#ff13 oc
kingxxlink · 1 year
With every "!!" I get, I'll introduce you to an OC!
Today's blorbo thoughts are all about my Final Fantasy 13 OC, Riona Cassel!
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(riona cassel, 14 years old; during ffxiii; art by @eldritch-goth)
So Riona's super tragic, as is to be expected of a Link OC (TM). At only 14 years old, she's a minor alcoholic and a major swordswoman, though I wouldn't say major in terms of how well-known she is. She's just unusually good for her age (due to immense amounts of practice to cope with a family loss).
She loves bonfires, candles, and playing rough with/teasing friends, but is also terrified of thunderstorms, crowds, and graveyards. She used to have a pretty good relationship with her parents until above stated family loss occurred, at which point there was a familial rift.
She's paired with Hope Estheim, but does not travel with him during most of the events of FFXIII. Instead, she goes on her own journey as a Sanctum L'Cie, tasked with ending the Pulse L'Cie 'tormenting' Cocoon.
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(art by bakawomans @ DA)
More info below the cut!
This is the history I wrote for her on her Toyhou.se profile:
Riona was born to Ayla and Renast Cassel in early spring, five years before her brother Eythil. She was a quiet child, often considered shy as she stuck to her mother's skirts and avoided contact with anyone outside of her family. Even her father struggled to get close to her. When her brother was born, she took to him more than she had anyone else. She was quick to learn how to hold him and was instrumental in raising him, despite how young she was. Her mother was so proud of them both, especially as they grew and grew closer, often finding ways to work at home just to be with them.
Their lives were remarkably mundane for years. The most excitement came from Ayla's job as a military engineer, but even that seemed far removed from the family's suburbanite days. Things were good.
And then the accident happened.
Riona was only twelve, left alone at home with her seven year old brother. Their father was, as usual, at the office, their mother called away for work on a confidential project. It wasn't the first time the two had been left alone, but there had never been an issue before, so no one expected one now.
Eythil was a curious boy, though, and prone to finding trouble. More often than not, Riona had been able to deter him, but she was distracted. She no longer remembers what it was that held her attention, she only remembers turning back to see her younger brother reaching for a pan of boiling oil. She remembers the moment it started to tip.
They'd called her little rabbit as a child, quick and jumpy. She proved it that night, leaping at her brother with such speed that she was able to knock him away before the boiling oil ruined his face. Little splotches hit his neck, his shoulders, but most of the oil fell on Riona's arm, burning it horribly. She was too busy screaming to realize where her brother had fallen, and it took her a few minutes to realize he wasn't moving or responding to her distress.
Eythil had hit his head on the way down, pushed so hard that his skull fractured when it hit the ground. When Riona finally came to her senses, arm burning and tears flowing freely, she scrambled for a phone, calling emergency services and then her parents, as she'd always been told to. It wasn't enough. Eythil died in the hospital shortly after arrival.
Things between Riona and her parents were never the same. Her father was home less than before, which hadn't been much, and her mother became a shell of a person. Any interaction Riona had with the two was hollow, lifeless, and often sprinkled with "it should have been you." Eythil had been the light of their life. It was all too easy to blame his loss on their remaining child, the one who should've kept him safe.
Everything started to fall apart. Riona was left home alone more and more, and soon she found her way into her mother's liquor cabinet. She'd seen enough media to know that alcohol made things feel "better", even if it was unpleasant to drink. She was desperate enough to try it, and...and the cabinet had been left unlocked. It was if the universe was daring her, seeing how far she could fall.
Between the binge drinking, she threw herself into swordplay, her first and only love. There was something about the gleam of a blade, its easy movement as it sliced through the air. Nothing else could replicate the powerful feeling it gave her, and god, did she need to feel power in a life as powerless as hers. She was good at it, too, and only getting better. She had to be good at something, she told herself. She had nothing else to live for.
It's been two years since her brother died. She'll be getting on a train to Bodhum tonight, to see the annual fireworks festival for herself. She's not sure if she'll come home again. But maybe she'll find a reason to live.
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(Riona full outfit ref during the events of ffxiii; art & outfit design by LockeOculus @ Twitter)
Long story short, after her younger brother dies in a tragic accident, her parents blame her for it. At twelve years old, she remembers that her mother always 'feels better' when she drinks, so she delves into her mom's liquor cabinet to 'feel better'. She practices her swordplay. She avoids going home.
