#ff8 fanmedia
gardengalwrites · 2 months
Seiftis Forever Festival 2024
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The Seiftis Forever Discord Community invites you to create fanworks celebrating Seifer x Quistis! 1) Your work must feature the Seiftis pairing. 2) Your work must be previously unpublished. Other than that, there are no content restrictions. All genres and ratings are welcome, as well as alternate universes and crossovers. Anything goes, as long as Seiftis is the focal point of your work! Posting runs from September 1, 2024 - December 31, 2024 on AO3. Simply add your work(s) to the collection here.
• Happy Birthday • Holiday Cheer • Vacation • Incognito • Secret Relationship • Return to Balamb Garden • Reinstatement of Instructor's License • My Wingman Irvine • My Best Friend Xu • The List • The Orphanage • Troubled Past • Second Chance • The Trepies • Tried for War Crimes • Resignation from SeeD • Nightmares • Oblivious to Love • Amnesia • Critically Wounded • Mission Partners • Bad Habits • Redemptive Love
Bonus Prompts (Reverse Tropes):
♥ Hate at First Sight ♥ Too Many Beds ♥ Instead of Fake Dating, everyone is convinced that they are NOT Actually Dating
Do I have to be a member of the Discord Community to participate? This event is open to everyone but we would LOVE for you to join us. Can't wait to connect with you there!
Do I have to use the prompts? The prompts are completely optional. If you do use any, please mention them in your notes.
Does my submission have to be a fic? What if I don't have an account on AO3? You may submit art, crafts, cosplay, and any other type of fanmedia! Submissions will be accepted outside of AO3. Just make sure to send your link to Garden_Gal so that she can include your fanwork on the Master List (to be released at the close of the Festival).
What if I don't finish in time for the posting period? That's okay! While the goal is to submit your work(s) to this collection from September through December, we will happily accept late submissions in the New Year. We know you're busy so we appreciate you participating in this event.
Can I submit more than one work? Yes, absolutely. Feel free to submit as many works as you would like to!
Can I cross-post to another event? Cross-posting is acceptable, as long as the other event allows this too.
27 notes · View notes