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An American Tail: Fievel's New York Tails Halloween Special “Nightmare On Hester Street”
First holiday-themed special of "Fievel's New York Tails", an hypothetical TV series that takes place after the events of the first An American Tail film. Also the first episode to have a supernatural theme.
The Halloween special script is also available to view on DeviantArt:
The episode opens with a full moon. The camera pans down, revealing a view of New York City at night. Then we transition to Hester Street where the mouse neighborhood is.
In the mouse neighborhood, the mice are happily celebrating Halloween, young mice chase each other wearing amusing costumes. Pan over to the Mousekewitz house, and zoom into the window. Inside, Fievel and Tanya get dressed in their costumes, both of them makeshift. Fievel’s costume is that of a one-eyed pirate - a green bandana over his head, a striped short-sleeved shirt and grey short ragged pants worn high with a thick, brass buckle belt - while Tanya’s is a witch costume - a long purple dress and pointed hat - complete with a broom.
FIEVEL: (feeling excited, adjusting his eyepatch) This will be the best Halloween ever, Tanya!
TANYA: (smiles) How do I look as a witch, Fievel? (cackles like a witch)
FIEVEL: (jumps and squeaks in surprise) Yipe! Shiver me timbers!
TANYA: (giggles) Don’t worry, Fievel. It’s only a costume. There’s nothing to be afraid of.
FIEVEL: (smiles) It’s all right, Tanya, I was just pretending. Come on, we gotta show Mama and Papa our costumes!
Fievel straps a wooden sword on his belt and proceeds to walk as though he has a wooden leg. Tanya follows him down the stairs.
Cut to downstairs where Papa and Mama Mousekewitz are decorating the den, when they hear a cackle and a growl (“arrr”) come from behind them.
MAMA: What is it, Papa?
PAPA: (hushes softly)
Coinciding shot of Fievel and Tanya coming down the stairs in their costumes. They come up behind their parents and yell, “Surprise!”. Papa and Mama both jump, then smile and chuckle.
FIEVEL: (with a nautical drawl) Happy Halloween, me hearties!
PAPA: (smiles) My goodness. It’s you, Fievel and Tanya. I hardly recognize you.
FIEVEL: (giggles) Great costumes aren’t they, Papa? I love Halloween.
(Tanya smiles at her little brother)
TANYA: What are you going to dress as, Mama?
MAMA: (chuckles) Well, Tanya. I was thinking of being Juliet and Papa being Romeo.
TANYA: Oh, I remember reading that story at school.
FIEVEL: How about we go outside and see the other Halloween decorations everyone else is working on, Tanya?
TANYA: Can we, Mama? We’ll stick together.
MAMA: (nods)
PAPA: Don’t be out too late, and please be back for dinner.
FIEVEL: We will, Papa!
Fievel follows Tanya outside. The two Mousekewitz siblings explore the mouse neighborhood celebrating Halloween. The children mice laugh and shout “Happy Halloween!”
FIEVEL: Wow…look, Tanya! Everyone is enjoying the Halloween spirit too.
TANYA: They sure are, Fievel. I wonder if Tony and Bridget will be celebrating too.
FIEVEL: And Tiger too.
*Then, a needle, attached to a string hits the wall, surprising Fievel and Tanya*
TANYA: What was that?
FIEVEL: It looks like someone’s trying to trick us on Halloween.
Then they hear a familiar voice say “Tally-ho!” Fievel and Tanya look up to see Tony Toponi. He swings on the string that is attached to the needle, then lands on his feet
TONY: Robin Hood Mouse, at your service.
FIEVEL: Hi, Tony! What a nice costume you have.
TONY: (chuckles) Thanks, Fillie. You two look nifty, yourselves. Now, may I have the honor to introduce you to my sweet Maid Marian. (As Tony talks, Bridget, dressed as Maid Marian, appears at Tony’s side)
BRIDGET: (curtsies) Happy Halloween, Fillie and Tillie!
TANYA: (does her witch laugh) Happy Halloween, Maid Bridget.
FIEVEL:What are you to, Ton– um, I mean, Mr. Hood?
TONY: (chuckles) Well, I think we shall set off on a big adventure! To fight the rich, and help the poor!
BRIDGET: (giggles) Tony!
TONY: Oh, yes. Follow me! (leads the way with Bridget, Fievel and Tanya following)
The four mice walk through an alley close to home, then they are stopped by a flash of lightning
(Tanya screams)
FIEVEL: What’s wrong, Tanya?
BRIDGET: It’s okay, Tillie. There’s nothing to be afraid of.
TONY: Positively! You don’t have to be scared when I’m around. TANYA: Look! It’s a werewolf!
Fievel, Tony and Bridget turn and see a dark silhouette of a cat. The mice gasp, but the cat silhouette moves closer, revealing that it was Tiger
TIGER: Hi, Fievel.
FIEVEL: Tiger! I’m glad it’s you. We thought it was a werewolf.
TIGER: Werewolf? Where? I don’t see any.
BRIDGET: (giggles) Don’t worry, Tiger. There aren’t any werewolves here.
TIGER: Oh, oh, right. Whew! Say, Fie. I see you were going exploring. Want me to come along?
FIEVEL: Sure, Tiger! The more the merrier. You can keep us safe from spooks and monsters too!
TANYA: Oh, you! (giggles)
TONY: Ready, Fillie?
FIEVEL: Yes, we are, Tony! Come on!
The five walk up one of the neighboring streets close to home. We also see some human figures strolling through the street. A fog has rolled in and Fievel and the others can barely see.
FIEVEL: (lifting his eyepatch) Bridget…I hope we get home safely. Papa and Mama are going to worry for us.
TANYA: Fievel’s right.
BRIDGET: I know, Tillie. We’ll be home soon. There’s nothing to be afraid of as long as we stick together.
TONY: Bridget’s right. You and Fillie have nothing to feel scared about when I’m around.
(Then, they hear the distant sounds of brakes screeching and steam hissing)
FIEVEL: What’s that?
TONY: Sounds like there’s a ghost train coming…Oooh!
(Then, an elevated train passes above, causing the earthquake-like rumble)
TIGER: (bouncing) I-I-I h-h-have a-a b-b-bad f-f-feeling a-a-about th-th-th-this!!
TONY: Take cover!
He takes Bridget’s hand and they run over in a small empty barrel. Fievel and Tanya jump in with them. Tiger covers the opening of the barrel and shuts his eyes. Soon, the rumbling stops, and Tiger opens his eyes
TIGER: Whew! Okay, fellas! All clear! (tips the barrel over and the mice fall out and land into the palm of Tiger’s hand.
TIGER: You all right?
FIEVEL: (giggles) I’m fine, Tiger!
(Fievel and the other mice get up, and they along with Tiger were just on their way when a flash of lightning occurs)
TONY: (full of enthusiasm) Oooh! A thunderstorm, with loads of lightning flashing and mighty thunder crashing! And strong winds a-blowing!
(Fievel hugs Bridget for comfort, and Tanya stays close)
BRIDGET: It’s all right, Fillie.
TANYA: I hope we get home soon.
FIEVEL: Yeah, and it’s getting foggy, dark and...and…
TONY: And it’s a night where the streets are filled with monsters….
FIEVEL: Monsters…?
TONY: Yeah, Fillie. And even skinny skeletons and saw-toothed goblins!
TIGER: Skeletons?!
TANYA: Goblins?! (runs off scared with her broom)
FIEVEL: Tanya!
(Tanya runs into the fog, and imagines herself surrounded by monstrous forms who make roaring and growling noises)
TANYA: Spooks! Skeletons! Goblins! Fievel! Tony! Bridget! Tiger! Help!
Tanya runs off into the distance crying and screaming
(Cut back to Fievel, Tony, Bridget and Tiger looking worried for Tanya)
TONY: Was it something I said?
(fade to black)
Next scene shows Tanya finding herself inside a rundown building. It was dark inside, and Tanya felt very frightened
TANYA: I wish I was back home with Fievel, Yasha, Mama and Papa. I wish I wasn’t so afraid of the dark. I want to go home. (starts to sob)
FIEVEL: Tanya! Tanya?!
BRIDGET: Tillie!
TONY: Tillie! Where could she be?
TIGER: Tanya?
FIEVEL: Maybe Tanya went into that old house.
TONY: How can you tell she went in there?
FIEVEL: Look what I found. (picks up Tanya’s witch hat) Tanya’s witch hat.
BRIDGET: Fillie’s right, Tony. That old house must be where his sister is.
TONY: We gotta save her! Come on!
TIGER: I don’t know if we should go in there, guys. I’ve heard stories about that place. Supposedly, anyone who goes inside that house has never come out alive.
I don’t want to go there.
FIEVEL: Neither do I, Tiger, but we must. It’s the only way we can save Tanya. We can do this.
Fievel and Tiger follow Tony and Bridget inside the old house
TIGER: (shivering) Spooky…
TONY: What, are ya afraid?
TIGER: Who, me? Uh…no.
Fade to the mouse neighborhood, still celebrating Halloween. We then go to the Mousekewitz family house. Inside, Papa and Mama were feeling worried about their children. Fievel and Tanya should have been home by this time
MAMA: (with a concerned face) What could have happened to Fievel and Tanya. Where could they be, Papa?
PAPA: Our Halloween party is going to start soon, and our children need to be here. I think I better go out and look for them. (puts on his coat) Mama, please look after little Yasha.
(Papa closes the door after leaving)
YASHA: (looking sad) Fievel and Tanya gone.
MAMA: Don’t worry, Yasha. Fievel and Tanya will be home in time.
(Yasha coos cutely)
(Fade transition to the interior of the old house and Tanya was hiding in a corner under a newspaper)
TANYA: This place is so scary…
Suddenly, a creaking noise is heard
TANYA: Eek! Who’s there?
No answer, and Tanya hides under the paper
Cut to Fievel, Tony, Bridget and Tiger entering the old building slowly and quietly. They hear footsteps too. They hid under the stairs
Tanya crawls out from the newspaper. She stands up and walks slowly and cautiously
TANYA: Fievel? Tony? Bridget? Tiger? Where are you?
Then, a dark shadow zooms past, making Tanya gasp and turn her head to where the shadow went. She looks around and sees a cat-shaped silhouette which quickly hides
TANYA: Fievel. Tony. Bridget. Tiger.
Tanya tip-toes without making a noise. Then, she hears a loud creaking noise and turns around. Tanya gasps. We cut to Tommy and the Mulberry Street Cats in their silhouette appearances, with their eyes and pupils showing only
TOMMY: Hello, little mousie.
(Tanya screams)
TANYA: Fievel! Tony! Bridget! Tiger! Help! (tries to run away but Jasper the lizard grabs her with his tail)
JASPER: My apologies, miss.
Fievel and his friends hear Tanya’s screams
FIEVEL: That’s Tanya!
BRIDGET: She must be in trouble!
TIGER: Tanya in trouble? Oh, that doesn’t sound good.
FIEVEL: You can say that again. Come on!
Tony leads the way. The three mice and Tiger look around for Tanya
FIEVEL: Tanya! Tanya?
TIGER: (looks inside a wooden chest) Are you in here, Tanya?
FIEVEL: Hey, Tiger? What makes you so sure that this house is haunted?
TIGER: Well, uh, I think that’s what my uncle told me. But I don’t know if you want to hear the story. I’m afraid it’s too scary.
TONY: Ay, tell us about it.
TIGER: (looked very scared) Well, my uncle told me a story about a family who had cats and lived in that place.
BRIDGET: What happened to them?
TIGER: One day, my uncle was wandering around near the bedroom when he noticed that there was no one in there. He looked upstairs and downstairs…but there was no trace of the family.
FIEVEL: (gasps) How awful.
TIGER: Yeah. On dark foggy nights, every October, the ghosts of his owners still haunt and wander inside this very house looking for whom to scare.
FIEVEL: Your uncle told you that?
TIGER: Uh-huh.
FIEVEL: I do hope Tanya is safe until we find her.
BRIDGET: Don’t worry, Fillie. We’ll find your sister.
TONY: Hopefully before someone else…or something else does.
Fievel and Bridget looking at each other with worry
Fade transition to the street scene where Papa is looking for his children
PAPA: Fievel! Tanya! Where are you?!
(Papa stops and waits while a horse-drawn trolley passes by)
PAPA: Fievel! Tanya!
As Papa yells, thunder sounds and lightning flashes. Papa walks on, determined to find Fievel and Tanya. Scene fades to black
Fade-in transition to next scene: back at the haunted house, Fievel, Tony, Bridget and Tiger look around for Tanya. Tony finds a box of matchsticks and takes one of the matches out. He lights it, so he, Fievel, Bridget and Tiger could see through the dark. Then, they hear a cry
TANYA: Help!
(Upon hearing this, Tony hushes to Fievel, Bridget and Tiger)
TONY: Do ya hear that? I hear a cry.
TANYA: Help, please!
FIEVEL: That must be Tanya!
TONY: Come on, follow her voice. She must be around here somewhere…
The four follow the trail of where Tanya’s crying voice is coming from. There was a hole in the floor. Tony, Bridget and Tiger walk by it and don’t know that the hole is there. However, Fievel doesn’t see it and suddenly falls through the hole! Fievel screams
BRIDGET: (gasps) Oh, no!
TONY: Fillie!
(Fievel then lands on a soft pillow)
FIEVEL: What happened? TANYA: (off-camera) Fievel? (cut to a shot of Tanya locked in a cage) Fievel, is that you?
FIEVEL: Tanya! There you are!
TANYA: Oh, Fievel. I’m so glad you’re here.
FIEVEL: Don’t worry, Tanya. We’ll get you out of here.
(then, Fievel and Tanya hear a wicked laugh)
???: That’s what you think, mouse.
FIEVEL: (gasps) Who’s there?
Fievel and Tanya hear footsteps, and they gasp when they see the cat silhouettes
🎵Ghosts, witches and goblins
Will give you a nightmare
They like sneak out from the graveyard
So you better beware!
Beware of Ghosts, witches and goblins
I’d turn back if I were you!
Or you’ll get shivers down your spine
For they come out and yell “Boo!”
They’re big, they’re small
they’re short, they’re tall
They’ll make you scream
And run down the hall
They’re strange, they’re wicked
sneaky and goofy
And most of all,
They’re really spooky!
(Musical interlude)
Ghosts, witches and goblins
Will give you a nightmare
They like sneak out from the graveyard
So you better beware!
Beware of Ghosts, witches and goblins
I’d turn back if I were you!
Or you’ll get shivers down your spine
For they come out and yell “Boo!”
(the cat silhouettes laugh)
(Back upstairs, we see Tony, Bridget and Tiger hearing Fievel and Tanya’s screaming)
TIGER: (scared) Nyah-aah-aah…Sounds like Fievel and Tanya are in trouble.
BRIDGET: They must be trapped down there!
TONY: Come on! We gotta save them before something happens to them!
(Outside, Papa was looking for Fievel and Tanya when he heard faint screams. He follows the sound to see what the racket is. He runs inside the old house)
PAPA: Fievel! Tanya! Are you here?
(Papa listens for an answer, then he hears his children screaming)
PAPA: (gasp) Fievel! Tanya! I’m coming!
Meanwhile, Tony, Bridget and Tiger follow the noise to the basement, where they find Fievel and Tanya trapped in the cage together. The ominous cat silhouettes surround them
TONY: (quietly) Look!
BRIDGET: Oh, no. They’ve got them, Tony.
TONY: How are gonna stop those…? (Looks around, then sees some long string. That gave Tony an idea) That’s it!
Fade-transition to Tony tying the string to one of the needles, which he uses as a makeshift arrow to shoot from his bow. Bridget and Tiger watch
BRIDGET: I hope this works. It’s our only chance to save them, Tony.
TONY: Don’t worry, Bridget. We can do this. (turns his focus to the wooden post to shoot at) Here goes nothing. (Prepares to aim, then he fires his makeshift arrow at the post. The arrow’s tip is buried in the wood surface)
TONY: I did it!
BRIDGET: Good job, hero. You’re a genius.
TONY: Hey. Excu-u-u-se me, Maid Bridget.