None of it works.
At the Bodhum fireworks festival, Riona meets Hope Estheim and his mother, Nora. Both take to her immediately for different reasons, and Rio remembers what it feels like to be cared about by a maternal figure and what it feels like to have friends.
When the Pulse fal'Cie is discovered and the Purge begins, Rio narrowly escaped it unwittingly by leaving during the fireworks. She sees the news of the Purge on television but doesn't believe what the government of Cocoon says it is, unlike her parents, unlike everyone in town. She tries to go to what remains of Bodhum, but never makes it, instead making it to the outside of The Sunleth Waterscape, chosen by the fal'Cie in control of weather conditions, and inadvertently pushed into a group of Sanctum military folk with little instruction but plenty of imagery of unnamed folks dying beneath her hands.
She learns later that these unnamed folk are Hope Estheim's new friends, and that he is one of her targets as well. By the time the Pulse l'Cie group reaches Palumpolum, Riona has chosen to work against her Focus, despite the fate that her choice entails. She joins Hope and his group and fights against the Sanctum government and Sanctum fal'Cie to the end of that story (not given here for spoiler reasons, though you can go look it up yourself if you're curious!).
When the events of the game are over, Hope is returned to his father's care, but Riona is mysteriously missing. He wonders about her, but it isn't until Lightning goes missing (events of FFXIII-2) that he starts to search for the two women and try to bring them back from wherever they have ended up.
In truth, Riona hadn't disappeared like Lightning. She'd simply run away, in fear of having to admit to Hope or any of their friends what guilt she lived under (her brother's death and her initial Focus, now wiped clean by the events of game one), and chose to wander the world of Pulse alone. Throughout her teenage years, she occasionally gained new allies and worked with them for short periods of time, but the only person she consistently spoke to was Snow Villiers, living in New Bodhum on Pulse's surface. He kept her existence secret from Hope at Riona's insistence but constantly needled her to go to her friend.
Finally, one day, she did.
I've yet to finish writing this story to completion due to not finishing FFXIII-2 or Lightning Returns, but I do know that she and Hope end up marrying and having two children: Eythil Jr. and Nora, named after their deceased loved ones. Rio never makes up with her parents, who still choose to blame her for what happened to her brother, but she also develops a strong familial bond with Hope's father and Hope's friends.
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(Riona during the events of ffxiii-2; art by @eldritch-goth)
ty for the ask sadie!!!
and to anyone who made it this far: ty for reading!! I hope you enjoyed! <3
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snvxiii · 7 months
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Kupid's Arrow 🏹
Aiming for your heart 💘
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naumin · 3 months
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remembered another beloved yumeship comm from a whole freakin year ago... this ones for quietus💜
my commission info | my queue | sign up to my pinglist
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sealrock · 15 hours
idk what it is now that achille is (dyed) blond again but there's hardly any hairs that work for his face now
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alchemyandart · 5 months
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the warrior of light but make him cunty with it
my warrior of light is named Mesro'te Mewrilah (he/him)
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windupkaine · 1 year
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hraesvelgr and shiva
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ghostlude · 2 months
Last Cassiel post for now, but here’s what I have as an idea for her lore. Also until we get more info about the path of Elation and Mourning Actors, I’m going to assume the specifics of becoming an Actor involve experiencing a tragedy. ANYWAYS
Cassiel is from an unnamed planet and has lived alone there for most of her life. Almost every single society on that planet has perished, save for a handful of people including Cassiel, but they’re all scattered across the globe.
She lived with her grandmother during her childhood, but her grandmother soon passed away, leaving her to fend for herself.
As for her religious themes, she and her grandma were always followers of Elation, but the passing of her grandma led her to becoming a Mourning Actor.
She’s met Morgan once when he was just a drifter. Morgan landed for supplies but was found by her when he realized just how desolate the place was. He’s the one who suggested she leave her home planet.
Cassiel now spreads Elation where she goes, offering anyone willing to share their grievances her shoulder so she can mourn in their stead.
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thestellarsage · 8 months
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This is my Final Fantasy OC drawn by FrankArte, as my commission. Her name is Kethereal, and she’s an artificial human created from the combined DNA of Sephiroth (post-AC), Lightning (in her prime), and in lower percentages, four other powerful characters (two heroes and two villains) from the FF franchise: Noctis, Hydaelyn, Kefka, Ultimecia. She came from an alternative future. Despite her powers, she seldom uses them and sticks to living a mundane life at the Urbans. Personality-wise, she's like a mix of Saitama and Hellboy, with a habit of snarking. She also prefers not to fight as she wants other heroes to succeed.
