#fic colalb
Fancy Restaurant | Misfits Timeline Anomaly’ verse (OC Kiss Week 2023)
An oc x oc collaboration between @seanfalco​ & @super-unpredictable98
Word Count: 3,2k
Warnings: Strong language
a/n: Thank you for being so patient, I'm back with a little special treat for OC Kiss Week. This event is what jumpstarted Timeline Anomaly, and we're so grateful. It's our third time writing together for it, we hope you like our wholesome family fluff.
As much as the quad tried to keep their twins distracted without sitting in front of the TV all day, sometimes a screen was their only saviour. When the girls needed to work composing and the boys needed to do chores or talk to their agents about shoots... the telly was the best babysitter. 
It was a very busy day and the kids were watching Bluey for the millionth time, particularly the Fancy Restaurant episode where the protagonists try to create a romantic night for their parents. Seeing that seemed to give Ellery an idea: 
"Hey, Charlie, it's been a while since Mummy and Mama and Daddy and Dada went on a date..." she said, though it wasn't true. They were out on a date less than a week before this incident, but for a child, it must've felt like forever. "Maybe we should make them a romance night!"
Charlie gasped excitedly. "That's a great idea!" he exclaimed, craning his head to peer at their parents in the other room. "They definitely need some romance," he agreed, nodding.
Ellery took her brother's hand and they ran into the office where on one side the girls were writing lyrics and on the other, the boys were checking their emails. 
"Hey, you lot!" Ellie called, getting everyone's attention. 
"What's wrong, baby? Did you finish Bluey again?" Lydia asked. 
"No, but we do think you need to smoochy kiss! It's been so long!" 
"I gave your mums a smoochy kiss this mornin'," Nate chuckled. "It hasn't been long."
"No, I think Ellery's right, it feels like much too long!" Nats exclaimed, spinning his chair toward her. "I'm never opposed to some smooches."
"Tonight you're havin' a romantic dinner! No kids, just you and the romance," Ellie said as she climbed into his lap. "I mean, we'll be here, 'cause we gotta watch the kisses. But we won't be your children, we'll be the restaurant people!" 
"Isn't it a bit worrying that our children want us to kiss for them to watch?" Lydia asked quietly. "Is this one of those moments we realize we messed up?"
"I feel like most kids think it's gross seein' their parents kiss," Win said, trying to remember how she felt when she was young. 
"I don't think we messed up," Nats argued, wrapping his arms around Ellery's middle. "It just shows how normal we've made physical affection."
"I thought it was pretty gross..." Lydia mused. "But maybe Nats is right." 
"Okay then, little monkeys, but no crazy meals, just make us sandwiches or somethin'," Nate pulled Charlie into his arms. "Y'don't want dada t'get sick like the dad at the end of that episode, right?" 
"But sandwiches are not romantic!" Ellie protested.
"Anythin' can be romantic in the right company," Win said, reaching over to tickle her.
"Leave dinner to us, we promise it'll be good, y'just gotta be there," she assured. "I'll be the chef and Charlie will serve you! I'm better in the kitchen."
"But I wanna help in the kitchen too!" he cried, pouting.
"But you can't cook!" she argued. 
"Your brother can cook if you show him how," Lydia said firmly. "Let him help you." 
"Okaaay... I'm sorry."
"Yay! I promise I'll be helpful!" Charlie exclaimed, squirming in Nate's lap, too excited to get started.
"We'll get everything ready, you better be done with work by then!" Ellery warned, jumping from the chair after giving Nats a kiss. "Oh! And you have to pretend that's your first date." 
"Sounds good, remember our first date?" Nate tried not to laugh. It was far from romantic, it was more like... desperate and horny.
"I think some of our most romantic dates took place in New York," Win said, sighing as she reminisced.
"Yeaaah... Camp, The View, Black Tap," Nate smiled to himself, it felt like it was yesterday.
"Mhmm, that sauna at the hotel," she added, giving him a meaningful look.
"The pool at the hotel..." he snorted. "We were so stoned." 
"Stargazing on the rooftop is still one of my favorites," Lydia grinned.
"Yeah, we were," Win giggled. "Oh, that was a good one!" she agreed, reaching for her wife's hand and bringing it to her lips to press a kiss to her knuckles.
"Do you actually think we've been less romantic lately? With the kids and work and everything? We used to make love all over the house every day, now we make love in our room after the twins are asleep," Lydia frowned. "Nats and I that one time in the living room when they were in school, but I just couldn't do it with the Tinky-Winky staring at us."
