#fibrous dysplasia
soongtypehuman · 1 year
Update on Things
It’s been almost 4 months since the craniotomy that removed the tumor that was crushing my brain. The hope was that the surgery would cure the mild to moderate cognitive issues I was dealing with, or at least stop them from progressing. I’m sorry to say that wasn’t the case, and many of the problems have gotten dramatically worse.
I don’t want to go into too much detail, least of all because it’s boring. My short-term memory, ability to read and write, as well as speak fluidly, have all been affected negatively. I’ve just had another EEG to see if the seizures are continuing, and will have another MRI this week to assess the amount of damage to my brain from the tumor that had been affecting it for years and any damage caused by the surgery, and to check for a stroke. It’s a lot of fuckery I don’t have all the answers for yet. Once I have answers, then I can begin a more exacting treatment for the problem(s).
Unfortunately, as I said above, the problems are affecting my ability to write.
Planning and outlining have always been the backbone of my writing process, but even more so now. Everything is slower and requires a lot more concerted effort and lots of revision.
In short, I’m not able to create as quickly as I once could, although I’m hoping that will change eventually with enough rehab and figuring out new ways to work around my setbacks.
Ideally, I’d like to continue posting every Sunday, just as I have for over a year, but I might have to accept the idea that, as far as things go at the moment, I might not be able to use my writing time for both a weekly ficlet while also finding the time, energy, and focus to work on longer fics. For the time being at least, I might have to switch to posting every other week so I can allot more time and attention to the longer fics.
I just don’t know yet and can’t set anything in stone either way.
But I did want to say something about all of this because I was worried people might see me posting less frequently or posting work that isn’t as long as it used to be and think that I’ve gotten lazy or lost interest. That couldn’t be further from the truth. If anything, my love of this series is one of the few things in my life that brings me joy and that I can count on (my most beloved @monotremer being the main source of that), and one of my biggest motivators in rehab is trying to return to being focused and prolific where my writing is concerned. But I also have to accept that some things may never return to the way they were.
In any event, I hope to keep posting work regularly, but hope everyone understands if I’m not always able to do that.
Updates on what’s coming:
I was working on a longer fic to post to the Data/Lore collection today, but didn’t finish it, so there’s a shorter ficlet in the non-explicit Positronic Rivalry collection instead. The D/L fic should be ready to post next Sunday (fingers crossed). And while all that’s happening, I’m still working on the multi-chapter in the main series that got much bigger than I originally intended. It’s slow going, but it’s going, and my hope is that it’ll be ready to post in July.
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mburley92 · 4 months
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morbidology · 2 years
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Skull with Leontiasis Ossea, also commonly known as “lion face”. Leontiasis Ossea is a rare condition which is characterized by an overgrowth of the facial bones. It is symptomatic of several diseases which include  fibrous dysplasia, Paget's disease, hyperparathyroidism, syphilitic osteoperiostitis and renal osteodystrophy.
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Ignore the frame of the ring doorbell, But...
I'm not looking Too overweight anymore, not noticeable gut or even boobs going on.
Weight isn't a bad thing do not get me wrong, I've struggled with it for my life, drastically underweight growing up and now in adult hood stress eating and then discovery of having polyostotic fibrous dysplasia mccune-albright syndrome means that weight itself is a risk of bone breakage for me 🤷‍♂️
It's a werid feeling atm
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neogenhomehealth · 2 months
Palliative Care at Home in Trivandrum
Palliative Care at Home in Trivandrum
Understanding Bone Cancer: Types, Symptoms, and Treatments
Bone cancer originates from normal cells within a bone. While it can start in any bone, it most commonly affects the long bones of the legs, particularly the thigh bone. It’s important to understand that “bone cancer” does not include cancers that start in other parts of the body and then spread to the bones. These are named after their original site. For instance, cancer that begins in the lungs and spreads to the bones is referred to as lung cancer with bone metastasis.
What is Bone Cancer?
Bone cancer is relatively rare, and different types affect people differently based on age. Some types are more prevalent in children, while others occur primarily in adults. The rarity and complexity of bone cancer make it essential to be informed about its types, symptoms, causes, and treatment options.
Types of Bone Cancer
Bone cancers are classified primarily based on the type of cell where the cancer originates. The most common types include:
Osteosarcoma: This is the most common type of bone cancer, originating in the cells that form bones. Osteosarcoma typically affects teenagers and young adults, though it can also occur in younger children and older adults. It frequently appears in the long bones of the legs and occasionally in the arms. Rarely, it can develop in soft tissues outside the bones.
Chondrosarcoma: Chondrosarcoma usually begins in the bones but can sometimes start in the soft tissues. This type of cancer is most common in middle-aged and older adults and typically affects the pelvis, hip, and shoulder.
Ewing Sarcoma: Ewing sarcoma can start in both the bones and the surrounding soft tissue. It often affects children and teenagers but can occur at any age. This cancer most frequently begins in the leg bones and pelvis, though it can appear in any bone.
Symptoms of Bone Cancer
Bone ache: This is frequently the first symptom, and it can be persistent or come and pass. The pain may worsen at night time or in the course of bodily activity.
Swelling and tenderness: Swelling close to the affected location can arise, frequently along with tenderness to touch.
Weakened bones: Bones might also grow to be fragile, mainly to fractures from minor accidents.
Fatigue: A well known feeling of tiredness that doesn’t improve with relaxation.
Unexplained weight reduction: Losing weight without trying also can be a sign of bone cancer.
When to See a Doctor
If you revel in any of the above symptoms, it’s crucial to consult a healthcare professional right away. Early analysis can considerably affect treatment consequences. Make an appointment with a medical doctor when you have continual bone ache, swelling, or every other concerning signs and symptoms.
Risk elements for bone cancer include:
Inherited genetic syndromes: Certain rare genetic conditions, such as Li-Fraumeni syndrome and hereditary retinoblastoma, can increase the risk of developing bone cancer.
Other bone conditions: Diseases like Paget’s disease of bone and fibrous dysplasia may also elevate the risk.
Previous cancer treatments: Radiation therapy and specific chemotherapy drugs used to treat other cancers can increase the risk of bone cancer later in life.
Diagnosis and Treatment
Diagnosing bone cancer normally entails a combination of imaging tests (like X-rays, CT scans, and MRIs) and biopsies, in which a pattern of the tumor is examined underneath a microscope. Blood assessments will also be performed to test for markers associated with bone most cancers.
Treatment options depend on the type of bone cancer, its location, and its stage. Common treatments include:
Surgery: The goal is to remove the entire tumor. This may sometimes involve reconstructive surgery to repair the bone.
Radiation Therapy: High-energy rays are used to kill cancer cells. This treatment is often used before surgery to shrink the tumor or after surgery to destroy any remaining cancer cells.
Chemotherapy: This involves using drugs to kill cancer cells. Chemotherapy is frequently used for cancers that have spread or are at high risk of spreading.
