#fidus spawn
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laugbergine · 1 month ago
Happy extraordinarily late new year :3
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Game night
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hey rufioh do you still play fidus spawn? if so any fond memories of it?
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pachiiblr · 8 months ago
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I'm gonna admit it that's less then I thought
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ask-them-bois · 4 years ago
Corden: So you're non biney? Like you don't have any binery?
Drayco: Yeah. Sure.
Corden: That's so poggers.
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callmetavvy · 3 years ago
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quick look!! he’s teaching him how to play fidus spawn go!!!
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klavier · 6 years ago
dungeon keeper name list
Abrax, Acanthus, Agaric, Alizarin, Alzabo, Andante, Animus, Ankus, Aorta, Arkum, Armandaz, Autarc, Avernus, Azarin, Azrael, Balphegor, Bane, Baphet, Barrow, Bede, Beedle, Belisar, Belloc, Berk, Bert, Bhutt, Blain, Bludgeon, Blyte, Boderik, Bogus, Bolus, Bonemeal, Boon, Boremite, Boris, Bospha, Botch, Botulic, Brand, Braze, Brian, Bron, Bubo, Bugpus, Cacodemus, Cacus, Caleb, Caliban, Caligin, Callus, Cant, Cardolan, Caries, Carmine, Carnek, Carnivos, Caro, Carotida, Casca, Cataractus, Catlash, Cerebus, Chaldis, Cheop, Chthon, Clave, Clench, Cloot, Cloy, Coleric, Coops, Corax, Corlac, Corvus, Cotter, Cranioch, Crank, Croak, Crom, Cromlech, Cruach, Cruor, Curdel, Cyclop, Dave, DeGrise, DeGrue, Delver, Deodand, Dirge, Dolmen, Dorfen, Dourif, Dragan, Droog, Drotte, Drow, Drudge, Dural, Eblis, Edema, Ermite, Fagor, Fengor, Fengus, Ferral, Fervor, Fickel, Fidus, Flaire, Flay, Fleck, Flint, Flog, Flybore, Flymeat, Flynchknot, Fordor, Frood, Fugue, Fuligin, Funes, Furis, Furor, Fuskus, Fust, Galen, Gallscrape, Gangren, Gantor, Garlech, Garm, Gaspar, Gatcheman, Geddon, Gewgog, Ghast, Ghule, Gibbet, Gibbus, Gigos, Gill, Gizzard, Glaucus, Glock, Glyph, Gnatspur, Gnaw, Gnoll, Goad, Goitre, Goloch, Gorge, Gorgo, Gorkimir, Gorse, Gort, Gougewheal, Grailbait, Gregor, Grelch, Grelchfork, Grimoire, Grinder, Gristle, Grombold, Grote, Grule, Grume, Gudgeon, Gurloes, Haglash, Hakim, Hatchett, Hellion, Hellot, Hermann, Hurse, Ichor, Igor, Ingro, Ithaque, Jael, Jorg, Jubal, Jugula, Julian, Kade, Kane, Kardec, Kasper, Keppel, Kevin, Khalech, Khanal, Khir, Klammer, Kludo, Kord, Krabbs, Kragen, Kraken, Kreep, Krite, Kronos, Kurt, Lardsac, Lazuli, Lector, Leech, Leon, Letharge, Lictor, Loam, Locus, Lothar, Ludo, Lupus, Madderose, Madloc, Maelstrom, Maff, Magister, Magmas, Magog, Malefric, Malrubius, Mane, Mantissa, Mantric, Mantus, Marune, Masoch, Mawl, Meatnik, Medael, Megalo, Megistus, Melchior, Mephit, Merle, Mesmyr, Micturus, Mignon, Mike, Mirk, Miro, Mithras, Molder, Molespit, Molok, Monculus, Mook, Mopik, Moraine, Mordechai, Mordicant, Morg, Mortis, Mote, Mucor, Mudlust, Mulch, Munch, Mungo, Murmyr, Mutager, Myrk, Myrkin, Myrmid, Mysticor, Nadrattle, Naga, Nebulus, Nefarius, Nenuphar, Nenuphrin, Nicodemus, Nidus, Nihil, Nimrod, Niph, Noctivagant, Noctur, Nodos, Notch, Nubble, Nute, Obol, Occator