#ff momo
introspectivememories · 10 months
it's always distinguished lesbian momo with disaster gay todoroki. we need to flip the script. disaster lesbian momo with distinguished gay todoroki. tddk are practically living together in shouto's japanese style dorm meanwhile momo flies in every morning, hair a mess, slamming that shoji door open, talkin bout "todoroki-kun! kyouka touched my knee this morning! do you think she likes me????"
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nr1chaedickrider · 2 months
love me or leave me tonight
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Does love survive hatred?
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angst, angst and angst ; also smut!!! is this even fluff.. ; vampire!sana ; vampirehunter!reader ; violence and stuff ; blood and bloodplay ; sana is manipulative lwk?? ; bondage ; sana has a back tattoo ; degradation ; forbidden love ; friends to ???? ^_^ ; inspired by first kill ; mentions of murder ; voyerism ; happy (very very late) birthday @cry4mina (thiswas supposed to be your bday present), you were probs the person that motivated me the most for writing this so thank you, not proofread!
men dni.
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It feels like your wrists are tied together, not being able to move, not at all.
The way she looks at you makes you shiver in fear, tears rolling down your cheeks.
"Please.." you beg her, in such a pathetic tone nobody would be able to make fun of you, instead they would feel bad for you.
Sana always described herself as being different than the others though.
If it is because of her fangs or just her behavior in general that makes her look like a monster, you don't know for sure.
You crush the empty beer can and drop it on the floor. Sana hands you a new one and you thank her with a brief nod.
You open it with a crack and take a sip, feeling the fizz and tasting the slightly bitter taste.
It's pretty quiet before you start talking.
"My family is causing stress again.
"Should I pretend to be surprised?" she asks with a light laugh, you laugh a little too.
"Is that why you have bruises and scars?" she adds, looking at the injuries on your face and neck.
Sana - the only person who knows your secret, that you were born into a family of vampire hunters.
"One of the strongest vampire families is said to be here in town," you answer.
Sana - the only daughter of the most famous vampire family.
She knows all your secrets - you know none of hers.
She nods, as if she understands what you are going through.
She lifts her hand and gently strokes the scar on your cheek.
You blush slightly at the close proximity of the two of you.
Just a little more pressure and it would start to bleed, Sana thinks to herself.
She pulls her hand away before she thinks any more about it, before her feelings take over.
Her feelings have always been stronger than her.
Her feelings control her, it has always been like this.
"I love you" the words glide easily over her tongue, a smile on her lips.
Even if it's just a whisper - it's a dream for you, as if nothing could happen, nothing could stop you.
Like teenagers in love (that's what you are, teenagers).
"Really?" you ask, in some way you're sure she means it, but you just want to hear it again.
She nods, "I love you so much" she repeats with the same smile.
You take her hand in yours, your thumb gently stroking the back of her hand.
She looks down at your hands, then up at you.
You look into her eyes and move closer.
A kiss.
Gentle, slow, romantic, simply full of emotion.
Full of love.
When your lips part, you both giggle a little, but then you continue kissing.
Further, further, and further.
When your lips (finally) part again, you are both completely out of breath. Your cheeks are slightly flushed.
You both sink into the mattress as you push Sana into her on her back.
She continues to giggle, almost unable to stop, just like you.
You lean over her and kiss her neck. The contact of your lips on her cold neck makes the hair on her arms and neck stand up, her fingers digging into the sheets as you suck on her pulse point.
"Honestly, I have no idea what exactly to do," you confess as you sit on top of her, your hand toys with the hem of her oversized shirt (or rather, your oversized shirt).
"Me neither" she replies with a laugh.
You smile like an idiot as she says this. "Now come here" she says and pulls you down to kiss you again.
You mumble a "may I?" against her lips and tug lightly on her shirt, she responds with a nod and lifts her arms over her head as you pull the shirt over her head and drop it on the floor next to you.
You kiss her soft, smooth skin and take off her sports bra. Your hands slowly massage her breasts, Sana moans slightly and her body presses against yours to feel you and your hands even more and even better.
You slowly kiss further down, over her ribs, her thin stomach with a slightly trained six-pack - down to the waistband of her shorts.
You look up to her and make eye contact.
"Please" she says under her breath, you nod in response, knowing what she wants from you.
You pull them off her, as well as her underwear (that already has a damp spot on it).
You stare at her pretty pussy, you can't help but giggle a little at the view infront of you.
You come closer, inhaling her sweet scent before diving in.
Sana twitches a little at your sudden action, her hands flying to your head in just a second and gripping your hair, leaving a delicious burn.
Your tongue licks her clit, drawing eights on it.
You hope that you're doing a good job, desperately trying to remember how the women in porn do it - how they pleasure the other and making her moan like crazy.
You stop overthinking when Sana lets out a louder moan though.
Your tongue finds her hole, entering and exiting her a little.
need your fingers" she moans out.
You smile a little as you part your mouth from her core, now rubbing circles on it with your two fingers.
You kiss her again, your pointer finger dipping into her wetness, making her moan out loud, not being able to kiss you back normally.
Her hands grip the bedsheets, a few veins peeking out from her hand.
You stop kissing her, going down to her neck and leaving wet kisses on it, kissing over the few marks you've left and adding even more to it.
Your second finger enters her, making her let out a high pitched whimper.
Her hips meet your pace and start grinding on your fingers, searching desperately for the pleasure she needs.
"I'm so close... please-" she whimpers, you smirk against her skin and take one of her erected buds into your mouth.
A few thrusts, your thumb on her clit, and your tongue on her nipple send her over the edge as she comes with a loud whine.
You slowly pull your wet fingers out of her, licking them clean as you watch her breathe heavily.
"That was so... wow-" she breathes out.
"You're cute"
Love is not forever.
After you met Sana, you actually wanted to think that it was something for eternity.
It would never die out, you would never think of anything but love.
Love, love, love.
Maybe it is really made to last forever - only that after a while you'll love in a different way.
Desperate love.
Loving sadness.
Loving even though you don't really want to.
This love consumes you, makes you think of nothing else but that.
Every situation can remind you of love.
Your brother's death also reminds you of it.
His body lies in a field, in complete darkness.
His eyes open, his gaze full of emptiness.
"What... what happened?" you ask, a slight tremor in your voice.
Your father exhales before answering you.
But instead of telling you like a normal person, he kneels down next to your brother's head and turns his head to the side.
A scar on his neck.
Two holes.
Blood residue next to it, completely dried.
Your mother and sister hug each other, tears running down their cheeks.
"Was it the new vampire family?" you ask.
Stupid question.
It was Sana," he replies.
He nods.
You laugh a little, full of frustration.
"It's not funny-... she would never-"
"You can never trust vampires." he says with a stern tone.
He's serious.
Sana, your best friend, your girlfriend for several months.
She killed your brother.
You look at your brother, then at your family.
Your legs move faster than you can think.
You run away, run in a direction you know only too well.
Sana's house.
You take the back entrance to her garden (which you already know well enough) and come across her sitting in a chair.
She looks at you in shock as you look at her.
"Y/n- what are you doing here?" she asks and stands up.
"Is it true?" you ask back, your voice a mixture of fear and anger.
She doesn't say anything at first, but then realizes that you mean exactly what she's been trying to forget since last night.
She nods slowly.
She doesn't deny it, she doesn't try to explain herself.
Whether it's even possible to explain yourself.
Your hand grips the handle of your pocketknife tightly, your hands trembling slightly.
"Y/n... I wanted to tell you... but my parents-"
"They forbid me to see you, but I went ahead anyway because I love you"
You listen to her, for some reason hoping she'll say something good - even though you know that nothing can make this situation any better.
"He was my first victim," she says after an awkward, tense silence.
Her first victim?
"They made me bite him... as punishment"
"I couldn't help it"
"You couldn't help it? What are you saying... Sana, I thought you loved me"
"Where is your common sense?" you ask her, your voice louder and full of despair.
You run towards her, your knife pointed at her as you try to hit her chest.
She dodges quickly, twisting your arm behind your back as you let out a small cry of pain and let the knife drop.
"Y/n..." she says with concern.
Her grip is as if she doesn't even want to do any of this, as if she's being forced by something.
"It's better if you leave," she adds.
She lets go of you (or rather, tosses you) as you fall on the ground, the wet grass soaking through your clothes as you feel the cold.
You look up at her, full of fear.
This is not the Sana you know.
It doesn't feel like you're looking at Sana Minatozaki.
At this moment, it feels like you're in front of an evil person.
Like in a nightmare.
You grab the knife on the floor next to you and stand up quickly, your eyes on her one last time before you run away.
She looks after you, sees your body getting smaller and smaller before you disappear behind a hill.
A tear runs down her cheek, and as she turns around she sees both her parents looking down at her through the second floor window.
Their expressions are cold and disappointed.
Just like always.
And you, you don't stop running.
You run on and on, without a destination, without any idea where you want to go.
Just away from here -
Away from Sana.
The music is loud as you walk into the club, your jeans are loose around your waist, your white t-shirt is slightly cropped so that your stomach can be seen a little.
You sit down at the bar and watch the other people dance.
The last time you were here was several years ago,
with Sana.
You were younger back then, still in school, no idea what you wanted to do in the future.
Now you're older, and you know what your goal in life is.
To kill Sana.
To get your revenge.
Your thoughts are interrupted by the bartender asking what you would like to drink, you order a beer and he gives you one and then moves on to other guests.
You drink a little and feel the fizz, tasting the slightly bitter taste of this variety.
The taste reminds you of the countless times you have drunk with Sana.
You look around a little before you see something that almost makes you drop the bottle on the floor.
Sana pushing someone against the wall.
Short black hair, lots of tattoos -
She has no idea who exactly she's dealing with.
You leave your bottle at the bar and walk slowly towards them both.
Sana kisses her hard and aggressively, full of energy.
And you can guess why she has so much energy.
Before you can get any closer, Sana turns her head in your direction while turning the woman's head to the side so that she has perfect access to her neck.
Sana grins at you.
And suddenly her lips are stained dark red with blood.
She flashes her fangs at you, completely covered in blood as she slowly licks them clean.
And suddenly she's just gone.
In a millisecond she has bitten her victim, and in a millisecond she is gone without leaving a trace.
Your victim falls to the ground as you run to her to help her somehow.
But it's too late.
You look at her neck and see the same scar you saw on your brother.
While the crowd tries to take care of her, you disappear from the club.
A sigh leaves your lips.
"I'll help you," she says, her thumb stroking the back of your hand as she smiles at you.
You have an uncomfortable feeling in your stomach, you feel sick and you're not sure if you should do this at all.
Or if you want to involve Jihyo at all.
She's 10 years older than you - an old acquaintance from your family and a vampire hunter just like you.
She was also your first love.
Actually, it was just a little crush, maybe you mistook it for a close friendship, you were quite young.
The plan of the two of you was pretty simple - go to Sana's house and capture her if possible (you don't want to think about the possibility of killing her).
If your information is correct, her parents are no longer alive.
Rumor has it that she killed them herself.
To be honest, you wouldn't be surprised if it were true.
Jihyo and you make your way to her house, equipped with various weapons.
It is dark, 10 o'clock in the evening. The night is still and quiet.
If only you knew it would change quickly.
You enter the house through the garden, Jihyo has always been good at picking locks.
Your pistol in your hand, you look around carefully as Jihyo walks ahead of you.
She turns right, you look behind you for something, but then you hear something fall.
You turn around quickly and see that "something" is Jihyo.
All you can see is her legs sticking out from behind the wall. You run to her, kneel down on the floor next to her, but the moment you look up-
Sana hits you and you fall over.
"Where am I?" you mumble, your head aching as you open your eyes.
You see Jihyo lying on the ground, just a few meters away.
You run to her, or rather, you try to.
Something sharp cuts into your skin and you bite your lip.
You look down at your arms and see that you've been tied to the wall with barbed wire.
"Fuck-" you breathe out, trying not to feel the pain.
You only have your bra on, Sana has undressed you a little, probably so that you only feel more pain.
You try to move as little as possible and look anxiously at Jihyo, who, thankfully, is slowly waking up.
"Jihyo!" you say, she looks at you, then looks around.
This makes you look around.
You realize you're both in a rather large basement.
Jihyo is fully dressed, but her hands are tied behind her back.
Before you can warn her about the corpses you've noticed, the cellar door opens and Sana comes down.
"You're awake, how nice," she says with a smile.
"And Y/n? How do you like the barbed wire?" she asks.
"Fuck you" you just reply, Sana laughs but doesn't really pay attention to you, not like she has her eyes on Jihyo.
And part of you has an inkling of what's about to happen.
Sana sits down on a rather large chair, and with a small wave of her hand, Jihyo lands on her lap, her back against Sana's chest, her eyes locked on yours.
"I really haven't had such a pretty girl on my lap in a long time," Sana says, her hand slowly stroking Jihyo's arm.
You take a deep breath and try to calm yourself down somehow. The situation you, or rather Jihyo, are in can quickly become life-threatening.
"What do you want?" you ask, looking at her and she starts laughing again.
"Blood," she replies. Short, concise, without any emotion. The smile she had on her lips a few seconds ago has disappeared.
She is serious.
Jihyo is still looking at you, her eyes full of fear.
But her look of fear changes. And you don't know what to think except "what exactly is happening here."
Sana whispers something in her ear, and the fear in her eyes disappears.
Sana's hand moves on her body, and then she stops right on Jihyo's core.
Before you can do anything else, you realise what is happening.
And how it's to late to save Jihyo.
You feel like your eyes are fixiated on Sana and how Jihyo sits so obediently on her lap. You're not able to shift your gaze. It's like there is only them - and you're watching them like a movie. Like a perfomance that was made just for you - and you can't stop looking.
This was made for you, and the way Sana forces you to watch them.
Her hand goes past Jihyo's underwear, and suddenly Jihyo is moaning so softly for her. The look on her face just full of arousal.
She has been manipulated.
Something you learned early on - when training to be a vampire hunter.
There's nothing you can do, when you've been trapped under a vampire's spell. Except for one thing -
hope that you won't die.
In Jihyo's case right now, you're not sure what is going to happen in the end.
So you continue watching them, you watch Sana kissing Jihyo's neck, the intoxicating smell of her blood is problably already driving her crazy.
She continues fingering her, her movements speeding up.
She has no intention of giving pleasure to Jihyo - she just waits for the right moment to bite into her neck.
When Jihyo is moaning louder though, and her body twitches closer to Sana, she knows it's happening.
You know too.
"Jihyo!" you yell out, in hopes you're able to somehow get her out of this trance.
It was already to late.
Sana bites into her neck, begins to suck and moan at the fresh taste. 
Jihyo screams for help, and you can do nothing but watch as a tear flows down your cheek.
Her lifeless body drops to the ground as soon as Sana is done with her.
She licks her fangs with a smile, smirking at you like she did the night you first saw her again.
She comes closer, taking your jaw into her hand. 
"You can't replace me that easily." she whispers seductively.
"What do you mean?" you ask, but she just shakes her head.
"I'll see you soon" she replies, and your eyes fall shut.
When you wake up again, you are lying in your bathtub.
You try to move, but notice the pain in your arms from the barbed wire.
You lean your head back and take a deep breath.
To summarize, you watched Sana finger Jihyo and then bite and kill her. Afterwards she tells you that you can't replace her, and now you're here.
Sana knows where you live.
Jihyo is dead.
To say you're overwhelmed is an understatement.
But you know exactly what you have to do, whether it's for you or for Jihyo.
Find Sana.
As you slowly step out of the bathtub, a thought occurs to you.
The evening gala of big companies. If anyone is going to be there, it's Sana.
You take another look at yourself in the mirror.
Your black suit fits a little loosely, but hides your scars well.
You get into your car and drive to her house.
How convenient that everything happens in her house.
When you get there, you look around.
There are already a lot of people there and as you walk in, you see various bosses probably talking about certain deals and wanting to do business.
A waiter comes up to you and offers you a glass of red wine, which you gratefully accept.
The taste is bitter, dry, but somehow it reminds you of blood.
How ironic, you think to yourself.
You walk around, having conversations here and there.
"I thought this event was for people with companies," someone says, and as you turn around, you see her.
It's Sana.
Her grin is like a shiver running down your spine.
"I'm not here to conduct business," you reply, drinking the rest of your wine.
Your lips are slightly red and you smile at her.
Your grip on the glass tightens, and before Sana can do anything, it shatters in your hand.
A waiter quickly comes to help you and removes the shards from the floor, you thank her but say you can take care of it yourself.
Drip, drip, drip.
The blood dripping from your hand drives Sana crazy.
"Oops," you say, but before you can turn around and walk away, she grabs your wrist and pulls you along.
Only now do you notice that she has a tattoo.
A pretty big one.
Your eyes are focused on her back, and the kind of detail the tattoo has.
It's as if it reflects her nature.
One side is sunny. You could even describe it as quite cheerful. If you just look at that side, you're just impressed with the work that's been done. You can see the colors and how they flow together. Everything fits well together.
The other side, however, is the complete opposite.
It's dark, makes you nervous. You get an unpleasant feeling when you look at it. The main colors are black and red. It's like a horrible painting, something you would see in a museum and think to yourself "what was the artist thinking?". The longer you look at it, the more scared you get.
But you can't think about her tattoo for long as you are pushed onto a bed.
Sana sits on top of you and the memories of your first time come flooding back.
The only difference is that Sana was tender and sweet, not cruel like now.
Your bleeding hand is still in hers, and maybe you could even see the water pooling in her mouth.
You know that you should be afraid, or that you should hit her, she killed Jihyo, your brother, and she almost killed you.
But in this moment you feel nothing but the will to feel her everywhere.
And she didn't even manipulate or influence you in any way.
You look at her, and then -
you press your hand more towards her.
And she understands what you want from her.
The smirk on her face appears again and pulls you closer.
She closes her eyes and starts to lick the blood of your hand.