Coping with Bone Cancer
Facing a bone, most cancers analysis can be overwhelming. It’s important to have an aid system in place that can encompass family, buddies, aid companies, and healthcare experts. Managing aspect effects, keeping a wholesome lifestyle, and staying knowledgeable approximately your condition also can assist in managing the sickness.
Understanding bone most cancers, its types, signs and symptoms, and remedy options is vital for early detection and effective management. While bone cancer is uncommon, consciousness and prompt medical interest could make a sizable distinction in effects. If you or someone you realize is experiencing signs, do not hesitate to try to find a medical recommendation.
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Finally, have a fun Fibrous Dysplasia Friday to my beloved tumblrinas! Farewell, and goodnight!
this one, I had to look up, so good job raising awareness my whimsical mutual!
my god, but what a week it has been. farewell and till next time, traveler.
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vasanthasworld · 11 months
Bone Disorders Notes and Short Essays
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the-rachana · 1 year
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nursingscience · 1 year
Medical Knowledge
1. Most common aortic branch involved in Takayasu arteritis : Left subclavian
2. Most common cause of respiratory distress in newborn : Transient tachypnea of the newborn
3. Most common location to see Asbestosis sequale : Posterior lower lobes.
4. Most common karyotype / chromosomal abnormality in USA : Down’s syndrome
5. Most common osseous lymphoma, primary and secondary : Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
6. Most common primary malignant orbital tumor in childhood : Rhabdomyosarcoma
7. Most common type of fluid collection in scrotum : Hydrocele
8. Most common type of liposarcoma to affect children : Myxoid liposarcoma
9. Most common abdominal emergency of early childhood : Intussusception.
10. Most common acetabular fracture : Posterior acetabulum.
11. Most common affected bowel segment in TB : Ileocecal area.
12. Most common affected joint in gout : First MTP.
13. Most common AIDS-related neoplasm : Kaposi Sarcoma
14. Most common allergic aspergillosis syndrome : Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis.
15. Most common anatomic variant of pancreas : Pancreas divisum
16. Most common anomalous course of RCA : Interarterial
17. Most common appearance of Legionella at the peak of the disease : Bilateral airspace consolidation.
18. Most common assoc. w/ Fx of great toe distal phalanx with physeal involvement :Osteomyelitis.
19. Most common associated anomaly with coarctation : Bicuspid valve.
20. Most common association of PAPVR : Sinus venosus type ASD.
21. Most common association with small left colon syndrome : Maternal DM
22. Most common bacterial cause of mesenteric adenitis : Yersinia enterocolitica.
23. Most common benign cardiac rhythm abnormality : PAC
24. Most common benign cartilage-containing tumor : Osteochondroma
25. Most common benign growth of the skeleton : Osteochondroma
26. Most common benign hepatic lesion : Hemangioma
27. Most common benign hepatic tumor during fist 6 mo. of life : Infantile Hemangioendothelioma
28. Most common benign intraconal tumor of the orbit in adults : Cavernous hemangiomas.
29. Most common benign masses caused by asbestos exposure : Atelectatic Asbestos Pseudotumor
30. Most common benign mesenchymal tumor of kidney : AML
31. Most common benign mucosal tumor of the esophagus : Papilloma
32. Most common benign nasopharyngeal tumor : Juvenile angiofibroma.
33. Most common benign orbital tumor in childhood : Dermoid Cyst of Orbit
34. Most common benign ovarian neoplasm in young and middle-aged women (<45 years) :Mature teratoma
35. Most common benign radiation-induced tumor of the musculoskeletal system : Osteochondroma
36. Most common benign rib lesion in an adult : Fibrous dysplasia.
37. Most common benign soft-tissue tumor of the foot : Plantar fibromatosis
38. Most common benign soft-tissue tumor of vascular origin : Hemangioma
39. Most common benign solid tumor in women of childbearing age : Fibroadenoma
40. Most common benign testicular mass : Simple cyst
41. Most common benign tumor of spleen : Hemangioma
42. Most common benign tumor of the larynx : Squamous papilloma
43. Most common benign tumor of the lung : Hamartoma
44. Most common benign tumor of the small bowel : GIST
45. Most common benign vascular gastric tumor : Glomus tumor of stomach.
46. Most common bilateral testicular tumor : Lymphoma
47. Most common biliary complication s/p lap. cholecystectomy : Bile duct leak from cystic duct stump.
48. Most common biliary complication s/p liver transplantation : Obstruction/stenosis at anastomosis.
49. Most common bladder neoplasm in children younger than 10 years : Rhabdomyosarcoma
50. Most common bone to develop an osteochondroma : Femur (tibia second most common)
51. Most common brain anomaly on prenatal sonograms : Isolated Mild Ventriculomegaly
52. Most common breast tumor under age 25 years : Fibroadenoma
53. Most common cardiac manifestation of Systemic Lupus Erythematous : Pericarditis
54. Most common cardiac tumor in children : Rhabdomyoma.
55. Most common cardiac valvular tumor : Papillary fibroelastoma
56. Most common carpal dislocation : Transscaphoid perilunate dislocation.
57. Most common causative organism of acute pyogenic meningitis in adults : Strep. pneumoniae
58. Most common causative organism of neonatal pyogenic meningitis : E. coli
59. Most common cause for failure of dialysis graft : Fibrointimal hyperplasia : venous outflow stenosis.
60. Most common cause for late failure in lung transplant patient : Bronchiolitis obliterans
61. Most common cause for pulmonary edema : Left-sided heart disease
62. Most common cause non iatrogenic cause of small bowel obstruction : Hernia
63. Most common cause of a large choroid plexus cyst : Trisomy 18.
64. Most common cause of a large pleural fluid collection in the newborn period : Chylothorax
65. Most common cause of acute renal failure in children requiring dialysis : HUS
66. Most common cause of acute testicular pain in postpubertal male : Acute epididymitis
67. Most common cause of acute testicular pain in prepubertal male : Torsion
68. Most common cause of AIDS cholangiopathy : Cryptosporidium
