#file: special interest: Chernobyl
teeth--thief · 1 year
Google Drive full of book PDFs about Chernobyl
Link to the Google Drive if you don't want to click the title: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1kscKFciW6almJA8p-0sUQPO3c0A4AQYe
Note: It will be updated regularly - for as long as I'll be able to find/get new things =) So far I've compiled 41 books in three languages.
Just to repeat what I said in the first post: I'm open to any requests or suggestions or even PDFs themselves, if someone wants to share theirs from their collection. Message me, send me an ask, throw a rock through my window - whatever you prefer, just please, do it yourself because I'm too scared to message anyone, thanks. No fiction - that's the only rule. Any language is welcome - if you want me to look for a certain book in the language of your choice, I'll do that. If you have a book in language other than English, I'd love to add it to the Drive! If you have a better version of whatever PDF I've already got, then I'd be more than happy to do a swap.
Now, some of my reasoning, if anyone's interested: first of all, I think it's important for everyone to be able to access stuff like this. Think of it as a library, minus the "give these back" part. Secondly, I get soooo mad when people are like haha, found this super rare, basically impossible to find, very expensive book! ...I shall now keep it exclusively to myself. Ma'am, you're ruining the vibe and stalling everyone's hobby research but I guess you do you...
List of all the books (under the cut):
In English:
Voices from Chernobyl - Alexievich S.
Chernobyl Reactor Accident - Source Term
Chernobyl - Insight from the Inside - Dr. Chernousenko V.M.
How It Was - Dyatlov A.S.
(ENG+RUS) Chernobyl Booklet
Chernobyl: The Devastation, Destruction and Consequences of the World’s Worst Radiation Accident - Fitzgerald I.
Final Warning. The Legacy of Chernobyl - Gale R.P.
Midnight in Chernobyl: The Untold Story of the World’s Greatest Nuclear Disaster - Higginbotham A.
Interesting Chernobyl - 100 Symbols
From Chernobyl To Fukushima - Karpan N.
Manual for Survival. A Chernobyl Guide to the Future - Kate Brown
Chernobyl. Confessions of a Reporter - Kostin I.
The Politics of Invisibility. Public Knowledge about Radiation Health Effects after Chernobyl - Kuchinskaya O.
Memories - Kupnyi A.
Chernobyl 01:23:40 - The Incredible True Story of the World’s Worst Nuclear Disaster - Leatherbarrow A.
Chernobyl Notebook - Medvedev G.
No Breathing Room - Medvedev G.
Chernobyl Record - The Definitive History of the Chernobyl Catastrophe - Mould R. F.
Wormwood Forest - A Natural History of Chernobyl - Mycio M.
Life Exposed: Biological Citizens After Chernobyl - Petryna A.
Chernobyl: History of a Tragedy - Plokhy S.
Ablaze - Story of Chernobyl - Read P.P.
Producing Power: The Pre-Chernobyl History of the Soviet Nuclear Industry - Schmid S. D.
Chernobyl: A Documentary Story - Shcherbak I.
The Vienna Report
Chernobyl - Crime Without Punishment - Yaroshinskaya A.A.
In Russian:
Chernobyl: Kak eto bylo. Preduprezhdeni - Kopchinsky, Steinberg
Chernobyl. Tak eto bylo. Vzglyad Iznutri - Voznyak Ya. Troitskiy N.
Лучевая болезнь человека (очерки) - Гуськова А.К., Байсоголов Г.Д.
Чернобыль. Как это было - Дятлов А.С.
Чернобыль: 30 лет спустя - Кравчук Н.В.
Живы - Купный А.
Чернобыль - Щербак Ю.
(ONLY Pages 367-383) Чернобыль, 10 лет спустя. Неизбежность или случайность?
KGB files - pre and post accident (includes additional information in Ukrainian)
In Polish: 
Jak to było - Diatłov A.S.
Czarnobyl - Plokhy S.
Czarnobyl - Sekuła P.
Katastrofa w Czarnobylu - Sekuła P.
Czarnobyl. Od katastrofy do procesu - Siwiński W.
441 notes · View notes
comp6841 · 5 years
Lectures - Week 8
Exam Movie & Accident
The movie ‘The China Syndrome’ is going to be needed for one of the questions in the final exam. It’s going to be shown in the security theatre in week 9, but my memory isn’t that great so I might have to get it from elsewhere closer to the actual exam date. Without going into spoilers, it basically involves a cameraman and a reporter who witness a SCRAM event in a nuclear power plant in California. They manage to initiate the emergency shutdown procedure to prevent a catastrophe, but the plant manager still suspects it isn’t safe and wants to bring it to the attention of the public.
There also is going to be a generic question on either: Chernobyl, Bhopal or Challenger. I know Chernobyl pretty well as I’ve watched a heap of documentaries on it and similarly with Challenger, except with a more detailed writeup on my blog. Maybe I’ll do some more research on the Bhopal disaster in the next couple weeks, as I don’t know too much about that.
Root Cause Analysis
Often when something goes wrong with a system we resort to a process known as root cause analysis; this means tracing back the flow of events to try and discover the factors which contributed to an accident. The problem is that in a lot of circumstances when it is applied, we like to assign blame to one individual in particular; we like things to be simple, but this is unrealistic. The one thing that is common to every single cause is that it involved human error to some extent - whether it be an inspector, someone who manufactured the part 5 years, someone who designed the computing systems or a person who installed the component.
In aviation for example, “last touch” is almost a running joke in the sense (not that people may have died obviously) that the last person to touch a part in a plane responsible for an accident almost always gets the boot. When the issue that led to an incident resides throughout an organisation, this typically requires a larger overhaul - a complete chance of organisational culture. They need to try and re-education everyone and being able to do this successfully is hard.
Human Weaknesses
I think by now everyone knows that humans are bad at telling the truth; when they do this depends on social judgement. For example, if they know they can gain an advantage without getting caught and face no social judgement, they are usually okay with doing it. However, if there are potential repercussions then they usually carefully weigh up the consequences for dishonesty with the possible reward and make a judgement.
When we looked at magic tricks earlier in the term, I think they clearly demonstrated how easy for us to get distracted or misdirected. It’s essentially a form of social engineering - we just love to focus on what is psychologically salient as opposed to what is logically important.
