multi-writer · 2 years
The Princess and The Anti Hero
Eddie Munson x latina! reader
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Summary: The danger is back in Hawkins, and it´s time to help others again. This time? Eddie Munson. But what happens when your friends leave you to take care of him while the others are investigating the mysterious deaths? Well, this happens.
Warnings: SPOILERS S4, a bit of bone-breaking description. Also, this is my first time writing a fanfic (actually the second, but my first one was like in 2014 so that doesn’t count, and that one was in Spanish. So the first one in years and in English) so kind of poor writing and I changed some parts to go according to the story.
Words: 2.5k
Requested: No
Racism, homophobia, what else?
Ah, yes.
Since you moved to America, specifically to Hawkins, your life has changed to become more... strange.
The most unknown town in the country and it turned out to be one of the strangest and most dangerous, you confirmed that since you saw a girl blowing up a car with her hand and three screaming kids years ago. And to think that it would lead you to survive an attack of a giant spider in a shopping mall and then be able to live a more peaceful life in the smallest town, now without any supernatural problems. Or so you thought.
"Steve, when are you going to understand that those aren't the ways to get a girlfriend?" you asked as you finished a glass of ice cream, leaning against the counter of the video store.
"That's the thing...he doesn't understand" Robin scoffs as she wrote something down on the computer. Watching the girls leave the store as one blonde shoots Steve a flirtatious look.
"Very funny, but I have to tell you I've gotten a lot of dates that way" Steve mentioned from a booth arranging movies, causing Robin and you to look at each other and laughed.
"Hey...aren't you going back to your country for spring break?" Steve asked as he walked up to the counter.
"No, apparently we won't be visiting this year, my parents are kind of freaked out about what's going on here. What the news, something happened in this town… again" you replied sarcastically as you threw down the ice cream cup. From the window you could see Max and Dustin running to the store. As they entered, they both started talking at the same time causing Robin, you and Steve to come up with them.
"Steve... how many phones do you have?" asked Dustin.
"Did you see? Somebody was killed" commented Steve
"How many phones do you have?" repeated Dustin with anxiously.
"Two, why?" answered Steve as he looked at Robin.
"Three with Keith's" added Robin.
"Yeah... with three is perfect" said Max for the first time.
"Hey... what's going on?" you asked. As Dustin jumped across the counter causing Robin and Steve to groan.
"What are you guys doing" asked Steve angrily while picking some movies.
"I´m putting together a database" replied Dustin. "We need Eddie's contacts"
"Eddie? Like, Eddie Munson?" you asked as you looked at the computer screen.
"Yeah, do you know him?" asked Max.
"I've met him a few times. We were going to graduate in the same year but he had to repeat" you replied, looking confused at what Dustin was doing.
"Guys... what's going on?" asked Robin seriously.
After Dustin and Max explained everything about Eddie and Chrissy, we all got the same conclusion. Hawkins is not normal… again. Honestly, you should get paid by now. After Robin got the place where Eddie was supposed to be, Steve grabbed his keys, locked the store and got into his car, with you following behind.
After a while in Steve's car, you arrived at the place where Robin said Eddie would be. As you got out, you could see that the house was dark, making the stars shine brighter in the dark sky. Quietly everyone approached the doors, not knowing what was waiting for you in there. Out of the corner of your eye you could see Steve grab an oar to hit a boat with a blanket over it.
"Really Harrington?" asked Dustin scared.
"What? You want to lift the blanket yourself?" replied Steve, silencing Dustin.
As you finished checking, you could hear a noise coming from the boat that Steve had hit, from one second to the next you saw Eddie get out of it and point a knife at Steve's neck. Everyone froze.
"Eddie... it's me, Dustin, we're here to help you. You remember Robin? From the school band, Max, who never wants to play D&D with us, (y/n), who took classes with you last year and Steve, also from school, my best friend and who you have by the neck. Could you please let him go?" commented Dustin, fear could be heard in his voice.
Eddie looked at us for a few moments, in his brown eyes you could see the terror and shock, his shoulders were tense and the hand holding the knife against Steve's neck was shaking.
"Eddie, please, we can help you, you are innocent, we believe you" you told him as you slowly approached him.
"no... you wouldn't believe me, you can´t, it’s impossible to explain" Eddie spoke in a trembling voice.
"try, we will believe you" replied Max.
Seeing the safety of the group and checking to see if it was you, Eddie slowly lowered the knife and took a few steps away from Steve, allowing Steve to breathe and calm himself.
"I... I didn't kill her" Eddie stutters.