69. Most common cause of an echogenic renal mass in a 3-month-old : Mesoblastic nephroma.
70. Most common cause of an intraorbital mass lesion in adult : Pseudotumor of Orbit
71. Most common cause of AS in Western world : Degenerative disease
72. Most common cause of bilateral breast edema : CHF.
73. Most common cause of bilateral echogenic renal cortex : Chronic glomerulonephritis.
74. Most common cause of biliary obstruction : Choledocholithiasis
75. Most common cause of bleeding between menstrual cycles : Endometrial hyperplasia.
76. Most common cause of bronchopneumonia : Staphylococcal
77. Most common cause of cancer deaths in males and females : Bronchogenic Carcinoma
78. Most common cause of cause of infectious esophagitis : Candida Esophagitis
79. Most common cause of cavitary (necrotic) pneumonia in a child : Strep pneum.
80. Most common cause of Charcot joints : Diabetes mellitus
81. Most common cause of CHF in a child : ALCAPA / aberrant left coronary artery
82. Most common cause of CHF in a neonate : Hypoplastic Left Heart.
83. Most common cause of chronic hydronephrosis in renal transplant : UV anastomosis stricture.
84. Most common cause of colonic obstruction in adults : Malignancy
85. Most common cause of colonic obstruction in the infant : Meconium plug syndrome in CF patients
86. Most common cause of colovesical fistula : Diverticulitis
87. Most common cause of congenital CNS infection : CMV.
88. Most common cause of congenital duodenal obstruction : Duodenal atresia.
89. Most common cause of congenital sensorineural hearing loss : Giant vestibular aqueduct syndrome
90. Most common cause of cord ischemia : Thromboembolic disease
91. Most common cause of coronary artery aneurysm in USA : Atherosclerosis
92. Most common cause of coronary artery aneurysm Worldwide : Kawasaki
93. Most common cause of cyanosis in a child : Tetralogy of Fallot
94. Most common cause of cyanosis n newborn Transposition of great vessels
95. Most common cause of death in a severe pelvic fracture : Hemorrhage.
96. Most common cause of death in Ataxia –Telangiectasia : Respiratory failure.
97. Most common cause of death in Jeune syndrome : Respiratory failure
98. Most common cause of drop mets : Medulloblastoma
99. Most common cause of dwarfism : Achondroplasia
100. Most common cause of echogenic renal pyramids in children : Furosemide
101. Most common cause of ejaculatory duct obstruction : Mullerian duct cyst ?
102. Most common cause of endometriosis in girls <16 years of age : Obstructive müllerian duct anomalies
103. Most common cause of end-stage renal disease : Diabetic Nephropathy
104. Most common cause of epididymitis in males aged 15 to 35 years : Sexually transmitted diseases
105. Most common cause of esophageal rupture : Iatrogenic
106. Most common cause of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency in patients <30 years of age : CF
107. Most common cause of facial hemipalsy : Bell palsy
108. Most common cause of false-positive V/Q scan for acute PE : Previous pulmonary embolism
109. Most common cause of fungal infection in AIDS patients : Cryptococcosis
110. Most common cause of gastrocolic fistula : Gastric ulcer.
111. Most common cause of heart failure in patients with COPD : Atherosclerotic heart disease
112. Most common cause of hemifacial spasticity is vertebrobasilar dolichoectasia.
113. Most common cause of hepatic calcifications : Infection
114. Most common cause of hydronephrosis in the newborn male : Ureteropelvic junction
115. Most common cause of hyperreflexive bladder : Spinal cord trauma
116. Most common cause of increased nuchal thickness : Downs syndrome
117. Most common cause of interstitial and airspace edema : CHF
118. Most common cause of intradiaphragmatic cyst :Extralobar sequestration
119. Most common cause of intraventricular hemorrhage :Disruption of the subependymal veins
120. Most common cause of intussusception in children >6 years : Lymphoma
121. Most common cause of large spherical pancreatic calcifications in children : Hereditary pancreatitis
122. Most common cause of left atrial dilatation : Mitral regurgitation.
123. Most common cause of leukokoria : Retinoblastoma.
124. Most common cause of liver metastasis : Colon.
125. Most common cause of lower extremity venous valve dysfunction : DVT.
126. Most common cause of lower GI bleeding : Diverticulosis.
127. Most common cause of malignancy of men in the world -- Bronchogenic Carcinoma
128. Most common cause of maternal peripartum death : Amniotic fluid embolism
129. Most common cause of membranous croup : Staph. Aureus.
130. Most common cause of microcolon: Meconium ileus.
131. Most common cause of mortality in ulcerative colitis : Toxic megacolon.
132. Most common cause of necrolytic migrating erythema : Glucagonoma
133. Most common cause of neonatal nasal obstruction : Choanal atresia.
134. Most common cause of Neonatal Pneumonia : Group B streptococcus.
135. Most common cause of neonatal respiratory distress in full term/postmature infants – Meconium aspiration
136. Most common cause of nephrocalcinosis in adults : Primary hyperparathyroidism
137. Most common cause of non-immune hydrops in USA : Cardiac anomaly
138. Most common cause of optic nerve enlargement : Optic nerve glioma
139. Most common cause of orbital calcifications : Retinoblastoma
140. Most common cause of orbital infection : Paranasal sinusitis
141. Most common cause of osteoblastic bone metastases in an adult female : Breast cancer
142. Most common cause of osteoblastic bone metastases in an adult male : Prostate cancer
143. Most common cause of osteolytic bone metastases in a child : Neuroblastoma
144. Most common cause of osteolytic bone metastases in an adult female : Breast cancer
145. Most common cause of osteolytic bone metastases in an adult male : Lung cancer
146. Most common cause of Osteomyelitis of spine : Penetrating direct trauma
147. Most common cause of pancreatic lipomatosis in children : CF
148. Most common cause of pleural eosinophilia : Air in the pleural space
149. Most common cause of pneumoperitoneum : Ruptured duodenal ulcer.
150. Most common cause of postpartum fever : Endometritis.
151. Most common cause of pseudomyxoma peritonei : Appendiceal mucinous adenocarcinoma
152. Most common cause of pseudoureterocele : Bladder tumor
153. Most common cause of pulmonary hypoplasia : Diaphragmatic hernia
