#figure out if I want to be from Dorne the north of the river lands đŸ„č
gothgleek · 7 months
Henlo love,
I got asked a fashion ask recently and it made me realize that you are another fashion mutual whose thoughts I just have to know!!!
So what would you wear for a feast thrown by the royal family in the asoiaf/ hotd universe?
It doesn't have to be medievally accurate in terms of "oh would they have chiffon or net back then?"
Go crazy!! I wanna see your choices 👀💓
Your fashion mutual,
Let me wait until the very end of the month to answer this question lol
I’m so happy you asked this though. I loved this so much though I actually might write fanfic lol.
Okay since I’m so indecisive I split this into sections by area and period (HOTD and GOT) and included some reasons as to why.
Without further ado:
North, Dance of the Dragons Era:
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I was born in the Alaska aka the Winterfell of America so I had to start here.
In my imagination, my Northern house would be associated with magic and cannibalism and is one of the reasons why the North is stereotyped as ‘feral’ despite us originating in the Vale (similar to the Manderlys). Since my irl family’s business is blue, assume all of my Houses’ colors are also blue. The dress is low cut with lace over my bosom as it is warmer in KL, however fur is a sign of wealth so I would have my dress lined with it. My dress has Northern plants embroidered in silver and purple and a cutout to show some beading, again to show off my wealth. The Schiaparelli inspired buttons have eyes and a pair of lips sort of playing with the rumors of cannibalism and the earrings are based in the crying Weirwood trees. I’ve got chains with charms to protect me at the capital. I like the idea that the North is slower to accept being part of Westeros despite being a good few monarchs into Targaryen rule so they are still clinging onto pieces of life before the Seven Kingdoms.
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Unfortunately all my drawings of me in Dorne inspired wear did not turn out the way I wanted but I wanted to include Westeros’s token queer POC so I pulled out some couture instead. My Dornish house would grow wine and be close to Highgarden (because for the life of me, I cannot figure out where they can grow their famous wine, wiki didn’t mention any vineyards). I would wear a dress similar to the left to resemble the rivers that water our land. Dornish wine is one of our land’s prides so while it’s not a typical orange or gold, I am showing country pride in a foreign land with a rocky history. I did consider wearing orange/red Iris Van Herpen gowns that resemble desert mirages I it couldn’t add pics to my response. The blue also has a kinder, peaceful appearance. The right pic has the jewelry I would wear, lots of gold that emphasizes the figure with stacks of gems from abroad to show the wealth from trade. It also resembles armor so while I am at KL for peaceful reasons (which would lead the way for Dorne to being part of the Seven Kingdoms), I am on guard given our recent wars. However my accessories only armor, not weapons to resemble Dorne’s self defense. It also resembles Criston Cole’s armor, connecting me to the only Dornish member at court. Similar to the response of my Northern outfit, the colorful, sheer, and figure hugging dresses would reaffirm that Dornish stereotypes are true.
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My family is from the Philippines so this is my take on fantasy!Philippines inspired by the limited resources I could find on their fashion history. This country is south of Yi Ti and is the center of sea trade in South Essos. The dress prints are inspired by batok tattoos (famously done by the legendary Apo Whang Od). The face paint is inspired by Yakan traditional face paint. The headdress is inspired by the Filipino sun on the flag. In this fantasy world I am allowed an empire waist dress with a flowing cape. Most of the fabrics are light and breathable because of the humid air and that translates to KL’s summer weather.
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Winter is nearing so I am all bundled up, even if I’m in KL. My house slowly shed its cannibal rumors through ancestor’s noble accomplishments so there are less references to them. The only visible reference that I wear is a Victorian inspired painted broach with my lover’s eye on it. This broach does encourage the magic-wielding rumors though. We have moved from being like Boltons to being like the Manderlys. Since it’s closer to winter, I don’t embroider my dress to conserve thread but my new dresses with flashy colors and beads as well as my fur hat with beads from trading with Essos do still signify my wealth.
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While I was a child during Robert’s Rebellion, I grew up hearing stories of Elia Martell. When I arrive at KL I have a golden spine similar to what she wore after the tourney at Harrenhal. I imagine it became a fashion statement in Dorne and I am carrying it to the capital to subtly show the court my alliance. Outside of the Martell family, Elia sort of achieves sainthood. She lived a tragic life and is (for better or worse) now on an pedestal for Dorne to project their feelings about the rest of Westeros. Since my family grows grape vines for wine, my dress would be wine red rather than black. The fire dress is more a show of my allegiance to House Martell and the mourning of Elia (and later Oberyn) as well as a sign that the Targaryens will return. It’s also got metals and thorn-like edges so no member of the capital would think to go near me. Gone are the softer, flowy fabrics and jewelry of my peacemaking ‘ancestor’. Now I am sharp, dark, and full of ancestral vengeance.
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This is inspired by Michelle Dee’s Miss Philippines dress inspired by batok tattoos. I couldn’t decide which one I liked better so I included both. My face is less painted due to changing trends. (However boobs are and will continue to be an important part of my outfit lol) In addition there are fewer patterns on the dress. It is more structured and has different types of fabrics though. This includes an early development of fishnets which will reference my House’s wealth attributed to fishing and sailing.
I’m probably forgetting a few details but I’ve definitely rambled enough. I hope this was as fun for you to read as it was fun for me to draw and write!
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yennefers-geralt · 5 years
Why the ending of GOT will not be the ending of ASOIAF:
Bran will not become the Three-Eyed Raven. Why? Because there is no Three-Eyed Raven in ASOIAF. Brynden Rivers specifically is call the three-eyed crow, but that name doesn’t strip away his personality or his personal feelings. He still hates his half-brother and loves his half-sister. So even when Bran’s training is complete or more advanced, there is no reason to believe he will lose his personality or personal ambitions.
Bran’s powers will not be wasted. Why? Because his powers already exceed what Brynden tells him are possible. He’s already helped Jon activate his powers back in ACOK and is able to make his father hear him slightly in ADWD. He also seems to be able to find Arya through Nymeria. So rather than just being a robot and a target, he will have an actual role to play in the story.
Since Bran will not lose his identity, there is no way he would lose his claim to the North. Why? Because as noted above, Brynden doesn’t lose his identity, so there is no reason Bran would. Also, there is a great deal of foreshadowing for Bran’s deep connection to Winterfell and his training for leadership in the North. That suggests he will be King in the North or Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North. 
Arya will not kill the Night King. Why? Because the Night’s King in the book was a historical/legendary figure with a completely different story than the show’s character with a similar name. There’s no suggestion that killing one specific Other will destroy the rest. That said, Arya’s training in the books and her magical abilities will play a key role in the Long Night.
Arya will not go west of Westeros. Why? Because in canon she never expresses any intention of doing so and never wants to become a sailor other than one thought of becoming a second cabin girl so she won’t have to go to Braavos. Arya’s narrative is leading her home to her family the long way around.
Arya’s skinchanging will come into play. Why? Because GRRM said that it would. He said there was a purpose for Nymeria’s pack and compared it to Chekhov’s Gun. So Arya’s growing abilities will play a role in the story and she will likely connect with Bran since he has already found her through Nymeria in TWOW.
Jon’s parentage reveal won’t purely serve as an obstacle for another character, but will matter to him and his character arc. Why? Because it doesn’t make sense that it wouldn’t. I’m no fan of R+L=J. I wish it wasn’t part of the story. But it is. And the reveal will actually matter for Jon rather than purely impacting another character.
Jon won’t take over Stannis’ story. Why? Because in the books, Stannis has Stannis’ story. He is the one who took politically savvy (no, not like that) Jon’s advice and gained the support of Northern lords and is marching to meet the Boltons without burning Shireen. Jon’s first chapters might take place while he is experiencing his second life inside of the aptly named Ghost. There’s a reason we got info on how skinchangers got a second life in the animal they bonded with. His resurrection will result in something beyond a “Get Out of the Night’s Watch Free” card.
Dany won’t come to Westeros with the support of three regions to start waging war on the Lannisters. Why? Because the Dornish prince who came to bring Dany home is dead. Meanwhile, Aegon VI Targaryen (aka Young Griff) has arrived in Westeros with the Golden Company and is conquering the Stormlands, including the unconquerable Storm’s End. He’s also receiving envoys from Dorne and could possibly take the Tyrell alliance away from the Lannisters. 
If Dany and Tyrion become allies, he won’t give her idiotic advice that aims for a bloodless war and predictably leads to the destruction of their forces. Why? Because Tyrion is intelligent and ruthless. He sees what’s going on in the siege of Meereen and sees ways Dany could have destroyed her besieging enemies much faster. He also wants to kill his brother and sister and wouldn’t be opposed to human life being sacrificed during war. Just look at the way he put wildfire on a ship full of his own soldiers during the Battle of Blackwater. So all those pained looks  at each decision Dany made in the show? Nope. She would be the one talking him down.
Dany likely won’t arrive with all three dragons. Why? Because someone has just arrived at Meereen with the intention of claiming her and her dragons with a magic horn. He obviously won’t claim her. But the horn could claim Rhaegal and Viserion either making them Victorian’s or Euron’s.
Dany won’t go insane. Why? Because nothing she has done is any worse than what her male counterparts have done. Like Arya, her journey is about finding her home. Her pursuit of the throne is something she sees as a duty to the people she is told are waiting for her. She supports other claimants whether it’s her brother or her son over her own claim. For herself, she wants a simple life. But she puts the needs of her people above personal goals. Also, the vision of the destroyed Red Keep is a show only invention. She has more complicated visions in the book, none of which suggest she is insane or will be. 
