#ffxiv F'lhaminn
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candycryptids · 2 months ago
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"Miss Fufucha... what kind of flowers do old ladies like...?" "Well firstly, I wouldn't call them old ladies. But you can't go wrong with a bouquet of azeyma roses, we have a fresh batch just harvested this morning." "PERFECT!"
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"Miss F'lhaminn! Over here!"
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"Happy Starlight Momma, I love you so much."
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magitekconveyor · 10 months ago
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I made this last year for Mother's Day so I'm bringing it here
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ciphox · 5 months ago
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my sister
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mosthuggableffxiv · 10 months ago
Holiday Poll: Most Huggable FFXIV Mom
Characters are listed roughly in the order they're encountered in-game. I realize a couple of them technically aren't mothers, but I felt they were close enough.
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drkcatt · 1 year ago
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our final journey (or, so you thought.)
an introduction to my canon Minfilia Comes Back AU! set soon after 5.3 :)
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wildstar25 · 9 months ago
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In denial.
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gunbreakmyheart · 2 years ago
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Minfilia's miner days
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yzeltia · 5 months ago
FFXIVwrite2024 24. Bar
Featuring: @driftward Zoissette Vauban & Nyx Blackmoon @erickgage 's Ryssthota Sundstyrwyn, @autumnslance 's C'oretta Khell and Aeryn Striker, @eorziapple 's Apple Silverberg Characters: Mother Miounne, Jannie Eyradoux Fortemps, Haurchefant Fortemps, Lamberteint, F'lhaminn Qesh, U'rahn Nuhn, Violet Fisher, Natsu Obinata, Drowning Thunder, Y'shtola Rhul, Thancred Waters, Chef Moogle, Apple Silverberg Expansion: Heavenward(Context) Dawntrail(Timeframe) Rating: T Summary: The Warriors of Light and their respective haunts. Notes: Thanks to my FC friends for letting me borrow them!
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-Carline Canopy - Gridania-
“Let me see him!”
Miounne held out her arms for little Haurchefant as Jannie handed him over. She smiled as she drew him in, letting the boy coo and kick in her arms as she wiggled her finger toward his nose and gave it the smallest of pokes. “He’s so handsome and already a little kicker. An aspiring Dragoon no doubt. Lancer at the very least I’m sure.”
“Rather unlikely if his grandfather has anything to say about it. The manor is baby-proofed so much that I doubt the boy would not see so much as a butter knife until he was adventuring age if I did not take him out,” Jannie sighed, sliding over a loaf of walnut bread and slicing for the two of them.
“That will come before you know it and you’ll be wishing Lord Edmont had his way,” Miounne laughed, making the boy laugh too as he reached out for her. “I do hope when that day comes you’ll send him to me to start his journey.”
“How are you so certain that he will not find himself among the Temple Knights? He would be a legacy after all?” Jannie asked, a small smile on her face as she spread honey butter along the bread.
“Well, he’s your son,” Minounne said, giving Haurchefant little bounces in her arms. 
Jannie blinked, scraping the knife along the toast. “I think that would resign him to seeking a much quieter life than he’s been born into. The Fury knows how long it took me to get settled down…somewhat.”
“Settled down? As soon as you’re given a task you’re wholly dedicated to it. I sent you to help out a few people around the city and the next thing I know you’re crashing a castrum and taking down The Blackwolf. As much as you protest, you cannot resist the call to help. I can’t imagine anyone you raise growing up without a heart just as big as you. Especially given his namesake,” Miounne mused, stroking her hand through Haurchefant’s budding hair.
“Oh dear, I suppose you do have a point. Still, who knows what the future will hold for him. Only the Fury knows,” Jannie mused, breaking off a little piece of bread for Haurchefant to hold and chew at with his budding teeth. Delighted, the boy gave hero’s smile at his mother and her friend and cooed about.
-The Rising Stones - Mor Dona- 
Lamberteint thought it strange, though he’d never been brave enough to ask why he did it. Every year U’rahn Nuhn would come in, order two drinks, a hard cider and peach and lavender cocktail with whipped cream on top. And then he’d sit at a table with his drinks, pushing the cocktail to the opposite side and talk to the empty seat.
