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architecturetoconstruction · 5 months ago
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The passway attached a car bridge cross the Yilan river.
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tnsfrbc · 24 days ago
Rubber Board Field Officer Recruitment 2025
Website: jobs.obcrights.org
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mariacallous · 5 months ago
Joint ODNI, FBI, and CISA Statement
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ODNI News Release No. 29-24 November 4, 2024
WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) released the following statement:
“Since our statement on Friday, the IC has been observing foreign adversaries, particularly Russia, conducting additional influence operations intended to undermine public confidence in the integrity of U.S. elections and stoke divisions among Americans. The IC expects these activities will intensify through election day and in the coming weeks, and that foreign influence narratives will focus on swing states.
Russia is the most active threat. Influence actors linked to Russia in particular are manufacturing videos and creating fake articles to undermine the legitimacy of the election, instill fear in voters regarding the election process, and suggest Americans are using violence against each other due to political preferences, judging from information available to the IC. These efforts risk inciting violence, including against election officials. We anticipate Russian actors will release additional manufactured content with these themes through election day and in the days and weeks after polls close.
The IC assesses that Russian influence actors recently posted and amplified an article falsely claiming that U.S. officials across swing states plan to orchestrate election fraud using a range of tactics, such as ballot stuffing and cyber attacks.
Russian influence actors also manufactured and amplified a recent video that falsely depicted an interview with an individual claiming election fraud in Arizona, which involved creating fake overseas ballots and changing voter rolls to favor Vice President Kamala Harris. The Arizona Secretary of State has already refuted the video’s claim as false.
Iran also remains a significant foreign influence threat to U.S. elections. As noted in a prior update, we have assessed that Iran has conducted malicious cyber activities to compromise former President Trump’s campaign. Iranian influence actors may also seek to create fake media content intended to suppress voting or stoke violence, as they have done in past election cycles. We previously reported that Iran also remains determined to seek revenge against select former US officials whom it views as culpable for the death of Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Qods Force (IRGC-QF) Commander Soleimani in January 2020. It has repeatedly highlighted former President Donald Trump among its priority targets for retribution.
In light of continued influence efforts by foreign adversaries and the increasing volume of inauthentic content online, CISA recommends voters seek out information from trusted, official sources, in particular, state and local election officials.
The FBI and CISA encourage campaigns and election infrastructure stakeholders to report information concerning suspicious or criminal activity to their local Election Crime Coordinators via FBI field office (www.fbi.gov/fieldoffices), by calling 1-800-CALL-FBI (1-800-225-5324), or online at ic3.gov. Cyber incidents impacting election infrastructure can also be reported to CISA by calling 1-844-Say-CISA (1-844-729-2472), emailing report@cisa.dhs.gov, or reporting online at cisa.gov/report. Election infrastructure stakeholders and the public can find additional resources about how to protect against cyber and physical threats at CISA’s #PROTECT2024 (https://www.cisa.gov/protect2024).”
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batt00ny · 2 years ago
Did you find out your username was taken? Are you struggling to come up with a username? Hopefully this will help! I made a list of TTCC-themed usernames to help you choose! I'm not sure how often I'll update this, so some may be taken. Don't be disheartened <3 Some of these may also be able to overlap with Toontown in general :3
If you take one or notice one is taken, feel free to send in an ask or DM letting me know so I can remove it! Enjoy and I believe you can make it through this difficult change ^_^ As of posting, these should all be open (You can also send an ask or DM to "reserve" one, ie take it not quite yet but plan to when it rolls out and I will still remove it for you!
There will be more parts, 50 usernames (will not be replaced once taken) per post! I just plan on doing this for fun and to help :-) Be sure to check the first tag for more!
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jobskolkata · 3 months ago
माइक्रो फाइनेंस कंपनी || ऋण अधिकारी || फील्ड ऑफिसर || शाखा प्रबंधक || नादिया || पश्चिम बंगाल नमस्ते Every body
इस जॉब पोस्ट में, हम "आदर्श करियर ज़ोन" में गोता लगाते हैं, जो आपके लिए सही पेशा खोजने के रहस्यों को उजागर करता है!