Tyrion will have a far more complex story arc that won’t include judging every move his chosen leader makes. Why? Because book!Tyrion is a completely different character than show!Tyrion. He isn’t a faultless saint with all the morally right opinions. He is the darkest of grey characters who is sympathetic even while growing darker. As a product of his culture, he is familiar with brutal tactics of warfare and implements them. As stated above, if he joins with Dany, as he wishes to, he will be the one with the darker military choices. We know this because of his actions in previous books as well as his analysis of the state of the Meereen siege. He won’t be pushing to burn King’s Landing down, but he won’t be clutching his pearls at every casualty or any morally ambiguous move.
The Others during the Long Night will be the final boss, not Cersei. Why? Because the series is called A Song of Ice and Fire not Game of Thrones. The politics are the subplot, not the main event. It doesn’t make any kind of sense to fight a less threatening boss after the big one. 
Long story short, there is no way the show’s ending can line up with the book ending.
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wiseabsol · 5 years
A Selection of Abby’s Favorite Fanfics
Artemis Fowl: The Aztec Incident by AgiVega  
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/2055830/1/Artemis-Fowl-The-Aztec-Incident
Fandom: Artemis Fowl - Eoin Colfer
Summary: 26-year-old Artemis Fowl gets the greatest surprise of his life when Commander Holly Short pays him a visit, pleading for his help. They need to team up to save their son, whose existence Artemis has been unaware of
Artemis Fowl: The Sword of God by AgiVega  
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/2593669/1/Artemis-Fowl-The-Sword-of-God
Fandom: Artemis Fowl - Eoin Colfer
Summary: Sequel to the Aztec Incident. Despite having Holly at his side, Artemis is depressed, he cannot overcome the loss of his genius. Only time can heal him
 in both senses of the word.
My thoughts on this duology: One of my favorites as a teenager, which I printed a hard-copy of. It has great comedic timing and, all in all, is a fun adventure romp.
A City of Fortune and Failure by justadram  
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9287426/1/A-City-of-Fortune-and-Failure
Fandom: A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin
Summary: Amidst maneuvers and intrigue, heartbreak and betrayal, bankruptcy and political scandal, the players jockey for power, money, and prestige in a game of business, politics, and love in New York City. Modern AU. Multi-ship. Central ships: Ned/Cat, Cersei/Jaime, Dany/Jorah, Jon/Sansa.
My thoughts: A masterful modern AU of the ASOIAF universe, with a happier ending than one would think, given the source material.  
Disengagement by turtle_paced
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/1142807/chapters/2312623
Fandom: A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin
Summary: The killing of Mad King Aerys Targaryen by person or persons unknown worked out well for virtually everyone, including Jaime Lannister. Disgraced for failing his king (if only they knew) and tasked with protecting no-longer-a-Princess Rhaenys Targaryen until she can be wed to Robert’s eldest legitimate son (whenever Robert gets around to producing one), Jaime must go north with the Starks (a prickly, judgmental lot) to look after her. Cold, bored, and guarding a five-year-old, Jaime might yet learn to be a truly honourable knight – but even far from King’s Landing and Cersei, his dangerous secrets might catch up with him. Worse, his aren’t the only dangerous secrets in the North
My thoughts: One of my go-to AU stories when I need something that is kinder to Rhaenys and when I want a solid political story to sink my teeth into. turtle_paced’s take on the ASOIAF world is spot-on, so if you want something that feels like Martin’s work, this is it.  
The Princess and the Septa by Julia_Martell
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/4141185/chapters/9340335
Fandom: A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin
Summary: Septa Eglantine’s duty was to accompany Myrcella to Dorne. Princess Arianne’s duty was to graciously receive her. But neither woman was quite prepared for the other.
My thoughts: This poignant story will break your heart and fill you with father-daughter feels. It also acts as a lead-in to the Dornish theatre in the books.  
A Wedding in Sunspear by Julia_Martell
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/4903933/chapters/11247469
Fandom: A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin
Summary: The Seven Kingdoms have been at peace for ten years as the great and powerful gather in Sunspear for the marriage of Princess Loreza Nymeros Martell. But old tensions are just below the surface. Love and duty, hate and pride, anger and ambition. There’s nothing like a wedding to make emotions run high.
My thoughts: If you’re looking for a lovingly detailed exploration of Dornish culture and how it grates against Westerosi patriarchal norms, this is a great story to dig into. Alysanne’s chapters in particular leave me gutted every time.  
The Not So Dead Ladies Club by La Reine Noire
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/series/801072
Fandom: A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin
Summary: Two women survive Robert's Rebellion and everything changes. An Elia Martell/Lyanna Stark story.
My thoughts: This story satisfies the part of me that desperately wanted Elia Martell and Lyanna Stark to have more agency in ASOIAF, and for them and their children to have a hopeful future. Also, who needs Rhaegar?  
dream of the lotus in bloom by Pulpo Fiction  
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8442158/1/dream-of-the-lotus-in-bloom
Fandom: Avatar The Last Airbender / The Legend of Korra
Summary: Fourteen years ago, a masked man intercepts a letter to the White Lotus, breaks into the home of a young Water Tribe couple, and leaves with their only daughter. Now, she is seventeen. An Equalist!Korra AU.
My thoughts: This story take the potential of season one of LOK and ramps it up, giving more weight to the Equalist movement and making Amon’s and Korra’s relationship much more complicated and painful.  
Of Finding Innocence by FanficwriterGHC
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7176396/1/Of-Finding-Innocence
Fandom: Castle
Summary: When Kate Beckett went to get her book signed by Richard Castle, she never imagined that she'd end up meeting his daughter, much less offering to babysit for the afternoon. AU.
My thoughts: Pure, fluffy goodness. This is what I re-read when I need something tooth-achingly sweet. The romance between Beckett and Castle also builds slowly, after months of friendship, which makes my demi heart happy.
Forward by Peptuck  
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4099993/1/Forward
Fandom: Firefly
Summary: Following the Miranda broadwave, there’s only one direction for Malcolm Reynolds and his crew to go. Post-BDM, Series.
My thoughts: An AU continuation of Firefly and Serenity, in which Book and Wash survive and continue going on adventures with the crew. Book’s backstory here is much more interesting than the version in the comics; the sci fi plots--namely surrounding psychic experimentation--are more fleshed out and chilling; and the sexism in the show surrounding Kaylee, Inara, and River has mercifully been ripped out.    
Harry Potter and the Nightmares of Futures Past by S'TarKan
Link: http://www.viridiandreams.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=5545
Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Summary: The War is over and Voldemort is finally dead. Too bad there's no one left to celebrate. Harry risks everything, even returning Voldemort to life, for a chance to go back and do it right this time.
My thoughts: This is an emotional time-travel fic that gives secondary characters like Ginny, Luna, and Neville more chances to shine. In general, it’s a fun action/adventure ride, albeit one that is more violent than the original series.
Time, Interrupted by Madm05  
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/2948865/1/Time-Interrupted
Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Summary: After she is murdered, Hermione’s soul is sent back in time in order to prevent Harry from becoming the next Dark Lord, but quickly learns her task is not as easy as she thought it would be. A second chance story, with a twist. Eventual HHr.
My thoughts: This is one of my favorite Harmony fics, because it is super sweet (with the exception of a few dark moments) and Remus and Sirius become prominent figures in Hermione and Harry’s childhoods, thanks to some time-meddling.  
Vox Corporis by MissAnnThropic
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13323228/1/REPOST-Vox-Corporis-Original-Author-MissAnnThropic-NOT-MY-STORY
Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Summary: Following the events of the Goblet of Fire, Harry spends the summer with the Grangers, his relationship with Hermione deepens, and he and Hermione become animagi.
My thoughts: My favorite Harmony fic. It’s a slow-burn romance, building on the friendship between Harry and Hermione over the summer following GOF and through their next year of school. It also deals with the trauma that Harry has gone through, both from the Dursleys’ abuse and from Cedrick’s death, and Hermione’s insecurities from being bullied before Hogwarts.
Psychic AU by Laughsalot3412
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/series/431476
Fandom: Leverage
Summary: He had a sniper rifle scoping the girl’s bright eyes and the guy’s smile. An Eliot/Parker/Hardison AU.
My thoughts: The OT3 is wonderfully written, the exploration of Eliot’s trauma from Moreau is respectfully handled, and the importance of consent during psychic mind-melding is underscored.
Team 8 by S'TarKan  
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/2731239/1/Team-8
Fandom: Naruto
Summary: What if Naruto had been selected for a different team? What if he’d had a different mentor? Who would guess the consequences would be so large?
My thoughts: This is everything that I wanted Naruto to be--an action/adventure story with a strong character focus, heartwarming friendships that support mutual growth, and some ruthless villains and conspiracy plots to keep things interesting. I’m also deeply in love with S’TarKan’s version of Kurenai, who is the inspiration for at least two of my OCs. She alone makes this fic worth reading, but the rest of the story is also stronger and more streamlined than the original story.
the fatal plunge by maleficently
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/series/29748
Fandom: Once Upon a Time (TV)
Summary: Emma has hidden her face behind a curtain of unruly hair for now, but manages to tip it back on command--and Regina looks down at Emma’s chest and the heart she knows is beating there; wonders absently if any of her problems would be solved if she just plucked it out and kept it in her jewelry box upstairs--and looks at her with the kind of anguish that really and truly doesn’t befit a storybook savior. “The curse. It didn't break right, so how do I fix it?” Part 1 of a 3-part post-curse AU that mostly ignores Season 2 developments.