Height: 171+ cm (exact height unknown)
Age: 24
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sharonpearlee · 10 months
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Alone time with Cid Raines~~🥰❤️
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rpersearch · 7 months
21+, she/they, fixating on various final fantasy characters and would love to stretch a few muses for ship-based rp (m/m, f/f, m/f, just no OCs please) i have a few "popular" ones listed as well as a crossover ship ideas, and am very open to other ones as well!!! my preferred muse is in bold. and * indicates i REALLY want it: - cloud strife from ff7 (would love to write against a *zack fair, *sephiroth, reno, kadaj, *rufus shinra, squall leonhart [ff8], noctis [ff15]) - tifa lockhart from ff7 (would love to write against an aerith, *cloud, *lightning [ff13]) - kadaj from ff7:ac (would love to write against a *rufus shinra, cloud strife) - rufus shinra from ff7 (would love to write against a kadaj*, tseng, reno) - cid highwind from ff7 (would love to write against a *vincent) - lightning from ff13 (would love to write against a *fang, *tifa lockhart [ff7], *aerith [ff7], noctis [ff15]) - noctis from ff15 (would love to write against a *prompto, ignis, *poly chocobros, cloud [ff7], squall [ff8], lightning [ff13]) open to canon plots, full on AUs, kingdom hearts/dissidia based, whatever works! and please feel free to suggest characters to play against these muses as well!!! like/interact if interested, and i'll reach out! thank you. : )
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getsusekaii · 7 months
The rules are simple! Post characters you’d like to roleplay as, have roleplayed as, and might bring back. Then tag ten people to do the same (if you can’t think of ten, just write down however many you can and tag that number of people). Please repost, don’t reblog!
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jjk - 11 muses csm - 3 muses bleach - 3 muses free - 14 muses persona 5 - 4 muses drrr!! - 2 muses final fantasy - 1 muse loz - 1 muse kimetsu no yaiba - 2 muses fruits basket - 3 muses noragami - 1 muse sao - 1 muse dc - 1 muse mha - 1 muse xenoblade - 1 muse
noctis lucis caelum (ff15) goku / kakarot (dragon ball) vegeta (dragon ball) dabi (mha) anya forger (sxf) mahiru shirota (servamp) natsuno yuuki/koide (shiki)
claire "lightning" farron (ff13)
oda sakunosuke (bsd)
atsushi nakajima (bsd)
kunikida doppo (bsd)
akane shiina (free)
mahiru shirota (servamp)
kuroh yatogami (k)
sato mafuyu (given)
ugetsu murata (given)
otabek altin (yoi)
yuri katsuki (yoi)
haiji kiyose (run with the wind)
kaito onogi (tsurune)
psyche orihara (drrr)
roppi orihara (drrr)
virus-138 (drrr)
hibiya orihara (drrr)
sakuraya orihara (drrr)
delic heiwajima (drrr)
tsugaru heiwajima (drrr)
rubii yubiwa (drrr)
yahiro mizuchi (drrr sh)
mikado ryuugamine (drrr/sh)
shinra kishitani
goh (pokemon)
4 OCs
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Tagged: @gohjuo & @vh1ral (●ˇ∀ˇ●) Tagging: If you actually read all this, you're obligated to do this
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astrummorte-m · 4 months
kingscyrus replied: .............. give me the stats, I WANNA KNOW. LMAFO
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if you say so, my guy (gnc)
tumblr blog #1, astrummorte:
mostly ocs, though the ones that are of note for my canons are yae miko, xemnas, diluc, dottore, kaeya, sora, roxas, kafka, aqua, ardyn izunia, paimon, man in the moon / manny, cloud strife, nicholas d. wolfwood, kaveh, and boothill.
tumblr blog #2, corfolli:
these r literally ALL OF MY NEAR CANON CHARACTERS. like. adherence to guidelines and rules and codes alike. aside from my bg3 characters, who follow a weird timeline <3. that being said, ezio auditore de firenze, gale dekarios, wyllyam ravengard, halsin silverbough, high harper jaheira, vax'ildan vessar, keyleth of the air ashari, ren amamiya, and futaba sakura.