154. Most common cause of pulmonary tumor embolus : Gastric carcinoma
155. Most common cause of recurrent hip disloc. s/p hip arthroplasty : Acetabular component malposition
156. Most common cause of reflux in child w/ non-duplicated collecting system: Short intramural ureter.
157. Most common cause of renal vein thrombosis in adults : Nephrotic syndrome
158. Most common cause of restrictive cardiomyopathy : Amyloid
159. Most common cause of round pneumonia in children : Streptococcus.
160. Most common cause of round pneumonia in children : Streptococcus
161. Most common cause of small bowel obstruction : Adhesions
162. Most common cause of squamous cell ca. in the renal pelvis : Chronic Infected stag horn calculus
163. Most common cause of stridor in neonate and young infant : Laryngomalacia
164. Most common cause of sudden cardiac death among young people Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM)
165. Most common cause of SVC syndrome : Bronchogenic carcinoma
166. Most common cause of testicular swelling : Hydrocele
167. Most common cause of the pulmonary-renal syndrome : Microscopic polyangitis.
168. Most common cause of the stripe sign on V/Q scan : COPD
169. Most common cause of thoracic outlet syndrome : Scalene anticus.
170. Most common cause of toxic mega colon : Pseudomembranous colitis.
171. Most common cause of tree in bud appearance on CT : Bronchiolitis
172. Most common cause of tricuspid stenosis : Rheumatic heart disease
173. Most common cause of unilateral diaphragmatic paralysis : Malignant invasion
174. Most common cause of unilateral nonperfused lung on V/Q scan : Bronchogenic carcinoma
175. Most common cause of unilateral pulmonary edema : Prolonged unilateral dependent positioning
176. Most common cause of urinary obstruction in boys : posterior urethral valves
177. Most common cause of valvular heart disease in the United States : Degenerative
178. Most common cause of vascular ring : Double arch.
179. Most common cause of vertebra plana in children : EG
180. Most common cause requiring bronchial artery embolization : CF
181. Most common cause worldwide for cholangiocarcinoma : Clonorchis sinensis infestation
182. Most common cerebellar neoplasm in children : Medulloblastoma
183. Most common cerebral mass lesion in AIDS : Toxoplasmosis
184. Most common chest radiograph finding seen in pts with an acute PE : Atelectasis
185. Most common chest x-ray abnormality in the ICU : Atelectasis
186. Most common child abuse facture : Diaphyseal fracture,
187. Most common collagen disorder for a pleural effusion : SLE
188. Most common colonic polyp : Hyperplastic polyp
189. Most common colonic site for lymphoma : Cecum
190. Most common complication of ERCP : Pancreatitis
191. Most common complication of popliteal artery aneurysm : Distal ischemia (thrombosis/embolism)
192. Most common complication with IVC filters : DVT.
193. Most common component of mixed germ cell tumors : Embryonal Cell Carcinoma
194. Most common congenital abnormality of GI tract : Meckel’s diverticulum
195. Most common congenital anomaly of CNS in live births : Myelomeningocele
196. Most common congenital defect of CNS : Anencephaly.
197. Most common congenital head and neck cyst in a child : Thornwaldt cyst
198. Most common congenital heart disease : Bicuspid aortic valve.
199. Most common congenital intracranial tumor : Epidermoid or inclusion cyst
200. Most common congenital lesion of bile ducts : Choledochal Cyst
201. Most common congenital skeletal dysplasia : Achondroplasia.
202. Most common congenital solid tumor in the newborn : Sacrococcygeal Teratoma (1:40K live births)
203. Most common cranial nerve affected by a pituitary macroadenoma : CN VI.
204. Most common cranial nerve to be affected with schwannoma : VIII
205. Most common craniofacial malformation : Facial Clefting
206. Most common crystalline arthropathy : CPPD
207. Most common CT finding in bowel ischemia : Bowel wall thickening.
208. Most common cyanotic congenital heart malformation beyond neonatal period : TOF
209. Most common cyst of the jaw : Radicular cyst = Periapical cyst
210. Most common cystic lesion of prostate : Cystic degeneration of BPH
211. Most common cystic tumor of pancreas : Mucinous cystic neoplasm
212. Most common diffuse breast disorder : Fibrocystic disease of breast.
213. Most common diffuse gray matter degenerative disease : Alzheimer’s
214. Most common dislocated auditory ossicle longitudinal temporal bone fracture : Incus
215. Most common dislocation in adult : Glenohumeral.
216. Most common dislocation in child : Elbow.
217. Most common epididymal neoplasm : Adenomatoid tumor
218. Most common estrogenic ovarian tumor : Granulosa Cell Tumor
219. Most common etiology for chronic temporal lobe epilepsy : Ganglioglioma
220. Most common etiology for multiple small gastric polyps : Hyperplastic polyps.
221. Most common etiology for osteomyelitis : Staphylococcus aureus.
222. Most common etiology of bilaterally enlarged, hyperechoic kidneys in newborn infant : ARPKD.
223. Most common etiology of mesenteric adenitis : Viral
224. Most common etiology of pneumomediastinum : Alveolar rupture.
225. Most common etiology of rickets : Vitamin D deficiency.
226. Most common extra-adrenal site of pheochromocytoma : Organ of Zuckerkandl.
227. Most common extraaxial neoplasm of CNS : Meningioma
228. Most common extragonadal site of primary germ cell tumors : Anterior mediastinum.
229. Most common extrapulmonary site of tuberculosis : Urinary tract
230. Most common fetal cardiac anomaly seen on 4 chamber view US : AV canal defect (aka ECD)
231. Most common fibromatosis in childhood : Infantile Myofibromatosis
232. Most common finding of a tubal pregnancy seen on US images Adnexal mass separate from ovary
233. Most common finding of contralateral kidney in MCKD : Reflux
234. Most common fluid collection seen in transplant patients : Lymphoceles.
235. Most common form of aortic stenosis : Valvular
236. Most common form of carpal instability : DISI
237. Most common form of emphysema in alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency : Panlobular emphysema
238. Most common form of emphysema in nonsmokers : Panlobular emphysema
239. Most common form of emphysema in smokers : Centrilobular emphysema
240. Most common form of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy : Asymmetric involvement of the interventricular septum
