#fic: ttei
onawhimsicot · 1 year
HELLO I wrote a supervillain!Tango + superhero!Jimmy AU fic for the @mcytblraufest​​ where Tango is essentially Dr. Doofenshmirtz....so Jimmy is lowkey Perry the Platypus lol
Shockingly, it's not a Crack AU, but I have been describing it to everyone as “not a Phineas and Ferb AU...but it’s not NOT a Phineas and Ferb AU?” LOL This is the longest thing I have ever written (the initial estimate was 11k..let’s just say it’s not that anymore) It's a fic full of silly fun times, so please check it out!
Please check out the amazing works of art that got made for my fic!!! @quilldesignz​ made this gorgeous piece and @arofundy​ made the most adorable game!!!!!
This was beta’d by @vesperaink (fun fact: the idea of the AU was initially created for her birthday, so it wouldn’t exist in more ways than one if not for her!)
As the supervillain Dr. Blaze, Tango has a penchant for oddly named "-ificators" and stylistic flair. His goals include trying to take over the city, shaming superheroes for their basic costume designs, and then sending said heroes home with better equipment that actually matches their aesthetic because clearly, if he wants a cool fight scene to happen, he's got to do everything around here himself.
For some reason, not many people think he’s evil. His one comfort though is that his nemesis, the superhero Canary, does and has made it his personal mission to bring down Dr. Blaze.
But when Canary suddenly goes missing, his superhero partner, Parrot, is convinced that Tango is at fault. Seeing as this is not true at all (kidnapping is so gauche), Tango is offended that someone is trying to steal his nemesis right from under his nose. If Tango wants to get his nemesis back, he'll have to work together with Parrot to find and rescue Canary from whatever danger he's got himself into this time.
After all, what's a supervillain without a nemesis?
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justtrashperson · 2 years
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Man, Them.
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vesperaink · 1 year
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FINALLY @onawhimsicot 's awesome Life Series Team Rancher Superhero AU fic, Tangotek Evil Incorporated is posted and I get to share my initial concept art for Dr. Blaze and Canary respectively!
if anyone makes fanart of TTEI, you're welcome to use my designs with credit or make your own!! There's nothing more superhero comic than every artist doing their own take <3
I've loved seeing Cadence's event artists takes on their outfits they're SO GOOD. I love seeing all the different designs!!! PLEASE @ me and Cadence I promise you, we'd love to see it <333 Also my ask box is always open if you want to chat!
I'm definitely going to be making more polished designs and drawing for this universe in the future (superhero aus my beloved I had SO much fun designing them)!
but for now, if you also love character design, have way too many thoughts about Ranchers and hero/villain costumes like me, and 3 pages wasn't enough, buckle up and enjoy my extra ramble under the cut:
When Cadence asked me to help design their outfits, the request boiled down to "i just need ideas, you don't have to like draw a whole Thing" but I'm so Normal about my blorbos so uh naturally it became A Whole Thing and when I got to Canary I had to frantically hit the brakes on my character design brain from making him too cool
Tango's design came easy, Canary's outfit less so. Surprisingly it's kinda hard to make a somewhat on theme but also basic hero outfit jsakfhajskfh
criteria for Canary at the time was a mix of on bird theme but also NOT on theme since he needed to be a bit basic for context of the fic so he WILL be getting a glow up later
We debated giving Canary a gas mask vs a beak-like mask for a long time, the bandana is my compromise while also hitting that Basic vibe. Its also a nod towards my Sheriff!Jimmy design & Ranchers
We have a long history of working on a OC superhero universe (lovingly dubbed soupverse) together, and while I also just think plague doctor vibes are Neat the concept of the beak being a hero/villain mask is partially pulled from my main villain, Crow who is also bird themed (shocking i know)
Canary having a silly jumpsuit was also loosely inspired by Zedaph's high dive Zedvancement skin from his S9 Ep 1!
Tinted lenses to hide your identity my beloved, what if we both had colored tinted lenses and were red and blue coded and were nemeses...haha jk...unless?