His ears would perk up as get hot and excited. His tail lowered when his voice got soft and sad. Lamberteint occasionally caught bits of the one sided conversation, U’rahn recounting his latest adventure to it or bragging about something his daughter had gotten up to. It was a one man show confined to a table, with no audience except those who cared to eavesdrop like himself. Not even the strange person who he’d seen often accompany or shadow him on many of his other visits seemed to come around for the strange show.
Lamberteint tilted his head, watching U’rahn rub his face with a napkin, clearing it of what he assumed was tears from overwhelming himself before he reached out and downed his missing companion’s drink and made his leave. Curiosity getting the better of him, he wandered over to F'lhaminn’s counter and leaned over it, watching U’rahn exit downstairs. “What is that all about?”
F'lhaminn looked up and gave Lamberteint a small smile. “It would have been the Antecedent’s name day today. That’s just his way of celebrating it with her.”
“The Antecedent…” Lamberteint trailied. “But she passed on.”
“There’s no one way to process one’s grief. Minfilia was likened to a big sister to him, or so he says. He comes and orders the drink he’d had me help him craft for her name day and tells her what’s happening with his life, and the people she cared about. It’s just a means to heal the heart and make him feel connected to her,” F'lhaminn explained before lowering her head. “It is a shame. We spent all that time fashioning the drink for her and I do not believe she had a chance to try it.”
“I see,”  Lambereint said, frowning a little. “Does that not bother you?”
“Not at all. I love that she lives in his heart. It keeps just a little bit of her for us,” she hummed, starting to mix a drink together. After a moment, she slid the pink and violet drink over to Lamerteint. “Here. Try it. I think it would have suited her tastes quite well.”
– The Final Pillar - Gage Acquisitions Headquarters - Lavender Beds 6-6 -
Violet tossed her hair, tying it back into a neat ribbon before starting on polishing the marble counters then moving on toward the spigots, humming a little shanty to herself as she busied herself with opening the bar. A bell rang and she poked her head up, Natsu wandering in with Drowning Thunder close behind. She turned and pulled down her best vodka and filled two chilled martini glasses halfway before adding in apple juice to both. After adding a Doman apple wedge to each rim, offered them to the couple in time for Zoissette and Y'shtola to enter. 
Putting a kettle on was easy to remember; however, not trusting herself she slid a small navy hook out from under the register, touching the golden L.O. etched into the cover before flipping it to tab V.
Z.V. will drink tea on hand; however, if accompanied by Ys.R.: chamomile and lavender. If Zel has made any meat pies, serve a slice with an additional glass of water. 
Violet dropped to a squat, reading through the fine labels of tea tins before finding the correct blend. Throwing it into a diffuser, she careful plucked it into the whimpering kettle then checked the back, greetted by a moogle in a chef hat. “Ishgardian Meat pie,” she ordered, getting a panicked kupo in response.
Returning to the front, she brought Zoissette and Y'shtola the warm kettle and two faucets with cups before looking up as Ryssthota entered and headed to the bar. As she rounded back around she consulted the little blue book under R.S.
R.S. enjoys a whiskey sour. If Co.K is present, leave cherries on the side. If there has been a recent incident in the lab, make it a double.
Violet shuddered then pulled out a bottle of bourbon and lemon juice adding it to her shaker before cracking an egg into her hand, whining audibly as the slimy yolk shifted in her palm as the white drooled through her fingers before dropping the yolk into a ramekin. She immediately washed her hands free of the yolk then went to shaking before pouring the drink into a glass along with bitters. As she finished, C’oretta popped up on a stool beside her beaming at her before starting a conversation with Rysthota. As instructed, she laid out the bowl of cherries in front of C’oretta before making her a quick rum bucket filled with fresh fruits and juices remembering L.O.’s Enjoys a variety of fruity drinks. Rum buckets with juices available for unique experience every time. Leave fruit available for snacks.
Turning around, she found Nyx behind her, staring intently at her before Rahn came stumbling into the bar. Sighing, she filled a glass of cider ale for Rahn then looked around and handed the yolk ramekin to Nyx for them to drink knowing well most anything would be ingested by them. N.B. will drink anything. Literally anything. A good way to avoid waste. Will ask if they want something else.