चाहे आप #नौकरी की तलाश कर रहे हों, #नौकरी की तलाश कर रहे हों, या नए #चकरी विकल्पों की खोज कर रहे हों, हम आपको विशेषज्ञ युक्तियों और करियर सलाह के साथ कवर करते हैं। अपने जुनून को समझने से लेकर नौकरी की खोज में महारत हासिल करने और साक्षात्कार में सफल होने तक, हम आपको आत्मविश्वास के साथ प्रतिस्पर्धी परिदृश्य को नेविगेट करने के लिए सशक्त बनाते हैं!
हमारे साथ जुड़ें और आज ही अपने करियर की यात्रा को आगे बढ़ाने का तरीका जानें!
अधिक करियर-बढ़ाने वाली सामग्री के लिए लाइक, सब्सक्राइब और नोटिफिकेशन बेल को टैप करना न भूलें। आपकी सपनों की नौकरी आपका इंतजार कर रही है!  हमलोग आइडियल करियर जोन को represent करते हैंIहमलोग एक Recruitment फर्म हैं और हम विभिन्न कंपनी के लिए विभिन्न पदों के लिए कर्मचारियों की भर्ती करवाते हैं।
कंपनी के बारे में: नादिया जिले में एक माइक्रोफाइनेंस और निवेश संगठन को कुछ फील्ड ऑफिसर और शाखा प्रबंधकों की आवश्यकता है।
व्यवसाय की प्रकृति: वे ग्रामीण और शहरी ग्राहकों को मुख्य रूप से समूह ऋण, वित्तीय सेवाएँ प्रदान करते हैं।
पद विवरण:
पद संख्या 1. फील्ड ऑफिसर।
रिक्तियाँ: 30
ग्राहकों से सीधे संवाद करें।
ऋण आवेदन डेटा और साप्ताहिक संग्रह एकत्र करें।
नियमित फील्ड रिपोर्ट तैयार करें और जमा करें।
न्यूनतम: हायर सेकेंडरी पास।
फील्डवर्क में अनुभव को प्राथमिकता दी जाएगी।
वेतन: बातचीत योग्य (वेतन के साथ-साथ प्रदर्शन-आधारित प्रोत्साहन और ईंधन भत्ता भी दिया जाएगा)।
कार्य स्थान: नादिया और उत्तर 24 परगना।
पद संख्या 2. शाखा प्रबंधक
रिक्तियाँ: 3
शाखा संचालन की निगरानी करें।
कर्मचारियों और ग्राहकों का प्रबंधन करें।
ऋण स्वीकृत करें और रिपोर्ट तैयार करें।
न्यूनतम: स्नातक या उससे ऊपर।
बैंकिंग, वित्त या प्रबंधन में 2-3 साल का अनुभव।
वेतन: बातचीत योग्य (वेतन के साथ-साथ प्रदर्शन-आधारित प्रोत्साहन और ईंधन भत्ता भी दिया जाएगा)।
कार्य स्थान: नादिया और उत्तर 24 परगना।
नौकरी चाहने वालों से हमारी अपेक्षाएँ।
नौकरी प्रोफ़ाइल से मेल खाते हुए योग्य और अनुभवी होना चाहिए।
प्रारंभिक स्क्रीनिंग के लिए अपना सीवी साझा करें।
* टिप्पणी:- यह वीडियो अंग्रेजी बांग्ला भाषाओं में भी उपलब्ध है। आप बांग्ला और अंग्रेजी आवाज में दूसरा वीडियो खोज कर देख सकते हैं।
और भी बहुत से अवसर उपलब्ध हैं बस गूगल में सर्च करें "आइडियल करियर जोन" कोलकाता।
आप विभिन्न कंपनियों में विभिन्न पोस्ट में कई और नौकरी विवरण पा सकते हैं।
आप हमें सुबह 9 बजे से रात 8 बजे के बीच कॉल कर सकते हैं
9 3 3 1 2 0 5 1 3 3
8 7 7 7 2 1 1 0 1 6
या आप हमारे कार्यालय का दौरा कर सकते हैं।
ideal करियर zone
128/12ए, बिधान सरनी श्याम बाजार मेट्रो गेट नंबर 1 गांधी मार्केट सज्जा धाम के पीछे
कोलकाता 7 लाख 4
इस वीडियो को देखने के लिए धन्यवाद। अधिक जॉब की जानकारी के लिए कृपया हमारे चैनल को लाइक और सब्सक्राइब करें। फिर से आप सवी को दिल से धन्यवाद
#MicroFinanceCompany, #Loanofficer, #FieldOfficer, #BranchManager, #Nadia, #Kolkata, #Bandel, #Hooghly, #WestBengal, #माइक्रोफाइनेंसकंपनी, #ऋणअधिकारी, #फील्डऑफिसर, #शाखाप्रबंधक, #नादिया, #कोलकाता,  #पश्चिमबंगाल,  #भारत, #মাইক্রোফাইন্যান্সকোম্পানি, #লোনঅফিসার, #ফিল্ডঅফিসার, #শাখাব্যবস্থাপক, #নাদিয়া, #কলকাতা, #পশ্চিমবঙ্গ, #ভারত, #ভারত, #idealcareerzone, #kolkatajobs, #WestBengal, #Silliguri, #Bihar, #Jharkhand, #Maharastra, #Delhi, #PanIndia,
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quietlifeofroy · 5 years ago
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Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall 🍂 @quietlifeofroy
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libbypatterson · 7 years ago
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#LPO #FieldOffice #Forage landscape.