"We know... we know what's going on... it's normal to be afraid, we all went through the same thing and felt the same feeling you´re feeling right now" you told him in a soft voice as you moved closer. When you were next to him, you grabbed his wrist where the knife was and with your thumb you caressed him to make him relax, something you have been doing years before when you and the group were in dangerous situations.
"Chrissy was with me in my house, well, place. She wanted something strong so she could sleep, I left her alone for a few moments and when I came back she was immobile, her eyes were looking up” he said while moving his hands as trying to explain. “Out of nowhere she started to rise until she touched the ceiling, there her bones moved all over the place and her eyes exploded. I didn't know what to do, I was so scared and the only thing I could do was run from there. Very suspicious of me, don't you think" Eddie laughed humorlessly. Everyone turned to look at him worried about the situation.
"Don't worry Eddie, we'll help you clear your name" Dustin replied positively.
"good luck with that kid" answered the metal lover guy.
"well... we'll look for clues and bring food, (y/n) you stay with Eddie to watch over him and see that he doesn't do something stupid" ordered Steve as he got up and headed for the exit.
"What? No, I'll go with you, I know what we're up against too, or are you forgetting Steve? I saved your ass several times already" you replied angrily.
“And I don’t need a babysitter” said Eddie.
"Yes Steve, babysitting is your job” you mocked him.
“You´re the one who fights best and you know how to control your emotions in danger, perfect to be able to protect… him" Steve looked at Eddie while Dustin, Max and Robin were leaving silently, forcing you to agree. After they left, you and Eddie remained silent until Eddie decided to speak.
"So, you've already experienced something like this?” Eddie asked as he sat down, leaning against the wall and patted the floor three times, inviting you to sit down.
"Yes..." you sat down along with him. "strange things have been happening years ago, in Hawkins portals were opened and from there monsters have come out, years ago Dustin adopted one as his pet, ironically it helped us" you said as you laughed. "Remember what happened at the mall? It was like a giant spider that wanted to eat us, Billy saved us" you finished with a sigh. So much had happened, how come you were still doing this?
"Wow, I didn't think all that was about creatures coming out of portals, I thought all the accidents were more like a coincidence, a really bad one" replied Eddie.
"Yeah, who knew the only place we would get to live would be the most dangerous place in America" you answered.
"Right. Why did you decide to come to Hawkins?" asked Eddie as he approached you, as if the question would draw the attention of strangers outside.
"My parents decided to come here after some problems in my country, they thought that here we would have more opportunities and would be safer" you answered.
"I think they were wrong about the safe part. Bad luck for you" says Eddie smiling. "And how is your city? Where you come from, I guess it's bigger than Hawkins".
"it's more colorful, there´s more people and the food is definitely better" You smiled as you nudged him with your shoulder.
"hey, the food here is delicious, thank you very much" Eddie said with an accent that made you laugh.
"I'm not complaining" you replied.
“So… Latina princess here-” You cut him.
“Don´t call me that, it´s plain weird” you frowned at him making him quiet for some minutes.
“sorry… So, princess here is actually a hero” Eddie rest his head on the wall while looking at a window.
“I don´t consider myself as a hero, just a person with a really bad luck” you said.
“You are more of a hero than I´ll ever be, that’s for sure. I´m a freak anti-hero” Eddie looked at you.
"I don't think so" you turned to look at him, analyzing his face. "I believe that heroes are not those who risk themselves for any foolishness, heroes are those who, having a lot of fear, do things and risk themselves for what they believe is the right thing to do. Anyone can be a hero Eddie Munson."
"How poetic" Eddie said looking at you.
"And about being a freak, I can debate that too" you said smiling at him. "You just have different tastes, that's what makes us interesting people."
"You think I'm interesting?"
"You, Eddie, are the most interesting person I've ever met" You nudged his shoulder and Eddie nudged back and then started to get closer than he already was. God, his eyes were beautiful even in the night, his hand slowly caressed your arm leaving a trail of goosebumps, and he didn't stop until he reached your cheek, where you both closed your eyes ready for the expected. However, a noise caused you to pull away from Eddie.
"Did you hear that?" you said turning to the window. In the distance you could hear things falling and the voices of several men.
"Shit, the basketball team, they're coming for me. Run (y/n), leave me and hide" Eddie said as he stood up.
"You're crazy, I'm not leaving you alone, especially with those crazy dudes" You replied.
"For the first time in your life don't be the hero and get out of here" Eddie mentioned as he angrily approached and you don't blame him, his desperation was clouding his judgement. "They're not looking for you, I don't want to get you in any more trouble than you're in."
"Too late for that Eddie, remember? I´ve been in danger for years now" You commented as you looked for a place to escape, you could only see the windows, the woods, the house where the school basketball team was and the lake.
