#fic crec
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Okay I'm not publishing this part for reasons of it gets the timeline wrong and there's a few other issues però el publico aquí per qui la vulgui llegir perquè hi ha unes frases que m'han agradat molt:
L’última vegada que li havia vingut al cap el poema, tenia setze anys i estava en camí a Dublin, esperant amb por i ganes la tornada a un país que era seu i que no ho era alhora. El seu padrí, que fins aleshores només havia fet que criticar la universitat reial a Cervera, li havia dit que a Cervera ja s’hi estaria bé, que potser no era Trinity però tampoc hi havia tanta diferència, que al cap d’uns anys podria exercir de metge a Barcelona i poc més li caldria. Trobaràs a faltar la vida d’aquí, li va dir, abans que marxés, però ell, tossut, va insistir. Algun desig de fugida, potser. Ser foraster era el seu estat natural, i amb Cervera, per molt lluny que fos d’aquell paisatge empordanès, no en tenia prou. Sempre recordava els primers mesos a Dublin amb un cert malestar, aquells dies interminables de nuvolada i pluja. En deixar Catalunya, encara guardava el record d’una llar petita, càlida, i fosca, el remor del bestiar al fons i una dona cantussejant mentre preparava el sopar. Oro sé do bheatha a bhaile, oro sé do bheatha a bhaile. Però Dublin no era una tornada a casa. Dublin era gent, soroll, fang. Dublin era la vida precària i desgavellada d’estudiant. Dublin era un altre món, una vida paral·lela, i a vegades, revisant diagrames de cossos espellats, etiquetats amb noms llatins, enyorava el que per a ell havia estat el més proper a una casa, sota el sol càlida i brillant del Mediterrani. El poema, però, li havia vingut al cap quan encara no s’estava conscient del tot de què li esperava a Irlanda. Estava a la proa del vaixell, mirant les gavines. De cop i volta, li va caure a sobre com un gran pes el saber que tornava a no tenir casa. Es va marejar un moment, i només seguint el vol de les gavines va poder recuperar-se l’alè. Aquella nit, a la cabina estreta al fons del vaixell, li va entrar una basarda profunda que no el deixava dormir. Sentia un fervent desig de tornar al padrí, a Ullastret, a la vida que li era tan familiar i còmode. Però ja havia pres la seva decisió; no hi havia camí de tornada. Era llavors quan li venia al cap el poema, i el repetia entre parenostres i avemaries com si fos una pregària més. Al cap i a la fi havia après a estimar Dublin, tal com havia après a estimar Cahersiveen, o Lleida, o París, o el mateix Ullastret. Va arribar a conèixer per memòria tots els seus racons, tots els seus secrets. Dublin era una ciutat que bategava a pols d’un anhel clandestí, que brollava d’idees i conviccions. Dublin era la Mona, també. Era moltes coses: amors perduts, revolucions fallides, móns inabastables. Era casa, com havia estat abans mil llocs, casa que no era casa—casa d’una manera breu, fugaç.
Wrote a fic which I really like the style of writing of but also (1) I have no idea if I got any of Stephen's biographical history correct because I'm notoriously bad at remembering it (I know It's Complicated TM but I keep actively forgetting what little canon there is) and more importantly (2) it doesn't sound like POB's writing :// And I'm wondering whether or not it's worth it to publish
#i start writing about stephen's childhood and waxing poetic idk#potser em quedo 'era casa com havia estat mil llocs abans'.....m'agrada molt#però hem confirmat que no podria entrar a trinity fins 1794 perquè era catòlic així que tot això no pot sortir al fic :(#també que no crec que faria tot això#perce rambles#The Creative Endeavor and other aubreyad nonsense#hola a les quatre persones que podran llegir això i sabran de què va :')
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Until I Met You - Chapter 6
Chapter 6: The Creche, Part 1
Pairings: Halsin x Tav
Word count: 4,382
Rating: Currently M, will be Explicit in later chapters.
