#fic: you'll be in mo cridhe
Do you have a masterlist for fics focused on J&C being Fergus' adopted parents? Either canon or modern setting.
Anon: Hiii✨ I’m looking for fics thay involve the relationship between Claire, Jamie and wee Fergus as a family 🥰 I love how cute they are together!
Anon: Hello Librarians! Do you have any fic recs for stories that center around Fergus?
Hi @ohmyoverland! Hi anons!
While there are a lot of fics that could fit this category, here are a few to get you started:
the best by far is you by @flyinghome-againstthewind
HIs Prudent Heart by @lallybrochloser
Hogmanay Hauntings by @let-the-dream-begin
Imaginary by @crossinginstyle
La Petite by @bonnie-wee-swordsman
A Place to Belong by @let-the-dream-begin
The Sweetest of All by catrinwrites
then she'll be a true love of mine series by @philtstone
You’ll Be in Mo Cridhe by @crossinginstyle
If you’re looking for more, we recommend searching through the following tags on AO3 (remember that the “/” mark traditionally represents a romantic relationship, while the “&” mark represents a platonic one. Authors don’t always using these tags in this way, but it’s a good place to start!):
Claire Beauchamp & Fergus Fraser
Fergus Fraser & Jamie Fraser
Claire Beauchamp & Jamie Fraser & Fergus Fraser
Fergus Fraser
And, as always, if anyone would like to add to this list, feel free to share them in the comments. Happy reading!
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Hi! I'm currently reading "You'll Be In Mo Cridhe" by CrossingInStyle and I love it so much! I was wondering if you knew any other fanfics in which Jamie lives in autarky, or something like that (the same way he is Tarzan in CrossingInStyle's fic)? Thank you :)
Hi Anon!
In Dr. B Medicine Woman (another fic by @crossinginstyle), Jamie is living rough, on and off with a group of Native Americans or alone. However he’s not really living completely wild as he is in You’ll Be in Mo Cridhe. 
We’re not aware of any other fics that follow that same pattern of complete separation from human civilization; fandom, if you know of any, please feel free to drop them in the comments below!
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