dustwereturn · 1 year
i’m looking at the cast & writers of the new haunted mansion movie and ……. oh
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p-psqueak · 2 years
literally vibrating from the conflicting feelings of wanting to launch into my typical "every vote matters and voting for local offices is your chance to get fresh voices into politics and the midterms are too important to skip..." soapbox for my friend's republican mom who's not voting and the part of my brain saying "she's for sure going to vote republican so if you don't convince her that's one less vote for the far right assholes running in our elections rn"
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silvershewolf247 · 5 months
Look, I'm sorry if you like it and no shame for it. But I am so happy with how dead n*ffany is in canon at this point.
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acknowledge-reigns · 4 months
T*ffany S*ratton is extremely talented, and extremely pretty.. And none of that changes the fact that her post was racist. Period. MFs out here talking about "well at least she didn't use a slur." Gtfoh with that shit.
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c1tyhaunts · 6 months
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ALIAS / NAME : jacket.jpg (the handle to most of my socmed) or xera (alias) BIRTHDAY : September 19th ZODIAC SIGN : Virgo HEIGHT : 5'4" HOBBIES : writing, listening to music, weight lifting, watching youtube essays, reading novels & manga - i keep myself busy lmao FAVOURITE COLOUR : pastels or jewel-toned cool colors, including purples, blues, greens; also black & brown lol FAVOURITE BOOK : Mexican Gothic by S*lvia M*reno-G*rcia still ranks as one of my favorites; great descriptions, eldritch horror, and one of the better well written romance side plots. plus the final chapter? slays me every time LAST SONG : I'm right now powering through the new Ar*ana Gr*nde album as i write this so eternal sunshine. LAST FILM / SHOW : ... my boys and i were binging the live action ATLA to judge it. it's very, very mid. Now currently watching Iron Reign at the request of @artmadc RECENT READS : Pride & Prejudice for my book club, personal reads included House of Cotton by M*nica Br*shears (Great stylistically, content wise? Very, very strange. I'm still conflicted), Grown by T*ffany J*ckson (An AMAZING READ), and Heartsick by Ch*lsea C*in (give me hannibal lecter but make her a woman; we accept woman's wrongs here) INSPIRATION : BOYYYYY I am heavily, heavily inspired by the music I'm listening to in the moment, so here's a few albums that have my current Brain Rot™ for the blog. tl;dr: i love messy people ↪ Dead Club City - N*thing But Thieves (biggest blog inspo RN) ↪ Dawn FM - The W*eknd ↪ After Hours - The W*eknd ↪ Lemonade - B*yonce STORY BEHIND URL : ↪ based on the song "City Haunts" by N*thing But Thieves; the album, DEAD CLUB CITY, has a loose plot based in the fictional city that the album's named after, and City Haunts is the end of one of the character's story lines from the album. The vague premise of "City Haunts" is that the character we are following in this context is choosing to stay in Dead Club City, letting themselves succumb to the madness and vices that keeps them tied to the city. Which these eight characters on the blog have some sort of Vice/Virtue that they've succumbed to that they need to climb out of (or not, I promote character detractment instead of growth). ↪ the url is also a reference to a "haunt" on multiple levels - a) a place frequented by a specific person or group of people, b) to continually seek the company of, or c) to stay around or persist; for all the characters on this blog, I feel like each of them are going their own "haunt", whether they are doing the haunting themselves or they continue to linger / stagnante in a place they shouldn't. They're all haunting this so-called "Dead Club City" and they have to figure out what to do there... Plus, the url looks cool. FUN FACT ABOUT ME : I've been one of the top performers at my job for the past 2+ years which is apparently achievement. Sales is a scam. Don't do it kids.
tagged by: @artmadc <3 tagging: i love goin down my most recent follows w this meme so @allevils, @obrighta/@haeymitch (whichever!), @rottine, @fiendrites, @bloodykneestm and YOU, cause I wanna get to know you too :)
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homestuckconfession · 6 months
i think y*ffany should exist on her own (w/o all the dumb shit of hs:bc associated with her). she has a very cool design and i think a rosejade kid would work if and only if executed right. i'm gonna put her into my next fanfic but name her ruby because the name was one of the things executed wrong
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rbelle310 · 2 years
Sakusa's mother gets increasingly worried each year as her son gets older and shows no interest in dating.