Spotting Aeryn and Thancred entering, she returned to the back end finding her little chef finishing up the meat pie. She cut out three slices and plated them before grabbing one of the finer bottles of spiced wine. Wandering out, she picked up two wine glasses then delivered Zoissette her slice of pie before serving the other two to Thancred and Aeryn along with the bottle. T.W. Likes to show off. Bring him something that looks expensive. A.S. Will mostly enjoy whatever is being served that day. The room full, Violet sighed then returned behind the counter to pour herself a tall stout, downing it before looking up as Apple wandered in. She waved her over then pulled out another glass then wetted the rim, dipping it into a box of brown sugar. She excitedly told her about Riol’s latest mishap while mixing the rum, orange liquor, lemon juice, simple syrup, and chickpea water together before sliding the drink over on a napkin. A.S. Bestie. Cable Car, sweet rimmed sugar. Orange liquor and Limsan rum. Egg white. Chickpea water.
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myreia · 7 months ago
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✦ D A N C E R
Kadjaya’s Footsteps stretch out around her, a testament to the dancer’s legacy. She turns, one step flowing into another, following the natural arc of each movement. The chakrams are an extension of her body, their lines as fluid as water in a river. She has never felt more graceful than when learning these dances. An academic interested turned to a soft, private comfort. She does not perform, but she will dance when no one is watching. Just for herself. —level 90 compendium
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crossroadsdimension · 6 months ago
FFXIV Write 2024 Day 7
Prompt 7 - Morsel
(FFXIVWrite 2024 Masterpost)
The kitchen in the Rising Stones, unlike the one in Seventh Heaven, rarely saw much use. Between access to the bar and the scholars rarely thinking of making their own meals, they spend more time than not paying the chefs at the bar for a quick meal or two. Or asking F’lhaminn for a quick meal, if she was behind the counter in the Rising Stones.
Which made today a little different and very surprising when the Scions gathered in the main space to find the smells of spiced pork coming from their own kitchens.
“What’s this, now?” Y’shtola sniffed the air, frowning curiously. “Is F’lhaminn experimenting with new recipes?”
“Whatever it is, it smells good!” Yda bounced on her heels.
“Oh, this is hardly my doing.”
The Scions turned at the voice, and caught sight of the white-haired miqo’te woman sitting at one of the tables, drinking tea.
Yda turned her head back and forth between the kitchen and F’lhaminn. “If…not you, then who—”
“Cross asked for time to make a few things,” F’lhaminn explained. A small smile settled on her face. “It seems she missed a taste of home and wished to put her culinary skills to the test.”
“I wasn’t aware that she was capable of the culinary arts,” Thancred remarked. “What brought this on?”
“You can thank my mother!” A red-haired miqo’te head poked out from the kitchens, blue eyes bright. “She wanted me to have some skills to care for myself.”
Cross vanished back into the kitchen, leaving the Scions to exchange looks.
“It does make sense that an adventurer should be self-sufficient,” Papalymo remarked. “It should not be that surprising.” He turned and walked towards one of the tables and sat down. “Whether or not she intends to share is another matter entirely.”
“She does,” F’lhaminn replied. “She is currently making a feast of a meal.”
“A feast?” Yda licked her lips. “That sounds delicious!”
“What did we do to deserve this kind of attention?” Thancred asked. He walked up to the bar counter that F’lhaminn often worked behind — and the door behind it that led into the kitchens. “I have to wonder what drove you to do this.”
“Nothing drove me.” Cross poked her head out of the kitchen again. “Nothing except a desire for something delicious from home, I suppose. It’s been some time since I’ve eaten this in particular.”
“I can understand that,” Yda said, nodding. “I like eating foods that remind me of home, too. But…” She frowned, tilting her head. “You’re not that far from home, are you?”
“No, but…well, I’m not inclined to make frequent trips home right now.” Cross ducked back into the kitchen.
“Oh?” Yda tilted her head, frowning.
Papalymo sighed and shook his head. “Best not continue that conversation, I assume.”
“Why not?” Yda turned to look at the lalafell.
“I would assume her relationship with those she grew up around is not entirely friendly,” Y’shtola remarked. “Or, at the very least, that she did not leave with all of their blessings.”
“If Cross wants to speak on it, she will speak on it,” Thancred said firmly. “Speculation will not get us anywhere otherwise.”
The other Scions looked at Thancred with surprised, confused, and curious expressions.
