#filipine dating
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datinglife · 3 months ago
Christian Vietnam Dating Site: Find Your Faithful Match Today
A Christian Vietnam dating site provides a unique platform for singles looking for relationships rooted in faith and shared values. These sites cater specifically to Vietnamese Christians, who may be seeking like-minded partners in both local and global communities. With a combination of cultural understanding and religious alignment, these platforms help people connect in meaningful ways, creating the foundation for strong, faith-based relationships.
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1. Why Choose a Christian Vietnam Dating Site?
For many people, finding a partner who shares their faith is essential in building a meaningful and lasting relationship. Christian Vietnam dating sites allow users to find individuals who prioritize their religious beliefs while also valuing Vietnamese culture and traditions. For Vietnamese Christians, especially those living outside of Vietnam, it can be challenging to meet someone who aligns with their faith and cultural background. These platforms make the process easier by filtering potential matches based on religious and cultural preferences.
Additionally, Christian Vietnam dating sites offer features designed to foster serious, long-term relationships. Users can engage in faith-based conversations, discuss spiritual goals, and share common values from the beginning, ensuring that their connection goes beyond physical attraction or surface-level interests.
2. Key Features of Christian Vietnam Dating Sites
Christian Vietnam dating sites often include features that help users build strong, faith-centered relationships. Some key features include:
Faith-Based Profiles: These platforms allow users to highlight their Christian beliefs, church involvement, and spiritual values in their profiles, helping them attract like-minded individuals.
Advanced Search Filters: Users can search for matches based on specific criteria such as denomination, location, and age range, making it easier to find compatible partners.
Discussion Forums and Groups: Many sites offer forums where users can engage in discussions about their faith, Christian dating advice, and cultural topics related to Vietnam.
Guided Communication: Some platforms offer communication tools that help users start meaningful conversations, such as sending pre-written icebreakers or answering spiritual questions to foster deeper connections.
3. Benefits of Christian Vietnam Dating Sites
Using a Christian Vietnam dating site offers several advantages:
Faith-Based Community: These sites connect people who are not only looking for love but are also committed to their Christian faith, helping users build relationships on strong moral and spiritual foundations.
Cultural Compatibility: With a shared understanding of Vietnamese culture and traditions, users can bond over similar backgrounds and experiences, enhancing compatibility.
Focused Dating Experience: Unlike general dating platforms, Christian dating sites are designed for those seeking serious, long-term relationships grounded in shared faith, reducing the time spent navigating mismatches.
4. Success Stories
Many couples have found lasting love through Christian Vietnam dating sites. Their shared faith has provided a solid foundation for building a life together, with many attributing their success to their focus on spiritual growth and alignment from the beginning. The combination of Christian values and cultural understanding fosters deep connections and long-term compatibility.
5. Conclusion
Christian Vietnam dating sites provide a meaningful platform for singles looking to build faith-based relationships. These platforms emphasize the importance of shared values, religious beliefs, and cultural compatibility, making it easier for Vietnamese Christians to find love that aligns with their spiritual and personal goals. If you’re looking for a relationship rooted in faith, consider exploring a Christian Vietnam dating site to find your perfect match. Read More
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jennilifeva · 3 months ago
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laureljanes · 5 years ago
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★ ━  ( alisha boe,   cis female,   she/her )  ━ ★   just to be clear, ya didn’t get this information from me.   The person you’re lookin’ for is   LAUREL JANE WALKER (NEÉ MATLIND).  also known as   LJ.    Last I heard they were born on   JUNE - 29 - 1994   in    BALTIMORE, MARYLAND,   and they’ve been livin’ here in   RICHMOND,    for about    FIVE YEARS.   Word around the districts is,   LJ   can be  ALOOF,   IMPATIENT,   and    QUICK-TEMPERED, but alls I seen is good things, like the fact that they’re   LOYAL,   SELF-SUFFICIENT,   and    RESOURCEFUL,   but guess that depends on how well ya know ‘em.   The last thing ya need to know is that they work as an ASSISTANT MANAGER FOR CROSSROADS MUSIC and I don’t know much about what that’s like but I do know that’s all I can tell ya the rest you gotta find out on ya, own.
hi my friends! my name is lia, your resident filipin-ho (my bf made this pun) and self-designated bimbo pixie! if you wanna chat you can message me here or on discord! trixie tang 💋#5650
and this is my baby laurel, who quite honestly, this is my first time playing her and i’m so excited to flesh her out even further by plotting with all you beautiful people!
