess that they care about profitability and the bottom line, as well as growth. Make sure each of your points ties back to these KPIs, and make it clear and easy to understand!
Step Outside of the PPC Bubble
This point goes along nicely with the previous one. Not only do you want to connect to business results, but you want to look for learnings and insights that may impact other channels or areas of the business.
Some examples of this can be the competitive landscape, ad copy language, and search query language. These areas can provide nice little nuggets of insight that might be valuable to other marketing or branding efforts. If you find that a certain unique selling point does really well in your ad copy, consider adding that language to landing pages or email blasts. You are uniquely positioned to give these insights, so take every opportunity you can get!
Present in a format that’s understandable & relatable
The above point was a nice segue into presentation. It’s so important to speak the language of whomever you are presenting to. If you’re talking to a PPC Account Manager or Digital Marketing Manager, then you can probably get away with using all the PPC jargon your heart desires. If you’re presenting to a VP, CEO, CMO, or other executive, you’re probably better off not using a bunch of acronyms and jargon.
I could ramble on and on about data visualization and its importance, but that’s a story for another time. For this article, I’ll leave it at this: use graphs that your audience will be comfortable reading, and that gets your point across cleanly and concisely. If you want more information, I suggest do some Googling for data visualization and presentation best practices.
Unique Tool & Process Development
In my particular role at Hanapin, this is my favorite way to provide value to my teammates and their clients. I get to be creative in how I solve problems (I love puzzles, Logic was one of my favorite classes in college), learn new things and expand my skillset, and collaborate with other brilliant minds, all while making my coworkers lives easier (I hope).
When developing a proprietary tool or process, you should ask yourself these questions:
What problem or pain point am I trying to solve or alleviate?
What’s the best way to solve that problem?
Do I have the skills and/or resources needed? If not, what can I do to fill those gaps?
Does developing this tool provide value by either:
Saving time
Saving money
Providing insight (remember our discussion on insights above!)
These questions should provide a good guide on your tool development process.
Have a Plan to Execute
When delivering recommendations based on your expert analysis, it’s always a good idea to have a plan to execute said recommendations. Remember that old saying “a goal without a plan is just a wish”? That applies here.
Your plan should include the following:
Why is this important? What impact will this have on the business?
A time frame. When will this be completed? For how long will this test run? When will we know if it’s successful?
Measurements of success. What metric will we look at to determine if we succeeded? What’s our specific goal?
Be A Good Partner & Establish Yourself as the Expert
Don’t Be a Yes Man
One critical thing that is easy to forget is that you are the expert. Your client, boss, etc. has hired you for a reason, and is leaning on you to use your expertise to give a recommendation. Know when to push back, and don’t be a yes man.
Of course, there are times when a client or boss tells you to do something and won’t budge from their standpoint. However, it’s crucial to know when you should push back a little if your recommendation is truly in the best interest of the account. As a good partner, you should always have the client or business’s best interests at heart.
To build trust I find it’s very important to give all the supporting data, articles, etc. to back up your point.
Know your expertise, but also know your limitations
If you work at an agency, your clients will know their business better than you. Of course you should strive to understand as much as you can to be a good partner, understand that you can’t know everything that happens internally.
What You Should Take Away From All of This
We’ve gone through a lot in this article, and kudos to you for following this thing through to the end.
Here’s a quick TL;DR –
Provide insights, not data.
If applicable, create proprietary tools & processes
Be a good partner – speak their language, and know when to push back
As digital marketers, it’s easy to get lost in the daily ins and outs of managing accounts. Clicks went up, CTR increased, etc. Make it a practice to step back and really think about how you are providing value.
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8217493 https://www.ppchero.com/what-it-means-to-provide-value-as-a-digital-marketer/
0 notes
maxslogic25 · 7 years ago
What it Means to Provide Value as a Digital Marketer
Value. It’s a concept that we all understand in theory, and we have all certainly faced this question in our professional lives: “What value do you bring?”. It can be a tricky question to answer, and to even begin to answer it we first must have an understand of this word “value”.