For her, this is the best meal she could ever have. To be able to taste your blood was always a dream of hers.
And so she continues doing that, moaning a little when her tongue touches the red liquid coming from your veins.
She does it like she was starving for her life. Like she lived her life for exactly this moment.
She parts from your hand, leaning her head back slowly as if she would be on a high.
When she looks at you again, her pupils are dilated and the look on her face is full of arousal.
You can't blame her, yours is too.
She fumbles with the buttons of your jacket, you push her hands away and do it yourself, just to end up almost ripping it off your body and throwing it on the floor.
She looks at your arms, the way there are marks everywhere because of her.
"Fuck" she curses under her breath, pulling down the zipper of your pants and pulling (or rather - ripping them) off your body.
A groan escapes your mouth when she touches you, squeezes parts of your body that got your mouth hanging open.
A low "need you" leaves your mouth as Sana starts kissing you everywhere, leaving marks all over your body (surprisingly she's not biting you).
She comes closer to your core, and your need to feel her tongue on you is growing stronger and stronger. Your mind is clouded with the thought of her, it feels like you tried to hate her the whole time while you just need her to fuck you.
At this point, you don't even know if you're still in control of your body or if it's Sana.
No matter what, you don't care.
And when continues eating you out, all messy and again, like she was starving, you grip her hair and push her even closer.
Your thighs just pull her closer, trying to feel her even deeper.
The moans that leave your mouth can problably be heard from outside, but you or Sana both couldn't care less.
The way she licks up ever drop of your juices in hunger, her nails digging into your thighs, scratching you and leaving little marks, droplets of blood escape your veins.
You cum into her mouth with a loud moan, your head leaning back and your eyes roll back.
Sana always thought you were beautiful, but right now, in this moment - you definetly are the prettiest.
She doesn't give you any time to calm down as she rises and shoves two of her fingers inside of you, making you grip the bedsheets in surprise.
Your moans loud and messy, your skin covered in sweat, the blood on your thighs that's oozing out of the cuts drives Sana even crazier.
She continues pumping her fingers inside of you, and she leans forward, dragging her tongue over the cuts.
A moan escapes her mouth, and then, she leans closer to you and kisses you, with her lips stained with the dark red liquid.
You kiss her back, but your mouth hangs open when she adds another finger, filling you up.
You two don't even need to talk, the only way you two communicate is through her messy and needy touches - and your desperate moans.
All desperate - for her.
She never stops moving her fingers.
In, out. In, out.
Here faster, there slower.
You already lost every sense of time, like you're lost in the moment.
Your body twitches in sensitivity. Like it's fragile and Sana is overusing it.
You clearly are overstimulated, but Sana just can't stop herself.
Looking at her, seeing how her eyes are fixiated on your naked body, you ask yourself if she is even in control of her own body - or if something, someone else took control.
She doesn't leave you enough time to overthink, when your eyes are met with a black silk cloth.
The last thing you saw.
You stare at her grave and only now do you realize how stupid you are.
The stone you sit on is cold. Your eyes focus only on her name.
'Park Jihyo'
A sigh leaves your lips.
Are you disappointing her? Is she looking at you and thinking, "What the hell are you doing?"
Does she think you should be ashamed?
For having sex with Sana,
But even worse -
That you somehow still love Sana.
She killed your brother, she killed Jihyo - so many innocent people.
And despite everything, you can't seem to get rid of your feelings for her.
Your thoughts are always about her, your dreams are all about Sana.
You don't know which feeling is stronger - the hatred for her, for all the things she has done.
Or the love - the memories you can't let go.
Her soft lips on yours, the way her arms held you while you cried.
It makes you break down completly.
All those years you were away, it was all about Sana.
You wanted to get stronger, to beat her, to kill her.
But now it seems that you just want to be with her.
The night is dark and cold, everything reminds you of the night you found your brother dead.
The same place, the same time, the same loneliness you felt in your heart.
Instead of running to Sana to confront her, she came to you.
Instead of a calm conversation, you have a knife in your hand.
Her gaze is cold, you're not sure if you can read any emotion in her face.
That would be the word you would use to describe her right now.
"What do you want?" she calls into the night, as if she doesn't know where you are.
As if you were looking for her, she speaks as if she had no plans.
"You came here," you answer, trying not to show any of your feelings.
"You confuse me," you say.
She looks at you questioningly.
"I confuse you?" she repeats.
You nod.
"Why are you doing all this?" you ask, but when she tries to answer, you keep talking.
"You come with me... you listen to me when I talk about how the pressure from my parents is getting too much... you don't tell me that you're a vampire." You take a breath and feel the tears in your eyes. You feel this uncomfortable feeling like you're going to throw up. You feel dizzy.
You are overwhelmed.
"You kill my brother," you begin to say, "You kill him, your first victim, because your parents want to punish you?" you laugh a little. Saying it sounds so unbelievable. So grotesque.
"Then, when I come back here after years, I meet you in a bar and you kill someone."
"You kill Jihyo and make me watch."
"And then?-
You have sex with me as if you would love me."
Tears are streaming down your cheeks, you can't stop laughing because this is all so frustrating to you.
You open your mouth to say something else, but then you are pushed to your knees.
Without Sana even touching you.
It feels like your wrists are tied together, not being able to move, not at all.
The way she looks at you makes you shiver in fear, tears rolling down your cheeks.
Are you doing too much or are you genueinly scared of her?
"Please.." you beg her, in such a pathetic tone nobody would be able to make fun of you, instead they would feel bad for you.
Sana always described herself as being different than the others though.
If it is because of her fangs or just her behavior in general that makes her look like a monster, you don't know for sure.
"Can you just stop talking?" she asks you.
Her expression looks different than how it looked like earlier, instead of the emptiness in her face, it looks like she's letting her emotions take over.
You don't know if this should make you even more scared.
But a part of you, a little part,
thinks, or rather, hopes, that she will behave like a decent human.
That she will behave like the girl you loved.
Or still love.
"I did it all for love." she answers.
Quick, short, but instead of that cold tone in her voice, she sounds...
You look up to her, unable to speak.
"I love you"
She loves you?
Loves you?
"I'll never stop feeling the guilt for what I did to your brother"
"But i can't lie to you and say that i regret doing what I did to Jihyo"
"Because all I ever wanted-
was you" 
She breaths out, like she just confessed the worst thing in the world.
"I always looked for you, when you left town"
"I searched for you, because I wanted to be with you"
"Despite you hating me"
She lets out a sigh.
"I did what I had to do for you to notice me" she stops talking.
She gets down on her knee, right infront of you to match your height.
Her thumb caresses your cheek, before moving your face to the side to expose your neck to her.
The strong of smell of your blood hits her nose like chemicals.
The intense smell that drives her crazy.
You shiver in fear, not knowing what is going to happen.
She stares at your neck, and the way your veins are so visible, like they're calling for her.
Everything she ever dreamed of, was to taste your blood.
But she doesn't want to bite you because of that.
She opens her mouth, flashing her fangs.
You try to somehow escape her spell, so that you can save yourself, but it isn't possible.
She sinks her fangs deep into your skin, you let out a scream when you feel her sucking your blood out of you.
You're finally able to move and try to grab her arm to somehow get her to stop.
"I don't want to die" you whisper, your voice full of weakness.
Until you realise -
Sana isn't planning on killing you.
But to make you a vampire.
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lvlystars · 10 months
22:37 — h.mm
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momo is startled when you suddenly grab her face with your left hand, squishing her cheeks in the process, making her soft lips pout as she stares at you, confused.
“what?” she mumbles, noticing that you looked like you were deep in thought as your eyes darted between the phone screen you held up beside her face, and momo. she could feel a bubbly little flutter erupt in her stomach as she takes this time to just admire the way your eyebrows scrunched together in concentration and how you subconsciously stuck your tongue out, making you look like an absolute unit of a 5-year-old trying to think of it’s next creation.
“how is it possible?” you ask yourself, your eyes still darting back and forth, as if you were comparing something on your phone to momo. “somehow it resembles you, but at the same time, it’s a fucking FRUIT.” you yell, cascading your hand through your hair as momo snakes her arms around your waist, pulling you flush against her crotch.
momo looks up at you, the hearts in her eyes so evident, you didn’t even need to animate her to see them.
“what is it, baby?” momo asks as she rubs your waist, reaching for your phone in your hand and facing it towards her. she giggles, shaking her head as you blush, looking away. “were you comparing me to a peach?” momo asks, amused. the smile adorning her lips quickly becomes contagious as you smile back, bashfully nodding.
“i think it’s the cheeks.” you mutter, hiding your own as you feel momo’s lips press onto your hands, hearing her giggle at your sudden outburst. “i think it’s that fact that you love eating peaches.” she teases, and you whine as you move to get up, trying to run away out of embarrassment.
momo holds you down as she laughs at your behaviour, finding it endearing as she intertwines her hand with yours.
“you’re not wrong about that last part..” you mumble as you pick at your fingers once you both finally calm down, lying down beside each other. momo props her head on her elbow as she looks down at you in amusement.
“oh?” she chirps, “you love ea-”
“please don’t finish that sentence.”
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wc. 376
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ⓒ lvlystars
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mercurykiwi · 9 months
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Don’t reblog. Take a screenshot and upload it, but tag all your OTPs
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downbad4yoongi · 1 year
Bite Me
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This is for @colormepurplex2 for the @bangtanwritershq ARMY Birthday Bash Event.
Vampire!Jimin X Vampire Hunter!Jungkook
4740 words
warnings: 🔞 smut, enemies to lovers, violence, blood and injury, semi-public sex
“Were you looking for me?” Jimin whispers into the hunter’s ear.
Jungkook grunts loudly, immediately struggling in Jimin’s hold. “Let go, you fucking freak!”
“Tsk tsk. Now, why would I do that?” Jimin tucks his head down, nose burying in the back of the other man’s neck, “I’m rather quite enjoying myself, and you smell delicious. I think I just might be hungry enough for another meal.”
Jimin sits back with one foot propped against the low table in his VIP booth, gnawing on the end of the pick from his empty rocks glass as he glares across the space at the epitome of an asshole. Jimin can’t stand that Jeon Jungkook frequents the same bar owned and patronized by the "creatures" he claims to despise. All to brag about his skill in getting the upper hand and defeating the same people with whom the blood bunnies he's chatting up are obsessed. Each time without fail, he is able to bag a blood bunny for a quick lay before he moves on to the next one.
He can't understand why Yoongi allows the roach to do this. The solution to the infestation is glaringly apparent, but even Jimin won't cross Yoongi, the owner of Bite Me. The man is soft-hearted but can be very cold-blooded (pun intended) when necessary. 
Jimin is pulled out of his sulking as the bench seat dips, and his companion rejoins him. Drenched in sweat, Momo plops beside him, draping her legs across his lap. 
Her head lolls back against the back of the booth, "Are you going to sit here brooding all night?"
"I'm not brooding."
"What else would you call this?" Her hand waffles in front of his face. 
"Keeping tabs," Jimin says drolly. 
Momo rolls her eyes, "Why?"
"I'd be a fool not to; predators must keep eyes on their prey." 
“Word on the street is that we’re his prey,” Momo whispers into Jimin’s ear, a sharp nail dragging down the side of Jimin’s exposed neck. 
Jimin scoffs, “Only because he takes out the weakest.”
Momo grimaces, “You're no fun when you’re obsessing over him. Have you even fed tonight?”
Jimin snaps his eyes away from boring holes into the back of Jungkook’s head. His black eyes meet Momo’s chocolate orbs, a sign that she’s already fed tonight and fed well. Now that she’s drawn attention to it, Jimin can feel the aching burn in his throat. He’s been ignoring his need for too long. 
Jimin’s pale lips part with a sigh. “You’re right. I have let myself get distracted.” He leans in, kissing her lips before slipping out onto the dance floor for his next meal.
He stalks across the floor, smells and sensations swirling around him. He moves through the writhing mass of bodies until he filters it all down, zeroing in on the lovely woman before him. Her black, cutaway mini dress teased him in all the right places.
He slips in behind her, his hand around her waist, palming her lower abdomen to bring her back against him. Her movements don’t falter as his hips follow her gyrations.  Jimin noses aside strands of long, black hair to run his nose up the length of her neck, inhaling deeply. 
“You are simply divine,” Jimin groans into the stranger’s ear.
She tosses her head back, leaning on his shoulder, “Hmm, does that normally work for you?”
With a firm nudge on her hip, Jimin spins her around to face him. His hands slip to her lower back as his gaze captures hers. A smirk tugs at his lips as he feels her free will slip away, and her body sways toward him. “For me, always, Dahyun.”
Jimin’s back collides with the dark brick of the alleyway as their tongues tangle together. Dahyun presses closer, fingers diving into his hair as she tries to wrest control of the kiss from Jimin. Jimin nips at her lip, chuckling darkly, “Uh-uh, sweet one. Be a good girl and behave.”
Pinning her to the rough wall, Jimin kisses her lips before nipping his way across her jaw and down one side of her neck. With a wanton groan, he licks his way up the other side before nuzzling back down to just above the juncture of her neck and shoulder and grazing his teeth against the skin. Jimin can feel Dahyun’s body try to tense up but acquiesce in the wake of Jimin’s want.
Jimin’s lips part in a grin, enjoying the thrill before he strikes. His teeth easily part the skin of her neck as he latches on and enjoys the essence of Dahyun. He draws deep, letting the thick, rich liquid coat his mouth before swallowing. 
From the outside, it looks like a couple getting too intimate in a semi-public area, with Dahyun arching into Jimin, whimpering for more. One of Jimin’s hands cups the back of her neck while the other holds her leg around his hips as she rocks against him.
There is always the pull for Jimin to take it all, to take it too far. It’s hard to resist with each bite, but resist, he does. He pulls away when he feels Dahyun’s grip on his shoulders start to weaken. The key is never to take so much that the human can’t recover from what will feel like a moderate hangover.
Jimin laps over the minuscule puncture marks on her neck before trailing soft kisses back to her lips. His eyes now reflect light like the richest cognac, with a flush of pink to his cheeks and plump lips. With one last soft kiss to her lips, he asks, “It’s getting late. Don’t you think you should be getting home?”
Dahyun blinks slowly, “I think it’s getting late. I better get home.”
Jimin pretends to pout. “That’s a shame, but probably for the best. Wouldn’t want your hangover to get too bad.”
At that, Dahyun groans, “Ugh, my roommate will kill me if she has to take care of me again.”
Stepping back, Jimin helps her straighten her skirt, giving the final instruction, “You’ll go straight home and drink a glass of water before going to bed. Tomorrow morning when you awake, you’ll attribute feeling bad to having a hangover and having too much fun tonight.”
Jimin turns her on her heel and urges her back onto the street before turning in the opposite direction. He begins to slip back the other way but draws short as he catches a flash of shiny leather at the end of the alley. Jimin’s eyes narrow as Jungkook steps further into the alley, the light glinting off the silver of his blade. 
They stand there like that staring each other down at a standoff. Jimin crosses his arms, hip cocking to the side in a silent challenge while Jungkook’s eyes narrow even more in a heated glare as he twirls the blade in his hand. The minute tensing of Jungkook’s shoulder tells Jimin he’s about to spur into action.
In a blur, Jimin is moving toward Jungkook and pinning him to the wall leaving Jungkook’s blade to bury into the wall where Jimin was standing. Jimin’s fingers curl around the younger man’s neck, holding him in place as he struggles to escape.
“Fuck off!” Jungkook seethes, pointedly casting his eyes downward, preventing Jimin from bespelling him with his glowing cognac gaze.
“Aw, but this is so much fun. Why do you want to end it so soon?” Jimin taunts.
Jungkook grunts, producing another blade from behind his back and lashing out toward Jimin. He connects only with air as Jimin moves in a blink several feet away to casually lean against the alley wall tutting under his breath.
“What? Are you too chicken to meet your death head-on?” Jungkook spits at him.
“I like stiff edges, just not the silver kind.” Jimin laughs as the hunter’s face flushes red.
Jungkook charges at him but again is left with nothing as Jimin twirls away, now putting several yards between the pair.
“Stop running, you coward!”
Jimin’s dark chuckle rebounds off the walls, “This isn’t running. This is playing with my food.” He tilts his head back, taking in the moon's position, “Lucky for you, I am quite full and have other places to be. Until next time Jeon.”
The door slams back into the bedroom wall creating a soft dent in the plaster in its wake. Jungkook is livid. That should have never happened. Jimin should be a pile of ash, and he should be here at home celebrating ridding the world of one more atrocity. 
"Fuck!" Jungkook punches the wall. ? What the hell happened tonight? There's no way he is off of his game. He begins to strip, starting with removing his numerous blades. Each finds their home in their rightful sheaths before he yanks the clothes he was wearing off, depositing them in a hamper on the way to the shower.
The hot steam billows around him as he rests his forehead against the glass tile on the wall. Taking deep breaths, he wills himself to calm down. Anger and frustration will only hinder him as he figures out how to rid the world of Park Jimin.
Jimin steps out of Bite Me and turns in the direction of his home. The hard heels of his boots echo off the cobblestone as he makes his way past the back alley. It’s been several weeks since that confrontation he had with Jungkook, and ever since then, he hasn’t caught sight of the man at the club. 
Perhaps Jimin actually scared some sense into him, and he’s found a new calling. He snorts to himself because he can’t even believe that likelihood. Jimin only sent him off with his tail between his legs, and Jungkook probably found a new club to lurk at. 
With a shake of his head, Jimin puts the other man out of his mind and continues sauntering down the old cobblestone streets of the Old Town District. His hand is casually thrust into the pocket of his tight black pants, the off-white shirt he’s paired with them billowing slightly around him, only kept in place by the classic French tuck he used to style it. The outfit is simple but eye-catching, drawing just the right amount of attention he wants as he seeks out his next meal. 