241. Most common form of skeletal dysplasia : Acquired skeletal dysplasia.
242. Most common form of systemic vasculitis in adults : Giant cell (temporal) arteritis
243. Most common fracture of forearm : Colles
244. Most common functional tumors of the ovary : Sex cord–stromal tumors
245. Most common fungal infection in AIDS : Cryptococcus.
246. Most common genitourinary organ affected by neurofibromas : Urinary bladder
247. Most common germ cell tumor associated with excessive hCG production :Choriocarcinoma.
248. Most common germ cell tumor associated with excessive hCG production after choriocarcinoma : Dysgerminoma.
249. Most common GI neoplasm : Adenoma
250. Most common GI tract location for primary extranodal lymphoma : Stomach, usually NHL type.
251. Most common glial tumor in adults : Ependymoma
252. Most common glial tumor in NF 1 : JPA.
253. Most common glial tumor with microcalcifications : Oligodendroglioma
254. Most common gynecologic neoplasm : Uterine Leiomyoma
255. Most common hereditary hypercoagulable condition : Factor V Leiden
256. Most common hereditary leukodystrophy : Metachromatic leukodystrophy
257. Most common histologic type of bronchogenic carcinoma associated with cavitation : Squamous
258. Most common histologic type of bronchogenic carcinoma associated with pancoast tumor : Squamous
259. Most common histologic type of bronchogenic carcinoma associated with pleural effusion : Adenocarcinoma
260. Most common histologic type of lung cancer associated with asbestosis exposure : BAC
261. Most common histologic type of primary cutaneous lymphoma :T-cell lymphoma
262. Most common ILD to be found in association with collagen vascular disease : NSIP
263. Most common indication for percutaneous vertebroplasty : Osteoporosis.
264. Most common infection to cause cerebellar hypoplasia & migration anomalies : CMV
265. Most common infratentorial neoplasm in an adult : Metastases
266. Most common inherited disease among Caucasian Americans : CF
267. Most common internal enhancement pattern in DCIS with non mass like enhancement : Clumped enhancement
268. Most common intracranial for site of teratomas : Pineal region.
269. Most common intracranial presentation of TB : Tuberculous meningitis.
270. Most common intramedullary spinal neoplasm in adults : Ependymoma of Spinal Cord
271. Most common intramedullary tumor in children : Astrocytoma
272. Most common intramedullary tumor of adults : Ependymoma.
273. Most common intraocular neoplasm in childhood : Retinoblastoma
274. Most common intraorbital tumors found in adults : Cavernous hemangiomas.
275. Most common intrathoracic fetal anomaly : Congenital diaphragmatic Hernia
276. Most common intrathoracic foregut cyst : Bronchogenic Cyst
277. Most common intrauterine CNS infection : CMV
278. Most common intravascular venous tumor : Leiomyosarcoma of IVC
279. Most common in-utero renal tumor : Mesoblastic nephroma.
280. Most common invasive gynecologic malignancy : Endometrial malignancy
281. Most common islet cell tumor in MEN 1 : Gastrinoma
282. Most common islet cell tumor of the pancreas : Insulinoma.
283. Most common joint involved in synovial osteochondromatosis : Knee
284. Most common lesion to cause expansion of paranasal sinus : Mucocele
285. Most common lethal bone dysplasia : Osteogenesis imperfecta type II ?
286. Most common liver tumor after metastases : Hemangioma
287. Most common lobe affected in bronchial atresia : Left upper lobe.
288. Most common location for a cephalhematoma : Parietal
289. Most common location for a gastric diverticulum : Posterior wall of the gastric fundus.
290. Most common location for a pilocytic astrocytoma : Cerebellum
291. Most common location for a solitary myeloma of the bone : Thoracolumbar spine
292. Most common location for a synovial sarcoma : Knee
293. Most common location for a Tarlov cyst : Posterior rootlets of S2 + S3
294. Most common location for abdominal sarcoid involvement : Stomach
295. Most common location for atelectatic asbestos pseudotumor : Posteromedial & -lateral basal region of lower lobes
296. Most common location for chordomas : Sacral spine.
297. Most common location for gallbladder perforation : Fundus
298. Most common location for Sclerosing Osteomyelitis of Garré (sterile Osteomyelitis) : Mandible
299. Most common location for typhlitis : Cecum.
300. Most common location for well-differentiated liposarcoma : Thigh
301. Most common location in biliary tree for cholangiocarcinoma : Upper third/perihilar region.
302. Most common location in the spine for an osteochondroma : Cervical (C2) followed by thoracic T8
303. Most common location of a meningioma in the spine : Thoracic spinal cord
304. Most common location of a periurethral diverticulum in a female : Posterolateral.
305. Most common location of an ectopic pregnancy : Ampullary region of the fallopian tube.
306. Most common location of benign and malignant masses in breast : Upper outer quadrant
307. Most common location of bronchogenic carcinoma : Right upper lobe
308. Most common location of coarctation : Postductal beyond the origin of the left subclavian artery.
309. Most common location of coronary calcifications : LAD.
310. Most common location of DAI : Frontotemporal gray–white matter junction.
311. Most common location of GIST : Stomach.
312. Most common location of GU obstruction in a neonatal male : Ureteropelvic junction.
313. Most common location of intracranial dissection : Vertebral arteries.
314. Most common location of intraorbital abscess : Subperiosteal space on medial wall.
315. Most common location of intraventricular meningioma : Atrium of the lateral ventricle.
316. Most common location of oligodendroglioma : Frontal lobe.
317. Most common location of pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma : Temporal lobes.
318. Most common location of pulmonary sequestration : Posterior medial lower.
319. Most common location of PVNS : Knee.
320. Most common location of sarcoidosis in spinal cord : Cervical.
321. Most common location of the biliary embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma : CBD
322. Most common location of triquetral fracture is dorsal avulsion
323. Most common location to find a lithopedion : Adnexae
324. Most common location to see intravertebral vacuum phenomenon (Kümmell Disease) : Thoracolumbar junction
325. Most common lung infection in HIV: Bacterial pneumonia
326. Most common lung mass : Granuloma
327. Most common lysosomal storage disorder : Gaucher’s disease
328. Most common malformation associated with callosal agenesis : Dandy-Walker malformation.
329. Most common malignancy of childhood : Leukemia.
330. Most common malignancy of parotid gland in adult : Mucoepidermoid carcinoma.
331. Most common malignant abdominal neoplasm in children 1–8 years old : Wilms Tumor.
332. Most common malignant bone tumor in children : Ewings
333. Most common malignant cause of bilateral global renal enlargement : Lymphoma.
334. Most common malignant neoplasm of diaphragm : Fibrosarcoma.
335. Most common malignant neoplasm of the spleen : Lymphoma.
336. Most common malignant ovarian neoplasm : Serous adenocarcinoma.
337. Most common malignant ovarian neoplasm : Serous cystadenocarcinoma.
338. Most common malignant primary bone tumor in young adults + children : Osteosarcoma
339. Most common malignant radiation-induced tumor of the musculoskeletal system : MFH
340. Most common malignant sex cord–stromal tumor : Granulosa cell tumor
341. Most common malignant testicular neoplasm : Nonseminomatous germ cell tumors
342. Most common malignant tumor affecting ribs of children + adolescents : Ewings Sarcoma
343. Most common malignant tumor of the abdomen in patients with NF1 Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor
344. Most common malignant tumor of the duodenum : Adenocarcinoma.
345. Most common malignant tumor of the heart : Angiosarcoma
346. Most common malignant tumor of the small bowel : Carcinoid
347. Most common mammographic finding in DCIS : Microcalcifications
348. Most common mammographic finding in Infiltrating/Invasive Lobular Carcinoma : Architectural distortion.
349. Most common manifestation of asbestosis exposure : Pleural plaques
350. Most common manifestation of asbestos-related pleural disease : Pleural effusion
351. Most common manifestation of blunt chest trauma : Pulmonary contusion
352. Most common mass lesion of the cerebellopontine angle after acoustic schwannoma : Meningioma
353. Most common mediastinal germ cell tumor : Seminoma.
354. Most common mediastinal mass in a child between the ages of 6 & 12 years old : Lymphoma
355. Most common mediastinal neurogenic tumor : Schwannoma
356. Most common mesenchymal origin neoplasm of GI tract : GIST
357. Most common metabolic liver disease in children : Hepatic cirrhosis in homozygous alpha-1 Antitrypsin
358. Most common metastases to the spleen : Breast carcinoma
359. Most common metastasis to the heart : Melanoma
360. Most common metastatic cause of linitis plastica : Breast carcinoma
361. Most common metatarsal to have a stress fracture : Second metatarsal.
362. Most common missed type of breast cancer on mammography : Infiltrating/Invasive Lobular Carcinoma.
363. Most common mitral valve abnormality in the Western world : Non-rheumatic mitral valve disease.
364. Most common monodermal teratoma : Struma ovarii.
365. Most common motor neuron disease : ALS.
366. Most common MR imaging finding in DCIS : Non-masslike enhancement.
367. Most common mycotic pneumonia in an AIDS patient : Cryptococcus.
368. Most common natural outcome of the VSD : Spontaneous complete closure.
369. Most common neonatal cyanotic congenital heart malformation : TGV
370. Most common neonatal lesion of adrenal gland : Nontraumatic Adrenal Hemorrhage.
371. Most common neoplasm of conus medullaris : Myxopapillary Ependymoma of Spinal Cord.
372. Most common neoplasm of internal auditory canal / cerebellopontine angle : Vestibular Schwannoma.
373. Most common neoplasm of the gastrointestinal tract in patients with NF1: Neurofibromas.
374. Most common nerve to be involved in tarsal tunnel syndrome : Posterior tibial nerve.
375. Most common nonepidemic meningoencephalitis in immunocompetent individuals in US : Herpes Encephalitis.
376. Most common nonepithelial malignant bladder tumor : Leiomyosarcoma.
377. Most common nonepithelial tumor in the colon : Lipoma.
378. Most common nonepithelial tumor of the bladder : Leiomyoma.
379. Most common nonglial primary tumors of the central nervous system : Meningiomas.
380. Most common nonlymphoproliferative primary malignant tumor of the spine in adults : Chordoma.
381. Most common nonlymphoproliferative primary malignant tumor of the spine in children : PNET.
382. Most common nontraumatic cause of acute limp in a child : Toxic synovitis.
383. Most common non-traumatic cause of facial nerve paralysis & hearing loss : CPA tumor.
384. Most common odontogenic mass : Odontoma= odontogenic hamartomatous malformation.
385. Most common of all alimentary tract duplications : Small Bowel Duplication Cyst.
386. Most common of cerebral vascular malformation : DVA.
387. Most common opportunistic infection in AIDS : Toxoplasmosis.
388. Most common organism involved in pancreatic abscess : E. Coli.
389. Most common organism of acute pyogenic meningitis in infants & children : N. meningitides.
390. Most common origin of cystic artery : Right hepatic artery.
391. Most common osteochondrodysplasia : Hereditary Multiple Exostoses
392. Most common ovarian neoplasm : Dermoid aka dermoid cyst = Mature cystic teratoma
393. Most common ovarian tumor-related morbidity : Bowel obstruction
394. Most common pancreatic abnormality in adult pt's with CF : Complete fatty replacement
395. Most common paraneoplastic disease associated with thymoma : Myasthenia gravis
396. Most common parasitic infection involving CNS in developing countries : Cysticercosis
397. Most common parotid disease in children : Mumps parotitis.
398. Most common pattern of bronchial arteries : Two left & one right bronchial artery
399. Most common pattern of enhancement at DE MR cardiac imaging : Patchy midwall enhancement with multiple
400. Most common pattern of hepatic involvement of secondary lymphoma : Diffuse infiltrative
401. Most common pattern of spread in Gallbladder Carcinoma : Direct spread.
402. Most common pediatric glioma : JPA
403. Most common pediatric tumor causing isosexual precocious puberty in a girl : Granulosa cell tumor
404. Most common phakomatoses : NF1
405. Most common pineal tumor : Pineal Germinoma
406. Most common predisposing cause to develop pneumothorax during percutaneous lung biopsy : COPD
407. Most common predisposing disorder of secondary spontaneous pneumothorax : COPD
408. Most common pregnancy-related mortality in the first trimester Ectopic pregnancy
409. Most common presentation for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis : Dyspnea
410. Most common presentation in stuck twin syndrome : Monochorionic diamniotic
411. Most common presentation of bronchoalveolar cell carcinoma (BAC) : Solitary pulmonary nodule.
412. Most common presentation of GIST on cross sectional imaging : Cystic areas of necrosis.
413. Most common presentation of mesoblastic nephroma : Palpable mass at birth.
414. Most common presentation of neurocysticercosis : Seizures.
415. Most common presenting symptom of Osler Weber Rendu : Hemoptysis.
416. Most common primary benign mesenteric tumor : Desmoid.
417. Most common primary brain tumor : GBM.
418. Most common primary cardiac tumors in adults : Myxomas.
419. Most common primary cerebellar mass in an adult : Hemangioblastoma
420. Most common primary demyelinating disease : MS
421. Most common primary female urethral malignancy : Squamous cell carcinoma
422. Most common primary hepatic neoplasm in infants & children <5 years old : Hepatoblastoma
423. Most common primary intraocular neoplasm in adult Caucasian : Uveal Melanoma
424. Most common primary lung tumor under age 16 : Bronchial Adenoma
425. Most common primary malignant rib tumor : Chondrosarcoma
426. Most common primary malignant sacral tumor : Sacrococcygeal Chordoma
427. Most common primary malignant soft-tissue tumor of late adult life : Soft-tissue MFH
428. Most common primary neoplasm of the spleen : Cavernous hemangioma
429. Most common primary neoplasms of the anterior superior mediastinum Thymomas.
430. Most common primary posterior mediastinal neoplasms :Neurogenic tumors
431. Most common primary tumor of the diaphragm : Lipoma
432. Most common radiation-induced CNS tumor : Meningioma
433. Most common reason for cardiac transplantation : Dilated cardiomyopathy
434. Most common recognized CNS manifestation of VHL disease : Hemangioblastoma of CNS
435. Most common relevant finding on cavogram for IVC filter placement : Circumaortic left renal vein.
436. Most common renal fusion anomaly : Horseshoe kidney
437. Most common renal mass in a 3 months old infant : Mesoblastic nephroma
438. Most common respiratory cause of cold agglutinin production : Mycoplasma pneumonia
439. Most common retinal infection in AIDS : Toxoplasmosis
440. Most common right cardiophrenic angle mass : Epicardial fat-pad/lipoma
441. Most common segment involved in tracheobronchial injury : Right lower lobe bronchus.
442. Most common sex cord-stromal cell tumor : Ovarian Fibroma
443. Most common sign of failing dialysis graft : Increased venous pressures
444. Most common sign of tuberous sclerosis : Myoclonic seizures
445. Most common single cause of breast lumps in females between 35 to 55 years of age : Breast cyst
446. Most common site for an intracardiac papillary fibroelastoma : Aortic valve.
447. Most common site for aneurysm in the chest : Descending thoracic aorta.