My thoughts: This series was what made me start shipping Emma Swan and Regina Mills in earnest. The story doesn’t shy away from Emma’s flaws or Regina’s ruthlessness, and in general feels like a more emotionally true take on what should have unfolded after season one.
somewhere, someone must know the ending by maleficently
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/521505/chapters/921864
Fandom: Once Upon a Time (TV)
Summary: “I’m here because...I think my kid is having some kind of delusional breakdown because he can’t cope with the fact that...Mayor Mills and I split up.” Dr. Hopper pushes his glasses up his nose in a measured movement. “What makes you think that?” “Well, among other things, he thinks his mother is about to cut Mary Margaret Blanchard’s heart out of her chest, before pulverizing it and sending her into a coma that only her true love can rescue her from.” AU. Here, “fairy tale land” is merely a product of Henry's imagination during a difficult time.
My thoughts: I am a sucker for AU fics, especially ones that re-envision canon in interesting ways. This one chronicles the aftermath of Emma Swan and Regina Mills sabotaging their relationship, but then working together to make it more open and healthy.
The Patchouli Series by Renn Ireigh  
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/series/22751
Fandom: Pokemon
Summary: Is the indulgence of interactions with human society worth the cost? Giovanni and Sabrina debate. Manga/game canon compliant more or less. Winner of the “Best Romance” category in the 2005 Serebii Forums Winter Awards.
My thoughts: This quiet series focuses on Sabrina as she struggles to grow out of the restrictions that her abusive mother--and then Sabrina herself--placed on her to control her psychic powers. It features her siblings as well, who are also trying to overcome the abuse they went through, and Giovanni, whose relationship with Sabrina could evolve with her, if she gives it a chance.    
Sailor Moon 4200 by Angus MacSpon  
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/2590354/1/Sailor-Moon-4200
Fandom: Sailor Moon
Summary: Centuries after the Fall
a new band of senshi must come together. Some of them are new faces. Others are old friends, reborn yet again. But all of them are in trouble—because the enemy that destroyed Crystal Tokyo is out there, waiting for them

My thoughts: This is an old classic, but an emotional and engaging story about the reincarnated senshi team. Glimpses are given into the fall of Crystal Tokyo, and there are a few old faces still around from that age to guide us through. I remember this best for how tense the new world is and for Artemis’ and Luna’s granddaughter.  
Heretic Pride by Fialleril
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/13455561/chapters/30844053
Fandom: Star Wars
Summary: Like most Republic citizens, the Naberries have never spent much time thinking about the Jedi. But that changes with the birth of their daughter Ilaré. Or, the AU where the third Naberrie daughter is a Jedi, Padmé offers Naboo as a sanctuary for runaway slaves, Shmi is a conductor on the Tatooine freedom trail, and Anakin jump starts a reformation. Or maybe a heresy. It all depends on your point of view.
My thoughts: Or how the prequel trilogy would have gone, if it hadn’t been a tragedy. Anakin refusing to cut off his ties to home and being more well-adjusted for it, Shmi being a conductor of the Tatooine freedom trail, and the scenes set in Little Tatooine on Naboo are all wonderful and welcome changes to the story. Also, Anakin and Padme’s romance feels genuinely sweet and earned, and Anakin has a very cute mentor-student relationship with her little sister. 
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geneseo98 · 5 years
Game of Thrones Series Finale
Lost. Sopranos. Breaking Bad. True Detective Season One. The Thrones deep dive journey that I went on was deeper than all of them. So I don’t come to write this post enthusiastically. That the final season, episode, stories in this epic tale that I hyped to my friends, read up on, listened to hours of podcasts on... Kinda stunk.
Let me start by saying that the final episodes were clearly well acted, visually impressive and downright unprecedented in television history. It looked and sounded great (when we could see through squinting darkness in E3) time and time again. In no world are these things not achievements of the highest order. Emmys will be rightfully coming to many on the show who worked for years on every detail. But the reason I was one of many to get sucked into this world 
For the season opener, I thought about it all day long; sat up on my couch leaning forward for the full hour. By the season finale, it was almost an afterthought. “OK, let’s see how they get Jon to kill Dany here.” I kinda didn’t care who ended up as ruler. I appreciated the “their stories will go on” vibe from the final moments, but ultimately, the dramatic scenes fell flat to me. I didn’t.... care? How is that possible? I agreed with all the bullet point choices the show made. Jon/Dany drama once his big secret was revealed. Arya playing murder hero. Dany breaking bad. But SO much in between the lines didn’t land. WHY?
Been doing some digging the last few weeks and came up with some pieces and quotes that I think ring the most true. 
The Real Reason Fans Hate the Last Season of Game of ThronesIt's not just bad storytelling—it’s because the storytelling style changed from sociological to psychological. 
In a Ringer podcast after Episode 4, Andy Greenwald said something like “The game board had been stacked up for years like an epic game of chess. And suddenly, the game changed to Chutes and Ladders. Nothing wrong with Chutes and Ladders. But it’s not the game we were excited to play.” That hit home for me.
I enjoyed this random Twitter thread about plotters and pantsers in terms of script-writing.
The Unearned Madness of Daenerys Targaryen
Matthew Ball on Twitter: “The big failure in #GoT finale was yada yada-ing of post-war power/statehood/allegiance. These notions underpinned the entire show/books, GRRM’s very interest in writing epics”
Even the Ringer’s die-hard fans/writers crapped on the season/finale (even if their editors’ headlines softened their blow... “Bran the Broken indeed.”)
Alan Sepinwall on the finale/series
Some of my back of the envelope complaints: - Oddly, more people should have died in the Battle of Winterfell.  - I don’t care what the cinematographer says about the brightness level on my TV, The Long Night was shot far too darkly - Tyrion and Varys suddenly losing every bit of their back-room guile and intrigue, given nothing but contrived bad ideas to advance the “Dany is going nuts and alone” thread - The “End of the Dothraki?” - So many of the strongest moments of conversation, verbal sparring were straight callbacks to days/seasons gone by... (Arya: That’s not me... Jon: Love is the death of duty....  - How Euron and Iron Fleet just “sneak attacked” and killed a dragon in broad daylight easy peezy.. and How they captured Missandei and used her as a prop just to push the Dany mad thread again... but then Cersei just let the remaining, crippled forced regroup back at Dragonstone - after Euron did the same thing after the sneak attack? - How they turned Jaime Lannister, one of the most thoughtfully complex characters in TV history, into the protagonist of a series of baffling decisions just to set up his final act.  - The coffee cup. The water bottle. Mixing up Gendry Rivers and Waters. All small time nerdy stuff. But they hit home how sloppy and seemingly careless some of the writing was this season. - So did Dany go mad in that moment to kill a million innocent people as hinted at in the after-show extras? So if so, how/why did she have zero remorse in the moments after the hour-long murderfest?  - The Euron-Jamie fight. Bah - Cersei, Bran and Dany were the most important figures of the final few episodes and they were the most one-dimensional, inconsistently written characters of the bunch! - What was the point of the Arya/horse shot at the end of The Bells when the next time we see her, she’s literally horse-less and told to stay out of it. - JON’S WHOLE PARENTAGE STORYLINE WAS DEEMED IRRELEVANT! - Did Drogon burn the Iron Throne in a suddenly sharp  - Bran’s position as Three-Eyed Raven is barely explained, which seems important when it’s the basis of the Battle of Winterfell and his resume for becoming king .. and he somehow jokes he expected to become king the whole time -- while somehow knowing millions would die to make it happen the whole time?  - The replies to this thread about the season’s biggest miss was therapeutic
- More nit picks: How did the Iron Throne not crumble in the collapse? Why couldn’t Cersei and Jamie just move over 10 feet and go to the area without any rubble? How did Grey Worm get to the top of the steps before Jon when Jon just left him in the streets saying he was going to Dany? Why wasn’t Bronn in the King’s vote meeting as Lord of Highgarden? Why was he allowed to keep Highgarden anyways? Why did Brienne get a vote? Why did she leave Sansa when she was sworn to protect her? Why would Dorne or the Iron Islands allow the North to break away when they wanted or had their independence earlier? Why didn’t the archers shoot at the White Walkers when they were just standing next to the trench? What’s the point of the Night’s Watch and the Wall at the end?  But in the interest of being fair -- because I would still tell someone that’s been living under a rock for a decade that they need to watch this show all the way through -- the season had some cool things. - The conversations in “Knight of the Seven Kingdoms” A love letter to the characters and the fans who spent years with them - a 90-minute battle scene/episode was straight up intense.  - The chaos of King’s Landing attack looked damn impressive for TV (thought not up to Mission: Impossible, Avengers-level spectacle) - Tormund Giantsbane’s breast-feeding story - The Dothraki fire sword charge image - This shot - One more fun Tyrion-Jon verbal sparring session (even if there’s no way any guard/Dany would allow Jon to just waltz into his cell to chat it up) As for the show’s legacy, it just cracks my top-5 dramas of all time (if we’re not counting Band of Brothers as a though stands alone as the most ambitious story ever told on the screen. 1 Sopranos 2 Mad Men 3 Breaking Bad 4 Lost 5 Game of Thrones 6 Friday Night Lights (currently watching The Leftovers, never saw West Wing, The Americans, The Shield, Justified, Fargo, Six Feet Under, Battlestar Galactica, failed to get through the Wire 3x, did 5 episodes of Deadwood, did first 2 episodes of Fargo which were awesome)
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i-just-like-commenting · 7 years
Yes, the books were adaptable, part 3: Season 5 rewrite
So your first question might be, given that I’m imagining an alternative scenario, why adapt the remainder of books 4 and 5 in a single season when I could do it in two? Well, one thing the show is correct about is that seasons need conclusions of a kind, finales, turning points, something to make the audience want to tune in nine months later. And only going halfway through the arcs in aFfC and aDwD leaves you...halfway through arcs. With no real sense of resolution, completion, or full development. You could do what the books did and split it into two seasons based on location, but that barely worked in the books, and besides, I’d like to have the opportunity to, say, have Cersei and Dany be clear foils as they both try to unravel a prophecy of doom, or making Quentyn contiguous with the rest of the Dorn arc, things lost by the book split.
