#figure Cairis to be the equivalent of six or seven human years
cairis-in-the-field · 6 years
☀ { withoutsightyetcolorful; and perhaps a younger Margon/Nerua for this one? Like a young adult Nerua. }
Kid Muse || Accepting || @withoutsightyetcolorful
Nerua was aboard ship when it docked at the city-tree Ialiv on Snilia for various reasons; not the least of which was resupply.
Most of the crew was given shore leave which happened to coincide with some local holiday called Ascension Day.  She didn’t quite understand why, but then again: she didn’t care.  What she understood was that it was a festival-like atmosphere and the middle branch and upper branch districts were open to shopping.
The upper branch districts were too rich for her, so she went to the middle sections.  There, to her delight, she heard the locals speaking in an accent similar to her own.
Nerua made her way through the crowds easily; browsing the wares and sampling the foods on offer.
She’d just moved around a couple of Snilians to get past them when a small form crashed into her legs at the knees - startling and staggering her even as that form plopped backwards onto the ground.
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