, Ochre, Odir, Ominus, Oolon, Orcus, Orghul, Oriander, Orphyr, Orzac, Osmo, Osric, Ossifer, Ozymandias, Palaemon, Pallor, Palter, Pawnch, Pinion, Pock, Poge, Pogrom, Polidori, Polyp, Prang, Prestiger, Priap, Primus, Prole, Prolix, Prowl, Pugh, Pulchre, Pulsipher, Pumice, Purge, Putre, Pynch, Pyre, Quagmire, Quebus, Quell, Quilk, Quirkus, Quiver, Rage, Ralpartha, Rancor, Rankle, Rasmus, Ratchett, Ratfretter, Ratsack, Rench, Rickets, Rictus, Roach, Rorty, rudegrim, Rumen, Rumpus, Saad, Saleph, Saltus, Samsar, Sapir, Sapper, Scabmeat, Schismus, Scrawn, Scrofule, Scrote, Scrum, Scullion, Scurge, Scurvide, Scutum, Seath, Sephir, Sequestor, Shade, Shadrac, Shadrach, Shelag, Shintaro, Shroud, Skimpy, Skuld, Skullsunder, Slake, Slay, Sloph, Slugg, Smeeg, Smirch, Snipe, Snitch, Sorku, Sorrow, Sotto, Spawn, Spay, Spoor, Spudd, Spume, Sputum, Squatch, Stego, Stendhal, Stingpin, Stonegore, Strafe, Sturge, Sulcus, Sulis, Susan, Swellpit, Swelter, Swill, Syrinx, Tallow, Talos, Tartaric, Tartarus, Telos, Tenticol, Thabala, Thanatar, Thanos, Thoog, Thorgen, Thrall, Threck, Throtter, Thule, Thwart, Tolchok, Tome, Torc, Torus, Toxicor, Trego, Tritoch, Tumulus, Tungue, Turjan, Turnspit, Tussoc, Tycho, Typhon, Tyram, Uddergripe, Uhlan, Ultan, Ultare, Umbra, Urmeric, Valdegrin, Vegan, Veigle, Vellum, Verdemis, Vermilion, Verrucus, Vespertine, Vidor, Vilish, Vlad, Vlek, Vogus, Vulcan, Vulgor, Vulpus, Vurne, Weevil, Whelt, Whipp, Whorl, Whumpus, Wormish, Wort, Wrake, Wyrmcast, Yaphet, Zelus
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memurfevur-archive · 2 years ago
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"It's a creature-collecting game where you breed, raise, and fight alien creatures through the use of spheres and cards. It's pretty popular. An ex-matesprit of mine got me into it. I play more digitally anymore than physically, but I can show you the ropes if you're interested."
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allthesetrolls · 4 years ago
Atryus, if you don't like lusii fighting, what's your thoughts on the game Fidus Spawn?
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(|) ( i think fiduspawn is (|)kay.. n(|)t my thing but i d(|)n't see it as a harm t(|) any(|)ne.
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the-tiktok-rogue · 5 years ago
Tavros Nitram for the Send Me A Character!!!
impression now:I love him and I just want him to be confident and for vriska to leave him the fuck alone.
favourite moment:its a tie between him flipping vriska off whilst flying away and him getting that ghost army followed up by his dances and gloating (just let my boi be happy)
Idea for a story:Tavros gets therapy challenge
unpopular opinion:once again idk if this is unpopular but I dont ship him with vriska she literally abused him, broke his legs, and never sincerely apologises to him so uhhh no thanks~!
favourite relationship:oh him and Gamzee for sure
favourite headcanon:100% he’s autistic and special interests in fidus spawn
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Troll number two; Tavros Nitram. I love his horns. They were easier on me.
Anyway. I imagine, in an alternate doomed timeline, that one of the alpha kids (maybe John) shows him Pokemon. After fidus spawn, I don’t think he’d be impressed.