This is the cliché part where I include a Merriam-Webster definition of “value”
It’s a lot to think about! I’ve been working at Hanapin for 5 years now, moving from the client-facing Account Manager role to my current role as Senior Account Analyst. Recently this topic has been on my mind, both in terms of how I’m providing value to my teammates, their clients, and Hanapin as an agency. I have the added benefit of sitting next to Kayla Kurtz, our Associate Director of Sales, and this has given me opportunity to learn a bit about what prospects are looking for when they come to us.
I have found that much of our focus is turned towards hard skills. Learning how to use the AdWords (I mean, Google Ads) interface. Excel skills. How to write ads and use the coolest new betas available. But I think we sometimes miss a piece of the puzzle, and need to occasionally take a high level look at how we are providing real value.
As you read this, I encourage you to think about how you can provide value to:
Your boss
Your clients
The C-suite
Your organization
Ready to dive in?
Provide Insights, Not Just a Data Dump
“Insights” is a word that’s thrown around the industry a lot, but what exactly does that mean? What distinguishes an insight from data? Here are two graphics that I think illustrate the point:
Anyone can pull data from an interface or analytics. It takes someone with some experience and intelligence to take that data, organize it into information, then apply their brains to it to produce something meaningful to the organization. As you become a seasoned PPC professional, you can use your experiences with other accounts to help build insights for current problems. Here’s a practical PPC example:
Data: A campaign report pulled from Google Ads, broken down by month.
Information: That same campaign report segmented into brand vs. non brand, with some notes about budget changes over the last 2 months. Also noted that CPL has risen substantially.
Knowledge: Knowing that we need to take this report and look at CPCs and conversion rates to uncover why CPL has risen.
Wisdom: Competition has increased substantially over the last few months, as search impression share has decreased. By using competitor insight tools we see that major competitors have increased their bids and budgets, thus driving up CPCs which results in a higher CPL. Conversion rates have also decreased from 30% decrease in page load time for our key landing pages. To remedy the situation, we should loop in the web development team, and reassess our strategies around bidding and ad copy to stay competitive.
A good insight does the following:
Doesn’t just list what happened or give the numbers, but digs into the “why”
Focuses on metrics that are important
Connect to Real Business Results
Now that we’ve talked about what makes a great insight, we need to dive into how exactly you can connect that to business results.
Sure, you’ve found that competition has increased by 15% in the last three months, driving up CPCs. But what does that mean for the larger scope of the business? This is where we can be really valuable, especially to those who aren’t in the PPC weeds all the time.
Frame your data and all of your hard work around what impact it has on the business. In the example above I mentioned increased competition and rising CPCs. What would a stakeholder care about? I would take a guess that they care about profitability and the bottom line, as well as growth. Make sure each of your points ties back to these KPIs, and make it clear and easy to understand!
Step Outside of the PPC Bubble
This point goes along nicely with the previous one. Not only do you want to connect to business results, but you want to look for learnings and insights that may impact other channels or areas of the business.
Some examples of this can be the competitive landscape, ad copy language, and search query language. These areas can provide nice little nuggets of insight that might be valuable to other marketing or branding efforts. If you find that a certain unique selling point does really well in your ad copy, consider adding that language to landing pages or email blasts. You are uniquely positioned to give these insights, so take every opportunity you can get!
Present in a format that’s understandable & relatable
The above point was a nice segue into presentation. It’s so important to speak the language of whomever you are presenting to. If you’re talking to a PPC Account Manager or Digital Marketing Manager, then you can probably get away with using all the PPC jargon your heart desires. If you’re presenting to a VP, CEO, CMO, or other executive, you’re probably better off not using a bunch of acronyms and jargon.
I could ramble on and on about data visualization and its importance, but that’s a story for another time. For this article, I’ll leave it at this: use graphs that your audience will be comfortable reading, and that gets your point across cleanly and concisely. If you want more information, I suggest do some Googling for data visualization and presentation best practices.
