#fh!Layton au
zillasafe · 1 month
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Layton Fear and Hunger Crossover AU
Because the brain rot is terminal and I can’t stop thinking about it. More info and doodles under the cut!
So why’s the gang in the Dungeons of Fear and Hunger?
Initially, the dungeon was a harmless ruin that was of passing interest to archeologists. However, one Clark Triton realized that some of the architecture in the structure was similar to a previously thought unrelated artifact, the Cube of the Depths. And so Clark got a little team together, sent Layton a letter saying where he was going, and set off on a little expedition to investigate the possible connection. Unfortunately, bringing the Cube within the vicinity of the Dungeon was like throwing a lit match on a powder keg. Time travel shenanigans ensue, plunging the Dungeon, as well as Clark and his team back in time to the 1500s when shit was crazy.
After several days of no contact from Clark, Layton takes Emmy and Luke to investigate.
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By god should Luke not be there. There is so much wild shit in this dungeon and Layton spends a good chunk of time trying to shield Luke from all of it. They do try to get Luke outta there asap, but discover that they’ve already delved too deep. There’s no escaping the way they came. They’re trapped. The adventure soon becomes just as much about finding a way out as it is finding Clark.
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Luckily Luke proves to be quite the asset. His ability to talk to animals comes in handy many times. He’s able to talk down the hounds at the entrance, he can speak with birds and insects to gather information, and he manages to get Moonless to join the crew. (Maybe he can even talk to the Crow Mauler? Who knows…) However, obviously the trip through the dungeon is the hardest on him. They’re here to find his dad, and the further they go, the more hopeless it all seems…
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Eventually they run into Descole. Because of course he’s here too. Fortunately he’s eager to join the team. Not even Descole can handle being in the Dungeon on his own. While he’s certainly helpful, he’s just as enigmatic and morally dubious as ever. How long was he here before Layton and co. showed up? Perhaps the Darkness is getting to him…
Anyways that’s all I’ve got for now! Not sure how much of an overlap there is between Layton and Funger enjoyers, but if you’ve got any ideas or questions, lemme know!
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zillasafe · 1 month
Luke Lunes! That means it’s time for a fh!Luke character sheet!
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Luke unarguably has the worst time in the Dungeon. At first he can pretend that everything’s fine. The hounds at the entrance were just abnormally aggressive; the hulking prison guards were probably just in weird, inappropriate costumes or something… but then they run across the dark priests and their sacrificial circle, and the manebas that seem to speak in your mind, and the human hydra—and it all becomes incomprehensibly real. Layton and Emmy do their best to protect Luke from the worst of it, going so far as to cover his eyes and shield him with their bodies at some points, but they can only do so much. By the time they reach the Blood Pit, they realize that they’re in way over their heads and need to get Luke out of there. Except they can’t escape. The fog outside prevents them from leaving. They can only press forward.
Around the same time they find Descole, the group also discovers a peculiar teddy bear in one of the prison cells. Luke, who hadn’t thought to pack his own (this trip wasn’t meant to take that long), latches onto it immediately. Emmy protests—who knows where that thing has been—but Layton lets him have it. The boy needs all the comfort he can get in this place. However Layton is a tad weirded out by the fact the bear seems to be stitched with human hair. And is that Clark’s hair color? Surely it’s just a coincidence…
Once they enter the Caverns and are attacked by Moonless, Luke is able to communicate with her and win her over to their side. Despite her rather frightening appearance, Moonless is wonderful for Luke’s mood. She is a very good girl after all! Moonless seems to view him as a puppy that needs protecting, and, well, she isn’t exactly wrong. There’s a bit of tension between her and Descole for a bit—she can sense the corruption on him, and wants to keep him away from her new people. But she relents after a while once Descole proves to be helpful, and even bonds with him. They’re both in the same boat, hanging onto themselves in spite of having been touched by the Darkness.
Luke’s ability to speak with animals grants him special favor with the God of the Depths. Eventually Luke discovers that not only can he communicate with creatures, but also bend them to his will with magic. However, he’d much rather just ask for help instead. Such control feels… mean. He only uses this ability as a last resort. As the group draws closer to the Altar of Darkness, Luke can’t help but feel pulled towards the Elder God slumbering there…
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zillasafe · 26 days
Hey Professor, how are you holding up so far?
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zillasafe · 28 days
Hershel Haturday… therefore fh!Hershel character sheet time!
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More info below!
From the start, Hershel is in deep denial about the reality of the Dungeon. There must be some sort of trick, some reasonable explanation for the horrors they’re witnessing. It isn’t until they encounter the Blood Pit, and later Descole, that it starts to set in that something supernatural is happening here. There’s an oppressive fog preventing them from leaving the Dungeon, so they can only go deeper. The notion that they’ve traveled back in time still irks him, however. Time travel has always been a sore spot.