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chowtrolls · 5 years ago
19 years old, nonbinary (they/them) bronzeblood. Pale and Black open. Hobbies include video games, studying medicine, and collecting fidus spawn cards. Very outgoing, optimistic, and friendly. Pretty dorky and awkward, but goofy and good-natured about it. Would take someone on dates to concerts, amusement parks, and star-gazing picnics.
Kam's like....I think he's 25...? Years old....? So obvs that might be a bit too old for this lil dude but if they were older I could see them being good in pale !!!!!
Most of my trolls are mid-late 20's! Which makes it kind of difficult for them to be with anyone younger than 20.
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ask-them-bois · 5 years ago
Drayco what are some of your favorite video games?
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Fidus Spawn: Diamoond, Fidus Spawn: Ultra Moooon and Ultra Green Sun, Skyrim Elder Culls, and Legend of Zeldda.
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ask-them-bois · 3 years ago
and 8 19 33 and 41 for a muse you've been meaning to pay more attention to?
Do they collect anything? If so what and why?
Fidus spawn cards! I've been coollecting them foor sweeps, noow.
How easy is it to become their friend?
Ha, real easy. If yoou're chill, I like yoou.
Do they play ttrpgs? If so what kind of characters do they play? Or are they more likely to GM?
Nah, noot really my thing. I loove RPG videoo games, but I doon't have the patience foor DND stuff.
Do they learn from their mistakes?
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ask-them-bois · 4 years ago
Drayco would absolutely play Fidus Spawn Go. Their most powerful creature would be the FS equivalent of a Victreebel and they'd name it Bongwater.
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ask-them-bois · 5 years ago
🎁 makeno and corden?
Send me "🎁+[Name]" to learn my muse's Christmas Wish!
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I just wAnt to spend it with Cordy And LikmAi.
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I want a new husktop, the boXX set of BattleBots, a new gaMMing systeMM, a new cape, the special edition fidus spawn gaMMes and-
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ask-them-bois · 5 years ago
may i request headcanons for Drayco? I love them so much-
There is so much love for Drayco in my askbox rn and I am living for it! Here you go:
Drayco had a collection of every single fidus spawn card, to date, until they died. Never had doubles, and all of them were foils in mint condition. They have to start all over, as their collection was thrown away when Musrio left their hive.
Drayco has had over 20 surgeries in an attempt to fix their Malum Languorem, to remove tumors and drain the fluid from their lungs.
Drayco's ferret, Lucifer, was a pet before he became a service animal. He was a gift from Musrio, after Drayco's lusus disappeared.
Drayco is the ferret equivalent of a catdad. They adore their furry noodle, and has spent thousands of caegers on toys/towers/ect.
Before they died, Drayco dreamed of being a medic in the Fleet. They even got as far as an apprenticeship, before being forced to drop out because of their illness.
They're an absolute weeb. They love East Alternian animation and games, and has an extensive collection of both.
They are, unfortunately, very malnourished. They find it hard to eat many days due to extreme nausea. As such, they're very frail and skinny.
They love going to concerts. Before being diagnosed, they could jump into a mosh pit and have the time of their life. They even participated in a few Walls of Death, resulting in a broken wrist and several funny stories. After being diagnosed, they manipulated security guards and got to meet a few of their favorite bands backstage.
They don't know what happened to their lusus. He was a Komodo dragon- with six legs- who disappeared not long after they were diagnosed with ML. They blame themself for this.
Their oxygen mask must be on at all times. They can remove it, but only for a maximum of three minutes before they begin to hurt.
^ on top of that, they cannot go anywhere too cold or dry, as it makes their lungs bleed. They need a humidifier at night.
^they also can't use a coon properly without damaging their equipment. Instead, they use sopor like a vapor rub for their chest, which helps loosen the muscles.
They stay in their pajamas about 90% of the time, to avoid clothes that might irritate their body and make their condition worse. (Which is why their Normal Form clothes are baggy and brightly colored)
Their Black Hand form has amazing powers, from super speed to incredible strength. Even their senses are heightened to cat-like levels.
Their Black Hand itself is deadly. The claws are laced with a neurotoxin that it produces naturally.
They can only be in their BHF for a maximum of 20 minutes. But even that puts a great strain on their body, so they try not to go over 10 minutes, which will only leave them sore and tired.
Is that enough? I've got more!
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