almostkoo · 4 years
Destiny | Park Jimin
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pairings: park jimin x oc
summary: having a green thumb is a blessing that you didn’t seem to have, the working theory was that plants hated you and tending to your aunts garden seemed to prove that but maybe the handsome young man that keeps finding his way into your aunts garden can help you whip it back into shape
word count: 2.9k
warnings: unedited, language (of course )
author’s notes: it’s another portion of my spooktober story collection, i was kinda of excited to write this one but still and yet very nervous as always i hope you all enjoy it :)
You trudged on your worn out boots ,letting out a sigh you ran back your plan you set up for your day. Weeding out the garden, checking on the hydrangeas, and planting the tomatoes. You thought back those three things over and over again. Feeling like you were forgetting something. 
Over the few weeks you had been watching over the garden, your aunt's garden to be exact it seemed like everything managed to go straight to shit. Your aunt had fallen sick and with you two being each other’s only remaining family you went back to her house to watch over her until she got better and watching over her meant her house also… and the garden. It just seemed as though the soil underneath you hated you. Trying everything you could find on the internet, talking and singing to the plants, using special growing techniques and tools that promised growth, but nothing happened. When your aunt finally gets better and sees that her beloved garden had just about washed down the drain you didn’t know how she was gonna react.
You had to figure out something and figure it out fast.
Resting back on your knees you wiped away at the sweat above your brow. Something was wrong with the hydrangeas, something new that you couldn’t exactly place what it was. Or even where to begin attempting to figure out the problem at hand. Letting out a breath in frustration you chucked the small gardening shovel out of your hands. 
“Fuck!” you shouted, shaking your head. You dropped your head, when you heard a small “ow”. You looked up and you were faced with one of the most beautiful men you had laid eyes on. You jumped up to your feet quickly, you realized the man that seemed to have a glow around him (most likely from the sun) was a few inches taller than you, soft brown eyes met your own and a cute button nose and plush full lips curved around his smile. He was a slender young man dressed in all white, the dirt from the shovel you threw caused a small brown scuff mark to appear on the toe of his fresh white shoes.
“I am so sorry I didn’t mean to hit you at all. I didn’t even know you were standing there.” you quickly apologized. The man threw his hands up, causing you to pause your rambling. 
“It’s okay.” his voice came out smooth and deep. “It’s nothing that can’t wash away with a little bit of soap and water.”
“I just..I didn’t see you there. I’m getting so frustrated with these flowers and this garden I just don’t know what to do.” you rambled, dropping your hands down to your sides. The man took a step closer to you, tilting his head to the side examining the purple hydrangeas that seemed to wither further the way you stared at them. 
“I’m sorry how rude of me I didn’t even introduce myself. I’m Jimin, I live next door. I’ve never seen you around here before.” he stated. 
“Oh I’m just here watching over my aunt while she’s on bedrest. I have to take care of the house” you threw your hands up gesturing to the various plants that surrounded you two. “and subsequently the garden too. I’m convinced the flowers saw me coming and just decided to die on the spot just to do something different besides growing nice and pretty for my aunt.” Jimin let out a cute laugh, eyes crinkling up into crescents.
“You seem very frustrated as if the shovel against my foot wasn’t enough indicator.” Jimin said.
“I just” you sighed. “I have no clue what I’m doing and my aunt loves this garden so much that I just don't want to let  it fall apart in her absence but I’ve tried everything to get this garden together.” Venting your frustrations to this stranger, Jimin came easy and made you feel better in the process. But still and yet the garden itself was a hot mess. You loved a challenge but hated feeling incompetent. Tending to the garden made you feel dumb as a rock. As if the garden was trying to communicate to you but you both were speaking two completely different languages.
“Well I have a garden of my own that I tend to and I think it’s coming along pretty well. I usually come over and sit with your aunt while she works around here. We have many of the same plants too. I can help you if you want.”Jimin offered, smiling again. You thought about it briefly. Your aunt hadn’t mentioned Jimin to you before and she normally told you all of her daily happenings and people she ran into. But Jimin seemed to have an air of comfort around him, maybe he knew what he was talking about.
“Sure, but my phone is in my pocket so no funny business or I’ll call the cops.” you stated sternly pointing a finger in Jimin’s direction.  He smiled, kneeling down in the dirt in front of the hydrangea. He didn’t seem to care about his white slacks getting dirty. You watched as he examined the tools and Miracle Gro you had sitting out and then the flower. He held one of the flowers from the bush in his hands, softly rubbing his thumbs over the petals. Jimin seemed to be talking to himself as he looked the flowers over. He picked up a handful of soil, leaning in and spreading it around the bottom of the bush. Then reaching for the watering can, sprinkled water over the top. Then back to the soil at the bottom and patting it down, he sang as quietly as he seemed he could. He stood up dusting his hands clean of the soil.