448. Most common site for cardiac myxoma : Left atrium
449. Most common site for intra cardiac thrombus formation : Atrial appendage.
450. Most common site for optic melanoma metastases : Liver.
451. Most common site for penetrating aortic ulcers : Descending thoracic aorta
452. Most common site of abdominal involvement in Hodgkins disease : Spleen
453. Most common site of aortic dissection : Prox. Desc. Thoracic aorta near ductus lig. attachment
454. Most common site of biliary tract injury caused by blunt abdominal trauma : Gallbladder
455. Most common site of monostotic fibrous dysplasia : Ribs
456. Most common site of rupture of sinus of Valsalva aneurysm : RV followed by RA.
457. Most common solid extracranial tumor of childhood : Neuroblastoma
458. Most common spermatic cord tumor : Lipoma
459. Most common spinal cord segment of lymphoma of spinal cord : Cervical
460. Most common spinal cord tumor : Ependymoma
461. Most common spinal location for cord astrocytoma : Thoracic
462. Most common spinal location for cord ependymoma : Cervical
463. Most common subcortical degenerative disease : Parkinson’s
464. Most common subglottic soft-tissue upper resp. tract obstructing mass in neonates : Subglottic Hemangioma
465. Most common submucosal tumor in colon : Lipoma
466. Most common subtype of NHL involving the esophagus : Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
467. Most common subtype of renal cell carcinoma : Clear cell adenocarcinomas
468. Most common suprasellar mass : Craniopharyngioma
469. Most common syndromic islet cell tumor : Insulinoma
470. Most common systemic allergic hypersensitivity-related acute small-vessel vasculitis in children : HSP
471. Most common systemic fungal infection in immunocompromised patients : Candidiasis Of Liver
472. Most common tarsal bone to get fractured : Calcaneus
473. Most common tarsal coalition : Talocalcaneal
474. Most common testicular tumor in a young boy : Yolk sac tumor
475. Most common tibial plateau fractures : Lateral tibial plateau (Schatzker classification type I–III)
476. Most common trigonal intraventricular mass in adulthood : Meningioma
477. Most common tumor of adenohypophysis : Pituitary Adenoma
478. Most common tumor of genitourinary tract : Metachronous TCC
479. Most common tumor of the appendix : Carcinoid
480. Most common tumor of the esophagus : Leiomyomas
481. Most common tumor of the minor salivary glands : Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma
482. Most common type of abdominal wall hernia : Inguinal hernia
483. Most common type of ASD : Ostium secundum
484. Most common type of brain hernaition : anterior / uncal transtentorial
485. Most common type of brain herniation : Subfalcine herniation
486. Most common type of C2 fractures : Type 2
487. Most common type of cancer to arise from a thyroglossal duct cyst : Papillary carcinoma
488. Most common type of cardiomyopathy : Dilated cardiomyopathy
489. Most common type of choledochal cyst : fusiform dilatation of the extrahepatic duct Type 1c
490. Most common type of congenital internal hernia : Left paraduodenal hernia
491. Most common type of encephalocele in SE Asia: Sincipital Encephalocele
492. Most common type of encephalocele in US : Occipital Encephalocele
493. Most common type of endoleak in the abdominal aorta : Type II endoleak
494. Most common type of endoleak in the thoracic aorta : Type I endoleak
495. Most common type of fracture of the proximal 5th metatarsal bone : Peroneus brevis avulsion fracture.
496. Most common type of gallbladder inflammation : Chronic cholecystitis
497. Most common type of internal hernia : Postoperative, transmesenteric hernias.
498. Most common type of intrapulmonary involvement of Hodgkins disease : Bronchovascular form.
499. Most common type of liver abscess : Pyogenic Liver Abscess
500. Most common type of lymphoma involving the head and neck region : Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
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soongtypehuman · 5 months
Boo-hoo update
I’m sorry to say I have an update I was hoping to not ever have to make. Some of you already know that I have some serious health issues, but I've been pretty quiet about the extent of what I'm dealing with.
The gist of it is that I have a rare bone disease called fibrous dysplasia that turned certain bones in my skull into tumors and then those tumors grew inward and started crushing my brain, so I had a craniotomy last year to remove as much as was safe and got a cool new titanium implant in my head to replace the removed bone/tumor. The unfortunate result was encephalomalacia, which is the end stage of liquifying necrosis, and now part of my brain is liquid instead of solid (it’s dead, in a nutshell). Most people don’t survive encephalomalacia, much less remain able to function, and most who survive the initial stage don’t survive the three year mark. Even when you do survive it, it often continues spreading. The last MRI showed it had already taken over about 1/3 of my brain. But I’m a stubborn asshole and am still hanging on.
Unfortunately, things aren’t getting better.
I have to have constant MRIs, EEGs, physical and cognitive therapies, and have been on more meds than I’d like to be in order to control seizures and various cognitive issues. I didn’t mention this before, but I had to go through a series of speech therapies just to learn to talk properly again. And the most unfortunate part of this is that my ability to write has been affected. Since the surgery over a year ago, I’ve only made 10 new posts in the Positronic Rivalry series, totaling around 87k words. For reference, I posted over 200k words in 2022. I’ve posted even less this year, and it’s not improving.
With that said, I have to take a step back. I’m not quitting and I’m not walking away from the fandom. I’d like to think I’ll still be able to post here and there. I just don’t know when and under what circumstances that will happen. I most certainly can’t handle the longer multi-chapter fics I once could. Maybe one day, but not this day. Since I started posting on AO3 back at the end of 2021, I’ve posted every Sunday more often than not. I’m sorry to say I can’t make that happen right now, and can’t say when I’ll post again or what it will be. I won't be able to continue with season 4.
But I’m most definitely not leaving the fandom and the people and the characters I love so much. I’ll still be here interacting and posting when I’m able. This fandom and the people in it are incredible and mean a lot to me. Data and Lore and Star Trek in general are integral to my life and general enjoyment.
But!! I’ve nearly completed compiling seasons 1-3 of Positronic Rivalry as well as 2022/23 Kinktobers into files that will be ready to print in physical book format (completely free, obviously), which I’ll make available for everyone to download in various print sizes, complete with covers, which you can then have printed at various POD sites if you’re so inclined. Digital versions will also be available (you can already download various formats from AO3, but they’re not compiled into seasons, don’t have covers, etc.).
I’m also continuing with the Trek-themed crossword puzzles because those are fun and my therapist thinks making them is good for my cognitive rehab.
This update is a massive bummer for me, but I felt it was better to just admit my limitations instead of constantly trying to convince myself that I could continue the way I had been pre-surgery and beating myself up when I couldn’t.
Lastly, I’ve finally taken the suggestion I’ve gotten repeatedly and set up a KoFi. If you’d like to buy me a coffee or toss a coin to your android porn witcher, you can do so right here and I’d be giggling and kicking my feet in gratitude.
Anyhow, I want to thank all of you for being amazing and coming along on this ride with me for as long as you have, and for as long as it might continue in whatever form it takes.