"We have been more tired lately, juggling everythin' with work and the kids," Win sighed. 
"Yeah, romance has been the furthest thing from my mind lately," Nats agreed, grimacing. "Maybe it'd be good t'let your parents watch th'kids for an afternoon so we can make up for that," he suggested, offering the girls a hopeful grin. 
"We promised we'd never let that happen, where did my youth goooo?" Lydia cried, letting her head hit the desk in front of them. 
"Don't worry, your folks can take the kids, my mum wanted t'take them next time she goes to Spain with Jeremy... We can still fuck all over the place," Nate took her hand. "Look in the mirror, you're still young, just the same as y'were when we first met." 
"But I feel older," Win sighed, rubbing Lydia's back. 
"I feel older too, we are like middle-aged," she muttered. "I just wish I could feel the way I felt back then. It's not the kids' fault, they are so amazing, it's us." 
Nats shared a look with his twin. If only there was a way to make the girls feel young again...
"Tonight is a start," Nate murmured, rolling his chair closer to the girls. "But could Blossom take 'em for a weekend? We could get a room at that hotel from our first time in New York. We can go to the St. Cloud and Dubliner, all the places we went to back then." 
"I can ask her, they miss Simone a lot."
"That sounds fun," Win cried, perking up.
"Coney Island, zoo... we can fuck at the Bryant like we used to," Lydia finally smiled. 
"Sounds like a dream," Nats exclaimed, remembering the fond memories they had. 
"I'll call Blossom in the morning... Her morning I mean," Lydia made her chair spin and laughed. "We're gonna have a blast." 
"What kind of sandwiches are we gunna make?" Charlie asked as he followed Ellery to the kitchen.
"I was thinkin' maybe roast beef and cheese for the main course and then nutella and marshmallow for dessert. We could get the fairy lights outside and make a beautiful table too," she suggested. "What do you think?"
"Yeah!" he cheered, jumping up and down, his little curls bouncing. "I wanna make the dessert sandwiches!"
"Okay, but remember to make them pretty, it's gotta be romantic," Ellery clapped, also pretty excited. "But we should set the table first, we don't want their dinner t'be cold."
Charlie nodded, his tongue slipping between his lips in his focus, looking much like his fathers as he worked to set the table just right.
Ellery placed the four plates and cups on the table, she thought about getting knives and forks, but she knew they would end up using their hands. "We'll turn the fairy lights on when they come out, you did a really good job."
"Aw, thank you!" he exclaimed, giggling as they rushed back to the kitchen to begin cooking.
"I'm sorry I said I was better, I think you're really good too," she said as she piled the slices of bread for the four sandwiches before passing the loaf to her brother so he could work on the dessert.
Charlie smiled. "Thank you Ellie," he said, setting the bread out and opening the jar of hazelnut chocolate spread. "You're the best sister."
"You're the best brother. You're the only one I have, but even if I had more, you'd still be the best," she nudged his arm before placing the bread with the cheese on the toaster oven and twisting the knob.
The little boy giggled, slathering the chocolate on the bread and grabbing a handful of marshmallows to throw on there before covering it with the other slice of bread. "I hope Mama, Dada, Mommy, and Daddy like our dinner. I hope it makes them feel romantic!"
Ellie nodded, getting the roast beef from the fridge. "I hope they hug and kiss and stuff. Maybe they'll wanna dance under the moonlight!" 
"I hope so too!" Charlie agreed with a dreamy sigh. "I like it when they dance."
"D'you think one day we'll find people we kiss and dance with too?" Ellery wondered. "I wanted to marry daddy, but he's already married twice."
"Daddy's too old for you," Charles said matter of factly. "But I hope so... it looks like so much fun having someone to have romance with."
"Auntie Blossom says age should never get in the way of love, but I guess you're right," she took the four sandwiches and brought them to the table. "I wanna marry a man like daddy then. He's gonna have curly hair like me, green eyes, he'll be tall and silly- oh, can you get their drinks, Charlie?"
He nodded, hurrying to the kitchen with the cups and filling them before running back. In his haste, however, he tripped over the rug and fell, the cups going flying and the juice sloshing out all over the floor. 
"Oh no!" he cried, more upset with himself than hurt. "It's ruined!"
"No! It's okay, Charlie," his sister said. The cups thankfully didn't break, she was able to cover them in a forcefield. They were still learning how to deal with their powers, but usually they worked in emergencies like that. "We just clean up the juice and I'll help you next time. You bring two cups and I bring the other two."
"Okay," he sniffled, rubbing at his eyes. "I'm sorry." 