“All done!” he exclaimed. You made a face of disbelief at him. 
“That’s it? That’s all you’re gonna do? Really?” you put your hands on your hips.
“Didn’t you just see all that? The hydrangea is gonna prosper and grow now.” Jimin pouted.
“You didn’t do anything more than I did!” you shouted.
“Well you just wait. Give it a few hours and when you come out here in the morning, you’re gonna see all of what I did. I just have a certain touch and a language that speaks to the plants.” Jimin said.
“Jimin, I’m not gonna lie to you this seems like a crock of bullshit in all honesty.” Jimin’s lips parted.
“Alright, I see. I’ll be back in the morning. If nothing happens then nothing happens. But if my methods worked. I want a glass of iced tea.” he stated.
“A glass of iced tea?” you asked, cocking up an eyebrow. Jimin made a face as if he was thinking
“You know what?” he snapped his fingers. You waved your hand signaling for him to continue. “I want it sweetened. Extra sweet, with sugar cubes on the side. Maybe a lemon if I’m feeling a little zesty.” he said, turning to walk away. 
“I mean it,” he called over his shoulder. “I’ll be back tomorrow.” You looked down at the hydrangea that remained in the same screwed up condition you found it in this morning. The nerve of that guy. Never trust a stranger, you thought to yourself, returning to examine the floral bush in front of you.
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The next morning when you woke up, repeating the same routine you had been settled in for the past few weeks. You trudged out to the garden again completely ready to accept defeat against the flowers and various vegetables in the garden. Morning sun beaming down at you, forcing you to pull your floppy hat down further. Walking up to the hydrangea bush your lips parted in shock. The bush that was there yesterday, browning and withering instead, was lively, the purples and whites bright. You knelt down on hands and knees staring at the bush as if you were attempting to find a hidden camera of some sorts. 
“What the fuck?” you mumbled under your breath.
“Well I see it worked.” immediately recognizing the voice from behind you belonging to Jimin. You hopped up, dusting off your overalls. Jimin stood cocking his head to the side with a slight smile on his face. The outfit he wore was different than yesterday, all blue instead of all white he wore a soft baby blue, his brown hair framing his face perfectly, parted down the middle. 
“I.. I don’t know how you did it, this is crazy. What’s your secret?” you asked. Jimin threw his head back, shoulders shaking from his laughter. 
“I can’t do that. There’s no way to.” Jimin smiled. You felt your brows furrow in. A look of confusion was probably making itself home on your features at this point. 
“What do you mean? You literally didn’t do anything I didn’t do.”  you sighed. 
“That’s what it seemed like?” Jimin feigned like he was thinking. You shoved him playfully. 
“I guess I owe you some iced tea.”
“With the sugar cubes on the side please.”
You and Jimin returned to your aunts back porch looking over the garden placed in the far left corner of her vast backyard. He sipped on his iced tea that turned into sweet tea after he dumped half the container of sugar cubes in it. Taking his first sip inside at the kitchen counter, relaxing into a closed eyed smile. While your face turned up in disgust at the sight. 
“So what are you?” you questioned, breaking the silence. Jimin choked on his sweet tea, spluttering and ending with a cough. 
“What are you talking about?” Jimin squeaked. 
“You must be a botanist or something. Right?” you asked, confused about Jimin’s reaction. He hesitated before answering, as if the cogs were turning in his head he snapped his fingers.
“Right! Sorry about that, the tea went down the wrong pipe. I own a flower shop with my best friend. I just love plants so much. They’re so easy to maintain and care for. It’s so easy to pour love into them and reap the benefits of it. It’s the best way to physically see love you know?” Jimin smiled yet again. His smile was pretty, it seemed to make him glow, you almost felt like you were being spoiled by getting to see him smile so much. 
“I get it. Plants seem to hate me, but I remember once when I was a child my aunt took me to these botanical gardens and the flowers were just so beautiful. I wish I had a green thumb like she did. I feel like it would better my appreciation for them.”
Jimin scoffed, placing his glass down on the bannister. “The plants don't hate you. Look I know this may sound crazy but plants sometimes can be selective to who they bloom for. You have to be able to understand them and them understand you. It’s a hard language to speak, but everyone has to learn it. You have to have a certain touch” he reached out gently grabbing your hand that was resting at your side. “You have to have the correct amount of gentleness and a subtle warmth to your hands. It’s having a good balance of peace and harmony. They have to feel that.” You looked down at your intertwined hands, a slow heat creeping up on you as you looked up catching Jimin’s glance. Your phone started ringing loudly from your pocket. Jimin broke his hand away from yours first as you stammered trying to reach for your phone. Your aunt was calling you, asking you if you could bring her a snack. 