The lake.
"Eddie, help me push the boat."
"What? Are you crazy? They're going to catch us right away."
"Just do it."
You both pushed the boat until it hit the water, in the distance they could hear the team shouting that you had been found, there was no escape if not for the lake. Your last hope.
"Climb in, I'll push," Eddie commanded. Climbing in you grabbed the two oars and started rowing to assist Eddie in taking the boat deeper. When he got a good distance, Eddie jumped up and took the oars from your hands to row faster. Two players from the team decided to enter the lake to swim after you and were getting closer with each passing second.
"Eddie! Give me the oar!"
"What do you plan to do?!"
"Beat up whoever comes near" such an argument elicited a smile from Eddie and a `some hero you are' from him.
When the captain was very close to the boat his companion disappeared under the water and then floated over the lake, making the three of you to stop. As the seconds passed you could hear the bones of the boy break, each limb of him turned to different sides to end up with a broken jaw and no eyes. Now you could only hear the screams of you, Eddie and the team captain.
"That's what happened to Chrissy!" shouted Eddie as the body returned to the lake. Thanks to its impact small waves were created that moved the boat, Eddie managed to grab hold of the shores but you weren't so lucky.
"Mierda!" You shouted as you fell into the icy lake. When you came up for air you saw that Eddie was still in the boat and the team captain had fled. The lake seemed untouched. In your legs you could feel something moving back and forth making you despair. "Eddie, help me up-" You were interrupted when something grabbed your ankle and pulled you deep into the lake, cold was making your body numb and in the distance you could see a reddish light at the bottom of the lake.
Eddie, seeing you disappear under the water shouted your name, and without thinking he took off his jacket and jumped up to look for you. A little further down he found you being submerged, so he swam faster, no matter of the coldness, until he reached out to grab your hand, pulled you close to him and with one of his heavy boots he hit three times whatever was holding you and then pulled you both to the surface and helped you into the boat. Once you were both safe, Eddie could see that you were shivering in the cold night, as well as the red marks on your ankle.
"Are you all right?" asked Eddie as he slipped his dry jacket over your shoulders and then took your leg and put it over his, ready to inspect the wounds.
"I'm fine thanks to you" you replied in a low voice.
"When we get to shore, we'll find a place where we can rest and see what to do about your ankle, that looks terrible" Eddie said trying to joke to defuse the situation. He let your leg rest besides him and silently took the oars and rowed back as fast as he could to the other side of the lake. Just as they were about to arrive, Eddie got out of the boat into the safe part of the lake to take you both to safety. Seeing that the boat was secure, he held out his hand to help you down. As you took it, you realized how cold it was and how cold Eddie was. The careful hold and the look he gave you was breathtaking. He had never looked so beautiful.
"Eddie..." you spoke to him and he stared at you waiting for your comment. "Thank you for being my hero."
I saw @unhingedbabee complaining of the lack of Latinas in Stranger Things, and honestly, same, so as a Latina myself (and a wannabe writer) I decided to write it, and better yet, for my new crush on Eddie. This is super general so I didn’t specify countries and traditions so everyone can be included.
So here is it. Hope you all enjoy it. Any ask or any advice is welcome!
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doomedship · 3 years
As a prompt - I have this headcannon that Lucy, having never been in a serious relationship before is extremely cautious with Tim. I could see her resisting moving in or moving in but never unpacking/leaving things in storage until Tim realizes. He’s probably hurt at first but eventually realizes she just needs to process her emotions differently but he’s still it for her. Which is all to say, my prompt is Lucy/Tim moving in together or looking for a home, lol
HEY FRIEND. It's been 47 hundred years since you prompted me, and I'm finally revealing:
Fic: Heart's Content
I really love the prompt you gave me. I think you're so right that Lucy's had so few of the relationshippy milestones, whereas Tim's had the full whack right through to marriage. It makes sense that there'd be a bump or two in the road to them reaching the same place.
I hope you enjoy! <3
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damnedforalltime · 4 years
made an instagram for fics! 
Also a link to the blog: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/ficsficsfics2020
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louloubabys1992 · 4 years
Smut Larry OneShot!
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You ever love somebody so much you can barely breathe
Louis' job may require him to play a different character than who he really is, but to Harry, he will always be one person and one person only and that is Harry's Louis and no one else.
Or the one where Louis is an actor who plays a sex scene on the day that Harry surprise-visits him on set. Cue jealousy in it's fluffiest (and filthiest -wink wink) form!!!