As he’s on his own hunt, he senses that someone is watching him a little too closely. He resists the urge to scratch at the back of his neck as he uses the rest of his senses to confirm that he is indeed being followed. Jimin continues on his way, feigning ignorance as he finally sets sights on a suitable meal choice. The tall, muscular man with the wire-framed spectacles is attempting to balance a stack of books in one arm while digging through his satchel with the other.
Jimin comes to the rescue just in time as the books slant to the left and starts to tumble from the man’s grasp. “Here, let me help you with that,” he offers with a warm smile. He gathers half the stack under his own arm and is rewarded with a grateful smile from the stranger.
“Thank you! I would have hated to soil them on the street–Yes!” the man exclaims abruptly, his other fist resurfacing from the depths of his bag with a set of keys. “Found them! I knew they were in there somewhere., “ he says in relief.
Jimin adopts an awkward chuckle, further providing a false sense of ease, “Congrats! I assume you had thought you lost those?”
The taller man’s head bobs bashfully, “Yeah. It wouldn’t have been the first time I would have had to call for help to get into my car. But the crisis is averted, and I can go home now.”
Jimin hefts the books held in the crook of his arm, “Let me help you the rest of the way?”
“You sure? I don’t want to be a bother.”
“Not a bother at all. I’m happy to help.” After casting another grateful smile in his direction, the man turns and leads Jimin around the corner toward the public parking lot in the area. 
Jimin assists in loading his backseat with the numerous tomes in their grasps. The man turns to Jimin to thank him for his help, and that’s his downfall. Jimin captures his gaze, and he sways forward, held in Jimin’s grasp until he’s ready to release him.
“Wh-what?” the man questions, his last bit of willpower struggling under the weight of Jimin’s power.
Jimin draws him closer with a hand on his arm and plucks his prey’s name from his mind, “I was just saying I was happy to help, Namjoon.” Jimin hovers his lips above Namjoon’s, teasing him with a ghost of a kiss before dipping down to trail his lips down the thick column of Namjoon’s neck. Pressing closer, he draws his lips back, the light glistening off his sharp canines, ready to bite. 
He might have to revisit Namjoon, he was a tasty morsel Jimin muses as he navigates his way through Old Town again, having sent Namjoon on his way. He thinks about going home for the night, but first, he needs to rid himself of the little problem that’s been following him for the past several blocks. Jimin sensed his presence a few blocks after sending Namjoon home. As he moves to walk past another dark alleyway, instead of continuing forward, he darts to the side, disappearing down it knowing that his tail won’t be able to resist following him. 
His super speed takes him around the block and to the mouth of the alley behind Jungkook’s unsuspecting back. Jimin slows and, with light steps, sneaks up behind Jungkook, pouncing forward he yanks him back in a tight rear chokehold.
“Were you looking for me?” Jimin whispers into the hunter’s ear.
Jungkook grunts loudly, immediately struggling in Jimin’s hold. “Let go, you fucking freak!” 
“Tsk tsk. Now, why would I do that?” Jimin tucks his head down, nose burying the back of the other man’s neck, “I’m rather quite enjoying myself, and you smell delicious. I think I just might be hungry enough for another meal.”
Jungkook struggles even harder, throwing his whole body into it. Jimin tightens his hold and laughs loudly, continuing to taunt him. Jimins hold has slipped down to barricade Jungkook’s torso, but Jungkook is able to free one arm from Jimin's hold. He immediately goes for the blade on his thigh and lashes out with it. He manages to slice Jimin on the arm, surprising the supernatural being with the burning sting of silver. 
With a hiss, Jimin pulls back, dropping his hold on the vampire hunter. He looks at his bloody sleeve, his expression folding back into one of pure malice before he lunges at the other man. He easily manages to slam Jungkook back into the wall, bits of brick flying off with the force, stunning him.
The crash distracts Jungkook enough to cause his guard to slip, giving Jimin just enough of a window to capture him with his powerful gaze. The tension from the hunter’s frame eases as Jimin bends him to his will.
“See, I would have just teased you a bit, maybe played a little cat and mouse with you.” Jimin grips Jungkook’s shoulders and slams him against the wall again, “But now you’ve just pissed me off and ruined one of my favorite shirts. So I’m really going to enjoy this.” Jimin fists the back of Jungkook’s hair and cranks his head to the side, baring the long, tan column of his prey’s neck. With a fleeting tease of his tongue against flesh, Jimin strikes.
He moans, his senses flooded with the divine taste of Jungkook. Jimin transitions his hold to a gentler embrace, cradling the taller man in his arms as he feeds. Time seems to stand still as Jimin drinks his fill and battles the temptation of draining the source dry.
Before he’s ready, Jimin pulls off of Jungkook with a gasp. He rests his head on the taller’s shoulder, running his tongue along his lips and teeth to savor the remnants. It takes a few minutes, but he finally regains his wits and straightens up, intense glowing chestnut orbs take in Jungkook’s dazed state. 
Jimin’s had his fun but isn’t quite done with Jungkook yet. He pulls back on the thrall he’s kept the other man in, allowing him to become more aware of what’s happening. 
It only takes a couple of moments before Jungkook snaps out of it, or as much as Jimin allows of it, and tries to struggle. “What the fuck? Did you just feed from me?” Tilting his head down a bit, Jungkook can see the blood staining his collar, “I am going to destroy you!”
Jimin tsks under his breath, “Why would you want to do that when you adore me so much?”
Jungkook scowls fiercely, “What are you on about? I couldn’t despise you more!”
Jimin’s lower lip pokes out in a slight faux pout, “Then let’s rectify that.” Holding up his still bleeding arm, he shakes loose the ruined fabric and holds it to Jungkook’s lips. “It’s only fair you have a taste too.”
Jungkook shakes his head, clamping his lips tight, trying but failing to pull away.”
“Drink,” Jimin demands, this time weaving power into his voice.
Jungkook stops resisting his lips, going lax, allowing Jimin’s arm to press into his mouth. With Jimin’s aid, Jungkook’s head tilts back and the blood drips past his lips and down his throat.
With a vindictive laugh, Jimin pulls back and the full effect of the thrall Jimin had unleashed on Jungkook withdraws. Jungkook senses his willpower return and lunges at Jimin, but for some reason, he stops himself.
Jimin just smirks as Jungkook’s expression morphs from hatred to want. “Wh-what did you do to me?” the hunter asks, his voice losing its fierce confidence.
Jimin shrugs nonchalantly, “In laymen’s terms, I’ve made you my bitch.”
Jungkook collapses back against the tile wall panting, his cock still fisted in his hand as the remnants of his pleasure wash down the shower drain. It’s been a week, and the lust burning through his veins has yet to wane. Over the past few days, he has fantasized about having Jimin in various positions on a multitude of surfaces in his home. Every time he thinks, he is done, another fantasy overtakes him.
He turns his back to the pounding water beating at him to pound his fist against the wall. “What did he do to me?!”
Jungkook feels nearly on the verge of tears, he is so frustrated. With a flick of his wrist, he shuts the shower off and climbs out. He grabs his towel, wrapping it around himself as he moves into his bedroom. The towel does nothing to mask the raging hard-on he has perpetually been left with since his encounter with Jimin.
It’s not just the physical symptoms of lust and longing he is being pestered by; Jungkook spends every waking moment thinking about the bloodsucker. He’s had enough.
He yanks a pair of black sweatpants and an oversized tee, a resolution settling in his mind. Either Jimin fixes this, or he dies.
Jungkook thinks he’s triumphed over Jimin as he manages to break into the hidden office on the second floor of the high-end club. After all, one of the security measures is a wall of one-way mirrored glass that overlooks the balcony dance floor. 
With the snick of the latch releasing the sealed door, Jimin tsks loudly as Jungkook steps inside, “Allegedly, you are the premier vampire hunter in the region. Standards must be very low as I have waited for you to open that door for way too long. To say the least, I am not impressed; first, you fail to kill me, then you become entrapped, and now you can barely even break into a measly office?”
Jungkook’s breathing is slightly labored, not from exertion but from all the pent-up energy stored inside him. Under the layers of his leather jacket and matching harness, black sleeveless shirt, and well-fitted jeans, his skin is damp with perspiration and the need to be free of their confines as his cock strains against his zipper.
Jimin, meanwhile, exudes calm and looks completely unbothered as he pivots to lean back against the glass exterior wall that oversees the main dance floor. He’s donned another billowy ivory tunic that dips low, revealing a wide swath of his chest and the tightest pair of black leather pants that he has. The outfit is finished off with a pair of Chelsea boots with a subtle heel.
“What did you do to me?” Jungkook snaps.
Jimin’s brow furrows, “I thought we covered this?” Pushing off the wall, Jimin crosses the room to approach Jungook, lifting his chin with a finger, “You are now mine. People call it different things…Renfield, blood bunny, spawn, concubine….the list goes on and on, but basically, you are mine.”
Jungkook reels back, “I am not yours! I never will be so reverse this shit so we can move on.”
With a nonchalant shrug, Jimin utters, “No.”
Jungkook lunges, his hands flying up to go for Jimin’s throat– 
“Uh-uh,” Jimin says, and the other man’s movements come to a halt. “I know you’re desperate to get your hands on me, but this is not the way.”
Jungkook’s cheeks flush as he struggles against the invisible resistance holding him back. He tries but fails to ignore the persistent thought that he doesn't want to hurt Jimin. Jimin is his everything.
Jimin smirks as Jungkook’s hands fall limply to his sides, satisfied with the result. Jungkook whimpers as Jimin presses closer, “Please undo whatever you did. I’ll even beg if that is what you want.”
Jimin’s brow pushed at his hairline in surprise, not expecting to have broken Jungkook down so quickly. Settling back on his heels, he crosses his arms, “Well, this isn’t quite as fun when you’re not fighting me. I can be honest I never expected you to give up so soon.”
With a scowl, Jungkook’s head snaps up, “I’m not giving up. I just don’t want to play this game with you. I want to get on with my life without fantasizing about you every waking moment.”
“What kind of fantasies?”
“Not the point.”
“Kinda is if it’s got you like this after only a week.”
With a heavy sigh, Jungkook pleads again, “Please, Jimin. Put an end to this.”
With a twist of his lips, Jimin turns on his heel, saunters over to the desk, and leans against it. “Now you are making me wish I could after you requested so nicely.”
Jungkook splutters, “You wish you could? You wish? Just do it.”
“Well, here’s the thing…it’s not that simple. There are very limited options here,” Jimin raises a hand and starts ticking them off, “I kill you, I make you a vampire, or you run far, far away from me. The lost option is iffy, though. Most end up just going crazy and then have to be dealt with.”
Jungkook exhales sharply, “Are you telling me you do this to a lot of innocent people?”
“No, no, no, no. This is a punishment and is only used as such. In fact, you are my first.”
“I’m obviously not going to let you kill me or make me a vampire. And I don’t run. So what now?”
“Tell me about your fantasies.”
Jungkook scoffs, “Why? So you can taunt me with them?”
“I was thinking the opposite. I want to help make them a reality. You know, turn some lemons into lemonade.”
Several beats pass, the two of them staring each other down. The silence finally breaks when Jungkook stomps across the room, grips the back of Jimin’s neck and slams their lips together.
The kiss is fierce and messy from the beginning, teeth clashing as tongues fight for dominance. Jimin’s fingers curl around the leather straps of the other man’s studded harness and yank him closer. Jungkooks fingers tangle in the shorter’s hair as he slips between Jimin’s legs and deepens the kiss. 
Minutes pass like that, the room silent except for the labored breathing of the two men and the occasional creak of the desk as their hips rock together.
It’s Jimin who breaks the kiss first. Lips swollen and red, he breathes out, “This isn’t actually telling me anything.”
“Why tell you when I can show you?” Jungkook tosses back before slotting their lips together again. Jungkook steers the direction of the kiss as his hands wander down to slip under Jimin’s tunic to grip his hips and hoist him fully onto the desk. Jimin easily acquiesces, parting his legs further and wrapping them around Jungkook’s trim waist. 
Jimin’s own hands slip between them and work to undo the fastenings on Jungkooks’s jeans, all the more difficult due to the tight stretch caused by his erection. 
A choked sigh leaves Jungkook as one pressure is replaced with another, Jimin’s hand not even hesitating as he circles the younger’s cock and strokes. Jungkook yanks Jimin forward, attacking his lips as he works on the laces of the tight leather pants. He fumbles several times at the much-desired relief he is receiving, having to pause a couple of times, head to Jimin’s shoulder as he ruts into his hand. 
Growling, Jungkook pulls Jimin off the desk and spins him around, “You have been driving me fucking crazy.” Finishing with the laces, he roughly yanks the leather pants down below the globes of Jimin’s round ass, leaving them around his knees, he dives in. Long fingers kneed the plump flesh before pulling it apart to reveal Jimin’s pink clenching hole. 
Leading with a long, thick swipe of his tongue, Jungkook uses his mouth to bring Jimin metaphorically to his knees. The hunter rims the vampire within an inch of his undead life, using his tongue and lips to make Jimin a quivering mess on top of the desk.
“Oh, fuck, please…PLEASE! Stopstopstopstop,” Jimin rambles, his fingers numb from clenching the desk too tightly as Jungkook edges him repeatedly. His own cock flushed and dripping onto the wooden surface. 
Jungkook nips at one of Jimin’s asscheeks, “Not so fun when the shoe is on the other foot, is it?” he taunts. 
Jimin starts to rear up and push Jungkook away, but the younger slips one long finger into his dripping hole. Jimin moans loudly, dropping back onto the desk, and pushes back onto the other’s hand, demanding more. One quickly becomes two as Jungkook works Jimin open underneath him. The mess on the desk grows as Jungkook stops his teasing and attacks Jimin’s prostate directly.
Jungkook thought he had heard all the sounds Jimin could make, but he’s hearing a whole new level as the man comes undone on his fingers.
Startling both men, Jimin slams his fist on the desk, “Fuck me now!” Jungkook’s fingers pause briefly before resuming their scissoring as he digs into the pocket of his jeans and pulls out a packet of lube. Jimin wails as the long, slender fingers that have been torturing him pull back.
He’s not left alone for long before Jungkook is thrusting in halfway with one single thrust. Jungkook tightens his grip on the vampire’s hips and pushes forward again, bottoming out inside of his tight hole. Pausing, Jungkook’s head falls forward, eyes closed, relishing the tight heat surrounding him.
Jimin rolls his hips, “Fuck me or get off of me.” Not much else is said as Jungkook draws back until just his tip remains inside and slams back in. With no inhibition, Jungkook fucks into Jimin, and all the other man can do is hold on as Jungkook uses him fast and hard. 
The drag of Jungkook’s cock was rough inside Jimin, but the pleasure was soon becoming unsurmountable as their orgasms built. The desk's height provides the perfect angle to drive them both insane. Both men are incoherent as they rush to their own pleasurable ends, one coming right after the other as Jimin tightens around Jungkook’s pistoning cock.
Heavy breathing flows through the room as they come down from their highs. The sound is only broken up by the whimper Jimin releases as Jungkooks pulls out and the sounds of them silently cleaning up and redressing. A peace settles between them as they reciprocate, helping each other become presentable again.
Jungkook clears his throat as Jimin finishes lacing up his pants, “So what now?”
“What now is up to you. I gave you your options earlier, what are you going to choose?”
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chaerybombs · 2 years
sickly - dahyun x j - line
"even since before their rest, twice had been planning something fun to do, no cameras involved. a fun day out where they don't have to pretend or conceal anything, and just relax."
word count ─ 1.3k
tags ─ little!dahyun, cg!j-line, sickfic (sorta?)
notes ─ first rq done! i hope u like this, im not a big fan of how it came out personally :( also, im very glad u enjoyed my last work!!