The difficulty with season 5 then becomes, unfortunately, too much plot, and thus I am going to cut or combine a bunch of characters and plotlines. This includes: Quentyn (merged with Trystane), Jon Connington and the rest of Griff’s motley band, Lady Falyse, the Blue Bard, Hyle Hunt, Moqorro, Ronnet Connington, the Widow of the Docks (merged with Talisa), Arys Oakheart (Bronn is in his role), Darkheart (now Obara), the grotesquerie, and many others. Some of them might be squeezed in as more minor figures, but even then they won’t be as prominent. That doesn’t mean that I think they’re inconsequential in the books or uninteresting. In fact a lot of them I adore and will miss (Lady Lemore~~). But we’re trying to fit this into ten episodes and keep the cast within a budget, which means making some cuts.
Because there is so much to fit in this season, I’ve also given myself the challenge of cutting each plot into chunks and describing what happens in each hypothetical episode. Spoilers for books 4 and 5 (and oh so many words) below the jump (also, apologies for my weak attempt at episode titles):
Episode 1: A Feast for Crows
King’s Landing: Tywin’s funeral, as Jaime stands vigil, Cersei doesn’t know how to handle Tommen’s grieving, and Kevan and Lancel making their departure. Cersei reluctantly agrees to go along with Tommen’s wedding to Margaery in exchange for Olenna leaving afterwards.
Riverlands: Brienne is on the road, asking extras if they’ve seen Sansa. She suspects someone is following her. It is Pod; he tells her his sob story and she feels bad and makes him her squire.
The Wall: Stannis and Melisandre let wildlings across in exchange for converting to Rh’llor-ism (Davos does not approve) and executing Mance (yeah I know, character who isn’t dead in the books, but he may be soon, so let’s simplify). Jon then has to remind Stannis that he can’t betray the Watch to go recapture Winterfell, and suggests getting the aid of the Mormonts and mountain clans who won’t want to support the Boltons.
Moat Caitlin: Roose uses Theon to betray the Iron Born and retake the castle. He lets one iron born escape, letting us see Theon is still inside there somewhere. Jeyne arrives as “Arya” and Theon immediately sees through the ruse, but Roose doesn’t care.
Braavos: Arya sails into Braavos, with some cool effects shots and arrives at the House of Black and White. Gets accepted by the Friendly Man.
Road to Meereen: Tyrion is bitter, mean, and drunk as he’s unloaded by Illyrio Maptois and sent packing in a cart with Varys on his way to the river. He asks where they’re going, and Varys has said that they’re going to join Dany. “Didn’t you help Robert try to assassinate her once?” “That was before she had dragons.”
Meereen: Dany holds council; the Harpies have been killing overnight, HIzdahr proposes marriage and reopening the pits, and someone presents a corpse killed by Drogon. Dany hears advice on each of them, and the episode ends with her locking her dragons in the vault.
Episode 2: Fathers and Daughters, Mothers and Sons
Dorne: Arianne, Bronn, and Ellaria arrive at Sunspear with Oberyn’s bones. They meet up with Tyene, Nym, and Obara (mention that Sarella is off somewhere) and confront Doran. He and Ellaria both refuse to start a war of revenge, but Arianne and the Sand Snakes aren’t happy. We end with Arianne watching Myrcella and Trystane (who should be about 15 and 17 respectively) playing cyvasse. Myrcella says she’s going to miss Tyrstane after he leaves; he jokes that that’s only because she always wins against him.
King’s Landing: Flashback to Maggy, followed by Tommen and Margaery’s wedding, left unconsummated until his coming into majority. This will emphasize that Cersei is still regent and also be less creepy. Cersei is upset with how chummy Jaime and Loras are being. He is upset that she blows up the tower of the Hand and declares she won’t be appointing a new Hand (she considered it in the book, it saves us a character, and demonstrates her incompetency). Cersei starts trying to lure away two of Margaery’s retainers, Taena and Oswald.
The Wall: Stannis departs with his men, leaving his family, Melisandre, and Davos behind. Jon sends off Sam with Aemon, Gilly, and her baby to Oldtown to keep them all safe and to get a new maester. Sam expresses fear because his dad never wanted him to be a measter.
Riverlands: Brienne meets Sam’s dad. He is an asshole to her. She gets a lead on Sansa and heads off to hunt it down.
The Eyrie: Sansa is still posing as Alayne and dealing with Robin’s fits and strangeness. She learns from the maester that the drug Littlefinger is giving him could be lethal and puts two-and-two together.
Shield Islands: Victarion and Euron raid a town, and talk about how Euron learned magic in Valyria. Euron entrusts Victarion with bringing Dany back using his dragon horn.
Road to Meereen: Tyrion and Varys board a boat and meet “Griff,” an arrogant boy with obviously-dyed hair who Varys says will accompany them to meet Dany. Tyrion starts trying to figure out who Griff really is while being sullen and mean.
Meereen: Grey Worm finds one of his friends dead and it is sad. She starts to reconsider Hizdahr’s proposal. Barristan is against it because she needs to marry in Westeros, and meanwhile she and Daario are getting all sexy.
Episode 3: Descent
King’s Landing: Cersei switches Qyburn to be on the council. We have a scene of a dwarf head being delivered to her, implying there have been many others. She and Jaime get into a heated argument complete with wine-throwing over his recommending Tommen squire for Loras and Jaime implying he suspects about Lancel.
The Eyrie: The high castle must be abandoned for the winter. Sansa figures out how to keep Robin calm going down the harsh path without drugging him by telling him his knightly stories.
Dorne: Arianne and Bronn are naked in bed, talking about how she suspects her father is going to place her brother Trystane on the throne instead of her, and that his trip is secretly a cover to win allies. They discuss Dornish inheritance law, and Bronn jokes that if Westeros followed that, Myrcella would be queen. Arianne gets an “I have an idea!” look.
Riverlands: Brienne chases down her lead, and it’s the last of the sellswords from last season setting a trap. She almost loses defeating them, and questions whether she’s cut out for this. She tells Pod the story of the bet made by Renlt’s men as they take heads back to Tarly.
Beyond the Wall: Bran’s training is underway as he is skinchanging into crows and flying around to see the wights outside. Jojen still isn’t doing so hot.
Braavos: Arya is doing her routine of chores, watching activities in the temple, and practicing lying. We get a basic intro to their religious beliefs about death. They tell her that if she wants to move on with her training, she must abandon her old self. She throws away her things except for Needle, which she hides (a montage of Needle scenes here would be nice).
The Wall: Jon meets and becomes friends with Val, a wildling leader, and with Davos. They agree how White Walkers are a bigger issue. Jon has a wolf dream, and Melisandre reveals that she knows of his powers and says that sex magic could enhance them. He turns her down.
The North: Yara and her men are hiking across country to try to reach Dreadfort by land when they are caught by Stannis and his men. Meanwhile Theon and Jeyne arrive at Winterfell, and he discourages her from letting Ramsay know she’s not Arya, or else he will hurt her.
Road to Meereen: Tyrion beats Griff at cyvasse and wins out his secret, that he is supposedly Rhaegar’s long-lost son. Tyrion is skeptical, and challenges Varys, who says it doesn’t matter because Griff has been raised to be king. They coast into Volantis.
Meereen: Dany gets news that Astapor has fallen back into slaver hands, and their army is marching towards Yunkai. A wave of refugees come in ahead of them that Dany welcomes. She tells Hizdahr she will marry him if he can figure out how to stop the Harpies.
Episode 4: Separation
Kings Landing: Having had it up to here with Jaime, Cersei sends him off to the Riverlands to be useful and cool his head. As he heads out on the road with Ilyn Payne, he passes the sparrows coming into King’s Landing. Qyburn asks Cersei for permission to gather paupers to experiment on and she grants it.
Dorne: Arianne and Bronn meet with the Sand Snakes to hatch a plot to place Myrcella on the throne. We can include the threesome with Tyene that Arys turned down, because you know Bronn wouldn’t and it would give the show its obligatory extra sex.
The Wall: Jon sends Val across the Wall to send word to other wildlings that they will be offered safety. Selyse and other Watch members question how friendly he is with the wildlings. One of them accuses him of being a beastling for how close he is to Ghost.