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Summary: The group starts their journey around the Creche. They realize that there's more than they can handle in the span of a day, but run into a strange traveler during their trip. Part 6 of the slow burn fic. Halsin and Tav POVs
Tags: Slow burn, hurt/comfort, fluff, love confessions, eventual smut, light angst, implied past rape/non-con, graphic description of injuries.
A/N: Halsin and Tav POVs - let's get some more pining up in here.
I decided to break up the creche into two parts since I ended up coming up with some filler stuff between Tav and Halsin and I don't want the chapters to get too long :) Part two of the creche will be out shortly!
As Tav and her companions strolled along the scenic Mountain Pass, she couldn’t keep a ridiculous smile off her face. Her conversation with Halsin from the morning was still fresh in her mind. Based on his reaction to their time together, she was fairly certain he felt something too. The thought kept her feeling giddy throughout the morning...he liked her…
Gods above, Tav. How old are you?
Halsin had insisted on staying at the camp today to Tav’s relief. She was distracted enough thinking about him right now, gods know how much worse she would be if he would have come along. He thought it would be best to let the tadpoled individuals take the lead at the Creche, giving them all a chance at purification.
An arm suddenly looped around one of hers.
“Having some pleasant daydreams, my friend?” Astarion’s sing-song voice pulled her from her thoughts.
“Nothing but.”
“Yes, I thought I heard some little whispers and laughs this morning.” Astarion teased, giving her a sideways glance.
“Oh, don’t be jealous, love. I’ll be sure to wake you up next time so you don’t feel left out.”
“You’ll do no such thing! Some of us believe in getting our beauty rest.” He stuck his nose up in the air at her.
“Whoa, whoa…hold on there soldier…” Karlach had bopped her way to the other side of Tav. “Did something happen with Halsin?” Her excitement was plain as day.
“Nothing happened!” Tav couldn’t hide her smile as she said the words.
“Oh, you’re definitely lying.” Astarion teased. “So tell me, is he as well-endowed as he seems? I mean hells, the man dwarfs you and you’re strangely muscular for a high elf.”
“Astarion!” Tav shrieked, wiggling her arm free of his and slapping him a few times, his teasing grin taunting her further. Karlach cackled from the other side of her.
“That’s a yes!” Karlach barely choked out between her laughs.
“I’m telling you, nothing happened!” Tav was starting to get a little defensive but couldn’t keep herself from laughing along with them. “On my honor, we just sat and talked this morning.”
“Oh darling, I’m sure your ‘honor’ is left in bits after spending a night with him.” Astarion quickly ran out of range of Tav before she could smack him again. He ran ahead of her and Karlach, giggling hysterically.
“Okay he’s gone now. What actually happened?” Karlach was still bouncing beside her.
“What? I already told you, we just talked.” Tav held her ground.
“Yeah, but that was when Astarion was listening in. Now it’s just us girls. Tell me!” She begged.
Tav just laughed back at her. As much as she enjoyed gossiping with Karlach, something about this morning felt very intimate. It was an experience she really wanted to keep to herself for now.
“Don’t worry, love. As soon as something happens that is worthy of gushing about, you’ll be the first to know.” Tav promised. When she finished talking, she felt the slightest tingle pass through her head.
“Hey now…tell your little stowaway to mind its own business.” Tav scolded her, trying to fight the smile tugging at her lips.
“Fine, fine.” Karlach finally resigned and waved her hand dismissively.
“If you all are done fooling around, I believe we’re approaching the Creche.” Lae’zel called out to the group.
They had reached the bottom of one of the large hills, the steps leading to the monastery just ahead of them. The stonework was intricate and ancient, vines had made their way into all the grooves and crevices along the outside. Many of the walls were beginning to crumble. This place was abandoned long ago. Taking careful steps and staying on the lookout for traps, they approached a large entryway. Angry voices sounded ahead of them.
Tav signaled her companions to wait a few steps behind her as she peered around the corner. There were a couple of githyanki soldiers ushering along a few halflings dressed in the garb of the Absolute. They were trying to force the halflings through the doors, but one of them turned to run towards her. She froze, praying to every god above that she wasn’t spotted. Before she had a chance to duck behind the wall, a crossbow bolt pierced the halfling’s chest, causing them to fall to the ground not 10 steps in front of her.