Unique Tool & Process Development
In my particular role at Hanapin, this is my favorite way to provide value to my teammates and their clients. I get to be creative in how I solve problems (I love puzzles, Logic was one of my favorite classes in college), learn new things and expand my skillset, and collaborate with other brilliant minds, all while making my coworkers lives easier (I hope).
When developing a proprietary tool or process, you should ask yourself these questions:
What problem or pain point am I trying to solve or alleviate?
What’s the best way to solve that problem?
Do I have the skills and/or resources needed? If not, what can I do to fill those gaps?
Does developing this tool provide value by either:
Saving time
Saving money
Providing insight (remember our discussion on insights above!)
These questions should provide a good guide on your tool development process.
Have a Plan to Execute
When delivering recommendations based on your expert analysis, it’s always a good idea to have a plan to execute said recommendations. Remember that old saying “a goal without a plan is just a wish”? That applies here.
Your plan should include the following:
Why is this important? What impact will this have on the business?
A time frame. When will this be completed? For how long will this test run? When will we know if it’s successful?
Measurements of success. What metric will we look at to determine if we succeeded? What’s our specific goal?
Be A Good Partner & Establish Yourself as the Expert
Don’t Be a Yes Man
One critical thing that is easy to forget is that you are the expert. Your client, boss, etc. has hired you for a reason, and is leaning on you to use your expertise to give a recommendation. Know when to push back, and don’t be a yes man.
Of course, there are times when a client or boss tells you to do something and won’t budge from their standpoint. However, it’s crucial to know when you should push back a little if your recommendation is truly in the best interest of the account. As a good partner, you should always have the client or business’s best interests at heart.
To build trust I find it’s very important to give all the supporting data, articles, etc. to back up your point.
Know your expertise, but also know your limitations
If you work at an agency, your clients will know their business better than you. Of course you should strive to understand as much as you can to be a good partner, understand that you can’t know everything that happens internally.
What You Should Take Away From All of This
We’ve gone through a lot in this article, and kudos to you for following this thing through to the end.
Here’s a quick TL;DR –
Provide insights, not data.
If applicable, create proprietary tools & processes
Be a good partner – speak their language, and know when to push back
As digital marketers, it’s easy to get lost in the daily ins and outs of managing accounts. Clicks went up, CTR increased, etc. Make it a practice to step back and really think about how you are providing value.
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8217493 https://www.ppchero.com/what-it-means-to-provide-value-as-a-digital-marketer/
0 notes
zacdhaenkeau · 7 years ago
What it Means to Provide Value as a Digital Marketer
Value. It’s a concept that we all understand in theory, and we have all certainly faced this question in our professional lives: “What value do you bring?”. It can be a tricky question to answer, and to even begin to answer it we first must have an understand of this word “value”.
This is the cliché part where I include a Merriam-Webster definition of “value”
It’s a lot to think about! I’ve been working at Hanapin for 5 years now, moving from the client-facing Account Manager role to my current role as Senior Account Analyst. Recently this topic has been on my mind, both in terms of how I’m providing value to my teammates, their clients, and Hanapin as an agency. I have the added benefit of sitting next to Kayla Kurtz, our Associate Director of Sales, and this has given me opportunity to learn a bit about what prospects are looking for when they come to us.
I have found that much of our focus is turned towards hard skills. Learning how to use the AdWords (I mean, Google Ads) interface. Excel skills. How to write ads and use the coolest new betas available. But I think we sometimes miss a piece of the puzzle, and need to occasionally take a high level look at how we are providing real value.
As you read this, I encourage you to think about how you can provide value to:
Your boss
Your clients
The C-suite
Your organization
Ready to dive in?
Provide Insights, Not Just a Data Dump
“Insights” is a word that’s thrown around the industry a lot, but what exactly does that mean? What distinguishes an insight from data? Here are two graphics that I think illustrate the point:
Anyone can pull data from an interface or analytics. It takes someone with some experience and intelligence to take that data, organize it into information, then apply their brains to it to produce something meaningful to the organization. As you become a seasoned PPC professional, you can use your experiences with other accounts to help build insights for current problems. Here’s a practical PPC example:
Data: A campaign report pulled from Google Ads, broken down by month.