She keeps trying to set him up with people from their social circle, like making him bring flowers and gifts to soirées. But he's so gruff and uncooperative that everyone sees through her attempts. This just makes him even more prickly.
It's worse when Komori is with Sakusa because his cousin keeps laughing his ass off when he shows up holding a bouquet like a bag of dirty diapers.
One day (and probably 10 years too late), Sakusa reaches his limit. There's some swanky birthday party held by one of the big MSBY sponsors. His mother slips a T*ffany's box into his jacket for the birthday girl.
When Sakusa gets there, he looks at the pretty blue box and wonders if he will be playing Rich Boy Santa for the rest of his life and feels a deep sense of despair.
He can't deal with this, so he grabs the next nearest person he knows and pushes the box into their hands with a rough "Here, take it."
Atsumu stares at him in disbelief, and then at the jewellery box in his hand. "Are ya serious, Omi-omi?"
Sakusa doesn't even know what's in it. He almost never bothers to find out what his mother picked out. He just nods and says, "It's yours, do whatever you want with it."
A strange look crosses Miya's face, one that Sakusa is too preoccupied to notice. The party passes without incident, nobody was expecting him to bring a present anyway.
A couple of weeks later, Hinata notices the glittering cuff earring fixed to Miya's ear.
"Woah, cool bling Atsumu-san!"
Miya blushes faintly, his smile is pleased but slightly conflicted, "Omi-omi gave it ta me."
The locker room is quiet and then everyone scrambles up for a closer look.
"What the hell," whistles Inunaki, "Sakusa's got good taste."
Sakusa, having just arrived, only catches that last bit.
"I have what?" he asks behind his mask.
"Yo, Omi-kun! Help me pick out one for Keiji next time okay?"
Sakusa looks at the beaming and looming Bokuto, a little confused and somewhat disgusted because the man's still shamelessly running around the lockers in his boxer-briefs.
"Help you pick what?" he starts to ask.
And then he spots the diamond glittering like a star under the flourescent lights.
There's no way that Miya afforded that earring on his salary. The tip of the setter's ear is still faintly red. Did he get himself pierced just for that?
Well... He did say Miya could do whatever he wanted with it.
It... It looked good on him. The thought came unbidden before he squashes it and glares at Bokuto with as much "I don't know what you're talking about" he can convey in a single scowl.
All day, Sakusa struggles between wanting to say something snide and just staring.
Meanwhile, it takes a pining Miya six months to persuade him to wear the other cuff earring to match.
The look on his mother's face when she recognises it is so priceless, Sakusa wonders why he never thought of doing this earlier.
He plays idly with the cold metal, occasionally brushing his fingers across Atsumu's earlobe. He's not sure how he spent the last ten years not realising this before.
The earring suited Atsumu well, but Atsumu suited him perfectly.
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lonely-night · 1 year
did I just design the gayest t/ffany & co ad?
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stinkysstuff · 10 months
Weirdly enough my biggest problem with N*ffany is that for a toxic ship, it's really boring. Most toxic ships say something interesting about the psychology of one or both members of the ship, but this one just doesn't. Nothing about it seems to like, develop an aspect of Tiffany's character. I don't shame people for liking it. It's just not that interesting to me.
I agree :3 its a gross ship overall too
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T*ffany refering to people who warn the rest of the fandom about her/let people she reblogs know about her as ‘having a petty grudge for no reason’ ngl funny. I mean, also a sign she doesn’t care about all the nasty shit she’s done but.
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femboycloudstrife · 1 year
i hate chu*cky/ti*ffany so much it is the same visceral reaction i have to seeing joker harley quinn couple facebook profile photos or trucks with the balls on the back or the bumper sticker of the fireheaded little goblin peeing , theres nothing nice going on over there is what i think when i see those little demons
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joshsindigostreak · 2 years
@ t*ffany
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hidesinhisarchived · 2 years
@opponentcompel asked: Whether family, friends or others - who were the most significant people during Mark's childhood?