Braavos: Arya gets her first task, to pose as an oyster seller in the canals and bring information. She does so, and one day meets Sam when his crew stops at Braavos to resupply. She learns that her brother has become Lord Commander, and her tone of voice when she shares this information lets them know she’s still attached. She drinks a potion and wakes up blind.
Beyond the Wall: We have some scenes of Val riding off that are witnessed by Bran’s ravens. Three Eyes tells him it’s time to take the next step, and he drinks a potion and has his first set of visions, garbled at first, but we end with a scene of Ned and Cat in the godswood from season 1.
The North: Yara is Stannis’ unhappy prisoner, but finds a friend in Alys Mormont. Jeyne is shown as “Arya” to the gathered Northern lords, and we can tell they are not convinced and hate the Boltons, and that Ramsay doesn’t like his father having power over him.
Road to Meereen: Varys, Tyrion, and Griff meet with one of Varys’ contacts, Talisa (see why I kept her around?) who has become involved with a planned slave uprising. She gives them the rundown on the situation and begs them to convince Dany to come help her in Volantis. Tyrion, though, goes and gets drunk and buy a prostitute without thinking about whether she’s a slave. He gets caught by Jorah who is also in the brothel, and Jorah kidnaps him.
Meereen: None of Dany’s advisors (Barristan, Daario, Rakharo, and Missandei) are happy with her idea about marrying Hizdahr, but she doesn’t have much choice, because the killings are decreasing. They get word about a plague among the refugees. Dany goes down to see it; it’s greyscale (ties to Shireen) and while Rakharo suggests driving all the refugees out because greyscale is a curse, Dany quarantines the ones showing symptoms and starts setting up help.
Episode 5: Deals and Designs
King’s Landing: Cersei is having a ride with Taena, plying her for secrets on Margaery, when they run into a crowd of sparrows surrounding the Sept. A riot almost erupts, which Cersei stops. She meets with the High Sparrow, who has just deposed the former High Septon. Cersei bargains with him to repeal some of their debts in exchange for letting them be armed to defend the countryside.
Riverlands: Jaime and Brienne are both travelling through devastated countryside. She follows a lead to Quiet Isle, he stops at Harrenhal. We get an abbreviated broken man speech from Brother Meribald as he asks why Brienne doesn’t just go home, and she gives her “confession,” sometimes as voice over as Jaime wanders around Harrenhal at the places she’s describing.
The Wall: Jon takes inventory of food and begins worrying whether he can feed all the wildlings he’s bringing across. He tells Satin, who is assisting him, that his father had always planned to repopulate the Gift, and he may have to as well. The wildlings make noise about Shireen being cursed with greyscale. Some of the Watch make homophobic remarks about Satin.
Beyond the Wall: Bran goes on his first official vision quest, to the tourney at Harrenhal. Three-Eyes has chosen it because the greenseers interfered in history there, but Bran is distracted by seeing Jaime made a member of the kingsguard, remembering how much he wanted to be a knight and how Jaime pushing him out the window ruined that forever. He’s too upset to continue and they pause for the day.
The Eyrie: At the base of the mountain, Sansa and Littlefinger meet the other lords of the Eyrie and as in the books Sansa gets an up-close lesson on people manipulation.
The North: Stannis approaches Winterfell, while things between Yara and Alys are turning flirty (because I have no problem making Yara gay). Alys is worried that Stannis is keeping Yara for her “king’s blood” in case something goes wrong. Then it starts snowing. Inside Winterfell, Ramsay and Jeyne marry, and we try to make it a little less awful than in the books, please?
Road to Meereen: Now aboard a ship with Jorah, he and Tyrion hate each other. Also on board the ship is a little dwarf girl named Penny who recognizes Tyrion’s name and attacks him; her brother was killed by people who mistook him as Tyrion. Tyrion feels guilt and promises to make amends to her somehow. Meanwhile Varys says that if they plan to invade Westeros they need sellswords, and promises Griff that if it’s really what he wants he’ll find them.
Meereen: The pressure is on Dany to marry Hizdahr as the killings have now stopped, the plague is spreading, and the Astapor army is at their door. She finally gives him a yes after her sellswords betray Daario and switch sides. Dany and Daario sleep together in spite of their pending engagement.
Episode 6: The Lost and the Blind
King’s Landing: Taena delivers information to Margaery about how Cersei belittles Tommen that Margaery uses to get Tommen to speak out against his mother. Cersei decides she needs to take away Margaery’s support after this and sends Loras off to take Dragonstone in Stannis’ absence.
Riverlands: Brienne is generally being despondent on the road, and Pod tries to cheer her up. Jaime meets Lancel either at Harrenhal or not far from it, and gets confirmation of Cersei’s cheating. He tells Ilyn about how he would have taken Arya’s hand after the Nymeria incident.
The Wall: Val returns with more wildlings and news of even more at Hardhome. Jon’s secret agreement with the wildlings is revealed and it causes uproar in the Watch. He argues in favor of the agreement, but a few are still unhappy. Jon then organizes a group of wildlings led by Tormund to go save Hardhome, wishing he could go with them but he can’t.
Dorne: The conspirators secret Myrcella off in the middle of the night and ride into the desert, filling the princess in on their plan to make her queen, with Trystane as her consort. Arianne regales Myrcella with stories of Dornish history until they reach the boat they’re going to head to King’s Landing on. Out pops Areo, who beheads Bronn (shocking death!), and they realize they’ve been betrayed. Obara goes berserk and tries to kill Myrcella, badly injuring her. Obara is slain, and Arianne and the other Sand Snakes are captured.
Braavos: Blind Arya is doing her chores and also learning to fend off attacks. It isn’t going so well, but we see her feeding and petting cats that mill around the temple.
The North: After the wedding night, Jeyne is scared and broken and begging Theon to rescue her, but he’s too frightened to help her. We get a parallel to Sansa’s moment at the end of season 1 where he thinks about pushing Ramsay over the edge, but he can’t go through with it.
Beyond the Wall: More of the tourney at Harrenhal. Bran witnesses how Howland Reed met his father and aunt, and talks about him with Meera and Jojen.
At Sea: Our first check-up with Victarion, as he reaches the stepstones and raids a bit. He reveals to his men that he doesn’t plan to let the “godless” Euron take Dany, that he’ll marry her himself. Elsewhere Aemon is falling sick on board while Gilly and Sam try to care for him.
Road to Meereen: Penny and Tyrion are warming up to each other as she explains her life as an entertainer and he starts to realize she has no shame over being a dwarf. Then there ship is attacked by a slaving vessel and all three are captures.
Meereen: Dany meets with Astapor delegates, who offer to leave the city alone if she will let them resume slaving. Hizdahr is in favor of the idea as they plan the wedding, which will involve re-opening the fighting pits. Daario is in danger of giving away their relationship, so Dany sends him to go try to turn his sellswords back to her side.
Episode 7: A Fair Bargain
Dragonstone: the very opening scene is Loras attacking and being injured. We cut away before we see his ultimate fate, but news is delivered to Cersei that he’s dying (this should sound a little suspicious, to leave a window for Loras not in fact dying which I don’t think he will).
King’s Landing: with Loras out of the way, Cersei sets her next plan in motion. She offers to sleep with Oswald if he can convince Margaery to commit some adultery. We see him try and Margaery cleverly shutting him down. Cersei decides he can just lie about it, and he insists she pay up her side of the bargain, which she does, reluctantly.
Dorne: Arianne is on a hunger strike in her tower room, until her father agrees to see her. We pretty much follow the book to a “T” here, only we’re giving Trystane Quentyn’s role. Cut to him hiding in one of the Astapori’s guards as they enter the city for Dany’s wedding.
Riverlands: Jaime has a dream of hurting Cersei that wakes him up, unnerved. He arrives at Riverrun, and assesses the situation, including witnessing Edmure’s fake hanging. He has an unsuccessful negotiation with the Blackfish.
Beyond the Wall: Tormund and his band reach Hardhome and try to convince the other wildlings of Jon’s good intentions. This will end on a cliffhanger as the wights and white walkers attack. Meanwhile Bran will return to the tourney and witness Howland seeks out the greenseers’ help. Bran wonders why any of this is important. Three-Eyes will tell him this is more important than he thinks to the fate of the world.
The Wall: Jon is settling arguments between free folk and kneelers, and Melisandre tells him she sees knives in the dark all around him. We see her try to look into her fires to see where Stannis is, but only can see Jon’s face. Our escape iron born from way back in episode 1 makes it to the Wall and lets them know what is happening – and reveals that he saw Osha and Rickon heading to Karhold way back in season 3. Davos volunteers to go get him because a Stark heir will help his king’s cause.
The North: Stannis is trapped in a blizzard, and burns some men who committed cannibalism hoping to remove the storm. Yara and Alys are closer than ever. Inside Winterfell, Theon talks Jeyne out of an ill-planned escape attempt. Some of Roose’s men die overnight, and he’s not sure who did it, the Northern lords or Ramsay.
The Vale: We have a scene of Littlefinger, Sansa, and Robin travelling, with Littlefinger drugging him as Sansa tries to teach him to be a better king.
At Sea: Aemon dies, it is sad, and while mourning him Sam and Gilly sleep together. Elsewhere at sea, Griff and Varys are on a ship full of sellsword extras, with Griff anxiously excited to reach Westeros.