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farolli · 2 years
Normal hip xray
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On the left the typical radiographic findings of infection with irregular bone destruction and periosteal reaction.By Sara Nikolić and Gregor Prosen Introduction Sometimes revision of a stable THA is needed because more bone loss would make revision surgery impossible. Particle Disease is relentlessly progressive with loosening, fracture and destruction of bone. Large focal defects may be seen while the prosthesis is still stable. These characteristics help to distinguish small particle disease from infection, which often has more aggressive features, although the distinction is not always possible.Īlthough particle disease is a result of polyethylene wear, you will not always see evident findings of polyethyleen wear in the acetabular cup,īut whenever you see an eccentric position of the femoral head within the cup, look for focal lucencies. The key feature is that it produces no secondary bone response. The condition tends to occur between 1 and 5 years after surgery and is associated with smooth endosteal scalloping. Radiographically these aggressive granulomatous lesions present as focal radiolucencies around the prosthesis. Nowadays it is mostly seen in non-cemented hips as a reaction to small polyethylene wear particles. It is a histiocytic response that occurs as a result of macrophage reaction to any of the components, that are shed of the surface of the components of the arthroplasty. Originally this was called cement disease or aggressive granulomatosus. You have to be familiar with the normal and abnormal changes in the types of prostheses, that are used by your orthopaedic surgeons. The figure on the left sums all the findings in some of the non-cemented prostheses, that can be normal. This fibrous tissue presents as a lucent zone at the interface.Īgain it should be stable and well within a range of 1 -2 mm. In stable non-cemented hip arthroplasties lucent zones at the metal-bone interface do occur, as it usually is a combination of bone ingrowth and fibrous tissue ingrowth, that provides the fixation in most cases. The distal part of the femoral prosthesis is not 'loaded', so there will be no distal stress loading. In an effort to avoid these changes, most modern cementless prosthesis only have fixation proximally, so you usually will not find proximal stress shielding. Stress loading distally may result in cortical thickening and bridging sclerosis at the tip of the prosthesis ( called pedestal). Stress shielding proximally may result in proximal osteoporosis and calcar resorption. The implantation of a bone ingrowth prosthesis results in altered stress distribution to the native bone, especially in the older models with non tapered and fully coated femoral stems. Rare complications include bowel fistulas, encasement of neurovascular structures and bladder wall burn. This defect is filled with bone chips, cement or bone transplant.Ĭement extrusion is usually asymptomatic. When the acetabulum is prepared for placement of the cup a perforation may occur. Most intraoperative fractures occur on the femoral side. The incidence of fractures ranges from 0.1 to 1.0 percent for cemented components and 3 to 18 percent for uncemented components. They are also more common in non-cemented femoral stems, as these have to fit exactly and can cause a fracture during insertion. When the anatomy is abnormal as in hip dysplasia. TI-RADS - Thyroid Imaging Reporting and Data Systemĭislocation can occur as a late complication in prostheses that are not well positioned, but it is most common in the immediate postoperative period (incidence 3%).įractures may be seen postoperatively in patients with poor bone stock and long stem revision prostheses or.Esophagus II: Strictures, Acute syndromes, Neoplasms and Vascular impressions.Esophagus I: anatomy, rings, inflammation.Vascular Anomalies of Aorta, Pulmonary and Systemic vessels.Contrast-enhanced MRA of peripheral vessels.Ischemic and non-ischemic cardiomyopathy.Coronary Artery Disease-Reporting and Data System.Bi-RADS for Mammography and Ultrasound 2013.Transvaginal Ultrasound for Non-Gynaecological Conditions.Acute Abdomen in Gynaecology - Ultrasound.Appendicitis - Pitfalls in US and CT diagnosis.
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msshadows97 · 3 years
The amount of time I've thought about chopping off my own arm has the people around me concerned lol. Having a bone disease literally makes me rather have a fake robotic arm over having a faulty fleshing painful arm. I know people with amputated limbs get phantom pain but breaking bone every month is tiring I'm already in pain.
Also have you seen how cool robotic arms are? The amount of jokes I'd make if I had a missing arm. Granted I still make horrible arm jokes because of this disease but I would take off my prostect and just give my hand to someone. Or with I'm meeting someone for the first time I'd go "hi my name is Julia if you get to know me I'll let you see my lasers"
Anyways I cope with my pain and depressing thoughts with bad jokes and cutting off my arm
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orangethisandthat · 4 years
Never in the history of someone telling me to stop overreacting have I stopped overreacting.
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healthpediaindia · 4 years
Fibrous Dysplasia
Fibrous dysplasia happens when abnormal fibrous (scar-like) tissue replaces healthy bone. The fibrous tissue weakens the bone over time, which can lead to fractures (breaks) and misshapen bones. Some people with fibrous dysplasia have no symptoms, or only a few symptoms, usually in one bone (monostotic). Other people may have multiple affected bones (polyostotic) and experience more symptoms.…
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er-cryptid · 4 years
Fibrous Dysplasia Symptoms
Symptoms -- bone pain -- swelling -- bone deformity -- bone fractures -- curvature of leg bones
Commonly Affected Bones -- femur -- tibia -- humerus -- skull -- ribs -- pelvis
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gayerluke · 6 years
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Help Amber Get Treatment for Fibrous Dysplasia!
(I decided to make a new version of this post because the first one was too long and wasn’t getting any notes.)
I’m posting this on behalf of a really sweet school friend of mine who had to drop out of our program this semester due to her girlfriend’s extreme medical issues.
In summary: Amber has fibrous dysplasia, a rare disease that causes painful tumor-like masses and lesions on her bones. She and her girlfriend Marcela have been seeking treatment here in Tucson, but they’ve been subjected to medical neglect and homophobic harassment from the medical care team that is supposed to be “helping” them.
This is what Amber has written on her fundraising page:
Hello and good afternoon, My name is Amber Owens I am currently located in Tucson Arizona to find treatment and care for the disease that I have been diagnosed with. The doctors I have been dealing with unfortunately will not take the time to research and properly help me further. My neurologist has refused to even give me any medications to help with the excruciating pain I have to endure on a daily basis. Time and time again he's asked me how my pain is, but then just tells me that he will do nothing for it until I have a surgery that I myself and a Doctor I have showed my case to definitely agrees against. The last time I saw him he refused to give me anything and insisted I leave with an over the counter topical cream.This neurologist has a neurosurgeon friend that also backs up this surgery and "will snip my nerve with no feeling in face but you'll feel nothing". I fear for my life having this case in the hands of doctors who simply just don't care.I really have nothing else to do and I am starting to give up hope. To finally get some help we've found a few doctors and clinics in Seattle Washington that I need to get to by December. Unfortunately due to the pain and pressure I cannot travel via plane.. which is why I need help from all of you. I have to drive all the way there and right now I don't have the funds to do so. Help me find help. Thank you everyone.
Marcela is herself disabled (she struggles daily with pain and exhaustion due to her fibromyalgia) but her devotion to helping her partner has been selfless. Amber’s tumor is on the back of her head and has greatly affected her vision, and she is unable to do much on her own without Marcela’s help.
Amber and Marcela are trying to raise $2,500 to drive from Tucson to Seattle by December. There are doctors who can help her there, and she cannot fly in her current condition.
Please help my friends Amber and Marcela in finding the right doctors to treat this painful disease.
September 6, 2018 fundraising total: $30/$2,500
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