#fic: the sweetest of all
shannonallaround · 1 month
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I was reading more of @sparkles-rule-4eva’s fic Enchanted and had to draw this scene its way too adorable ahhhhhh
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ghost-recs · 6 months
OF COURSE!! and why not both? my favorite liberos getting much deserved love💕
Nishinoya Recs
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when you go away, i still see you by @kisskawa
synopsis: summer after graduation meant new beginnings, but it also meant goodbyes. however, you hope that some things never change.
i love the way this is written sm, fluffy oneshot with a tinge of angst.
thinking started feeling like burning by Grae_Coltrane [ao3]
synopsis: you had always thought you knew what would grant you happiness in life. but six years after graduation, you find yourself in front of your ex's house without a thought or feeling left in your body.
ngl, i was a little skeptical about this one, but it turned out to be so so cute! i love the way this is written, and noya is literally the sweetest little tornado! (thank you lovely anon for the recommendation!)
Bruises by Emocean (orphan_account) [ao3]
synopsis: you decided that soulmates are overrated, as yet another deep dark bruise appears on your body.
soulmate au in which the injuries your soulmate gets appears on your body as well, cute little oneshot!
Split Lives by GhostiMoth [ao3]
synopsis: you hate to think how slow and boring your life has gotten. after living a day in the body of your soulmate, hopefully that will change.
soulmate au where you and your soulmate switch bodies for the day, wholesome oneshot living the life of nishinoya.
Your Biggest Fan by queenofhyrule [ao3]
synopsis: being late to one of the most important games in nishinoya's career was not ideal, but the reason why was worth it.
best friends that obviously simp for each other, warning it gets spicier throughout (not totally sure how i feel about the ending, but still cute)
Strawberry Cream by skeletiddies [ao3]
synopsis: nishinoya takes tanaka's advice on how to confess to you, but things go horribly wrong.
crack oneshot, but a happy ending! this took me off guard, but made me laugh.
Bad Sleeping Habits by @oreosmama
synopsis: you and noya never know what to expect from each other before going to sleep.
just some short drabbles of the weird things you and noya do in your sleep, crack.
Yaku Recs
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untitled: cloud 9 by @writingbymoonlight
synopsis: yaku shouldn't be held accountable for the way he acts around you.
coffee shop au, adorable oneshot that made fall for flustered yaku.
another untitled oneshot by @shoulmate
synopsis: yaku will take the disses if it means you will reveal what you truly think.
cute lil oneshot that i frequently occasionally think about.
Begin Again by hyuniebaby [ao3]
synopsis: after a toxic relationship, you're not used to being treated in the way you deserve.
Burnt Out by 3rdgymmanager [ao3]
synopsis: yaku will respect your decision to quit volleyball, but not without some effort to persuade you otherwise.
oneshot that is purely yaku being the best supporter
If Only I Were Selfish by ThisNoodleWrites [ao3]
synopsis: yaku's biggest regret is that he wasn't selfish when it came to you, but time has given him a second chance.
timeskip oneshot with some reflections back to yaku's high school days, sweet happy ending.
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littlechaosgremlin · 6 months
A (Not So) New Hoodie
Relationship: bucktommy
Rating: G
Word count: 2,841
Slowly, Buck sipped at his coffee and turned around. Bobby was still hovering outside of his office, frozen with his door on the handle. Eddie was stopped halfway up the stairs. Chimney and Hen both had death grips on chairs as they stared at him. Ravi just looked…confused.
Insecurity flooded Buck in an instant, bitter in his mouth and tight around his chest. He gave a nervous laugh and held his coffee up, as if it could fend off whatever was about to happen. “What, uh…what are we all staring at?”
Eddie’s expression was slowly morphing into one of irritation and Buck watched Hen’s face go carefully neutral. She cleared her throat. “Is that a new hoodie?” she asked, her voice far too casual.
“Uh…no?” Buck frowned. “Pretty sure this is the same standard issue hoodie that all of us got.”
“It’s not,” Chimney blurted, and Hen elbowed him in the ribs.
“Is this about my fashion choices,” Buck laughed. “I know it’s a little baggy but come on guys.”
“It’s not…not about your fashion choices,” Hen said carefully.
Buck stared at everyone, all frozen in various expressions of confusion. “That’s really cryptic,” Buck replied, taking another sip of his coffee. “This is about the hoodie?”
Everyone nodded.
Rolling his eyes, Buck put his coffee down and tugged the hoodie over his shoulders to hold it out in front of him. “See!” He exclaimed. “Standard issue…” he trailed off, staring at the back of the hoodie. Emblazoned on it in big bold letters was KINARD.
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badley · 8 months
really hilarious to me that in asoiaf the two ships most compelling to me is
1. sisterfucker who went through the most traumatising event in his life with tragically straight butch woman 14 years his junior who is slowly reminding him of everything he believed in. and there are strange significant dreams happening. she is in denial about being in love with him bc she thinks he can do better. he cannot (see: sisterfucker + widely reviled and feared + every time someone flirts w him he flirts back until they go what that dick like at which point he goes bad leave me alone). she is the world's most hopeful and honourable knight except she's not a knight. i will stop now bc there is more to say but we will be here all day.
