#feyre your tattoos are annoying please cover them from now on
cla-oh · 1 month
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The Three Sisters
I try more and more to draw fanarts, and it's starting with books I really enjoy.
A Court of Thorn and Roses is clearly my guilty pleasure, and it's been a long time I wanted to draw the 3 sisters together, like the Three Fates in Greek Mythology.
Drawing Feyre tattoos was a challenge honestly.
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The Snowball part 18
I'm going to be MIA for a few days guys, I'm going to Sydney for a few days and won't be taking my laptop so that's why I've done a few quick updates. xx
Link to previous chapters X
Feyre and the rest of the gang were sitting in the living room. Feyre occupied the couch, in between Rhys and Mor, sitting opposite Nesta. Feyre couldn't believe her sister had found her. Nesta looked as out of place in Rhys's house as a camel in a blizzard.
Nesta sat in an armchair, glaring at Cassian when he stared at her for too long, with a devilish gleam in his eyes and mouth that seemed to quirk in a challenge.
This was not going to be fun.
Mor had brought Feyre a cup of tea which she desperately needed after the shock of seeing her sister after months of not hearing anything from her.
"So, Nesta is it? It's nice to meet you." Rhys said, holding out a hand to an aggravated looking Nesta.
Feyre looked at him in surprise and was grateful he was even attempting to talk to her beast of a sister.
Nesta pointedly ignored Rhys's hand and looked to Feyre instead.
"Where the hell have you been?" She asked angrily.
Feyre was taken aback to say the least. "Me? You're the one who never contacted me." She said trying to defend herself.
"I called you for weeks! You never picked up." Nesta said icily.
Feyre looked at her blankly until she remembered Tamlin had given her a new phone when they'd moved in together. "I got a new phone... Tamlin said he was going to give you my new number."
"I don't care if you got a new phone, you could've called us. Elain and I were worried." Nesta had gone strangely quiet.
Feyre could feel the eyes of everyone flitting back and forth between her and her sister, trying to figure out what kind of relationship they had, and why Nesta had appeared now.
"I just assumed you didn't want to talk to me." Feyre said meekly. It was something she had believed all these months. She had been made to just feel like she was in the way back home. She was unneeded. She refused to believe she was unwanted though.
"You think we honestly wouldn't care when you disappear off the face of the earth with some guy who's paying us money every couple of weeks? It was like we sold you or something, it was really weird Feyre."
Feyre felt embarrassed now. Why hadn't she just tried to call them? She had just assumed that Tamlin had taken care of her family and she wouldn't need to worry about them now. She was out of the way.
When Feyre didn't say anything Nesta continued, "Or were you too good for us now that you had a fancy boyfriend? Didn't need us anymore I guess."
"I think there has been a misunderstanding here. But don't you dare think that Feyre never thought about her family, or that she was living in some fairytale these past few months." Rhys snarled at Nesta.
"Well if she had just talked to us we would actually know what to think." Nesta snarled back.
"Please, just stop." Feyre interrupted quickly. "I'm sorry I never called Nesta. I thought you'd be better off without me anyway." Feyre said lamely.
A strange look crossed Nesta's face, and Feyre almost thought it looked like guilt, before it vanished and was replaced with her usual frown.
"How did you find us Nesta?" Mor asked curiously.
"I googled Tamlin. He came up straight away I mean there's not many guys around here called that."
"You went to his house?" Amren asked alarmed.
Nesta nodded and the group looked at each other in shock.
"What?" Nesta asked annoyed. "Was I not supposed to go to her boyfriend's house?"
"Nesta what happened? Did you see Tamlin? What did he say-" Feyre asked quickly before Rhys's hand over hers reminded her to slow down.
Nesta's calculating eyes took special interest in Rhys's hand on Feyre's, but continued with her story.
"He wasn't home. His friend was though. Odd guy. Bright red hair."
"Lucien." The group said in unison.
"Okay that was freaky, don't ever do that again." Nesta said. "I told him I was Feyre's sister and I wasn't leaving until I saw her. He got really weird and told me I had to leave before Tamlin came home. Gave me this address and told me you were here."
Feyre felt a surge of gratitude for Lucien. But Nesta was avoiding talking about something, Feyre could tell by the way she fiddled with the hem of her shirt.
"Why did you decide to come now?" Feyre asked.
"What, did you want me to wait 10 years before I finally came to see what became of my sister?"
