#fic: tcgftb
caramelcoffeeaddict · 21 days
The Cute Guy From The Bar [Klaine Fanfiction]
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Relationships: Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel Chapters: 1/1 [Complete] Word Count: 4,300 Rating: Teen&Up Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alcohol Summary:
A few days after moving to New York, Kurt decided to explore the city but ended up getting lost. He doesn't know anyone else in the city, so when he sees the name "Cute Guy From The Bar" in his phone, Kurt calls him for help. Luckily, Blaine is more than willing to be Kurt's personal tour guide around New York.
Original Post Date: August 2024 A/N: just a short little one-shot. hope you enjoy it :)
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caramelcoffeeaddict · 2 months
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Hello, everyone! I was tagged by @forabeatofadrum, and last week @bitbybitwrites tagged me as well - which I honestly meant to respond to but forgot because I haven't really been online much in the past 2 weeks. my uncle passed away and my family has been dealing with a lot of things due to that. and there are still some things that need to be taken care of since the funeral is tomorrow.
anyway, I had started writing a new fic a few weeks ago, but with all that's been going on, I haven't been able to work on it. as of right now, I only have about 400 words written. but this story should only be a one-shot, so hopefully I'll be able to get back to it and finish it somewhat soon. in the meantime, here's a little bit of what I've managed to write so far...
While the bartender was mixing Kurt’s drink, a man sat down in the empty seat next to him. “Hi,” the guy said to Kurt. “Can I buy you a drink?” Kurt looked over at the guy, smiling at what he saw. “I actually just ordered. But if you’d like to pay for it, I won’t complain,” he replied, flirtatiously.  “Will you stay and chat with me if I pay for your drink?” “As long as you order a drink for yourself as well; that way, I’m not drinking alone.” The guy smiled and laughed softly. “You have yourself a deal. I’m Blaine.” “Kurt.”
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caramelcoffeeaddict · 23 days
woo-hoo! I finished writing the little one-shot that I started forever ago before life got in the way. it's approximately 4,200 words long, but I still have to proofread and edit it, so that may change. I will try to get all of that done tonight though. however, since I will be updating my multi-chapter WIP tomorrow, I think I'll wait until Saturday to post the story. I'm just so glad it's finally done! 🎉
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caramelcoffeeaddict · 2 months
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hello! it's Wednesday, and I actually have something to share today! I wasn't tagged this week (yet!) by anyone, but @forabeatofadrum & @bitbybitwrites both tagged me last week, but I didn't have anything to share then, so I'm replying now. better late than never, right? :)
earlier today, I finally opened up the new short WIP that I started last month before things IRL got crazy, and began to work on that again. the story is called The Cute Guy From The Bar, and here's a little bit of what I've got so far...
Blaine looked at Kurt in shock, mouth hanging open, unable to reply. After a few seconds, he gave Kurt a disbelieving look and replied, “You’re pulling my leg, right? You didn’t actually grow up in Ohio.” “I did. And I can actually prove it too – without even giving you any personal information by showing you my Ohio driver’s license or my OSU student ID card that are still in my wallet.” “Oh yeah? How so?” Kurt took out his phone and looked through some photos until he found a selfie that he took at the airport in Columbus a few days ago while waiting for his flight to New York. He showed the photo to Blaine, pointing out the Columbus, Ohio signage in the background. “See? Now, why would I have a photo of myself at John Glenn International, that was taken only a few days ago, if I wasn’t from Ohio?”
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caramelcoffeeaddict · 2 months
last line challenge
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my writing blog (@kiwiwritesstuff) was tagged by @bitbybitwrites to play! thanks for tagging me! since I usually just share the things I've already posted to AO3 (as well as art that was made for things that have been posted) on that blog, I'm responding to the meme challenge on this blog instead :)
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you feel like). 
So, I started writing a fic almost a month ago, but I didn't get very far (it's currently just over 600 words right now). and I haven't been able to work on it recently due to real life stuff getting in the way. I really want to continue writing it though.
it's a Klaine fic called "The Cute Guy From The Bar", and the last line that I wrote was:
“Don’t worry; I promise I’m one of the trustworthy guys."
I'm going to tag anyone that wants to play! :)
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caramelcoffeeaddict · 1 month
for the past week, I've been wanting to work on my recent WIP, but every time I go to work on it, I only wind up changing one or two words in a sentence that I've already written, then I get distracted and forget to return to writing. I wish I could focus long enough to accomplish something.
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caramelcoffeeaddict · 3 months
came across a prompt in my WIP folder yesterday (which I made a post about), wrote two paragraphs, and then haven't touched it since. but I'm still thinking about it a lot and want to continue writing it. I don't know if I can or will add something every day, like I did while trying to finish some of the longer multi-chapter fics I've written, but hopefully I'll be able to work on it somewhat consistently until it gets fully written. I just don't think I'll get anything written today.
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caramelcoffeeaddict · 3 months
I made the mistake of opening my WIP folder and reading some of the summaries/prompts of the docs in there. now I have a bunch of ideas and inspiration to work on one of the stories that I only had a title and brief summary for. on the plus side, this fic idea doesn't appear to be one that will take tens-of-thousands of words or months/years to write. so let's see how far I can get before I temporarily get bored of this story and put it on the shelf for who-knows-how-long.
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