BRIDGET: (giggles)
Tony swings on the string aiming to pass by the cage’s door. As he gets closer, Tony yells “Yahoo!” before taking out one of the needles from his makeshift scabbard. Tony swings the needle at the door of the cage, making it unlock, much to Fievel and Tanya’s surprise and delight
TANYA: He’s come to save us, Fievel!
(Tony reached the top of a wooden shelf just as the group of cats shouted)
???: We’ve got another mouse here! Get him!
Tony gestures to Fievel and Tanya to escape the cage. Fievel and Tanya nod, then sneak out and walk up the wooden stairs where they reunite with Bridget and Tiger. Meanwhile, Tony dodged the cat silhouettes and uses the needle as a sword
FIEVEL: Tiger!
TANYA: Bridget!
TIGER: Oh, Fie! I’m so glad you and Tanya are all right! We thought the ghosts were coming to get you.
TANYA: We’ve gotta get out of here.
Back to Tony vs. the cats. Tony sees an open paint can before he runs over to it, then pushes the paint can off the shelf. It lands on one of the cats’ heads.
CAT 1: Hey! Who turned out the light?! Get it off me!
(Tony chuckles)
CAT 2: What happened?
CAT 1: That mouse got paint all over me!
Cats shout indistinctly while Tony starts to make the shelf tip over so it could land on the cats. Tony says “One…two…and a-three!!” Tony jumps onto a chair while the shelf falls down and crashes. The cats are revealed to be Tommy and the Mulberry Street Cats
TONY: Holy spumoni! It’s the Mulberry Street Cats! They’re the ones who got Fillie and Tillie trapped!
Fievel, Tanya, Bridget and Tiger see what had happened. Then the heroes laugh at what they see: Tommy and the Mulberry Street Cats were on the floor groaning as they tried getting the shelf off of themselves
JASPER: I say, our plan to scare those mice went blooming adrift.
CHARLIE: I think what he’s trying to say is that our plan has gone wrong…
TOMMY: (interrupting) Ohhhh…shut up, fools…and help me out of this…
Tony returns to the others
FIEVEL: Thanks for saving us, Tony! Or should I say, Robin Hood! (Giggles)
TONY: (laughs) Don’t mention it, Fillie. (to Tanya) I’m sorry that I got you scared and running off, Tillie.
TANYA: It’s all right, Tony.
TIGER: Say, I’m so glad that those ghosts weren’t really ghosts after all. (Chuckles)
TONY: Wait a minute. What about what your uncle said?
TIGER: Oh, well, I think the ghosts were only a figment of my uncle’s imagination after all.
FIEVEL: (giggles) You’re right, Tiger. There’s nothing to ever be scared of. It’s just our imaginations!
(Then they hear a voice calling out “Fievel! Tanya!”)
TONY: Uh, Tiger?
TIGER: What? (Gasps)
MALE VOICE: Fievel! Tanya! Are you here?
TIGER: Nyah-aaah-aah! Ghosts! They’re coming to get us!
TANYA: Ghosts?
(Fievel, Tanya, Tony, Bridget and Tiger stay close together. Then, they see a familiar heavyweight mouse shaped figure appear towards them. It was Papa!)
FIEVEL: (recognizing) That’s no ghost, guys. It’s Papa!
TANYA: (relieved) He’s here!
FIEVEL: Here we are, Papa!
(Tony, Bridget and Tiger smile. Fievel and Tanya see Papa coming to them. The two Mousekewitz siblings race toward Papa and hug)
PAPA: Tanya! Fievel!
FIEVEL & TANYA: Papa! Papa!
PAPA: Oh, Fievel and Tanya. I’m so glad you’re safe.
FIEVEL: Me too, Papa.
PAPA: You had me and Mama worried about you.
TANYA: We’re so very sorry, Papa.
FIEVEL: But wait until we tell you about our adventure!
Papa chuckles as he hugs his children. Tony, Bridget and Tiger smile
PAPA: Come on. Let’s go home.
(Fievel, Tanya and Papa head off with Tony, Bridget, and Tiger following)
(Cut to the Mulberry Street Cats finally getting the shelf off of Tommy and Timmy. The alley cats were feeling stiff and achy)
HARRY: Hey, Joe. How are you?
JOE: (slaps Harry on the face) What do ya mean, how am I?!
TOMMY: Don’t just stand there doing nothing, ya fools! Get those mice!
JOE: C’mon, boys!
The Mulberry Street Cats run up the stairs. They reach the top floor and look around
CHARLIE: Here, mousey-mousey-mousey!
SAMPSON: We got Swiss Cheese for you!
TOMMY: (annoyed) Quiet down there! (slaps Charlie and Sampson)
CHARLIE: Hey! What's that for?
TOMMY: For being an idiot!
CHARLIE & SAMPSON: (in unison) Okay.
JOE: (stepping up to Charlie and Sampson) Come on! We gotta find them.
TOMMY: That little mousie Fievel should be around here somewhere.
TIMMY: Yeah, and he’s gonna be our dinner tonight, and so are the other mice’s!
JASPER: Yes, sir!
Then a ghostly voice yells “Ah-ha!” Tommy and the Mulberry Street Cats stop whatever they’re doing, their eyes widening in horror. They turn around and see a group of angry-looking ghosts appear
GHOST 1: So you crazy cats are the ones who are trespassing our house! Aren’t you?!
GHOST 2: Yeah!
MULBERRY STREET CATS: (screaming in horror) GHOSTS!!!!!!
TIMMY: Let’s get outta here!!!
The Mulberry Street Cats all run out of the haunted house. The group of ghosts’ angry expressions turn to confusion. They scratch their heads before disappearing
Fade-transition to the Mousekewitz family house. We zoom in slowly toward the door. Inside, the Mousekewitz family is having their Halloween party with Tony and Bridget. Papa is sitting while playing the violin; Mama is cradling baby Yasha; and Fievel, Tanya, Tony and Bridget were dancing to the music of Papa’s violin
🎵On a very dark night,
Under full moonlight
The mice dance and sing
And tell scary ghost stories
On the day of Halloween🎵
🎵One foggy spooky night,
I found myself
In an old haunted house
There were spooky things
that can terrify everyone,
Especially if it was a little mouse!🎵
🎵My little brother Fievel
Along with our friends
Soon came to my aid
And then we overcame
Those scary monsters
And we were never afraid!🎵
🎵On a very dark night,
Under full moonlight
The mice dance and sing
And tell scary ghost stories
On the day of Halloween🎵
TANYA: Bridget, this has been the most unforgettable Halloween ever!
BRIDGET: (giggles) I’m so glad to hear, Tillie. And you know what? There’s nothing to be afraid of.
TANYA: Exactly. Thank you, Bridget.
(Cut to Tiger looking through the window)
TIGER: Happy halloween, Fievel!
FIEVEL: Happy halloween to you too, Tiger!
TANYA: (mimics witch laugh)
(Fievel giggles, then he and Tanya hug each other)
🎵On a very dark night,
Under full moonlight
The mice dance and sing
And tell scary ghost stories
On the day of Halloween
On a very dark night,
Under full moonlight
The mice dance and sing
And tell scary ghost stories
On the day of Halloween
On the day of Halloween🎵
We see one last shot of the Mousekewitz family having the Halloween party with Tony and Bridget before we fade-transition to the mouse neighborhood celebrating Halloween as well. Then, we go to a view of New York City at night with the full moon above in the sky
0 notes
An American Tail: Fievel's New York Tails Episode 3: "Tony, Private Eye"
Third episode of "Fievel's New York Tails", an hypothetical TV series that takes place after the events of the first An American Tail film
The third episode script is also available to view on DeviantArt:
The episode opens with the title of the episode before a lightning flash transition to a black background. Then we hear Papa Mousekewitz’s voice telling a private eye detective story. At the same time, the black background transitions to the pages of the detective story; one page on the left featuring the words, and one page on the right with a picture of a mansion during a stormy night. We then zoom in on the picture of the mansion.
Papa: (narrating) “It was a dark and stormy night in the city. The thunder clapped and the wind blew hither and thither!”
Transition to the library room in the mansion, where three mice, two male, and one female wandering around
Papa: (continues) “Three worried citizens were wandering around in the library of a huge mansion. They wondered what was going to happen…when all of a sudden…the door burst open!”
(Door slams open, lightning flash, and thunder SFX. We see the silhouette of a private eye who presumably is a male mouse character)
PAPA: (continues) “‘I suppose you’re all wondering why I’ve called you here tonight’ said the private eye, ‘It’s because a thief has stolen the banshee’s jewel from the city museum. The thief happens to be here somewhere…in this very room! And that thief is…’”
-Suddenly the strong wind blew the window open and the candles went out-
(We hear clamoring before Mama lights the candle, and it reveals Papa in the chair with Fievel and Tanya on his lap listening to the story)
Mama: Oh, my heavens. It’s quite dark. (After lighting the candle). There. That’s much better.
Fievel: A-And then what happened, Papa?
Tony: (sitting with Bridget) Yeah. Who stole the banshee’s jewel? Was it the butler?
Bridget: Please, tell us who did it.
Tanya: Yes, please.
Papa: Well, I’d like to tell you, but it seems my glasses have disappeared. I can’t read the story without them.
(Tony gets up and looks around the Mousekewitz house, especially the floor, to find Papa’s glasses)
Mama: Well, where have they gone?
Papa: Well, they must have fallen off when the candlelight went out.
(Tony looks behind Papa’s chair only to find the glasses on the floor)
Tony: Say, Mr. M. It seems that the detective here has just solved this case. (Shows Papa his glasses) Here ya go!
Papa: (gasps) My glasses! Thank you. I didn’t lose them after all. You know what, Tony? You make a better private eye than the hero of the story. (chuckles)
Tony: Ay, don’t mention it. I wouldn’t have found a friend like Fillie if it wasn't for our escape from the sweatshop!
Fievel: (giggles) And I wouldn't have a best friend like you. I think you’d make a great private eye too, Tony!
Tony: (to himself) Me? A private eye? Say, that’s not a bad idea.
(The next day, Tiger arrives at the Mousekewitz family house to see Papa carrying in a piece of craftwood to make violins with and Fievel carrying another one. When they come back out, they see Tiger)
Tiger: Hey, Fie!
Fievel: Hi, Tiger!
Tiger: Say, uh, I was wondering if you and I could go play hide-and-seek today. (chuckles)
Fievel: Can I go, Papa? Please?
Papa: You’ve been a big help today, Fievel. So, you can go play with Tiger.
Fievel: Thank you, Papa! I’m coming, Tiger!
(Tiger prepares for Fievel to climb on his back)
Fievel: (excitedly) Let’s go!
(Tiger mimics a horse whinnying before scampering off on all fours with Fievel riding on his back)
(We then see Fievel and Tiger playing hide and seek while staying close to home)
Fievel: One, two, three, four, five…
(While Fievel counts, Tiger looks left and right, wondering where to hide, then he notices a pile of empty wooden boxes and tiptoes behind them.)
Fievel: Eight, nine, ten. Ready or not, here I come, Tiger!
(Fievel wanders around looking for Tiger before he gets close to the boxes)
Fievel: Tiger? Tiger! (giggles) Where can he be?
(Tiger, hearing Fievel get close, tries to be quiet. Tiger forgot to tuck his tail in completely. Fievel looks around the boxes before he sees an orange tail sticking out)
(Back to Tiger, who is hiding)
Tiger: This is the perfect hiding place. Fie will never find me here.
Fievel: Peek-a-boo! I see you!
(Tiger laughs and Fievel giggles)
Tiger: That was fun, Fie! You’re very good at finding me. (Chuckles)
Fievel: Come on, Tiger! Let’s go exploring! (Fievel jumps and lands on Tiger’s back) Giddyup, Tiger!
(Tiger pretends to sound like a horse before he runs on all fours, while Fievel holds on tight. The two venture through the neighborhood before they come to Tony & Bridget’s place)
(Upon arriving, Fievel calls for Tony before he sees a note that reads “Tony Toponi, Private Eye. If you lost ‘em, we’ll find ‘em!”)
Fievel: Tony Toponi, Private Eye. If you lost ‘em, we’ll…
(Tony suddenly opens the door, wearing a Sherlock Holmes style hat and cape)
Tony: (after opening the door) Find ‘em! (chuckles) You’ve come to the right place!
Fievel: (giggles)
Tony: Come on in, and I’ll help solve any mystery for ya!
Fievel: Cool!
(Fievel runs inside and sits on a wooden stool, facing Tony)
Tony: So, what can I help ya, Fillie?
Fievel: Well, Tiger and I were playing a game of hide-and-seek, and–
Tony: Oh, go on. That’s no mystery. (stops and thinks for a moment) Now let’s see…(then snaps his finger) That’s it! Why don’t I come with ya guys, and we can take on any case to solve?
Fievel: Great idea, Tony! That sounds like a fun game to play!
Tony: (smiles, stands up and whips out a magnifying glass from his cape) Follow me!
(Fievel giggles)
(Scene transitions to Fievel, Tony, and Tiger playing the “detective” game while roaming through the mouse neighborhood, Tony moves in a duck-walk, eyeing the street with his magnifying glass, Fievel follows in his footsteps. Tiger sniffs the ground before he stops, howls like a dog, and scratches himself)
Fievel: Hey, Tiger! Did you find anything yet?
Tiger: (chuckles) Sorry, Fie! I just felt ticklish from you scratching my back.
Fievel: (giggles) Never mind. Where do you think we should go first, Private Eye Tony?
Tony: Well, let me think about it, Fillie. Let’s see…(scratches his chin)
(Then, Mr. Parmesan, the owner of the cheese shop, runs out in a panic)
Mr. Parmesan: Help! Robbers! Burglars! Thieves!
Tige: (listening) “Robbers”? “Burglars”? “Thieves”? Ohh…! (quivers)
Fievel: Oh, no! That must be Mr. Parmesan! Come on, Tony!
Tony: Aha! This must be a job for Tony...Private Eye Detective! C’mon men!
(Tony runs over to Mr. Parmesan with Fievel tagging along)
Fievel: Hi, Mr. Parmesan!
Tony: Hey What seems to be the trouble?
Mr. Parmesan: I just bought a brand new hat but now...someone’s stolen it. Could you please help me?
Tony: Dontcha worry. We’ll take care of this case.
(Transition to the inside of the cheese shop, where Tony has a meeting with Fievel and Mr. Parmesan)
Tony: I suppose you’re wondering why I’ve called you all here. It’s because Mr. Parmesan’s hat has mysteriously disappeared! Mr. Parmesan, start from the beginning, when did your hat go missing?
Mr. Parmesan: Well, after I put my hat on the rack, my two trusty employees were carrying in a new jar of pimentos and I said we should keep it in the back for the time being. (while Mr. Parmesan talks, Fievel begins to look around) However, I had to help them put the jar down gently in a stable place. Then when I returned to the front, I noticed the hat rack had fallen over...
(Fievel, gets down on his hands and knees, crawls to a corner the corner of a doorway leading to the back of the store , he peeks around it and sees a brand new bowler hat lying sideways. Cut back to the front)
Mr. Parmesan: …and when I stood it back up, I looked around and my hat was nowhere in sight!
Tony: (tapping a finger on his cheek) Hmm…there’s somethin’ very mysterious about this. (smiles) But don’t worry! We can solve it for ya.
Fievel: (offscreen) Tony! I think I’ve found something!
(Tony runs over to Fievel who has gotten up picked up the hat)
Tony: Well, lookie-lookie here. (to Mr. Parmesan) It appears that my assistant has helped solve the case.
Mr. Parmesan: Well, what is it?
Tony: Well, according to my trusty assistant, there was something in the corner near the back of the cheese store…and that something was…(reveals the bowler hat)...this!
Mr. Parmesan: (gasps) My hat! It’s here, and there isn’t a dent on it! How can I ever thank you?
Tony: Ah, it was easy as pie. Especially for a case that has just been resolved by Tony Toponi…Private Eye! And his trusty assistant!
Fievel: We did it, Tony!
Tony: (chuckles) We sure did. Come on, Fillie!
Mr. Parmesan: Good-bye and thank you!