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phoenixchallengecoins · 5 years ago
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We turned around and suddenly #fridaynight was here. We hope you're packing or preping to jet set off to somewhere #warm and #paradise like..... As you #jetset off to your destination we ask you take a moment to reflect on the @dhsgov #federalairmarshals who work hard to keep #avgeeks and #travel lers safe. This #challengecoin is from the #beantown #loganairport #fieldoffice. #boston #redsox #redsoxnation #minutemen #freedomtrail #lbostonogan #patriots #eastie #patsnation #federalammunition #federalagent #police #glinco #fletc #homeland #dhs #homelandsecurity #sigsauer #sig @bostonpolice @massstatepolice @flylogan @flyworcester @redsox @bostonceltics @patriots @bill319cmh @loganairport_ @bupolice @bcpolice @cambridgepolice @metro_boston_ems @bostonfirefighters @fbi @mbta_cr @tsa (at Boston Logan International Airport) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8R-g_GJ9v5/?igshid=1fzp5npygrtve
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We are hiring "Express Executive - Verification Services" from all India @ City Wise. Qualifications: Minimum Intermediate. Requirements: Smartphone with Internet and Own Motorcycle with Valid Driving License. It's a Purely Field Work @ Own City Level. Payment will be made on Case-to-Case only. Interested One mail us at: investigation@ncsindia.co.in #fieldstaff #FieldOfficer #fieldjob #Jobsnearus #Jobsnearme #jobsinyourcity #cityjobs #verification #verificationjobs #wearehiring #jobsinindia https://www.instagram.com/p/B4uuusXlPR_/?igshid=kloj86ayy4v6
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aaronnieh · 7 years ago
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Making Place in YILAN Proposal for Taiwan Pavilion la Biennale di Venezia 16. Mostra Internazionale di Architettura
Poster proposal (edition of tryout) Client — Fieldoffice Architects Year — 2018
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referindiaofficial · 3 years ago
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Ril Hiring for #realestate #fieldofficer Comment if you are interested and stay connected with Fresher & Experience Jobs - ReferIndia for more job updates. #hiring #jobs #recruitment #careers #fresher #jobsearch #referindia #comment #experience #jobopening #recruiting #softwareengineer #lookingforjob #job #workfromhome #software #job #jobseekers #php #softwaredeveloper #lookingfor #recruiters #hr #softwaretesting #resume #developer #engagement #community (at Mumbai, Maharashtra) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVKC2yANg0u/?utm_medium=tumblr
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morpheusindia · 5 years ago
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We are looking for Field Officer (Credit Risk Management)  Housing Finance Industry –in Kochi. The Ideal Qualification Graduate/Post Graduate. Must have experience of Maximum 3 years  with a bank or NBFC. Interested candidate can upload their Cv www.mhc.co.in/jobs or share their resume on recruiter@mhc.co.in
Kindly find below the Job Responsibilities: •Knowledge of MS OFFICE would be an added advantage •The candidate should have excellent communication skills, should be persuasive, and should possess very good negotiation skills. •Excellent inter personal skills/ team working skills and influencing capabilities
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jobskolkata · 3 months ago
Micro Finance Company || Loan officer || Field Officer || Branch Manager || Nadia || West Bengal
Unlock Your Dream Job!
In this Job Post, we dive into the "Ideal Career Zone," revealing the secrets to finding your perfect profession!