This fic was part of the  H/L Spring Exchange :D. Moodboard inspired by Zaria Ranmaru’s Hetalia :D
would appreciate a reblogg :D
@fallinglikethis @falsegoodnight @blouisparadise @larryfanfiction @pocketsunshineharry @hereforlou @halo-the-brave @mercurial-madhouse @jacaranda-bloom @twopoppies @beau-soleil-louis @thelarrylibrary @ficreclarry @ficsficsfics @backtohaz​
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I used to be an avid fic rec'er and I have no idea what happened. 
I guess I haven't had time to read anything new, or remind myself of the old.
My ficrec tag needs updating badly. 
Perhaps later this week. I wanted to start tonight but... I'm a little tied up.
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doomedship · 3 years
I would love to read your version of a chenford relationship fight. What do you think it’s about and how it gets angsty pretty fast, maybe Lucy walking out and needing some space... I am just curious to think of their dynamic as a couple... if you are so inspired. Angst with a happy ending :’)
Saraaa ❤️
I've been AWOL on everything that's happening in the fandom and I've been pretty slow on all prompts lately.
Also, this one I had to sit with a while - there were a couple of initial ideas I tried that didn't feel right. I actually found it surprisingly hard to come up with a viable reason for Tim and Lucy fighting, at least in a serious sense. They've always been on the same wavelength, I guess? So this fic is kind of pre-relationship, kind of mid.
Here's the fic: Twice Shy
Tbh I'm still not sure about it - I think this is very much more early Tim than S3 Tim, as he's struggling to come to terms with his feelings, and definitely not open about them.
Present day Tim as we know is pretty reformed, and it's hard to pin down much of a flaw in his character these days. In a way, I kind of miss edgy, gritty Tim?!
Anyway, tell me what you think, because I'm not sure!
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doomedship · 3 years
Request: could you write chenford fluff of Lucy excited for Tim on his first day of sergeant? Maybe getting up early to make him breakfast, decorated his locker, forced all their friends to sign him a card, sending him encouraging texts all day. She’d just be the perfect cheerleader girlfriend. he grumbles about it all day & rolls his eyes about it to people, At the end of the day he admits it was sweet and he hasn’t had that in a long time. Then they can make out on the couch lol. If inspired!
At this point, I'm wildly behind and out of order on all the prompts I've got, but I've finally fulfilled this one that you asked like a month ago - hooray!
Title: Promotional Material
I've honestly lost all sight of what's funny and what's just insanity.
I hope it's a little amusing if nothing else! Thank you for the prompt and sorry for the lateness. ♥️
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doomedship · 3 years
Well, if you’re taking Chenford prompts - maybe something in the future where Lucy is partnered up with someone entirely new and Tim isn’t jealous personally, but professionally?! He thoroughly checks the guy out, can’t understand what they talk about all day and why Lucy won’t talk about it with him. Ultimately she has to talk him down and reassure Tim that he’s still the best guy she ever rode with.
Anon, you sent me this weeks ago and I have finally answered this prompt.
I give you... Staying Power
Thank you for the prompt, I had a lot of fun!
My asks are always open for prompts, I'm just... slow.
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doomedship · 3 years
OMG I love love your melendaire fics and I’m so happy to see you ship Chenford, they have my whole heart! I saw that we could send you prompts so here’s mine if you ever feel inspired : Tim finally realize his feelings for Lucy (but he’s so torn) he doesn’t know if she feels the same, he doesn’t know if he can pursue her because of their job (people speculating bc he was her TO) but most of all he doesn’t know if he ever can be with someone working UC ever again... lots of angst, pining and ust!!!
Hey melendaire friend! I miss melendaire so much ;_; but I'm happy we've both got chenford now!
Also I know this is probably months old now because I'm lame like that.
I didn't fill this prompt as you've set it out since the show dynamic has moved on a little from her being his boot to ALL THE UC ANGST.
So instead I'm going to direct your attention to: The Lesser Distance
As this is very much of the angst, pining and UST genre per this request, so I'm gonna count it.
May we all have a happy finale day and may season 4 be the era of chenford rising <3
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doomedship · 3 years
Okay good point on the UC work and his thought process - maybe a prompt idea is something where Lucy gets pulled into UC after they’re together and though they promised to always discuss first, she didn’t have the time and he’s got a lot of feelings about this! Harper has to talk him down. I do think there’s a world in which he gets past his hesitation over UC work because he loves her and wants her to succeed, but he’ll never stop worrying.
I can’t say I have successfully answered this prompt but I did write this fic because of this ask - so sorry/thank you, Anon! I hope it’s still enjoyable. I might have another longer story in me about Lucy doing UC work, but I’m not sure yet. 