"Everythin' okay out there?" Win called, hearing the commotion.
"Don't worry, everyone makes mistakes, at least nobody's hurt," Ellie set the glasses down and gave him a hug. 
"Oh my God, are you hurt?" Lydia's eyes grew wide when she saw the puddle. 
"No, I spilled the juice, so I'll get some more," the girl decided to take the blame, it was her fault for asking him to do it all on his own.
"I'm okay, Mummy," Charles said, dusting himself off. "I can clean this up," he murmured, before quickly throwing his hands up. "Wait! You can't come in here yet! It's almost ready!"
"Okay, okay, but if you need help just call us," Lydia pressed her lips to his little forehead before leaving the dining room to wait. 
"Come here, Lollipop, it's not time for our reservation yet," Nate chuckled.
"Okay, Mummy!" Charlie exclaimed, squeezing his eyes shut as he focused on the puddle of juice. After a moment, it dissolved and when the little boy opened his eyes, it was completely gone. "It worked!" he cheered as Ellery returned with more juice.
"You're gettin' good at it!" she placed the glasses on the table. "Can you get the other two? I'll light up the fairy lights!"
Soon they had the dining room all set up and the lights turned down low for ambiance.
"Okay, shall we call them in here?" Charlie asked, practically bouncing on his toes in his excitement.
"Yes!" Ellery fixed her hair and cleared her throat. "Mr and Mr and Mrs and Mrs Young, your table is ready," she called. 
"Right on time," Lydia giggled, using the power Win was letting her borrow to transform her oversized shirt into a green cocktail dress. "Thank you so much," she smiled when Nate pulled the chair for her.
"What a fancy restaurant!" Win exclaimed, changing her PJs into a tasteful little black dress as she followed the others in. 
"Thank you, madam!" Charlie said, copying his father and pulling her chair out for her before Nats could. 
"Why thank you, sir!" she said, fighting back a laugh at how grownup he was acting.
"We don't have a menu, but we're sure you'll like our special," Ellery said, gesturing to the sandwiches in front of them. 
"Oooh it smells delicious, how did the chefs know what we like?" Nate asked. 
"The chefs know everything... please enjoy your romantic evening."
"Thank yeh, chefs! Our compliments!" Nats grinned, sitting down across from Lydia and picking up his sandwich to take a giant bite. "Mmmm!" he exclaimed, taking with his mouth still full.
"They are so cute," Lydia watched as both kids hid in the backyard to observe them. "This is a very good first date."
"They are. Can't believe we raised such sweethearts," Win murmured, taking a drink from her cup. 
"Sorry we've been slippin' with the romance lately," Nate breathed, also taking a bite. "Guess it's hard to stay the same after almost thirty years. Even if we married the most wonderful girls in the whole universe."
"Guess that's why people are always sayin' marriage takes work," Nats added.
"Yeah, it's easy when we're young and have nothing to do besides fucking and loving each other, it's hard to keep the same level of excitement after so long," Lydia mused as she chewed. 
"But I still love you both the same way I did when we were young," Nate drawled. 
"So do I, even more actually."
"Same," Win said, resting her hand over theirs. 
"Course," Nats agreed.
"Look! They're holdin' hands!" Charlie exclaimed quietly, peering through the window.
"If we still have love, that's all we need. We can fix the rest," Lydia leaned against her wife. 
"And they look pretty cozy!" Ellery giggled. "It worked! This is proper romantic!"
"I will always work for you three," Win agreed, smiling softly at each of her lovers. "I love you guys so much." Turning her head, she pressed a kiss to Lydia's cheek. 
"It did work!" Charlie cheered, throwing his arms around his sister. "Look, Mama just kissed Mummy!"
"Yesss! Smoochy kiss!" Ellery joined, celebrating their victory.
"None of you dare to eat anything else until the kids are asleep, I know this isn't enough food, but it'll break their hearts," Lydia whispered. "I can make us some more after they're in bed." 
"There are so many things I'd like t'eat when the kids go to bed..." Nate teased with a wink. 
"We can have th'rest of our dinner in bed, followed by dessert," Nats agreed, waggling his eyebrows suggestively. 
"Sounds good t'me," Win laughed, leaning across the small table to steal a kiss from Nats and Nate.
"So, what'd you say, Lollipop?" Nate bit his lip, starting on his dessert sandwich. "Couple o'drinks too..." 
"Sounds like a good time," Lydia leaned over to steal kisses from them as well, laughing when she heard their kids freaking out by the big glass door. "Seems they're happy." 