Whether you’re hunting for a #job, searching #Naukri, or exploring new #Chakri options, we’ve got you covered with expert tips and career advice. From understanding your passions to mastering job searches and acing interviews, we empower you to navigate the competitive landscape with confidence!
Join us and discover how to elevate your career journey today!
Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and tap the notification bell for more career-boosting content. Your dream job awaits!
Hi we are from IDEAL CAREER ZONE. We are a job placement firm and we are recruiting staffs for different posts for different company.
About Company: A Microfinance and Investment organization in Nadia District need some field officers and branch managers as.
Nature of Business: They provide financial services, primarily group loans, to rural and urban clients.
Position Details as .
Post number 1. Field Officer.
Vacancies: 30
Communicate directly with clients.
Collect loan application data and weekly collections.
Prepare and submit regular field reports.
Minimum: Higher Secondary Pass.
Experience in fieldwork preferred.
Salary: Negotiable (Salary will be provided along with performance-based incentives and fuel allowance).
Work Location: Nadia and North 24 Parganas.
Post number 2. Branch Manager
Vacancies: 3
Supervise branch operations.
Manage staff and clients.
Approve loans and prepare reports.
Minimum: Graduate or above.
2–3 years of experience in banking, finance, or management.
Salary: Negotiable (Salary will be provided along with performance-based incentives and fuel allowance).
Work Location: Nadia and North 24 Parganas.
Our Expectations from the jobseekers.
Must be qualified and experienced matching the job profiles.
Share yours' CVs for initial screening.
 • Note:- This video is available in Hindi and Begali languages also. You can see it just search another video in hindi and Bengali voices. Many more openings available just search in Google “Ideal Career Zone” Kolkata.
You can find many more job details in various posts in various companies.
You may call us between 9 am to 8 pm
8 7 7 7 2 1 1 zero 1 6
9 3 3 1 2 zero 5 1 3 3
Or you can visit our office.
Ideal Career Zone
128/12A, BidhanSraniShyam Bazaar metro Gate No.1 Gandhi Market Behind Sajjaa Dhaam Bed Sheet Bed cover Show room Kolkata 7 lakh 4
Thank you for watching our channel Please subscribed and like our videos for more jobs opening. Thank You again.
#MicroFinanceCompany, #Loanofficer, #FieldOfficer, #BranchManager, #Nadia, #Kolkata, #Bandel, #Hooghly, #WestBengal, #माइक्रोफाइनेंसकंपनी, #ऋणअधिकारी, #फील्डऑफिसर, #शाखाप्रबंधक, #नादिया, #कोलकाता,  #पश्चिमबंगाल,  #भारत, #মাইক্রোফাইন্যান্সকোম্পানি, #লোনঅফিসার, #ফিল্ডঅফিসার, #শাখাব্যবস্থাপক, #নাদিয়া, #কলকাতা, #পশ্চিমবঙ্গ, #ভারত, #ভারত, #idealcareerzone, #kolkatajobs, #WestBengal, #Silliguri, #Bihar, #Jharkhand, #Maharastra, #Delhi, #PanIndia,
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alexindiagroup-blog · 7 years ago
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Inside the Palace Book 2 Chapter 32: aside from our 3 field offices, I got most of my work done at this desk at our home at 3732 Echo Trail in Fort Worth. This was the greatest place on earth to gather my thoughts and start my day... and end my day as well. The bay window looked out the front, so I could see everything and get a good sense of my surroundings as I worked. It was very inspirational. (To be continued in the next post) #alexindia #alexindiapalace #parris #woodworking #woodcraft #fortworth #operations #homeoffice #tempagency #scrap #fieldoffice #temporaryservices #success #1997 #dinner #1996 #texas #texasbusiness #northtexas #dreams #inspiration #desk #ceo #entrepreneur #business #businessman #work #echotrail #foundation #sales (at Fort Worth, Texas)
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libbypatterson · 5 years ago
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Fox food aplenty here at our #Slowcoast #Davenport #LuxeWildRaw #FieldOffice #Forage libbypatterson.com ♡ (at Route 1 California Coastal Highway) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6gV_yzhvc7/?igshid=1i7vfwdz5p8sh
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erikoeu · 8 years ago
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#dailyactivity #fieldoffice #deadline #tbt #thursday Taken by @fsv_ #bandung #Antasena
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