tumblr blog #3, betonrcd: my super canon divergent aventurine of strategems, from honkai star rail. he has a pet kitten and is adoptive family of decima sangsters (novastrae) and my kaveh's hsr verse.
tumblr blog #4, tenarcana: my BIG GUY. my LOVE. the one who DESERVES THE WORLD. my longest term oc from a canon character, kairos rian serif. please bug him i beg of you
tumblr blog #5, foughtbelief: my kh dnd dmpc that i was "forced" to make tag along because my FUCKING PARTY got attached to him :sadge:. he's just a little guy your honor
tumblr blog #6, carrusidae: god/deity of youth, joy, revelry, and laughter. simple blog, meant for only lightheartedness.
tumblr blog #7, spellwound: bg3 tav made complicated w time travel and messing with the d20 of the universe babey
tumblr blog #8, memorieskept: buncha my ocs in one spot whenever i wanna mess w them tbh
tumblr blog #9, whcnimdone: self insert bg3 tav. uwu
tumblr blog #10, vcltaic: MY BELOVED VILLAIN HSR OC love that evil horrible woman who is evil for a good reason <3
tumblr blog #11, memenatura: my ffxiv wol oc whomst i love dearly
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as for discord~ oh gosh. okay. let's go.
final fantasy series: cid highwind (ff7), aerith gainsborough (ff7), sephiroth (im recognized by this guy dont fucking talk to me dog), tidus (ff10) , yuna (ff10), lulu (ff10), fran (ff12), lightning (ff13), fang (ff13), vanille (ff13), noel (ff13-2)
kingdom hearts series: riku, marluxia, kairi (briefly), foreteller ava, ephemer, strelitzia, xion, namine (briefly), ventus (briefly)
pokemon series: lots of protags, but. u know. touko (bw), n (bw; briefly), kris (crystal), the jp manga version of blue (the girl, not the rival. the one who fucking hates birds), dawn (dpp), cynthia (dpp), summer (pr:gs), emmet (bw2/post-loa), rosa (bw2), blanche (p!go), selene (sm/usum), nessa (swsh; briefly)
a lot more??????? there's. i'm everywhere, man.
gonna be real with you dog, thinking about this made my head hurt. /lh
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snvxiii · 7 months
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He's teaching her culture!
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lebrcau · 1 year
what’s your phone wallpaper : Nero Sparda 🙈 last song you listened to : LoveGame by Lady Gaga currently reading : The Lady's Guide to Petticoats and Piracy by Mackenzi Lee last movie : John Wick 2 last show : New Amsterdam what are you wearing right now : Black jeans and a white crop top piercings / tattoos? : a Kingdom Hearts tattoo on my right forearm glasses ? contacts? : Both, but I only use contacts for cosplay last thing you ate? : chicken & avocado wrap favorite color(s) : Black, moss green, purple, pink current obsession : Devil May Cry 5, NieR:Automata and an OC I'm trying to write the lore for do you have a crush right now? : I'm in a very long relationship with my childhood sweetheart. But if not him, I'm hardcore crushing on Fang from FF13 and Nero from DMC favourite fictional character : Sora from Kingdom Hearts (comfort character, he brings me so much joy)
Tagged by: @poeticphoenix Tagging: ANYONE WHO SEES THIS, YES THAT MEANS Y O U
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brightwingedbat · 2 years
🦴 and 👂 for the big ol cat
two more for Tantalus!
👂 : Does your OC have an attractive voice? I'd certainly say so. His voice is rather smooth for a charr male, he doesn't really have that raspy, growly undertone to it. Though it still is a fair bit deep. Personally I imagine something like Liam O'Brien does, but not like Smodur. More FF13 Caius Ballad.
🦴 : Does your OC have much sexual experience? What are they like? Let's just say he probably has quite a few cubs running around the fahrar that he's none the wiser of. He's had plenty of experience with both men and women charr- And occasional non-charr too after he escapes the legions. He's an unnegotiable top, and loves to play rough. Just one thing to always be aware about post his escape, never touch his scarred back. As long as that's followed, he's sure to satisfy.
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nerice · 2 years
h3imdall fight is up there in terms of fun oc coincidences like it made me miss the eldenring m0rgott fight (diff reasons) sooooooo much + i also wanna replay ff13 now
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