#ffxiv glamtober24
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Glamtober Day 8- Ilsaberd Full prompt list [here]
Contemplative train rides in the heavy snow. Chuu’s good at what she’s doing here. Proud of it, even. She has underlings interns. And yet. Even buried in her own projects, there drifts an ominous feeling of Something about to go catastrophically wrong. And if her colleagues won’t listen…… perhaps it’s time to seek out a change of scenery.
Editing for the Trains screens done by my very talented husband @dustedbooksandreadingnooks💖
shader in full body is [Neneko Gameplay Vanilla Enhanced] Chuu is wearing: Indagator's Goggles of Crafting Indagator's Coat of Crafting (Jet Black) Replica Sky Pirate's Gauntlets of Maiming (Ash Grey) Wake Doctors Bottoms (Not visible but they're there!) Rebel Boots Cactuar Earring
#ffxivglamtober2024#ffxiv Viera#ffxiv Chuu#Chuusday Gears#morning train rides and coffee my beloved…. 😌#Keathan did such a superb job editing these for me it was magical to watch him work FR! it came together better than I imagined ;w;#admittedly the windows were higher up than I expected but I didn’t want to scale Chuu up for it @v@ maybe I should’ve?#I DID for the full body! that chair and control panel is actually super huge for some reason.#also if you recognize the scientist no you dooont ~ 💖🥰✨#ffxiv glamtober24#ffxiv screenshots#ffxiv screenies#ffxiv glamtober#a rare Younger + Skinnier Chuu. she was slim with the tireless pursuit of her projects and deadlines and work.#from from such heavy expectations + people willing to cook for her + drag her out of the workshop to take care of herself led to her puttin#weight uvu; which she found she crucially enjoyed. being fat. I mean.#ffxiv Garlemald#don’t think too hard about the Viera in Garlemald. for my sake 🥰 we have fun here. get Sillay.
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Glamtober Day 5 - TANK Full Glamtober Prompt List [Here]
"3-2-1 we’re going! TRY TO KEEP UP!"
Gemmini craves blood and violence and slaughter… Running a dungeon with her is pure cardio. Because she RUNS. And if the healer can’t keep her health up, then she’ll keep it up on her own with potions, adrenaline, and bloodlust. …. She is intimately familiar with the healer lasso.
Gemmini is wearing- Neo-Ishgardian Top of Fending - Colibri Pink No.2 Tybe B Gloves- Metallic Gold Makai Manhandler's Quartertights Crystarium Greaves- Cherry Pink
#ffxivglamtober2024#ffxiv Glamtober#ffxiv Lalafell#ffxiv Gemmini#ffxiv sidesquad#Gemmini Starway#ffxiv screenshots#ffxiv screenies#ffxiv Roegadyn#ffxiv Miqo’te#ffxiv Hyur#my horrible little Lopporit who loves Violence….#her party has an actual canon appearance BUT! I forgot to save them and they’re her retainers so the guys here ^ are sorta#what I can remember. I know the healer is a Roe! and the rest is a brain wash.#watch your fingers: she bites for keeps.#also pls note she has no phys melee dps… it’s because it’s dangerous to be too close… friendly fire is real#…. feel like I need to add that Gem is an adult. an adult!!!! She’d drive a sports car!!! without a muffler!#glamtober24#also don’t tank like she does unless your healer is cool with it FR. like don’t be a dick.
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Day 7 of Glamtober - Winter! Full Glamtober Prompt List [Here]
F'lhaminn wants to make sure Tangy is dressed snuggly warm for going out in the chill :')
Tangy is wearing Cashmere Hood- Acorn Brown/Marsh Green Obsolete Android's Cloak of Striking- Apple Green Valention Mitts- Kobold Brown/Snow White Fat Cat Halfslops- Loam Brown Dream Boots- Pumpkin Orange Alisaie is wearing (Her EW attire) Whisperfine Woolen Coat- Colibri Pink Atrophy Gloves- Shale Brown Militia Tights- Charcoal Grey Urban Boots Notable Mods include Hrothgar and Viera Hats [Heliosphere] [Nexusmods] and [FOX] Snowball Prop [XMA] Shader is Hellsingress [Sunlight Gameplay] Bonus Shots/Full bodies under the cut!