Another idea of satisficing links fairly nicely with truthfulness in humans; basically we’re only willing to lie to the extent that we know we can get away with. Or more appropriately, in a uni course you might decide to do the bare minimum just to get a credit - you might value other aspects of your life more and decide to do the bare minimum in certain areas. Some other inherent humans flaws are:
Bounded irrationality - decision making is limited by the information you have, the limits of your mind and the time you have to make a choice
Preferences for positivity - we want to accept the most positive outcome
Group-think syndrome - often have a preference to ‘keep the peace’ within groups for fear of social exclusion; can result in bad decision-making processes
Confirmation bias - only caring about the evidence that supports what you believe
Humans often rely on heuristics when determining the outcomes of situations and the associated risks. A number of types were mentioned:
Similarity matching - thinking of a similar situation that occurred in the past and applying it to the current circumstances
Frequency gambling - if many patterns match, you pick the one you are a most familiar with (a ‘natural reaction’); relies on the logic that what ‘worked in the past’ must ‘work in the future’
Availability heuristic - relies on how easily something can be brought to a person’s mind; people estimate the how frequent an event is based on how easily it can be brought to mind
Designing Code
Just some general ideas to think about when designing code:
Minimise complexity - no one component should be too complex; higher risk of errors
Coupling of components - try to avoid this because if one component is broken then the other will probably break
Cohesion - this is a good idea and involves nearby components making use of each other, while more distant ones don’t tend to
Following these rules makes it easy to build and maintain a system which is resilient to attack; if everything is tightly coupled it is hard to provide defense in depth.
3 Mile Island
We were told to watch ‘Chernobyl’ for homework again; yay I’ve already done that - love it when you’ve already inherently done the homework! I don’t think its really necessary to know the details of 3-mile island except for the fact that a cooling malfunction meant that part of the core in reactor 2 melted. This resulted in them having to release some radioactive gas a couple days after the accident.
I think the whole point of this discussion was to highlight the issues associated with highly complex systems. In the case of nuclear reactors, this makes them highly coupled such that small changes in one area of a system can lead to massive changes in other areas.
Extended Seminar: Privacy
I totally agreed with the first point of this presentation - it’s definitely all about a sacrifice of privacy for convenience. I’m pretty sure I would have great privacy if I wasn’t connected to the internet and lived on a remote deserted island, but it wouldn’t exactly be the most interesting or exciting existence. The main concern an individual might have with regards to information being online is it being used as blackmail against them; anything for a ‘quick buck’ these days it seems right? They went over some techniques you can use to protect your privacy online including:
Incognito mode - doesn’t store browsing history or cookies but not very effective against other forms of tracking
Privacy-oriented browsers - you could use search engines like ‘Duck Duck Go’ which don’t track you like Google, however if anyone in your household isn’t as concerned about their privacy as you, Google could probably still link you back up
Protecting your accounts - logout when you can, don’t like your accounts and lie about personal details
VPN (Virtual Private Network) - intermediate body between you and the internet server, so the external entity sees them (not you); traffic is encrypted
Onion routing (i.e. ) - encrypt data N times and obfuscate the origin through forwarding through a series of nodes; each of the N nodes peels back a layer of the decryption on the way to the destination
Can make yourself vulnerable by logging into accounts or through timing attacks
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There was an interesting discussion regarding the “nothing to hide” argument presented by people who don’t care about widespread surveillance. Now the first counter-argument against this is the fact that you “haven’t thought of anything yet”. Also a single piece of data may not seem important but once you combine them all together you can learn extraordinary amounts about an individual - and who knows how this information could be used!
Extended Seminar: Digital Forensics
This branch of forensics is basically concerned with recovery of material on digital devices. There are 3 main stages in a digital forensics investigation usually:
(1) Acquisition / imaging
Capturing an image of a drive
Following the ‘paper trail’
(2) Analysis
Keyword searches
Recover deleted files
Special tools used
(3) Reporting
Evidence used to construct events / actions
Layman report written
Some of the different types of forensics:
Computer forensics
Mobile device
Network forensics
Packet captures
Database forensics
Video / audio forensics
Movie files
Audio recorded
The basic idea behind data forensics involves trying to re-establish the headers for files - when a file is deleted, the OS simply deletes the point to the file and marks the space under the FAT or FMT as available. Even if you overwrite the data, the overwrite is not perfect and still leaves traces of the original data. You usually need to overwrite tens of times at a minimum and test it to have any degree of certainty. I’m guessing the activity is probably going to have the flag steganographically written into the least significant bits or something...
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loadal922 · 3 years
Stalker Call Of Pripyat Enb
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This doesn't work for the game Stalker: Call of Pripyat in DX10/11 mode. The log has the following: full path: C: Program Files (x86) bitComposer Games S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of Pripyat bin redirecting CreateDevice initialising shader environment D3DXCreateEffectFromFile failed SMAA.h(237,27): warning X1519: 'SMAATHRESHOLD': macro redefinition. Call of Pripyat 供養 こっちは風景中心で CoPはVanilaをプレイした正直な感想としては どうしてもSoCの蛇足感が否めない感じかなと思いました。 もちろん面白い事には変わりはないのですが。 CoPの景観は草の描画距離を引き伸ばすMODを入れると. HD ITEMS - it’s a small but high-quality mod made to make Stalker - Call of Pripyat even prettier. It completely replaces vanilla food, drink and medical items and adds 15 new unique and lore-friendly ones. Copy the content of Foto1 & Foto2 to your Stalker game directory. Choose whether you want the enb or orginal shaders (cant run both). Recommend using the ENB. Place user.ltx file into Users Public Documents STALKER-SHOC directory in Windows Vista. Documents and Settings All Users Shared Documents STALKER-SHOC directory in Windows XP. S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat takes PC gamers once again into the vicinity of the Chernobyl nuclear reactor that exploded in 1986. This so-called 'Zone' is a highly contaminated area cordoned off by the military and now is combed through by the so-called stalkers, modern fortune hunters, in search of unique artifacts.
Stalker Call Of Pripyat Enb 5
Stalker Call Of Pripyat Enb 5
Stalker Call Of Pripyat Cheats
Stalker Call Of Pripyat Console
S.t.a.l.k.e.r.s. of the world, unite!
14 January 2011
S.T.A.L.K.E.R., without exaggeration, is popular not only in the former Soviet Union, but also with players from all around the globe. The universeof S.T.A.L.K.E.R. attracts more and more people internationally and the growth of interest in the mysterious Zone continues.