Fievel: Good-bye, Mr. Parmesan!
(We see the outside of the cheese shop where Fievel and Tony walk out)
Fievel: (giggling) That was fun, Tony! I’m really enjoying this game very much!
Tony: (chuckles) Ya know, Fillie…when we stick together, we can handle just about anything!
TONY: (singing)
When there is a mystery in the city,
Together we’ll get down to the nitty-gritty.
Solve the clues, and right the wrong
Now join me as we sing this song
FIEVEL: (singing)
That’s right, Tony! We’re on an adventure
To find the pieces to the puzzle
And we’ll find a discovery that’ll help us solve
The mystery that’s causing the trouble
TONY & FIEVEL (Together):
If there’s a problem, we’ll find a solution
So nothing ends up in too much confusion
There’s so many clues in anywhere you go
And places to look up high and down low
We stick together
Through thick and thin
Till the mystery gets solved in the end!
Ya gotta find answers to get a case cracked
TONY & FIEVEL (Together):
Because a detective looks for clues and stays on track.
We stick together through thick and thin
Till the mystery gets solved in the end!
Ya gotta find answers to get a case cracked
Because a detective looks for clues and stays on track.
TONY: (speaking)
Tony, private eye stays on track.
Fievel: What case do you think we’ll try to solve next?
Tony: (enthusiastically) Well, Fillie, my trusty assistant. You’ll never know when another one will happen. Come on!
(The camera then moves to the left where we see two male mice putting up a sign on the wall that says “MISSING: Gussie Mausheimer”, the description of Gussie, and a photograph of her in between)
(The next day: it’s a nice day in the mouse neighborhood before Bridget and Tony arrive. Bridget has bad news.)
Bridget: Everyone, listen! I have terrible news. Gussie Mausheimer has disappeared!
(the mice gather to see and hear Bridget, including Fievel and the Mousekewitz family)
Male Mouse 1: Huh? You mean, the-
Bridget: Yes! She was in charge of an important rally yesterday, and when the rally was finished, I noticed that she was gone in a flash! We need to find her!
Male Mouse 2: Yeah, but what can we do?
Female Mouse: Yes, tell us.
(while Bridget talks with the crowd)
Fievel: We gotta do something, Papa!
Papa: (looking concerned, helps Fievel back) Fievel, no. We don’t want you to get in big trouble. All we can do for the time being is keep together for our safety.
(suddenly, Papa, Mama, baby Yasha and a group of some mice get captured in a sack)
Fievel and Tanya: Oh no! Mama! Papa! Yasha!
(Bridget hears the two Mousekewitz siblings screaming in terror. Tony runs to save them and the three retreat in one of the shops)
Bridget: Everyone, take shelter! (Follows Tony) Please don’t panic!
(while the other mice scramble for their safety, Bridget takes shelter with Tony, Fievel and Tanya)
Fievel: Bridget!
Tony: Y’all right?
Bridget: Yes. I am. Are you alright too?
Tanya: Yes we are.
Bridget: So relieved. Gussie Mausheimer has been captured, and we’ve got to save her!
Fievel: But, Bridget! We gotta save our parents!
Tanya: And our baby sister too!
Bridget: Now remember, Fillie and Tillie. We need to remain calm.
Fievel: Who could have taken them, Bridget?
Bridget: I don’t know who captured them. They seem to have disappeared mysteriously, just like Gussie Mausheimer.
Tony: (inspired, puts his detective hat and cape on) This looks like a job for Tony, Private Eye! Come on!
Bridget: Tony, wait!
(Tony leads the way outside, with Fievel, Tanya and Bridget following after)
Tony: (looks around) Hey! Where did everyone go?
Fievel: (gasp) They all must have been captured too!
(Fievel sees what looks to be a large note on the ground)
Fievel: Look!
(The three other mice come over to see the note Fievel has picked up. They set it up, and move back so they can read it.)
Tanya: What does it say, Fievel?
Fievel: “Free cheese is only found in mousetraps.”
Tony: “P.S. Don’t ya fall for ‘em, wise mice.” Wise mice, eh? There’s someone trying to be funny around here.
Fievel: (groans) We don’t have time for games, we’ve got to catch those mousenappers. Come on!
-Fievel and Tony run to the middle of the alley, Bridget and Tanya follow after them-
Fieve: Tiger! Tiger? Where are you?! Tiger! (Then they hear someone coming)
Tiger: Here I am, Fie! (comes to a sudden stop) Whoa!
-the mice get surprised when Tiger stops too close-
Tiger: Sorry about that! So, what’s the trouble, kids?
Fievel: I’m so glad you’re here, Tiger. We need your help!
Bridget: (climbing on Tiger’s back with Tony giving her a boost) We’ve got to find Gussie Mausheimer! Someone has kidnapped her!
Fievel: And we also need to find Papa and Mama! They’ve been taken along with our baby sister Yasha!
Tiger: K-K-Kidnapped? Oh, gosh! Oh, gee! Oh, gosh! That’s terrible!
Fievel: You can say that again. Let’s go! (Tony and Bridget pull Fievel and Tanya onto Tiger’s back and they all set off)
(The next scene shows Tony, Fievel, Tanya and Bridget riding on Tiger’s back through the alley, closeup, the four mice each turn their heads back and forth and up and down, looking in alternate directions for possible clues.)
Tiger: (sniffing the ground, muttering to himself) Gotta find clues, gotta find clues.
(Then, he stops suddenly)
Tiger: Woof! Hahahah!
Fievel: You okay, Tiger?
Tiger: Sorry, Fie! It’s that I’m feeling ticklish! I can’t help it!
Tony: Snap out of it, stupid! We gotta find some clues.
Tiger: Right, clues. Got it. (continues on) (Then, Tiger sees something) Hey, I found something!
Tony: What is it? (gets off Tiger’s back, followed by Fievel. They find what appears to be a footprint made of flour mixed with water)
Fievel: It looks like a footprint.
Bridget: It is! A cat’s footprint.
(Fievel spots another cat footprint)
Fievel: I see another one! There’s more too!
Tony: We’re hot on the trail! Everyone, follow those footprints.
(Fievel and Tony lead the way with Bridget, Tanya and Tiger following, scene transitions to the five following the flour footprints before they hear some cackling voices)
Tanya: What’s that noise?
Bridget: I think it’s coming from…(looking around, ears pricked up to listen to where the voices are coming from)...somewhere over…(points to Mulberry Bend)...there!
(The four mice and Tiger follow the sound of the cackling voices before arriving at the back alley known as Mulberry Bend. They can hear the sounds of a pool cue hitting the pool balls. Fievel and Tony peek through the windows of the basement to see what’s happening. Bridget and Tanya get off Tiger’s back before peeking through the window.)
CUT TO: (the scene shows the captured mice including Gussie Mausheimer, Papa, Mama and Yasha in the basement)
(Cut to Fievel and Tanya gasping)
Tanya: Fievel, look!
Fievel: Papa and Mama. They’re in trouble. Come on! We gotta save them!
Bridget: Fillie, no! Stop!
Tanya: I’ll get him.
Bridget: No, Tillie!
(Tanya is already running after Fievel)
Tanya: (catching her brother by the shoulder) Come on, Fievel! You know better than to run off like that.
Fievel: Aww, come on! (kicks some dust)
(Suddenly, Fievel and Tanya fall sideways through the open window, landing into a basket of soft yarn balls near a corner of the basement. Quietly, they both climb out and creep around the basket to look for the other mice before they find another note, Tanya picks it up, it reads: "It's payback time! We've got your parents, and you're next!")
(Fievel and Tanya gasp, look at each other)
Tanya: Oh, no! Come on, Fievel! Let’s get back to the others. (drops the note runs back for the window)
Fievel: Tanya, wait for me! Wait! Wait!
(Fievel tries to follow Tanya, but he trips and falls. As Fievel gets up, his hat is over his eyes. He then lifts it back up. Before he can start running again, a shadow suddenly looms above him. Also, a sinister laugh is heard. Fievel looks up and gasps)
(We then see the dark silhouettes of an alley cat gang)
Voice #1: Going somewhere? (Cackles)
Voice #2: Say, boss. Looks like our mouse took the bait! (laughs)
(nose flick SFX)
Voice #3: Shaddup! Ya nit-wit.
Voice #1: (to Fievel) Welcome to our house, mousie. (cackles evilly)
(We then see a scared look on Fievel’s face)
(Cut to Tony, Bridget, and Tiger outside in the alley. Tanya comes back to tell Tony)
Tanya: Tony! Bridget! Tiger!
Tony: What’s up, Tillie?
Bridget: Did you and Fillie find the mouse-nappers?
Tony: And where’s Fillie?
(Tanya looks around but doesn’t see Fievel. Then she gasps)
Tanya: Fievel! He must have gotten caught by the mouse-nappers, and locked up with the other mice!
(Bridget gasps, and so does Tiger)
Tiger: Mouse-napped?! Oh no. Fie’s in trouble!
Tanya: What do we do?
Tony: I got it! Let’s split up and find any more clues. Bridget and I will go one way, while you two go the other way.
(Tony and Bridget look around near a wagon and a pile of logs in one part of the alley, while Tanya and Tiger look around some barrels in the other part of the alley. While the two look, we also see a shadow appear. Then, Tiger hears a rip sound)
Tiger: Huh? What was that noise? Tanya: I don’t know, but it sounded like something ripped.
(Tiger then sees a sack of flour that was resting against one of the barrels was now torn open)
Tiger: Hey, look! I think I found a clue!
Tanya: What is it, Tiger?
Tiger: A sack of flour torn open.
(Tiger and Tanya survey the mess)
Tanya: Now who could do that? (then she gasps when she sees some fresh footprints made out of flour) Tiger, look!
Tiger: (turns to see what Tanya is looking at) Nyah-ah-ah-ah! Where did those footprints come from?
Tanya: Let’s find out.
(Tanya then walks out to where the footprints are leading to, back to Tiger who sees that the footprints are going one way as well as the other way)
Tiger: Hey, Tannie! It looks like the footprints – (suddenly, Tiger notices that Tanya disappeared!) Tannie? Where’d ya go? (Then, while finding Tanya, he notices that the flour sack is gone and sees a note that says: “Somebody’s gonna catch a tiger by the tail! Ya better watch out!”)
Tiger: Uh-oh! I’d better watch out! Nyah-ah-ah! (Suddenly, he gets caught in the now-empty flour sack) Help! Fie! Tannie! Somebody! Help!
(Cut to Tony and Bridget looking for clues when they help Tiger crying for help)
Bridget: That must be Tiger!
Tony: Yeah! C’mon!
(They run over to the barrels to see if Tiger and Tanya found any clues, only to find the flour footprints and an empty sack torn open, Tony puts the magnifying glass to his right eye)
Tony: Hey! Those are the same footprints that led us here.
(The two mice look around by the street)
Tony: Look, Bridget! (Tony looks where Bridget is pointing and sees a cart with some flour sacks in them, with some of the sacks torn and in a messy flour mass)
Tony: That’s a broken cart of flour on one side of the street.
Bridget: That must mean…(gasps)…the mouse-nappers must have stolen the sacks before they made the footprints out of the flour.
Tony: You’re right, Bridget!
(Then they see another note that says “The time has come. Who’s next?!”)
(Tony reads the note before)
Tony: Come on, Bridget! (Leaves but Bridget has disappeared)
Tony: (looks back, then is in surprise) Bridget? Bridget, where’d you go?
(Then he gasps)
Tony: Oh no! Bridget’s been mouse-napped! This looks like a job for Tony, Private Eye!
(Runs off to rescue his friends. Scene fades to black)
(Scene fades in, and we see Tony coming for the stairway to the basement room when he hears a muffled voice)
Tony: Hey, what’s that noise?
(he hears the muffled voice again, and follows it. He soon finds where the voice is coming from: a barrel in a corner of the alley. Tony finds the barrel, and the big orange cat’s tail is sticking out. Tony looks in to see Tiger tied up and gagged with a bandanna.)
Tony: Don’t worry, Tig’! I’ll get ya out of this!
(Tony gets the bandanna off Tiger’s mouth, and undoes the ropes)
Tiger: Thanks, Tony, but I still need help. I think I’m stuck.
(Tony thinks for a moment before an idea hits him)
Tony: I got it! (Tony then climbs on the barrel. Once he gets on the barrel he makes the barrel move. Tony makes the barrel move one way then the other way while he keeps his balance.) It’s working!
(Tiger chuckles)
Tiger: Whoa!
(As the barrel starts to move, Tony jumps off. It rolls down a slope in the alleyway, crashes into a wall and breaks apart. Tiger lies on the pile of wood, dazed, but quickly shakes out of it)
Tiger: Hey, I’m free! Yahoo! I’m free as a bird! (rolls on the ground, laughing)
Tony: Come on, get up, ya big lug! We gotta save Fillie and the others!
Tiger: Oh, yeah. Right! Gotta save Fiev!
(Tony gets on Tiger’s back and Tiger walks on all fours to the stairway that goes down to the basement room. Tiger creeps down the stairs and finds the door is slightly open. He cautiously pushes open it all the way and enters the room. Tony jumps off Tiger’s back and scans the area.)
Tony: Fillie? Tillie? Bridget?
Tiger: Fie?
Fievel: Tiger! Tony! Over here!
(Tony looks to the right and notices an old dresser topped with a row of 7 cages, all full of mice.)
Tony: There they are! Come on!
(Tiger and Tony run to the dresser, Tiger leaps to top, and they find the missing mice in the cage, at least three in each, Fievel, Tanya, and Bridget are in the center one. Gussie Mausheimer and Mr. Parmesan sit in the one on the far right and Papa, Mama and Yasha’s cage is adjacent to the left)
Tiger: Oh, I’m glad you’re safe, Fie.
Gussie Mausheimer: (to Tiger) Thank goodness you’ve come, Mr. Cat! You've got to find the keys to this wusty old twap so we can be set fwee! After all, why did we come to Amewica?
Bridget: For freedom!
Gussie: Wight.
Tony: Dontcha worry, fellas! We'll save ya.
Baby Yasha: Uncle Tony!
(Tony chuckles, he grunts as tries to pull on the bars of Fievel’s cage, ineffectively)
Fievel: Come on, Tiger. You've gotta get us out. I know you can do it!
Tiger: Thanks, Fie!
Papa: No time to waste now. You must hurry!
Bridget: Yes, Tony. Or we’ll all be mice sandwiches.
Tony: (catching his breath) Don’t worry, Bridget! Hang in there. (to Tiger) We gotta find the keys. C'mon! (waves his arms)
Tiger: Right. Find the keys. (Tiger anxiously looks around for the keys to unlock the cages’ doors) Keys, keys, keys. Where are they? Gotta find them.
(while looking for the keys, Tony finds a note that says “Judgment Day”)
Tony: (gasps) We gotta hurry!
(Tiger checks the pool table, and at last finds the keys in the left side pocket.)
Tiger: Here they are!
Tony: Bingo!
(Tony takes the keys, and Tiger holds out his hand to give him a lift. Tony is set back on the dresser then swiftly unlocks each cage, setting the mice free, much to their delight.)
Gussie: At last, we're fwee! (to Tony) Thank you, my good man. (shakes his hand)
Tony: Okay, everyone. Hurry! Before those sneaky mouse-nappers get back here!
(The freed mice run through the open window. Then, Tony turns to Fievel, Tanya, Papa, Mama who was holding baby Yasha, Bridget and Gussie)
Tony: (To Fievel and Tanya) How’s that for a rescue?
Fievel: You did it! You saved us. Now we can go home. Thanks, Tony!
Tony: Ay, don’t mention it. Come on! I’ll tell you about the clues I’ve found along the way! And I have a plan to take care of the mouse-nappers.
(The eight mice escape following Tiger outside, Tony notices an oil can sitting in a corner)
(Crossfade to Tommy and the Mulberry Street Cats coming down the stairs to the entrance.)
Tommy: This is it, boys! We’ll be having the most delicious M.L.T. sandwiches ever!
Joe: You said it, boss. We’ve caught a lot of them so far.
Charlie: Soitenly! Remember the story of the Pie-Eyed Piper of Hamelin?