( carrd )
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even since before their rest, twice had been planning something fun to do, no cameras involved. a fun day out where they don't have to pretend or conceal anything, and just relax. their idea was to go on a picnic, all of them bringing seperate things for them to share. the whole group was very exctied for the event, discussing what they'd bring weeks in advance.
initially, dahyun was very excited. but once the day was coming up, she was feeling a bit off, she assumed she was coming down with something. the others were very disappointed chances are she couldn't attend, but they understood.
the night before their day out, momo came into the school meal club's dorm room to see dahyun sitting in her bed on her phone, keeping a box of tissues handy next to her. "still feeling sick, huh?" she asked the younger. eliciting a nod. "i'm so sad you can't go with us, i know you were really excited." she said with a small frown. "it's fine, really, you guys will have a great time even without me." dahyun reassures. momo nodded before walking off to the doorway. "goodnight dubu, sleep well." she said, making her way to her own room. 
the next morning, dahyun felt somehow worse. her stomach was churning, her throat was burning, her nostrils were almost completely blocked, and she felt an oncoming headache. she groaned, when would this sickness subside? she had felt like she'd been suffering for weeks, when it's only been a few days. as she laid there, contemplating on whether or not she wanted to get up for breakfast. meanwhile, tzuyu had gotten up and over to her bed to check up on her. 
dahyun flinched, startled by the other. "you feeling alright?" tzuyu asked, worry in her eyes. "i feel horrible." dahyun complained, screwing her eyes shut. "aw, that's so lame, i really wanted you to be able to go." the youngest of the group whined, pouting. "tzu you know what'd be really nice?" the other cocked her head to the side in response. "if you went and made breakfast for me!" she said, putting her hands together and making puppy dog eyes.
however, tzuyu wasn't so easily fooled. "i know well you can do it yourself. if jihyo was able to go around and do all her chores in the dorm while sick you can go make yourself some eggs or something." she said, crossing her arms. "but jihyo's different." dahyun said, pouting even more dramatically. tzuyu rolled her eyes and walked out. dahyun was sure she had no intention of getting her breakfast, and she flopped backwards groaning as loud as her sore throat would let her. 
soon, though, tzuyu came back with scrambled eggs on a plate. "you are lucky i'm in a good mood, dahyun." she said, smirking slightly. "thanks, tzu, i owe you." dahyun smiled, picking up her fork. tzuyu nods and walks out and into the kitchen where the other members reside.
eventually, noon comes and the others are getting ready to leave for their picnic. dahyun was still upset she wasn't able to show up, insisting she was fine enough to go, but sana wouldn't let a peep come out of her the moment they checked her high temperature. "you're staying back and that's final missy." sana said, wagging her finger at the younger. at one point, mina offered to stay back at the chance dahyun gets lonely or even regresses, she'd feel horrible if she were all sick and little, but dahyun declined her offer. "i don't wanna be the reason you miss out, i'll be fine." she assures, not fully sure if she trusted what she was saying. she regressed frequently and couldn't resist the urge very well, so chances are they'd come home to a little.
nobody was quite convinced, but there was no arguing with her, she didn't wanna make anyone say. once they were all ready, she shooed the group out of the door, wishing them a fun time. the moment they were out, she plopped on the couch, letting out a loud, dramatic cough as she did so. the idea of regressing sounded absolutely heavenly in her mind, but she had JUST promised the others she would be fine and didn't need to.. but technically it's not like it was guarenteed she'd regress SUPER little, maybe just kidspace, around 5-7,  a space she didn't go into often. she was typically in babyspace or toddlerspace, loving to be babied. the moment she put on one of her favorite cartoons and sat cross legged in front of the tv, she betrayed her promise to herself and slipped right down to around 3. 
lucky for her and the other members, she wasn't the mischevious type, preferring to keep it on the chill side and color and nap most days. at that point, all she wanted to do was sleep, feeling her eyelids droop. after an episode of her show, she turned off the tv, waddled to her bedroom, and crawled under the blankets. the warmth of the fluffy blanket gifted to her by jeongyeon consumed her, lulling her to sleep quickly.
after about an hour, the twice members were all done chatting and eating the snacks they brought, and five of said members wanted go go shopping, and then the other three, those being the j-line, wanted to go back to the dorm to check up on their dubu. the others understood and on their way to the mall dropped the three off before going off on their shopping spree. 
dahyun stirred awake, hearing the sound of keys jingling and familiar voices rambling on. she rubbed her tired eyes with her clenched fists before getting up. she felt a bit better, headache nowhere to be seen. 
she sat in confusion on who just interuptted her very important dream, tearing up a bit but automatically feeling better when she saw her beloved sana peeking in. she reached out, smiling ear to ear, waiting to be embraced by her caregiver. sana gladly gave her the hug, giving her a kiss on the cheek. "how are you feeling, dubu?" sana asked, tilting her head in question. "oo.. kay!" dragging out the "o" sound. momo suddenly appeared from sana's side, startling dahyun. "omo!" she yelped. "have you eaten since breakfast? i bet you're hungry, babes." momo said, lightly pinching the cheek dahyun just got her kiss from sana on. the little shook her head, not having much of an appetite. "ti'ed." dahyun said, flopping backwards. mina was the next and last to scare the daylights out of the poor thing, popping up from thin air. "you sure?" dahyun screamed again before pouting, tired of the others' playing around. she nodded before wiggling around, wanting the empty space around her to be occupied by the others. momo crawled into the bed, positioning dahyun where her back would be to her chest, sitting between momo's legs.
dahyun felt arms tightly wrapped around her waist, giggling happily. sana and mina took the places at her sides, looking at her happily. "do you want any more medicine baby?" mina asked, pushing her own loose hairs behind her ear. dahyun shook her head once more, she just wanted to sleep right then and there, nothing more. as she was deep in thought about whatever it was running through the littles head, sana popped her pink pacifier in her mouth, eliciting a hum of satisfaction from the little. from behind the pacifier, dahyun mumbled, "s'ory?" she always loved getting read to before napping, no matter how many times shes heard it. "of course, angel." momo cooed before reaching over to the nightstand to pick up a book they'd been reading a few days earlier. as she read, dahyun felt her eyelids become heavier and heavier, snuggling impossibly closer to the girl behind her. "sweet dreams, baby." sana smiled, pressing a kiss onto the tip of dahyun's nose.
after their shopping spree, twice finally made it back to the dorms, first instinct being to see how dahyun was feeling, making their way to the bedroom. as they peeked their heads in one by one, they all felt their hearts melt seeing the four girls piled on the bed asleep. lots of photos were taken, photos that'd be used against them later, for sure.
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kabuwu · 1 year
Everytime I see 3d levi I keep remembering I want to draw levi again . . .
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vorrentis · 1 year
Jihyo x Mina - Much Needed (1/2)
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This is a quick and short smut shot so l'm sorry if it's not as story driven.
A deleted FxF fic I had before and now brought back, still working on Jeongyeon's fic btw.
Tags: FF, shower, oral, scissoring, fingering, 69
Words: 19,733
Today was going to be a fun day for Twice, some more than others, but a fun day nevertheless.
Today Twice were shooting commercials for the new Nintendo Switch (yeah, yeah, I know it's been out for a while, but go with it).
They were each to split up into three different groups: The maknae line, a four-member group of Nayeon, Jeongyeon, Sana, and Momo, and a duo of Jihyo with Mina.
Each group had a different game to perform and setting to showcase how portable the switch can be and the games it had.
The maknae line had a set of a living room playing Super Smash Bros Ultimate, the four-member group were stationed in a car playing Animal Crossing, and the duo of Mina and Jihyo was exercising with the newly released Ring Fit Adventure with the new Ring Fit accessory.
And today, Mina and Jihyo were the first ones to start their commercial.
It wasn't really a commerical shooting like the other two, it was more of a record yourself passing a few levels and enjoying it.
There wasn't a crew involved for these two, but the other seven had a set for them and even had to travel a bit for their site.
For Jihyo and Mina, it was their studio at JYP and there were two Nintendo staff members that guided them on how to start the game and such. 
After that, they left the two alone in the room for them to enjoy.
When finished, Jihyo and Mina would tell them and the workers would collect the cameras and film in them.
That's it.
Easy enough the girls thought.
And they were enjoying it.
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It was quite a workout and the two were surprised that it generated quite a sweat for a game.
It was also fun too and the two thought about getting this for them back home with the other girls to enjoy as well.
"And, there you go." Jihyo smiled as Mina clapped at her side.
"Good job Jihyo." Jihyo turned and beamed at Mina. "You think that's good for the film," she pointed at the camera at the corner as Mina nodded.
"Oh yeah, that was twenty minutes of footage, more than enough, unless they plan on having us play for a while."
"Hehe, that I wouldn't mind, this is a nice workout...alright, it's you turn." Jihyo directed as Mina stood up and was handed the Ring as Jihyo went to sit behind Mina as Mina started her level.
"Good luck Mina.!"
"Yup." Mina said as she started to jog in place.
Mina was on a roll as she was doing the activities the game was offering.
She was enjoying it very much as she posed and did everything the figure in the game did as well.
Jihyo was enjoying Mina's happiness and smiles as well as she sat behind Mina, watching her.
(AN: Imagine this, but Jihyo is a bit further behind Mina)
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Jihyo wasn't paying attention to the game as much as her eyes wandered somewhere else.
It's too bad for Jihyo that Mina decided to wear some very nice tights today like herself and while Jihyo wore a skirt, Mina forgoes that and decided to wear a shirt that barely reached a bit over her waist and it really showed off Mina's well fit body...okay, Jihyo meant Mina's butt.
Out of all the girls, Mina was the top when it came to taking care of her body and Jihyo observed that it was worth it as she saw how defined Mina's ass was.
And it certainly didn't help that the game made Mina jump, jog, twist, and turn and it made Mina's butt pop out even more than Jihyo found that way more interesting than the game itself...and no, this wasn't the first time she did some sightseeing on Mina.
Yup, Jihyo, the leader of Twice, was into girls.
A lesbian.
She didn't know exactly when, but she can say around her middle school years that she found girls to be more attractive and easier to be around than guys.
And it was the day she asked another girl to the last year of middle school's dance event and got her day ruined when she responded...
'that's weird and you're weird' 
...and walked away.
Poor Jihyo felt her heart split in two upon hearing those words and ran home with tears.
After seeing her depressed state coming home, her mom asked what's wrong and with no thought about how different it was to like girls more, Jihyo told her what happened and that's when her parents had a talk about her sexuality.
It was quite a discussion that Jihyo can recall each and every meaningful word. 
They even supported her after hearing those words and Jihyo thought she was weird too, but her parents told her to never call herself that.
It was who she was.
And since that day, Jihy didn't let that go to her head and kept her head up high, but she did keep her sexuality hidden from her friends of course.
She didn't know how they would take it, even though her mom told her that it was okay to tell them, just be careful about how they reacted, so Jihyo didn't tell them.
And as time went on, neither her trainers nor new friends with Nayeon and Jeongyeon and it was easy to hide...ahem 'was'.
As the training went by, Jihyo tried to keep herself in check but being surrounded by cute and beautiful girls, it was difficult since Jihyo couldn't quite keep her eyes to herself.
But she did her best to focus on her training until a certain J-line member came through those practice doors.
9 months before Sixteen started
Both trainee Jihyo and trainee Yoo Jeongyeon posed for the mirror as the music died down until their breaths were the only sounds in the room as they dropped their arms to their sides and returned to regular stance.
They were actually training until they started to fool around with the last song to blow some steam off.
"That was great," Jeongyeon stated as she rose her hand and Jihyo did the same to give a high five to another.
"Even our actual practice, I think it's our best ones yet."
Jihyo shook her head.
"No, I messed up on the second song, I turned the wrong way during the second verse." Jeongyeon shook her head.
"Oh come on Jihyo, we've been dancing for an hour and you point out one misstep. No one is going to be complaining about that. You were perfect."
"Perfect is a hundred percent that was ninety-nine percent." Jeongyeon rolled her eyes.
"You got to stop being so critical about yourself Jihyo," Jeongyeon walked towards the corner of the room, "you're already the best here. Now sit down."
Jihyo took it and sat on the floor of the dance room. She felt the sweat pouring down her nose and her feet were a bit burned by the amount of time.
Perfecting a dance for what seemed like hours would do that.
"Here." She managed to look upwards to spot her fellow trainee Jeongyeon with two water bottles and two clothes out with both hands as Jihyo reached up sluggishly.
"Gamsa..." Jihyo accepted one of each and opened the cap of water as Jeongyeon sat down with her and mirrored with the water.
After taking a gulp of refreshing water, Jihyo lowered the bottle and took a breath in and out.
"Thank you for practicing with me Jeong, you didn't have to."
Jeongyeon shook her head while applying the cold cloth to her forehead.
"I wanted to, I have to train too you know. We're not all the best." She joked as Jihyo chuckled and Jeongyeon smiled. "Well, while we're resting, you heard the news around Jeongyeon said as Jihyo shook her head. "A new trainee is joining JYPE today."
Jihyo got curious.
Jeongyeon nodded.
"And she's from Japan as well. Like Sana and Momo. Jeongyeon explained as Jihyo nodded.
"This place is getting more and more new girls. Well, when or if she gets here, we'll greet her with warm welcomes." Jihyo said as Jeongyeon nodded.
'Oh god, this place is getting more and more new girls. She's gonna be another pretty one like Sana and Momo...! can't even keep my eyes off them...'
Jihyo kept her smile, but she was gyrating herself in her mind that many cute and pretty girls were in this agency already, and since keeping her sexuality a secret...it was damn difficult.
"Yeah. Its rumors but I heard that she was an amazing ballet dancer. Been at it for ten years."
Jihyo nodded, taking in that information.
"Ten years huh, anything else?" She asked as Jeongyeon shook her head.
"Nothing besides that. Think we should give her a warning about Sana?" Jeongyeon grinned as Jihyo chuckled.
"Hehe, I'm sure she'll be fine. Sana will keep her hands to herself."
'Not that I'm complaining when she does it to me'
"You're talking about the impossible."
Jeongyeon furthered as they both gave a small laugh. "So, anything new with you?" She asked Jihyo.
"Nothing, the only new thing is my dad had-"
Jihyo stopped as the door opened and a head popped out of the opening.
"And this is-oh, ohiyo Jihyo, Jeongyeon!" Sana's smile lit up the room as she gave a head bow towards both Jeongyeon and Jihyo waved at her.
"Ohiyo Sana," "Ohiyo," both girls replied.
"Uhm, I'm sorry, am I interrupting?" Sana asked while not entering the room yet as Jihyo shook her head.
"No, what's up?" She asked Sana as Sana looked behind her and then to Jihyo and Jeongyeon.
'I'm showing a new girl around."
Both Jihyo and Jeongyeon heard and turned themselves to Sana.
"The new girl's there?" Jeongyeon asked as Sana nodded. "Do you mind if we say hi?"
"Of course," Sana turned her head, "There's a couple of my friends here that I want to introduce, is that okay?" Sana spoke in Japanese as both Jihyo and Jeongyeon couldn't understand what she said. "Great."
Sana opened the door more and as she walks inside, Jihyo noticed the newcomer trailing behind her...and her breath hitched.
I'm using present Mina, feel free to use any photo
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Jihyo's eyes fall on a startlingly beautiful woman, and she can't seem to tear her eyes away from her. Her chestnut-colored hair flowed down like a waterfall falling just past her shoulders and the perfect amount of makeup that emphasized her visuals.
She's dressed casually, in a pair of skinny blue jeans and a dark short sleeve top that hugs her slight curves in all of the right ways.
Her eyes are surveying the room and for a moment Jihyo got lost in their beauty.
Astonishingly dark eyes; kind but looking a little timid as she looks around.
"Jihyo? Jihyo?" Jihyo jerked, turning back to the sound of Jeongyeon's voice who was standing. All three, including this goddess that walked in, were staring down at her and Jihyo felt her face flush, and her heart starts to pound.
"H-Huh?" Jihyo muttered, clearing her suddenly dry throat. "O-oh ahem, s-sorry..."
Jihyo quickly rose to her feet.
Jeongyeon quirks an eyebrow and shakes her head.
"Jihyo, Jeongyeon, this is Myoui Mina." She turned to the new girl and Mina nodded back as her eyes went to Jihyo's and Jihyo was hypnotized as she saw Mina's faint smile.
'Myoui Mina...'Her name echoed in Jihyo's mind and she found it flowing ever so soothing and beautiful like her and her heart raced with heat that it felt like fire.
"Ohiyo Mina." Jeongyeon welcomed her, knowing just a tiny bit of Japanese with both Japanese girls of Sana and another: Hirai Momo.
"Ohiyo..." Mina's voice was soft and gentle and Jihyo's first impressions of the girl kept rising.
"Hehe~" Sana turned to Jihyo, "she's starting today here with us," she continued, 'I'm showing her around until Momo arrives so she can hang with us to feel more relax." Sana then turned to Mina, "Mina, these are two of my friends: Jeongyeon," Sana talked in Japanese as she pointed at Jeongyeon who bowed to her and Mina returned the action,
"and this is Jihyo." Sana pointed at Jihyo as Mina turned to her and Jihyo gulped as Mina sent shivers down her spine.
Jihyo raised her arm and weakly waved.
Both girls stared at one another as Sana and Jeongyeon alternated looks between the two.
"Anyway..." Sana voiced as Mina looked down and Jihyo turned to Sana, "Imma continue showing Mina around. She turned to Mina, "shall we go?" In Japanese to Mina as she looked at Sana and nodded. "Great!
Then I shall leave you two to your training."
Jeongyeon nodded as Jihyo side-eyed Mina as she was looking around the room, "come on Mina, baibai you two~"
Sana walked back towards the door as Mina took a look at Jeongyeon and bowed and turned to Jihyo and bowed as well, but Jihyo swore she took a second longer staring...at least that's what she thought as Mina turned and followed Sana out the room and Jihyo felt the gravity lessened in the room as she took a silent, yet deep breath.
"You alright? You looked kind of lost there." Jeongyeon asked as Jihyo turned to her and nodded quickly, maybe too quickly.
"'Yeah, maybe I'm a bit tired after all..."
"You tired? Never thought I heard those words from you." Jeongyeon grinned as Jihyo gave a faint smile at her remark, "well, at least we got to meet her. I think she'll fit in fine soon enough, she looks like a singer as well. Wonder how long she'll be here as a trainee?"
"Who knows." 'Hopefully for a long while.'
"Hmm, well with those three together, maybe a Japanese trio is being planned. Although we are in Korea...ah well, we'll see what happens.
So what now?"
"Uhm...c-can we just sit for a minute?" Jihyo needed to calm down and Jeongyeon stifled a chuckle.
"Hehe, sure we can."
"Well what you thought?" Sana asked as they turned from the door they left down the hall on the right.
"They seem nice." Mina said as Sana nodded.
"They really are. Everyone here is pretty great."
Sana noted as Mina nodded.
"So.. they're trainees like me?" Mina asked as
Sana took the moment to stop.
"Mph-hm, they both are very wonderful singers and dancers, but Jihyo is the best around."
"That girl?" Mina asked as Sana nodded.
"Jihyois the complete idol package: her singing is pure talent and amazing and she can pick up on choreography pretty quick, she has a very positive personality and is super friendly with everyone. It's sad really that she's been here for so long. Ten years now."
Mina's eyes widened and looked back as if Jihyo was there.
"Ten years?" She repeated, "..why isn't she an idol already?" Mina asked as Sana sighed and shrugged.
"Sometimes things don't go your way but Jihyo is patient enough to wait for her shot.
But that's why Jihyo is an inspiration to me I know it sounds weird and sudden that you just met, but trust me, she works harder than anyone here. No matter where she's either practicing her singing or dancing in that room." Sana pointed to her, "and I have not once heard her complain when we train together, only compliments and encouragement and assistance to me when I thought it was tough."
Mina saw the smile on her face enlarged.