I'll be real ! I just wanted to make Tangy look comfy cozy snuggly warm. and then I thought about Snowball fights..... ! hehehe
#ffxiv glamtober#ffxiv Hrothgar#ffxiv Tangy#Tangy Tangeroos#ffxiv Alisaie#ffxiv F'lhaminn#I.. Didn't list what F'lhaminn was wearing because I haven't a clue what that outfit is. Sorry?#It might/probably is NPC specific#glamtober24#ffxivglamtober2024
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Day 2 of Glamtober- Autumn
The perfect outfit for decorating the yard for the season! …. Did anyone feel a chill just now…? Sebastian- Skull Eyepatch (Dragoon Blue) Thavnairian Wool Autumn Shirt (Pastel Blue, Iris Purple) False Nails (gloom purple) Gleaner's Breeches Fieldfiends Costume Workboots Keathan- Varsity Flatcap (slate grey) Artful Afflatus Workshirt (Dark red) Artful Afflatus Halfgloves Artful Afflatus Hose (charcoal Grey) Artful Afflatus Workboots (Keathan belongs to @dustedbooksandreadingnooks )
Shader used is [Neneko Fluffy] also featuring Autumn Leaf Shower [XMA] Autumn Gleaner [TGD] and Pumpkin Props [XMA]
[Full Glamtober Prompt List] Bonus closeups + a crumb of lore under the cut-
Sebastian AKA Sasha AKA Krystdraga is a warrior of light who never was. Called to the source by Hydaelyn in the same way Ishi’li was, he picked up the role of Champion for Hydaelyn with more trepidation- so he’s very fortunate that other brave souls picked up the mantle so strongly, and with competence. Now he pursues gardening and botany with a green thumb, and seeks a way back to his own home.
The man adopts names like a terrible habit, being born Sasha and adopting the name Sebastian because it sounded more Sea-Worthy, and then on his arrival to Eitherys he picked up a Roegadyn name; Krystdraga, or Crystal Bearer. The Keathan of this world and the Keathan of his home share shocking similarities, yet in some ways they are so very different. He hopes to bring home lots of new stories to his Goddess uvu
Oh also- the pile of leaves is Keathan’s Slime puddle named Neru, and all the autumn leaves have gotten stuck to it’s little body and now it looks like an Autumnal greener cleaner 🥰
Ok bye mwah!
Oh wait- this is outside of my own house in game, in Aether-Siren Lavender Beds Ward 11 plot I think like, 26 or somethin.
#ffxiv Glamtober#ffxiv Roegadyn#ffxiv Sebastian#ffxiv Miqo’te#ffxiv Keathan#poses with friends!#ffxiv Neru#for Glamtober I’m trying to track glamour pieces dyes and External cosmetics for the shots like prop mods and the like.#I’ll also probably link to mods for any gear upscales I make use of-m#but character cosmetics would take me a hot minute to put together- so that’s on a ‘if you want to know’ basis ig lol#glamtober24#ffxivglamtober2024#edit: I FORGOT TO LIST HIS CUTE CHOKER AND IM NOT HOME SO I DUNNO WHAT IT IS WAUGH#IM PRETTY SURE ITS THE BLUE BYREGOTIA? I’m so sorry. I’m just a little shrimp of a creature and I forget so often.
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Day 3 of Glamtober! Match Your Mount! Full Glamtober Promptlist [Here]
It's CHUU and her Oppressor! She's gonna fuck shit up! Heavy artillery coming through ! This was tricky but fun to dress up for :) I made it extra hard because I wanted to be a Machinist, even though it wouldve been so easy to do this with Tank gear XD Chuu is wearing- Scion Traveler's Mask- Hunter Green/Metallic Purple Augmented Law's Order Corselet of Aiming- Hunter Green Aurum Armguards Hard Leather Subligar- Hunter Green Archeo Kingdom Sabatons of Aiming- Deepwood Green/Aldgoat Brown
Shader is [Neneko- Borderlands] Notable Mods used is Hrothgar + Viera Hats [Heliosphere] [NexusMods]
#ffxiv Glamtober#ffxiv Viera#ffxiv Chuu#Chuusday Gears#ffxiv Oppressor#ffxiv Screenshots#ffxiv Screenies#These have been fun to bend my brain around#Too bad I've had to pre-load like the first 7 because I won't be able to take any for the first week of October waaaahugh#glamtober24#ffxivglamtober2024
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Glamtober Day 9- Melee Full prompt list [Here]
He takes being a samurai very seriously. I won’t what he’s so stressed about though….. 🥺 (war! it’s the war. It’s the war. It’s the Garlean occupation it’s the war. And definitely nothing else.)