Information: That same campaign report segmented into brand vs. non brand, with some notes about budget changes over the last 2 months. Also noted that CPL has risen substantially.
Knowledge: Knowing that we need to take this report and look at CPCs and conversion rates to uncover why CPL has risen.
Wisdom: Competition has increased substantially over the last few months, as search impression share has decreased. By using competitor insight tools we see that major competitors have increased their bids and budgets, thus driving up CPCs which results in a higher CPL. Conversion rates have also decreased from 30% decrease in page load time for our key landing pages. To remedy the situation, we should loop in the web development team, and reassess our strategies around bidding and ad copy to stay competitive.
A good insight does the following:
Doesn’t just list what happened or give the numbers, but digs into the “why”
Focuses on metrics that are important
Connect to Real Business Results
Now that we’ve talked about what makes a great insight, we need to dive into how exactly you can connect that to business results.
Sure, you’ve found that competition has increased by 15% in the last three months, driving up CPCs. But what does that mean for the larger scope of the business? This is where we can be really valuable, especially to those who aren’t in the PPC weeds all the time.
Frame your data and all of your hard work around what impact it has on the business. In the example above I mentioned increased competition and rising CPCs. What would a stakeholder care about? I would take a guess that they care about profitability and the bottom line, as well as growth. Make sure each of your points ties back to these KPIs, and make it clear and easy to understand!
Step Outside of the PPC Bubble
This point goes along nicely with the previous one. Not only do you want to connect to business results, but you want to look for learnings and insights that may impact other channels or areas of the business.
Some examples of this can be the competitive landscape, ad copy language, and search query language. These areas can provide nice little nuggets of insight that might be valuable to other marketing or branding efforts. If you find that a certain unique selling point does really well in your ad copy, consider adding that language to landing pages or email blasts. You are uniquely positioned to give these insights, so take every opportunity you can get!
Present in a format that’s understandable & relatable
The above point was a nice segue into presentation. It’s so important to speak the language of whomever you are presenting to. If you’re talking to a PPC Account Manager or Digital Marketing Manager, then you can probably get away with using all the PPC jargon your heart desires. If you’re presenting to a VP, CEO, CMO, or other executive, you’re probably better off not using a bunch of acronyms and jargon.
I could ramble on and on about data visualization and its importance, but that’s a story for another time. For this article, I’ll leave it at this: use graphs that your audience will be comfortable reading, and that gets your point across cleanly and concisely. If you want more information, I suggest do some Googling for data visualization and presentation best practices.
Unique Tool & Process Development
In my particular role at Hanapin, this is my favorite way to provide value to my teammates and their clients. I get to be creative in how I solve problems (I love puzzles, Logic was one of my favorite classes in college), learn new things and expand my skillset, and collaborate with other brilliant minds, all while making my coworkers lives easier (I hope).
When developing a proprietary tool or process, you should ask yourself these questions:
What problem or pain point am I trying to solve or alleviate?
What’s the best way to solve that problem?
Do I have the skills and/or resources needed? If not, what can I do to fill those gaps?
Does developing this tool provide value by either:
Saving time
Saving money
Providing insight (remember our discussion on insights above!)
These questions should provide a good guide on your tool development process.
Have a Plan to Execute
When delivering recommendations based on your expert analysis, it’s always a good idea to have a plan to execute said recommendations. Remember that old saying “a goal without a plan is just a wish”? That applies here.
Your plan should include the following:
Why is this important? What impact will this have on the business?
A time frame. When will this be completed? For how long will this test run? When will we know if it’s successful?
Measurements of success. What metric will we look at to determine if we succeeded? What’s our specific goal?
Be A Good Partner & Establish Yourself as the Expert
Don’t Be a Yes Man
One critical thing that is easy to forget is that you are the expert. Your client, boss, etc. has hired you for a reason, and is leaning on you to use your expertise to give a recommendation. Know when to push back, and don’t be a yes man.