"Even when we first met, I hardly understood the language, but Jihyo learned some phrases for me like good mornings and training and eating. I was very appreciative of her for that and wanted to be friends with her right then and there. She's really amazing to know and I know that you'll become good friends with her too...if that's what you want that is." Sana smiled as Mina looked back for the third time.
Mina looked back at Sana and nodded.
"Great, then I'll ask if we can get lunch with her and Jeongyeon with another friend. Be right back~"
Sana walked back to the door as Mina took a breath.
'Jihyo. She does sound amazing. She was really pretty too.' Mina gave a small smile and a tint of red from embarrassment.
She shook her head just a bit to relax. 'Dang, day one and I'm already thinking of '
"Alright~ " Mina swiftly turned to Sana walking towards her, "it's settled, we're having a group lunch with them. Hopefully, more of our friends arrive as well."
Mina nodded slowly and dropped her current thoughts.
She didn't expect her first day to be going so well, she was terrified at first, but being with a fellow Japanese friend in Sana and having more friends soon who all seem to be nice made Mina feel at ease greatly.
Course there was the training to be done with but Mina was willing to put everything she had into this.
"Arigato Sana for helping me today. I appreciate it." Mina bowed slightly as Sana hummed
"Hmm~ Of course Mina, every person here goes through their days scared." Mina got into a regular stance, "I was a wreck on my first day, but as I said, meeting Jihyo and her friends made it all easy and we'll help you with anything no matter what."
Mina smiled as Sana walked forward as Mina followed her.
"I meant what I said about Jihyo, you can learn a lot from her. I do hope she gets her chance soon. Nine years isn't easy to wait out, but Jihyo is strong. She'd be one of the best idols out there easily right now. As a solo or in a group too. If she does join a group, she'd be one amazing leader too. I'd choose her to be one if we were together."
Mina found Sana's admiration for Jihyo to be impressive.
'I should get to know Jihyo a bit more.'
Mina smiled at the thought.
Jihyo breathed in and out.
Today was the first training session of Mina since she arrived and she and Momo were to start with her.
What was shocking was that Mina actually asked Jihyo personally if she could be there with Momo...well, Sana did.
Sana had training but Nayeon and Jeongyeon and in the afternoon so she wasn't able to attend, but Momo volunteered to go with her.
Jihyo accepted quickly, maybe too quickly, but the smile on Mina's face evavorated any doubts and Jihyo was excited but nervous.
Sana explained afterward that Mina asked her to ask Jihyo.
Of course, she was the first to arrive, early than usual...like always, but today, Jihyo was excited yet nervous.
This was the first time she and Mina were going to practice together after a week since she arrived.
They've been chatting mostly for lunches, but Mina hasn't actually done anything but getting a foothold of the place and spending most of the time being around Mom and Sana due to the language and them being the same nationality, but Jihyo understood completely and was happy that she was fitting in just fine.
She was suprised that she spoke Korean much better than Sana and Momo when they first came, but she wasn't as fluent which is understandable, but she was more impressive than Jihyo thought she would be so it was normal to communicate with her.
But Jihyo smiled and took every moment to find out more about Mina, even though she felt anxious around her still.
Jihyo felt strange.
The same kind of strange that she had for a few girls over the years.
But this was different.
It was a whole new kind of strange.
She barely knew the girl at all, yet she was so cativated by her looks, the simpliest motions, the way she speaks, her smile, ugh, her smile, that god Jihyo going for miles.
It was an entirely new feeling that Jihyo couldn't get over like she did with her prior crushes, Sana being the most recent one, but she got over it as she found Sana to be more of a sister than a girlfriend.
But Mina, man Mina was on her mind 23/7 ...what? Even Jihyo had to think about other things too.
The door opened as Jihyo smiled.....but started to freak out the moment her eyes laid on Mina entering.
She was wearing white shoes, grey sweats with a black graphic tee and Jihyo couldn't help but be stunned.
Just a simple workout outfit and Jihyo found her beauty tenfold.
"Uh, ohiyo Jihyo." Mina waved as Jihyo had to get her thoughts back and waved back as normal.
"O-ohiyo Mina." Mina approached Jihyo as she gulped and stood ready. "You ready?"
Mina nodded.
"Where's Momo?" She asked as Jihyo shook her head.
"She's always late, don't worry." Jihyo answered as Mina nodded. "Nervous?"
Mina nodded once more as Jihyo knew how she was feeling as well.
"I've been there too. Don't worry about anything, you'll be fine. here you can make every mistake and I'lI be there to help you." Jihyo wanted Mina to get as comfortable as Mina gathered a new surge through her upon hearing Jihyo.
"Hai...arigato." Mina smiled and Jihyo relished that, but she turned away without staring too long.
"Ah, so should we wait for Momo or."
"Jihyo?" Jihyo looked back at her. "Can...can we talk about something?"
That was unexpected.
"Uh, sure, you okay?" She asked as Mina nodded.
"Hai, it's just, well, I wanted to thank you for being here." Mina held her right forearm with her left hand in an embarrassed manner that Jihyo found undeniably cute
"Oh, heh, it's no problem at all Mina. We're all here to help each other." Mina nodded and Jihyo had a question for her, "but may I ask why did ask me to be here as well?"
Mina looked down at Jihyo's shoes.
"Well... Sana and Momo explained that you're the best. So I thought...if I should learn, it'd be better with you...gomen...I know I'm a rookie, but I just wanted to thank you for your time to train me." Mina did a small bow as Jihyo was speechless and after a few seconds, she smiled awkwardly at the thought that Mina wanted to learn from her and even let out a chuckle.
"Hehe...uh, well, god l'm flattered Mina, but please don't say I'm the best." Mina got back into regular stance, "I appreciate Sana and Mom's words, but I don't want anyone to think that I'm the best, I still have lots to learn. And don't think that just because you're a rookie doesn't mean I'll say no to you wanting help. We're all here as trainees and we should all   each other no matter what. Even out of JYPE." Jihyo stated and she didn't feel any worry about saying it because it was true. 
She would be there for any of the trainees as they were all going for one goal: debuting.
And there was no competition with any of them, so Jihyo saw no point in not helping out the others.
Mina heard this and instantly her body felt elevated and a new view of Jihyo was seen through her as she admired her words.
'Sana was right, she really is a leader...kind hearted too.'
With that Mina...
"Then...do you mind if, uh, we train more together after?" Mina asked and Jihyo's heart raced at Mina asking her to train more. To hear that Mina wanted to train with her more had Jihyo jumping on the inside.
"Mina, I would be happy to train with you."
Mina smiled instantly.
"Really?" Jihyo nodded.
"Of course Mina, anytime you want."
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Jihyo saw Mina's eyes lit up and her smile instantly appeared.
'Oh god, how can someone be so damn beautiful and undeniably cute at the same time...thank you Sana and Momo.'
"Hai, arigato Jihyo."
"No problem Mina...so should we wait for Momo, or start?" Jihyo asked.
Jihyo nodded as she headed to the music station as Mina watched her back, smiling at how amazing and friendly everyone was here...a certain someone more than others.
Oct 19, 2015
It was a grand momentous day for the nine women who have formed some months ago.
TWICE's debut song was released on YouTube and it was racking in numbers.
They watched it multiple times and it still got them as their feelings skyrocketed from their first song.
Every girl cried with happiness.
All their hard work, sweat, and patience finally paid off, and while every girl was happy with themselves as they were now full-fledged idols.
So much so that a celebration was spent in their dorm with their song being repeated all night with dancing, food, and drinks (alcohol-free) and goofing off until one by one, each girl dropped as sleep and fatigue took them as they headed to their rooms...except for one.
It was past midnight and the leader of Twice, Jihyo was basking in the barely lit room, watching the MV still on the TV.
An idol...Jihyo finally achieved her dream.
Ten years.
A decade it took her, but she got it.
She was now an idol, now part of a group and even the leader as well.
She pass through Sixteen and now she was here.
But she wasn't done, not by a longshot.
Her new members are looking up to her and Jihyo promised to be not just the best damn idol, but the best damn group and also the best damn leader in the world-
"Still up?" Jihyo flinched as she leaned forward and stared to her right and her heart swelled over Mina standing there in pajama pants and a pink no sleeve top. "Gomen, I didn't mean to scare you." She walked to her as Jihyo leaned back on the couch.
"Oh, it's fine. No, I can't sleep. Still too excited."
Mina settled down on the couch as Jihyo told herself to relax. Mina looked at the screen of Dahyun and Chaeyoung's rap portion but looked to Jihyo.
"So am I. I still can't believe it, I mean we've filmed for weeks for it, but to see it right there on Youtube for everyone to watch. Our first song." Mina smiled as Jihyo's heart raced. "I never thought I would debut so soon either.
Or the fact that people wanted me to be on Twice." Mina stared at her lap. "I know it's been months since we've formed, but it still feels incredible that I have fans you know." Mina turned to Jihyo as Jihyo shook her head.
"I don't think it's surprising, people loved watching you, Mina. Every performance you were in was always great and, well, you're pretty amazing to watch and listen to as well."
Jihyo blushed but the faint light made it impossible to see as Mina showed her angelic smile, but if you look closely, she was in the same state as Jihyo.
"A-arigato Jihyo. You're pretty incredible to watch and listen to as well." Jihyo felt warm in her stomach. "But I can't take all that credit...Jihyo, I want to thank you. It's because of vou l'm here."
"Please, I've been meaning to thank you for a while, but now it's best now that we're alone.
When I first arrived, I've only listened to songs and karaoke and that's it, so when I first arrived through those main doors, I started to think, what if I didn't have what it takes to be anything in this line of entertainment." Jihyo was about to intervene, "I was so stressed and nervous, yet, I didn't want to turn and leave thinking what could have been. I came here to try my best and whatever happens, happens."
Jihyo thought those thoughts too.
"But then I met the most wonderful friends that I could have to ask for in you eight along my journey here, from trainee to Sixteen and now our filming and MV release, it's been amazing to experience with you eight."
Jihyo smiled warmly, but Mina looked down at her lap as she brought a hand up to her hair and pushed it behind her ear.
"But...it's because of you that I kept on going Jihyo."
Mina nodded and looked right at Jihyo and it caused her to have small heart attacks.
"After I first met you in the studio, Sana told me about you, about how you were here for almost ten years. I couldn't believe that you went that long, but Sana explained that you never gave up, you kept on going no matter how long it took for you to debut and kept training and working hard on everything you possibly could do."
Jihyo nodded just slightly.
"And I'll admit, after Sana told me about you, I didn't think she was telling the truth, but you told me yourself that lunch, and I was amazed, yet scared. Scared about how long it would have taken me to train, scared that you and Jeongyeon and Nayeon and Sana had so much experience, surely you girls wouldn't want to waste time with me, a first-day trainee, but I was wrong."
Mina reached out and placed her hand over Jihyo's as Jihyo's heart was on fire.
"But after our first training session together, you all have been there for me, but you Jihyo, you've been there day one and held nothing back to aid me in anything and everything whether it was in the agency or out of it. Not only that, you gave me the courage and strength to keep on going each day. And we trained each and every day, I felt that I wasn't going anywhere or wouldn't be able to do this, but you were there to make me feel otherwise. Sure there was the others, but it wasn't as close as you and I were Jihyo."
"And eventually when we were picked to be part of Sixteen, I was stressed that we would fend for each other, but no...you kept helping me whenever you could and not just in our group performances, but even in our rooms, you were there to talk and comfort me when everything felt so down."
Mina took a deep breath.
"There were days where I wanted to give up...but you wouldn't let me, not by forcing me to stay, but by being you and being my friend. And because of you Jihyo, I'm here. I'm here as an idol, here in a group with our first single, with amazing friends, and with an incredible leader whom I'm glad to be with."
Jihyo felt her emotions going high.
"And it's all because of you Jihyo. I am who I am now because of you...arigato Jihyo."
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"Thank you for everything you've done for me in the past nine months. I promise that I'll be the best I can be and more to return what you've done for the rest of our time."
 Mina ended with a small gratifying smile to her leader and it made Jihyo feel every happy emotion in her system. 
So much so that Jihyo couldn't take it and brought Mina into a hug as Mina hugged her back.
"Mina...thank you. I promise to be the best leader I can be too and to be there for you for anything you need still okay? No matter what...I'm glad you're with me, Mina." Jihyo whispered as Mina hummed.
"And I promise the same to you. And I'm glad you're here with me too."
Okay, that feeling that Jihyo had before... yeah, it evolved.
One year later
Since that night, Jihyo and Mina became close, very close.
Not as close as Jihyo would have wanted, but she'll take it regardless.
Whenever it was something to do outside or inside, both would seek the other out to be paired up.
Both would hang in their rooms, doing anything the other wanted.
And Jihyo was with Mina every step of the way of their songs, concerts, photoshoots, and Mina was very appreciative of her.
No complaints.
No worries.
No stress.
That is until today...
'You can do it Jihyo, two words...two words...'
Jihyo sat there alone in her room, a million thoughts going through her mind at once; she honestly don't know what to think anymore.
She's tired of living a lie, but yet, the lie has made her life what it is today, but yet, wouldn't she be happier?
Wouldn't she be happy that she could finally be comfortable with herself and can finally stop worrying?
...Well, it's never that perfect, nothing ever goes down well with subjects like this.
'Everyone will be mad at me because l've been lying to them this entire time."
The nine of them have been through so much together and Jihyo didn't want to tarnish anything moving forward.
What would they think of her after telling them that she liked girls?
She sighed softly, what was she really afraid of?
Maybe it's just the different lifestyle, it's not easy being gay, society spits on you, they take away your rights, probably become an ex-idol for fans that are that much uncomfortable.
It's just not the life for her, but it's not like Jihyo had a choice.
She didn't choose to play for the other team, she was born with these damn feelings towards other women, and sometimes she hated it!
She hated that she can't be herself.
She hated lying to her friends.
And Jihyo was only human.
She's ever-changing and slowly, she's growing.
She could build an image and try to maintain it for as long as she could but she wouldn't be able to keep it up forever.
And every moment she spent with Mina, she realized that the facade would end sooner.
Mina was different, and Jihyo meant that in every sense of the word.
She was unlike any person she's met before.
She was unlike any girl she's met before.
She was always moving.
She's never met anyone quite as quiet as Mina who walks instead of runs and a choice of few words instead of talks, but Jihyo found that pleasant.
Her first impression of Mina was still the base of her impression now: beautiful, talented, dedicated, diligent but Mina was determined to prove that she could do better.
What Jihyo lacked intact, she made up for in perseverance.
Oh, how she had loads of it. 
When Jihyo was not being swept up by her training, Mina was hauling her along sometimes literally, but it impressed Jihyo for Mina to train this hard as her.
No one else made her smile quite as much as Mina did. 
And no one else put in as much effort too.
Only Mina.
And Mina did that only for Jihyo.
She was unique that way.
Mina was different.
Falling for Mina was different.
It was not only different but also inevitable.
She hated that she has these kept feelings for Mina hidden for SO LONG and she can't do anything about it.
It's horrible and Jihyo felt horrible.
But she can't come out.
She just can't do it,
Jihyo was terrified.
She didn't want to be hated by everyone, especially her sisters because she's been lying to them, besides her parents, she's never told anyone she's gay, never.
There have been so many times Jihyo thought and even tried coming out, but she failed every time.
The three reasons above were what made her want to confess but then she gets scared and yeah, it doesn't turn out well.
But Jihyo couldn't take it, she wanted to tell her sisters, she wanted to tell Mina that she was into girls; into her.
Even if Mina didn't swing that way, Jihyo couldn't hide these feelings any longer.
And today, today was the day...or so she thought.
She tried to muster to tell at least Naveon or Jeongyeon first, but fear got to her and it was too much to bear.
Today she wasn't all there and so quiet that even her members asked what was wrong and all she could do is lie and say 'everything is fine, just tired'
Just tired.
What a sad lie.
In fact, she just left dinner after not being able to eat even a spoonful of rice.
She excused herself and came into her room.
Jihyo groaned at how sad that must of looked and closed her eyes.
"All because I can't tell them who I am...all because I can't tell Mina how I feel...how pathetic..."
Jihyo heard a soft knock at her door, "yeah?" she said mildly as the door slightly opens the love of her life slowly slips in.
"Hey Jihyo," she says softly, walking over to Jihyo's bed and sits down next to her, "you okay? You left dinner early and you've been in here all day, we're worried about you."
Whenever Mina knows there's something wrong, she won't stop until she finds out what it is and has done all she can do to help as Jihyo has done for her, one of the infinite reasons why Jihyo loves her.
"I'm fine Mina; I just have a lot on my mind that's all," Jihyo says softly.
"Well, what's on your mind?" Mina asks, "Is there anything I can help you with, you know I'm always here to listen." Jihyo smiles a little, Mina always wants to help everyone and she absolutely hates it when she can't; she also hates it when anyone won't let her help them.
Even just meeting a few weeks after she got into JYPE Mina has been around Jihyo with Sana or Momo to help translate as they hanged or trained, honestly more training as guided her.
And through Sixteen, whenever they were together or in the Minor or Major rooms, Mina helped Jihyo through it, she didn't stop until she made me smile, and not once did that smile not made Jihyo's heart beat, and never failed to put a smile on her face.
And a reason why Jihyo kept her secret, she didn't know what Mina will think.
"Jihyo?" Mina says slightly worried, her voice pulls Jihyo out of her thought.
"...nothing you need to worry about," Jihyo says, "just some things about family, nothing bad, that's all."
She lied.
She lied again.
"Hmm, so what's the real problem?" Mina asks not buying her answer.
Jihyo gulps, she planned on doing this, she could just tell her now, tell her everything,
She could come clean, and it would be off her chest.
All she has to do is tell her, just two words.
Jihyo turns to her and she looks into her eyes,
Even with an apprehensive feel, they're so beautiful, so dark, so full of care and so filled with love.
"...Mina...I-" Jihyo can't even start her sentence, her voice fails her, her heart's beating faster in her chest.