Now and then, we may ponder, what do the developer-native Russian-speaking community think of the game? What do they like about S.T.A.L.K.E.R. andwhat are their expectations of the future sequel?
The Official S.T.A.L.K.E.R. community group on Facebook has initiatedthe collection of questions to the Russian-speaking fans of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. You have a wonderful opportunity to look at the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. universethrough the eyes of game fans living in the ex-USSR part of the world, where the project originated from. Post your questions in the Facebook grouppage, just make sure they are written clearly and concisely. Try to come up with an interesting question, be inventive.
Have fun communicating with s.t.a.l.k.e.r.s all around the world!
STEAM sales time
30 December 2010
In these festive days, STEAM digital distribution service offers unprecedented sales - until January 3, 2011 you can purchase GSC Game World gameswith a unique discount of 50%! Cossacks, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and Heroes of Annihilated Empires have become so affordable like never before.
You'll be pleased to know that STEAM accepts Webmoney payments, thus making the purchase process even easier now.
To proceed to the games catalogue page, clickhere.
A s.t.a.l.k.e.r. Christmas present: X-Ray SDK 0.7
28 December 2010
On the New Year's eve, the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. project team has prepared a special present for mod-makers and all the game fans. Following your multiplerequests, we decided to put the SoftwareDevelopment Kit for X-Ray 1.6 engine (S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat version) under the Christmas tree.
Please, note the following key features of the SDK 0.7:
For the first time the SDK contains full set of instruments allowing you to create both single- and multiplayer levels.
The tools are partially documented (in Russian only).
! The tools are offered 'as is' and GSC Game World is unable to provide any technical support on this SDK. All the tools questions must bediscussed on forum.
Have fun with the tools and Happy New Year!
Merry Christmas from GSC
24 December 2010
GSC Game World send their best wishes of stability, peace and prosperity in the New Year to all the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. project fans. Thanks toeveryone who supported and keeps supporting us throughout many years. We hope our friendship will remain as strong in the future. Our team wish yousound health, happiness and a smile of s.t.a.l.k.e.r.'s fortune!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat a top-5 Game of the Year
21 December 2010
A pleasing news comes from Gamasutra - S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat has been named one of the top 5 PC games of 2010. The editors were impressedwith the unique gaming experience and the player's feel of tense fighting against the Zone and its inhabitants. We congratulate the developers andplayers on this notable award!
'To get recognition in a foreign land is a big honor'. An interview with Bernd Frenz
21 October 2010
The S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series bibliography counts over 40 novels (inRussian) released. Its popularity continues to be so huge that book publishers have to do reprints of the novels sold out. As as result, the processof nearing the two sides – games and books – has seriously progressed. Nevertheless, it is not the first book experience for GSC Game World (giventhe earlier release of Heroes of Annihilated Empires series of novels in ex-USSR).
Temporary game running problems
26 August 2010
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Dear players! Many of you have faced a problem of making S.T.A.L.K.E.R. run on your PC today. On behalf of GSC Game World, we would like toapologize for the inconveniences caused.
The problem of running the game is caused by temporary shutdown of our internet service. According to our colleagues, the situation will be resolved within the next few hours. For players who would like toplay in single mode or in multiplayer over LAN, as a temporary solution, we suggest disconnecting the internet network cable on your PC on launch ofthe game, or disabling the internet connection via Windows OS tools.
Stalker Call Of Pripyat Enb 5
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We are thankful for your understanding of this situation. Sincerely Web-site Administration
Close combat announced on the net
14 April 2010
Here comes a good news for all the fans of S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat multiplayer gaming: we are happy to offer the players anabsolutely new game map made available for download today.
The map, named 'close combat' is a compact game location featuring a warehouse of containers in the Jupiter factory locale. The map is designed fordynamic play with use of close- and medium-range weapons. An interesting touch about the map is availability of one store per two teams for sellingpicked-up items in TDM (team deathmatch) mode.
The map is available for free download here. To install the map, run the downloaded .exe file, then follow the automatic instructions of the installation program.
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Wishing you a great fun with the new map play!
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat on Steam
12 February 2010
Good news for those who consider room space more valuable then disc space, now that S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat is available on Steam!English, Russian, French, Italian and Spanish language versions could be found there.
We would like to mention that there is also a Loyality Promo available, which grants a special discount for those who already own the Steam Versionof S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl or S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky.
Stalker Call Of Pripyat Enb 5
The world will hear the Call of Pripyat!
5 February 2010
We would like to congratulate all the fans of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. to today's worldwide release of the game!
From now on, s.t.a.l.k.e.r.s from all over the world have a possibility to join the comrades from ex-USSR in search of artifact, exploration of newterritories and revealing what Pripyat city has to hide.
Stalker Call Of Pripyat Cheats
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Stalker Call Of Pripyat Console
Enjoy the game!
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kawaiicowboycandy · 4 years
Kenshi Prisoner Download Manual
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Kenshi Prisoner Pole
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ProtectionID Online again!
The ProtectionID Team has put the site online again @ ProtectionID.netThe site went offline early this year because of ignorant Antivirus vendors (including Google) thinking that it contains a virus/malware (it never has).
Week 50: 9 - 15 December 2019Game Patches & FixesGame Index
Added the Fixed Files for: Argonus and the Gods of Stone: Director's Cut v20191209 [MULTI8] (PC) - Thanks DDS.
Added the Fixed Files for: Discrepant v1.0 [ENGLISH] (PC) - Thanks ExitOne.
Added the Fixed Files for: Edna & Harvey: The Breakout - Anniversary Edition v1.0 [MULTI6] (PC) - Thanks ExitOne.
Added the Fixed Files for: Exitium v1.0 [ENGLISH] (PC) - Thanks ExitOne.
Added the Fixed Files for: Freud Gate v1.0 [MULTI2] (PC) - Thanks ExitOne.
Added the Fixed Files for: Gaijin Charenji 1 : Kiss or Kill v1.0 [ENGLISH] (PC) - Thanks DDS.
Added the Fixed Files for: Gym Simulator v1.0 [MULTI3] (PC) - Thanks DDS.
Added the Fixed Files for: INFINITY RACER XD v1.0 [ENGLISH] (PC) - Thanks DDS.
Added the Fixed Files for: Kings of Lorn: The Fall of Ebris v20191207 [ENGLISH] (PC) - Thanks DDS.
Added the Fixed Files for: Liberty Prime v1.0 [ENGLISH] (PC) - Thanks DDS.