Of course, there are times when a client or boss tells you to do something and won’t budge from their standpoint. However, it’s crucial to know when you should push back a little if your recommendation is truly in the best interest of the account. As a good partner, you should always have the client or business’s best interests at heart.
To build trust I find it’s very important to give all the supporting data, articles, etc. to back up your point.
Know your expertise, but also know your limitations
If you work at an agency, your clients will know their business better than you. Of course you should strive to understand as much as you can to be a good partner, understand that you can’t know everything that happens internally.
What You Should Take Away From All of This
We’ve gone through a lot in this article, and kudos to you for following this thing through to the end.
Here’s a quick TL;DR –
Provide insights, not data.
If applicable, create proprietary tools & processes
Be a good partner – speak their language, and know when to push back
As digital marketers, it’s easy to get lost in the daily ins and outs of managing accounts. Clicks went up, CTR increased, etc. Make it a practice to step back and really think about how you are providing value.
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8217493 https://www.ppchero.com/what-it-means-to-provide-value-as-a-digital-marketer/
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flauntpage · 7 years ago
Some Thoughts on Whatever the Hell NBC Sports Philly is Doing
After Jess Camerato revealed on Twitter last week that she wasn’t returning to NBC Sports Philadelphia, I tried to list, off the top of my head, some of the departures and changes the network has presided over in the last two years:
Molly Sullivan out
Marshall Harris out
Jess Camerato out
Dei Lynam out
Neil Hartman out
Ron Burke out
Andy Schwartz out (longtime web guy)
production/creative services layoffs
new web policy restricting stories to 500 word max
I obviously missed a lot of stuff, which y’all helped remind me of:
Leslie Gudel out
Breakfast on Broad eventually cancelled, Sarah Baicker and Jillian Mele move on, Rob Ellis comes back in a different role after leaving 97.5 the Fanatic
Reuben Frank taken off Quick Slants
Tim Panaccio replaced by John Boruk
Mike Barkann moved to pre and post game roles
Brian Westbrook removed from Eagles postgame show
Amy Fadool and Marc Farzetta paired on Philly Sports Talk
new simulcast of the Mike Missanelli radio show
more short video clips on the website
didn’t renew Union broadcasting partnership (I don’t really blame them)
assimilated NBC 10 sports department (they no longer had separate anchors for NBC 10 sports segments, they’d just have Amy or John Clark or Danny Pommells do it remotely from HQ in South Philly, which made a ton of sense and saved $$$)
And, of course, Taryn Hatcher was hired as a multi-platform do-it-all person to cover a variety of roles at the station:
Host and reporter. Covering all sports – including, but not limited to, the Sixers. But, I’m not the sideline reporter for the team.
— Taryn Hatcher (@TarynHatcher) July 5, 2018
You still have regular contributors like Jim Salisbury and Corey Seidman and Dave Zangaro and Barrett Brooks and Derrick Gunn on the payroll. Roob, of course, is still writing for the site even though the TV appearances are less frequent. The various experts, like Jim Lynam and Ricky Bo, still do post-game analysis. There were some smaller hires behind the scenes and I’m not totally up to speed on who does what over there now.
I worked in television for nine years, and whenever moves like these are made it’s usually due to three things specifically:
saving money
getting younger in the talent department
trying to stay afloat in a business that has been slowly dying for a long time now
A lot of people are simply getting content from other sources via different mediums, like Twitter and Facebook through your smart phone. It is what it is.
But I feel like we can rule out that first reason, because it’s not like NBCSP is shot for money. Their Comcast overlords just built the biggest skyscraper in Philadelphia next to the now second-biggest skyscraper in Philadelphia. They sunk a bunch of money into NBC 10’s news product. They now own the Philadelphia Wings and Philadelphia Fusion in addition to the Flyers. There is definitely no shortage of cash when you go up the chain of command from Shawn Oleksiak to Michelle Murray, to whomever or whatever is above her.