She waits patiently, her eyes growing full of concern.
Jihyo can't do it.
She can't tell her, but she has to, she has to do it!
She couldn't keep living this lie!
She didn't want to keep living this lie!
She couldn't handle it anymore!
Mina grew more worried as Jihyo's breathing increase.
"Jihyo, what's wrong?" she asks leaning forward and placed a hand on Jihyo's right arm and her body shuddered.
With a breath, Jihyo let her eyes give away everything she was feeling and she started to tear up, causing Mina to part her lips.
"I-I'm scared..."
Mina has only ever seen Jihyo cry three times: winning Twice, after their first concert, and their first award.
But to hear her idol being scared to tears pained and haunted her.
"H-hey, it's okay Jihyo, I'm here, I'm here for you."
Jihyo sniffed and gulped and took a couple of failed attempts of breathings.
"There you go, easy okay, I want to help you Jihyo, tell me what's wrong?"
"I-It would ruin everything if I did..." Jihyo spoke.
Now Mina was scared herself.
"You have no idea how much it could ruin things. I've been lying about it for too long now to just come out and tell the truth! It would ruin my friendships with you eight, especially you Mina!" Jihyo look down at her hands scratching into her thighs as Mina was trying to lower the tension as best as she could.
"Jihyo, no matter what, nothing will ruin anything with us nine. We're family." She notes softly. "No matter what it is, it won't change anything. I will still be at your side and you will still be one of my best friends, I care about you more than anything. I'll always be here, no matter what, I promise."
She whispered.
It was a line that was used a lot by people who often didn't really mean it. 
But Jihyo knew that Mina meant it.
She truly felt safe with her.
But how was she supposed to even bring such a subiect up? It seemed impossible to her.
There's only one way the conversation could go unless she felt the same as her.
She honestly doubted she would.
She summoned up as much courage as she could, taking a breath and steeling herself.
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"...I like girls. And I mean it sexually..."
Mina's lips parted as Jihyo didn't dare look at her.
There were a few moments of silence as Mina processed Jihyo's statement.
Jihyo figured as much, her taking in this information. At least she didn't get yelled at, but then again, Mina never raises her voice.
Jihyo let out a shaky sigh as a few more tears fell down her face.
"...r-really?" Jihyo nodded. "Y-you?"
Jihyo merely nodded.
"I-I can't believe it..."
"I'm so sorry for keeping it from you girls, I understand if you're upset."
Jihyo's eyes lowered, not ready to take the heat from Mina.
The leader of Twice closed her eyes, shame enveloped her being, but she had to be ready to hear all the negative comments and insults from her love.
It'll break her heart, but Jihyo wanted to-
Jihyo stopped thinking as she felt her right hand being covered on her thigh.
"Y-you have no idea how happy I am."
Jihyo slowly turned upon hearing those words.
Did...did she hear that right?
Jihyo expression changed to a wild one as Mina...
"Heh, I'm also into girls."
Jihyo gulped, taking that information down her system like her saliva.
"...Y-you're joking..."
Mina shook her head.
"I'm not joking, I'm gay as well. Since middle school." Mina pressed a hand to her chest.
Now this time it was Jihyo's turn to turn forward at the shower of thoughts.
Not only did she came out, but to hear that Mina, her crush, was also into girls!
Then...then it could be possible!
Just maybe!
"I-I can't believe that I'm not the only one, and it's you as well." Jihyo turned to Mina smiling ever so beautifully at her as Jihyo's heart was doing somersaults.
"I-I can't either," Jihyo muttered. "Mina don't joke with me."
"Jihyo, I promise you, l'm not. A-are you joking-"
"No...oh wow..."
Both gave an awkward smile to another.
'Should I tell her? I have to tell her right?! I mean...I have to!'
Mina turned forward and closed her eyes, releasing a sigh of relief as Jihyo pondered.
"Wow, I guess you know it feels so good to get that off our chest huh? I was so nervous to let you and the others know about my orientation since being a trainee."
She wanted Mina to tell Mina her feelings so bad.
She didn't want to live in a "what if" question anymore.
If Mina accepted, fantastic.
If she didn't, oh well.
"I have to! I got this far and to hear her say she's like me has to be a sign!'
Jihyo wasn't going to hold back this time.
"This is crazy, so crazy but so relieving and-"
"Mina." Mina turned to her and again, she saw Jihyo look so nervous once more, "..there's more."
Mina was visibly confused.
'What more can there be...unless...Jihyo likes someone...someone else...'
"There's more, the reason why I wanted to come out...not because I wanted to finally let you all know but I-I wanted to let you know the most because I was tired of hiding who I am, but more importantly, I was tired of hiding my feelings...for you."
Being shock was an understatement for Mina as she leaned back from Jihyo.
"I care so much about you Mina. So, so much that I-I have massive feelings for you..." Jihyo already said it so there was no hesitation to repeat it. "and I can't hide it anymore Mina," Jihyo got out. "You are so amazing and words can't describe how much you mean to me. Everything from our trainee days to our debut to now...you mean the world to me Mina...you're everything I could want in a girl: caring, talented, beautiful..."
"...and that's why I was afraid because I didn't want to ruin what we have.... understand if you don't share the feelings, but I couldn't hold it in any longer...I-I just wanted to tell you how I feel about you.
This was it.
Jihyo could feel herself trying to step over the edge, her entire soul prying on this moment.
The time came to a standstill as Jihyo drew what seemed like a never-ending breath.
She watched Mina's eyes widen...out of shock?
Out of disgust?
Out of excitement?
It was impossible to tell until Jihyo felt her cheeks being grabbed and forced to turn to Mina.
But it was a flash as her eyes widened, her body stiffen as Mina lunged forward and smashed her lips onto hers.
Mina was kissing Jihyo.
The J-line member kept pressing forward for a few seconds before releasing her lips from Jihyo's, her hands on her cheeks still as Jihyo was only able to stare at her smile.
"I-I feel the same to you Jihyo."
Jihyo felt a dam breaking in her heart.
Raging rivers of warmth, joy, excitement, arousal, and multiple other euphoric emotions flooded every inch of her body.
She felt her mouth turn upward into what she could only imagine was the dopiest, love-sick grin as Mina cracked a similar, but much more beautiful, smile.
"You mean a lot to me too Jihyo...you mean so much to me as well hehe...." she murmured over her shoulder added with a light chuckle.
Jihyo was so, so happy.
Mina reciprocated her feelings just as strongly as Jihyo felt them, and she could tell Mina was relieved too by the way her arms shook slightly around her.
Jihyo finally snapped herself out of her trance and returned the embrace, gently at first before daring to squeeze her tighter. It felt good, probably the best feeling Jihyo had ever experienced so far, even more than being on Twice...okay maybe just as much.
But that tight embrace was soon topped by an even better sensation when Mina pressed her lips against hers.
Jihyo closed her eyes, holding onto her partner's shoulders as she returned the kiss, thankful that her brain had registered it properly and she hadn't jerked away in surprise. 
She loved Mina so much, and she wanted to convey it through the contact.
The kiss was sweet and yet so telling, quenching a thirst they had both lived too many months dehydrating from.
Mina's insides stood tall and excited, swiveling in delight as she felt Jihyo kiss back, still amazed she had brought herself to initiate the contact. 
Her heart was still throbbing, but being pressed up against Jihyo like this so warmly for support, her pulse felt more elated than anything.
At last, they broke apart, panting slightly as Mina rested her forehead against hers.
"Wow.." Jihyo breathed. "Wow, hehe! D-Does this mean-"
"It certainly does," Mina smiled. "And it means we have tons to talk about, but it means that I want you too Jihyo, so much."
Jihyo's lips quivered as there was a moment of silence as they both let everything sink in. Three minutes ago they were just Twice members, but now they were-
"Girlfriends?" Jihyo babbled. "We're girlfriends now aren't we?"
"Maybe after a date or two, but that's right." Mina was too happy to keep distance between them, so she stepped in and hugged Jihyo again in a silent attempt to display her joy.
Jihyo eagerly returned the contact, willing to hold her like this for the rest of eternity if need be.
Moments passed as they reflected on the events that had just transpired, still a little shocked, but more than anything content and excited and oh so warm.
"Wow..." Jihyo breathed again. "w-we're...oh wow."
"You were making me so nervous today," Mina admitted. "But I'm happier than words can express, Jihyo. I don't know what to say either."
"Then let's not say anything," Jihyo murmured, tucking a lock of soft onyx hair behind Mina's ear before pressing another, gentler kiss to her lips.
Mina was so happy she felt she might cry, and in the end, a few tears did slip down her cheeks. 
Jihyo pulled back to brush them away with soft fingers. 
"My Mina," she mused to herself, "all mine."
"And my Jihyo, mine as well." Mina mirrored as they both leaned forward to-
"Mina, is everything-gasp"
Both Jihyo and Mina jumped in their place as they heard the door being opened and Sana was standing there, eyes widened and mouth opened.
Both Mina and Jihyo were beyond embarrassed by being caught both by kissing and now that thev're lesbian.
What's to happen now, they didn't know, but now by being together, that lightened the ordeal, but even so, they weren't prepared for this...okay they should have been more careful, but everything was getting too much.
"W-were you two just-...are you two..." Sana pointed at both of them as she walked in closer, closing the door behind her.
Mina was beyond the color red of embarrassment so Jihyo took charge.
With Mina's returned feelings, it was a hell of a lot of stress taken off her, but still, with letting the others know, she was scared of their reaction too.
Jihyo took a deep breath and nodded, but was filled with anxiety about how fast this was going.
"Yes, Sana. Mina and I...we're gay...and we're together."
Saying that was a godsend to Jihyo's and Mina's feelings as Mina looked towards Jihyo.
Sana stopped in place.
Jihyo nodded.
"I know Sana, I'm deeply sorry, but we'll explain every."
"Ahh! It's about time!"
"...eh" "...eh"
"Do you know how long we were waiting for this to happen!?" Sana outstretched her arms
...y-you knew?" Jihyo asked as Sana nodded.
"Well of course I knew! We all knew! We live together pabos! For god sake, we sleep in the same room!" Sana waved her hands around, "obviously Nayeon and I caught you checking each other out loads of time!"
Both girls were frozen in time.
"Ah I'm so happy for you two!" Sana looked like she was going to cry as well, "and before you ask, yes we're okay with you two, we always have been okay with it if anything happened between you two." Sana explained and that made Mina's and Jihyo's anxiety drop.
"Y-you are?"
"Yes, Jihyo we all are. We don't care about what you are or who you like, we love you both no matter what. You're still our leader and our penguin no matter what." Sana smiled and assured them and that hit Jihyo and Mina hard. "Just maybe don't tell manager-unnie yet though or anyone for that mat-ah Mina.
Jihyo turned to Mina and that did it, tears dropping down her cheeks like rivers and after seeing her new girlfriend cry, got Jihyo to start tearing up as well again.
Both were from happiness and relief.
In a span of no less than five minutes, both Jihyo and Mina lives went up for the best and every negative thought they had gone away instant after instant.
Before Jihyo could do anything, Sana came forward and hugged Mina in a flash.
"Don't cry, Mina. Please." She soothed as Mina burrowed her head into Sana's shoulder.
"Ahe...g-gomen sniff...l-I'm just so happyyyehe.." And Mina started to cry into Sana's shoulder as Sana patted her back.
Jihyo felt her hand being squeezed as Mina's interaction brought Jihyo into the hug as well as she joined near Mina's head and gave her a kiss on the side.
"I'm happy too Mina. So happy..." Jihyo let her tears drop as well as the three shared this hug together.
With their newfound relationship and with Sana's confession of the other members happy for them, Jihyo and Mina couldn't be anymore ecstatic to live in the open now and with each other for the next six years like this.
Jihyo's eyes shot up to Mina's turned head.
"We're not gonna have any film if you keep staring at me like that."
"But it's the best thing to watch~" Jihyo grew a large smile as Mina rolled her eyes.
"We're shooting a commercial, remember work first." Mina pointed at the camera in the corner, "now I have to delete it and start again."
"I know, gomen...but you can't blame me due to those sweats of yours." Jihyo pouted as she heard Mina laugh.
"I needed to wear something to work out in.
Just sit in front of me then." Mina didn't turn as she was focusing on the camera.
"Aww...well, I do need a small convincing to do so~"
Mina turned to Jihyo as she stood up and walked towards Mina.
"Jihyo, sigh fine, but then we work okay." Mina pointed at her as Jihyo nodded.
"Then we work, now come here~"
Mina smiled as Jihyo got up to Mina, grabbed her by the neck, and kissed her girlfriend full one.
If the kiss wasn't obvious enough, Mina and Jihyo are still a couple.
Apart from their own group, no one else knows about them, not even their manager still.
It was even arranged that Jihyo and Mina would switch bedrooms with Momo and Jeongyeon to leave the room for them to have their private time together...and no, it wasn't ALWAYS that kind of 'private times'
It was merely for them to be together without disturbing or being interrupted by Nayeon and Sana.
Plus it worked for them as well with Sana and Momo along with Nayeon and Jeongyeon being closer to one another.
Their manager took notice but disregarded thinking Jeongyeon and Momo were happier with the two.
Ever since then, the two have been inseparable, even during out in public, but they wouldn't showcase any couple acts out, merely being close to each other.
So much so, that their shipping name rose to the very top of the Twice ships, but all the members laughed it out though.
And so here we are.
Jihyo went towards her, and she stood to greet Mina.
It's a romantic novel cliche, to say they melted into each other's arms, but they did. 
It was as if their bodies wanted to meet, each wanting to accommodate the other so that they fitted together perfectly in a tight embrace.
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hirocimacruiser · 4 months
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What are old cars like to drive now?
Mazda Familia 3 door full time 4WD1600DOHC turbo review.
The second generation FF Familia tends to be overshadowed by the success of the first FF Familia. The Familia underwent a Key Concept model change in 1985, and the sports version of the 1.6 (twin cam turbo + full-time 4WD) became popular. Yasushi Shimono drove to Osaka for the later model after minor changes.
Text | Yasushi Shimono Photos Chihiro Abe
The other day, I rented a Familia car in Takamatsu, Shikoku. If you see Nippon Rent-a-Car, Toyota Rent-a-Car, and Nissan Rent-A-Car lined up at the counter in the airport lobby, if you're a car fan, you should probably rent a Mazda Rent-A-Car at this time of year.
It's a personal choice, but the Familia 1500AT I rented was actually very nice. The engine and suspension have the solid feel of a German car, and it feels great. Even though I've already driven over 20,000km, I can barely see any wear and tear.
During my summer vacation two years ago, I took a Familia rental car at the station in Tsuruoka, Yamagata Prefecture, and it was a great ride, and my family was happy with it.
For test drives, members of the media always ride in the manufacturer's so-called PR vehicles.
However, when they later try the same car in a rental car, they are often disappointed to varying degrees. I don't have the space to write about the reasons in detail here, but Familia is an extremely rare example of people rediscovering their charm through rental cars. It feels like a very seriously made car.
I am holding this.
In downtown Osaka, I was given a ride on a nostalgic Familia. 1988 model 3 door twin cam turbo 4W.D. It is a full-time 4WD high-performance model that was part of the second-generation FF Familia series that debuted in 1985.
I splurged on expensive 200,000 yen 0Z racing aluminum wheels for the car I bought this spring. There is a bright red mudflap in the wheel arches.
The guard hangs down. The hobby of the owner, Mr. M (35 years old), who really wants to drive a Lancia Delta Integrale, seems to be depicted on the outside.
The inside can also be customized.
It is. The front seats are BRIDE bucket seats. The handle is MOMO's Prototipo. At the tip of the shift lever is a plastic shift knob that looks like a white ball.
The main body of the 1.6LDOHC turbo engine has not been modified, but the muffler and air cleaner have been replaced with "HKS''. The suspension also uses Mazda genuine sports springs combined with GAB dampers. I'm not Kiyoshi Nishikawa, but I get the strong impression that he was trying to do things one by one, starting with what he could do. Mr. M, who works as a tire wholesaler, is a pleasant young man. It is the year of the year. When I pushed in the tape whose head was peeking out from the set, it played Mr. Children, which doesn't really suit Osaka (?).
However, once it started running, the Familia Integrale was a much more radical car than the standard.
First of all, the suspension is much harder than you might imagine from the specs. The ride quality is almost that of a competition vehicle, reacting honestly to the bumps and undulations of the road surface and transmitting short, jerky vibrations.
I didn't think it was power steering at first either. I slowly turned the steering wheel to turn off the engine and realized for the first time that it had power assist. That's how responsive it is. Basically, the normal engine is so energetic that it's hard to believe. Power is already 140 yen on NET display. However, it is more powerful than the face value, and at the signal Grand Prix the acceleration of all four wheels is like that of a rabbit.
I'll show you.
Even though it is a turbo, it starts to crash immediately after idling.
Delivers comfortable torque. The response in the low rotation range is also not bad. Tachometer red zone from 7000rpm. However, the latest 4-valve It's not as smooth and light as the unit.
It has been replaced with an air cleaner for competition. So, at the top end of 6500 or higher, the engine noise, mainly the intake noise, becomes louder.
Air conditioner control panels, air vents, and
-Dark areas where stereo units, ashtrays, etc. are crowded.
There was a designer who once described the center part of the dash as ``the most expensive part of the car's interior,'' but this car has a panel that says ``FULLTIME 4WD'' embedded in part of it. There is. It was kind of noisy. There is also a shiny silver switch inside the spring, and this is for locking the center differential. The owner once benefited from being muddy.
Apparently there is.
The turbo is effective without any noticeable bumps.
It starts to work, and what's more, it works like a turbo. I miss the way the green snail lights up in the instrument panel every time the turbo kick explodes. What's more, every time I shift up and release the accelerator, I hear the resonant whine of the turbine, which is nostalgic. I wasn't able to do it this time due to time constraints, but I was able to drive on mountain passes and some dirt roads, and it still looked really interesting. Manly and sweaty, a perfect masculine noun.