Just the other day, Cadence said to me what if Canary wore Uggs and lowkey he might asjkfhaksjf
Parrot, while not depicted eventually got summed up to Aviator vibes and obviously Canary had to match
A lot of this reference sheet was originally scrawled in my notes app and generally in my head. I cleaned it up for the event so while I'm sorry it's so messy, it was worse originally LOL
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crybabyddl · 1 year
I’m sorry i just reblog a bunch of smut most of the time. It’s something i enjoy consuming on tumblr, but I don’t want y’all to think i’m like wanting to read smut all the time this is actually a small amount of time compared to what i do with the rest of my life. But anyway i just like to “stock up” on smut content so that when i do have time to read them, I can. And i’m on taglists and stuff. But I’m not as much of a sexually charged person as my amount of reblogs seems. I should go through them and read any i haven’t and i need to finish that 24 hours fic bc it’s so good i forget who makes it but i’ve reblogged and read most of it like maybe hour 12??? Idk maybe past that. Idk i might have to reread all of it bc i kinda forgot most of it like i remember them going to ythe bar and loving them tteying to recollect what happened that night idk but shoutout to that author when i figure out who it is i’ll tag them!!!
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d1nnerd0g · 3 years
i love drawing comics but im so bad at Storytelling [which is why i cant write fic] so theyre really just scaffolding/excuses for me to draw my favorite characters looking cute, again and again, and again and again and again. dialogue is extraneous
edit: ttei i love u for literally getting the simpsons quote lmao
edit2: thank u kishin, ilu2 ;v;
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onawhimsicot · 10 months
Oh!!! tangotek evil incorporated reached 3k hits on AO3 :D yippee!!!!
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onawhimsicot · 8 months
hey! i LOVE your fic "tangotek evil incorporated", and i was wondering if you were open to recursive works based on it? (like art or fic.) i'm specifically asking because i want to nominate it for the recursive exchange but also was wondering in general because the universe you have in that fic continues to delight and astound me.
Oh my gosh, yes absolutely, I'm completely fine with that!!
I'm not too familiar with the recursive exchange event so I don't know if there's any rules on tagging people outside of the exchange or something like that. But if anyone does end up making anything based on it, I would really really love to see it, even if it's just sending me an ask about it after the fact!
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onawhimsicot · 1 year
i want you to know i just finished reading tangotek evil incorporated and i could NOT STOP LAUGHING like every other paragraph. first off you're very good at quality writing, in terms of like, sentence structure and everything, but also your writing is very compelling! you're very good at conveying tone and mood in your story. the story was hilarious, but still emotionally satisfying. if anything, the humor added to the emotion of the story! very masterfully done. also your worldbuilding? the little lore hints? 👀 i'm soooo invested. i love LOVE your characterization. this is also mastery in sense of it being a FANfiction, because like... tango having fire powers is just assumed because of the fandom. we go into this assuming "oh, it's tango in a superpower au, where he's called dr. blaze. he has fire powers" so the reveal to the other characters - especially done in the "uh, duh?" way is PERFECT because we as the audience feel the SAME WAY, like uh, duh? but we also get to laugh because... we technically had no reason to believe that! absolutely fantastic. perfect payoff. i could ramble on and on about more details but i have an appointment i need to get ready for so just take this little love letter for now haha
I am getting so emotional over this ask THANK YOU SO MUCH, especially for coming on tumblr just to send this to me <3<3<3 I don’t write too much fanfic, especially because I haven’t completed a written work, fic or original, in SO long. Like my last AO3 upload was a 1k fic back in 2020, and since then, the little creative writing I’ve done has just sitting unfinished in my folders.
So in the beginning I was really worried because I was so rusty!! Not to mention, I’ve never written something this long before either, and when the words kept piling up, I thought omg can I even keep a story together for this long?? Like oh no, I’m going to post this and realize I’m washed-up Etho style ajkdsfh. And of course, I’m the person most aware of the shortcomings of the fic (as is the nature of creating things unfortunately lol)
I've absolutely been loving hearing all the details and scenes people liked, but specifically coming here to say you think the quality and craft of the writing are strong, and praising the parts I take pride in means so so so very much to me. THANK YOU, I’m going to rotate this ask in my mind forever <3
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onawhimsicot · 1 year
Dude I love? Love. The TTEI fic. I've already been recommending it to friends. And I don't normally comment on fics and things, but since I've said all of this to six different people already I'm just -- going to gush in here a bit I hope you don't mind. :3
So first off, you write Tango's voice super well! His internal monologue as well?? And it was just endlessly funny and fitting to me that he gets to make -inators and -ificators because -- like yeah that makes sense what a fun way to integrate one of this quirks as a CC. And also?? Making him competent while still keeping him silly?? That is one of my favorite tropes period, and the fact that you then extended the same thing to Jimmy-- I adore.