Harry: Yeah?
Charlie: Well, if a pie-eyed piper can call out mice, I guess we can call ‘em out sober! Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk.
(Joe slaps Charlie)
Joe: Aw, shut up!
(Sampson, a new member of the Mulberry Street Cats approaches Joe)
Sampson: Let him alone.
(Joe flicks Sampson)
Tommy: That’s enough! Now let’s get them mice ready. (then he stops and gasps when he sees mouse-shaped ragdolls in the cages, he takes two out and throws them on the floor)
Tommy: You DUNDERHEADS!! These ain’t the mice, they’re dolls!
(Timmy, Jasper the lizard, Joe, Harry, Charlie and Sampson look and gasp)
Harry: B-But, we didn’t put them in there!
Tommy: I don’t care for your excuses! Search the alley! Find them!
(Charlie, Harry, and Sampson run out the back door, only to find the ground slippery with oil)
Charlie, Harry, and Sampson: Whoa!/Whoo-whoo-whoo!/Eeeb-bee-bee-bee!
(The three slide into a stack of empty wooden boxes, knocking it down onto them)
Joe: (runs to the cats, roughly pulls them out of the mess) Get up, you half-wits!
(He slaps all three of them at once)
Harry, Charlie, and Sampson: Ow!/Mmph!/Cut it out!
(Fievel and Tanya stand on a barrel, watching everything, and laughing. Fievel, laughing the hardest, falls backwards, his legs kicking in the air. Tanya, suddenly stops laughing as she hears Tommy, Timmy and Jasper)
Tanya: Fievel. They’re coming!
(Fievel gets up at Tanya’s words)
Fievel: (gasps) Come on!
(Fievel and Tanya jump from the barrel onto a low fence and run along it before Tony and Bridget call to them from up on a window sill on the next building)
Bridget: Fillie! Tillie!
Tony: Over here!
Fievel: (to Tanya) Faster!
(Tommy, Timmy, and Jasper come upstairs to try and find the mice)
Tommy: Oh, mice! Come out, come out, wherever you are.
Jasper: Here, mousie, mousie, mousie! Where are you?
Timmy: Where are you little punks?
Fievel: We're up here, you mean alley cats!
(Tommy, Timmy, and Jasper look up to see Fievel, Tanya, Tony, and Bridget all standing on the windowsill)
Timmy: Hey! Howdja get way up there?
Tommy: Let me take it from here, I’m the boss! (feigning a friendly tone) Hey, mousey! Come on down, will ya? We can talk this over like civilized folks..
Fievel: I’m warning you, Too-Tall Tommy! This time, you’re going too far!
Tommy: Oh, am I now? And give me a few good reasons why.
Fievel: Well, one reason is that you have – um, oh, what is the word?
Tommy: Let the kitty out of the bag, is that it?
Fievel: Oh, yes, that’s it. And two, my papa’s gonna be real mad at you when he knows.
Timmy: Oh, you don’t say.
Tommy: (bonks Timmy on the noggin) Shaddup!
Tony: And three, we’re staying up here! So there!
Tommy: Aw, come on! You’re bein’ hasty. Why don’t you come down here? We won’t harm you.
Jasper: Exactly! We promise that we'll never lay a finger on you.
Timmy: Or a claw.
(Tommy rolls his eyes)
Fievel: (eyes narrow) Do you really mean that?
Tommy: Cross my heart and hope to die. Now be a good little boy mouse and come down here, along with your friends.
Fievel (whispers) Okay, Tony! Are we ready?
Tony: Yep! Now!
(Tony starts to push an empty flower pot, Fievel and Tanya quickly help him, they all push it to the edge until it falls. The flower pot breaks in half as it hits Timmy’s head, knocking him out)
Tommy: Timmy! Timmy! Are ya all right? C’mon, Timmy. Wake up! Wake up, Timmy!
(Timmy looks at Tommy dizzily and we cut to a pov of Tommy looking at him with two fingers)
Tommy: How many fingers am I holding up?
Timmy: Um…four? I mean…(then he looks up at the window again to see the mice pushing another flower pot out the window, this time one with a planted flower)
Tommy: Well?
Timmy: Boss! Look!
(Tommy looks up, the flower pot crashes down on him, the flower and dirt decorating his hat, stars whirl around him and his eyes have spirals)
Tommy: (dizzily) Today’s weather seems to be rainin’ cats and dogs... (slumps over)
Jasper: (looks at Tommy) I say, ol’ chap, that’s quite a ripping fashion statement.
Tommy: Oh, shut up, Jasper. (moans)
(cut to Fievel, Tanya, Tony and Bridget watching with happy looks on their faces)
Fievel: (giggles) My, are those cats ever dumb! (to the others) Come on, follow me!
(he jumps onto a drain pipe and slides down, followed by Tony, then Bridget and Tanya before they jump off the drain pipe. Tiger reaches out to catch them in his hands)
Tiger: Hey, Fievel! Hey, guys! Are you all right?
Fievel: (giggles) You bet, Tiger!
Tony: Come on, let’s get outta here!
(Tiger takes them to a corner where Papa, Mama, baby Yasha and Gussie are hiding from the cats. Papa and Mama are happy to see their two children again.)
Mama: Fievel! Tanya!
Fievel and Tanya: (Hugs Mama, along with Tanya) Mama! Papa!
Papa: Thank goodness you’re all right, my two children.
Gussie: Thank you, my fwiends. You’ve...(stammers)...saved us all. And I thank the cat too. (chuckles)
Tiger: Aw, don’t mention it. (laughs jovially) That’s what I do the best!
(Meanwhile, Tommy and Timmy snap out of their dizzy states with the help of Jasper lightly slapping their faces as a way to wake them up. Joe, Harry, Charlie and Sampson come over to see)
Jasper: There ya go, guv’ner. How are ya?
Tommy: (grabs Jasper by the neck) Whattaya mean, how am I? (scowls at the gang) Don’t just stand there, ya chowder-heads! Get those mice!
Joe: (to Charlie, Harry, and Sampson) C’mon!
(The Mulberry Street Cats shout as they charge, but stop suddenly when Tiger appears with a sack of flour)
Tiger: Oh! Hi, guys! Pillow fight! (hits Harry and Charlie with the sack of flour, covering them in flour and making them cough along with Joe and Sampson. Tiger runs off)
Joe: (coughs) Wise guy, eh? (slaps Harry, then Charlie taps Joe on the shoulder. Joe tries to eye-poke Charlie but Charlie blocks by putting his hand in front of his own face.)
Charlie: Nyuk, nyuk, nuk, nyuk!
Joe: (bonks Charlie) Come on, ya lunkhead! After him!
Tommy: Oh, little mouse! Where are you?!
(Tiger then grabs on Tommy’s scarf and yanks it off, making Tommy spin around) Tommy: Whoa-whoa-whoa!
(Tommy keeps ahold of his balance and gains it)
Tiger: Pillow fight! (slams a sack of flour at Tommy, Jasper and Timmy, covering them all in flour) This is fun!
Tommy: Hey! What’s going on here! Cut that out!
Jasper: Crimney! What a state!
Timmy: It’s foggy here! I can’t see!
(Tommy and the alley cats bump into each other and fall down thanks to the clouds of flour. They cough and sneeze from the flour. Then, when the clouds clear, the gang lies in a pile)
Tony: Well, well, well. Looks like we’ve caught the mouse-nappers at last!
Tommy: How-How’d you know it was us?
Tony: (with Fievel, Tanya, and Bridget at his side) Well, I can explain several things that explain this mystery.
Fievel: First, Gussie and the other mice were mouse-napped. Second, we just discovered that there was a trail of white cat footprints and we followed the trail all the way here.
Tony: Three, we found a cart of flour with some spilled sacks of flour and we learned that the flour sacks were used to capture Gussie and all the other mice.
Fievel: Four, we confirmed that the white footprints were made out of the flour. And lastly, the mouse-nappers are here in this very alley. And those mouse-nappers are…the Mulberry Street Cats!
Tony: Thanks, my trusty assistant.
Fievel: (giggles, then looks up at Tiger) Thanks for your help, Tiger!
Tiger: Aw, no problem, Fie. (chuckles) After all, it's the… um… cat's pajamas!
Fievel: Nice try, Tommy Cat!
Tony: (chuckles)
(Tommy moans)
Tommy: We would’ve gotten away with it, if it wasn’t you and your mouse friends, and that big orange clod, Tiger! (struggles to move due to the other Mulberry Street Cats still piled on him)
NEXT SCENE: Fievel, Tiger, Tony, Bridget, Tanya, Mama, baby Yasha, Papa, Gussie and the other mice are back in the mouse neighborhood. Gussie thanks Fievel, Tony, Bridget, Tanya and Tiger for saving her and the mice from the Mulberry Street Cats.
Gussie: It is an honor for me to pwaise you for your hewoic....(stammers)
Bridget: Efforts?
Gussie: Yes, efforts. Thank you. For saving us from those dweaded alley cats. Thank you.
Bridget: Yes, Tony. Thank you very much. You’re a true hero too!
Fievel: Bridget's right. You're amazing Tony.
Tony: Aww shucks. (chuckles) By the way, that has just been another case solved by...Tony, Private Eye! And you know what they say…
TONY & FIEVEL (Together):
If there’s a problem, we’ll find a solution
So nothing ends up in too much confusion
There’s so many clues in anywhere you go
And places to look up high and down low
We stick together
Through thick and thin
Till the mystery gets solved in the end!
Ya gotta find answers to get a case cracked
TONY & FIEVEL (Together):
Because a detective looks for clues and stays on track.
Fievel: (giggles) This is the funnest game ever, Tony! We should play it again soon!
Tony: (chuckles, rubs Fievel on his hat) You bet, Fillie!
-fade out on the two boys-
0 notes
An American Tail: Fievel's New York Tails Episode 2: "Fievel's Sick Day"
Second episode of "Fievel's New York Tails", a hypothetical TV series that takes place after the events of the first An American Tail film
The second episode script is also available to view on DeviantArt:
[The episode opens with a splendid morning in the mouse neighborhood in Manhattan. The adult mice cheerfully work at the mouse-sized shops and houses, while the children mice run and play games like hide-and-seek. Pan over to the Mousekewitz house on the front end of the alley, and zoom into the window. Inside, Fievel sits up in bed, looking miserable. His older sister Tanya, along with his Papa and Mama, the latter holding baby Yasha, stand around him.]
Fievel: about to sneeze Ah-ah-ah-choo!
Tanya: Oh, Fievel, you don’t sound too good. (turns to Mama) Mama. I wonder what’s wrong.
Mama: It seems that Fievel’s got a cold. He’ll have to rest in order to get better.
[We see Papa giving his son Fievel a handkerchief to blow his nose]
Papa: Here you go, Fievel. Now take a deep breath, and blow hard.
[Fievel blows his nose as hard as he could]
Fievel: sniffs Thank you, Papa. Oh, I feel dizzy, my head hurts.
Mama: Could you hold Yasha for me please, Tanya? gives Yasha to Tanya
Tanya: Sure, Mama.
Mama: Ok, Fievel, hold still and let me check your temperature. feels Fievel’s forehead with the back of her paw and finds that it is a little bit warm Oh dear, my poor bubeleh has a fever.
Papa: It is worse than I thought.
Yasha looks worried while Tanya comforts her
Yasha: Fievel no well?
Tanya: I’m afraid not, Yasha. Fievel, how did you get sick? Where did you get your fever?
Fievel: sniffling Well, I… I…I don’t know how I got…I got- about to sneeze again Ah-choo! (blows his nose) … I guess it just happened. (lies back moaning from his headache)
Tanya: Aw, poor Fievel.
Papa: sighs sadly (talking to Tanya) Well, Tanya, however it happened, the point is that Fievel’s sick, really sick. (looks back at Fievel) Which means that you need to stay in bed.
Fievel: But, Papa…
Papa: I’m sorry, Fievel. But you’re too sick to go out to play today.
Mama: Now try to get some rest, okay, Fievel? Papa and I don’t want you getting any more worse for the wear.
Tanya gives a worried look at Fievel
Fievel: (sniffs) Okay, Mama.
Baby Yasha crawls up near the bed
Yasha: Fievel sweepy.
Mama: It’s okay, Yasha.
Tanya: I hope Fievel gets better soon, Mama. Is there anything I can do to help him?
Mama: Yes, there is, Tanya. Why don’t you keep Fievel company while he rests? That would really help your brother. In the meantime, Papa and I need to go get some things to help him feel better.
Tanya: Yes, Mama. I’ll look after him until you and Papa get back.
Mama: Thank you, Tanya. Tanya sits on a stool near Fievel sleeping in bed
Papa: Come along, Mama.
Yasha: notices Fievel coughing and sniffling and tears begin to form
Mama: What’s the matter, little Yasha? Are you still worried about Fievel?
Yasha fusses a little
Tanya: tries to comfort and reassure Yasha Aw, don’t cry, Yasha. Fievel’s gonna be just fine. I’ll make sure of it. Yasha smiles a little
Mama: And I know you will, dear. kisses Tanya on the cheek and kisses Fievel on the cheek as well
Tanya: I know what would cheer you up, Yasha. Maybe you could give Fievel a hug.
Mama brings Yasha over to Fievel so Yasha can hug him
Yasha: giggles Huggy-hug. reaches out to Fievel
Fievel: Aww, come here, Yasha.
Fievel hugs Yasha gently before Mama takes Yasha with her
Yasha: Fievel huggy-hug!
Fievel: Now, don’t worry, Yasha. By the time you and Mama and Papa get back, I’ll be feeling just fine. Right, Mama?
Mama: smiles I know you will be, my little boy. Now, please get some rest. It will help you feel better.
Fievel: I love you, Mama. yawns and starts to fall asleep
Mama: Love you too, Fievel. Sweet dreams.
Papa: Now, be a good sister to Fievel, Tanya. And please take good care of him until we get back.
Tanya: Will do, Papa. You can count on me.
Mama: Thank you, Tanya. I know you will do your best. looks down at Yasha Can you say “bye-bye” to Tanya, Yasha?
Yasha: waves to Tanya Tanya bye-bye.
Tanya: giggles and waves Bye, Papa, bye, Mama!
Papa leaves with Mama and Yasha. Outside, Tiger lies cured up in a corner, but wakes up when he hears a door open and close
Tiger: Huh? Who’s there?
Mama: chuckles Well. Hello, Tiger.
Tiger: Oh, hiya, Mr. and Mrs. Mouseke- uh.. whatzit. chuckles Say, uh, how’s Fie doing today?
Papa: Well, Tiger, I’m afraid that Fievel is feeling sick today, and he has a fever. We have to get
some things to help him feel better.
Tiger: Oh, no. Sorry that he’s not feeling well. I hope it ain’t too serious.
Mama: smiles Oh, don’t worry, Tiger. Fievel will be fine, he just needs to rest. Tanya’s looking after him until we get back.
Tiger: sighs with relief That’s good to know. chuckles I hope he gets well soon. Tell Fie I said “hi” too!
Mama: smiles We will. Thank you, Tiger.
Papa: We’ll be back soon. Take care, Tiger.
Tiger: Oh, take care! And uh…see ya! chuckles I sure do hope Fie feels better, I don’t want him to miss out on another playdate.
Back inside the Mousekewitz family’s house, Tanya sits beside Fievel in bed
Fievel: sniffling and moaning in his sleep
Tanya: There, there, Fievel. I’m sure that being sick with a bad fever is no fun for you, huh? I know that you’ve been through a lot worse than this, and I know you will get through this fever, too. I love you very much and I hope you feel better soon, Fievel. rests her paw on Fievel’s arm and sighs
As Fievel sleeps, he starts tossing and turning. Tanya notices and begins to worry
Tanya: gasps Fievel? What’s wrong? Is everything all right?
Fievel whimpers in his sleep. We then transition to the scene where Fievel gets swept overboard the ship to America, separating him from his family. Holst’s “Mars, Bringer of War” plays during the nightmare scene. Then, a lightning flash transition occurs, cueing the scene with Fievel in bed. He cries as he wakes up from his nightmare
Fievel: Mama! Papa! Tanya! Help!