"Looks like their little plan worked," Nats laughed, winking at the kids through the sliding glass door.
"The romantic dinner sure helps, but... I'll take any chance to kiss you lot," Lyddie admitted.
"Soooo, how was your dinner? Was it well romantic?" Charlie asked, bursting through the door, unable to wait any longer. 
"It was all that and more!" Win assured him, lifting him into her lap. "You two did so well with dinner. We got a couple of chefs in th'makin'."
"I like to cook, but I wanna be a singing woman in theatre like mommy," Ellery laughed. "We are happy you're happy." 
"You're both angels, we love you so much," Lydia got down on her knees to hug them. "But I think it's time for the little angels to get some sleep, isn't it?" 
"No fair! We wanted t'see you dance in the moonlight!" she protested.
"Oh, y'want us t'dance, huh?" Nats mused, getting up to turn on some music. "We gotta give 'em what they want," he teased, pulling Lydia into his arms and swaying to the music.
"Just one song wouldn't hurt," Nate pulled Win closer as well. "Remember this song? From our wedding?" 
"Mmm, so romantic," she drawled, resting her cheek against his shoulder as they danced. 
"Yeah... but I believe you were dancing with Winnie and I was dancing with Sean," Lydia taunted, twirling before leaning against Nats' chest. "This is much better."
"Much better," Nats agreed, tightening his arms around her waist as they swayed. Charlie watched them, resting his chin in his hands.
"This dance is way cuter than the one from the video," Ellery said as the song ended. 
"Which video, sweetheart?" Nate asked, lifting her in his arm so they could get ready for bed. 
"The one of you dancin' at the party. Mummy was wearin' a purple dress and auntie Blossom too, but she was really young..." 
"You watched the video of us dancing at Blossom's 18th?" Lydia yelped, that was definitely not a video for children.
Nats couldn't help but snort a laugh, despite trying to stifle it. 
"No more videos of Mama, Dada, and Mommy and Daddy for you lot," Win said, lifting Charlie to carry him to the bedroom he and Ellie shared for the time being. They said they slept better when the other was in the room.
"If you wanna see our old videos, you gotta ask, okay?" Lydia asked, grabbing their little pajamas so they could get changed. 
"Okay, I'm sorry, but it was really funny," Ellery laughed, trying not to yawn. 
"One day when you're all grown up, we'll show you all our videos," Nate assured, putting her down. "Well, almost all of 'em."
"Yeah, definitely not all of 'em," Win said under her breath, handing Charlie over to Nats who tossed him into the air before letting him plop onto the bed, squealing with laughter.
"Thank you for tonight, princess," Nate tickled his daughter before helping her undress and put on her little pink nightshirt. "You and your brother are the best kids anyone has ever had." 
"You're the best dada!" She grinned. 
"If your brother has nightmares again, will you let him sleep with you?" Lydia asked quietly and Ellie nodded.
"I won't have nightmares tonight!" Charlie cried, affronted, crossing his arms over his chest. 
"We know, baby, but just in case you do," Win explained, kissing the tip of his nose.
"I know you're brave and so strong," Lydia sat by him and took his hands. "You're the strongest little boy I know, but even the most courageous little boys have nightmares sometimes. Your sister could have nightmares. You'd let her sleep with you, right?"
Charlie looked thoughtful. "Yeah, I would," he answered after a moment.
"That's right, cause you're always there for each other and we're always there for you," Lyddie tucked him in. "If you both get scared you can knock on our door... just remember to actually knock first, okay?" 
"We will," Ellery hugged her Bluey plushie. "Pinky promise."
"Good girl," Nats murmured, kissing her forehead. 
"We love you both so much. Thank you for tonight darlings," Win said, blowing them each a kiss.
"Night night, my loves," Lydia waved, turning on the nightlight. 
"Night night, Mummy," Ellie said, turning towards her brother when they closed the door. "They're definitely gonna do more kissin' now..."
Tag List: @firstpersonnarrator @elliethesuperfruitlover @salvador-daley
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distractedbythesun · 5 years
Still, the anxiety she felt when the Artistic Director pulled her into his office to tell her had been extreme. She didn’t know how she would feel having to work with him again, seeing him at every production meeting and rehearsal. It was hard to imagine.
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dreamiehrs · 4 years
Are you safe? Did anything happened? And maybe you be coloring a color book since 1 pm cuz it's cool
I'm all good!!! just ready to get my power and wifi back so I can watch anime and work more on my colalb fic 🤧 nothing happened dw! just been vibing lol also yes it is cool to color but I am getting bored now DHDHDHHD
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