Here are a few tidbits about her:
MBTI:  ENFP PERSONALITY TYPE: The Catalyst (Innovation x Passion) COMMON ARCHETYPE: The Explorer FAVORITE MOVIE: Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974) FAVORITE MUSIC ARTIST: Mariah Carey QUICK BACKGROUND: Ran away from home after her high school graduation to elope and is now disowned by her parents. PETS: American Short-Haired Cat named Einstein
She is currently still legally married to her high school sweetheart who left her a month into their “marriage.” So her married name is Walker whereas she was born Matlind. 
She’s also an UNLICENSED esthetician - so do with that what you will!
She’s also a member of MENSA but she would never mention that to anybody. 
She hasn’t dated seriously since she and her “husband” split - a few hookups here and there.
She is bisexual. Little bisexual baby.
One of her favorite things to tell people when she first meets them is that  Kim Rhodes - the actress who plays the mom from The Suite Life of Zack and Cody once came into Crossroads to buy a first edition Joni Mitchell album. 
Existing/New beauty clients
Recurring customers that come into Crossroads
Roommate (maybe?)
Old hookups
Anything at all really!
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taga-bangka · 8 years ago
Racial Fetishists and “Family Values”
A common reason given by those who actively seek only women of color, especially outside the country is that non-American (or non-Western) deeply cherish family values in a way that American-born white women supposedly do not. Asian women, for example, will cater to your whims as domestic goddesses of a docile nature (though let’s be honest, we’re the scariest heads of households a lot of the time) while being a working girl.  Fine, you appreciate family. Good. So when we tell you that we still feel the historical trauma of our ancestors as if it happened just a generation ago, you’re not going to say “That was so long ago. Anyone involved is long dead,” right? When we say that our ancestors were buried there, don’t dig it up for a telescope or a pipeline or an Ikea, you’re going to fight whatever organization that would disrespect your wife’s bloodline? When my relatives immigrate here, we’re going to allow them to stay in our house until they can get on their feet, right? You’re going to let me teach our kids to view issues through a global lens, and not just a Western one? Right. Thought so.
Melanin chasers only appreciate our family values when they add value to their American domestic fantasy. But when our family values don’t affect them, or are inconvenient, then our family values are irrelevant. They don’t understand that we value family members no matter how many generations we are removed from them. Our ancestors are our mothers and fathers. Our cousins are our siblings. “Immediate” and “extended” are not words we use to differentiate members of our clans. If fetishists want our family values, let them value our entire family. Or they can finally admit it: It’s not that that “foreign” women are superior than white women. It’s that they think men are superior to women, and they think WoC “know their place.”
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evoldir · 3 years ago
Fwd: Other: Philippines_TexasAMUCC-OldDominionU.InternatREU_EvolConGen
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Other: Philippines_TexasAMUCC-OldDominionU.InternatREU_EvolConGen > Date: 22 October 2021 at 07:22:51 BST > To: [email protected] > > > PAID UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH OPPORTUNITY FOR U.S. UNDERGRADUATES, > SUMMER 2022 > > Philippines International Research Experience for Students (Ph-IRES) > > Conduct independent research with US and Filipin(o/a) mentors from > Silliman University, Republic of the Philippines. Projects will explore > conservation biology and molecular ecology of aquatic and terrestrial > species.  Potential project subjects include: > >    * genetic barcoding to document fish diversity >    * life history studies to examine how fishing pressure influences >      how fish grow and reproduce >    * genetic studies to see how fish populations connect with one >      another >    * study of how pollutants may affect reef fishes >    * conservation genetics of freshwater or threatened >      terrestrial animals > > Depending on the worldwide COVID-19 situation, students will work in > either Dumaguete, Philippines, or at Old Dominion University and Texas > A&M University - Corpus Christi. > > Ph-IRES participants receive a stipend, travel, housing, and a trip to > the National Diversity in STEM Conference. > > MORE INFO: https://ift.tt/2ZjVHrV > APPLY: https://ift.tt/3niPQv5 > > For more information, contact us at [email protected] > Dr. Chris Bird, Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi > Dr. David Gauthier, Old Dominion University > > NSF Award # 100863-010: Collaborative Research: IRES Track I: > PH-IRES Philippines International Research (Gauthier, Bird, PIs) > > "Bird, Chris" > via IFTTT
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stiri-noi · 4 years ago
Vaccinul rusesc Sputnik V, împotriva COVID-19, va fi testat pe 40.000 de oameni. Imagini in Institutul unde a fost creat
Rusia a anunțat că vaccinul Sputnik V, creat împotriva coronavirusului de către Institutul Gamaleia din Moscova, va fi testat în masă pe 40.000 de oameni.