“You know something.” Y’shtola didn’t word it as a question. “When did you come across this knowledge?”
“He found me writing letters home.” Cross stepped out of the kitchen, carrying a tray laden with two smoking rows of ribs. She stepped around the counter and towards the table F’lhaminn was sitting at. “My relationship with my mother is shaky at best, for the moment. As events in Eorzea settle, I hope that her fears will settle with them. But that is only if the primals will calm down, which I doubt they will in the near future.”
The remark didn’t receive sympathetic winces so much as sympathetic nods. It seemed the Scions did not have the exact same experience with parental figures that Cross did.
“In that case, let us hope her worries are eased in the coming days,” Y’shtola said lightly. “For I have not heard of any summonings in recent days.”
“Nor I,” Papalymo agreed. He leaned forward and sniffed in the direction of the tray. “Now, what is it that you have prepared?”
“Nothing special,” Cross replied. Her voice carried relief — whether it was the confirmation that the primals would not be present in the near future, or the change in subject, no one asked. “It’s a recipe I found in my mother’s stores, but it wasn’t in her handwriting. I do recall it being a favorite of mine. I think Dad used to make them — the pig ribs are meant to marinate in spices for several hours, then be grilled. I did my best, but it’s not like Revenant’s Toll has an outdoor grill for me to use.”
“Well, they smell quite delightful. How do we…?”
Cross picked up the knife on the tray, cut off a rib, and held one end in each hand. She grinned and took a bite of the meat, peeling a long strip off the bone. “Mm! Oh, that’s good. I think I got it right.”
“Oh.” Papalymo blinked, surprised.
“Oooh! Don’t mind if I do!” Yda reached forward and cut a rib free. “It’s not every day we get proper finger food around here!”
“Proper?!” Papalymo reared back. “I beg your pardon — that is going to cause such a mess!”
“All the more reason to lick your fingers!” Yda replied cheerily. She took a bite, tearing the meat off the bone in the same way Cross had. “Mm! Thish ish good!”
Thancred chuckled and shook his head while Cross put down a clean bone and reached for the knife again. “I wonder how well a meal such as this would do in the Bismarck.”
“I doubt they would let it into their kitchens,” Y’shtola replied wryly. “The Drowning Wench, perhaps.”
“Well, regardless, it certainly smells delicious.”
Cross cut the rest of the ribs free of each other and set the knife aside before picking up a second. “Thank you. I feel as though I’ve found a little more of home.”
F’lhaminn smiled, although something about the motion didn’t quite reach her eyes. “It is always important to find a piece to carry with you. I’m certain your father would love to see you making this recipe wherever you traveled.”
Cross finished pulling a bite of meet off the bone and nodded. “Mm.” She chewed and swallowed. “Y-yeah. I bet he would.”
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sjofn-lofnsdottr · 1 year ago
Bjalla finished Endwalker.
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He's celebrating in his own way.
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candycryptids · 5 months ago
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Day 7 of Glamtober - Winter! Full Glamtober Prompt List [Here]
F'lhaminn wants to make sure Tangy is dressed snuggly warm for going out in the chill :')
Tangy is wearing Cashmere Hood- Acorn Brown/Marsh Green Obsolete Android's Cloak of Striking- Apple Green Valention Mitts- Kobold Brown/Snow White Fat Cat Halfslops- Loam Brown Dream Boots- Pumpkin Orange Alisaie is wearing (Her EW attire) Whisperfine Woolen Coat- Colibri Pink Atrophy Gloves- Shale Brown Militia Tights- Charcoal Grey Urban Boots Notable Mods include Hrothgar and Viera Hats [Heliosphere] [Nexusmods] and [FOX] Snowball Prop [XMA] Shader is Hellsingress [Sunlight Gameplay] Bonus Shots/Full bodies under the cut!
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I'll be real ! I just wanted to make Tangy look comfy cozy snuggly warm. and then I thought about Snowball fights..... ! hehehe
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crystalcaravan1 · 2 years ago
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It was rarepair week on Twitter recently so I'm just gonnaaaaaa
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kannedia · 1 year ago
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FF14 Vanilla GPose challenge day three-
NPC: I think Eirini and F'lhaminn would have a nice friendship.