Also also all the other characters as well?? Etho and BDubs?? I could read an entire fic of whatever the heck their shenanigans are. The intervention was adorable, and giving Etho an almost Lawful Evil vibe with him trying to balance crime in the city was a really cool take. How earnest BDubs was when he asked Tango if he was lonely?? Oh my god.
Also The Parrot, Grian. Amazing. The fact that he can (limitedly) steal powers was so so cool, and also an interesting way of busting him in while still giving him a reason to be vulnerable a few minutes later. That was such a fun balance to strike and facilitate so much for the story-telling and I love how it balanced things. Also him and Tango's banter, and him and Jimmy's banter, was also just really good??
Also?? The reveal of Tango's powers at the end?? Hi hi hi hello it did not even occur to me that he could have something besides the -inator-ing I was so pleasantly surprised by all of that. You also had me speculating that maybe The Warden might Be Tango from another universe [a bit like the PnF movie where Doofenshmirtz is actually competent] or that it might be Hot Guy coming back as a villain, which was a heck of a lot of fun to speculate even if that's not how the plot panned out. Just proves you got my brain spinning while reading.
Super cool.
Anyway! Love your work! Love the way you write! I think I read in one of your other asks that this is the first thing you've posted since 2020? Man! What a gem! I'm so so glad you finished this and shared it with the community, and I hope you got as much joy from the creation as I got from the read. Just, honestly, awesome work 💜 thank you for creating
omg thank you SO MUCH, i saw your super kind tags earlier too and was planning on saying thank you for those once I got the time to, and now you've sent the most lovely ask TOO? And you're recommending my fic to people?? I'm on the floor clutching these to my heart, crying ;___;
Gonna gush right back at you bc I will infodump about my writing at a moment's notice so sorry for the long post akjdshf
THANK YOU FOR LIKING MY TANGO VOICE, THAT MEANS A LOT TO ME <3 I'm so glad to hear that because I care soooo much about characterization. I have such strong opinions on how certain characters should act. But then at the same time, this is such a goofy AU with such specific circumstances that make everyone act in a very specific way, and I just want to keep cramming in all the jokes I think of. So once I got to the end, I was like ......oh dear, I hope he still stayed Tango aksdjfh. This whole AU pretty much just spiraled out from 1. Tango likes Dr. Doof and 2. Tango can be pretty (jokingly) judgemental about the "right" way to do things? Like he judges people for using "dirty" methods like TNT duping, or this one time Grian was mining quartz near him in a livestream, Tango was like ??? I can GIVE you quartz from villagers, ill do it for free, you don't need to live like this??? So I put that part of Tango's character in the spotlight and I ran soooo far with it.
Once I'm done taking a break from this AU, I would really love getting into what's going on with team B.I.T.E.S! They have sooo many secret identity shenanigans going on between them, it'd be really fun to dive into what's up with them lol. I'm sad I had to cut the Impulse scene I had planned because it would have explained a little more about what's going on with Wraith at least! I definitely want to try and add it as a deleted scene, if I can figure out how to write the rest of it.
Re: the Warden omg lowkey I was thinking of the PnF movie a little bit!! I started running out of time in the event so I wasn't able to set some stuff up about the Warden that I planned to do throughout the fic unfortunately!! But the Warden was always going to be a sort of non-character: I didn't want to invest too much time in making an OC for a fanfic, and because whoever the main antagonist was, their main role was always just going to amount to: get wrecked by the trio. I couldn't bear making anyone from canon be the punching bag haha. For a while, I even thought I'd just get some random "ice villain" name, slap it on, call it a day. Then I thought I'd, at the very least, make it a Minecraft reference, one that had a connection to Tango: the Warden. One of the things I had planned on making more clear was this idea that Tango thinks someone wants to steal his nemesis because he thinks they're coming after his Brand, which is a very silly thought. And then it would end up being a little bit true when the Warden finally made an appearance with the "Hey you let out the guy who was gonna be my nemesis" line lol.