He falls out of his bed and lands on the floor, crying and still tossing and turning
Fievel: Help! Mama! Papa! Tanya! Help me!
Tanya: looking scared Fievel!
Tanya kneels down to comfort her crying brother, she sits him up
Tanya: Are you hurt? Don’t cry, Fievel. Shh. Everything’s all right. hushes again What happened?
Fievel: tears streaking his face I’m sorry, Tanya! I…*sniffs*...I had a bad dream. I-I was dreaming about our boat trip to America, and I got swept overboard, and got carried far away from you, and Papa, and Mama and Yasha and…Ohh, my head. sobs
Tanya: putting her arms around him Oh, I’m very sorry that happened too, Fievel. I remember that time too. But I do remember praying that you were still alive somewhere out there until we finally found you. she almost begins to cry herself
Fievel: trying to stop crying Uh-huh, and I was…ah…ah…*about to sneeze*
Tanya turns her face away
Fievel: Ah-choo!
Tanya: sheds a tear, hands her handkerchief to her little brother Here, blow your nose.
Fievel: sniffs and blows his nose Thanks, Tanya. sniffs again I thought I would never find you all again. It still seems like only yesterday when it happened.
Tanya: There, there, Fievel. You don't have to be afraid anymore. hugs him tenderly It was only a bad dream. Your big sister’s right here and I won't let anything bad happen to you, okay?
Fievel: Okay, Tanya. I love you. hugs his older sister back
Tanya smiles
Tanya: Dry your eyes, it’s okay. Now could you please get in bed, Fievel? I want you to feel better.
Fievel gets back in bed before he coughs and shivers
Tanya: Awww, poor Fievel. You look like you feel a little cold. (taks an extra blanket out of the dresser next to the bed, and tucks him in) Here we go. That should help.
Fievel stops shivering as the blanket warms him up. Tanya leans over to him, and the two of them very gently rub their cheeks together in affection. Fievel smiles, feeling cheered up and much warmer. Then, Tanya has an idea
Tanya: I know! Would you like me to read you a story?
Fievel: Oh, yes, please, Tanya. That would really help very much.
Tanya: Good. I’ll find a story that you’ll enjoy.
Fievel: Thank you.
Tanya gets up and reaches for the group of books on top of the dresser. She takes out one with the word “Fairy Tales” printed on the spine. She opens the book and proceeds to read the first story, which is “Cinderella”. As she reads, Fievel begins to sit up and listen with interest
Tanya: (reading) Once upon a time, long ago in a faraway land, poor Cinderella lived with her mean stepfamily. They filled her days with cooking, scrubbing, washing and chores of every kind. Cinderella’s stepmother and stepsisters never helped her with her work.
Fievel: (gasps) How awful.
Tanya: Yes indeed. continues reading But Cinderella remained cheerful and kind. She made friends with all the animals that she met. Cinderella even made clothes for the mice who shared her small attic room. Tanya chuckles
Fievel smiles and softly giggles
Tanya continues reading to Fievel before this scene fades-transitions to the next scene. The next scene shows the busy marketplace where Mama, Papa and baby Yasha are
Mama: Papa, I sure do hope Tanya is taking very good care of her brother very well.
Papa: Now, now. All we know for sure is that she has Fievel in good hands, and I’m also sure she is reading a story to him right at this moment. And we’ll be back home to check on him too.
*Yasha looks curiously at a piece of cheese and tries to reach for it before Mama takes Yasha
back in her arms. Yasha giggles despite this*
Mama: smiles Yasha, you silly baby. Coochie-coochie-coochie. Yasha giggles. Mama then turns to Papa You’re absolutely right, Papa. Oh, and don’t forget, we also need to get some medicine for Fievel.
Papa: Yes indeed, Mama. Thank you for reminding me. After all, we want our son to feel better. Come along now.
*Papa helps carry the basket of the items they got at the marketplace while Mama carries baby
Yasha. Next stop for them: to get medicine for Fievel. Back at the Mousekewitz family house, Tanya finishes reading to Fievel*
Tanya: Cinderella married the Prince and they lived happily ever after. Oh, and so did all of her animal friends! giggles
Fievel smiles sleepily
Tanya puts the book away on the shelf before going over to Fievel
Tanya: smiling Looked like the story helped. It sure makes me happy to see that sweet little smile of yours, Fievel.
Meanwhile, Papa and Mama walk out of the neighborhood drugstore and prepare to make the return trip home, Papa carries a green bottle, while Mama carries Yasha
Mama: Now that we’ve gotten Fievel’s medicine, he should feel better in no time.
Papa chuckles
As the parents start back, Tony and Bridget approach from the other direction and notice them.*
Tony: Hey, Mr. and Mrs. M!
Mama: Oh, hello, Tony, and hello, Bridget. Fancy meeting you out here.
Bridget: How’s Fillie doing today?
Tony: Yeah, you know where he is? I haven’t seen him all day.
Papa and Mama look at each other with worried looks
Papa: Um… Our Fievel has a bad cold.
Tony and Bridget have a look of concern on their faces
Bridget: Aww…the poor darling. I do hope he gets well soon.
Tony: Yeah, me too. It isn’t fun to be stuck in bed.
Papa: No indeed, but the druggist just gave us the medicine he needs.
Bridget: smiles in relief Oh, that’s good to hear. That should help him feel better.
Tony: Say, is it okay if we stop by at your place and visit the little guy for a little bit? Ya know, just to wish him well?
Papa: Of course, Tony. Just make sure you don’t get close, colds are contagious.
Bridget: We understand.
Papa and Mama lead the way, and both Tony and Bridget follow the back to the Mousekewitz house
Papa: Fievel! Tanya! We’re home.
Mama: We’ve brought some medicine.
Tanya: hears them Coming, Mama. Coming, Papa. arrives and finds that Tony and Bridget is with them
Tony: Hey, Tillie! How’s your brother Fillie doing?
Tanya: Oh, hi, Tony. Hi, Bridget. Fievel’s still in bed, but I’m sure that a visit would help him feel a little better. Follow me.
Tanya goes over to her and Fievel’s bedroom with both Tony and Bridget. She looks inside and sees that Fievel is still sleeping
Tanya: Shhh, he’s resting.
They walk slowly over to the bed and Tanya leans close to Fievel
Tanya: whispers Fievel? Wake up. There’s someone who’s stopping by to see you.
Fievel slowly wakes up and before he sees his two friends*
Fievel: Tony? Bridget?
Tony: Hey, Fillie. How are you feeling?
Fievel: sits up groggily Not so good, Tony. I’ve got a cold and a headache.
Tony: (looks sad) I’m sorry, Fill.
Bridget: Aw, we’re sorry that you’re not feeling well, but we thought our visit would help cheer you up.
Fievel: smiles while in bed It does, Bridget. Tanya just read me a story.
Bridget: To Tanya Awww, that’s sweet of you, Tillie. Tanya smiles
Tanya: Thank you, Bridget.
Tony: Say, Fillie, you’re pretty lucky to have a sister like her. It isn’t easy for a sick, bedridden mouse like you to feel better without someone taking care of you. By the way, I’ve got some plans with you by the time you feel better.
Fievel: Really?
Tony: Positive–a-lute-ly. tousles Fievel’s hair a bit
Fievel: giggles
Bridget: smiles Well, we better let you get some sleep so you can get well, Fillie. You know what they say…
Fievel: What’s that?
(song begins)
When you’re having sneezes and sniffles
They really make you feel blue
But if you sleep well, you will feel better
And the day will soon start anew
Every mouse can get a cold,
And they can get a fever too
So, lots of sleep’s the bestest thing
To help your sick day get through
Every mouse can get a cold,
And they can get a fever too
So, getting plenty of sleep
Is the best thing
To help your sick day get through
Yes, it helps your sick day get through
(song ends)
Fievel: (sniffs) Thank you, Bridget. Thank you too, Tony.
he gives each of them a hug before they leave
Bridget: Sleep well, darling.
Tony: Yeah, get well soon, Fillie. leaves with Bridget
Tanya: Bye, Tony. Bye, Bridget. Thank you for cheering up my brother.
Scene fades to “later in the day”. Papa and Mama are seen getting Fievel’s medicine ready and at the same time making homemade soup for Fievel to have. Tanya enters the kitchen.
Mama: Tanya.
Tanya: Yes, Mama?
Mama: You didn’t have any trouble looking after your brother, did you?
Tanya: No, Mama. There was no trouble at all. I read him a story and it helped him sleep well.
Mama: chuckles You are a very good sister, Tanya. I knew you could do it.
Tanya: walks over to Papa Papa, can I help you by bringing the bowl of soup to Fievel?
Papa: Of course, Tanya.
Tanya: Thank you.
Baby Yasha crawls into the kitchen and pulls on Papa’s pants leg
Papa: chuckles as he lifts baby Yasha up Come along, Yasha. Let’s go and check in on your brother and see how he’s doing.
Tanya carries the bowl of soup upstairs to Fievel and Tanya’s bedroom where Fievel is in bed, while Papa was right beside her holding baby Yasha in his arms
Fievel wakes up and rubs his eyes to see Papa, Tanya and Yasha
Fievel: Hmm?
Papa: Hello, Fievel. How’s my little sleepyhead?
Fievel: I’m starting to feel a little bit better, Papa.
Papa: I’m glad to hear that you’re starting to recover, my son.
Fievel smiles
Fievel: I love you, Papa. Thank you.
Tanya: You see, Yasha? I told you Fievel would be feeling alright.
Yasha: giggles Fievel feel better.
Tanya: Here you go, Fievel. Here’s some soup for you. We hope you like it and that it’ll be good for your cold.
Fievel: sniffing Mmm, this soup sure smells good. takes the spoon before taking a sip of the soup with the spoon
Papa: You’re welcome, Fievel. Mama, Tanya, and I want you to get better as soon as possible so you won’t have to be miserable anymore.
Fievel: Uh-huh. continues to having his soup The soup tastes good too. Thank you, Papa, and thank you, Tanya.
Yasha yawns and starts to fall asleep
Papa: Aww, looks like another sleepyhead is ready to have her nap. chuckles Come along,
Yasha. Let’s get you to bed. Upsy-daisy.
Tanya: May I help you put Yasha down for her nap, Papa?
Papa: Thank you, Tanya. That’s very helpful of you. Fievel, Mama will be coming up to give you your medicine.
Fievel: Okay, Papa.
Yasha: fussing
Tanya: hushes It’s ok, Yasha. hums a lullaby to calm Yasha down. Yasha smiles
Fievel: Is Yasha okay? Maybe she needs something to help her fall asleep, like a bottle of milk or a blanket.
Tanya: I think a bottle might be just what Yasha needs, Fievel. She may just be hungry.
Fievel: You’re right.
Papa: Tanya, why don’t you try to calm Yasha down while I get her bottle ready?
Tanya: Of course I will.
Papa: Thank you, Tanya. Fievel, will you be fine while Tanya and I put Yasha down for her nap?
Fievel: Of course I will, Papa.
Tanya: Don’t worry, Fievel. It’ll only take a moment and I’ll be back.
Fievel: Okay, Tanya.
Papa heads downstairs while Tanya goes along with him, holding Yasha and calming her down.
Tanya: It’s all right, Yasha. Papa and I will get you fed really soon.
Downstairs, Papa gets the milk bottle ready for Yasha. Tanya helps.
Papa: Here you go, Yasha. Yasha drinks her bottle
Tanya: to Yasha That-a-girl, Yasha. talks cutely Drink your milky. Yasha drinks her bottle of milk Don’t worry about your big brother. He’ll be better soon before you know it.
Yasha: coos happily and continues drinking her bottle
Mama: Come along, Tanya. We need to give your brother his medicine. It will help him feel better.
Tanya: Of course, Mama.
Mama takes the medicine from the table and Tanya grabs a spoon before she follows Mama, Fievel has just finished his soup when Mama came upstairs with his medicine.
Mama: Okay, Fievel. It’s time for your medicine. Hopefully, it shall make you better.
Fievel: (gulps) Okay, Mama.
Tanya comes back upstairs so she can help Fievel take his medicine
Tanya: Don’t worry, Fievel. This will help you feel better.
Mama: Now, Fievel, say “aaah”.
Fievel opens his mouth and Tanya gently slips the spoon in and out, then he swallows the medicine with a wince
Tanya: Hope it helps you.
Mama: Don’t worry, Tanya. It will.
Fievel: gags Blech!
Tanya: I know, Fievel. It tastes pretty awful, doesn’t it? Still, it should help you get better.
Fievel: nods understandably I know, but now my mouth feels all weird.
Mama: an idea comes to her Wait here, Fievel. Tanya and I will make you something to wash the taste out.
Fievel: Thank you, Mama.
In the kitchen, Tanya helps Mama make some hot tea for Fievel. Mama pours the tea from the kettle into the tea cup before Tanya stirs some honey in the tea. Mama then comes back upstairs with Tanya who is carefully carrying the tea cup with a plate to hold it.
Mama: Here you go, Fievel. We made you some tea, it should wash the medicine down.
Fievel: Thank you, Tanya. Thank you, Mama.
Tanya: Be careful, Fievel. It’s hot.
Fievel understandably nods, knowing that Tanya is right. Then, he takes a small sip of the tea.
Tanya: How is the tea?
Fievel: It tastes nice, it feels good on my throat and I don’t feel so stuffed up anymore.
Tanya: That’s good.
Mama: Fievel, could you and Tanya help put Yasha in her crib?
Fievel: Sure, Mama.
Tanya: Yes, Mama.
After Fievel finishes his tea, he and Tanya follow Mama downstairs. Yasha had finished having her milk, holds out for Tanya to pick her up, which she does
Tanya: Aww. Looks like she’s ready to nap. giggles
Fievel: giggles Come on, Yasha. Let’s help you get to your crib.
Yasha: sleepily Fievel playtime? yawns
Tanya: We’ll play together later, Yasha. Right now, you have to take your nap.
*Yasha starts to get sleepy, Fievel helps Tanya carry her to the bedroom.
Fievel: Would you like a lullaby?
Yasha smiles at that. Tanya gently sets Yasha into her basket crib, then turns to Fievel
Tanya: First, shouldn’t we have some music?
Fievel nods, turns and opens the top drawer of the dresser. He reaches in, feels around, and pulls out a harmonica; a bronze C.A. Seydel “Little Bandmaster”. Fievel wets his lips, then puts them to his harmonica, he plays the scale to warm up, then as softly as he can, he begins to play the family lullaby. Underscore builds up around him as Tanya begins the song
Gentle gusts of wind from the lullabye hills
Come to blow over the sleepytime bay
The boats then slowly start to cast off
Sailing all your troubles away
Fievel joins in:
The stars twinkle above on the lullaby hills
singing you a song to help you count sheep
The moonlight shines brightly above the sea
Close your eyes as we lull you to sleep
Close your eyes as we lull you to sleep
As the song finishes, Yasha starts to fall asleep. Tanya brings a little blanket for her, while Fievel puts his harmonica back in the drawer.
Tanya: There we go. Now that’s nice and cozy. Sweet dreams, Yasha.
Fievel: Tanya and I love you very much, and so do Mama and Papa too.
Yasha: Nighty-night. falls asleep while sucking on her thumb
Mama: quietly Tanya, Fievel. It’ll be time for dinner soon.
Fievel & Tanya: Okay, Mama.
Yasha: fussing and reaches her arms out
Fievel: Aww, look, Tanya. Yasha still needs a little help falling asleep.
Tanya: What could we do to help her?
Fievel: I think I know what she might need. Wait here. I’ll be back. gets Yasha’s toy and brings it to her Here you go, Yasha. A little something for you to cuddle during your nap.
Yasha: coos softly before going back to sleep
Mama: Thank you, Fievel.
Fievel smiles at Mama
Yasha happily holds her toy while sleeping, Fievel and Tanya smile at her, then at each other
Tanya: quietly Come on, Fievel. It’s best we let Yasha sleep. Besides, Mama said to us that dinner will be ready soon.