2. well there are two young girls who. yes. are on different continents. and have never met. stay with me. they have had WILDLY different experiences regarding family, marriage, the abuse of power, and old men who are into them to a weird degree. and i think that there is a chance that one of them, having grown accustomed to smiling demurely at you on her way to go pray for the deaths of you and your entire disgusting family, could really use the influence of the other, who keeps saying shit like i am but a young girl after having having sacked two cities and conquered another. when we last saw one of them, she was in disguise gossiping with a sweet stranger while on her way to meet yet another potential husband under duress. and the other had dysentery, a miscarriage, a dragon, and a fake ass husband and city in turmoil to get back to. and i think that is a combo i would like to see. i know they haven't even met yet. this is just vibes and plans and ideas i am sorry.
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hippolotamus · 10 months
Fuck it Friday/Last Line Challenge 🌻
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Last night, there I am, lovingly thinking of having enough energy to write on my current WIPs, when @pirrusstuff and I start discussing cowboy boots. Specifically ones with sunflowers on them. And that, friends, is how we ended up here. Please accept this brain dump of words in which Buck is the local livestock vet that Eddie Diaz absolutely cannot stand, but is forced to deal with.
“Bobby.” Eddie’s tone borders on a whine. “There’s nothing else you can do?” “‘Fraid not. I’ve pulled out every trick I know. Ya gotta call him.” Bobby pauses for what Eddie’s certain is only dramatic effect. “Unless, of course, you want her to get an infection or, more realistically, die.” Eddie sighs and lets his head drop between his shoulders. He knows Bobby’s right, even had a feeling it might come to this before Bobby started throwing him nervous glances when Lola didn’t appear to be progressing. Unfortunately, now, there’s no time to waste on Eddie’s petty grudge.   Without looking up from where he’s crouched next to his very pregnant, very distressed mare, Eddie holds his hand out expectantly.   “Already dialed for you,” Bobby says, a little too smugly, handing him the phone.   “‘Lo?” The familiar voice answers, sounding like he’s chewing. Logically, Eddie knows it’s just coincidental timing, but it still feels like a purposeful slight. “Buckley, I’ve got a mare in labor, stalled. Between me and Nash we’ve tried everything we can think of, but we’re gonna need a hand here.”   There’s a long pause that would make him think they got disconnected except for the loud crunching.  “Huh,” Buck finally says. “So there is something you can’t do.” “Are you coming or not?” Eddie spits back. He can practically hear the smirk forming on Buck’s lips.  “Don't worry, sunshine. Be right there.” 
Tagged by my love @lizzie-bennetdarcy @hoodie-buck @buddierights @spotsandsocks @daffi-990 @thewolvesof1998 @jamespearce9-1-1
no pressure tagging mi amor @disasterbuckdiaz @callmenewbie @giddyupbuck @wikiangela @eddiebabygirldiaz @exhuastedpigeon @lemonzestywrites @steadfastsaturnsrings @weewootruck @malewifediaz @thekristen999 @loserdiaz @heartshapedvows @underwater-ninja-13 @fortheloveofbuddie @eowon @jesuisici33 @apothecarose @watchyourbuck @monsterrae1 @shortsighted-owl @stereopticons @elvensorceress @spagheddiediaz @chaosandwolves @wildlife4life @your-catfish-friend @911onabc @the-likesofus @honestlydarkprincess @spaceprincessem @fionaswhvre @barbiediaz @pirrusstuff @messyhairdiaz @gayedmundodiaz @theplaceyoustillrememberdreaming @evaneds @maygrantgf @buckbuckgoose @statueinthestone and anyone else who wants to share 💖
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gothsuguru · 9 days
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autumnal uni bf <3
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guzhufuren · 2 years
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Favourite KimChay Fics pt.1 (in alphabetical order)
1. An Elegant Mechanism by @laughsalot3412 https://archiveofourown.org/works/42223701
Kim was only an omega when he was luring people closer to his gun. No one had to give Kim a weapon. He was one.
(Kim's mission is to get close to Porchay Kittisawat. Chay is not a typical alpha. Kim is not a typical omega. Kim isn't having feelings and Chay is going to be so normal about all of this.)
2. checkmate by @majestictortoise https://archiveofourown.org/series/3041331
Porsche watches the security video from Yok's bar. He has so many questions.
Kim ruins some of his father's plans, talks about his feelings, totally doesn't cry, and finally gets to kiss a cute boy.
3. dancing with our hands tied by @staykimchay https://archiveofourown.org/series/3051495
The post canon fic in which Chay decides he wants to go out and get drunk and instead gets himself into a whole heap of trouble. The events which follow will break and mend hearts, forge new alliances and, perhaps most importantly, earn Chay the reputation he deserves.
