dzvagabond · 3 months
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:) finally got a good screencap of cid and gav & cid together while on my platinum run brainrot
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dzvagabond · 8 months
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I finally got around to drawing every single one of my inserts in preparation for FFVII Rebirth coming out. So here they all are! Please feel free to ask me any inquiries you may have about them!
[Atreides (first picture), Mason, & Cyrus: they/them only!, Wren & Theodore: he/they, and Maribel: she/they]
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dzvagabond · 8 months
Vagabond's Valentine's Day Art Challenge Day 2/14:
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"Will you stay with me tonight?"
"As you wish Mari."
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dzvagabond · 11 months
Hello! Could I please ask 2, 6, and 11 from the “useless” info meme? I’m happy for whoever most wants to answer those questions to do so!
Hope you don't mind, @tiny-cloud-of-flowers, that Gav and I take over this ask.
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2. How easy is it for you to get them to laugh?
It's actually one of the easiest things to get our dearie to laugh, especially after a long day of missions. We're all a tad loopy from lack of sleep, one of us will say something off the cuff, and it goes all downhill from there. It's very entertaining to say the least.
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6. Using flower language, assign them a flower.
Red Camellia and/or Red Carnation. Need I say more?
Heliotropes and Edelweiss. There's plenty more I would pick though.
11. What's "their" color? What's yours?
Maribel's color is a shade of green. Specifically a light green, a tad on the softer side. Maybe a more pastel-like color. I'm certain that they would say mine is a dark purple with my Eikon.
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I mean, it's a bit obvious mine is orange, considering. But I would have to agree that Mari's is most definitely a lovely shade of green. A soft pastel pine green fits them perfectly.
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dzvagabond · 11 months
[ 🖤 & ❤️ for Anderson and Cid & Gav !! ]
🖤- How the two of you celebrate holidays or birthdays together?
Maribel, Gav, and I usually don’t have time to celebrate holidays due to something going on at the hideaway.
However, we try to get each other gifts and spend some quality time together on those special days. Mari does make time during the holidays to do something for the kids.
For Francis and I, birthdays are nothing special. However, we do celebrate Christmas and major holidays with the children. I always end up wearing the damned Santa costume each year.
❤️- Is there anything you would like to do with s/i in the near future?
There are plenty of things I would love to do with my shield~
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[*Sigh*] I would just like to spend more time with them. I would also take if we went on a mission together. But noooo. Someone keeps sending me away.
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I would hope that a certain devil and his little draculina come out of their hiding places soon so Francis and I can go on a lovely midnight hunt.
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dzvagabond · 1 year
and 52 for Mirabel and Gav :3
hoo boi! 2 ffxvi kiss prompts? this was a fun one to write ngl. Thank you friendo for the prompt!
[Read more for length/side quest spoilers :v]
52. Accidentally witnessed kiss
Clive had asked Maribel and Gav to help him collect a material called stardust sand out in the arid lands of Dalimil for Mid's latest project. They were tasked to grab a wagon and meet him by the rivers to collect it all. The two of them had no issue going on ahead as it gave them some much needed alone time as Clive finished up a few other errands for their allies. 
After acquiring the chocobo and the wagon, it didn't take the two long to make it to their destination. Maribel sat in the back, swinging her legs to keep her mind busy as Gav leaned up against it next to her, humming a small tune. She turned to her companion, already a bit bored out of her mind. "Suppose how long do you think Mr. Rosfield is going to be Gav?" 
"Might be a while considering how Clive can be at times. Why do you ask?" 
Maribel let out a soft sigh, "I'm getting bored, and it's so hot that I can feel my clothes sticking to my skin. I'm already ready to be back at the Hideaway."
Gav chuckled and moved to be right in front of her, planting his hands on the edge of the wagon on either side of her. "Bored? You getting bored of my company already, dearie? I'm hurt." 
Maribel blinked in surprise at the straightforward-ness of her companion, but smirked all the same. "Oh Gav darling, I could never tire of your company." 
She leans in close to him, right hand moving to caress Gav's face, "I just need something to keep me busy is all." 
"I can think of a few things--" She let out a soft chuckle as Gav closed the gap and kissed her, almost out of desperation. It had been too long since they were able to spend even a miniscule time together, and even longer romantically. 
As they parted, Gav leaned in once more but before their lips even grazed each other, they heard a firm, embarrassed sounding 'Ahem.' 
Like a deer in headlights, the two turn to see Clive and Torgal standing there awkwardly, catching them accidentally. Before anyone could speak, Gav stumbled backwards as Maribel hopped off the wagon, both of their cheeks dusted with red in embarrassment. "Took you long enough Rosfield, was beginning to think you weren't going to show up today."
A soft grumble came from behind her, he could've taken longer… 
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dzvagabond · 11 months
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Finally bit the bullet and drew Maribel with her boys. This was definitely therapeutic and needed for my psyche.
Maybe I'll find a good trio ref to draw them ALL together. We'll see.
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dzvagabond · 1 year
2 for Mirabel & Cid~
OOOOH BOI! I finally get to type out something that's been in the back of my mind forever. [Added a read more for some slight FFXVI spoilers to be on the safe side :v]
2. Kiss on the forehead
"That was a rousing speech between you and Clive. Do you really think destroying the Mothercrystals will stop the blight?" 
Cid chuckled at his companion, seeing her look over the crystal they had embedded with daggers. "It's the only chance we got, love. We have to try, no matter how difficult the challenge. Don't you want a world where you can live free despite the brand that marks up that beautiful face of yours?"
Maribel pushed herself off the wall she was leaning on, making her way over to the former Lord Commander, taking a seat right next to him on his bed while he stared off. "I just don't want you to do anything reckless, Cid. Founder only knows what Gav and I would do without you. Especially me." 
She scoots a bit closer to him, their knees touching as she lays her head on his shoulder. "I'm your bearer, your shield… I don't want you to jeopardize what we've built together even if it does bring us all peace." 
Cid shifts to place a gentle kiss on her forehead, a silent 'everything will be fine, stop worrying'. "It'll all sort itself out, love, stop overthinking. Clive, Jill, and I will be back from Oriflamme before you know it." 
He stood after planting another kiss on her forehead then lips, moving towards the door. "Gav and Otto will help you keep things ship-shape here while we're gone. I promise I'll come back home to you once that damn crystal is destroyed."
Why did Maribel feel like that was a lie…?
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dzvagabond · 1 year
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Maribel Kefka
Bearer Black Mage and Shield of Cid//olfus Tela//mon
Co-leader of the Hideaway.
[she/they pronouns please]
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dzvagabond · 10 months
We've been asked to pop on here real quick and let everyone know that we all are still accepting asks until November 30th! And we will obviously send one back in return for each one sent.
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We also want to inform you all that if you haven't received an ask yet, like this post, and we will try our best to send one to you within a timely matter. Hope you all have a lovely event. Cheers!
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