The two githyanki turned back toward the entrance, seeming not to notice Tav barely hiding around the corner. A large and heavy door slammed closed behind them, seemingly sealing the way into the creche.
“Any ideas?” Tav turned back around to Lae’zel.
“This Absolute has my kin on high alert. We must proceed with caution.” Lae’zel seemed more subdued than earlier.
Tav led them forward, cautiously, to inspect the doorway. Astarion was delicately running his fingers along the wall, looking for any traps or hidden keyholes that could gain them entry. He looked over at her and shrugged, apparently not finding anything. Their entire party startled as a now familiar voice glided into their thoughts.
“Your curiosity is getting the better of you. Do not let it.” The dream visitor’s smooth, ethereal voice washed over all of them. “They are hunting you! They want the artefact. They will stop at nothing to get it.” As quickly as the voice appeared, it vanished.
They all shared a look with each other, trying to decide what to do next.
“We must press on. The purification granted by my kin is our only hope.” Lae’zel insisted. As Tav looked around to the others, they seemed to be in agreement.
“Then onwards we go. There’s a broken window over there.” She pointed her chin towards a nearby panel of stained-glass windows. “Maybe we can sneak in through a back passage or something.”
It took them almost the entire day to find a way into the Creche. Tav and the others were somehow able to convince Lae’zel to wait one more night before going in, seeing as everyone was exhausted. Between the wine-soaked kobolds, small army of gremishkas, and the very aggressive eagles they found it was a miracle they weren’t in worse shape. Despite Lae’zel’s insistence that the Creche would help them, Tav wasn’t willing to take any chances. She had no idea what purification entailed, but she didn’t imagine it was a pleasant and easy process. Something told her that they would need every ounce of their strength to see it through.
The sun was setting behind the trees as Tav led her companions back through the twisting Mountain Pass. As she tried to remember whether to turn left or right at the fork in front of them, a mysterious traveler appeared in her periphery. He wore rather stereotypical wizard attire, right down to the pointy hat. The simple staff slung across his back boasted no intricate carvings or jewels, but somehow still managed to be imposing.
“Ho there, wanderer. Stay thy course a moment to indulge an old man.” The strange traveler beckoned her as she approached. There was something familiar about this man.
“Elminster?” Gale spoke up next to her.
Elminster…Elminster Aumar?
Surely a wizard such as himself would not be out wandering this remote wilderness…
“The very same, Gale. And a fair bit miffed he is, too, finding himself forced to expose his best pair of boots to so many miles of country road on your behalf.”
What the fuck? Why is one of the most famous wizards in the realms hiking across Faerûn to find Gale?
“I think some proper introductions are in order.” Tav said, her eyes shifting between Gale and Elminster. Gale smiled slightly at the prompt.
“Meet Elminster Aumar. A good friend of mine, but rather more significantly, he’s the most famed and respected wizard in the realms.” Gale’s voice was full of admiration. The older wizard laughed lightly.
“Am I, indeed? Most famed and respected errand boy, more like.” He shook his head softly.
Gale and Elminster continued their conversation, but Tav was only half listening. Her attention turned to her exhausted friends, each leaning on nearby rocks and trees. Wyll looked like he was ready to fall asleep any moment, his head currently resting on Astarion’s shoulder. Astarion must have been drained as well since he didn’t seem to mind the horns poking him in the face. She tuned her ears back into the lengthy conversation between the two long-winded wizards in front of her.
“Out with it, Elminster. Please!” Gale pleaded.
“Has your sojourn away from Waterdeep washed away your decorum as well as your patience?” Elminster snipped at Gale. Tav couldn’t help but smile as Gale was trapped in the wordy turns of phrase Elminster was using to essentially ask for a place to rest and have a snack.
“…Surely you won’t begrudge me a mite of rest and repast before I get ‘out with it.’” Elminster said with a huff. Tav’s smile widened.
“Yes, Gale. Where is your decorum?” She shot a teasing grin over her shoulder.