It's Luma.
Of course, the current Familia, which no longer has a sports model in its lineup, is not such a macho car. However, the Familia has always been a car that has not had a fancy feel to it for generations. Fancy is something like ``a womanly thing that a man has come up with.'' I like the character, which is unusual for domestically produced vehicles, but I'm sure there are people who say that's why it doesn't sell well.
The second generation FF Familia underwent a full model change in January 1985. It has a 3/5-door hatch and a 4-door sedan body. Initially, it started with 1.3ℓ and 1.5ℓ NA and turbo units, but a 1.6ℓ turbo unit was soon added. The photo is of the later model. The body size is: total length x width x height = 3990 x 1645 x 1405mm. Wheelbase 2400mm.
The steering wheel has been replaced with "MOMO" and the seat has been replaced with "BRIDE". When the New Familia was announced, the company emphasized the improved quality of the interior, saying, ``If the packaging is the same, the quality of the interior is important.''
With minor changes in 8 years, NA unit
The remaining old E-type units were wiped out and replaced by B-type units. Photo of 1597cc 16V DOHC turbo with 140ps @ 6000rpm and 19.0kgm torque @ 5000rpm
Mr. M's Delta Familia has a majestic red mudguard. The ``GAB'' and ``HKS'' stickers and white OZ wheels clearly reflect the owner's taste.
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angrybugger · 2 months
ok now i talk about mmy favorit3 ships lik3 a dummbass
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(mm3 irl)
ok anyways
ok im dropping the typing quirk for now
HOMESTUCK (only matespritships for now cuz im a narrowminded human plz spare me)
rose x kanaya
jane x roxy
john x dave
latula x mituna
aradia x sollux
terezi x vriska
jake x dirk
rufioh x horuss
meulin x kurloz
aranea x meenah
tavros x gamzee
kankri x cronus
izuku x katsuki
ochako x himiko
eraserhead x mic
shoto x momo
jonathan x speedwagon
joseph x caesar
jotaro x noriaki
avdol x polnareff
josuke x okuyasu
giorno x mista
narancia x fugo
bruno x leone
jolyne x ff
sonic x shadow
ok3y just want3d to put that out
that's all mmy b33ni3s w33ni3s and inb3tw33ni3s
(imm tir3d)
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kyros-tha-soldier · 9 months
chapter 1103 SPOILERS
I've gotten a bit lazy lately, I'm basically burnt out to the BONE from work so sorry for not bringing the previous leaks earlier:
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we've got big news for my beloved bonbon and her bear papa:
The chapter's title is "I'm sorry, daddy" (GOOOOOOOOD WHY!) And we have a beautiful color spread of the straw hats and our beloved wano warrior YAMATO, they're all riding momo in his dragon form (😏) since it's the year of the dragon
We start where we finished in the mini flashback, where bonney is standing in the memory bubble room, she turns back to her original child form and apologizes to vegapunk since she used to think HE was the one behind her dad's death
Vegapunk understands and gives her something Kuma was planning on handing her on her 10th birthday, it's a sun necklace made of sapphire
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Speak of the devil (literally!) We go back to the present time confrontation between saturn, the remaining vegapunks, the cp0 and the rest. Bonney uses her attack "Nika-ish future" to attack saturn but she fails. NOW THIS IS WHERE IT'S ABOUT TO GET ABSOLUTELY BONKERS!
Saturn thinks to himself that this form of Bonney's Nika is much more different than the Nika God since she can only replicate the rubber power
This mf Saturn has his power over everybody that they can't budge a single inch, suddenly he notices that Luffy is eating some food from the floor (somebody must've snuck it at the beginning of the confrontation or smtn) of course Saturn is like "how fucking dare you eat while I'm in the middle of my epic fit of rage" and orders someone to chain him with kairoseki (what a vibe killer)
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Like oooooooh calm down big man he's not gonna bite you ffs
It's revealed that thw Toshi Toshi no mi power was given to bonney by saturn, now underline the word "POWER" because this is where it's about to get REALLY messed up
Saturn has been experimenting on people to extract devil fruit powers and then give them to other people. And of course, as fucked up as it sounds, Saturn gave the disease to Ginny (probably while she was pregnant) and the poor woman ended up developing the rare sapphire scale disease
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i swear on god, if Saturn's bitchass doesn't get absolutely wrecked then I'm dropping OP, do NOT DISAPPOINT ME ODA I AM SERIOUS!
also is it just me, or is this aj attempt from Oda to clarify that the sapphire scale disease is a sideffect and not an STD? Because I've ssen A LOT of fans speculating about that and i have NEVER EVER in my life thought I'd see the day where I'll hear the words STD and ONE PIECE in one sentence until this very arc!
anyways, Saturn's stupid-ass gave the toshi toshi effect to ginny and somehow she passed it to bonney during her pregnancy, this comes as a surprise to him since this has never happened
According to Saturn, the more bonney starts to learn about Nika's true form and tries to copy it, the weaker she becomes. bonney is seen crying in despair and fear, she apologizes to her father about how despite how far he went to ensure she'd make it out alive, she will end up dead anyways
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Speaking of her papi, Kuma crashes right into egghead and gets attacked by some marine soldiers who were shooting at him with grenade launchers (taht's hardcore as fuck, I AM DROPPING THE PANELS NOW just so you can see how cold Kuma looks!)
he gets injured once again in his head but is able to reach Saturn just in time (who had thrown bonney to the ground and was about to squash her with his spider legs) just for Kuma to come and shield her with his body, and have the long nail at the end of Saturn's leg punture his back and chest
Kuma grabs him by the leg and turs around, readying a punch as his face grimaces in rage, and saturn looks at him in absolute shock
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oh boy, we eating GOOD tonight!
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valyrra · 4 months
Watched my old Instagram stories and ffs I miss pre-2021 Val so much. She was so wild, so kind, so lovely. She didn't deserve the shit she went through. Even though looking back I understand that the shit that I overcame was barely worth the pain - to me it felt like dying. Bpd makes you feel intense. Really intense. Raw emotions. My poor old self needed to be kinder to herself, because people around her weren't. Thank you for keeping yourself alive. Thank you for the fact that I am alive today. With Momo. Just existing.
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And I need to be kinder to myself now. I am a good girl to myself.
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nr1chaedickrider · 8 months
call me at midnight
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momo misses you - but in a completly different way than you thought.
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I got a special inspiration for this >_<, something short bc im working on lots of other things ; phone sex ; bottom!momo (omg what????) ; degradation ; praising
men dni.
Twice's fifth world tour through many countries, almost all continents and even more cities.
Of course you're happy, it's incredible that her group is so popular.
But you are someone who misses other people very quickly.
Momo is no exception to this.
You lie awake in your bed, the clock reads 9 pm.
You're scrolling through social media when you decide to call Momo.
Even though she's on another continent and there's a big time difference, that doesn't stop you.
It rings once, twice, three times, and before it can ring a fourth time, she answers.
"Y/n!" she says, and you can tell from her tone that she has a big smile on her face.
"How are you?" you ask her, hoping not to interrupt anything important.
"Fine, we have several hours of rest, so I'm resting in the hotel room," she answers.
"Good for you" you say.
The two of you make small talk, Momo tells you funny things she has experienced - you listen.
But the mood begins to change a little (or completly) when you begin to compliment her.
"I've seen videos of the tour, you dance really well," you say, hearing her giggle.
And you know you've hit a nerve, you know how her brain melts when you compliment her in any way.
"Thanks," she says, but you don't stop.
"I wish I was here with you to show you how much I enjoyed your performance," you say in a lower voice with a flirtatious undertone.
You hear Momo start to breathe more heavily.
And you know exactly what she's doing when she says -
"Please keep talking."
Her voice is high as she finishes her sentence, her breathing not in time, but irregular.
"Why should I?" you ask, feeling the smile that comes to your lips.
"I need it," she answers, you are silent.
And Momo realizes that she knows what you want to hear.
"I need you," she says, a whimper at the end of the sentence.
Your smile widens as you laugh a little.
"You're really pathetic, Momo, you know that?"
You hear a moan, more unclean and heavy breathing.
And even though it's obvious what Momo is doing, you still ask -
"You're touching yourself, aren't you?"
She answers with a moan and you feel your cheeks turning red.
"You got horny because I complimented you?" you ask teasingly, stressing the complimented.
"Mhm-...y/n please," she replies.
"How pathetic that you get horny so quickly, Momo," you say with a little laugh.
You hear more whimpering, more moaning and more heavy breathing.
"I love it, honestly, what would the others think if they saw you like this? See how you immediately start touching yourself when I just say a few things to you?" you tease.
You smile as you hear her breathing quicken as she whispers "please-" and "I'm close-" several times.
"That fast?" you laugh.
"Do I make you that horny?" you ask, even though you know the answer.
"You're a little perverted, Momo," you say, and she moans louder.
You stop talking and listen to her.
"Please - y/n... fuck-..I'm -"
Your cheek gets redder and redder, and you feel yourself getting wetter and wetter, but you decide to ignore it.
You listen as she gets louder, her sounds getting higher and higher as she cums.
It's quiet for a few moments as she calms down.
"How was it?" you ask.
"Good, very good," she answers, still slightly out of breath.
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whatachillkillyeri · 6 months
Wassup party people !!!
I write ggs ff
Mostly writes for twice , itzy and red velvet ( any ggs is fine)
Only fluff for underage idols
Men, racism, homophobia, sexism DNI!!!
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Request are open
My masterlist
•not here yet
Jihyo -
•not here yet
• not here yet
Tzuyu -
•not here yet
•not here yet
•not here yet
•not here yet
•not here yet
• not here yet
•not here yet
•not here yet
•not here yet
•not here yet
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jihyocentric · 9 days
there's this couple on tiktok ( https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMheQUrFh/ ) that reminds me of nahyo, the guy is like obsessed with his girlfriend (like he should 🙄) and he's always making breakfast for her and saying how much he loves that she tells him what to do
idk they just make me think of domestic!nahyo, I love how you write them, nayeon WOULD be a sucker for hyo, and hyo would always be kinda angry but they are sooo soft and obsessed with each other, and nayeon of course would be such a soft mom, sometimes maybe too soft but that's okay! cause that's one of the things hyo loves about her :') and I know I'm rambling but I just can't get enough of how you view nahyo, it's feel so right, and I get so tired of reading ff where jihyo is viewed so ????? like I know it's fiction but from what part of your ass did you pull out that?.... idk I just love domestic nahyo and im so thankful that you write them 😭🤚
whipped nayeon is my favorite thing in the world!! domestic au jihyo is exactly like that, a bit angry and quite bossy but nayeon wouldn't want her any other way! i think part of why i see nayeon this way when i'm writing nahyo is that nayeon (real nayeon) is always full of love for jihyo, and not many people get that (nobody gets them like i do ass discourse but am i wrong!).
nayeon is one of the members who talks about jihyo more like she really is, at least from my perspective. nayeon treats her like the middle kid jihyo is, always remembers everyone jihyo is cute (according to her jihyo is the cutest member and i stand with her! source: a live stream with momo) despite being 'filled with anger' (this was probably during moonlight sunrise promotions). i just love that she's really an unnie to jihyo, and they're both still each others' babygirls. i'll never be able to describe how much i love nayeon for just being herself and for loving jihyo the way she does
domestic au nayeon is nayeon in her most exaggerated form, i think. i'm so happy you get me, YES nayeon will do anything for her, YES jihyo can be a bit mean to her sometimes, but nayeon loves it and so does jihyo, no more and no less. oh, and nayeon being too soft as a mom is so real. jihyo is rightfully upset when nayeon does something she shouldn't to jisoo, either pampering her too much or failing to scold her when needed. nayeon could be teaching jisoo the opposite of what jihyo is trying to when jihyo says 'no' to her or gives her a speech, which definitely makes jihyo angry.
again, YOU GET ME!! it's so hard for me to read jihyo fics because i'll rarely find someone who builds jihyo's character in a way that i like. it's obviously not the writer's fault, like i could be writing a member in a way other people won't like them and it's all good yk, just skip the thing and we'll be fine, but with jihyo i feel like it's something that occurs so often. it is all fiction but still... as a professional jihyo observer, lover and researcher, i can't condone certain jihyos. but nobody owes me anything, so i'll just write what i would like to read instead! 🙂‍↕
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empressofthesunwriter · 4 months
Yin and Yang: Book 1.12
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Balance is a key aspect in the world, so why shouldn’t the Avatar have an opposite?
In a world where Raava and Vaatu merge with humans, the Avatar and the Daimon try to keep the peace between the four nations.
Aang and Hua are the current incarnations, but wake up 100 years in the future.
How will these two learn all four elements in one year and defeat the Fire Lord?
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Check out my DeviantArt or Wattpad to see the Art of the FF ;D
Book 1.12: The Storm
Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. 
Then, everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. 
Only the Avatar and Daimon, masters of all four elements, could stop them, but when the world needed them most, they vanished. 
A hundred years passed, and my brother and I discovered the new Avatar and Daimon, an airbender named Aang and an earthbender named Hua. 
And although his airbending and her earthbending skills are great they have a lot to learn before they’re ready to save anyone. 
But I believe Aang and Hua can save the world.
It’s a beautiful dawn sky.
Happy Hua lays with her head on Katara's lap, while the older girl strokes her black hair.
Jaiyi was cuddled up on her side, yawing cutely.
Aang was enjoying with Momo on his shoulders the last rays of the sunlight.
And Sokka was relaxing on the border of Appa saddle.
Hua could even hear Appa's happy rumble.
All was good.
All was perfect.
“We need you, Hua.”, cooed Katara at her, twirling a piece of black hair around her finger.
Smiling Hua answered: “I need you too. All of you, guys.”
She notices something out of the corner of her eyes. As the  Daimon turns toward it, her expression changes to shock.
The sky's colouring has changed to a dark, ominous grey, revealing a churning storm cloud.
“Oh no, we need to get away from it!”, shouts Hua.
The Daimon turns to her friends, but only she and Jaiyi are on Appa's saddle.
A light shines from above and Monk Gyatso in lotus, floats downward, positioning himself in front of Hua.
Surprised Hua calls out for her old mentor/grandfather figure.
“Why did you disappear, little flower?”, he whispers sadly.
“I never wanted this…I…I just wanted to be a normal girl again.”, admins Hua devastated. “I was selfish, forgive me!”
She reaches out to Gyatso, but before she can touch him, Gyatso turns grey and dissipates into smoke; it blows over Hua, causing her to raise her left arm in front of her face and turn away to shield herself from it.
Lightning splits the sky.
Suddenly it’s raining and Aang is sitting on Appa's head, holding the reigns and screaming at the top of his lungs in terror while they go down. 
Hua holds with everything she got into the saddle, holding Jaiyi tight to her chest. 
A potent gale throws them off the saddle as Appa and Aang splash into the waters of the ocean. 
Appa resurfaces again, and growls, but is quickly subdued anew by another wave. 
Humans and animals fall unconscious into the water. 
As Aang releases the reigns and drifts off, his eyes and tattoos start to glow brightly. 
At the same moment, Hua's eyes start to glow orange.
They slam each of their fists together, creating a bluish-white, orange-dark sphere that encases all four of them. 
As the air sphere slowly solidifies into an icy globe, the young Earthbender hears voices calling for her.
“We need you, Hua!” Gyatsu.
“We need you, Hua!” Katara.
“We need you, Hua!” Sokka.
“We need you, Hua!” Her mother.
“We need you, Hua!” Her father.
“We need you, Hua!” Bai.
“We need you, Hua!” Bumi.
“We need you, Hua!” Kuzon.
“We need you, Hua!” Suki.
“We need you, Hua!” Ai.
“We need you, Hua!”, a thousand known and unknown voices.
“Don’t leave again!”, shout all the voices together.
The darkness around her goes up in flames. 
A male silhouette stands in the inferno and attacks her with his flames!
With a scream, Hua wakes up.
At the same moment, Aang awakes from his nightmare too.
He startles Momo, who was curled up on top of him. 
Momo leaps onto Katara's stomach, causing her to shoot up with a startled look, before jumping on Sokka's, who shoots up, still sleepy, halfheartedly wielding his dagger and boomerang.
“What's going on?”, asks Sokka drowsily, looking around. “Did we get captured again?”
Hua and Aang find the eyes of each other and see the same terror.
Ah, they had nightmares each again.
“We just had nightmares, again. Go back to sleep, Sokka.”, tells Hua.
The water tribe boys don’t let him tell it twice and snuggle back down in his sleeping back.
Worried Katara looks at her two young friends. “Are you all right, Hua and Aang?
Both say at the same time they are okay.
“You both seem to be having a lot of nightmares lately. Do you want to tell me about it?”, offers Katara.
“I think I just need some rest.”, says Aang rolling himself in a ball.
Meanwhile, Hua stands up.
“I gonna splash some water on my face.”
“Okay, be careful.”
“Always, Katara.”
As Hua makes her way over to one of their water container she hears how Sokka wants to tell about his dream, but Katara just gives him a look and he stops.
After she washed her face, Hua curls back into her sleeping back.
She waits a few seconds before she pokes Aang.
“Hey, you awake?”
He opens his grey eyes.
“Mmh, mmh.”
“Wanna go for a walk?”
Quietly to not wake their friend they walk away from camp, along the coastline of the ocean they camp.
“Did you dream the same again?”, wants Hua to know.
Aang makes a sad sign and nods.
“Me too.”, murmured Hua in defeat, but Aang still heard her. “I think they are our heavenly punishment because we run away like cowards from our destinies as Daimon and Avatar.”
Thoughtful Aang picks up a stone and lets it spring over the water's surface.
“I’m starting to think this too. Also, the feelings of guilt we have don’t help either. How could we leave anyone hanging?”, he wonders.