Added the Fixed Files for: MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries v1.0 [MULTI4] (PC) - Thanks Joker75.
Added the Fixed Files for: Nancy Drew: Midnight in Salem v1.0 [ENGLISH] (PC) - Thanks ExitOne.
Added the Fixed Files for: Santa Girls v1.0 [ENGLISH] (PC) - Thanks ExitOne.
Added the Fixed Files for: STEINS;GATE: My Darling's Embrace v1.0 [MULTI2] (PC) - Thanks ExitOne.
Added the Fixed Files for: Strategic Command: World War I v1.0 [MULTI4] (PC) - Thanks ExitOne.
Added the Fixed Files for: Suite 776 v1.0 [ENGLISH] (PC) - Thanks ExitOne.
Added the Fixed Files for: The Surge 2: Jericho's Legacy Gear Pack v20191210 [MULTI12] (PC) - Thanks Joker75.
Added the Fixed Files for: The Visitors v1.0 [ENGLISH] (PC) - Thanks ExitOne.
Added the Fixed Files for: Valfaris: Full Metal v20191207 [MULTI15] (PC) - Thanks ExitOne.
Added the Fixed Files for: Vampire: The Masquerade - Coteries of New York v1.0 [ENGLISH] (PC) - Thanks Joker75.
Older Game Patches & FixesGame Index
Added the Fixed Files for: BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle - Special Edition v2.02 [MULTI9] (PC) - Thanks DDS.
Added the Fixed Files for: Dying Light: Enhanced Edition v1.23 [MULTI16] (PC) - Thanks ExitOne.
Added the Fixed Files for: Europa Universalis IV: Golden Century v1.29.3 [MULTI4] (PC) - Thanks ExitOne.
Added the Fixed Files for: GOD EATER 3 v2.20 [MULTI11] (PC) - Thanks Joker75.
Added the Fixed Files for: Killing Floor 2: Yuletide Horror v20191210 [MULTI18] (PC) - Thanks ExitOne.
Added the Fixed Files for: Nelke & the Legendary Alchemists ~Ateliers of the New World~ v1.03 [MULTI3] (PC) - Thanks ExitOne.
Added the Fixed Files for: Pinball FX3: Williams Pinball Volume 5 v20191210 [MULTI5] (PC) - Thanks Joker75.
Added the Fixed Files for: Plague Inc: Evolved - The Fake News v20191207 [MULTI15] (PC) - Thanks DDS.
Added the Fixed Files for: Slime Rancher: Viktors Experimental v1.4.1 [MULTI6] (PC) - Thanks ExitOne.
Added the Fixed Files for: STEINS;GATE: Linear Bounded Phenogram v20191211 [MULTI2] (PC) - Thanks ExitOne.
Added the Fixed Files for: Trailmakers: The Centrifuge v1.0.4.30476 [MULTI11] (PC) - Thanks ExitOne.
Added the Fixed Files for: Two Point Hospital: Close Encounters v1.17.43625 [MULTI9] (PC) - Thanks ExitOne.
Added the Fixed Files for: Weedcraft Inc v1.3 [MULTI7] (PC) - Thanks Joker75.
Game Trainers & CheatsGame IndexThanks GameHunter for sending the Files.Older Game Trainers & CheatsGame IndexThanks Abolfazl.K & GameHunter for sending the Files.
Week 49: 2 - 8 December 2019Game Patches & FixesGame Index
Added the Fixed Files for: Binky Show v1.0 [MULTI2] (PC) - Thanks ExitOne.
Added the Fixed Files for: Black Future '88 v1.0 [MULTI5] (PC) - Thanks ExitOne.
Added the Fixed Files for: Blaster Master Zero 2 v1.0 [MULTI5] (PC) - Thanks ExitOne.
Added the Fixed Files for: Bus Driver Simulator 2019 v1.0 [MULTI13] (PC) - Thanks ExitOne.
Added the Fixed Files for: Combat Force v1.0 [ENGLISH] (PC) - Thanks ExitOne.
Added the Fixed Files for: Counter Terrorist Agency v1.0 - v1.0.3 [MULTI7] (PC) - Thanks ExitOne.
Added the Fixed Files for: Darksiders: Genesis v1.0 [MULTI11] (PC) - Thanks Joker75.
Added the Fixed Files for: EarthNight v1.0 [ENGLISH] (PC) - Thanks Joker75.
Added the Fixed Files for: Everreach: Project Eden v1.0 [MULTI4] (PC) - Thanks Joker75.
Added the Fixed Files for: Fear the Dark Unknown v1.0 [MULTI7] (PC) - Thanks Joker75.
Added the Fixed Files for: Halo: The Master Chief Collection - Halo Reach v1.0 [MULTI12] (PC) - Thanks DDS.
Added the Fixed Files for: LAMUNATION! -international- v1.0 [MULTI3] (PC) - Thanks ExitOne.
Added the Fixed Files for: Paranoia Happiness is Mandatory v1.0 [MULTI4] (PC) - Thanks ExitOne.
Added the Fixed Files for: Retimed: Supporter Edition v1.0 [MULTI16] (PC) - Thanks ExitOne.
Added the Fixed Files for: Sigma Theory: Global Cold War v1.0 [MULTI5] (PC) - Thanks ExitOne.
Added the Fixed Files for: Sin Slayers: Ultimate Edition v1.2.01 [MULTI4] (PC) - Thanks ExitOne.
Added the Fixed Files for: Skelittle: A Giant Party!! v1.0 [MULTI2] (PC) - Thanks ExitOne.
Added the Fixed Files for: TAISHO x ALICE: Episode 1 v1.0 [MULTI3] (PC) - Thanks ExitOne.
Added the Fixed Files for: UBERMOSH:OMEGA v1.0 [ENGLISH] (PC) - Thanks ExitOne.
Added the Fixed Files for: Unity of Command II u7 - u8 [MULTI4] (PC) - Thanks ExitOne.
Added the Fixed Files for: Valakas Story v1.0 [MULTI3] (PC) - Thanks ExitOne.
Older Game Patches & FixesGame Index
Added the Fixed Files for: Assassin's Creed: Origins - The Curse of the Pharaohs v20191202 [MULTI15] (PC) - Thanks Joker75.
Added the Fixed Files for: Automachef: Thanksgiving v1.1.0 [MULTI7] (PC) - Thanks ExitOne.
