#fic 2 is my excuse to write about gardening 😌
visualheresy · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
Rules: post the last seven lines of whatever you wrote and tag seven people.
i saw @frozen-fountain’s post and felt inspired to share a little piece of what i’m working on as well. here is a first draft intro of a fic inspired by this artwork.
Hawks spinning in the sky’s blank page. She watches them, rapt, hair embedded in the frost like the beginnings of new script, snow on her lashes. She blinks. Last night they read to each other from a book on the taxonomy of flowers. They slept under a blanket printed with cranes to match the curtains bought from her recent drive into Saranac Lake. If she closes her eyes, she gets up, walks backward in time, into another hour where he is still bloodwarm and close, where he pulls on his running shoes to stretch in the foyer, where she says stop. Not yet. The hawks’ slashed-ink wings retrace the same dizzying loops for please-not-yet and who-knows-how-much-longer. She knows this now, how it’s possible to live inside two worlds at once.
as it turned out, i got stuck at this point and switched over to WIP #2. i don’t have a snippet for this one. it’s a more hopeful fic that explores Ada’s trauma (post-RE6) and the aftermath of a psychological breakdown as she and Leon give their relationship One Last Try—i swear it becomes hopeful! it’s also about gardening and art making and other things!
if you’re a writer and you see this, i’m tagging you.
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