Meereen: Dany agrees to the Astapori bargain, and watches as they bring slaves in off a ship. She oversees the removal of bodies dying of greyscale and is generally under a lot of stress, which she relieves by sleeping with Daario some more after he comes back empty handed.
Episode 8: Hardhome
King’s Landing: Oswald confesses to the High Sparrow, Margaery is arrested, and Cersei gets a moment of relief thinking she’s beaten the prophecy. Then after visiting Margaery to gloat, it’s revealed that Oswald turned on her, and she is arrested as well.
Riverlands: At a disastrous war council, one of the Freys observes to Jaime that his father would have handled this better. So Jaime thinks it over and gives his infamous trebuchet speech to Edmure, ending it with a snide remark about “is this what my father would have done?” A shaken Edmure enters Riverrun and turns it over. Meanwhile Brienne follows a rumor about young children gathered at an inn, and instead of Sansa finds Gendry. The inn is attacked by brigands, and Brienne is badly injured fighting them singe-handedly. Gendry says he’ll get help.
Beyond the Wall: shorter version of the battle at Hardhome that everyone loved, where most of the wildlings are wiped out. Tormund starts the survivors on forced run back to the Wall as fast as they can. Meanwhile Bran is growing frustrated with history lessons and casts about wildly. He sees Theon at the godswood and tries to speak to him

The North: Ramsay and Roose have an argument when Ramsay realizes Roose’s new wife is pregnant. Theon goes to the godswood and hears the tree call him by name as he’s praying for guidance as to what to do.
At Sea: Victarion is sailing past Valyria, and makes ominous noises about evil things in Valyria that destroyed the empire of dragons, man my brother must be evil too.
Outside of Meereen: Tyrion, Jorah, and Penny are on the market block and about to be sold off to be brute labor when Tyrion volunteers that Jorah is a skilled fighter and he and Penny can perform mock battles for amusement. They get purchased, and are told they are headed to the fighting pits, which will open tomorrow.
Meereen: Dany refuses her “examination” before her wedding night. Trystane reappears basically just in time to be a guest at the wedding. He tries to talk her out of it, but it’s too late. The wedding itself is miserable, with Daario glaring daggers at Hizdahr, Hizdahr making nice with slavers, and Missandei being very disappointed. Dany and Hizdahr’s wedding night sucks too.
Episode 9: Fire and Blood
King’s Landing: Cersei is in prison suffering from sleep deprivation. Kevan comes to the city with Randyll Tarly and meets with the High Sparrow to learn of Cersei’s “crimes.” He proposes a walk of shame to cover most of them rather than death. Qyburn goes to Cersei to give her the news, and she has him send a letter to Jaime asking for help.
Riverlands: Jaime learns that Blackfish escaped and is pissed, but also feeling like a heel for his actions. He lets the garrison go, and when someone says that isn’t what his father would have done, he says he’d rather die in the saddle than on the privy. When Cersei’s letter arrives, along with the first snow of the season, he burns it without giving a reply. Meanwhile Brienne is brought to the Brotherhood and set before Lady Stoneheart, who threatens Pod until Brienne agrees to bring them Jaime.
The Wall: the survivors of Hardhome arrive, and Jon lets them in. Melisandre is more convinced than ever that Jon needs to develop his wolf powers to stop this supernatural foe, but he refuses.
The North: some of Stannis’ men are arguing for him to burn Yara because she has king’s blood and is a traitor. Alys argues against it. Stannis says he wishes he had news about what was going on in side Winterfell. Emboldened by Bran’s voice, when Jeyne asks Theon to help her, this time he tells her they need to come up with an escape plan. They do, but it goes awry, and they jump off the wall together, deciding it would be better to die than to go back to Ramsay.
Braavos: Arya struggles blind until she’s stroking a cat and freezes. Her eyes do the same thing Bran’s do, and she jumps, startled. But then she tries again. She’s able to tell the Friendly Man later than she knows he’s who is attacking her, and we realize it’s because she was watching through the cats. She gets her eyesight back.
Mereen: it’s the big day of the opening of the fighting pit, and Dany is miserable. Trystane is there, feeling miserable that he failed. Then Jorah, Tyrion, and Penny are brought out, and a lion is sent at them. She doesn’t recognize any of them, but enough is enough and she throws off her robe and rushes into the pit to stop it. When she’s injured, Drogon appears. Dany tames him and flies away.
Episode 10: Knives in the Dark
King’s Landing: Cersei is subjected to her walk of shame. At the end of it, Qyburn greets her with her new champion in any more trials she should face (FrankenGregor).
Riverlands: Jaime is on his way back to King’s Landing, wondering to Ilyn what he’s going to do about Cersei, when Brienne rides up and tells him she’s found Sansa. (cliffhanger!)
The Wall: We open with Jon getting a letter, reading it, and needing to go off for a think. He then gathers the wildlings and the Watch together for an important announcement. They start airing all their various complaints against him. He reads them the pink letter (which should confuse audiences, because Stannis sure isn’t dead yet) and says he’s leaving the Watch with the wildlings. Chaos erupts, Jon gets stabbity-stabbed, and his last words are “Ghost
The North: Alys is preparing to help Yara escape her imminent burning when they find Theon and Jeyne fleeing in the snow. They bring them back to the camp and they tell Stannis what they know from inside. Stannis gets an “I have a plan!” look and sends Jeyne off and imprisons Theon. As Theon is preparing himself for the worst, a raven lands nearby and says his name

Beyond the Wall: and using the power of jump-cuts we see Bran back in the cave, having just spoken to Theon. He argues to Three-Eyes that he spoke to Theon through the trees as well, but Three-Eyes says that’s impossible.
South of King’s Landing: Griff and Varys land, and they meet a group of lords who Varys contact who are sick of Cersei and the Lannisters and ready to join their cause.
Braavos: Arya is given her first mission and her first new face as a creepy teaser for next season.
The Vale: Now at their winter residence, Sansa proposes a tourney as a way to calm Robin down rather than drugs, and Littlefinger, at first shocked, has to agree and starts arranging things. Later, as people are arriving, Harry shows up and is a jerk to Sansa. She asks Littlefinger who he is and he explains how he’s Robin’s heir. “What do you plan to do to him?” “Why, marry him to you, of course.”
Meereen: The slavers are demanding extra concessions in Dany’s absence, and Hizdahr is too eager to roll over. Barristan arrests him on suspicion of being the Harpy. Trystane decides that he could win Dany over to his side if he could tame a dragon too. He gets roasted alive for his efforst, and the dragons escape. As the city panics, Barristan calls Grey Worm and says they need to start preparing for a battle. Outside the walls, Tyrion and his companions see the dragons. They overhear a sellsword leader leaving their owner’s tent, muttering in Westerosi about how they aren’t paid enough to deal with dragons. Tyrion gets a look, and says, “Excuse me, but have you ever heard of the gold of Casterly Rock
Dothraki Sea: Dany is recovering from her injury in the pit with Drogon, ruminating over her prophecy and where she went wrong. Drogon refuses to let her fly back to Meereen, so she starts to walk by herself. Dothraki riders appear and start to surround her, but Dany only smiles and says “To go forward, I must go back,” and a shadow sails over them, and Drogon lands behind her. End of season.
So there you have it. I’m not a professional screenwriter so I can’t guess exactly how long each scene will have to be. It’s possible that some of these episodes might be much too long as I’ve scripted them here. Events may have to be moved around from the very broad outline I’ve written here, some less necessary bits like the tourney flashbacks or Hardhome might have to get tossed. Ideally we’d have had 15 episodes to cover all of this but alas.
Nonetheless. while I’ve dramatically reduced the cast from what it is in the book, changed a large number of details, amped up the sex and combat violence where I could, and I’m sure some of my fellow book snobs will still be unsatisfied, it is at least recognizably the plot from the books.
This could have been adapted. They chose not to.
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hottytoddynews · 7 years
Original Courthouse during 1862 occupation. Notice Yankee tents and wagons
Starke Miller, a local historian who specializes in the Civil War, reintroduces a chapter of Oxford history that over time has “gone with the wind.” Steve Vassallo sat down with Miller to learn more about the Oxford Square during the time of the Civil War.
HottyToddy.com: Starke, is it true that Grant arrived here in December 1862 with 50,000 troops, or is this our imagination?
Starke Miller: Grant came to Oxford on December 4 and 5 with 50,000 men. Another 30,000 were stationed at College Hill.
HottyToddy.com: What was his objective?
Starke Miller: Grant thought he was going down the Mississippi Central Railroad to take Jackson, and then he was going to Vicksburg. He was going to use the railroad for his supply line.
HottyToddy.com: You once told me that if the railroad into Oxford had not been completed in 1859, the war would have never crossed our path in Lafayette County.
Starke Miller: The railroad brought overnight mail and same- or next-day newspapers. It cut travel time from days to hours. It even brought fresh oysters to Oxford. But it also brought the Yankees and all their destruction.
HottyToddy.com: Confederate General Earl Van Dorn somewhat threw a monkey wrench into Grant’s plans. How did this impact Oxford?
Starke Miller: Van Dorn raided Grant’s supply depot at Holly Springs. Grant realized he could never fully protect the rail line or his supplies behind him. He realized he had to go down the Mississippi River to get to Vicksburg. He knew the Confederates could not tear up or burn the river like they could the railroad.
HottyToddy.com: In 1863 more cavalry was passing through Oxford. Which army had control over the town at that time?