Fievel: quietly She’s right, Tanya. We better get ready. about to sneeze Ah-ah-ah…
Tanya: gasps then grabs a thick handkerchief before quickly taking Fievel up the stairs and into the bedroom just in time
Fievel: grabs the handkerchief and sneezes into it, muffling the volume of his sneeze Ah-choo!
Tanya sighs with relief
Tanya: That was close. Fievel, Your sneezing would have woken up Yasha.
Fievel: I’m awfully sorry, Tanya. I didn’t mean to. I couldn’t help it.
Tanya: I know you couldn’t. Just remember to cover your nose.
Fievel: *nods understandably, scene fades out.
Transition to the next scene where Fievel, Tanya and baby Yasha are in the bedroom, playing “wild west” make-believe with wooden toy blocks and dolls. Tanya and Fievel play with the dolls around a wild west town they made out of the wooden blocks.*
Fievel: Giddy-up! Tanya: Yippee-yi-yay!
Fievel: Howdy, Miss Tanya. he and Tanya giggle You know, me and Tiger like to play make-believe too!
Tanya smiles
Tanya: But you always like to play with me just as much as you like to play with that silly cat friend of yours, right?
Fievel: Uh-huh. And Tiger’s the only cat that we can trust too. I’m looking forward to playing with him again as soon as I feel better. One of our favorite make-believe games to play is “cowboys and indians”.
Mama: enters the bedroom Actually, Fievel, Papa and I did run into your friend, Tiger, just after we left. He also wanted to tell you that he hopes you get better soon.
Fievel: That’s wonderful, Mama. I can’t wait to play with him again. It was so nice of Tony and Bridget to come in and wish me well too.
Mama: smiles Indeed. Oh, and Fievel, later it’ll be time for you to have your bath.
Fievel: sighs Yes, Mama.
Yasha plays with her toy
Yasha: Peekaboo! giggles
Fievel and Tanya smile
Fievel: Come on, Yasha! Wanna play with us?
Yasha: squeaks and giggles happily Fievel play!
Yasha takes her toy with her as she joins in on the wild-west-themed make-believe game
Fievel: carrying Yasha on his back C’mon, gang! Let’s get this little missy aboard the wagon train before we get a-movin’! Yee-ha- ah--ah- ah Ah- choo! falls flat on his stomach, luckily Yasha does not fall off Oops.
all giggle
Fievel: getting up again (to Yasha) Hang on tight, li’l lady. proceeds to carry her on his back, hobbling like a horse
Tanya: waving Ride ‘em, cowboy! yodels like a cowgirl
Crossfade to early evening, Mama comes upstairs with a washtub
Mama: Tanya, Fievel. It’s time for your baths. Yasha will have hers last.
Fievel & Tanya: Okay, Mama.
Yasha tries to crawl away, but Tanya picks her up
Tanya: Come on, Yasha. It’s your bath time, too.
Fievel and his sisters approach the washtub in the middle of the floor, Mama has finished filling it up with hot water, and sprinkles some soap flakes in
Mama: All right, Fievel. You’re first.
Fievel: smiles Yes, Mama.
Mama gets Fievel out of his nightshirt then he steps in the bathtub. Mama and Tanya are taking turns rubbing him with the brush.
Mama: That’s a good daughter, Tanya. I’m proud of you for being a big help to your brother.
Tanya: Thank you, Mama. scrubs Fievel Hope this bath is helping you, Fievel.
Fievel: sighs contentedly and calmly It certainly does, Tanya. This feels good, so warm.
Tanya continues to scrub, before it is Mama’s turn. Fievel gets rinsed from the soap suds
Fievel: giggles while getting bathed Hey! That tickles!
Tanya: giggles You silly brother!
*Fievel is rinsed a second time, then Mama helps him out of the bathtub, Tanya meanwhile begins untying the back of her dress* *
Mama: Here we go, Fievel.
Fievel sits down on his footstool, wet and shivering as Mama brings a soft, warm towel and wraps it around him
Fievel: Mama? Will I feel better anytime soon?
Mama: Don’t worry, Fievel. I’m sure you will. Now, Tanya, it’s your turn.
Tanya: having removed the skirt and top Yes, Mama.
Mama comes to help Tanya get undressed, while Fievel relaxes from the towel’s warmth. He watches Mama help Tanya step into the bath and then stands up, holding the towel around him
Fievel: Can I help you with bathing Tanya and Yasha?
Mama: Of course, Fievel.
Mama hands FIevel the brush and he takes his turn to scrub Tanya
Tanya: giggles That tickles, Fievel.
Fievel: I bet. smiles cutely as he keeps scrubbing Tanya
Fievel’s arm gets tired after a few seconds and he lets Mama take over. Fievel steps out of the towel and slips his nightshirt back on, as Mama rinses Tanya off, helps her out of the tub then wraps the towel around her, then she undresses Yasha, lifts her up and places her in the bath.
Yasha: giggling Fievel! Splash-splash! splashes some bubbles near Fievel, leaning on the side of the tub
Fievel: Yasha, you’re so cute, you’re so - uh -ah-ah-AH-CHOO!
*Fievel sneezes again and falls face down into the soapy water, he lifts his face up to show it covered with suds, he and his sisters all laugh.
After drying his face, Fievel helps dry Yasha by wrapping her in a smaller towel while Mama helps Tanya with the lacings on her nightgown.
Fievel: Okay, Yasha. Let’s get you ready for bed.
Yasha: giggles
Fievel picks up Yasha, still wrapped in her towel
Mama: Thank you, Fievel. I’m proud of you for being a big help to Yasha.
Fievel: You’re welcome, Mama.
Mama: Oh, Fievel. We’ll have another bowl of soup ready for you before you go to bed.
Fievel: Okay, Mama.
he hands his baby sister over to Mama so she can get Yasha into her pink nightie
scene fade-transitions to the bedtime preparation scene. Fievel and Tanya, both in their nightshirt and nightgown respectively, help make the bed, while downstairs, Mama is feeding Yasha while Papa brings another bowl of soup up to Fievel
Papa: How are you feeling, Fievel?
Fievel: I feel a little better, Papa.
Papa: I’m glad to hear, my son. The more you rest, the better you will feel.
Fievel smiles and finishes his soup, and Tanya takes the now-empty bowl downstairs to the kitchen
Mama: Thank you, Tanya.
Tanya: You’re welcome, Mama.
Mama comes in with Yasha, sleeping in her arms, to make sure all is well
Yasha: fussing
Mama: Papa, can you please help me with Yasha? I need to put her to bed.
Fievel: gets out of bed and approaches Mama Mama, can I help, please?
Mama: Thank you, Fievel. hands Yasha over to Fievel
Fievel: There, there, Yasha. I’m right here. gives Yasha a gentle hug
Yasha coos and giggles cutely as Fievel hugs her gently. Tanya returns upstairs to see Fievel with Yasha.
Yasha: Fievel beddy-bye. yawns
Fievel: giggling Aww, looks like Yasha wants me to snuggle up with her.
Tanya: She really does, huh? giggle
Fievel: Would you like to sleep with us, Yasha?
Yasha: giggles and claps
Tanya: I think she’s telling you that she would like to, Fievel.
Fievel climbs back into bed with Yasha in his arms
Fievel: Okay, Yasha. It’s time for bed. sets her down and tucks her in There we go.
Yasha goes to sleep, nuzzling Fievel cutely
Papa sits down on the wooden stool, violin in his hand
Papa: Now then, would some music help you sleep?
Fievel: Oh, yes, please, Papa. I would love that very much.
Papa chuckles. He then plucks the strings on his violin while getting it in tune. Then he begins to play the violin for Fievel. The song is “Beautiful Dreamer” and Tanya sings the words
Tanya: singing
Beautiful dreamer, wake unto me,
Starlight and dewdrops are waiting for thee;
Sounds of the rude world, heard in the day,
Lull'd by the moonlight have all passed away
Beautiful dreamer, love of my life,
List while I woo thee with soft melody
Gone be the pains of sorrow and strife,
Beautiful dreamer, awaken to me
Fievel starts to feel a little sleepy
Beautiful dreamer, out on the sea,
Mermaids are chanting the wild lorelei;
Over the streamlet vapors are borne,
Waiting to fade at the bright coming morn’.
Beautiful dreamer, beam on my heart,
Even as the morn on the streamlet and sea;
Then will all clouds of sorrow depart,
Beautiful dreamer, awake unto me
Beautiful dreamer, awake unto me
Once the song is finished, Tanya gets into bed and snuggles up with Fievel.
Fievel: That was a very beautiful song, Tanya.
Tanya: Thank you, Fievel. Sleep well, and may you get better soon.
Fievel: I will, Tanya. I’m thankful to Mama, Papa and all my friends for helping me feel better too.
Papa: he takes his turn to kiss his children’s cheeks Good night, my children. Sleep well.
Mama kisses the three sleeping children as well
Mama: Sweet dreams.
Fievel: Good night, Papa. Good night, Mama. And good night, Tanya.
Fievel yawns before going to sleep with Yasha in his arms
Yasha: Nighty-night.
Tanya: Good night to you too, Yasha. (to Fievel) Sweet dreams, dear brother.
Tanya gently pats Yasha as she falls asleep, she quietly gives her brother another cheek-rub. Fievel smiles in his sleep, then Tanya goes to sleep too. The scene fades out
Fade in the next morning, Fievel slowly wakes up in bed between Tanya and Yasha
Tanya: Good morning, sleepyhead.
Fievel: yawns as he wakes up
Papa and Mama come into the bedroom to check in on Fievel.
Papa: How are you feeling, my son?
He feels Fievel’s forehead with the back of his paw and finds it a normal temperature
Papa: Why, Fievel, your fever has gone down.
Fievel: excited My headache is gone too! Yahoo!
Fievel hugs both his sisters, then leaps out of bed to hug Papa, who chuckles
Tanya: (climbing out of bed) Oh, Fievel, I knew you’d get better.
Mama: My little boy is whole and well. laughs as FIevel hugs her
Fade-transition to the exterior of the Mousekewitz family house, where the two siblings laugh and chase each other around the front yard. Fievel is now dressed in his blue hat, red sweater and blue pants, while Tanya is wearing her orange headscarf, blue and yellow dress.
Tiger presently shows up*
Fievel: Tiger!
Tiger: Oh boy, Fiev! Look at ya, all better! I’m so happy!
Fievel: Me too! Ready to have fun?
Tiger: Oh, goody-goody! Yes I am!
Fievel: jumping on Tiger MOUSE PILE! he starts scratching Tiger’s furry, orange tummy, making him tickle
Tiger: Hey! That tickles, Fiev! Ha-ha!
Fievel giggles
His whole family stands outside and they smile at the sight of Fievel having fun with Tiger
Papa: (to Mama) I’m so glad our son is feeling much better, my dear.
Tanya: Me too, Papa.
We get one last shot of Fievel still tickling Tiger, both of them laughing before the scene fades out, thus ending the episode
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An American Tail: Fievel's New York Tails Episode 1: "Curiosity Lured The Mouse"
First episode of "Fievel's New York Tails", a hypothetical TV series that takes place after the events of the first An American Tail film
The first episode script is also available to view on DeviantArt:
We fade in on the New York City harbor. As the sun rises in the morning sky, we see a tugboat passing by the Statue of Liberty while pulling a barge.
We cut to a freight train depot where we see a 2-6-0 B&O R.R. mogul locomotive, #86. It stands in front of a train consisting of a yellowish brown boxcar, an open hopper carrying coal, a flatcar with logs, a second dark brown box car, another flatcar with large crates, a silver tank car, another hopper car carrying sand, two more boxcars, and a bright red caboose. Three workers help load the first boxcar, after the last of the cargo has been loaded, the workers slam the boxcar door shut. The brakeman leans from the caboose and waves his flag. The engineer blows the whistle and the fireman shovels the coal into the firebox. Then #86, hissing steam, pulls the freight train out of the yard, passing a 0-4-0 H.K. Porter tank engine slowly pulling some empty boxcars on the other track.
We cut now to a busy street in Manhattan, where people tend to their houses and storefronts and the children play on the sidewalk. We then focus on a horse-driven trolley with the words NEW YORK & HARLEM R.R. painted on the side, following it down the street before reaching an alley on the left side of a corner store, where we zoom in to see a row of mouse-sized buildings.
There in the neighborhood of mouse-sized buildings, the mice are busy with their shops and the mice children are playing a game of chase. Then, we focus on a mouse-sized house with a sign next to the door, which reads “Mousekewitz Violins”.
We then go to the interior of the Mousekewitz house where Mama is serving buckwheat porridge, or Kasha, for breakfast on the dinner table, and her daughter Tanya is sitting in her chair at the dinner table, eating her breakfast. Baby sister Yasha sits in her high chair, playing with her doll.
TANYA: This is absolutely the best Kasha porridge, Mama.
MAMA: Thank you, Tanya. Fievel! Breakfast is ready! Fievel!
Fievel, in his blue floppy hat, oversized red sweater, and blue baggy pants playfully runs out of the bedroom and into the kitchen.
FIEVEL: Here I am, Mama! (giggles)
MAMA: (chuckles) Come and eat your breakfast, dear.
FIEVEL: Yes, Mama. (sits down at the table and eats a bite of porridge) Mmm…
TANYA: Morning, Fievel. How are you feeling?
FIEVEL: I’m fine, Tanya. But, um…
Papa walks in, stretching and yawning.
PAPA: Good morning, everyone. (looks at Fievel) What’s wrong?
FIEVEL: Well, it's been a month since I got separated from you, and I have a fear that I might lose you again.
PAPA: (giving his son a hug) Don't worry, Fievel. You're a brave mouse. No matter what happens, we'll always be there.
FIEVEL: Thanks, Papa.
PAPA: Oh, and I have wonderful news that’ll cheer you up, my son.
FIEVEL: What’s that, Papa?
PAPA: Today, we’re going to Utica for the New York State Fair, where there’s going to be a special competition for who holds the best cheese.
FIEVEL: The state fair? Wow! (claps excitedly) We can ride the pleasure wheel there! I can imagine myself being on top of the world!
TANYA: And the carousel too! (clasps her hands) I just love the happy music it plays.
MAMA: (nods) Mm-hm. This will be a day to remember. (chuckles) Now let’s have our breakfast.
Cut to a rusty pocket watch hung outside an upper mouse tenement, its time is 12:00 exactly. Pan down, the Mousekewitz Family exits their house, they check that they are all accounted for, then hurriedly walk toward the street beyond the alley. Reaching the street, they run to the corner, where the horse-driven trolley stands, the last passenger boarding from the rear balcony. The mice quickly climb onto the balcony step as the bell rings and the tram starts off.
Cross-fade to the exterior of Grand Central Station where Tony Toponi and Bridget Luchimer are waiting at the curb. Bridget sings the words from Johann Strauss II’s waltz “Voices of Spring”.
BRIDGET: (singing)
The lark rises into the blue,
the mellow wind mildly blowing;
his lovely mild breath revives
and kisses the field, the meadow.
Spring in all its splendor rises,
ah, all hardship is over,
sorrow becomes milder,
good expectations,
the belief in happiness returns;
sunshine, you warm us,
ah, all is laughing, oh, oh awakes!
Tony sees the trolley arriving, and the Mousekewitz family leaping off onto the curb.
TONY: Look, Bridget! They’re here.
BRIDGET: (happily) Oh, how wonderful.
TONY: Hey Fillie! How ya doin’?
(Fievel looks ahead)
FIEVEL: (excitedly) Tony!
He hugs his best friend
TONY: (jokingly) Whoa, whoa! Hey! Easy, there! You dazed or something? (Then, he and Fievel laugh as they hug)
Mama approaches Bridget while smiling.
MAMA: How do you do, Bridget?
BRIDGET: Very well, thank you, Mrs. Mousekewitz. This is the most exciting day ever.
TONY: How about you, Mr. M? How’re you doin?
PAPA: Oh, I’m doing well, Tony. Now we must get to our train quickly.
TONY: Oh, right. We better get going!