Hua picks also up a stone and lets it spring over the ocean.
“We were dumb and selfish. It’s that simple, we didn’t wanted to listen to how the world needed us.”
“The world still needs us. This time we can’t run away.”, reminds Aang, letting a stone spring again.
“Yeah, but we also need some sleep.”, mumbles Hua tired. “I don’t know how long I can go without a good night's sleep.”
“When was the last time we slept well, it seems so long ago.”
Surprisingly a cute blush forms on Hua's face, which makes something in Aang's stomach all fuzzy. 
But the good kind.
She looks very pretty with a blush.
Now he starts to blush because of his thoughts.
“You remember our little canyon adventure?”, begins Hua sheepish. “And the next morning when we woke up cuddling and said we never gonna talk about it again? That was the last time I slept well.”
This…makes Aang feel a lot of confusing and strangely nice feelings. 
His blush gets darker.
What was going on with him?
“Oh…you know I slept well that night too.”
Both twelve-year-olds play nervously with their hands. 
Then they talk over each other and don’t get what the other says.
Ever the gentleman Aang tells Hua to go first and she suggests they should cuddle with each other to fall asleep.
Now both look like peperonies.
“It’s completely platonic.”, explains Hua fast. “Bai and I shared a lot of times our beds and cuddled. It will be just like that.”
Something in Aang practically whines at this.
He ignores it.
“Sure, we can try.”, he murmurs shyly.
He was so tired and sick of nightmares, if cuddling with one of his best friends helped then by all means.
A pretty smile formed on Hua's lips and no, Aang didn’t though about how otherworldly beautiful she looked under the moonlight like this, this were his past lives bugging him.
Perish this thought.
So they made their way back to the camp and well…they cuddled facing each other like when they were in the canyon.
Not even five minutes later they fell asleep.
And no more nightmares this night for them.
Morning came and Team Avatar-Daimon packed their campsite up.
Katara carries their packs towards Appa, who yawns. As the animal closes its mouth again, Aang is revealed sitting on his head.
“Look at those clear skies, buddy!”, cooed Aang at his bison, petting him. “Should be some smooth flying.”
Katara looks into a bag before holding it upside down, and sprinkling the ground with crumbs; Momo and Jaiyi instantly eat them. 
Sokka walks past her toward Appa, carrying some of their luggage.
“Well, we better smoothly fly ourselves to a market, 'cause we're out of food.”, tells them Katara, as she climbs on the saddle.
Hua, with their sleeping bags, joins her. Momo and Jaiyi follow.
“Guys, wait. This was in my dream.”, exclaimed Sokka. “We shouldn't go to the market.”
All turn to look at him and Katara ask what his dream was.
“Food eats people!”
This only made Katara shake her head and Hua made a facepalm.
Oh Spirits, not this early!
“Also, Momo could talk. You said some very unkind things.”
Momo's ears droop as Sokka speaks.
After this little episode, they finally fly themselves to a little harbour.
They looked around for food, but Katara was not convinced to buy the watermelon the merchant lady formally threw into her face.
However, since they are out of money, they can’t buy it.
Frustrated the four teens walk around.
Sokka bemoans how they are out of food and out of money.
What should they do?
Katara sasses back that he should get the job.
It’s like the universe wants to do them a favour since they hear how a fisherman and his wife argue about going fishing.
The wife doesn’t want to, because she feels in her bones that a big storm is coming, for which her husband proclaimed her crazy since it was a beautiful day.
Yet the fisher wife won’t change her mind.
So the fisherman said he would give the next person who wanted to help him the doppel of her money.
In a beat of an eye, Sokka was on the side of the fisherman and was hired on the spot.
The rest of Team Avatar-Daimon stared at Sokka.
“What? You said to get a job ... and he's paying double.”, reminds Sokka.
The fisherman rounds up on Sokka with a wild expression: “Double? Who told you that nonsense?”
Well, what was done was done and Sokka had to work now.
Just as he helped the fisherman load his boat, Aang and Hua noted how the sky became darker.
Both remember the faithful storm which ended with them trapped in the iceberg for 100 years.
They are getting scared.
“Sokka, maybe this isn't such a good idea. Look at the sky.”, points Aang at it.
“You can still back down, we will find another way to get money.”, adds Hua.
“I said I was going to do this job. I can't back out just because of some bad weather.”. disagrees Sokka.
The fisherman's wife speaks up: “The boy with the tattoos and the Earth Kingdom girl have some sense. You should listen to them!”
This makes the fisherman stop, turning to Aang and Hua.
“Boy with tattoos? Airbender tattoos. Earth Kingdom clothes. Well, I'll be a hog monkey's uncle. You're the Avatar and you must be the Daimon, ain't ya?”
“That's right.”, confirms Katara.
All three of them smile friendly.
“Well, don't be so smiley about it.”, snarled the fisherman, making them frown. “The Avatar and Daimon disappeared for a hundred years! You both turned your backs on the world!”
“Don't yell at them!”, shouts Katara back. “Hua and Aang would never turn their backs on anyone.”
“Oh, they wouldn't, huh? Then I guess I must have imagined the last hundred years of war and suffering.”
It’s like Hua and Aang get slapped in the face. The old feelings of shame and guilt reappear.
“Hua and Aang are the bravest persons I know. They have done nothing but help people and save lives since I met them.”, defended Katara, not seeing how both were stepping away and gripping each other's hand. “It's not their fault they disappeared, right Hua, Aang?”
Finally, she turns to her friends and sees how freaked-out they look.
“Hua, Aang, what's wrong?”
As an answer Aang opens his glider, Avatar and Daimon grip each other and the glider with one hand each and fly away.
They ignored Katara's shouts for them and the fisherman's harsh but true words.
They…they just can’t face it, alright?
They know all is true, but it still hurts been remember how utterly selfish they had been.
Any day they fight with these feelings, getting them thrown at them makes it even worse.
And then sweet Katara who believed in them and protected them.
How would she react when she knows the truth?
Neither wants to find out.
They find a little cave on the side of a cliff face.
Entering it they just sat down in the darkness, back to back, facing a wall.
None of them had anything to say.
What could they say, what they didn’t talk about already?
Time passes, the weather changes to a storm and Katara turns up in their hideout.
“We’re sorry for running away.”, chorus the Avatar and Daimon together.
“It's okay. That fisherman was way out of line.”
“Actually, he wasn't.”, disagrees Aang.
“What do you mean?”
“Neither of us wants to talk about it.”, confesses Hua silently.
“It has to do with your dreams, doesn't it?”, suspects Katara and puts a hand on the shoulders of Hua and Aang. “Talk to me, guys.”
Aang and Hua search for each other eyes and after a moment they nod.
“Well, it's kind of a long story.”, begins Aang.
Suddenly, Momo and Jaiyi leap past Hua, Aang and Katara, startling them. 
Appa has also entered the cave. 
He nuzzles Aang's head with his nose, making Aang smile. Aang pats Appa's chin.
Jaiyi curled up on Hua's lap licking her cheeks. The Daimon pats her between the ears.
Katara asks if Hua can make a little fire and the younger girl agrees.
Making a campfire was like second nature to her now.
They all sit around the fire, Momo and Jaiyi on the laps of their master, as Aang begins to tell his side of the tale.
How he was showing his friends the air scooter, the council of elders who talked with him, telling him he was the Avatar because of four toys, the Avatar relics, he picked and how war was coming and that’s why they told him at 12 and not at 16 his identity.
Now Hua took over.
She stared into the flames and it was like the day her life changed came alive before her…
Gritting her teeth Hua followed after her mother and father. Bai was holding her hand, looking utterly bored.
The Lower Ring of Ba Sing Se was as always full of poverty and misery.
Sometimes Hua had the feeling she could taste the negative emotions in the air, but this was silly.
No one could do this.
“Mom!”, she whined. “Why must we go to the temple, it’s not like we are religious.”
“It’s so stupid, I wanted to play with Daisuke and the other's earth ball.”, whined Bai also.
“I wanted to meet up with Ai.”
Ah, pretty Ai with the auburn hair.
The prettiest girl in their neighbourhood and she liked Hua!
The one boys were scarred because she could bend better than them and the girls mocked for ill-fitting clothes.
But Ai told her she was like a warrior princess from her favourite book and admired her.
That’s why she became her friend.
Now they were more than friends.
Hua could still feel her hot lips on hers.
Ai was such a good kisser.
“Kids, please the Earth Sages send us personal a message.”, explained Haruka for like the 1000 times her children the reason they had to go. “We can’t ignore an official invitation.”
Their father turned to them giving them a grin.
“Maybe they just want to convert us. Don’t worry kids, we will be just really annoying and they will let us leave!”
“Don’t tell our kids to be annoying they have to show the Earth Sages their respect.”
Their parents kept on bickering, which made Hua and Bai roll their eyes.
This was their parent's weird way of flirting.
Hopefully, they wouldn’t get another sibling.
Five mouths to feed was already a lot.
When they reached the temple, Hua already got a weird feeling as one of the sages said, only she could enter the centre chamber and her family had to wait.
Nervous she sat before the five sage who stared at her with green piercing eyes.
What they told her, changed her whole life in a beat of an eye.
“Are you sure?”, she asked desperately.“The Earth Kingdom is so big, maybe you are wrong!”
The Great Earth Sage just looked stoic at her.
“Believe me, young Hua, we have our way to pit-point where the next Daimon is born and also…do you remember this.”
He earthbend to her a scroll which opens up.
In it are four different toys.
A feeling of familiarity washed over her.
“These are the Daimon relicts. Toys of past Daimons of your past lives.”, he explains. “Eight years ago we tested all the children of Ba Sing Se, you were the only one who picked this.”
Like in a trance Hua's hand strokes over the toys.
“I totally forgot this day…but I’m remembering it now.”
The Great Sage nods pleased.
“Good. Now we don’t have much time. You must be united with the Avatar. Only together you will stop this war on the horizon.”
A bad feeling takes its place in Hua’s stomach.
“What does it mean?”
“You will be immediately brought to the Southern Air Temple to meet the Avatar. You have five minutes to say goodbye to your family.”
Back in the present Hua looks up from the flames and sees how tears are in the corners of Katara's eyes. She feels her own too.
“They really only gave me five minutes. I couldn’t even say goodbye to my friends to my girlfriend or pick up my things. I was carted away like some cabbages.”
“Oh Hua, I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay Katara, you aren’t at fault here.”
“So you were upset that you were the Daimon Hua and you the Avatar Aang?”, summarized Katara. “Why wouldn't you be excited about it?”
“Well, I didn't know how to feel about it. All I knew was that after I found out, everything began changing.”, told Aang.
Hua agreed with a nod.
Aang starts again with his tale.
How his life changed because he was the Avatar, his friends not anymore playing with him, training and waiting for the Daimon to arrive.
“Monk Gyatsu told me I would feel better after I met my other half.”, began Aang.
“But the day I arrived at the Southern Air Tempel, we both just saw in each other how our whole lives changed. It was easy to direct this anger to the other.”, enden Hua.
Katara looked at them in compassion.
“You felt like you couldn’t choose anymore right?”
The twelve-year-olds nodded.
“What happened then?”
“I began living in the Southern Air Temple and me and Aang were drilled in our elements. One of the Earth Sages, Master De, stayed with me there to make me an earthbending master, but Monk Gyatsu was my guardian, like Aang, and he decided over us. He wanted us to stay kids a bit longer.”
Again Hua stared into the flames and was transported into her memories.
Hua was sitting on a windowsill reading a scroll about legendary animals and where to find them, while Monk Gyatsu and Aang played a round of Pai Sho.
“Very interesting move, young one.”, mussed their guardian.
“What do you mean?”, asks Aang.
At the right moment, the girl looks up to see how Gyatso uses airbending to make a spiral, flipping a part of Aang's clothing. 
Quickly Gyatsu moves two pieces around. 
Aang flipped his clothing back into place.
“Hey!”, he called, but all three started to laugh.
That’s when the door opens and Monk Tashi and Sage De enter.
“You're playing games with him?”, scolds Monk Tashi.
“And you let her read some fantasy story?”, adds Sage De.
“The Avatar and Daimon should be training!”, they annoucon together.
Calmly Gyastu answers: “Aang and Hua have already trained enough for today.”
“Time is short.”, barks Monk Tashi and waves Aang over. “Come with me. I must test you on some high-level techniques.”
“Daimon Hua stop reading this nonsense and come with me, we still have to work on your basic forms.”, reminds Sage De.
Disappointed Aang and Hua stand up to join with them, as Gyasti states: “No. As long as I'm their guardian, I will decide when they train ... and when he gets his butt kicked at Pai Sho and she can read the scrolls she loves.”
With a huff, both Monk and Sage leave them.
Happy Aang and Hua smile at Gyastu.
They are so happy to have him.
Hua returned from her shared memories with Aang, which he told Katara, as he explained how one day all turned worse.
The other monks and the Earth Sage wanted to take him and Hua away from Gyatsu since he was too close to them.
They should be brought to the Eastern Air Tempel to complete their training.
“That's awful, Aang and Hua.”, says Katara. “I don't know what to say.”
Angry Aang stands up and goes into Avatar State shouting: “How could they do that to me? They wanted to take away everything I knew and everyone I loved!”
He makes hot ciders fly, but Hua, also in Daimon State, just bends them away saying with a cold voice: “They took me away from my family and wanted to take me away from my new one too. I couldn’t forgive them.”
“Hua, Aang.”, calls Katara out to them.
It helps and they get out of their States.
They say sorry for losing their nerves.
“You two have the right to be angry after the monks sent you away like that.”, reassure them Katara.
“Well, that's not exactly what happened.”, signs Aang. “I was afraid and confused. I didn't know what to do. So I talked to Hua.”
The Daimon took over: “Aang came to my room, telling me how he had spied at the council meeting and what would happen to us. I told him I would rather be back home with my family if they have us leave Gyatsu.”
“What, are you saying…”, Katara trailed off. She didn’t want to say what she thought.
But she didn’t need to, because Aang took over the story.
How they packed their things, left notes for Gyatsu and ran away.
Then how they got caught up in the storm and froze there.
Aang ends the story with his next memory of waking up and seeing Katara for the first time and Hua adds she remembers looking into Sokkas face.
“You two ran away.”, summed up Katara astonished. So she had understood right before.
“And then the Fire Nation attacked our temple. My people needed me and I wasn't there to help.”
“We weren’t there.”, reminds Hua, laying a hand on his shoulder. “We are both at fault here.”
“Hua and Aang don't know what would have-.”
They interrupt Katara together: “The world needed us and we weren't there to help. The fisherman was right! We did turn  our backs on the world!”
Full of compassion Katara looks at her friends, these two children, who just wanted to be normal and were burdened with the most important task in the world.
Who would live their lives full of regrets because they made a decision when they were hurting so badly.
It was unfair.
“You two are being too hard on yourself, even if you did run away.”, tells them Katara. “I think it was meant to be. If you had stayed, you would have been killed along with all the other airbenders.”
“You don't know that.”, disagrees Aang.
“I know it was meant to be this way. The world needs you two now. You give people hope.”
Hua and Aang just look at each other. What could they say?
Katara still believed in them…maybe it was enough.
That’s when the fisherman's wife enters their cave asking for help. The storm has turned into a typhoon and her man and Sokka aren’t yet back from their fishing trip.
Immediately the young heroes jump to action to save them, while the fisher wife stays in the cave.
They fly as fast as they can on Appa through the typhoon to find the two missing people.
After a while they find them.
Aang jumps down onto the boat. As a pole is falling down, Aang brings up four pouts of water, splitting the pole in half. 
After the pole splits in half, Sokka and the fisherman are shown hugging each other. 
Hua throws them a rope and yells at them to climb it up.
The fisherman and Sokka do so. 
Appa starts flying again. 
The rope swings up, making Sokka and the fisherman land on the saddle. 
A big wave hits the gang underwater. Everyone is shown floating away from Appa. 
Hua and Aang go into the Avatar and Daimon State and save everyone. 
They all go back to the cave safe where the fisherman's wife is. 
The fisherman's wife runs up to the fisherman and hugs him.
“Oh, you're alive! You owe this boy and girl an apology!”
“He doesn't have to apologize.”
“I would like to have one.”
“What, Aang?!”
“What if, instead of an apology, I give them a free fish and we call it even.”, suggests the fisherman.
“He doesn’t eat meat.”, explains Hua with crossed arms.
“Fish ain't meat!”
“Seriously, you're still going to pay me, right?”, joins them Sokka.
As an answer, the fisherman gives him a fish.
Hua huffs, but turns with Aang to Katara.
“Katara, I think you were right before. I'm done dwelling on the past.”, proclaims Aang.
The Daimon lays a hand on his shoulder and both smile at each other.
“What my other half wants to say: we both are done with it. We will never know if we would have died with the air nomads or not. We can’t change the past, but we can create a new future.”
“That’s a wonderful thought.”, agrees Katara. “Me and Sokka will help you along the way. I don't think you two are gonna have those nightmares anymore.”
Then the fisherman steps towards them and actually says sorry and thanks them.
“Do you hear that?”, ask Sokka. “It stopped raining.”
Everyone goes outside. Appa shakes raindrops off himself, splashing everyone.
“Appa!”, scolds Aang, yet a second later all start to laugh.
The storm outside and inside was over and now possibilities were on the horizon.
That night Aang and Hua didn’t have any nightmares.
They dream of a world, full of peace and love and harmony with all their loved ones.
They smiled in their sleep and cuddled each other tighter.
With soft eyes, Katara looks at her two young friends.
She was happy for them and how they were free from their nightmares, they deserved it.
A little smile forms on her face as she lies down and thinks about how these two idiots will ever realize how they are falling in love with each other.
One could only hope they realized it before one of them nearly died, this would be too dramatic.
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And done!
Next Chapter The Blue Spirit and anything will change :D
I can’t wait for it!
See you next time!
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