“Oh, for the love of…” He hissed before trailing off.
“Nigh on thirteen centuries old and he still thinks with his stomach. Better to indulge our curiosity at his news than Elminster’s appetite.” Gale sounded like he was fighting an eye roll.
“Very well. I suppose I’m as curious as you are to hear what he has to say.” Tav resigned. She called the rest of their party to their feet, leading Gale and Elminster back to their new camp. Tav easily picked up on Gale’s anxiety, whatever news Elminster had brought to them, she doubted it would be a helpful addition to their problems.
Halsin watched the horizon for hours, waiting for any sign of his adventuring party to return. It was getting late, but he wasn’t sure how long the group normally stayed out. Being alone in the camp all day gave him far too much time to think about his time spent with Tav this morning.
All day long he could still feel the gentle strokes of her hands running through his hair. The thought made him smile like a fool every time it crossed his mind. He was desperately trying to regain his focus, meditating throughout the afternoon to commune with Silvanus, reciting the steps to the newly learned ritual in his mind repeatedly so he wouldn’t lose the knowledge. Yet half the time when he closed his eyes, he only saw Tav’s face.
He felt so immature, unable to control his desires and block out distractions. Over the years he had spent plenty of time around beautiful and kind people, why was he so hung up on her? Perhaps it was because for the first time in years, he finally didn’t feel the need to hide behind a mask. Here with this new group, he wasn’t looked to for every answer or for constant guidance. He wasn’t their leader, he was their friend. Or so he hoped at least.
There were also her ties to Moonrise. It had been so long since he had met another living soul who witnessed the start of the shadow curse. More than anyone he had spoken to in the last century, she understood the pain and the danger of returning to those accursed lands. With her, he no longer felt so alone, or afraid.
Scratch walked happily alongside him as he paced the edge of the camp. As the sun had just barely set, he spotted the small group of travelers making their way towards him. Tav was up front along with Gale, and there was a third person with them that Halsin didn’t recognize. That was until he stepped into the firelight. He wasn’t sure what he had expected on their return, but it certainly wasn’t Elminster Aumar. Halsin was familiar with Elminster by reputation only, but what a reputation he had.
As they drew closer, Halsin caught Tav’s eyes and gave her a questioning look. She shrugged in response and tilted her head towards Gale. He watched as she escorted Gale and Elminster over towards the other edge of camp.
The three of them stood in front of Gale’s tent, Elminster talking in hushed tones. From the looks on their faces, the conversation was most grave. Both Tav and Gale listened to the famed wizard, giving him their complete focus. After a few moments, Gale’s expression changed, he looked so surprised and…hopeful. Not a minute later though, it fell again, a look of pure anguish moved across his face. Then, he saw Tav start to gesture unhappily. She was pointing in Elminster’s face, waving her arms angrily, and then finally crossing them over her chest, looking displeased. Gale lightly placed a hand on her arm and said something indecipherable. Her face was turning red, not the flustered, endearing shade he had come to know but a different, angrier hue. Halsin was worried that she would burst into tears any second. Suddenly, a bright and magical light encircled Elminster, slowly making its way to surround Gale. A look of relief passed over him, as if a great pain had been relieved from his body.
Elminster was talking once more, but Halsin still couldn’t make it out. Gale reached out to shake his hand before their guest turned to take his leave from the camp. Tav glared after him, her face finally starting to return to its normal color.
She stood with Gale a while longer, still gesturing wildly towards Elminster as he disappeared over the horizon. Gale was looking more subdued than usual; a sadness had overtaken him that Halsin hadn’t seen in the charming wizard. Tav was gripping him by both shoulders now, her eyes pleading with him. But for what, Halsin couldn’t say. He watched as Gale gently moved her hands from his slumped shoulders, he could just barely glimpse the tears gathering in Tav’s eyes, glinting in the low light of the fire in front of them. After Gale finished speaking, she pulled him into a hug. It took him a moment to reciprocate, but once he did Halsin could see how tightly he clung to Tav. Whatever tidings Elminster brought, it was not pleasant.