“I’m sorry” you apologized to Jimin. “I have to go real quick, my aunt wants me to get her something. I’ll be right back if you can wait.” Jimin threw his hands up, waving them. 
“That’s alright. I have something I want to give to you. I’ll be back this evening with it.”
“Is it a diamond?” you joked. Jimin looked at you confused. “It must be a big diamond.”
“I can assure you it’s not a diamond. But something worth that if not more.” he grinned. 
“Well now I don’t know what to expect but it must be something grand. My hopes are up now, Jimin. Just so you know.”
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Instead of it being later that day Jimin ended up returning a week later, with you seeing him but without him returning with whatever it was he wanted to give. With a wheelbarrow in tow hauling a small tree in the soil. You stopped the rocking chair you sat in, jumping up out of it you ran over to Jimin, who had pulled the wheelbarrow into the right corner of the backyard. 
“What is that?” you asked, walking around the wheelbarrow. 
“A cherry blossom tree. I just loved them so much, I had to give you one from my shop.” he stated. 
“Jimin a cherry blossom tree can’t grow here. You have to do so much work before planting them. I thought you would’ve known that. It’s gonna die.” you said with a frown.
“It’s not. I promise it won’t. Don’t worry you’ll see.” he smiled. You glanced at Jimin feeling worried. The garden had seemed to start coming back to life with Jimin’s help but the tree? Far away from the soil of the garden had you feeling anxious. You didn’t want your aunt to see the tree failing either.
“Cherry blossoms take forever to grow.” you pouted. Jimin walked over to you wrapping himself around you from behind, rocking back and forth.
“Y/n” he said in a sing-songy voice. “I said don’t worry.” You could hear the smile in his voice, it felt contagious you couldn’t stop yourself from smiling.
“What are you gonna do? Work some more of your Jimin magic?”
“Something like that.”
You sat back and watched Jimin plant the tree. Moving slowly with patience. Every so often he would hum a tune or sing a little bit as he worked until he was finished.
“So that’s it?” you asked as Jimin stepped back to look at the small two foot tree in the ground.
“That’s it!” he clapped. You looked at the tree sideways, then up at Jimin who had his arms outwards pointing at the tree, the glow that settled around him seemed a little brighter than the last time you saw him.
“I-“ you hesitated. “you’re very odd. You come around here with your crispy clean monochromatic outfits and glowing skin and gardening secrets. I don’t get you and I don’t think I will.” you sighed. Jimin looked at you searching your face for any trace of emotion. Then you broke out in a big smile that he returned.
“Actually I have a confession to make.” Jimin admitted with a drop of his shoulders.
“What’s wrong?” you perked up, sitting up straight.
“I’m gonna be going back.. into the city permanently. This might be the last time I see you. That’s why I wanted to gift you the cherry blossom tree.”
Your lips parted into a “o” shape. “You’re leaving?”
“Business is booming and Taehyung can’t handle it all alone.” Jimin spoke as if his words were rehearsed, coming off a little flat. “the tree will always give you something to remember me by.”
“Jimin” you scoffed. “if you’re just going to the city this shouldn’t be goodbye. We can visit one another and you can give me more introspective gardening tips.” Jimin shook his head.
“It’s much deeper than that. It’s far too much to explain. I’m sorry.” he said. You looked into his eyes and they seemed glassy almost as if he was gonna cry. You didn’t understand why Jimin didn’t want to visit you anymore. The city was only a 45 min drive away. It didn’t have to be permanent.
“I- Well- Maybe-“ you stammered. “I guess, Jimin. If you say so. Never say never our paths can intertwine again.” you smiled. Jimin gave you a solemn smile, before looking back to the tree.
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The next morning after Jimin’s departure you woke early that morning, like there was something tugging you out of your deep sleep. You groggily headed down to the kitchen preparing your coffee. You glanced out the window briefly, something huge and pink doing a double take you looked harder out the window squinting at the sight of the cherry blossom tree Jimin planted the evening before. It now stood tall and huge, blossoms covering every branch as if it had been there for years. You ran outside to the tree, running your hands along the bark as you walked all around it. It just didn’t make any sense. It was actually quite impossible that the tree grew that rapid overnight. You were shocked, no proper thoughts coming to mind to wrap your mind around the tree. How was you gonna explain this to your aunt? You stood back from the tree before noticing a folded sheet of paper at the base. Bending over you picked it up unfolding it.