So if we’re assuming that money isn’t the real issue, is it about getting younger? Maybe. Some of the old guard, the Burkes and Hartmans of this world, had been doing their jobs (very well) for a long time. But it’s not like Molly and Jess and Marshall were long in the tooth, so the age narrative doesn’t really seem to fit either. And even though you can kill two birds with one stone by replacing older, more expensive talent with younger, cheaper talent, we’ve already ruled out money as true problem.
The only real explanation would be #3, the idea that NBCSP is just totally revamping how they cover sports, with a more stripped down and bare bones approach. There are a lot of moving parts over there. Maybe it’s just not worth the effort or the cost to do everything they do, even if they CAN afford it. They could simply slash original content production entirely and focus on broadcasting the Sixers, Flyers, and Phillies, among other local teams. You can produce pregame and postgame segments, maybe enter an expanded simulcasting agreement with 97.5, and/or fill the rest of the slots with infomercials while taking in money from FIOS and Comcast carriage fees.
Specifically, you could ask yourself – do they really need an “insider” for each of the sports they cover?
I don’t know, but when you’re a team’s broadcast partner, the access and the content possibilities for someone like Camerato are significant, and she was one of the few traveling media members, so it seems goofy to stray away from that when you have a built-in advantage already. The Inquirer’s Keith Pompey is really the only other reporter who travels with the team.
Do they need sideline or “floor” reporters?
I don’t know, but I think Molly did a great job of adding flavor to the Sixers broadcast and getting interesting interviews while adding pieces of relevant information. Sure, you could just axe the position entirely and let Marc Zumoff and Alaa Abdelnaby run the entire thing from the booth, but I honestly think they should have gone in the opposite direction and tried to find more responsibility for Molly, which is what she wanted. In the case of a guy like Gregg Murphy, I think it’s easier to justify his inclusion during a longer and slower Phillies broadcast where he’s constantly moving around the ballpark and doing a variety of on-camera hits. The TV experience would feel thin and lose substance if he wasn’t involved.
Unfortunately the TV biz can be some UGLY stuff. I saw a female anchor temporarily demoted to a lesser shift because she was struggling to lose baby weight after coming back from maternity leave. One of my stations accidentally fired the wrong person because they incorrectly wrote out the list of staffers who were grandfathered into a bloated, bullshit union contract. I saw CBS 3 move on from quality anchors like Susan Barnett and Bob Kelly due to contract and responsibility disagreements. They also met Chris May, Beasley Reece, and Kathy Orr at the front door and prevented them from entering the building as they were axed a few years ago in part of a restructuring by a new general manager. Beasley’s stuff sat at his desk for something like a year, though I don’t think he cared because he was probably fishing in Texas. There was also the whole Alycia Lane and Larry Mendte fiasco that predated my time there, yet loomed over us for a good six or seven years.
That’s the problem with TV as it exists in the private sector; news-focused bosses are forced to make changes by money-focused higher-ups, and it results in this revolving door of people who never stick. Yeah, you get the hot meteorologist or whatever to attract the 40-year-old pervert crowd, then she’s gone after two years and you’re loading up with reporters and anchors who graduated from Medill two weeks ago.
One of the reasons Action News is so dominant is because they do nothing. Seriously, that’s a compliment. They’ve had Jim Gardner on the anchor desk for something like 40 years. The format is the same, the writing is the same, the graphics are the same and they simply just give you the news of the day, the weather forecast, and some sports highlights. People watch Action News because they trust Gardner and they know what they’re going to get, which goes something like this:
“…but the big story on Action News is flames, a three-alarm fire in Kensington that forced families out of their homes in the middle of the night… good evening, I’m Jim Gardner, let’s go live to Dann Cuellar in Kensington with more on the story. What can you tell us, Dann?”
Rinse and repeat, over and over and over again to the tune of utter market dominance.
Sometimes less is more, but I don’t think that’s the right approach for NBCSP. If Comcast, of all owners, is slashing jobs in their flagship market, what does that say about the sports broadcasting and journalism business as a whole? I don’t know, but it’s not good.
Anyway, I asked someone over at NBCSP to shed some light on the situation, and he/she responded with this:
“This place is nuts. No one seems to have a handle on the direction.”
