rueren · 2 years
with : eren, armin, jean
warnings: gn!reader, platonic relationship w them as your roommate, slight mention of drunk eren and drunk jean, mention at protecting yourself from someone breaking in??? not much else?
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➥ eren
has more than once asked you to help make sure he gets up in time for a test or an interview or something, and without fail every single time he has slept through both his alarm(s) and you shaking him awake.
he leaves his hair ties everywhere.
ugh i can feel it in my bones this man torments you to no end, he's like an annoying older brother. putting stuff where you cant reach it, flicking your head, the works. he loves pestering you but he knows you wont just sit there and take it so he learns his boundaries pretty quick.
literally never refills the toilet paper roll and always leaves the seat up
always texts you if you want an order of whatever food he's getting himself on the way home from work or class or whatever. but he calls u last second like "yo, u want anything? i'm in the drive thru. if u say no ur not getting any of my fries like last time".
he is also your resident bug catcher but he is as terrified as you are. "'rennnn, theres a spider again" "what am i, an exterminator? grow a pair you big baby" but still gets up to go get it for you, and if you mention how you saw him hesitate and cringe and shudder once he flushes it down the toilet he will grumble and pout and huff his way back to his room, throwing a "you're buying dinner" over his shoulder.
has definitely fallen asleep in your room by accident after a night out. when he comes to he remembers vaguely coming to ask you if you guys were out of cereal and the next thing he knew he was groggily waking up, face first in your carpet to your screaming and then dragging him by his foot to his room.
he offers to drive you places, especially if its late. if you're going out with friends for the night he waits up for you, and when you get back and hes half asleep on the couch. when you poke fun at him for caring about you so much, he swears up and down he was just watching some late night sitcom, and not to get ahead of yourself. hes ducking back to his room with pink dusting his ears in his little lying-telltale, immediately falling asleep when his head hits the pillow.
➥ armin
he's so sweet. there's like little to no problems between you guys as roommates, he's so respectful and just grrrr he's adorable.
his only thing is he leaves his mugs around the house. not on purpose, he just gets so absorbed into whatever he's reading that he forgets he made himself a cup of whatever in the first place.
he makes sure to take note of things that you use frequently/run out of quickly and always shoots you a text when he's going into a grocery store or shop or something. if he isn't with you for groceries, he asks you to let him know when you get home so he can come down and help with the bags.
always says hello when he comes home, or lets you know when he's going out. helps you proof read your essays, whether you're in the same class or not.
grouchy first thing in the morning. like, completely different person grouchy
makes the absolute best coffee ever. hands down.
always makes extra food for you and leaves it in the fridge for you.
always refills the britta / water jug / etc
asks about what the book you're reading is about, or what show is that.
asks you to cut his hair cuz you did it one time for him a thousand years ago when he had to go to a last minute meeting and his hair was not how he wanted it and he loves how to turned out so he always asks you to do it for him.
doesn't mind too much if you borrow his stuff without asking.
➥ jean
the definitely strikes me as the type to want you to take the room furthest from the door. "what if some creep gets in, yanno? I can take 'em".
gets you a bat to keep by your bed as a house warming gift ahsgjkfsa he's adorable. he came home kinda late and semi drunk once and you almost knocked him out with the bat, but it he cant tell if he's scared shitless that he almost died or happy you actually used it.
unlike eren, he refills the toilet paper roll BUT he puts it on backwards
ruffles your hair as if your a kid, even if you're older than him. he's taken a liking to you, see's you like a sibling.
also your resident handyman. don't even think about getting ur landlord to fix stuff, his pride n joy is his tool kit he got for Christmas a while back and he is jumping at any chance he gets. so if the sink is acting weird? he's pulling out his tool kit. you mention in passing how your desk chair is squeaky for some reason? he's already up and rolling his sleeves with a "c'mere, show me the noise". the shower pressure isn't as good as it used to be? he's cussing out your cheapskate landlord and wiping at his forehead with his wrench in hand tryna figure out the problem. some door is squeaky? fixed.
leaves his lil sketches are charcoal on the coffee table and dining table all the damn time. more often than not theres art stuff on the table than actual food
he likes going grocery shopping with you when he can.
also enjoys cooking and cleans up after himself. so you got one less thing to fight over
snores so damn loud ohmygod he snores like a dad
makes a big show whenever you buy something for him while your out, no matter what it is. coffee, some protein thing he's been meaning to buy, socks, whatever. when you walk through the doors with the bag in your arms he's coming to you with a shit eating grin and open arms and plants the loudest, wettest, phattest, most obnoxious kiss on your cheek "awhhh, would ya look at thattttt, you love me dontcha?" "you are a terror. i am going to move out" "who's gonna kill all your creepy crawlies then hmm???"
he always tries and intimidates your dates that show up at the door, working out just enough right before they show up so his arms look that much bigger. "have them home by 9" "okay yeah, whatever dad. I'll let you know when I get in".