Testarea în masă a primului potenţial vaccin anti-COVID-19, anunţat de Rusia, va implica peste 40.000 de persoane pentru a obţine aprobarea de reglementare internă, a anunţat, joi, agenţia TASS, citată de Reuters.
Vaccinul, numit „Sputnik V”, pentru a omagia primului satelit din lume lansat de Uniunea Sovietică, este considerat sigur şi eficient de autorităţile şi oamenii de ştiinţă ruşi după două luni de la începutul testelor pe oameni, efectuate însă la scară mică. Rezultatele acestor teste nu au fost făcute publice până în acest moment.
Testarea în masă a vaccinului va începe săptămâna viitoare și va implica minim 40.000 de persoane în peste 45 de centre medicale de pe teritoriul ţării. Această testare în masă va fi supervizată de un organism din străinătate.
Vaccinul Sputnik V nu va fi testat doar în Rusia
Kirill Dmitriev, CEO al Fondului de Investiţii Directe al Rusiei (RDIF), organizația care finanțează vaccinul, a afirmat joi că testarea clinică a Sputnik V se va face și în alte state, nu doar în Rusia.
„Vom face studii clinice nu doar în Rusia, ci și în Emiratele Arabe Unite, Arabia Saudită, Filipine, probabil în Brazilia sau în India”, a spus Dmitriev, citat de CNN. Potrivit acestuia, o delegație a Ministerului saudit al Sănătății va călători la Moscova săptămâna viitoare.
Experții internaționali în sănătate sunt sceptici cu privire la cât de rapid a fost înregistrat vaccinul și cât de puține detalii a dat Rusia despre cercetările legate de Sputnik V.
Dmitriev a declarat că Rusia va încerca să răspundă criticilor occidentale legate de lipsa de informații despre vaccinul anti-COVID candidat, public��nd o lucrare științifică detaliată într-o „publicație mare”, în august. El a refuzat să spună însă numele revistei științifice în care se va publica studiul.
De asemenea, a refuzat să spună cu exactitate pe câți oameni a fost testat vaccinul înainte să fie aprobat săptămâna trecută, spre folosire.
La jumătatea lunii iulie, Kirill Dmitriev afirma că Rusia va putea produce anul acesta, pe plan intern, în jur de 30 de milioane de doze de vaccin împotriva coronavirusului. El a menționat atunci că Rusia a încheiat, de asemenea, acorduri de fabricație cu alte cinci țări și că ar putea produce până la 170 de milioane de doze de vaccin anti-COVID-19 în străinătate, anul acesta.
Noile studii clinice vor testa „eficacitatea epidemică” a vaccinului
Până în prezent, Rusia nu a oferit date științifice cu privire la testarea vaccinului. Tot în iulie, Kirill Dmitriev spunea că la faza a II-a a studiului clinic, care urma să se încheie în 3 august, participau circa 100 de voluntari.
Dezvoltat de Institutul Gamaleya din Moscova, vaccinul Sputnik V a fost aprobat de guvernul rus înainte de începerea fazei a 3-a a studiilor clinice care implică în mod obișnuit mii de oameni. Vaccinarea împotriva COVID-19 ar trebui să înceapă în Rusia în octombrie.
