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shebaa · 1 year ago
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Reject society. Embrace kitty behaviours.
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askinthegoband · 6 years ago
is the rest of the band jealous about all the attention Laylen is getting?
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N~0~t really, yeah it’s c~0~~0~ll to be in the sp~0~tllight, but it’s Llayllen’s turn to shine. it’s nice t~0~ see him c~0~me ~0~ut ~0~f his shell. Alls~0~, surprised he was capable ~0~ feelling Pitch, he’s n~0~t ~0~ne t~0~ anger with~0~ut killing the sucker wh~0~ pissed him ~0~ff.
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my M♡k♠️n♢ D♡rl♣️ng ♣️s g♣️v♣️ng m♠️ pl♠️nty ♢f ♡tt♠️nt♣️♢n ♢ffscr♠️♠️n~~~ (My Makeno Darling is giving me plenty of attention offscreen)((his RP’S get very lewd so they happen in dm’s))
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so long as he doesn’t get hurt in the end, I think it’s fine. less attention I get, the better. it helps me focus on writing new rhythms. Just, don’t let Xestal know about this, he might charge the poor troll for contact if he’s in a bad mood.
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is that pale feelings I smell fr⚜m y⚜u Garlet? my my, didn’t think y⚜u had it in y⚜u t⚜ feel s⚜mething f⚜r any tr⚜ll that isn’t Xestal (garlet: Shut up Favier) as f⚜r me, I’m a little jeal⚜us because I’ve been asked a t⚜tal ⚜f three questi⚜ns ⚜n this bl⚜g, 2 ⚜f which were directed at the entire band and n⚜t just me. but hey, I can understand I’m n⚜t a fan fav⚜rite.
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rairaitoningu · 6 years ago
Genji smiled brightly and took a seat at Satoshi’s desk, setting his mask down to the side and folding his hands on top of the desk. The students were watching Genji curiously and murmuring amongst themselves. He didn’t pay any attention to the whispers though. He had grown used to it by that point although the raw curiosity they seemed to radiate was new and brought a smile to his face.
When Satoshi began to teach, Genji eyes lit up. There was a dull ache in his chest for a long missed friend. He hadn’t been able to track Jesse down, but he had found Satoshi. Now, listening to Saotshi teach that ache was soothed for the time being at least and he focused on the lesson. Unlike in the past when he would grow restless even during the shortest of mission briefs, Genji was actually able to sit through the entire lesson without issue and smiled whenever Satoshi glanced at him.
During the lesson, he took moments to glance over, ensuring that Genji was alright. Each time, a smile grew in his ffscr, before returning back to the task at hand. He continues on till the bell rang, dismissing the students. “Don’t forget, next week is the big exam. Make sure to study. Adios.”
Once the students were gone, his attention returned to the cyborg, silver eyes taking a better look at him. “...How did you find me here Genji? I thought my pseudo name kept my identity a secret.”
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culturefashionmagazine · 6 years ago
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shebaa · 1 year ago
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Dragonsong Dive
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shebaa · 2 years ago
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One day I’ll do more than take pretty pictures of Rohzi but today is not that day.
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shebaa · 11 months ago
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shebaa · 3 years ago
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g’raha tia  ♡  
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