Added the Fixed Files for: Border Force v1.0 [ENGLISH] (PC) - Thanks ExitOne.
Added the Fixed Files for: DEAD OR ALIVE 6 v1.16 [MULTI10] (PC) - Thanks DDS.
Added the Fixed Files for: Euro Truck Simulator 2: Road to the Black Sea v20191205 [MULTI24] (PC) - Thanks ExitOne.
Added the Fixed Files for: Final Fantasy VII v1.0.2 [ENGLISH] (PC) - Thanks gentlemagic.
Added the Fixed Files for: Green Hell v1.2 - v1.2.1 [MULTI18] (PC) - Thanks Joker75.
Added the Fixed Files for: GRID: Hot Hatch Showdown v1.0.113.6152 (v1.2) [MULTI7] (PC) - Thanks ExitOne.
Added the Fixed Files for: Human: Fall Flat - ICE v1097672 [MULTI15] (PC) - Thanks ExitOne.
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str-spangled-banner · 7 years
Agent — Part 1 — Avengers X Reader
Part 2
Summary: You’re a SHIELD agent who has a phenomenal background with working undercover. You’ve spent weeks in a group led by a man raised by Hydra when the time comes for you to ask the team for help, as the man you’ve been around for two months, seems to want the Avengers dead.
Warnings: Angst(ish).
Words: 2 898
A/N: Omg. Omg? This is 100%, without a doubt, my favorite thing I’ve ever written???? I don’t even know what sets it apart from everything else that I’ve done but boy it must be something!
Btw, this is becoming a series, end of story. I know I should continue Close Future but truth be told, I’ve lost complete interest in it. I don’t know what else to say tbh :]]]
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She was a SHIELD agent who had been a liaison for the Avengers for almost a year. She was a valuable asset to both initiatives. She had multiple aliases deeply invested in a dozen of different organizations and groups of extremists, mutineers, rebels and radical activists. She had started of as an cop specializing in undercover work, only the groups she infiltrated then were mostly gang related with an occasional drug cartel and weapons dealer crew from time to time.
One of the undercover jobs she had done whilst still a cop was thought to be the regular deal. An international weapons dealer by the name of Gabriel Santo had insiders in law enforcement that helped him smuggle his weapons across the US borders. Y/N’s task was simple. She was going to get close to Santo, get the identities of the corrupt cops and get out, only things hadn’t been what they had seemed to be.
Gabriel Santo was an act. Nothing but smoke and mirrors. His name was known to crime lords, gangs and cartels all around the world and he didn’t even exist. He was simply a diversion from what was far more serious than weapons dealing. Santo covered up for a Russian based organization that did experimental testing on human subjects. The tests were unimaginably cruel, and despite that it had been little over two years since the mission and she had seen her fair share of things since, she still felt a shiver down her spine as she recalled the dozens upon dozens of tortured victims.
Y/N had by pure accident gotten herself into the heart of a Hydra operation that was continuing the project that Baron Von Strucker had begun in Sokovia, the same project that had created Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch.
After that mission, SHIELD personally sought her out for recruitment, and she accepted doubtlessly. Getting the inside look of what Hydra stood for had been a wakeup call for her. If things like that occurred in the world, she wanted to do anything in her power to stop it. So many cops fought against drug cartels, brought down gangs and ended weapons dealing, but so few worked against groups like Hydra. Y/N simply couldn’t neglect that injustice when she made the call whether to stay in law enforcement or become a SHIELD agent.
After three months of intensive training, not six months as normal agent training was thanks to her background, she was out on the field again. She was still working within her area of expertise, but worked around a whole different crowd. Gangs became rebel groups that possessed the technology to cause global chaos by leaking information on military weapon development and secret, government controlled black ops. Weapons dealers no longer handed out a few glock’s or brought machine guns up across the Mexican border but constructed biochemical weapons of mass destruction.
It was an intense job, but she liked it. She did not get any medals for her efforts. Barely anyone outside of SHIELD knew about the countless of times she had put her life on the line to save tens of thousands of people, sometimes even hundreds and millions. She didn’t need to be acknowledged for her valiant work, however. She knew in her heart that she was doing the right thing and that was all that mattered. She would leave the cape wearing, press conferencing and newspaper appearing to the Avengers.
“Debrief time!” Clint exclaimed cheerfully with an evident tone of sarcasm. He walked into the room with Steve behind him, completing the five man team consisting of Steve, Clint, Natasha and Bucky that had been assigned to aid Y/N in her ongoing mission.
“What do you have for us, Agent?” Steve asked as they all gathered around the table in the middle of the Stark Tower’s ops-center. She pulled up a projective screen from the table that was far more a large screen on legs than a piece of furniture. She was already familiar with the Stark tech that she had used multiple times before and wasn’t far from SHIELD’s to begin with.
“Dimitri Mielkov, born in Ukraine and currently keeps a permanent resident in Serbia.” She informed and pulled up a photo of a man, the picture clearly taken at a distance and without Dimitri’s awareness. “He ties right in with all known Hydra associates we have on the map right now. However, he is not confirmed to be Hydra himself. My opinion is that he’s far too stubborn to follow someone else’s orders. He does what he wants to do for his own benefit. If Hydra makes an offer that is in his favor or if it can somehow benefit the both of them…”
“He’s onboard.” Natasha completed her sentence, beginning to get a pretty good idea of what type of man they were dealing with. “What’s his deal then?”
Y/N smiled tightly, letting out a hopeless sigh. No matter how many times people like Dimitri were defeated, others with the same mindset and irrational belief would still rise to the fight and inevitably loose. It was set in stone. She could only hope that they one day would give up and she would hope that day came around the time for her retire.
“Dimitri is not only stubborn but he’s driven by rage…” She slid her finger across the screen to show the next picture. The team straightened up, becoming almost transfixed as they stared up at four images. The first two were of a normal, middle aged couple. The other set placed underneath was of two individuals that balanced on the line between being individuals and creatures. They were disfigured, their skin grotesquely scared and faces looking like a bizarre cross of Freddy Krueger and something you’d tell kids lived in the woods to keep them out of it.
It was unsettling to look at the images, let alone imagine that the people in them had once been much alive.
“That is Dimitri’s mother and father… They were two of the many victims exposed to the radiation in the Chernobyl disaster. Within a year of the incident they had begun to develop violent tantrums where, quoting five year old Dimitri Mielkov’s statement to a Ukrainian SS agent, would turn into trolls.”