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dragons-bones · 1 year ago
FFXIV Write Entry #12: Right Under Their Noses
Prompt: dowdy || Master Post || On AO3
A pair of Crystal Braves in bright blue walked just behind her and it took all her years of experience plying the Ul’dahn courts not to tense or flatten her ears and give herself and her guard away. F’lhaminn continued to examine the hair combs on display, until Coultenet discretely tapped her elbow. All clear.
She didn’t immediately move away; that would draw attention. Instead, she picked out a pretty sterling comb with moonstones, handed over the gil to the merchant, and turned to meander towards the docks, Coultenet at her heels. As they walked, she idly swept short hair out of her face and into a bun, cinching it place with her new comb.
For all that the Braves had ambushed them on their way to the ferry to Limsa Lominsa, these ones seemed woefully inept at relocating their targets. A disgrace, honestly, that such flimsy disguises were working so well.
The Scions still had friends in Vesper Bay, and while the old Waking Sands building was being swarmed by the Braves—Urianger could handle himself, especially after making fools of the Garlean Frumentarii agents chasing him five years ago—F’lhaminn and her escorts had been waved into the back room of a tailor shop. “There’s a Hannish trader down at pier seven,” the tailor, Reuben, had muttered to them, “under Captain Mhasalkar, they’re due to leave in two bells.”
Hoary Boulder had stripped out of his armor and donned the loose tunic and trousers better befitting one of the Vesper dockworkers. He had slipped out to make contact with Captain Mhasalkar while F’lhaminn tried to raise anyone on the Scion linkshell. No luck, besides Tataru.
She tried not to worry. Minfilia, the Warriors of Light, and the Archons could take care of themselves.
Hoary Boulder thankfully had returned with success, and he took his and Coultenet’s bundled armor and robes and staff and headed back to the pier ahead of them. After waiting ten minutes, F’lhaminn and Coultenet—the latter dressed in the style of a Lominsan swashbuckler, Hoary Boulder’s sword at his hip—had followed, keeping their pace unhurried.
F’lhaminn had long known how fashion could shape perception. As the Songstress of Ul’dah, her clothing was meant to delight and tantalize, but not scandalize; in the years after the Calamity, no one looked twice at a bespectacled white-haired woman in a no-fuss dress and apron, assuming they walked by someone’s grandmother and not a lady who wasn’t even forty. She utilized similar now: her spectacles still in place, her cheek markings covered by a layer of foundation, and her practical pink dress replaced by purple and lilac robes. It was one of the fashions that Reuben had only just acquired from Captain Mhasalkar, not quite so alien a design that it would attract notice, but the cut different enough to lend credence to the mirage of a foreign lady exploring Vesper Bay and the cloth fine enough to hint at comfortable wealth.
Reuben had refused F’lhaminn’s payment before he saw her and Coultenet out the door. He was going to be furious when he found the coin purse she managed to slip into his pocket during their farewells.
Finally, pier seven and Captain Mhasalkar’s Pearl of the Bounty came into view. Hoary Boulder was discretely loitering at the base of the gangplank, fiddling with the rope on a stack of crates lashed together. His gaze flicked towards her and Coultenet briefly, but made no other movement as another pair of Crystal Braves stalked down the pier from the opposite direction.
F’lhaminn and Coultenet did not pause, instead continuing on their way towards their escape. She adopted a bored expression, and a quick glance told her that Coultenet was doing an outstanding job of prowling just a step behind like a real sellsword guard.
This set of Braves walked by them without a glance, too, and F’lhaminn’s ears flicked as she caught one say, “How do you lose a roegadyn and an elezen in a crowd, anyway?”
It took all of her willpower not to snort.
Captain Mhasalkar met them as F’lhaminn and Hoary Boulder and Coultenet ascended the gangplank. She was an older Raen, scales yellowing with age, but her eyes were clear as she shook hands with F’lhaminn. “My apologies that we could not meet under better circumstances, madam,” she said, her Hannish accent a balm after the tension of the last few bells. “We’ll be underway shortly, and once safely out of the reach of these knaves, we can discuss further details in seeing you settled in Radz-at-Han.”
“We are much appreciated, Captain,” F’lhaminn said, her smile genuine.
She only hoped the others had been as successful in their escape.
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drkcatt · 2 years ago
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doodle collection :)
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