Ishi is wearing: Non La- Bark Brown/Grape Purple Resshi Haori- Metallic Purple/Midnight Blue Wristlet of Happiness Shishu Bujin Kiribakama- Ink Blue Resshi Zori Mythrite Uchigatana
Shader is [Hellsingress Eclipse] Notable mod is Ylisine's Kugane Nights- Vanilla animation ports [XMA]
#Ffxivglamtober2024#ffxiv Glamtober#ffxiv Miqo'te#ffxiv Ishi#Ishi'li Jusumhi#Glamtober24#Hoobuddy…… keeping up is startin to prove tricky. cos I’m modding a bunch and having fun doing that x’D
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Day 4 of Glamtober - Aldenard ! Full Glamtober Promptlist [Here] There's a lot of Glam this time so it's under the cut ! Along with a full body of the Elezen Merchant+ some bonuses :) Also, Keathan belongs to @dustedbooksandreadingnooks When Tuesday first arrived in Ishgard- it was in a crate! Keathan had to power him on for the first time... and then ask him one of many firsts; would you like to change clothes? He agrees; not because the Maid Dress is uncomfortable or particularly embarrassing, but because he stands out among most Ishgardians dressed as he is, and a nice coat would protect his core and joints from locking up in the cold :) Keathan has to help him a bunch with getting dressed and undressed- his fingers aren't very dextrous and the clasps and buckles of Ishgardian clothing prove to be a challenge....
Keathan is wearing- White Beret- Salmon Pink Heirloom Tunic Of Healing- Pastel Blue No.2 Type B Gloves- Salmon Pink Ruby Cotton Sarouel- Pastel Blue Wayfarer's Boots- Currant Purple/Pastel Blue Tuesday part 1 is wearing- Housemaid's Brim Housemaid's Apron Dress- Cream Yellow Sky Pirate's Gauntlets of Maiming- Snow White Housemaid's Bloomers Housemaid's Pumps Emerald Carbuncle Earring Tuesday part 2 is wearing- Highland Hood- Ink Blue/Ash Grey Seigneur's Jerkin- Ink Blue/Vanilla Yellow Hraesvelgr Gloves- Sylph Green High House Breeches Wolfliege Thighboots- Soot Black Fashionable Elezen Merchant is wearing- Alpine Coat- Rhotano Blue Roseblood gloves Gleaners Breeches Ishgardian Thighboots- Charcoal Grey aetheryte earring
She was hastily put together because I was having trouble posing the actual npc behind the counter. She’s real cute though I like her :) I like to think she wants to make her clothes a city-wide household name, but that’s about as far as my brain-train got. Here’s those extra bonuses I promised!
Tuesday is so super handsome and cute I just want to shake him around like a Mii. Shader is Neneko [Vanilla Natural [Gameplay]]
Notable Mods are Hrothgar And Viera Hats [Heliosphere] [NexusMods] I had to do a tiny bit of colorset editing on the Hat specifically because the ears part of the Highland Hood were not linked to the second dye, so I matched them to the grey instead of being firetruck red like it was originally ^^; Other than that, Tuesday is near totally vanilla! (I have some bunny teeth in for him but you can't really see them!)
#ffxiv Glamtober#ffxiv Viera#ffxiv Tuesday#ffxiv Miqo'te#ffxiv Keathan#ffxiv Elezen#ffxiv Fashionable Merchant#Tuesday Gears#Poses With Friends#ffxiv Screenshots#ffxiv Screenies#I'm learning to do faces... it's tricky still lol#Listing all the glams out is a trial for my lil pea brain but I'm gonna stick to it damnit#Sorry if the format is different every time I'm doing my best but uh.... @~@ !#glamtober24#ffxivglamtober2024
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Day 6 of Glamtober- At Home Full Glamtober Prompt List [Here]
Mochiie kept putting off writing home to his ma all this time and uh- she's not happy about it, in the slightest :\ all those scary stories from across the ocean and not a single letter home! What has he been up to?! Has he even been eating properly- Mochiie's Mom is wearing- Palaka Vest of Healing- Millioncorn Yellow Claws of the Beast Yama Tsutsu-hakama of Healing- Deepwood Green Martial Artists Pumps
Mochiie himself is wearing- Palaka Vest of Aiming- Dark Red Auri Armguards- Cactuar Green Shishu Gozen Hakama- Halatali Yellow Guoc and apparently a goatskin ring I forgot about Shader used is Hellsingress [Sunlight Gameplay] Bonus Individual Fullbodies under the cut;
Madam Kaisuri is an Alchemist, normally found up to the elbows in work. She shows her love by fussing and feeding people, lol. She can be harsh, but she’s always fair, and if you get into trouble she makes sure it’s understood why/what is wrong, so it doesn’t happen again. No spankings for breaking a glass! But you will help her clean up while she lectures you on how to do better the next time, and to be more careful.
#ffxiv Glamtober#ffxiv Au’ra#ffxiv Mochiie#Mochiie Kaisuri#his mom needs a name- maybe I even gave her one before- but I fucking forgor it-#I forgot to put Mochiie’s glasses on for the goddamn shots. please pretend he has his glasses for me u_u#‘how did that tiny woman birth that big boy?’ oh well you know :)#mochi’s dad is from the steppe btw u_u his parents were a passionate affair but neither would give up their life for the other so they neve#married abt it.#glamtober24
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