“They were mutated by the nuclear radiation.” Bucky realized, still watching the images of the heavily deformed couple.
“Exactly.” Y/N nodded. “They were kept out of the public eye and dealt with as a Secret Service matter at first, but they were transferred. On paper it says that a special military division were given complete access to them on the 3d of January, 1987… Both Mr. and Mrs. Mielkov were taken out of government regulated quarantine later that day.”
“Where did they go?” Natasha looked over at Y/N just as the agent began to bring out several files that she had prepared to showcase during her debriefing.
“That’s where it gets trickier to keep track of them.”
“Yet not impossible.” Steve raised a brow, hinting a smile as he knew Y/N was one of the best agents that SHIELD had and that she undoubtedly had been able to dig up something useful.
She smiled, trying to hide how much she enjoyed showing that she was good at what she did. “They were taken to Germany, more accurately, to where any normal map would tell you there was absolutely nothing but forest within a hundred mile radius… As if that wasn’t enough, there’s record of a private airplane leaving Ukraine with five passengers, all adult males except one who was a young boy.”
“Dimitri.” Natasha concluded.
“The flight was scheduled from Zhuliany to Nüremberg. That is the last thing there is documented on the Mielkov’s for two years, last thing on Dimitri for nearly thirteen.” Y/N changed the image again to an old news article. “During the destruction of the Berlin Wall, two unidentifiable creatures killed seven political members of an activist group that were pro-demolition in the debate of the Wall. The creatures were both killed by law enforcement after having taken nearly thirty bullets each all over their body, including chest, face and skull… German authorities said that it had simply been two protestors in extremely vivid suits.”
“It was the Mielkov’s. Whoever had taken them from Ukraine to begin with must have been against the demolition?” Steve looked between everyone for more opinions and theories. “Used them as a form weapon to take out the politicians in hopes that it would prevent the down-bringing of the Wall?”
“There’s also another detail…” Y/N sighed, sliding to the last picture which also was part of the news article. It was a photo of the Mielkov’s, bodies peppered with bullet holes, the four tentacled skull burnt into their already mutilated bodies. “And the circle is complete.”
“So it was Hydra all along.” Natasha huffed, wondering how many heads they could grow back considering how many they’d gotten cut off. “Go figure.”
“What does he want now thought?” Clint questioned as he hadn’t been able to make that part clear.
Y/N let out a long sigh, smiling tightly. “For you guys to lay six feet under, hence the personal debriefing.” She admitted the reason for why they were all gathered. “I’ve been around this guy a while now and I’ve never seen someone with such a pure hatred for - well - anything. I think this hate against people with special abilities might have been planted by Hydra when he was still young and impressionable. Since then it has slowly simmered until what it is today. I don’t know where along the road he settled for targeting the Avengers exactly, but I’m not really interested in what the answer is.”
“So we have a kid, whose parents were mutated by the Chernobyl disaster before dying as nothing but weapons, who was raised by Hydra and is now planning to kill a group of the most powerful men and women on this earth.” Clint summoned up, Y/N nodding for confirmation. “Just your ordinary day at the office then.”
“Whilst I think we all know he would never succeed, especially since he has withdrawn from Hydra, he is constantly recruiting new men for the minor army he’s put together and is investing in heavy artillery of all kinds. I was lucky to be able to leave when I did… Last thing I heard, he had gotten his hands on drone with the middle’s blast radius large enough to level an entire city block to the ground.”
“Has he settled for when the attack is going to be?” Steve crossed his arms. Hydra alone was one thing, but having someone personally go after him and his friends was another. It made his blood boil.
“No. He’s disorganized when it comes to planing things. He’s so fueled with rage that he tends to act first and think later.”
“That could be an advantage.” Bucky pointed out.
Y/N nodded again. “Agreed. My cover was never blown so he will not expect us all to come barging through the front door. I’d say that’s the easiest way to handle this.”
“How many men does he have?” Bucky tried to think of every aspect and everything Y/N had told and explained as he made a vague plan of attack silently to himself. Even if it would never be of use, it was great practice.
Y/N tilted her head back and forth, settling for a rough number. “About fifty, but like I said, he’s recruiting new men every day, and I’ve been gone for nearly a week. For all we know he could have double of that by now.”
“Then we can’t wait.” Steve stated, suddenly sounding a lot more authoritarian than usual. “We’re taking the Quinjet. Wheels up in fifteen.”
Steve was out of the room before anyone could protest. Not that they would, but it would have been nice if Steve had stuck around long enough to confirm that.
“I guess we’re going to Germany again.” Bucky pushed himself up as he had leaned his hands on the table before them. “Or was he is Serbia?”
“Actually, he’s residing in Canada. There’s a steel factory that’s been abandoned since the 60’s that he’s using as the heart of this little operation of his.” Y/N explained, wishing Steve wouldn’t have been so quick to leave so that he also would have hear her.
“The closer the better, right?” Clint shrugged his shoulders.
“Not too close.” Natasha furrowed her eyebrows and headed out of the room after Y/N, Bucky following her with Clint being last in line. As they walked down the hallway to get to their rooms and the armory to gather their gear quickly, Natasha walked up to Y/N’s side. “You good?”
Y/N pulled her head black in slight surprise. “Yeah, of course. Why do you ask?”
“These things can become personal sometimes, and I don’t mean the fact that this guy is specifically after our heads… I mean it can get pretty personal when you’re undercover and you’re no longer Y/N Y/L/N but you’re someone else, living another life for a change.”
“You think I’m emotionally invested in a guy who’s looking to kill my coworkers, my friends?” Y/N questioned, following Natasha in to the armory where they ended up being alone for a moment.
Natasha put her hands up defensively for a second. “It was a real sob story you told us back there. All I’m saying is that it wouldn’t be strange if you felt some remorse for the guy who lost his parents in such a brutal way and had his entire childhood taken from him by Hydra.”
“That’s not the case.” She was quick to defend. “I was some random girl named Lydia Korolyov when I was with him. The made up backstory she had, her opinions and everything else that belonged to her is gone now. That includes pretending to be on Dimitri’s side.”
The armory was quiet, Natasha staring blankly at Y/N who was breathing heavily, cheeks burning red. Natasha had far too much experience for the signs to go unnoticed by her, even if she desperately tried to ignore them. She could feel her heart sunk upon realization, letting out a shallow breath.