“Hopefully destiny will cross our paths again
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biidamakai · 11 years
Super Junior ~ Destiny: Chapter 2
Pairing(s): None for now, Henry-centric Rating: PG-13 Genre: Drama? Summary: Henry Lau’s life seemed like it couldn’t get any worse. But when he receives a call one day from his childhood friend, little does he know that he will be changed forever… for good or bad? Warnings: Mention of alcoholism, possibly violence Disclaimer: They own themselves.
{August 11th, Seoul, South Korea} {8월 11일, 서울, 대한민국} "I promise to be a good leader for you, kid. Hana, duool, seht, let's go and die!" "Aish, you're right. I forgot the vegetables for dinner! How could I do that when I cook so much?! Can you tell everyone I need to get veggies?" "You're right, Ddangkoma looks so hungry. Do I have more turtle food or did I run out?" "Thanks for asking, I need to cheer up. My diet is coming along very well, but it's hard not to eat..." "This is my latest drama! What do you think?" "Yah! Did you borrow my coat without asking?" "He didn't, Cinderella-hyung. I swear that as long as I am a Fishy, he's innocent." "Don't call me that when I'm mad, you-!!" Voices. So many voices. They floated around me and echoed in my ears. What they were saying made no sense at all, yet I knew each and everyone of the voices from somewhere. "That's right! I, the Korea's Number One Handsome Raccoon, am back! It's been so long since I saw you..." "Your Beijing Fried Rice is ready to eat! Just the way I always make it." "Dear Lord Almighty, if it be your will, please bless this kid with the strength to take on the daily endeavours you have sent his way. Amen." "No. Go away, maknae, I'm playing a hard part of Starcraft, and I will always win!" "Y'know, my feet really frustrate me. Even when they're clean, they smell awful like fermented soybeans..." "I don't need to teach you my aegyo. You're already cute enough!" The voices appeared around me in the darkness as streaks of colour. Thirteen different colours, from pale pink to pure white to blood red. They grew thicker and brighter rapidly, swirling around me until the darkness was completely gone. All I could see were the bright colours. Suddenly, I was on a stage, standing before thousands of people in an audience. They were all waving bright blue lightsticks in the air and yelling something very loudly. Looking down at myself, I noticed I was wearing strange clothes and holding a white electric violin in the shape of a treble clef. Curiously, I tried to play it, but my arms wouldn't move. I couldn't lift the violin, and I couldn't even think of a song to play. I stood there as the glow from the crowd's blue lightsticks became even brighter, blurring in front of me and glazing my eyes like a fog. Then I realized what the audience was yelling. They were screaming, "Henry off" and "Protect only thirteen". I had no idea what 'Only Thirteen' meant. But when I heard it, the words were like a blunt hammer slamming over and over into the side of my head. Despite the fact that I still couldn't really move my legs and arms, I started to tremble. Why did what these people say matter so much? I didn't know but I definitely knew I couldn't stand it any longer. "S-stop it!" I wailed. But then I fell down into a bottomless black hole, the violin suddenly gone from my hands. The blue above me grew further and further out of reach as I screamed. ---~***~--- I woke up suddenly to the loud, constant white noise of an aeroplane. I no longer had any memory of the dream I had just experienced at the time. My watch read 5:39 AM. Most of the other passengers on the plane were sleeping. I was lucky to have scored an entire row to myself. I didn't want to sleep with anyone within a foot of me. According to that screen on the back of the seat in front of me, I would be landing in Seoul in about two-and-a-half hours. The early morning sky outside the foggy window was greyish-blue, with a few streaks of cloud. I spent a long time listening to my iPod and eating some aeroplane food handed to me by a flight attendant. It actually didn't taste that bad for once out of all the many times I had flown, usually for an overseas violin orchestra concert. I wondered why there were still so many people living in Seoul. Wasn't the Korean Penninsula supposedly infested with deadly vampires, kumiho*, and dokkaebi**? Eh, what the heck. As long as I was careful, I would be fine. There were apparently a large amount of soldiers from the Republic of Korea Army protecting Seoul anyway. The plane landed a few minutes later, and I finally got a chance to stretch out my legs. Sitting still for fifteen hours had been torture, especially if you had ADHD like I do. If anyone had been sitting in the same row as me, they would probably have had bruises from all the squirming and twitching I had to do in my seat to prevent myself from going insane. Embarrassing, but necessary. Happy to be on solid ground again, I ran about the terminal finding my violin case and luggage. Gurgle. I was hungry enough to eat a raw bear with no salt. The meal on the aeroplane had done almost nothing to satisfy my stomach, so I wandered around looking for a place to eat. Eventually, I found some place that looked like a food court. It was filled