Starke Miller: A few thousand Union Cavalry passed through Oxford one day that summer on their way to wreck the railroad engines, cars, shops and the round house at Grenada. It probably took them at least three hours to pass through Oxford. They would have gone into most of the stores on the Square and bought, or stolen, whatever they wanted. There also would have been some harassment of citizens.
1864 Union sketch of the burning of Oxford. Yes, that is a Doctor’s office skeleton a Union Cavalryman had on his horse.
HottyToddy.com: Fast-forward to 1864. Union General A.J. “Whiskey” Smith was intent on burning the town and Ole Miss. Did he succeed?
General Andrew Jackson Smith
Starke Miller: Smith had burned Ripley one month before, and in the same manner, he burned Oxford. He was chasing Nathan Bedford Forrest both times. Forrest had left here two days before and had raided Memphis. Out of anger, I believe, Smith ordered the town of Oxford and the University of Mississippi burned.
HottyToddy.com: Some individuals believe Oxford was burned in retaliation for the destruction of Chambersburg, Penn. by Confederate troops. Is there any truth to this theory?
Starke Miller: That did happen just before the Yankees came to Oxford. There is a story that the Yankees in Oxford learned of that burning from a Southern newspaper they found in Oxford. But I have an account of a messenger riding up to A.J. Smith, as he sat on his horse on the north side of the Square, with the news Forrest had slipped around him to the West and that he had raided Memphis the night before. That is when Smith ordered the town and University burned. I believe it was purely anger. There was no military need for it.
HottyToddy.com: Who was Jacob Thompson, and why was his mansion significant to Oxford?
Starke Miller: Jacob Thompson was probably the wealthiest man in Oxford, with the largest, finest furnished house in town. He had been a member of President Buchanan’s cabinet before the war. He was a member of Jeff Davis’ government during the war. His fine mansion, with its furniture, nearly all imported from Europe, was burned by A.J. Smith the same day the town was burned in 1864.
HottyToddy.com: Was Thompson truly a Southern spy, or is this simply a fabrication orchestrated by abolitionists? 
Starke Miller: After the Union Dahlgren raid on Richmond, when it was discovered the Raiders had one of their objectives to kill Jefferson Davis, the Southern gloves came off. Southerners hatched a plan to kidnap Lincoln, and Jacob Thompson was sent to Canada with a large amount of gold to finance a number of Confederate schemes against the North.
HottyToddy.com: Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest was in and out of Oxford a lot. Why so?
Starke Miller: From January to August of 1864, Forrest used Oxford for his headquarters.
  HottyToddy.com: Describe the Oxford Square in 1861.
Starke Miller: Very similar to today in layout. Probably at least half the buildings were wood. The courthouse was a bit smaller. One very interesting thing I figured out, from the census, was that right at 40% of the business owners and clerks were foreign-born. In walking into the stores, you would have heard a lot of different accents.
August 1864 ~ The ruins of Oxford after Union General “Whiskey” Smith burned the town. The white columned building is Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Photo from Jack Case Wilson’s, “Faulkners, Fortunes and Flames”
HottyToddy.com: Did the Yankees declare martial law in Oxford? 
Starke Miller: Whenever the Yankees were in town overnight, they would impose a dusk-to-dawn curfew on the townspeople. They did not want pot shots taken at them in the dark and also just for their general security.
  HottyToddy.com: Looking to 1865, what transpired in postwar Oxford? Wasn’t a certain German immigrant a major player in rebuilding the Square?
Starke Miller: Hermann Wholleben was a 27-year-old blacksmith in Oxford before the war. He joined the 1st Mississippi Cavalry, and he participated in Earl Van Dorn’s raid on Holly Springs in 1862. Instead of grabbing a new saddle or a repeating rifle or a nice Yankee overcoat or simply getting drunk, he went to the paymaster’s office and grabbed a sheaf of uncut Yankee $20 bills. After the war, he bought about half the Square and was a very wealthy man. Faulkner used this story in one of his books. Will Lewis (owner of Neilson’s) and I believe it also.
Plaque on a building on the Square
HottyToddy.com: One individual, Alfred H. Kendal, who is buried in St. Peter’s, was an unsung hero for Oxford and Lafayette County at age 14. Few of us know who he is and why he is important.
Starke Miller: When the Courthouse was set on fire by Smith’s men in 1864, Alfred Kendal took a wagon up to the door, and he saved most of the marriage, probate and land records out of the courthouse. He was a brave young man.
Starke Miller, a Civil War historian and expert on the University Greys, conducts tours of Oxford, Ole Miss, and St. Peter’s Cemetery. 
Steve Vassallo is a HottyToddy.com contributor. Steve writes on Ole Miss athletics, Oxford business, politics and other subjects. He is an Ole Miss grad and former radio announcer for the basketball team. Currently, Steve is a highly successful leader in the real estate business who lives in Oxford with his wife Rosie. You can contact Steve at [email protected] or call him at 985-852-7745.
Follow HottyToddy.com on Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat @hottytoddynews. Like its Facebook page: If You Love Oxford and Ole Miss

The post Top Stories of 2017: Historian Looks Back at Oxford During Civil War appeared first on HottyToddy.com.
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hottytoddynews · 7 years
Original Courthouse during 1862 occupation. Notice Yankee tents and wagons
Starke Miller has reintroduced a chapter of Oxford history that over time has “Gone With the Wind.” The activities that transpired here could fill several novels. On our recent Gettysburg/Sharpsburg/Harpers Ferry/ Franklin expedition, Oxford was anything but forgotten.
HottyToddy.com: Starke, is it correct that Grant arrived here in December 1862 with 50,000 troops or is this our imagination?
Starke Miller: Grant came to Oxford on December 4 and 5 with 50,000 men. Another 30,000 were stationed at College Hill.
HottyToddy.com: What was his objective?
Starke Miller: Grant thought he was going down the Mississippi Central Railroad to take Jackson and then he was going to Vicksburg. He was going to use the railroad for his supply line.
HottyToddy.com: You once told me that if the railroad into Oxford had not been completed in 1859, the war would have never crossed our path in Lafayette County.
Starke Miller: The Rail Road brought overnight mail, same or next day newspapers. It cut travel time from days to hours. It even brought fresh oysters to Oxford. But it also brought the Yankees and all their destruction.
HottyToddy.com: Confederate General Earl Van Dorn somewhat threw a monkey wrench into Grant’s plans. How did this impact Oxford?
Starke Miller: Van Dorn raided Grant’s supply depot at Holly Springs. Grant realized he could never fully protect the rail line or his supplies behind him. He realized he had to go down the Mississippi river to get to Vicksburg. He knew the Confederates could not tear up or burn the River like they could the railroad.
HottyToddy.com: In 1863 more cavalry was passing through Oxford. Which army had control over the town at that time?
Starke Miller: A few thousand Union Cavalry passed through Oxford, one day that summer on their way to wreck the railroad engines, cars, shops and the round house at Grenada. It probably took them at least 3 hours to pass through Oxford. They would have gone into most of the stores on the Square and bought, or stolen, whatever they wanted. There also would have been some harassment of citizens.
1864 Union sketch of the burning of Oxford. Yes, that is a Doctor’s office skeleton a Union Cavalryman had on his horse.
HottyToddy.com: Fast forward to 1864. Union General AJ “Whiskey” Smith was intent on burning the town and Ole Miss. Did he succeed?
General Andrew Jackson Smith
Starke Miller: Smith had burned Ripley one month before, in the same manner, he burned Oxford. He was chasing Nathan Bedford Forrest both times. In Oxford, Forrest had left here two days before and had raided Memphis. Out of anger, I believe, Smith ordered the town of Oxford and the University of Mississippi burned.
HottyToddy.com: Who was Jacob Thompson and why was his mansion significant to Oxford?
Starke Miller: Jacob Thompson was probably the wealthiest man in Oxford with the largest, finest furnished house in Oxford. He had been a member of President Buchanan’s Cabinet before the War. He was a member of Jeff Davis’ government during the War. His fine mansion, with its furniture, nearly all imported from Europe, was burned by A. J. Smith the same day in 1864, the town was burned.
HottyToddy.com: Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest was in and out of Oxford a lot. Why so?
Starke Miller: From January to August of 1864 Forrest used Oxford for his headquarters.
HottyToddy.com: Was Thompson truly a Southern spy or is this simply a fabrication orchestrated by abolitionists? 
Starke Miller: After the Union Dahlgren raid on Richmond, when it was discovered the Raiders had one of their objectives to kill Jefferson Davis, the Southern gloves came off. Southerners hatched a plan to kidnap Lincoln and Jacob Thompson was sent to Canada, with a large amount of gold, to finance a number of Confederate schemes against the North.
HottyToddy.com: Describe the 1861 Oxford Square.
Starke Miller: Very similar to today in layout. Probably at least half the buildings were wood. The Courthouse was a bit smaller. One very interesting thing I figured out, from the census, was that right at 40% of the business owners and clerks were foreign born. In walking into the stores, you would have heard a lot of different accents.
August 1864 ~ The ruins of Oxford after Union General “Whiskey” Smith burned the town. The white columned building is Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Photo from Jack Case Wilson’s, “Faulkners, Fortunes and Flames”
HottyToddy.com: Did the Yankees declare martial law in Oxford? 
Starke Miller: Whenever the Yankees were in town overnight, they would have a dusk to dawn curfew on the townspeople. They did not want pot shots taken at them in the dark and also just for their general security.