The mice hurry through the station to find the passenger train while avoiding being seen by the humans. Before long, they come to a miniature platform with a ramp leading to the first coach, a wooden composite painted in maroon with golden lettering. Papa, Mama, and Tanya look with amazement at the mouse-sized replica hung underneath, matching in color. Fievel, meanwhile, looks toward the front at the locomotive, a newly-built N.Y.C. & H.R. R.R. experimental 4-4-0 Class I prototype. His eyes widen as he looks first at the long, shiny boiler, at the cab painted in a fine dark blue shade, and then at the two enormous driving wheels. He gapes, likely imagining how fast this marvelous machine must go, clearly unable to contain his excitement.
FIEVEL: (trying to get closer to admire the locomotive) Oh, look, Papa, look!
PAPA: Come along, Fi- (gasps) Fievel, no!
Papa runs toward his son and barely manages to pull him back before the locomotive lets off steam. Tanya, watching in fright, covers her eyes. When Papa and Fievel appear, she is relieved.
PAPA: Fievel, what were you doing? I was so worried.
FIEVEL: I … uh, I-I just wanted to see how this train works.
PAPA: I know you like to explore new things, Fievel. But sometimes, your curiosity can get you into big trouble. Trains can be beautiful, but dangerous.
FIEVEL: I’m sorry, Papa. I didn’t mean to worry you.
TANYA: Come on, Fievel! I’ll race you.
FIEVEL: (giggles) I’m gonna win!
TANYA: (playfully) No, I will!
MAMA: Be careful, my children!
Fievel giggles and chases Tanya who boards the mouse-sized passenger box. As his family and their friends take their seats, Fievel is just stepping inside when he suddenly realizes something.
FIEVEL: (to himself) Uh-oh, I forgot to get my backpack.
He turns and runs back down to the platform. He looks around and spots his backpack lying beside a bundle of newspapers.
Meanwhile, the human conductor takes out his pocket watch and notices the time.
Fievel gasps when he hears the whistle.
FIEVEL: Oh no! The train’s starting, I need to hurry!
He grabs his backpack and turns to see the train pulling out. He runs after it, though it is already moving too fast. In the mouse-sized coach, Yasha pokes her head out the window.
YASHA: Fievel…bye-bye!
FIEVEL: Come back! Wait for me! Wait! Wait!!!
Fievel tries hard to catch up with the train, but to no avail. He slows to a stop and watches as the passenger train speeds off into the distance. Fievel reels, exhausted, not noticing that a human boy in a brown jacket, flat cap, and denim pants is standing above him.
BOY: Hey! Look what we got here. (laughs)
Fievel gasps and runs from being grabbed by the laughing boy just in time, then turns around suddenly as a woman screams, he runs on between the legs of several other humans.
WOMAN (voice only): Oh my goodness, a mouse!
Cut to Fievel running out the front door of the train station. He stops to catch his breath.
FIEVEL: Phew! That was close.
His hat suddenly slips down over his eyes, and he then pushes it back up.
Slow-left panning shot of Fievel as he wanders around the busy streets, feeling all alone, he comes to a stop near the start of Hester Street.
FIEVEL: (looks around) M-My family's gone… how will I ever find them again? (Starts to cry) Mama! Papa! (sobbing) Mama! Papaaaaa!!
Wide shot of Fievel as he sits down at a corner near the start of an alley and buries his face in tears. Closeup as he gasps at a sudden clatter nearby, he rises to see the shadow form of a cat. Fievel gasps. The scene fades out.
The scene fades in to see Fievel starting to cry again.
FIEVEL: (In tears) P-Please don’t hurt me!
But then he hears a familiar voice.
TIGER: Fievel? Is that you?
FIEVEL: Tiger?
TIGER: Hi-ya, buddy! (notices Fievel’s tears) Hey, why the long face?
FIEVEL: I-I forgot my backpack and when I tried to get back to the train, I got left behind.
TIGER: Aww… That’s too bad, little buddy. (then he thinks of a way to cheer Fievel up) Hey, you know what they say, when the mice are away, the cat’s gonna come out to play!
FIEVEL: (giggling) Oh, Tiger, you’re my best friend. (hugs Tiger)
(song begins)
TIGER: (singing)
I’m a crazy alley cat ‘cause Tiger is my name.
I’m supposed to be ferocious, but I’m really nice and tame.
FIEVEL: (singing)
You’re not too much like other cats, you’re not so snide and smart.
In fact, you’re just a powder puff, you’ve got a gentle heart.
I found myself a buddy pal and friend
TIGER & FIEVEL: (singing)
It’s amazing, ‘cause we’re such
a pure and perfect blend.
(singing the chorus together)
Fievel and me
We are just two opposites, as different as can be
Don’t know how it happened, but it’s such a mystery
That Fievel and me are friends
Tiger and me
We’re a combination of impossibility
But somehow it worked out
And we’re as thankful as can be
That Fievel and me are friends
TIGER: (singing)
I’m a green-eyed feline and I wear a coat of stripes.
Used to hang out with those fat cats at the backyard fence at night.
Got tired of pusy-footin’ around, meowing at the moon.
So I just purr a while and change my tune.
FIEVEL: (singing)
You became a little mouse’s friend,
You saved me from the cat gang,
On you, I can depend.
(singing the chorus together)
Fievel and me
We are just two opposites, as different as can be
Don’t know how it happened, but it’s such a mystery
That Fievel and me are friends
Tiger and me
We’re a combination of impossibility
But somehow it worked out
And we’re as thankful as can be
That Fievel and me are friends
Fievel and me…are…friends.
(Fievel and Tiger laugh)
We then go to the Utica railroad station where the express train slows to a stop, reaching the platform on track 1. The Mousekewitz family, along with Tony Toponi and Bridget exit the mouse-sized replica coach. They wait until the human passengers are out of the way, before stepping down to the platform. Then, we transition to the State Fair, where amusement rides are in motion, people crowd game stalls, and stages are being set for contests holding the best farm animals, best produce, best craftwork, and of course, the best cheeses. Zoom out to show the quintet of mice watching everything from atop a wall.
PAPA: Here we are, the state fair. The contest for the best cheese awaits us.
TONY: You said it!
BRIDGET: (points to a cable car) Oh, Tony! Look, there’s a gondola. From that, we could see the whole world around us!
PAPA: Do we have everybody here?
TONY: Of course we do!
MAMA: (concerned) Wait a minute, Papa. Have we forgotten someone?
PAPA: Hmm… Let’s see…we have you, Tanya, Yasha, Tony, Bridget and… (gasps and realizes) Fievel!! We forgot Fievel!
(Mama and Tanya gasp)
Cut back to an alley in the city, Fievel and Tiger are playing hide-and-seek. Tiger is first to count while Fievel goes to hide.
TIGER: One, two, three…
(Fievel runs over to a barrel in the alley)
FIEVEL: Found a hiding place. (giggles quietly) He’ll never find me here.
TIGER: Nine…ten…Ready or not, Fie…Here I come!!
(Tiger wanders around near the alley)
TIGER: Oh, Fie! Buddy! Where did he go? Did he disappear? Did he turn invisible? (scratches his head)
(As the big orange cat in the purple shirt looks around, he hears squeaky giggles. Tiger turns around to see what it was. Meanwhile, Fievel was hiding inside the empty barrel.)
TIGER: Fie! Where are you?
(Fievel pops out of a hole in the barrel)
FIEVEL: Here I am, Tiger! (giggles)
TIGER: (chuckles) You’re very good.
FIEVEL: Yeah, this is fun!
Back in Utica, the Mousekewitz family, Tony Toponi and Bridget all mournfully sit below the welcoming sign outside the fairgrounds. Tanya, on Tony’s right, holds Yasha in her lap.
TONY: Poor FIllie. It ain’t much fun around here without him.
(Yasha tugs on Tony’s scarf)
YASHA: Uncle Tony.
TONY: (smiles slightly)
BRIDGET: I’m so sorry, Mr. Mousekewitz. We all forget sometimes.
PAPA: But my son is stuck in the city all by himself. Who knows what might happen?
(just then, a police mouse walks by and notices them)
POLICE-MOUSE: I say, is everything all right, folks? What’s the trouble?
PAPA: We arrived here for the fair, but our son got left behind. We must get back to New York, so we can find him.
POLICE-MOUSE: Oh, dear. That is bad. But don’t worry, I think I can help. The next express to Grand Central leaves in an hour, I’ll notify the station master at once.
MAMA: Oh, thank you, officer. I don't know what we would do without your help.
TANYA: (upset) How could Fievel be accidentally left behind, Mama? While we’re feeling worried about him, he’s probably having fun with that silly cat Tiger!
MAMA: Tanya, I’m ashamed of you. Think of your brother, what if something happened to him?
TANYA: (gasps then has an ashamed look) You’re right, Mama. I’m sorry.
Back in the city, we turn to a back alley in Mulberry Street. We go to the basement of a building in the back alley where five streetwise cats are. Three of them are playing a game of poker while two play at a pool table.
We focus on the three playing cards. The cats are named Joe, Harry, and Charlie.
JOE (the cat in the brown bowler hat, and the red and black striped sweater): How many?
CHARLIE: (the cat in the green sweater and dark yellow flat cap looks at his set of cards) Four.
JOE: (gives out three cards, then turns to Harry) I’ll take the same. What have you got, Harry?
HARRY: (the cat in the black bowler hat, blue sweater, and red pants) Three.
JOE: I bet two.
HARRY: I’ll see those two, and I’ll raise ya five.
JOE: I better win this game today. I’ve got to get my hands on a mouse.
HARRY: Well, the best cat always wins.
CHARLIE: Soitenly! I may not win but I still have enough cards up my sleeve. (chuckles)
JOE: (to Charlie, with an angry look, balls up his right hand into a fist and holds it up) See that?
CHARLIE: (in a disgusted voice while balling his right hand into a fist himself) See that?
Joe smacks Charlie’s fist which spins in a circle before it hits Charlie on the head. Charlie looks up at the ceiling, rubbing his head in pain.
We now focus on the two cats at the pool table and a lizard. The short cat, whose name is Toll-Tall Tommy, is dressed in a green sweater with dark green stripes and solid green sleeves. He is also wearing a maroon flat cap, a dark orange-red scarf, and bluish-green pants. He has a cigarette sticking from the right side of his mouth and is holding a pool cue and he is using cue chalk to rub on the tip of his cue.
Tiny Timmy is a cigar-smoking cat who is a little taller than Tiger and a little bit less chunky. He is wearing a purplish-red short-sleeved shirt, a black vest, and a dark gray bowler hat with a dark faded red band on it. He leans on the side of the table watching Timmy’s game.
The lizard, whose name is Jasper, is in charge of the scorekeeper. Jasper is wearing a dark gray flat cap, denim long-sleeve shirt, a dark yellow bandanna around his neck, and faded reddish-brown pants. Jasper is snoring while resting against the scoreboard slate, which is set on top of a rundown drawer, used for storing extra billiard balls.
TINY TIMMY: (after blowing a smoke ring away) Say, boss. I haven’t had another one of those meece-sandwiches in weeks. Those meeces just ain’t as plump and juicy as they used to be.
TOO-TALL TOMMY: (scoffing and rolling his eyes) Now look here, Timmy, ya jabber jaw. We’ll find them for sure. There's plenty of them around New York. Small ones, tall ones, skinny ones and especially big plump ones. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m about to take my shot here.
He aims the cue stick at the white cue ball and hits it. The cue ball then crashes into the 10 colored balls which go rolling around. The red ball falls into one of the side pockets. We go back to the poker/card table where Joe, Charlie, and Harry are still playing their game of poker.
JOE: There’s that chip I called. What do ya got, Harry? (puts his last poker chip on the stack)
HARRY: Just four aces. (Shows his cards)
JOE: (slams his cards on the table in front of Harry) And me with four Kings again.
HARRY: Well, it could be beginner's luck. (Takes the full plate of chips from the center of the table)
JOE: I just can’t understand it. Every day you seem to have that kind of luck.
HARRY: (stands up to get something from the table) Well, it’s just one of those things---
Joe looks under Harry’s seat and sees a bunch of Aces hidden, he grabs Harry by the collar
JOE: If ya wanna cheat, ya cheat fair. If there’s one thing I hate, it’s a crooked crook.
Holding Harry, Joe shakes him and a bunch of Aces fall out of his pocket, he slaps him away.
JOE: Haha. My beginner’s luck! Ha. (takes the chips from Harry’s spot on the table)
Charlie gives Joe an annoyed hand gesture and a look. Then, he looks at his cards.
CHARLIE: Nyuk-nyuk.
Cut back to the pool area, and we see Jasper is snoring while resting against the scorekeeper.
Jasper is still snoring, Tommy slams his pool cue on the table
Jasper wakes up suddenly
JASPER: (Cockney accent) Yes sir, guvnor! (remembering to keep score) Don't get your knickers in a twist, eh?
TOO-TALL TOMMY: Okay, Tim. Your shot.
TINY TIMMY: Why, soitenly. (Timmy takes his cue chalk to rub on the tip of his cue before he aims at the cue ball before hitting it at a blue-striped ball)
Cut back Fievel and Tiger, still playing hide and seek. Tiger takes his turn to hide.
FIEVEL: One, two, three…
Tiger runs over to a tenement location where he hides under a wooden wagon
TIGER: Oh, goody, goody. This is purr-fect. (chuckles)
FIEVEL: Ten. Ready or not, here I come, Tiger! (wanders around) Tiger! Where are you?
We then go to Tiger still hiding under the wagon, snickering. Then, all of a sudden, the dust from the wagon made Tiger start to sneeze.
After sneezing, Tiger then tumbles out of his hiding place! Fievel finds him at once and squeaks in surprise.
FIEVEL: Aah! Tiger.
TIGER: (gets up) Oops! Sorry, Fiev!
But the big orange cat’s sneeze made Fievel laugh so hard.
FIEVEL: (giggling) It's okay, Tiger! That was fun!
Tiger smiles at his best friend.
TIGER: You said it, buddy. This is the best game we can think of!
FIEVEL: (an idea comes to him) That's it! C’mon, Tiger! Let’s go exploring!
Fievel jumps on Tiger’s back
FIEVEL: Giddyup, Tiger!
Tiger pretends to act like a horse, then gallops off through the neighborhood.
TIGER: Hold on tight, Fie!
Cut to the basement scene, where Too-Tall Tommy is going to take his shot at the pool table. Tiny-Timmy and Jasper watch him. At the same time, Tiny-Timmy is talking to Too-Tall Tommy, Joe, Harry, and Charlie.
TOO-TALL TOMMY: Look here. I’ll show you imbeciles how to find the best mouse we can capture for our bacon, lettuce, tomato, and mice sandwiches. After all, the plumper they are, the better they taste.
TINY TIMMY: Yeah, but, where are we going to catch a mouse? There’s plenty of them around these parts.
CHARLIE: Suppose it’s the cat’s meeooww! Get it? Nyuk-nyuk-nyuk!
Joe slaps Charlie in the face.
CHARLIE: (yells angrily to Harry) Hey, you! What was that for?!
HARRY: Mistaken identity! (points to Joe)
CHARLIE: (snaps out of it) Oh. Hi-ya, George. (Tips his bowler hat)
TOO-TALL TOMMY: (after hitting the green ball) Screwball in the corner pocket!
Meanwhile, Jasper hears something.
JASPER: I say. What's that noise?
He sneaks over to one of the windows to see Fievel and Tiger, still having fun together.
JASPER: (to Too-Tall Tommy) I say, guv’nor! Pardon the interruption, but it seems that our starving days are just about over.
TOO-TALL TOMMY: Whaddya talkin’ about, Jasper?
JASPER: Look who’s coming our way right now.
Too-Tall Tommy runs over to see what Jasper was looking at. He tries to reach for the window, but he’s short. He jumps but to no avail. He turns to Timmy.
TOO-TALL TOMMY: Hey, Timmy! Come here and give me a boost!
TINY TIMMY: Duhh, okay, boss. (chuckles)
Timmy then lifts Tommy, who looks out the basement window. He, Timmy, and Jasper scramble to see. When Tommy sees what he just saw, an evil smile appears on his face.
JASPER: See? What did I tell ya, guv'nor?
TOO-TALL TOMMY: Well, little mouse…(chuckles)
The scene fades out.