Hershel makes most of the decisions for the party: choosing where to go, determining what fights are worth the trouble, and solving the puzzles that block the way forward. He’s able to extract Blue Sin from the rubble in the Mines without collapsing the cave and getting everyone killed, and is later responsible for figuring out Valteil’s laboratory once they get to the Ancient City.
Despite a harrowing first encounter with Nosramus (Emmy nearly skewered them), Hershel manages to smooth things over with the alchemist, and forms a friendly relationship with him. Nosramus is a font of knowledge, about magic, about the Dungeon, and even about the Ancient City buried beneath. The alchemist takes notice of the growing hungry glint in Hershel’s eye, and gifts him the Soul Anchor. If Hershel is to continue delving deeper, he may need it.
The Darkness’s effect on Hershel is the subtlest at first, but ends up being the most insidious. As they get further along, Hershel starts to grow more and more obsessed with figuring out how the Dungeon works. He wants to know what happened here, and why. He needs to know. He needs to know everything. This increasing obsession drives him to keep going, and by extension dragging the others along with him. Even when they finally find Clark, he decides they can’t leave yet. They’re not done.
Clark has a similar thirst for knowledge, and in spite of the haggard state he’s found in, wants to venture with the group into the Tomb of the Gods instead of escaping. He and Hershel feed off of each other’s fixation on the Dungeon, which drives the both of them further pursue whatever it it they’re looking for. By the time they’ve reached the Ancient City, Hershel is dead set on seeing this through, no matter the cost…
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zillasafe · 29 days
Thank you Fear and Hunger AU for letting me draw Layton going fucking bananas
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zillasafe · 1 month
On this Sycamore Sunday here’s a fh!Descole character ref sheet
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Descole has been in the Dungeon for the longest (maybe even longer than Clark?), and therefore is the most affected by its corruption. He would have long since transformed into one of the Dungeon’s monstrosities, had he not stumbled across the Eastern Sword in the Thicket. While its magic can’t reverse the corruption that’s already occurred, it’s able to keep it from progressing further. Even with the sword’s purifying influence, he’s still teetering on madness by the time Layton and co. find him.
He’s first encountered in one of the prison cells on level 3, having slaughtered a nearby prison guard and barricaded himself inside so he could rest. At first he’s wary, if not outright hostile towards the others. He assumes his mind is playing tricks on him, that Layton’s group are just hallucinations, but is eventually won over. Once he’s settled into the party, he’s quick to flaunt all the knowledge he’s gained of magic and the Dungeon’s inner workings.
For a good while, Descole keeps his body hidden from the group. His time in the Dungeon has made him incredibly paranoid. He fears if the others were to learn of his partial corruption, they’d turn against him. Of course his fears were unfounded—when the group inevitably learns of his condition, they’re only concerned for his wellbeing. Once he’s no longer hiding himself, he uses the sword a lot more in combat, which in turn lessens the detrimental effects of using so much magic.
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zillasafe · 26 days
In an askblogy mood but specifically for the fh!layton crew. So if you send an ask about the au I’ll try to reply with an in-character doodle!
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zillasafe · 17 days
Poor Clark doesn’t have a day so he gets to share with Emmy for now. Anyways here’s a fh!Clark character sheet!
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In a way, the Dungeon had its hooks in Clark long before he even stepped foot within its halls. Something about the Cube of the Depths called to him. Considering the Cube was found in America, no one made the connection that it could have originated from the ancient ruin of a dungeon in England. Not until Clark studied it, anyway. The realization that the Cube was connected to the Dungeon could be considered divine inspiration… And so Clark got a research team together, acquired the Cube, and set out to the Dungeon to see what they could discover. He had no way of knowing what was about to happen. The Dungeon had been combed over by archeologists and deemed perfectly safe. Unfortunately, bringing the Cube of the Depths within the Dungeon’s vicinity would create a time bubble of sorts, plunging the Dungeon and all who drew near back in time to when it was at its most dangerous. Clark and his team were no match for the suddenly hostile environment. The prison guards swiftly dispatched most of the team and imprisoned the rest to keep as playthings.
By the time Layton and co. get to the catacombs, Clark is the sole survivor, and he’s barely clinging onto life. He’s horribly wounded and completely unresponsive. It takes extensive healing magic from Layton (something he just learned) and lots of cuddles from Luke to get Clark to finally come around. He’s incredibly skittish and frequently needs to take breaks to recompose himself. Despite that, he’s quick to jump on Layton’s need to uncover more knowledge and encourages them all to keep going. Layton and Emmy are a bit too lost in the sauce at that point to find that strange, but Descole does. Clark’s child is there with them, shouldn’t he want to get out of this place as soon as possible?