Bummer. I think they’ve got some great people over there, multiple award-winners both on and off camera who deserve more from the folks in charge.
Kyle’s take:
NBC Sports Philly understands that the old guard of TV is not only not longer necessary, but it’s unsustainable. Gone are the days of CSN serving as the water cooler of Philly sports. Social media, sports talk radio, and blogs, like Crossing Broad, have taken over in this regard. Almost every piece of original content CSN used to air is completely irrelevant in 2018. They’ve made moves to shift away. So while it’s difficult to see the likes of Leslie Gudel, Neil Hartman, and even younger folks like Molly Sullivan and Jessica Camerato, who were well liked, be pushed out, NBC’s strategy to shift away from traditional coverage makes sense.
My issue, however, is what they are replacing it with. The supposedly hip, more modern fare that has come in its place, like cheeky off-beat shows, Breakfast on Broad – whose only purpose was to launch Jillian Mele into stardom (or whatever you want to call feeding the president nuggets of biased news) – and Quick Slants. They are taking a page out of ESPN’s play book 10 years ago and calling it new. In a society that increasingly values quality, at least where quantity is already provided through other means, NBC Sports Philly has doubled down on quasi junk– cheap, inexpensive fare that ultimately makes the network irrelevant to modern sports fans. The only thing that actually works in its inevitability is simulcasting Mike Missanelli’s show. Other than that, I can’t think of one notable thing CSN has done from a content standpoint that truly resonated (there might be one, but I can’t think of it), though the 2008 Phillies program they will air this month seems like it has potential.
I’m not sure there are any good answers for regionals sports networks, where cost-cutting seems to be a priority. But it seems shortsighted to get rid of basically all of your well-liked personalities. Someone like Molly Sullivan, while perhaps a so-called cap casualty, was well-liked and had a good camaraderie with Marc Zumoff and Alaa Abeladladsnamsdasdhay. It seems you can’t ask for more from a sideline reporter, though I’m certain Molly would’ve happily given them just that, given the chance.
Time’s yours.
We’re running out of room and especially talented professionals! @RonBurkeShow @tpanotchUFA @dlynamCSN @lesliegudel @36westbrook @NeilHartmanTV @MollySullivanTV @mharrisonair @JessicaCamerato pic.twitter.com/PeUkPV6dYH
— Collegeville Bakery (@CvilleItalBake) July 5, 2018
The post Some Thoughts on Whatever the Hell NBC Sports Philly is Doing appeared first on Crossing Broad.
Some Thoughts on Whatever the Hell NBC Sports Philly is Doing published first on https://footballhighlightseurope.tumblr.com/
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blackpjensen · 7 years ago
5 Things Successful Businesses Do Differently
What does it take to make best-run company? Follow along as we uncover the secrets of a well-run landscape company through a series of company profiles and best practices.
1. The most successful companies are not run by owners but by managers.
Delegation is perhaps one of the hardest things for business owners to do, and yet it is absolutely vital to success. You simply cannot continue to grow if you’re wearing all of the hats yourself. Rick Cuddihe, president of Lafayette Consulting, says the best companies out there are those that are delegating responsibilities and holding people accountable.
“It is egotistical to assume you are the only one who can do something well,” adds Tom Fochtman, CEO of Ceibass Venture Partners. “The best companies are run by people who know they have to surround themselves with a high level of talent. And we’ve never had such a high level of talent available in the marketplace like we do now. The fallout of Brickman and ValleyCrest has led to available talent. Go out and hire an amazing salesperson and let them out there to do their thing.”
Fochtman says companies that are not as successful as they could be are often micromanaging. This is a hard habit to break as it may be hard to even recognize you’re doing it. That’s because Fochtman says micromanagers are too busy to even stop and assess things.
If you’re a business owner going through his or her day with an overwhelming number of tasks on your plate, are you delegating? Is there someone within your company that could do some of those tasks for you, freeing up your time to focus on other important things? Don’t fall into the trap of assuming you’re the only one who can do something. Delegating responsibility shows trust in your people and helps you grow.