4. I Just Want To Stay Here by @sweet-william-writes https://archiveofourown.org/works/39742848
In which Porchay comes home from his camp to find his brother mysteriously gone and his idol sitting in front of his house waiting to ask him for a seemingly simple favour AKA to hell with canon I refuse to let baby Chay get kidnapped so I make it Kim's problem and get domestic about it
5. idiots & idioms by @thecookiemonster77 https://archiveofourown.org/series/3061830
W I ꓘ ✓ @ WiK hi this is p’wik’s boyfriend. i broke my ankle and am confined to the sofa to heal because my boyfriend’s terrible, so AMA until i get kicked off
stan first, live second @ kerders @ WiK wait you’re real???????
W I ꓘ ✓ @ WiK @ kerders idk if this is supposed to be a jab at me or imply p’wik would make up a boyfriend like a loser in high school
Chay does an AMA on the official Wik twitter. Kim's reputation may not survive.
6. karma is a cat (purring in my lap) by @staykimchay https://archiveofourown.org/series/3208398
The night air is warm and humid. A full moon hangs in the sky above the city like a beacon in the dark. Chay sighs to himself and looks up at it. Today marks the month anniversary of Kim breaking up with him—if you can call it that.
AKA the fic where Chay gets turned into a kitten, manages to find Kim and has the unfortunate position of watching everyone he loves think he’s missing.
7. More or Less https://archiveofourown.org/works/40492791
Finding out both his brother and his crush were involved with the mafia had not been Porchay's intention when he'd gone to investigate where his brother had actually disappeared off to but that was what he'd gotten. So he had no choice but to deal with it somehow.
8. One Second Chance https://archiveofourown.org/works/40358589
Alright, he’d talked to Chay, he’d written the man a song, neither of that had gotten through. What else could he do? Kim needed options. And maybe a miracle.
(Fix it fic while we wait for second season)
9. With Every Guitar String Scar on My Hand I Take This Man to Be My Lover https://archiveofourown.org/works/40088208
People not noticing that Kim and Chay are a couple and one time they do. Everyone going "That's suspicious, that's weird...anyway."
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dannyphannypack · 8 months
i’m very sorry, but you guys have got to properly label your ao3 fics because “bad parents jack and maddie fenton” is starting to really get on my nerves.
and if, in the middle of the fic, you decide to add a tag like that: PLEASE communicate that you’ve done so in the chapter notes. because i don’t recheck the tags after i’ve bookmarked something.
please. i don’t think it’s that big of an ask.
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yoursdeadlynightshade · 6 months
Sweetest sin I've ever tasted. Ao3 | A criminal - detective Jegulus AU.
No one :
James : My feisty detective, lord detective, my little detective, my perfect detective.
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the-kipsabian · 1 year
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bizaar · 2 months
Hiya! Just wanted to stop by and share how IMMENSELY re-readable I find endless/cruel summer to be. I think what calls me to come back to it, and think about your story time and time again are the collective decisive narrative moments. Especially, Part 7 where the narrative begins to converge with season four's plot-line.
It's one of crossroads where I cant help but think What if? Where would the characters be if they hadn't been thrown into that supernatural setting and remained in a mundane setting? Do you think Eddie would have discovered Reader was still in town, or would they have co-existed in Hawkins completely removed from each other's orbit with him being none the wiser?
I'm curious if this is something you've given any thought to!
p.s. it's been a delight to read endless summer and slowly watch our beloved dyad become more recognizable to who they develop to be in cruel summer. agh! good stuff!!
Bestie oh my God…. oh mY GOD you’re really gonna make me write another fic CAN YOU IMAGINE THAT???? I gotta sit down… I gotta think about this
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ok so i’m technically done w the fic but :’3 i feel very… unsure…. abt it…….. so i think i might get some sleep for now and look over it properly tmrw before posting……
next week i’ll post a fic early though!!!!! mindless sugu hurt/comfort time >:3
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codename-adler · 1 year
Kevin got injured. Neil got injured. Both play Exy, both have torture-related trauma, both have a deal with the mafia Devil. So in the future, if/when they sustain an injury on the court, we can probably accurately guess what their reaction will be. If I’m wounded I can’t play and if I can’t play I’m dead. If I’m wounded I can’t run and if I can’t run I’m dead.
But what about Andrew?
What’s running through his head when inevitably he sustains an injury from playing? Is there panic? Fear? Anger? Apathy? PTSD?
We’ve never seen Andrew hurt that way yet. There was Thanksgiving and there was Nicky’s story about how Andrew got his meds following a violent fight. But that’s not… that’s not the same is it.
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jinkoh · 9 months
on a random note: sharing ace!reader fics is genuinely one of the best experiences ever 😭
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the-eclectic-wonderer · 6 months
Three little scenes on the theme of singing.
:) I was in the mood for something short and sweet. Hope you enjoy!
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loveandthings11 · 2 years
Naomi loving Kendall's shoulders 💕
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His shoulder, always his shoulder ❤️
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