Once the crew gets to the Ancient City and Ma’habre, Clark gains more confidence and fervor. Something is driving him forwards. The New Gods, seem interested in —or maybe intimidated by him. They mention a prophecy that seems to center around Clark, and seem more focused on preventing him than anyone else from progressing. Well, except for Nilvan. Unlike the others, she encourages the group to continue and does not stand in their way. For some reason, she’s vaguely familiar to Clark. He sort of remembers dreaming of her a long time ago…
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Here’s a lil bonus doodle that didn’t make the cut. Like Luke, Clark is very fond of Moonless!
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zillasafe · 26 days
Oh good!! I'm sorry you had to go through a lot, but at least Clark's okay!... is he okay? Any injuries?
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No injuries—not anymore, anyways. He refuses to tell us what they did to him. He says he doesn’t remember any of it, but I sincerely doubt that.
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zillasafe · 1 month
Emmy Wemmysday, you know what that means! It’s time for a fh!Emmy character sheet!
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The Dungeons of Fear and Hunger are an incredibly dangerous place. The group tries to avoid conflict as much as possible, running and hiding when they can, but violence is an inevitability in this place. Emmy takes up the mantle of the party’s protector, her combat training serving her well. At first she mainly focuses on (sometimes literally) disarming opponents so that the group can escape, but after a while she stops caring about keeping enemies alive. Murder is alright so long as it’s in self-defense, right? Layton and Luke are more hesitant to accept that stance, but they’re not exactly in a position to argue.
The party manages to finagle the Crow Mauler’s room open without needing the key, only to discover piles of bodies and a strange sword—Miasma. Emmy takes the sword, since it seems to be in better condition than any other weapons they’ve come across thus far, and it immediately begins to infect her with its malevolent influence. Miasma drives her to commit more and more acts of violence as they continue through the Dungeon, to the point where she starts to actively look for fights. It takes a close call with her going after Nosramus, the friendly alchemist in the Mines, for the problem to come to a head. As she argues her case—that it’s best to be overly cautious in a place like this—and as the spat gets more and more heated, she comes to the stark realization that the voice in the back of her head is telling her to kill her companions.
Fortunately Emmy is nothing if not strong-willed, so she’s able to quash the violent urges once she recognizes they’re a problem. From that point on she’s bluntly honest about Miasma’s mental prodding, and frequently defers to Layton’s judgement when it comes to fights. It takes a long time for anyone to realize that the voice Emmy’s hearing is coming from the sword itself. Layton initially thinks she’s hallucinating from fumes they’ve inhaled (he’s been hearing things too). And Descole just assumes she’s losing her mind (the Darkness affects some more quickly than others). It isn’t until they’ve made it to the Ancient City that Emmy has enough of the sword. Miasma seems most at home in the Temple of Torment, so that’s where she tears out its eye and lobs the bleeding blade into the pit at the temple’s entrance. This action is enough to trigger the Tormented One’s boss fight. It seems Miasma had enough blood in it to activate the Temple. What will she replace it with?
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zillasafe · 22 days
just wanna drop by and say that I love your F&H AU for Layton, it fits shockingly well imo
Thanks so much!
It mostly started off as me listening to F&H lore videos and, as any hyperfixated lass would, wonder how the Layton cast would handle such a hostile environment.
And then it hit me that Layton and co. would totally snoop around a funky ruin that held inexplicable mysteries, and it kinda grew from there.
It also helps that the Layton cast can fit fairly well into the roles of the F&H’s characters. The clearest connection being Emmy and D’arce.
I was initially a bit stumped on who would take up Enki and Ragnvaldr’s positions. I felt like Layton and Descole were kinda interchangeable there. But then I realized I didn’t really need one-to-one comparisons, so they ended up sharing storybeats with both characters. And Des gets some bonus Cahara inspiration as a treat.
Luke is a stand in for the Little Girl… Sorry buddy. Iykyk…
Which makes Clark perfect for the role of Le’Garde. (Well, he’s very different from Le’Garde personality-wise, but eh. It kinda makes Clark’s situation a little more morbid—or humorous—depending on how you look at it. What do you mean he’s the chosen one? He just came here to look at some cool rocks! Wait, you mean that one dream he had of a weird naked goddess was real??? UH OH!!!)
Characters like Moonless, Nosramus, and the New Gods are relatively the same as in F&H. Same with the enemies they encounter. Though I am reeling back on some of the super nsfw stuff the game has to offer. I don’t wanna draw any 🅱️enises lol
Anyways thanks for coming to my TEDtalk I’ll take any excuse to talk about this thing!
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zillasafe · 24 days
Ouch 😬
For what it's worth, you did a very fine job of healing him up.
What's the next step from here?
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