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mark's circle of people have always been small, but there were a few that have made a lasting impact on him. unfortunately, not all of them were good.
elijah cohen - mark's father and the biggest bully of his formative years. elijah had a certain image that he wanted each of his kids to fill. his eldest two fit that mold perfectly: the handsome jock and the straight a princess. mark, however, was different. from the very start, he was always off in his father's eyes. too sensitive. too quiet. too shy. too soft. these were qualities that were celebrated in his sister, but shamed in mark. mark's earliest memory of his father was when he was about three-four years old and his father was yelling at him for crying over a skinned knee, calling him names that no child should ever have to hear directed at them. these incidents didn't improve over the years. from trying to prevent mark from taking piano lessons when he was five ( one of the few times that mark argued with elijah and won ), from destroying his photography camera when he was seventeen after he was offered a chance to take a professional path with it, from all of the h*mophobic slurs thrown at him throughout the years, elijah will remain the source of a lot of mark's trauma and is the most reoccurring figure in his nightmares. he essentially washed his hands of mark when mark dropped out of college to pursue his dream of being a filmmaker. the two of them never really repaired their relationship in the following years.
francine cohen - mark's mother. gentle in her ways, caring, but overbearing and unable ( and unwilling ) to understand her youngest. she has only ever wanted the best for mark, even if that meant directly going against her husband to do it. mark adored his mother when he was younger, especially since she was one of the only people who indulged his moments of playing pretend and was the most prominent figure in his childhood films. it was why she got the joking name of the wicked witch because those were the kind of roles that mark would ask her to play. as mark grew older, he grew to resent how overbearing she could be, especially when it came to his dating life. however, she was the only person in the family who wanted to help him after he dropped out of college. despite elijah's wishes, she would send mark gifts and money ( when possible ) to help him out. they became close again after his documentary began to pick up traction. when it started making money, he would buy her things that he knew that she dreamed of having, such as a fancy coat and a star of david necklace from ti/ffany's. her sudden death when he was in his early 30's devastated mark.
richard cohen - mark's grandfather and elijah's father. mark never understood how a man like his grandfather could raise a man like elijah. his grandfather always supported and protected mark from elijah. his home often provided a sanctuary for the gentle boy. richard was the one who gave mark the bolex camera on his thirteenth that he still carries to this day. it was the last gift that he ever received from richard as the older man passed from a heart attack three weeks later. richard was a gentle and caring man who, like mark, had artistic talent but had never been allowed to pursue it. outside of francine, he was one of the first people to encourage mark to follow his dreams. richard is the kind of man that mark always strives to be: kind, considerate, and always willing to take care of those that he loves.
nanette himmelpharb - nanette was mark's neighbor, childhood best friend, and his first love. they were close ever since they could remember and a part of mark was always in love with her. she was golden and beautiful, kind and gentle. she never once criticized mark's interests and was always happy to be in his 'films' or play a round of pretend. when they started going to school, she was also one of the only people who would stick up for him. when his mom forced him to take ballroom dance lessons, nanette was happy to be his partner so that he wouldn't be as anxious. the two of them made an excellent pair and mark's mother always claimed that they would get married. they even began 'dating' when they were twelve and lasted until they were about fifteen. unfortunately, life intervened and tore them apart. nanette ended up moving away with her mother after her parents' divorce. mark and nanette drifted apart as a result. she's one of the few peers from his childhood that he would always think of fondly.
be/nny coffin - benny and mark met when they were about ten and benny's family moved to scarsdale. benny's family was less well off than mark's, but that didn't stop the two of them from becoming fast friends. while they were different, they still found common ground and got along extremely well. it wouldn't be until mark was well into adulthood that he would realize that the benny he knew after he got married to allison grey was not a new benny, but the benny that had always been there. mark's kind heart and deep feelings of friendship blinded him to the truth.
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expotime · 2 months
#event #events #exhibition #expo #Fair #BUSINESS #trending #TRAVEL #ai #New_York  FFANY MARKET WEEK 2024
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homestuckconfession · 7 months
i've taken a vow of never interacting with the homestuck epilogues or homestuck beyond canon ever and only peering into the void when it is safe for me to do so. as such i have every hs^2 related tag filtered and some of the characters from there (ult. dirk, rosebot, y*ffany (the most flagrant example)) actually kinda trigger me
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mandymoore · 2 years
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FFANY Shoes On Sale Gala - October 10, 2017
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