“You slept with him?” It was equally as much a question as it was a statement. The abrupt closing of Y/N parted lips and the regret behind her eyes was enough for Natasha to confirm it. “No… No, Y/N you didn’t.”
Y/N’s bottom lip trembled. “It was an act. Nothing of it was real.” She tried to convince Natasha as if anyone would have ever believed her in that moment. She felt tears welling in her eyes put forced them down. She would not cry. She simply wouldn’t.
“You shouldn’t go on this mission. I’ll vouch for you, tell SHIELD I specifically requested for you to stay behind due to doubting if you were skilled enough to tag along… You might be questioned whether you’re suitable for your position or not and in the worst case they’ll send you back to bootcamp for a while, but at least-”
“Enough.” Y/N clenched her jaw, her voice strained. If there was one thing she would not do it was run from her problems. “I’m doing this… I had a mission, I broke the few rules I have to follow, and I’ll deal with the consequences of that.”
“Hey, could I have the coordinates for-”
“They’re in the system.” Y/N cut off Clint who had appeared by the door, peaking his head inside. He looked between Y/N and Natasha questionably, sensing that something was off at the same time as he felt the time wasn’t right to ask either of them about it.
Natasha had grabbed her already packed suitcase of pistols of a few different variations, a sniper rifle just in case and more ammunition that she would ever need on a single mission.
“Just for the record.” Y/N spoke up as Natasha was starting to head out in the same direction Clint had went. She stopped, turning back to the tormented SHIELD agent. “I didn’t know what he was planning, when we were… Together.”
Natasha smiled subtly, her heart aching for the girl who had been thrown into a world so much more complex than she had possibly been able to imagind. “I know you didn’t.”
Future Steve X Reader or Bucky X Reader?
Also, please tell me what you think!
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teeth--thief · 5 months
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The divine interiors of the Chernobyl NPP Control Rooms #2
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teeth--thief · 5 months
The liquidators (and a journalist) of Chernobyl: some of my favourite lesser known pictures
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teeth--thief · 7 months
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something something... the symbolism of the new safe ChNPP confinement looking like the setting/rising sun in certain photos...
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teeth--thief · 5 months
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38 years ago today, at around 01:23:39, the AZ-5 button was pressed... the rest is history.
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teeth--thief · 6 months
I found something so so so exciting on VK yesterday (link to the original post), I couldn't believe it, truly - I was looking for pretty pictures of Prypiat, not... this :0 I have no idea if it just surfaced or what but I've never seen it before...
Unless I'm wrong (but we all know I'm never wrong... except for when I'm wrong), this is a written order (permission) for Toptunov to begin his duties as a SIUR under supervision (of one Neretin Yu. A.) - that is one step before he was able to carry out those duties by himself, alone:
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Translation (by my best friend ♡):
Order №324 After the successful passing of exams, [I order to] allow (/permit) SIUR of the 4th block, comrade Toptunov L.F. to conduct the responsible doubling over the course of 24 shifts. The doubling [is] in rotation team (shift) №5. [I order to make] Neretin Yu.A. responsible for [carrying out] the doubling.
ZGIS-II (signature) A.S. Dyatlov (ЗГИС-ІІ Дятлова А.С.)
Signatures on the right (order unknown (because we can't tell)):
НСБ Акимов А.Ф. (NSB Akimov A. F.), СИУР Неретин Ю.А. (SIUR Neretin Yu. A.), ответственный дублёр Топтунов Л.Ф. (Toptunov L.F.), НСРЦ Перевозченко В.И. (NSRC Perevozchenko V.I.)
Someone on VK suggested the sixth one is Kovalenko's but... which one would that be? No idea. The third one is most likely Neretin's and that's where our speculations kinda end. The first one might be Akimov's but... we ain't got no idea. If you have some kind of supernatural powers of reading signatures then, by all means, feel free to make suggestions as to which is which.
The date is also wrong, apparently, as it should have been September. People in the post suggest it was because of the "sloppy attitude towards formalities" which is... fair.
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teeth--thief · 6 months
Photos of Lyonyd (Leonid?…) Toptunov? I wouldn’t mind rambling on him, also.
- Rodka
I deliberately saved this ask for last (sort of). As a treat for myself and as a threat for everyone else ♡ And for @ur-favorite-basil-enthusiast since he was also interested in seeing The Collection.
I'll have to split this into a few parts - dreaful, I know! - because I can only add 10 pictures to one post while on mobile =( I'll keep reblogging with additional pictures till I run out of things to share. Subscribe for more insane content in the future and don't forget to click that bell icon to...
Part 1
He had manifested to me in a dream when I first started researching Chernobyl, have I ever mentioned that? Well, he has. Which was truly an anomaly because I almost never have any dreams at all... but about that some other time, perhaps.
I am going to put the pictures of him under the cut so nobody gets jumpscared by my Collection of Five Billion White Guy Pictures. And I'll also include some relevant information! Or as relevant as I can make it, at least.
Just to be clear (and safe): I found all of these out in the wild, on da internet. I am, however, pretty sure that at least the collage of his pics from uni times is from @/toptunovleonid on Instagram. So, just to be very clear: all credit for at least that goes to her.
Semi-chronologically, his pictures go like this:
Ignoring that one picture that is barely visible and out of frame in a few pictures of the photo album it's in, because he looks about 10 there and I feel slightly weird about sharing it specifically.
We're in... Tallinn, middle school number 11!
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Second boy from the left in the second picture is him. That is he. He who was 15 then. And a 16 year old Lyonya in the left picture, of course.
From this time, one of his classmates remembers him as follows: At school he was quiet, unnoticeable, very shy. I remember he was always hanging out with younger kids. He was chubby. They'd now say he was a "nerd". Alright, we get it, he was a sweet child... Teen? Both? Or was he like this all his life? Either way, please stop before I die from all that sugar...
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He's (10th grade) the guy leading the little girl (1st grade). His shapeless hair has charmed me. What's his hair routine and will it work on my curls? Mhm, didn't think so. And first in the second row from the bottom in the small pictures, in case you can't recognise his face yet.
As a bonus - his school certificate from the school in Tallinn he attended until graduating in 1977:
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The grades were from 2 (you didn't pass with that one, so that's an F) to 5 (an A, I suppose?). So as you can see, he certainly studied well. What a nerd (affectionately).