Gale eventually broke free of Tav’s embrace, turning to walk away from the camp. She stood there watching him go, her arms curling around her torso. The pull in his chest returned, longing to drag him towards her, to wrap her in his arms and hold her there. She turned around and caught him staring, a sad smile appearing on her face. Halsin quickly looked away, pretending to be captivated by some nearby shrubs.
“Is everything okay?” Tav had quietly walked up behind him. “You looked worried.”
“Hm? Oh, yes everything is fine. It just seemed like you and Gale were having a less than pleasant conversation with our guest.”
She scoffed in response, scowling after the long-gone wizard.
“Yes, the famous Elminster Aumar. ‘Friend’ to Gale, savior of the realms, and actual divine messenger.” Her sneer slowly softened.
“Divine messenger?”
Tav caught him up on their conversation. How Mystra has now tasked Gale with the destruction of the Absolute, using the orb currently residing in his chest. The act would mean sacrificing himself. A very severe request, even for a follower as devoted as Gale.
“How is Gale?” Halsin asked, knowing there was no simple answer to that question right now.
“Fucking delusional!” Tav yelled, then looked around them, suddenly conscious of her change in tone around the others. She lowered her voice before speaking again.
“He’s actually considering going through with it. Arguing that we now have the ‘clearest solution to our problem.’ What kind of solution is it if we have to ask him to kill himself?” Tears were starting to form in her eyes again.
Halsin listened intently to her, trying to decide how to respond without fanning the flames of her anger.
“We aren’t asking him to sacrifice himself, Tav. But it seems that Mystra is.” He eyed her carefully, trying to gauge her reaction. He never would have considered Mystra to be one of the harsher goddesses, but it would seem now that she was more spiteful than he originally thought.
“Regardless, that’s monstrous! The fact that she’s had the ability to prevent the orb from destroying him, yet she has simply chosen not to speaks volumes to me. She would rather see Gale in horrible pain. She’d rather see him dead, potentially taking thousands of other lives with him than help cure him. All because what…her pride is wounded? Now, she thinks she can ask my wizard to just end his life for the hope that she’ll forgive him? Unbelievable…un-fucking-believable!” She finally paused to breathe. Her shoulders rising and falling in an exaggerated manner as she worked to catch her breath again.
“Your wizard?” Halsin raised an eyebrow at her. He had a teasing smile on his face, trying to hide the panic he felt rising in him. Was she with Gale now?
Where is this jealousy coming from?
“Yes, my wizard. I happen to consider Gale a very good friend now. I tend to be rather protective of my friends.” She turned her nose up at him defiantly. He could only smile in response, slightly embarrassed by the relief he felt hearing her refer to Gale as only a friend.
Speaking with Tav now, it was clear to see why he was so enamored with her. There was a passion in her voice that he hadn’t heard yet in their time together. A fierce loyalty to those around her that burned hotter than smokepowder. A heart of steel that mirrored his own. For so long he had pushed his feelings down, numbing himself to all emotion to manage the pain. Listening to her righteous rage woke something in him, something that he had buried decades ago. The shadows of Moonrise had clouded his mind for a century, but somehow Tav had managed to burn her way through. Maybe, just maybe, she could help lead him out.
So long as you don’t drive her too far away first.
“Come and sit with me for a minute.” Halsin sat on the ground and lightly patted the spot next to him. She reluctantly accepted the invitation, crossing her legs in front of her. Her elbows rested on her knees to allow her hands to hold up her pouting face.
“I think it’s remarkable how quickly you create bonds with those around you. You’ve known Gale what, a tenday? And already you’re prepared to go to war with the goddess of magic on his behalf. You’ve known Karlach for an even shorter span of time, but I’d wager you would challenge Zariel herself in single combat to keep her safe. That sort of loyalty and devotion is rare, usually reserved for the deities you’re so intent on fighting.” A grin was threatening to break through her pout.
“But…” She prompted, turning to look him in the eyes.