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rueren · 3 years
summary: armin has been in love with you for as long as he can remember, but doesnt think he can ever bring himself to say it
warnings: slight angst, fem!reader (reader referred to as she and armin has thoughts of reader being a mom)
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pining!armin who has been in love with you - his childhood best friend - for so long he doesn't even remember when it first started. he can't make things weird for the four of you, so he keeps it to himself for the most part, aside from mikasa who is way too perceptive for her own good.
pining!armin who looks to you whenever eren tells him he's smart or calling him a boy genius for the nth time, hoping - praying - to see something more than familial pride on your sweet face. he adores knowing you love him - but it tugs on his heart thinking about the way you love him. about how it's not the way he wants you to love him.
pining!armin who bends over backwards to do his best to give you anything and everything you ever wanted, under the guise of "what are friends for, yanno?"
pining!armin who is somehow always free when you're in a bind, like you're late or class and need a ride - "I'm sorry, i know your class is in the opposite direction, but if we leave right now I think it would work- do you think? ugh damnit, my stupid alarm didn’t go off today i’m so sorry to ask-" "what? oh no, don't even worry about it, they cancelled my bio class today. It's okay, I can drive you. no worries." he's calm while he drives you, dropping you off right in front of the building and ignoring the way his heart thuds harder in his chest when you kiss him on the cheek the way you always do with the three of them. but now he's rushing over across campus to class, barely parking properly and trying to enter his class as quietly as possible. when he slumps beside eren, he's resting his forehead down on the tiny desk space in his lecture hall chair trying to still his beating heart while trying to ignore erens confused questions of why does his face look like he ran here if he drove?
pining!armin who helps you with your share of the chores because he can. He thinks it's one of the simplest things he can do without making anything too obvious. So like, when you forgot to wash the dishes on your kitchen duty last night because you had to write your paper and now you're dreading going out into the shared kitchen the next morning because you know erens annoying ass will point at the chore list that you had insisted upon and nag with his stupid lil bed head that you cannot take seriously. but his "isn't that the whole point of the chore chart, mrs.chore chart" never comes, and the dishes are done and put away and the countertop is wiped down and and the scattered jars are in the cupboards and someone even organised the fridge and you're beyond confused. mikasa - who watched you come home and immediately go to your shared room, who knows she didn't clean, and you didn't clean (since when she when she woke up you were in the same spoke as when she went to sleep) and eren definitely didn't clean - sits at the table, taking a break from typing on her laptop to look across at armin who looks like he's got his nose buried in his textbook but his eyes are on you. you let eren think you did it, but go and ask mikasa if she did it. she shakes her head no. when you ask armin the next day while he's driving you after picking you up from work, he’s waving it off. "it's nothing, really. you were exhausted last night, and I had some free time." "you're perfect. thank you, i'll do yours next time, promise 'min" "you better~ now c'mon, whatdya wanna eat?"
pining!armin who likes to think that he has a handle over his feelings and doesn't get flustered, or at the very least let it show. except when he comes home from classes and see’s you cooking, holding a bowl in your arms and beaming at him while you mix whatever it is in the bowl and he’s ducking into his room as fast as he can (and mentally tacks on a little “welcome home!” that makes his stomach swirl and his face grow hot and has him thinking about it for days on end). or when he sees you playing with kids, babies in particular; he’s pulling his poker face on when you come up to him holding a baby on your hip, bouncing the child as you talk to them in the absolute sweetest voice he has ever heard, and now he's thinking about how perfect of a mother you would be to your kids. or the many times you both studied together. the excuse to lean in close and point out paragraphs in your textbook. or to sit face to face at the campus cafe, his legs are too long for the small coffee table so his knees bump against yours sometimes, and the giggle that bubbles from your lips sends the butterflies in his stomach for a trip that seems to last forever.
pining!armin who loves helping you with language classes, especially when you have to record videos for assignments. he’s jumping at the opportunity to help you and be your cameraman; he gets to hear your voice constantly and look at your face for as long as he wants? win-win for sure. he's so sure that he's mastered composure, but you somehow always find a way to crack it, and the voice you have when you tease him about blushing over your comments has become a core memory, ingrained into his brain so permanently that he was sure if someone peeked inside his head, that same giggle would float out like a music box.
pining!armin who when you lean into his hug after a long day, with your arms around his waist and grumbling into his shirt about how annoying your professor was, rub your back and finds himself looking up at the sky to compose himself and begs any god that will listen to let you stay there just a bit longer; heck, even make you fall asleep right then and there so he's got the excuse to carry you to bed (and oh god how he wishes more than anything that it could be his instead).