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doomedship · 3 years
LOVE your writing!!!! so talented! You said can send prompts so I’d love chenford future established relationship and tim comforting lucy after another rough dinner with her parents regarding the whole cop thing and them not proud of her. I can see her still trying to go to lunches or dinners because hoping one day they’ll approve but getting heartbroken every time. Would love a comforting, complimenting, snuggly boyfriend Tim there for support!
I wrote this for you: Growing Pains
I love your prompt and thank you for sending it to me.
I may be operating off very little sleep so I hope it's okay. <3
Come see me again!!!
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doomedship · 3 years
Oh angst anything gets me! Chenford angst too, because even in their angst I think they have such emotion and depth, which your latest story on their UC had. If you’re ever inclined, maybe something with hurt Lucy and Tim finds out after the fact or they haven’t spoken in a while and she has a new partner who finally tells him she was hurt. Or Lucy does something reckless but it was to save his or maybe Angela/baby’s life?!
Hey anon!
I've sat on your lovely ask for weeks, and I do apologise for being the world's slowest answerer.
My answer is, however, in the form of an as yet incomplete fic. BEHOLD! I give you, Clean Shot.
It's going to be multichapter which I almost never do because I am unreliable.
It has hurt Lucy and angst and not speaking for a while. Hope you enjoy / hope I am capable of finishing it. Thank you for the prompt. ⭐
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doomedship · 3 years
The Lesser Distance was fantastic, I practically devoured it! All of that with Tim wanting to distance himself bc self preservation vs his need to help her out anyway. With him being the only place she finds peace and sleep was so poignant. But I love that this wasn’t all angst, Lucy’s feelings outburst, Tim/Grey, I actually lol’d through that whole scene. And finally that ending, Lucy was done taking it slow lol! loved it. Thank you, that was such a wonderful story and just what I want for them
Thank you Anon! It's so kind of you to let me know.
I write my fics selfishly, in the sense that I write because it eases something in me to be able to express what I want to about characters I love.
But it's something special when other people enjoy my work, and it makes me so happy when people let me know they enjoyed my work.
So thank you. ♥️
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doomedship · 3 years
Hello! I lurked on this tag for a couple months when I started watching the rookie and when I finally joined the masses I came across your fan fiction. I am a HUGE fan. I love your varying sentence structure and the way the reader can really feel and sense the scenes you’re creating. I just recently read light on shadows and Wow! It is such a beautiful novella. Another technique you use that I love is also how you imply certain things like conversations and activities without giving too much ( like staying power) . Anyways I have a prompt for you if it’s your style. It’s a first kiss type of scenario. Essentially, Tim ends up in Lucy’s operation and they end up taking cover together but she’s currently undercover. They talk about what it could mean if they both come out together since they know he’s a cop but they think she’s not. He’s trying to convince her to sneak out with him, but Lucy’s convinced that that’ll get them both killed. So she decides that she has to leave with them and leave Tim to protect her cover. Then she kisses Tim and he hesitates but kisses her back and he watches her go he says something like come home or something more subtle than that lol.
Thank you :)
HI @songofsongs214. Thank you so much for your beautiful comment and I'm so happy you enjoyed my previous work. I'm always so happy when I get asks of any kind so I'm blown away by your kind words 😭
However, you gave me this prompt me this weeks ago and I took forever sorry sorry sorry. I've been a bit low on inspiration lately.
I hope I can make up for it a bit with: Firing Line.
I so hope this captures the moment you described, and gives a little more too. I don't usually dabble in the world of kidfic (not usually my thing!) but somehow this came out of your awesome scenario.
Hope to hear from you again ♥️
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doomedship · 3 years
High Tide was perfection. What I love about how you write is the pacing of your stories, the separate moments in time broken out the way they are, even in a one shot. Each “section” is so rich in character and detail! I loved this story, from a flirty and sexy moment to start and then “oh yeah, we’re definitely having a kid” to both Tim and Lucy’s separate panic attacks and how they handle it all, that was the loveliest! I love how you write them as a couple, can’t wait for what’s next from you!
Thank you so much for leaving me such lovely feedback! It was really fun to write them in established mode - I'm usually more of a 'how they get together' kind of fic writer but somehow Chenford brings out the domesticity in me. Yay!
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doomedship · 3 years
your tax-day deadline proposal is a true delight, i am greatly compromised at the moment, and i appreciate you and your amazing thought processes immensely!
Thank you so much, I'm so happy about how much enthusiasm the tax prompt got!! Whoever submitted the ask should pat themselves on the back. I hope you're doing okay ♥️♥️
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