Uni territory now! Moscow calling 📞 or, rather, Obninsk and the MEPhI
If you weren't born in any of the USSR countries during The Soviet Times, it'll come as a surprise to you but the students had mandatory... field... work... classes...? if you can call them that. They had them digging potatoes and what not. Nothing screams socialist spirit like making uni students do free labour in the field, I guess?
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Pictures with his uni girlfriend, how cuuute! (And Sasha Korol hanging from the roof in the background... for reasons unknown)
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Lyonya pretending to drive a combine harvester. And next to him, obviously, Sasha Korol. When I first saw this picture, I thought he was on some kind of a scaffolding but alas - it's one of those old beasts, like our Bizon. But that's not a Bizon because those had roofs. Nobody here cares for USSR combines talk - not even me - let's move on.
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Not too sure when these two are from but they look uni enough to me - probably from the very beginning and sometime closer to the end, judging by his stache doing significantly better...
Mandatory military service because a REAL MAN in the USSR needed to know how to shoot a gun, obviously. Even when that meant military service interrupted your uni for a short while. I say that as if no other countries before or after had mandatory army time... don't question it, I'm doing a bit.
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Lyonya is second in top row in the picture on the left and third from the left in the top row in the other pic. Korol is there, too, he's fourth from the left in the top row in the first picture and second from the right in the bottom row in the other picture.
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teeth--thief · 2 months
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The incredibly iconic monument Дружби Народів ("The Peoples' Friendship Tree," "Tree of Nations," "Friendship of Nations") located in Pripyat (51°24'5"N 30°3'55"E). Being erected it 1975, it remains standing up to this day, overgrown by trees all around.
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teeth--thief · 3 months
What are the differences between these G. Medvedev titles?:
Chernobyl Notebook
The Aftermath of Chernobyl: No Breathing Room
Why don't we get the answer for that from the source itself?
(...) In his 1991 publication The Truth About Chernobyl (originally called Chernobyl Notebook) Medvedev provided a grimly realistic picture of the scene at the nuclear plant in the immediate aftermath of the tragedy. It was the first full-length eyewitness account of these events to appear in English, and it was notably free of the descriptions of heroic acts that characterized previous articles by Soviet writers on the subject of Chernobyl. It portrayed a group of overconfident and yet alarmingly ignorant senior officials who failed to comprehend and then refused to acknowledge the enormity of what had happened. Until Medvedev's book appeared, it had not been possible to gauge accurately just how the officials on the spot could have so seriously misread the situation. The current book, No Breathing Room, might be seen as in the same vein: it also provides revelations about the operation of the Soviet nuclear industry and its inherent secrecy. Yet it also goes further than its predecessor in that it provides us with an in-depth analysis of the Soviet bureaucracy that developed in the Brezhnev period. This book is a personal account of one man's struggle against the system, and against the censor in particular; it is the story of an honest and straightforward man whose work was constantly impeded and withheld from publication by government officials, even during the period known as "glasnost and perestroika.'
(...) It is useful, therefore, in introducing this book to portray the society in which Medvedev lived and worked, to convey the background for his struggle against the censor and against the Soviet authorities. For although Medvedev held a sensitive position in the nuclear industry, it is clear that he felt a compulsion to write: about the cover-ups of previous accidents, about the major explosion in the Chelyabinsk region in the late 1950s; and, above all, about Chernobyl, the disaster whose consequences continue to dog post-Soviet society today. Medvedev sees a natural progression in these events. In his view, Soviet society was hurtling toward a nuclear abyss. His mission, as a member of the nuclear industry, was to try to prevent disaster by exposing the flaws and dangers of the system through the printed word.
Now, I want to make one thing very clear (which I think I already said at least once, actually): I did not read No Breathing Room. I do not think that suffering through Medvedev's bullshit and lies for the second time is worth anything. It's on the Drive in case anyone else wants to, though. As far as I can tell, however, it's less about Chernobyl itself, more about the industry in general, its flaws (or whatever Medvedev perceived as flaws at least), and history. It's kind of a b-roll footage for this first book. At the very least, he opts for slandering the dead workers not nearly as many times as in his previous title. I've genuinely never seen this book mentioned by anyone anywhere, not as a source, not to critique it. Safe to say, it's a good idea to skip this one entirely. Self-important prick is what he was, OF COURSE he wrote a book about how he was the one and only whistle-blower in the industry and how he struggled and how hard it was for him...
(...) it is clear that he felt a compulsion to write (...)
Well, I wish he didn't.
If you'd like something that's actually good about the nuclear industry before Chernobyl and not... Medvedev, check out Producing Power by Sonja D. Schmid (on the Drive, of course).
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teeth--thief · 6 months
Know what? I like you *Chernobyls your DIY keychain*
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Yes, this is a tamagotchi inspired reactor core... no, I will not explain myself
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teeth--thief · 5 months
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The divine interiors of the Chernobyl NPP Control Rooms... yes, one is not the reactor control room like the others but it's also oh so lovely.
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teeth--thief · 3 months
How reliable would you say "Midnight in Chernobyl" by Adam Higginbotham is?
Depends on what kind of information from it you want to rely on. I've actually talked a bit about it in this post already, so I'll just reiterate some key things =)
Technical information: mmmmm no, not really. I mean, it's not all wrong, but there are enough things that warrant at least an eyebrow raise that I'm just going to say: the author is not a nuclear physicist, and nobody should treat him as such. His technical word is no gospel as the reactor is not his chapel.
Information about the people involved: Yes. Usually, books about Chernobyl just throw the age (sometimes even a wrong one, too) and information such as "He had a 'stache.'" Like, okay, who didn't? Give me something else to work with, I'm stuck with this guy for the next 3 pages. In Midnight, almost everyone has a face and a voice, if you will, and I really like that. I think for anyone who would have perhaps lost interest in the story, if it was just dry, technical information, it's a real lifesaver and something that actually makes them want to learn more about everything and everyone.
Note: Higginbotham has the Dyatlov Is (kind of, at least) Bad Disease, and so he describes this innocent (yes, I know, some may be shocked by this statement) guy as... um...
(...) narrow Siberian eyes that even in photographs seemed to glint with malice.
God, I hope someone will describe me this menacing when I die, too. Let's get back on track now...
Overall, he gets all the important (non-technical) bits right, and that's all that counts, really. The dates are correct, and so are the names, places, and general things that happened. It's a great starting point for doing more in-depth research. If you want the real technical deal, then INSAG-7 is probably your best choice.
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