with people and the spicy smell of Korean food. After I had selected a small, cozy-looking coffee shop and bought some kind of Asian bun filled with meat (sort of like cha siu bao***) and a cup of coffee, I pulled the white phone from my pocket and brought up a map of the city. Mimi-gege had told me beforehand that he was busy today and not able to pick me up, but the airport wasn't far away from his building. With my violin case slung over my shoulder and my bag in my hands, I stepped outside into the warm breeze and city noise of Seoul. Peering at the map, I tried my best to decipher the tiny printing that pointed out which street was which. So... I was supposed to walk south one block and then west two blocks? Not really understanding the map, I started to walk in the direction I thought was right. I guess that I didn't really look much like a regular, run-of-the-mill Korean, because a lot of people who weren't dashing about talking in phones were giving me little sideways glances. Pshht. Like I wouldn't notice. Seoul was crowded like a much bigger scale version of my high school. It made me feel slightly claustrophobic, especially with the warm air and sunlight. I must have taken a wrong turn at some point though, because I eventually found myself wandering into a dark back alley. There was graffiti spray-painted all over the brick walls, random scribbles that I couldn't read despite my greatly improved spoken Korean. Oddly, some full-length, half-shattered mirrors were hanging on the walls too, my reflection fragmenting and splitting throughout the different pieces. All of a sudden, the sharp, metallic smell of cigarette smoke and alchohol soaked the air like a sponge. It was so strong that it filled my lungs and I could do nothing but cough violently in surprise. I didn't get a good feeling from this shadowy place. "Look who's here. What're you doing, kid?" a sharp voice pierced the smoggy air. As my eyes adjusted, I saw there were five tough-looking young men lounging around on some overturned crates, one holding a cigarette. The one who had spoken had black hair spiked up sort of like a mohawk. A smirk was on his face. "Aish, are you mute or something? Speak!" Bewildered, I could only choke out, "W-what? Who... are you?" The smirk grew wider. "Look at him stuttering. Frankly, I think he's cute." the guy chuckled, before turning back to me. "My name is Young-bae. Call me Taeyang." He hopped off his crate. "What should we do, G-Dragon?" "No problem with having some fun with him, right?" The rest of the thugs (yes, that's what I'll call them now) hopped off their crates, one discarding his cigarette on the concrete ground, and stepped toward me. "Stay away from me!" I yelled, and started to run. Though it didn't help that I had a violin case on my back and a heavy bag in my hand, they caught up to me fairly quickly before I could get out of the goddamned place. Cigarette Guy pressed me against a wall, starting to cut off my air supply with a hand around my neck. "Scream and you're dead," he snarled. As if I could scream. Just as I felt like I was going to pass out, his grip around my windpipe relaxed enough for me to desperately gulp in a few lungfuls of dirty air. An irritatingly large smirk on his face appeared as he suddenly slammed his lips against mine. My eyes widened and I gasped. He took advantage of that and slipped his tongue into my mouth. The douchebag. The tongue in my mouth was starting to stop my uninterrupted breathing again, but I still had the energy to thrash as he violently shoved his hands up my shirt and tore at my other clothing. At some point my violin and bag landed on the ground. After he finally removed his lips from mine, the other thugs started to beat me up at the same time as him molesting. Eventually a misplaced fist hit me hard in the left temple, causing my mind to go foggy and vision to blur. I then felt my body collide in impact with the ground. I was mostly numb and tears were swelling out of my eyes from the pain, but I think he hadn't raped me. Yet. Had he ripped off all my clothes? I hope not. And I prayed to God that they hadn't noticed my violin... But then I heard even more yelling combined with frightened shrieks from the thugs. The new voice was softer and sweeter, but still male. The hands that had been all over me disappeared. I managed to lift my pounding head up slightly, enough to catch a glimpse of the stranger, as well as the fact that he had no reflection in the broken mirrors... His face was....how do I put it? Youthful and good-looking, mixed with a sort of weary sadness and anger. I felt cool, gentle fingers running over me, checking my injuries. The voice coughed once, then said something that I didn't quite catch before the darkness finally took over.
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biidamakai · 12 years
Super Junior ~ Destiny: Chapter 1
Pairing(s): None for now, Henry-centric Rating: PG-13 Genre: Drama? Summary: Henry Lau's life seemed like it couldn't get any worse. But when he receives a call one day from his childhood friend, little does he know that he will be changed forever... for good or bad? Warnings: Mention of alcoholism, possibly violence Disclaimer: They own themselves.
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