Viitoarele studii clinice urmează să evalueze „eficacitatea epidemică” a vaccinului, a declarat joi Denis Logunov, director adjunct pentru activități științifice la Institutul de Cercetare pentru Epidemiologie și Microbiologie Gamaleya.
Alexander Ginsburg, directorul Institutului Gamaleya, a precizat că vaccinul este administrat în două doze și implică utilizarea unui adenovirus diferit pentru fiecare dintre cele două doze.
Vă recomandăm, să citiți și:
Vaccinul rusesc ajunge la graniţa României. Preşedintele Republicii Moldova a cerut vaccinul creat de ruşi
Un medic spulberă aşteptările legate de vaccinul împotriva COVID-19
Donație majoră făcută de Bill Gates pentru obţinerea unui vaccin anti-COVID ieftin. Când crede miliardarul că se va încheia pandemia
Rusia pregătește vaccinarea în masă împotriva COVID-19
Articolul Vaccinul rusesc Sputnik V, împotriva COVID-19, va fi testat pe 40.000 de oameni. Imagini in Institutul unde a fost creat apare prima dată în Descopera.ro.
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dpfagency · 4 years ago
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I only want 3 things: to see you, hug you, and kiss you⁠ #filipinocupid #filipin… I only want 3 things: to see you, hug you, and kiss you⁠ #filipinocupid #filipinalove #filipinocouples #filipinabeauties #filipinabeauty #beautifulfilipinas #filipinomen #filipinawomen #onlinedating #love #dating #romance #instalove #loveliveshere #loveislove #relationships #baegoals #lovecouple #relationshipgoals #marriagegoals #love4love #filipinasingles #dateme #foreverandalways #cupidlove #newbeginnings #datingadvice #manila #oneandonly #maniladating⠀ Source
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news24hrou · 6 years ago
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Inuman! Carnea și resturile de mâncare adunate de la groapa de gunoi sunt regătite și date oamenilor săraci BBC a realizat un reportaj cutremurător depre reciclarea resturilor de mâncare din Manila, Filipine.  http://bit.ly/306ytkC
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agenobatayamaduanmakassar · 6 years ago
WA O85-227-9O2O2O Promo Khusus Tempat Beli Obat Ayam Jago Mata Berair, Cara Buat Doping Ayam Bangkok Bali, Pekanbaru
Cari Obat Ayam Jago Mata Berair, Cara Buat Doping Ayam Bangkok? Kontak O85-227-9O2O2O, Obat Ayam Jago Penyakit Kuning, Obat Ayam Jago Mata Berair, Obat Ayam Jago Muka Bengkak, Obat Ayam Jago Ngantuk, Obat Ayam Jago Nglokor
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Obat ayam aduan adalah obat yang di buat khusus untuk menyembuhkan ayam dari berbagai penyakit ayam. Contoh penyakit yang biasa dialami oleh ayam aduan yaitu sakit pilek, bubulan, ngorok, turun urat, jatuh mental, dan masih banyak lagi lainnya. Selain mampu menyembuhkan penyakit, obat ayam juga mampu meningkat stamina dan performa ayam. Sehingga tidak diherankan lagi, kalau banyak sekali botoh yang menggunakan obat/jamu/doping ayam untuk meningkatkan stamina ayam ketika akan tanding.
Disamping itu, obat ayam aduan juga mampu menunjang kemampuan ayam aduan ketika bertanding di arena laga. Sehingga ayam bisa melancarkan serangan dan pukulannya dengan akurat dan bisa bertahan sampai ronde terakhir.
Nah dibawah ini, saya ingin menjelaskan sedikit tentang macam/ jenis obat ayam aduan yang saat ini banyak sekali di cari oleh penghobi ayam aduan.
Jenis Obat Ayam Aduan
Obat ayam aduan ini sendiri banyak sekali jenisnya, tetapi yang akan saya bahas sekarang ialah jenis obat ayam adu secara umum.