Feyre just looked at her pointedly until Nesta finally sighed. "Okay the money stopped coming, but I promise it's not just about that!" She said quickly when all eyes turned feral with rage. "I saw you on the news Feyre. You lot too. Involved in a big fight, the news said it was a turf war or something. I thought you were in trouble with gangs or something."
When the male's hands failed to unclench from the fist's they had formed, Nesta eyed them warily and added, "I'm still not convinced you're not in some kind of gang."
Feyre laughed at the idea of Rhys being a gang leader. "It's not a gang. These are my friends."
"Just friends?" Nesta asked, glancing at Rhys.
Feyre blushed but made no move to correct her, instead she explained first about Hybern's plan to completely ruin the area and make the Illyrians either homeless, or very, very sick.
After hesitating slightly, Feyre was able to get out her past few months with Tamlin. When she struggled to open up about some parts, a few reassuring thumb strokes on the back of her hand from Rhys helped calm her again. When she tried to explain what had happened at the café and she couldn't find the words, Rhys's knee nudged hers gently to encourage her.
Nesta listened to it all with no comment. But she did look at the others with a little less animosity. Except Cassian. She still looked at Cassian like she would like to knock all his teeth out, and Cassian looked at her like he knew and would love nothing less than to see her try.
Feyre paused expectantly at the end for Nesta to say something.
"What a bastard." Nesta said simply, as if she was commenting on the weather.
"An apology would have been better." Cassian said.
"Excuse me?" Nesta bristled.
"An apology. To Feyre. She needs one." Cassian enunciated slowly as if talking to a toddler.
"Cassian, it's alrigh-" Feyre began uneasily before Nesta's indignant screech cut her off sharply.
"Apologise for what you overgrown ape?" She snarled.
"You came in here acting like you were better than her. Like she was an ant. Then you accuse her of thinking she's better than you, when you had no idea what she was going through." Cassian said through gritted teeth.
"Well you have no idea what I went through just to get to her. So back off and mind your own business you ass!"
Feyre buried her head in her hands while Rhys, Azriel, and Mor looked between the two helplessly as they continued to bicker for several minutes. Amren was covering a small smile with her hand as she watched with interest.
An hour later, Cassian had gone to his work out room to sulk and Nesta claimed his larger armchair for herself, while the others helped Feyre reply to emails sent to her by reporters for websites and newspapers.
Some of the questions sent to her were so intrusive and offensive it started getting to Feyre after a while.
Mor took one look at her and declared work time over. "Let's go have some fun!" She said to the group.
Rhys rubbed his eyes wearily. It was then that Feyre realised he hadn't slept last night. "Mor we have enough things to worry about right now." Rhys said.
"Exactly! We should go out." She said excitedly.
"I wouldn't mind a break." Azriel said, agreeing non-surprisingly with Mor.
Amren groaned. "Ugh not another night out. Someone either ends up missing, in hospital, with a new tattoo, or all three!"
"Rhys can't drink with his concussion anyway so he can be the Mom for tonight and watch us." Mor explained.
"This sounds like it'll be more trouble than it's worth." Rhys sighed but he already had a wicked gleam in his eye.
"What if we run into... someone we know." Feyre asked quietly.
Mor waved off her concern. "Tamlin wouldn't dare set foot over here, he has his own trashy clubs to go to. I don't think he's ever even been to Rita's."
"I'm down." Cassian said, emerging from the hallway suddenly.
"Have you been eavesdropping?" Amren asked amused.
"No. Just went to the kitchen to get a drink." Cassian said too quickly.
"What do you think Feyre? Nesta?" Rhys turned to them.
"Yes," Feyre said at the exact same time that Nesta said, "No".
Feyre turned wide, imploring eyes to her. "Nesta you should come, the neighbourhood is really nice and it would give you a chance to get to know every-"
"No." Nesta interrupted. "I'm tired, and I've come a long way."
"Wimp." Cassian muttered challengingly.
"What did you just call me?" Nesta said slowly.
Feyre rolled her eyes at Rhys who had to hide his resulting smile.
"Bet you just can't hold your alcohol." Cassian teased.
"Better than you I'd bet. You're so full of yourself there's no room for the alcohol."
"It's on then. Everyone meet down here in 20 minutes." Cassian said leaving an open mouthed Nesta glaring a hole into his retreating frame.
"What just happened?" Nesta asked them confused.
"You just accepted a bet to beat Cassian at drinking." Rhys smiled at her, amused. He reached out to squeeze Nesta's shoulder reassuringly. "Good luck."
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