HottyToddy.com: Some individuals believe Oxford was burned in retaliation for the destruction of Chambersburg, PA by Confederate troops. Is there any truth to this theory?
Starke Miller: That did happen just before the Yankees came to Oxford. There is a story that the Yankees in Oxford learned of that burning from a Southern newspaper they found in Oxford. But I have an account of a messenger riding up to A. J. Smith, as he sat on his horse on the North side of the Square with the news Forrest had slipped around him to the West and that he had raided Memphis the night before. That is when Smith ordered the town and University burned. I believe it was purely anger. There was NO military need for it.
HottyToddy.com: Looking to 1865, what transpired in postwar Oxford? Was a German immigrant a major player in rebuilding the Square?
Starke Miller: Hermann Wholleben was a 27-year-old blacksmith in Oxford before the War. He joined the 1st Mississippi Cavalry, and he participated in Earl Van Dorn’s raid on Holly Springs in 1862. Instead of grabbing a new saddle or a repeating rifle or a nice Yankee overcoat, or getting drunk, he went to the paymaster’s office and grabbed a sheaf of uncut Yankee $20 bills. After the War, he buys about half the Square and is a very wealthy man. Faulkner used this story in one of his books. Will Lewis (owner of Neilsons) and I believe it also.
Plaque on a building on the Square
HottyToddy.com: An individual, Alfred H. Kendal, who is buried in St. Peter’s was an unsung hero for Oxford and Lafayette County at age 14. Few of us know who he is and why he is important.
Starke Miller: When the Courthouse was fired by Smith’s men in 1864, fourteen year old Alfred Kendal took a wagon up to the door, and he saved most of the marriage, probate and land records out of the courthouse. He was a brave young man.
Starke Miller, a Civil War historian and expert on the University Greys, conducts incredible tours of Oxford; Ole Miss; and St. Peter’s Cemetery. Starke recently directed a tour to Gettysburg, Sharpsburg (Antietam); Harpers Ferry; and Franklin (TN) for me. It exceeded my wildest expectations! This guy is good!! 
Steve Vassallo is a HottyToddy.com contributor. Steve writes on Ole Miss athletics, Oxford business, politics and other subjects. He is an Ole Miss grad and former radio announcer for the basketball team. Currently, Steve is a highly successful leader in the real estate business who lives in Oxford with his wife Rosie. You can contact Steve at [email protected] or call him at 985-852-7745.
Follow HottyToddy.com on Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat @hottytoddynews. Like its Facebook page: If You Love Oxford and Ole Miss

The post Ole Miss Musings: The Historic Oxford Square
.What Actually Happened Here appeared first on HottyToddy.com.
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hottytoddynews · 7 years
Original Courthouse during 1862 occupation. Notice yankee tents and wagons
Starke Miller has reintroduced a chapter of Oxford history that over time has “Gone With the Wind.” The activities that transpired here could fill several novels. On our recent Gettysburg/Sharpsburg/Harpers Ferry/ Franklin expedition, Oxford was anything but forgotten.
HottyToddy.com: Starke, is it correct that Grant arrived here in December 1862 with 50,000 troops or is this our imagination?
Starke Miller: Grant came to Oxford on December 4 and 5 with 50,000 men. Another 30,000 were stationed at College Hill.
HottyToddy.com: What was his objective?
Starke Miller: Grant thought he was going down the Mississippi Central Railroad to take Jackson and then he was going to Vicksburg. He was going to use the railroad for his supply line.
HottyToddy.com: You once told me that if the railroad into Oxford had not been completed in 1859, the war would have never crossed our path in Lafayette County.
Starke Miller: The Rail Road brought overnight mail, same or next day newspapers. It cut travel time from days to hours. It even brought fresh oysters to Oxford. But it also brought the Yankees and all their destruction.
HottyToddy.com: Confederate General Earl Van Dorn somewhat threw a monkey wrench into Grant’s plans. How did this impact Oxford?
Starke Miller: Van Dorn raided Grant’s supply depot at Holly Springs. Grant realized he could never fully protect the rail line or his supplies behind him. He realized he had to go down the Mississippi river to get to Vicksburg. He knew the Confederates could not tear up or burn the River like they could the railroad.
HottyToddy.com: In 1863 more cavalry was passing through Oxford. Which army had control over the town at that time?
Starke Miller: A few thousand Union Cavalry passed through Oxford, one day that summer on their way to wreck the railroad engines, cars, shops and the round house at Grenada. It probably took them at least 3 hours to pass through Oxford. They would have gone into most of the stores on the Square and bought, or stolen, whatever they wanted. There also would have been some harassment of citizens.
1864 Union sketch of the burning of Oxford. Yes, that is a Doctor’s office skeleton a Union Cavalryman had on his horse.
HottyToddy.com: Fast forward to 1864. Union General AJ “Whiskey” Smith was intent on burning the town and Ole Miss. Did he succeed?
General Andrew Jackson Smith
Starke Miller: Smith had burned Ripley one month before, in the same manner, he burned Oxford. He was chasing Nathan Bedford Forrest both times. In Oxford, Forrest had left here two days before and had raided Memphis. Out of anger, I believe, Smith ordered the town of Oxford and the University of Mississippi burned.
HottyToddy.com: Who was Jacob Thompson and why was his mansion significant to Oxford?
Starke Miller: Jacob Thompson was probably the wealthiest man in Oxford with the largest, finest furnished house in Oxford. He had been a member of President Buchanan’s Cabinet before the War. He was a member of Jeff Davis’ government during the War. His fine mansion, with its furniture, nearly all imported from Europe, was burned by A. J. Smith the same day in 1864, the town was burned.
HottyToddy.com: Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest was in and out of Oxford a lot. Why so?
Starke Miller: From January to August of 1864 Forrest used Oxford for his headquarters.
Burned Oxford Square
HottyToddy.com: Was Thompson truly a Southern spy or is this simply a fabrication orchestrated by abolitionists? 
Starke Miller: After the Union Dahlgren raid on Richmond, when it was discovered the Raiders had one of their objectives to kill Jefferson Davis, the Southern gloves came off. Southerners hatched a plan to kidnap Lincoln and Jacob Thompson was sent to Canada, with a large amount of gold, to finance a number of Confederate schemes against the North.
HottyToddy.com: Describe the 1861 Oxford Square.
Starke Miller: Very similar to today in layout. Probably at least half the buildings were wood. The Courthouse was a bit smaller. One very interesting thing I figured out, from the census, was that right at 40% of the business owners and clerks were foreign born. In walking into the stores, you would have heard a lot of different accents.
HottyToddy.com: Did the Yankees declare martial law in Oxford? 
Starke Miller: Whenever the Yankees were in town overnight, they would have a dusk to dawn curfew on the townspeople. They did not want pot shots taken at them in the dark and also just for their general security.
HottyToddy.com: Some individuals believe Oxford was burned in retaliation for the destruction of Chambersburg, PA by Confederate troops. Is there any truth to this theory?
Starke Miller: That did happen just before the Yankees came to Oxford. There is a story that the Yankees in Oxford learned of that burning from a Southern newspaper they found in Oxford. But I have an account of a messenger riding up to A. J. Smith, as he sat on his horse on the North side of the Square with the news Forrest had slipped around him to the West and that he had raided Memphis the night before. That is when Smith ordered the town and University burned. I believe it was purely anger. There was NO military need for it.
HottyToddy.com: Looking to 1865, what transpired in postwar Oxford? Was a German immigrant a major player in rebuilding the Square?
Starke Miller: Hermann Wholleben was a 27-year-old blacksmith in Oxford before the War. He joined the 1st Mississippi Cavalry, and he participated in Earl Van Dorn’s raid on Holly Springs in 1862. Instead of grabbing a new saddle or a repeating rifle or a nice Yankee overcoat, or getting drunk, he went to the paymaster’s office and grabbed a sheaf of uncut Yankee $20 bills. After the War, he buys about half the Square and is a very wealthy man. Faulkner used this story in one of his books. Will Lewis (owner of Neilsons) and I believe it also.
Plaque on a building on the Square
HottyToddy.com: An individual, Alfred H. Kendal, who is buried in St. Peter’s was an unsung hero for Oxford and Lafayette County at age 14. Few of us know who he is and why he is important.
Starke Miller: When the Courthouse was fired by Smith’s men in 1864, fourteen year old Alfred Kendal took a wagon up to the door, and he saved most of the marriage, probate and land records out of the courthouse. He was a brave young man.
Starke Miller, a Civil War historian and expert on the University Greys, conducts incredible tours of Oxford; Ole Miss; and St. Peter’s Cemetery. Starke recently directed a tour to Gettysburg, Sharpsburg (Antietam); Harpers Ferry; and Franklin (TN) for me. It exceeded my wildest expectations! This guy is good!! 
Steve Vassallo is a HottyToddy.com contributor. Steve writes on Ole Miss athletics, Oxford business, politics and other subjects. He is an Ole Miss grad and former radio announcer for the basketball team. Currently, Steve is a highly successful leader in the real estate business who lives in Oxford with his wife Rosie. You can contact Steve at [email protected] or call him at 985-852-7745.
Follow HottyToddy.com on Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat @hottytoddynews. Like its Facebook page: If You Love Oxford and Ole Miss

The post Ole Miss Musings: The Historic Oxford Square
.What Actually Happened Here appeared first on HottyToddy.com.
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