1.       Jenis Obat Ayam Aduan Berdasarkan Fungsi
1.1. Obat Ayam Adu. Contohnya: Obat Drgaon SN, Obat Mbah Joyo, Obat Herbal SN, Obat Monster Pro, Obat Champion, Obat   Complexor, Obat   Derby Pills, dan lain – lain.
1.2. Obat Ayam Sakit. Contohnya: Obat Anti Snot & CRD, ObatAmpivet, Obat Aminovita, Obat Biocilin, Obat Turun Urat, Obat Doxyvet, Obat Haemovit, dan lain – lain.
 2.       Jenis Obat Ayam Aduan Berdasarkan Asalnya
2.1. Obat Ayam Import. Contohnya: Obat Derby Pills, Obat Biodin, Rainbow, Complexor3000, dan lain – lain.
2.2. Obat Ayam Lokal. Contohnya: Obat Dopping Eka Farma, Obat Aminovita, Obat Ampivet, Obat Tedun Plus, Obat Kuning Plus, Obat Herbal SN, dan lain – lain.
 3.       Jenis Obat Ayam Aduan Berdasarkan Jenis Ayam Adu
3.1. Obat Ayam Bangkok. Contohnya: Herb Calsium, Derma, Kaitong, Kamlang Gold, Speed Pigeon, TOP 1, VIP SET, dan lain – lain.
3.2. Obat Ayam Filipin. Contohnya: Red Viper, Easy Win, Belamyl, Calsium Filipin, Slasher, Respigen Injek, Texas Combat, dan lain sebagainya.
Macam – Macam Obat Ayam Adu
1.       Obat Ayam Sebelum Adu
Tujuan pemberian obat ini ialah untuk membuat stamina ayam menjadi meningkat sebelum masuk ke gelanggang adu. Untuk obat ayam yang sangat bagus untuk ayam aduan sebelum diadu ialah Kamlang Basah Gold, Obat Champion, Obat VIP SET, Obat Rainbow, dan lain - lain
2.       Obat Ayam Untuk Menambah Tenaga
Obat ini biasanya diberikan pada ayam adu yang tampak lesu dan tak bersemangat sebagai penambah tenaga. Selain itu, obat ini juga mampu meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh ayam aduan, sehingga ayam tidak mudah sakit. Walaupun ketika musim hujan dating. Berikut ini daftar obat  ayam untuk menambah tenaga: Power Plus, Kamlang Basah Merah, Red Viper, dan lain – lain.
3.       Obat Ayam Untuk Membuat Nafas Panjang
Obat ayam ini memiliki tujuan untuk membuat nafas ayam menjadi panjang dan kuat. Seperti yang sudah kita ketahui, bahwa nafas panjang sangat menentukan kemenangan ayam aduan untuk pertandingan yang berdurasi lama. Berikut ini daftar obat ayam untuk membuat nafas ayam menjadi panjang ialah temujin, tonic pills, kamlang basah hijau, dan lain – lain.
4.       Obat Ayam Ketika Diadu
Tujuan pemberian obat ini ialah untuk menambah stamina ayam ketika beradu, dan mampu meredakan nyeri dan sakit yang dialami ayam karena pukulan dari lawan. Berikut ini beberapa obat yang sangat bagus untuk ayam aduan ketika beradu; Power Cock dan Lampam ATP
5.       Obat Ayam Untuk Memulihkan Stamina Pasca Adu
Obat ini diberikan pada ayam setelah bertarung. Tujuan pemberian obat ini untuk memulihkan stamina yang hilang ketika bertarung. Obat yang sangat bagus untuk pemulihan pasca bertarung ialah repair plus, dragon sn, obat luka dalam, dan lain – lain.
6.       Obat Ayam Untuk Daya Tahan Terhadap Penyakit
Obat ini diberikan untuk membuat system kekebalan tubuh ayam aduan menjadi meningkat di musim hujan. Nama – nama obat yang sangat bagus untuk daya tahan ayam yaitu laktamino xe, super top, aminovita, jalu aji, dan lain – lain.
Demikian beberapa resep obat ayam yang sering digunakan oleh para botoh, yang mampu membuat ayam menjadi jawara laga. Silahkan dicoba dan dibuktikan keampuhannya.