2. The most successful companies find a differentiator.
The only way you can really stand out in this competitive marketplace is by doing something different than everyone else. At the end of the day your services might be the same, but what do you do that sets you apart from everyone else? Fochtman says that a differentiator will help potential clients choose you and not “the other guy.”
“When you go head to head with other companies that are very similar to you, it’s imperative that you come up with something that makes you different,” he continues. “Maybe you’ll offer a portion of your revenue to a charity your client prefers. Whatever it is that you come up with, it should be something that nobody else in your area is doing.”
Fochtman guaranteed plant material for life as long as his company was maintaining the landscape. That was his differentiator.
“That was a new concept in our market area when we introduced it, and it made us stand out,” he says. “What are you doing to stand out from the crowd?”
3. The most successful companies build a positive culture.
Every company has a culture — whether you want it or not, says Wilson. But companies that are really successful have owners and managers who are involved in shaping that culture and constantly keeping a pulse on how it’s doing. Wilson says that a “culture that is left to evolve on its own will not be the culture you want.”
That’s because owners and managers help build the culture by setting core values and by hiring people that fit those values. Wilson says that too often landscape companies just hire a “warm body to fill a spot” and aren’t focused on who the person is and how they will fit within the culture. That can lead to bigger problems.
Wilson knows that landscape businesses struggle with hiring but says they should turn to their own employees for recruiting. If you already have really good people in your company, it’s likely they hang out with people similar to them. That’s where Wilson says you should be recruiting more labor.
“One mistake that landscape companies often make is using an HR person to find their people,” Wilson says. “There’s no ownership there. Instead, the field manager or whomever is going to be directly managing that employee should be involved in the hiring as they’re going to take some ownership, some accountability, of that person. They want that person to be successful. It’s a ‘I brought you on, now I want to make sure you succeed’ kind of mentality that you want your managers to have. They get that by being actively involved in recruiting and hiring.”
4. The most successful companies keep up with technology.
Although Fochtman says landscaping is inherently a low-tech industry since it’s primarily reliant on labor, he says that’s not an excuse to ignore technology completely. You still need a good accounting system that includes a job-costing tool.
“You must know which jobs aren’t making you money and if raising your price doesn’t work, you need to be prepared to say ‘Goodbye,'” Fochtman adds. “A job-costing software tool can be helpful in making those decisions.”
In addition to accounting and job costing, Fochtman says technology can be incredibly helpful with routing. Routing becomes incredibly important as a company grows.
5. The most successful companies focus on density.
Speaking of routing, Fochtman says well-run companies build density.
Unfortunately, he says that even though most companies know they want this, they aren’t proactive about going after it.
“Most landscape companies just go where the phone takes them,” Fochtman says. “They may know where the money is demographically, and yet many still don’t devise a plan to go after it. It might mean buying addresses, cold calling or even knocking on doors — things that landscapers often don’t love.”
Once you start to build some density, Fochtman says you keep offering referrals to get neighbors to sign up and that keeps the effort going.
And once you have those customers, keep them happy. Treat your customers well so that they stick with you and continue to refer your business to others in the area.
“Building density is something successful companies do really well,” Fochtman adds. “The typical company just responds to the ringing phone without paying much attention to location. Stop chasing leads all over the place and craft a plan.”
While even the best companies will admit they “always have room for growth,” there are definitely some businesses in the green industry that are already employing many of the practices industry professionals say epitomize a best-run company. Follow along as we uncover the secrets of a well-run landscape company through a series of company profiles and best practices. 
Inside The Landscape Industry’s Best-Run Companies
Monday: 5 Things Successful Businesses Do Differently
Coming Soon!
Tuesday: Best-Run Companies: Borst Landscape & Design
Wednesday: Best-Run Companies: O’Connell Landscape Maintenance
Thursday: Best-Run Companies: Ruppert Landscape
Friday: Best-Run Companies: Pacific Landscape Management
The post 5 Things Successful Businesses Do Differently appeared first on Turf.
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