“But…be careful that your dedication to your friends doesn’t prevent you from hearing their own wishes. It is a difficult thing as a leader to be unable to help someone in your care, but sometimes you have to allow them to decide for themselves. Even if you lose them in the process.” His thoughts briefly drifted back to Kagha and her rash decisions made in his absence.
“I’m not a leader, Halsin. Everyone defers to my judgement because I can feign confidence. The benefit of an expensive education I suppose. But it’s all an act.”
“Oh, I think it’s much more than that. Others naturally gravitate to you. Everything you just said comprise the qualities of a great leader. Nothing about you is insincere. Perhaps once it was an act, but maybe all that time projecting confidence you didn’t have helped you learn to actually build it up.” He paused as she wrung her hands together in her lap.
“Do not sell yourself short, my friend. You are as capable of a leader as they come.”
Tav thought about his words for a while before speaking up again.
“I can’t just push my feelings aside. It’s not in my nature to hide my thoughts and emotions. Not anymore…” She started absentmindedly picking blades of grass out of the ground.
“What do you mean?” He was hesitant to ask, no one seemed to know much about Tav’s past. Unlike the others, she kept her long life tucked away in her mind.
“I spent a long time being forced into a role I didn’t want. I had no voice, no control. When I tried to rebel, when I spoke up…” She trailed off, more tears gathering in the corners of her eyes. “It wasn’t just me who paid the price.”
Halsin listened carefully, watching as her face twisted with pain.
“But now, I do have a voice. I have the ability to help. I…I can’t just stand by and watch him go on a suicide mission.” Her voice was much quieter now as a few tears escaped down her cheeks.
“That is unfortunately not for you to decide. If Gale truly believes this is his only path to redemption…” He paused for a moment, resting a hand on her shoulder. “That is something he must be allowed to choose for himself.” Tav sniffled lightly at his words.
“Has anyone ever told your wisdom is infuriating?”
“I believe it was a prerequisite for my Archdruid title.” He squeezed her arm lightly before letting his hand drop back to his side.
“I’ll respect whatever decision Gale makes. But that doesn't mean I won’t try and convince him to live a little bit longer before he decides.”
“I’d expect nothing less. Your friends are lucky to have you fighting for them.” He paused for a moment before finishing his thought. “I hope I can count myself among them.”
“Oh, believe me…if Silvanus so much as thinks about causing you trouble I’ll rip his mossy beard to shreds.” She gave him a huge, stunning smile. He couldn’t keep himself from laughing in response.
“I assure you that will hardly be necessary. Nevertheless, I’ll be sure he is properly forewarned. I’d hate to find a new deity to follow, given all my years of service.” He teased back at her. For some reason the jokes and teases came so easily around her.
Tav lightly patted him on the leg before standing back up. She offered her hand to him to help him stand as well.
“Thanks, Halsin. I uh…I needed to hear this.” She twirled the end of her braid around in her fingers.
“Anytime. And don’t worry, I happen to admire your righteous anger. So long as I am never on the receiving end of it.”
“Well…I’m glad I’ve still avoided leaving a bad impression then.” Her sweet smile was still beaming up at him.
“You? Impossible.” His voice dropped to a whisper.
They locked eyes for a moment as his heart started to pound against the walls of his chest. Her cheeks and nose had become slightly rosy from the chill evening, once again matching the pink irises in her eyes. The fire behind her cast warm colors all down her hair, the shade dancing from orange, to yellow, to red, back to orange…they matched the warmth spreading through his chest, the pull coming back and urging him to take her into his arms. His eyes wandered to her lips, still curled into that intoxicating smile. He didn’t miss the fact that her eyes had begun to wander as well. Images flashed through his mind, their lips pressed together before slowly making their way down each other’s necks and bodies. Their hands, gripping the other’s back, pulling them as close as possible. Every bit of their bare skin pressed against the other’s. Tav took the smallest step towards him, closing the gap between them ever so slightly. He leaned forward almost involuntarily, longing to feel her touch again. Just as he thought he wouldn’t be able to control himself any longer, her attention was drawn away.
“Tav!” Karlach yelled from beside the fire. Tav turned to face her as the large tiefling was smiling and waving her over towards the rest of the group.