pining!armin who always gets you something when he goes out. not the way eren and mikasa do, bringing something back for all four of you. but he'd bring you back something just for you. a little charm to put on your bag because he remembered that time you lost yours at the carnival last spring, and this one looks almost the same and he just happened to be passing by and thought why not. or that seasonal drink you got last time but only tried it once since you grabbed it the last day it was offered and oh wow would you look at that, it's that time of year again. huh. who woulda known. you'd have to be crazy to have that in your calendar for a whole year. yup, completely whipped crazy. on the first day they are offering that drink he goes and grabs one for you on his way back from class. and with a soft knock on your door once he knows mikasa isn't in there with you, he comes in holding it behind his back and makes you guess because he's so corny and adorable and he sets it down on your desk and ruffles your hair, flopping on your bed. he swears up and down that his heart stops for too long to be healthy when your eyes go wide and you beam up at him like he just delivered you the stars in a cup - "armin, what?! how did you even get this?!? I thought this was a one time thing last year???" "oh, heh- yeah, i uh- saw the sign in their window saying it was out again, and i remembered you liked this last time, and I - i grabbed you one." "arminnnnnnn" "'s not a big deal, c'mon. just lemme know if it's good. I'll get some for us when we go study at the library tomorrow, yeah?"
pining!armin who sits on ur bed and listens to you complain about everything under the sun that went wrong in your day, partly to help you work through it and partly to just listen to your voice. he helps folds your laundry that you've been neglecting in favor of studying, while he quizzes you on your material, he'll fling your shirts and underwear at you from across the room because he's still childish like that, and you threaten to put your pinks in the wash with his socks and boxers and make all of them pink, because you're still childish like that too and that level of familiarity doesn't just go away as you get older and it warms the ache in his chest that always seems to grow when he's around you.
pining!armin who follows you around like you are his life line, and flushes a thousand shades of red when people comment how you guys look adorable together, what a sweet couple. "Huh? oh, me and armin? no no, we've been friends since diapers, we're just really close, yeah 'min?" "oh, yeah no. she's a thorn in my side, for sure" "oh shut up, you love me" and god, how he wants to say yes.
pining!armin who you trust with your whole being, and revels in that knowledge, pride and warmth and affection flooding through him, ready to burst at the seams when he hears you praise him, or when you come to one of his presentations, or when you come to him for advice, or when you ask for help with anything. you asked him to pretend to be your boyfriend infront of your ex-boyfriend once and he played the part to perfection. it's not like he was planning what he would do in his head for the past forever.
pining!armin who trusts you with his whole heart and soul and it scares him to no end because he knows he always has you, but he doesn't have you, and the not knowing of if he ever really will might just be the death of him.
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rueren · 3 years
[12:07 pm]
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sunlight filtered in through the crack of your bedroom curtains, warmth spreading across your face as you blink awake. the sheets are tangled around your bare legs as you twist to face your husband laying beside you and admire his features.
he's so,,, angelic, when he's asleep. he's gorgeous all the time, and you catch yourself just staring at him in those quiet moments around your shared apartment. but mornings like this, with his hair tousled, his cheek smushed into the pillow, his lips slightly parted, the mid-day light catching on his lashes and making his bare, broad shoulders look even more god-like than usual, you cant help but fall in love all over again. he was at peace. you were his peace.
smiling to yourself, you brush the stray hairs away from his forehead, pressing your lips there softly. then to his jaw. you felt him stir under you by the third one to his shoulder, muttering something unintelligible and pulling you into him still half asleep. he rests his head to your chest, wrapping an arm around your middle to keep you close.
"good morning, handsome" you whispered into his hair, fingers now threaded in it and scratching lightly. he hums back, and you giggle under him, the noise making him hold you tighter.
"5 more minutes" he mumbled, nuzzling into your chest.
"we do have to get up eventually, babe".
"mmmm" is all the acknowledgement you get before his eyes are fluttering before your face, and he's pressing his lips to yours. then again. then again. you feel the grin spread across his lips on the next one, the one that still has your toes curling and your stomach doing flips and your breath quickening and your heart skipping a beat and your face heating up even so long after being together.
you cover your face in your hands and turn into the pillows, grumbling and giggling to yourself and he tries in his sleepy state to pull your hands off, laughing himself in his morning voice that never fails to make your stomach drop and heat rise throughout your body so that is definitely not helping the situation. "c'mon baby, gonna deprive me of my source of happiness this early?"
"you're a menace and its past noon you dummy," you kiss him quickly, aiming to retreat back into your fortress of pillows right after the peck, but you should have known that wouldn't work. should have know that he would hold your face like this, kiss you deeply and tenderly and rub his thumb across your face, his fingers curling into your hair at the base of your neck. that you would melt into his touch, putty in his hands even in his half conscious state.
your hands come to rub his shoulders and chest, humming against his lips as you smile. its minutes before either of you pull away, foreheads against each other as you look into the others eyes.
"yeah, well, you love me"
"i do"
"good," he pecks your lips again before laying back down on your chest, lacing your fingers together with one hand, and he brings your other hand up to his head again, kissing your chest before nuzzling against your skin again. "i love you too"
suna, iwaizumi, atsumu, akaashi, osamu, kuroo, oikawa, armin, sero, matsukawa, shinsou, hawks, eren, jean, kazutora, baji, mitsuya, mikey
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