Untuk cara pemesanan obat – obat ayam diatas, mudah sekali yakni anda bisa hubungi kami lewat:
Website: www.sahabatayam.com
Call/SMS/WA: 085-227-902020
Alamat Toko: Jl. Diponegoro RT 04 RW 01 Widarapayung Wetan Kec. Binangun Kab. Cilacap Jawa Tengah
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volchicasing · 8 years ago
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kiara-ethn2-blog · 8 years ago
Notebook 1: The Unity Clap
The unity clap is a custom that was derived from the United Farm Workers’ Movement in the 1960’s. The movement was made up primarily of Filipin@ and Latin@ farm workers who were unable to communicate with one another due to the language barrier between the two groups, many of the workers were illiterate in English and spoke only their native tongue. Aside from the language barrier, the two groups also faced a physical barrier in their work of cornstalks. In order to communicate with one another to signify the end of the work day, the farm workers would begin a collective clap. The clap begins slowly, mimicking the thumps of a heartbeat. As the clap continued, it would increase in speed.  The clap originated with the Filipin@-American farm movement and was transferred to unite the group with the Mexican-American farm workers. Since then, the unity clap has been adopted by many groups to symbolize solidarity with allies that face similar struggles and experience than those of the farm labor movement.
The unity clap shines light on Professor Wayne’s point regarding globalization and labor circulation: that although “capital moves ‘freely’, labor movement is unfree.” Both the Filipin@ and Mexican farm workers faced oppressive working conditions. The labor movement in the United States arose from the need for livable wages, reasonable work hours, safer working conditions, and aid to workers who would be injured on the job. While the goods that these workers were producing were sold on a free market, their struggle and their oppression remained unfree. They were forced to fight back to receive proper treatment. They fought not only for their job safety, but they also fought against notions against their people in general against those in America who continuously claimed the farmers’ race as inferior and treated them accordingly.
The first national occurrence of the unity clap dates back to Filipin@’s in Hawaii as early as the 1920’s. At this point in time, this community of people was organizing labor unions and strikes led by Pablo Manlapit. After a hard hit on labor trikes in 1924, many Filipin@s fled from Hawaii to head toward the mainland in America where they were confronted with oppressive labor conditions which forced them to unionize. In the 16th edition of “Phillipines Today,” it was written that in “many ways, it was a crime to be Filipin@ in California because other growers and the American Federation of Labor were alarmed and threatened by the striking workers. Moving forward, however, the Filipino Labor Union was created and successfully fought toward a 35 cents per hour minimum wage, an 8 hour work day, and an end to racial hierarchy in the assignment of farm jobs. Following this achievement came the 1938 Filipino Agricultural Laborers Association which opened membership to other ethnic groups, one of them being Mexicans.
The second occurrence and redefining of the unity clap came after 1938 where Mexican-American farm workers and Filipin@-American farm workers were working similar fields. In order to signify the end of the long work day together, the unity clap broke a language barrier in the workplace for the two groups. It was this slow breaking of barriers that helped the two groups mobilize together against their unfree labor. On September 16, 1965, at the Filipino Hall on the West Side of Delano, laborer and civil rights activist, Cesar Chavez ,held a meeting where the Mexican laborers decided to join the Filipin@ workers in the strike again the way they were being used to farm American land. The unity clap transformed from a way of communication on the field and into a symbolic closure for meetings and rallies held by the two groups.
As previously mentioned, what has served as a language between workers in the past continues to be present in the context of modern day. Many groups of people have adopted the unity clap as a way to end meetings, rallies, and other events. Groups at UC San Diego such as Kaibigang Philipin@ use it as a form of empowerment and reminder to remain in solidarity with the allies who are in need of it.
Works Consulted
Lopez, Angelo. "Filipino Americans and the Farm Labor Movement." Portside. Portside, 30 Apr. 2014. Web. 19 Jan. 2017. <http://portside.org/2014-05-12/filipino-americans-and-farm-labor-movement>.
UCSD CCC. "Societal Foil: The Dangers of “Coalition-building”." Blog post. UCSD Cross-Cultural Center. N.p., 05 Mar. 2013. Web. 20 Jan. 2017. <http://ucsdcrossculturalcenter.tumblr.com/post/44646685288/societal-foil-the-dangers-of-coalition-building>.