So the Warden is very much based on icy blue dungeon master Tango and Decked Out from Hermitcraft. He's not literally from another dimension like in the movie because the implications of that are way too huge for a oneshot lol, but he is kinda meant to be an alternate version of Tango. I don't want to say he's a narrative foil because I did not set it up enough to deserve using that cool word lol. But it makes me really happy that you brought up the movie because I definitely was thinking of the parallels!! I'm sorry I really didn't give him that much of a spotlight when you speculated so much!! Hotguy IS kinda accidentally a red herring, isn't he?? omg I didn't think about how misleading that would be, I'm a little aghast!! That was more meant to be a vague "I'm setting up for a future Hotguy + Parrot/Cuteguy side story" aksdjhf
Genuinely thank you so much for taking the time to write this super kind and detailed ask full of all this analysis, it means so very much to me <3 You've made me feel so happy about my writing :D I did have a lot of fun creating this, and seeing the reaction from the community has been so gratifying!!!
This is literally the most ideal response I could have ever gotten, I am framing it and hanging it up in my heart <3
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vesperaink · 2 years
VesperaInk Masterpost
Welcome to my silly blog! I'm Vesper/Karen (she/her) and I like to draw my blorbos and make video games. Currently into Hermitcraft/Life Series (esp the Tek and Rancher variety!) Also a squid kid perpetually Homestuck in Hades hell and a fan of Haikyuu and various musicals. Queue tag is just #q, asks and reblogs are always appreciated, I love a good scream in the tags <3
I reblog a lot. If you want notifs for my art but not the rest, you can follow my art tag, #vesperinks or follow my art archive blog @vesper-inks :D
Mostly here on tumblr but you can also find me as vesperaink on:
Twitter | Youtube | Twitch | Artfight | Itch.io | Neocities
Use of My Art, Tags, AUs, and Other things below:
Please don't repost my art, this is different from reblogging (you can read the difference here & here), and doesn't help me continue making art!
If you want to use my art in your content/profile pics etc, please ask for permission first + give me proper credit with my url! Yes, even content creators. Most likely I'll say yes, but I like to know where my art is so I can look at it hehe.
I do not permit the use of my art or posts in any relevance to AI and AI training, sorry not sorry.
Confused? Have a question not answered here? Just send an ask :D
#vesperinks - my art
#vhispers into the void - my random text posts and rambles
#vesper inkbox - ask box and answers
#graveyard shift au or #gsau - a Team Rancher/Solidaritek modern with magic apocalypse au where grim-reaper!Jimmy's mission to take out necromancer!Tango has varying degrees of success -- read the comic I made for Aufest 2024 here!
All the silly universes @onawhimsicot and I make together:
#TTEI - short for TangoTek Evil Incorporated, the Life Series/Team Rancher Superhero AU where the Ranchers are a secret 3rd thing, nemeses
#soupverse - an OC superhero universe crossover that got very out of hand
#hermpires pokemon au - a pokemon au of mcyt from Hermitcraft, Life SMP, and Empires in which Rancher!Jimmy goes on his pokemon journey a second time in an attempt to get GymLeader!Grian out of the house
#homestuck hades au - a homestuck davekat au set in Hades
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onawhimsicot · 2 years
I'm cadence / Sammy (they/she) or whatever you want to derive from my username because I'm too attached to my url now for Brand Consistency. I often go by cadenceofyore elsewhere. The most important thing people should know about me is that I reserve the right to be a silly goofy little guy :3
also you should play In Stars and Time pspsps you want to play it sooo bad
Ao3 | YT
My fic tags:
Tangotek Evil Incorporated: #fic: TTEI
Reading/Book liveblog tag: #reading log
My chickens tag: #the feathered beasts
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