She turned back and took a shaky breath. Halsin hoped that the disappointment he felt wasn’t too obvious on his face.
“Care to join me?” She gestured towards the fire.
“Of course. I’ll be there in just a moment.” He forced the words out using what little breath he had left in his lungs. She nodded and made her way back over towards the others.
That was too close…
His mind was racing, the words from all those nights ago in his meditation came back to him.
“You will have but one chance, my child. Restore the balance, bring back the light.”
Silvanus’s words rang in his ears, yet his gaze still followed Tav. He wanted so badly to tell her of his plan. She deserved to know that there was a chance to expel the shadow curse. Yet there was no guarantee.
No…no I’ll wait until I know for sure. She has too many burdens to bear, there’s no need to add to them today. This is my task and mine alone.
His attention turned back to the group around the fire. Tav looked over her shoulder to meet his eyes, still smiling at him. She lightly tapped the seat next to her by the fire, waiting for him to join. He almost went over to sit with her, he wanted to go and be with his new friends, but something stopped him. He was losing focus, something he just couldn’t afford right now. Tav was giving him a concerned look, no doubt wondering what was keeping him. He shook his head slightly at her before turning to find solace in the woods tonight, but not before seeing her smile slowly fade away.
I’m sorry, Tav.
Halsin sulked off into the trees, alone. Once again opting to spend the night on his own, lost in meditation, desperately trying to cling to the hope that he could banish the shadows. The shadows that corrupted Moonrise Towers, as well as the shadows corrupting his own mind.
#bg3#baldurs gate 3#baldur's gate iii#bg3 halsin#halsin x tav#halsin fanfic#bg3 fanfiction#bg3 fluff#bg3 fic#slow burn#lil birthday present to myself getting this posted this week
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Hem dit de quedar mes vegades per veuren’s i per entrenar, pero si, m’ho he passat super be.
Per que no pots dormir els vespres ?
Quan pugui llegire es fic de Ewa, pero crec que no es bona idea llegir-ho ara quan el meu millor amic esta a ca meva jugant amb es fifa… i jo no me podre ajudar…
M’alegro molt que t’ho hagis passat tan bé, i espero que puguis seguir jugant i entrenant amb elles més vegades, segur que ho gaudiràs molt.
La veritat és que tinc moltíssim insomni, i ni tan sols les pastilles m’ajuden a dormir. A més, l’esquena em fa mal constantment per culpa d’un accident, i és molt difícil trobar una postura que no em molesti. És frustrant, però intento portar-ho tan bé com puc.
Espero que t’agradi el fic de l’Ewa, i si vols, m’encantaria saber què en penses quan el llegeixis.
Espero que descansis bé, t’ho mereixes.
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Dwalin probably wouldn't have owned a bed tray if his grandparents hadn't left one in the house when he inherited it. He wiped the dust from it, and set it up on the table to load up with Nori's breakfast. Tea and fruit and cream and syrup, and a big stack of waffles, made a very attractive tray. Dwalin piled his up on a plate, dressed them just as he liked with extra syrup and fruit, and carried both into the bedroom.
“Feather Fall” Chapter 9, the Nwalin wing AU with writing by @thorinsmut and art by me. I kind of forgot to post the art, but there’s an update! Dwalin’s feeling better and Nori is a sleepy mess in this one
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by Patatachan
El fic de l'aniversari del Yamato que m'havia promès (que és un fic de sant Valentí alhora) i que no crec que ningú esperi.
Words: 2020, Chapters: 1/1, Language: Català
Series: Part 2 of La tríada dels pitagòrics (lol)
Fandoms: IDOLiSH7 (Video Game)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Nikaidou Yamato, Izumi Mitsuki, Rokuya Nagi
Relationships: Izumi Mitsuki/Nikaidou Yamato/Rokuya Nagi
Additional Tags: sant valentí, xorrades gran, capitalisme és broma haha, o no, consumisme, Extra, no sé que he fet, em fa massa gràcia el títol, em ric dels meus propis acudits, per què soc així?, out of character? no dic que no
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