"UFW: The Official Web Page of the United Farm Workers of America." UFW: The Official Web Page of the United Farm Workers of America. United Farm Workers, n.d. Web. 22 Jan. 2017. <http://www.ufw.org/_page.php?menu=research&inc=history%2F03.html>.
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surprisebitch · 8 years ago
wait who are the filipino gays (masc or otherwise???) i didnt know about piolo or xian omg
there are many popular feminine filipin@ gays.. and they didnt have to come out because they really are feminine and dress in drag.
about the masc gays.. the things is they aren’t confirmed gay.. just rumours and speculation. if you’re a hunk in the Philippines and built your career to be thirsted by women, you can never come out gay there. so at the moment, there is no openly gay masc male celebs there. but it’s already known by many that Piolo is. Idk about Xian, i meant Enchong Dee earlier. i have a friend who was classmates with him before and he actually was quite feminine too and i think he’s dating a guy lowkey. he’s really gay but closeted.
also for a super catholic backward conservative country where even contraceptives are still banned, you’ll get crucified for coming out gay especially if you’re in the public eye so no one has attempted it. time will tell who will be the first masc gay male celeb in the philippines to do it.
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showlexsite · 5 years ago
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evoldir · 3 years ago
Fwd: Other: Philippines_TexasAMUCC-OldDominionU.InternatREU_EvolConGen
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Other: Philippines_TexasAMUCC-OldDominionU.InternatREU_EvolConGen > Date: 22 October 2021 at 07:22:51 BST > To: [email protected] > > > PAID UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH OPPORTUNITY FOR U.S. UNDERGRADUATES, > SUMMER 2022 > > Philippines International Research Experience for Students (Ph-IRES) > > Conduct independent research with US and Filipin(o/a) mentors from > Silliman University, Republic of the Philippines. Projects will explore > conservation biology and molecular ecology of aquatic and terrestrial > species.  Potential project subjects include: > >    * genetic barcoding to document fish diversity >    * life history studies to examine how fishing pressure influences >      how fish grow and reproduce >    * genetic studies to see how fish populations connect with one >      another >    * study of how pollutants may affect reef fishes >    * conservation genetics of freshwater or threatened >      terrestrial animals > > Depending on the worldwide COVID-19 situation, students will work in > either Dumaguete, Philippines, or at Old Dominion University and Texas > A&M University - Corpus Christi. > > Ph-IRES participants receive a stipend, travel, housing, and a trip to > the National Diversity in STEM Conference. > > MORE INFO: https://ift.tt/2ZjVHrV > APPLY: https://ift.tt/3niPQv5 > > For more information, contact us at [email protected] > Dr. Chris Bird, Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi > Dr. David Gauthier, Old Dominion University > > NSF Award # 100863-010: Collaborative Research: IRES Track I: > PH-IRES Philippines International Research (Gauthier, Bird, PIs) > > "Bird, Chris" > via IFTTT
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newliliana · 5 years ago
Hello Etihad , somehow all of your points of contact are not working! Your Refund aplication form on your web page is not working !! Its telling me that I dont know my first name ?! And That the 13 digit number of the ticket doesnt have 13 digits ?! - I would like a refund please ! I just got mail that second portion of my flight is canceled ! Then why you dont cancel the whole ticket package ?! I suposed to go from Belgrade Serbia to Filipines . to be exact : Belgrade - Abu Dhabi then Abu Dhabi - Manila and same thing back to Belgrade later date. And ONLY Abu Dhabi to Manila flight is canceled ?! So what am I suposed to do when ( and if ) I reach Abu Dhabi ?! I only go Abhu Dhabi cause Im going to Filipines !!! its connecting flight !! And since there is a lock down in Filipines I cant enter the country ! I cant travel !!! I want my refund !! I know you are busy but This is totally unacceptable .
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stiri-noi · 7 years ago
Cel puțin 90 de morți și 60 de dispăruți în Filipine, după dezastrele naturale din ultima vreme - Realitatea
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