#ffxiv valention
lokhlae · 1 year
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parallelkozak · 4 months
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there is a romantic comedy side quest in heavensward that only exists in my mind btw
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sileniadream · 5 months
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Happy Valentione to Finstern and Leila
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mausn · 2 years
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...and Valention event around the corner
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sajiri · 3 years
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Obligatory Valentione’s screenshot because I didn’t get around to drawing something this year
.... :)
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usagi-mitsu · 3 years
Posted this on twitter before, but I liked it so have it anyways. <3
I dreamed the next Valentions day event would take place (partially at least) in Ishgard. You'd have to solve riddles and Francel would officially invite you to the grand opening ball for the firmament - and a mysterious letter reaches you.
A mysterious person asks you to dance with them there. But of course: you have no idea on how to dance the special dance, nor do you own the appropriate wardrobe. So what happens is that you start a few mini games:
First you need to learn the dance (rythm game, later unlocking the new dance emote), then you need to secure a ride to the ball and of course - the clothes. To get the clothes you "battle" yourself through an obstacle course (shoes, shirt, dress, pants, accessories..).
And the last fight is where you have to fend of the attacks of the shop owner, who of course doesn't want to give you the stuff - until Francel convinces them of the importance.
Then, Cindere- hrm the WoL visits the ball and depending on a few answers you have given and you choice of clothing you get approached by the man/woman of your dreams at the ball: Hilda, Artoirel, Francel himself, Lucia or even Aymeric.
And it's a magical night and the community is outraged because many new players can't to this part of the quest because they haven't made it to Ishgard yet. XD
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shadow-clone19 · 6 years
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Enjoying the Valention Celebrations
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dankaria-ffxiv · 4 years
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"Valention ? Hum ! Our valention is badass !
(Screen with my dear wife @estrella-ffxiv ♥️)
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fishesandflirts · 7 years
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Hanging out
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lokhlae · 4 years
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parallelkozak · 4 months
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why not join me on the next?
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sileniadream · 5 months
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Showing his love !
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dragons-bones · 6 years
A List of Fun Things To Do When I Can Set Aside My List of Adulting Things:
Brief write up of L5R AU @chaemera and I frequently poke at
Character sheet for Lailya as a 5e warlock
Character sheet for Lailya as a 13th Age demonologist
Character sheet for Lailya as a 13th Age in Glorantha hellmother? (requires picking up the 13th Age in Glorantha PDF, still not sure I want to)
Like, all the fucking character sheets for my Lailya, okay
Go to the butterfly field in Eureka and take some screenshots with my pretty pretty Lemegeton Anemos
Continue working on Mistwrought ficlet at top of draft pile
Pine over the FFXIV carbuncle calendar on eBay (seriously, SE, please just sell the Taito stuff in the store already)
Continue reading Space Opera by Catherynne Valente
Ponder asking to be dropped off at the Entertainment Cinema nearby by someone and just cackle like a hyena by myself during a Death of Stalin showing
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farinaakira · 6 years
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February 2018, more Valention‘s. ^-^ #ffxiv #lalafell #shivaeu #friends #valention
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fullmoondenriatys · 6 years
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I really liked this Valentine event 💖 it was funny and it's always nice to have new items! . . . . #Ffxiv #finalfantasy #game #squareenix  #online #eorzea #miqote #gamer #ps4 #gamergirl #geek  #catgirl #instagamer #mmo #rpg #geekgirl #magicalgirl #edit #valention #Valentine #couple
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