Fade in on the Mousekewitz family, Tony Toponi and Bridget Luchimer all riding one of the mouse-sized coaches attached under the train heading back to New York City, with other mice passengers on board. Tanya stares out the window, pouting as the countryside flashes by. She turns back around and begins to cry, Yasha notices, a tear starts to come to her eye too.
YASHA: Tanya. (sniffs)
MAMA: There, there, Yasha.
-Tanya continues to weep. Tony and Bridget come over to comfort her-
TONY: Hey. Hey, Tillie. You all right? (patting her shoulder)
TANYA: I’m sorry, Tony. It’s just that my brother being accidentally left behind makes me think about when he and I were separated on the way to America. I hope he’s all right.
TONY: Don’t worry. We’ll soon find Fillie when we get home. Eh, Bridget?
BRIDGET: Of course, Tony. You know something, Tillie? When I was little, my mother helped me stop thinking about my fears and worries.
TANYA: (wiping the tears from her eyes) What did your mother teach you?
BRIDGET: I’ll tell you.
BRIDGET: (singing)
Sleep, my child, for the red bee hums
The silent twilight falls
Eivell from the gray rock comes
To wrap the world in thralls
And lying there, oh, my child, my joy
My love and heart's desire
The crickets sing you a lullaby
Beside the dyin' fire
Dusk has come and the green man's thorn
Is wreathed in rings of fog
Shivrah sails his boat till morn
Along the starry bog
And over it all the paley moon
Has gleamed her cusp in dew
And weeps to hear the sad sleep tune
I sing, oh love, to you
And lyin' there, oh, my child, my joy
My love and heart's desire
The crickets sing you a lullaby
Beside the dyin' fire
Tanya smiles and hugs Bridget
TANYA: Thanks, Bridget.
BRIDGET: (smiling back) Anytime.
Cut to Tiger and Fievel, playing another round of hide-and-seek.
FIEVEL: Okay, Tiger! Ready?
TIGER: Ready, Fiev!
FIEVEL: (covers his eyes) One, two, three…
Tiger finds a stack of old crates in the alley and hides there.
TIGER: Now, this is the perfect place to hide! (Chuckles)
Too-Tall Tommy, Tiny Timmy, and Jasper look around for the mouse they found. They checked near the crates, but no sign of Fievel. Just then, they hear soft thudding noises.
TINY TIMMY: W-what was that, boss?
TOO-TALL TOMMY: Shh! He must be behind those crates. Let’s take a look.
The three look behind the crates and find Tiger.
TIGER: Fie will never find me here!
TOO-TALL TOMMY: Well, look who’s talking.
(Tiger is surprised to hear Tommy’s low, gruff voice)
TIGER: Wow, Fie! How’d you get your voice to sound like that?
(Turns around and suddenly he gasps when he is face-to-face with Tommy, Timmy, and Jasper)
TIGER: (terrified) Nyah-aah-aah-aah! (tries to run away but is trapped when Joe, Harry, and Charlie block his path) Fie!
TOMMY: (to Tiger) This is our turf, tubby! In this old alley, we’re nothin’ but tough mean alley cats! We don’t trust goofy felines like yourself.
(Tiger backs away from the three but bumps into Timmy, who glares at Tiger gulping)
TIGER: Oh, gosh! Oh, gee! Oh, gosh!
TOMMY: Tell me where the mouse is and we’ll let you go.
TIMMY: Yeah, we'll let you go!
JASPER: Perchance!
TOMMY: Ahh, be quiet!
TIGER: Mouse? What mouse? I-I-I have no idea whaddya talking about. (chuckles) FIEV! HELP!!
Fievel hears Tiger’s cries and runs to where he last saw him, but the alley cats are already dragging his friend away.
FIEVEL: (spotting the gang) Oh no! Those alley cats have got Tiger! I must help him. (runs after the alley cats’ trail)
Fievel arrives at the window near the basement stairs. Inside the basement, Too-Tall Tommy and Tiny Timmy interrogate Tiger, his hands and feet tied up with ropes.
TOMMY: Tell me where the mouse is, Tiger.
TIGER: How’d you know my name?
TOMMY: Me and Timmy here used to work for Warren T. Rat’s gang, then we got kicked out for going behind his back!
TIGER: What did you do?
TIMMY: Well, uhh…we stole some of his things so we can keep them for ourselves. Right, boss?
Tommy rolls his eyes in annoyance.
TOMMY: (Turns to Tiger) After Warren gave us the boot, you took our place in his gang! Now, tell me where that little mousey is. Now!
TIGER: I can’t tell you.
TOMMY: Jasper!
JASPER: At yer service, guv’nor. Right away! (uses his tail to tickle Tiger’s feet)
TIGER: HA-HA-HA-HA-HAAA! Stop it! I’m ticklish! Please! Ha-ha-ha! Fiev! Help me!
TOMMY: (to Jasper) That’s enough! He’s ready to talk.
Looking through the window, Fievel sees everything.
FIEVEL: I got to save my best friend. But how?
Then, Fievel’s face brightens when he sees a crack in the window pane, he sneaks in and runs along the walls without getting seen. He hides on a shelf and witnesses the alley cats.
TOMMY: Okay, Tiger. You think you fool us with your jokes, but it ain’t gonna work! I’m gonna count to ten if you don’t start talking.
Cut to Fievel looking around before he finds a straw and some pebbles
FIEVEL: (quietly) That's it!
TOMMY: Where is the mouse? One…two…three...
Fievel fires the pebble with the peashooter at an old lantern hung from the ceiling. The lantern's glass gets broken, interrupting Tommy and surprising him.
TOMMY: Hey! What's all the ruckus?!
JOE, HARRY & CHARLIE: (in unison) I don't know.
TOMMY: I was going to ask him where the mouse is, and I heard a ruckus! Now, what was it?
(Fievel rolls a billiard ball, black, off the edge of the shelf, and it lands on Tommy's foot)
(Fievel snickers as he watches Tommy hopping on one foot)
JASPER: What happened, guv’nor?
HARRY: Yeah, what happened?
TOMMY: (still hopping) Someone hit me on the tootsie! Ow-ow-ow! It must’ve been that mouse! Find him! Find him!
JOE: (turns to Harry) Go on! Ya heard the boss! Catch that mouse who threw that pool ball!
HARRY: (to Charlie) Catch the mouse who threw that pool ball!
CHARLIE: Yeah, Catch the mouse…Awww, low cat again!
JOE: Go on, you nitwit. You gotta find the perpetrator!
CHARLIE: Yeah? I’ll go find him when I’m ready.
JOE: Are ya ready?
CHARLIE: Why, soitenly I am.
Charlie looks around to find Fievel but no sign of him.
CHARLIE: Oh, mousey! Where are you?!
FIEVEL: (pops out of hiding behind an alarm clock) Here I am!
CHARLIE: Ah-hah! (spots the mouse hiding under a teacup) Okay, mousey. I know you're hiding in there.
(He grabs the tea cup only for Fievel to shoot a pebble from the peashooter, hitting his nose)
FIEVEL: Got ya! (giggles)
Charlie covers his nose in pain before falling down, crash-landing onto the other alley cats.
CHARLIE: Woob-woob-woob-woob-woob...!
TOMMY: Get off me, you numbskulls! What happened, Charlie? Did you find the mouse?!
CHARLIE: Yeah, I found the mouse!
JOE & HARRY: (in unison) And?
CHARLIE: He’s got a peashooter! (whimpers) I think he’s gone!
TOMMY: That’s it! No more Mr. Nice Kitty! Let’s get that mouse! C’mon, boys!
The alley cats run outside, while Fievel gets down from the shelf. He runs over to Tiger, and as he works to untie his friend’s ropes he hears Tommy’s voice
TOMMY: (from outside) You go look this way, and you look that way!
TIGER: Wow-wee! Thanks for saving me, Fie!
FIEVEL: No problem, Tiger. Come on, let’s get out of here!
TIGER: I’m right behind ya!
Too-Tall Tommy and the alley cats go around in circles trying to find Fievel.
TOMMY: Where’d he go now? (to Tiny Timmy) Find anything?
TIMMY: Negatory, boss! Still looking!
JOE: Me too.
HARRY: Me three.
CHARLIE: Make it four!
JOE: Shuddup! (slaps Charlie)
(Charlie rubs his face spastically, stomps rapidly and gives a push-off gesture)
HARRY: Leave him alone!
(Joe slaps Harry in the face)
JOE: Stay outta this, pinhead!
Tiger, dressed in a vest, made out of an old newspaper, and wearing a battered hat, comes behind Joe.
TIGER: (doing a mock gruff voice) Say, you fellers lookin’ for somethin’?
JOE: Yeah, and who are you?
TIGER: My name is Roughhouse Ronnie, the most, uhh…(whispers in his normal voice to Fievel who is hiding inside the battered hat Tiger is wearing) What do I say exactly?
FIEVEL: Roughest, toughest alley cat in New York!
TIGER: Oh, yeah. Roughest, toughest alley cat in…
-Joe grabs Tiger by the shirt collar and talks to him up close-
JOE: Whose voice are you talking to?
TIGER: Voice? Oh, that! It’s my hat.
JOE: Well, let’s see if this hat’s talking.
-As Joe takes the hat off, Fievel hides in the back of Tiger’s shirt collar-
JOE: (recognizing Tiger) What? You lyin’ fleabag! I oughta…
Just then, Tiger starts laughing and starts jumping around, much to Tommy and the alley cats’ surprise. Fievel crawls out from under Tiger’s shirt collar and slides down his back.
FIEVEL: Yaaa-hooo!! (Tiger, enjoying the fun with Fievel, laughs)
HARRY: Hey! He’s got the mouse with him!
TOMMY: Get him!!
-Meanwhile, the Mousekewitz family along with Tony and Bridget have made it back to their neighborhood-
TONY: Now, where could Fillie be?
PAPA: I do hope he’s somewhere safe.
TONY: I think we better split up. Mr. M and Tillie, come with me. Bridget, stick with Mrs. M.
Tony walks toward the other end of the alley, Papa and Tanya following him.
Meanwhile, Tommy and the others chase the two friends. Fievel, riding on Tiger’s back, sees a manhole up ahead.
FIEVEL: Watch out, Tiger!
Tiger sees the manhole and jumps over it.
TIGER: Wahooo!
FIEVEL: (giggling)
Tommy and Timmy see the manhole and move out of the way, but Joe, Harry, and Charlie fall into the manhole one by one!
The cats’ voices echo from the sewer.
CHARLIE: Aw, look at my sweater, Joe! I’m gonna need several baths a day!
HARRY: What are ya talkin’ ‘bout, Charlie? You can't take baths. You’re a cat, and so are we.
CHARLIE: Oh, yes. I forgot about that. Us cats don't like water. Hehe. Right, Joe?
JOE: AHHHH, BE QUIET! (Face slapping sounds and head bonking sounds are heard)
Cut to Fievel and Tiger running in the direction of the mouse neighborhood.
FIEVEL: We're almost home!
Cut to Tommy, Timmy and Jasper still running after them. They turn a corner to see, curled up asleep in the middle of the alley, a tough-looking gray bulldog in a dark-blue sweater and brown bowler hat.
TOMMY: Yoiks!
The trio slip as they try to stop, but end up tripping over the bullodg’s sleeping bulk, and tumble into a wall. The bulldog awakens, stands up and turns scowling at the three thugs, all tangled.
TOMMY: (gulping) Hiya, Maximus. Long time, no see, eh?
Tommy pulls himself out of the heap and tries to run, but Maximus grabs his scarf, pulling it off his neck and making Tommy spin around. He winds up getting dizzy. Maximus grabs him around his shoulders and holds him up so they are face to face.
MAXIMUS: (growls) Tommy, you little alleycat! That’s the tenth time you’ve disturbed my beauty rest!
TOMMY: (gulps) I’m sorry, Maximus. Please forgive me. I was just...
MAXIMUS: (sarcastically) Hey...it's no problem. I forgive you.
Then, he grabs an empty bucket. Then we cut to Timmy shutting his eyes, while Jasper nervously tip-toes out of frame. Sounds of grunting, punches and crashes are heard. Timmy opens his eyes to see Tommy crammed, bottom-first, into the bucket, looking uncomfortable.
MAXIMUS (off-screen): That’s forgiveness for ya!
As Maximus stomps away, Timmy slowly walks up to Tommy.
TIMMY: Say, boss. You look awful.
TOMMY: Just shut up, Timmy. And get me out of this thing. (GROANS)
Timmy picks up his leader, and carries him away in the direction they came from.
Pan left, to Fievel and Tiger coming out from hiding behind a barrel, both laughing.
TIGER: That was one big adventure we had. Thanks, Fie.
FIEVEL: (giggling) I had fun too, Tiger! Come on! We’ve gotta get home.
Suddenly, Jasper grabs Fievel by his tail, making the young boy mouse shriek.
JASPER: Well, well! Looks like I've caught a mouse for supper.
FIEVEL: (kicking and swinging his fists as Jasper pulls him closer) Let me go, you big bully lizard! I'll tell my papa! Help! Help! You nasty green thing! Put me down!
Jasper flings Fievel over his shoulder and carries him off as the mouse wails and pounds on the lizard’s back. Meanwhile, Tiger notices that Fievel is no longer behind him.
TIGER: Oh no! Fiev! Where are ya!
Tanya and Papa follow Tony around a corner when they hear Fievel’s screaming cries.
FIEVEL: Help! Help! Somebody help!
TANYA: Fievel!
TONY: (running in the direction of the screams) Hold on, Fillie! I’m coming.
Tony spots Jasper carrying Fievel to a small wooden shed and he runs after them. Inside, Jasper slams the door shut and corners Fievel who stands shaking and tearing up, thinking all is lost.
FIEVEL: sobbing
JASPER: Now I got ya, you little bloke! It’s about time for…
Suddenly, Tony bursts through the door, which hits Jasper.
TONY: Come on, let’s get you home, Fillie!
Fievel follows Tony outside, the door swings back, revealing Jasper who stumbles, all dizzy.
JASPER: Blimey. What a bunch of collywobbles. Doesn’t anyone knock anymore...?
Jasper falls flat.
Tony and Fievel head back to the mouse neighborhood. Tiger sees them.
FIEVEL: Thanks for saving me, Tony!
TONY: Aww, shucks. Don’t mention it. (chuckles)
TIGER: Fiev! There you are! I’m glad you’re safe, buddy!
FIEVEL: Thank you, Tiger! I’ve had so much fun with you today!
TANYA: Fievel!
Fievel hears Tanya’s voice and he turns his head to see his family.
FIEVEL: Papa! Mama! Tanya!
Fievel runs toward his family, he lands straight into the arms of his overjoyed father, Yasha, being set down by Mama, giggles cutely.
YASHA: (happily) Fievel!
PAPA: Fievel! I’m so happy to see you.
FIEVEL: Me too, Papa!
-As Papa puts Fievel down, Mama steps up next
MAMA: (kneeling down for a hug) Oh, Fievel, we were so worried about you.
FIEVEL: (hugging around her neck) I’m all right, Mama.
-Cut to Yasha babbling-
FIEVEL: (laughing) I missed you too, Yasha. (gives her a tight hug)
-Yasha giggles-
FIEVEL: I just have to tell you about my biggest adventure together I had with Tiger. We played hide and seek, then I rode on Tiger before we came face to face with a mean ol' alley cat gang who captured him. But I came to Tiger's rescue, then we both ran those alley cats right out of town! (tries to catch his breath)
-As Fievel finishes his story, we see Bridget moving next to Tony, and they both smile at each other. They walk up to the Mousekewitz family just as Tanya walks up to her brother, who holds out his arms to her-
TANYA: Oh, Fievel, I wish I could have been there with you too.
Fievel and Tanya both giggle, the siblings hug tightly and dance around for a moment as the others look on, smiling. Then they very gently rub their cheeks together, their special way of showing affection.
Papa kneels down to Fievel.
PAPA: My Fievel, I will never leave you behind again.
FIEVEL: giggles Never say never, Papa.
PAPA: chuckling
Fievel then hugs Papa again
The scene fades out.
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