#fetal echocardiography test near me
fetusuae · 1 year
Maternal Fetal Medicine Doctor in Alain
Mother and Fetus Medical Group is the best option for expecting mothers who are looking for a reputable and experienced Maternal Fetal Medicine doctor in Al Ain. With a team of highly qualified and specialized doctors, the clinic provides comprehensive care for both mother and baby throughout all stages of pregnancy, from preconception to postpartum.
The Maternal Fetal Medicine doctor at Mother and Fetus Medical Group in Al Ain is an expert in the field of high-risk pregnancies, complicated obstetrics, and fetal medicine. They offer personalized care and treatment plans tailored to the unique needs of each patient, ensuring the best possible outcomes for both mother and baby.
Expecting mothers can trust the Maternal Fetal Medicine doctor at Mother and Fetus Medical Group in Al Ain to provide the highest quality of care, utilizing state-of-the-art technology and the latest medical advances. They are committed to providing a compassionate and supportive environment for their patients, with a focus on promoting the health and well-being of both mother and baby.
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dmsdiagnostics · 1 year
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Accurate compassionate Fetal 2D Echo Test in Kothrud & Baner by DMS Diagnostic. Early detection for your babys heart health. Trust in expert care.
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fetomat-wellness · 2 years
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Fetal echocardiography can determine if your baby is suffering from heart problems. Make sure you choose the best clinic for fetal echocardiography test in Kolkata. Check out this to know more.
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amitpoddar · 3 years
In Kolkata, a reputed diagnostic center that offers accurate ultrasounds also excels at performing fetal echocardiography. Visit the center now and rest assured you are in good hands!
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sockohealthcare · 4 years
In the possession of a specialist, the modern and touchy ultrasound test known as "fetal echocardiography" can identify heart issues in a baby as ahead of schedule as four months after origination. That gives specialists time to plan for a crisis circumstance during childbirth, or even treat a few issues before birth.
Fetal echocardiography (echo) uses sound waves to check the heart of your developing baby.
Fetal echo can help find heart defects before birth. If a heart problem can be found early, the more likely treatment will work. This is because:
1. Healthcare providers may be able to treat the problem before birth, in some cases.
2. Healthcare providers can get ready for problems that may happen during labor and delivery.
3. An early delivery can be scheduled.
4. Once the baby is born, treatment may be done. This might be medicine or surgery.
Fetal echocardiography is a test like a ultrasound. This test permits your primary care physician to more readily observe the structure and capacity of your unborn youngster's heart. It's ordinarily done in the subsequent trimester, between weeks 18 to 24.
The test utilizes sound waves that "reverberation" off the structures of the hatchling's heart. A machine examines these sound waves and makes an image, or echocardiogram, of their heart's inside. This picture gives data on how your infant's heart framed and whether it's working appropriately.
When it’s used?
Your OB-GYN may suggest that you have this strategy done if past tests weren't convincing or on the off chance that they recognized an anomalous heartbeat in the embryo.
Purpose of Fetal echocardiography –
Medical services suppliers suggest fetal reverberation in these cases:
1. Another youngster was brought into the world with a heart deformity
2. Family background of hereditary heart issues
3. Hereditary issue found in the baby
4. You are taking sure prescriptions that may cause inherent heart deserts. These incorporate certain meds for seizures, discouragement, and skin inflammation. They additionally incorporate nonsteroidal calming medications (NSAIDs) and pulse prescriptions (Pro inhibitors).
5. You have manhandled liquor or medications during your pregnancy
6. You have certain medical issues, for example, diabetes, lupus, or phenylketonuria
7. You have had certain contaminations during your pregnancy. These incorporate German measles (rubella) or cytomegalovirus.
8. You had unusual test results from different tests
9. You brought about by helped regenerative innovation
10. Your child was noted to have excessively quick, slow, or unpredictable heart pulsates on test
11. Irregularities seen on fetal ultrasound
12. You got pregnant at a serious or an earlystage.
In the event that you have hazard factors, for example, a family background of heart issues, fetal echoes are regularly done in the second trimester of pregnancy. This is at around 18 to 24 weeks.
The Fetal echo scan price varies and Fetal echo scan cost effectiveness for parental strategies do not cost much.
It’s advisable to consult a doctor for this, if he/she confirm for that you should do this test and for more convivence check Fetal echo test near me.  
Procedure of Fetal echocardiography –
An uncommonly prepared pediatric cardiologist, maternal-fetal medication authority, obstetrician, or radiologist does fetal reverberation. By and large, the means include:
1. You will lie on a test table. You won't almost certainly need to put on something else.
2. The supplier will put gel on your tummy.
3. The supplier will utilize an electronic gadget considered a transducer that conveys sound waves.
4. The person will move the transducer around to get the best pictures of the fetal heart. You may feel pressure as the transducer moves over your stomach.
5. When the test is finished, the gel is cleared off.
Now and again an endo-vaginal echocardiogram is done right off the bat in pregnancy to screen the creating fetus\' heartbeat. The medical services supplier puts a little echocardiogram test into the vagina as opposed to putting it on the stomach.
Risk related to Fetal echocardiography –
Fetal echo does not have any risks for either the fetus or mother. The lowest possible ultrasound settings are used.
There are no realized dangers related with the echocardiogram since it utilizes ultrasound innovation and no radiation.
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healservdoctors · 5 years
Contraction Stress Test
A contraction stress test is performed to test whether a fetus can remain healthy even when there is a low oxygen supply, as oxygen supply may be disrupted during a contraction that usually occurs at delivery. This test is done when pregnant for 34 weeks or more.
During uterine contractions, the supply of fetal blood and oxygen is stopped for some time. In most cases, this does not cause problems, but some fetuses have a reduced heart rate. A decrease in heart rate can be seen in an external fetal monitoring device.
For a contraction stress test, you are given the hormone oxitone in the vein, which leads to a labor contraction. You can massage the nipple to signal the body to release more of this oxitone. If your baby's heart rate decreases instead of accelerating after contracting, he may have a problem with normal labor.
If your non-stress test or biophysical profile is abnormal then a contract stress test is performed. Ultrasound is done during a non-stress test to measure the physical characteristics of the infant in the biophysical profile. You can have more than one contract stress test during pregnancy. Diagnostic Centre in Gandhi Nagar
 The contract stress test is done to check that-
·         Will the fetus be able to remain healthy even when the oxygen level is low due to contractions during delivery?
·         The placenta is healthy and is supporting the fetus.
The contract stress test is done only when the results of a non-stress test or biophysical profile are not normal.
 Also, know before the Contraction Stress Test
When the child has no problem, the contract stress test shows a fall, this is called a false-positive result.
Nowadays the contract stress test is rarely done due to several reasons. In most cases, the doctor examines the child quickly and safely with the help of a non-stress test or biophysical profile or both.
Some doctors perform a biophysical profile or a Doppler ultrasound instead of a contraction stress test. Diagnostic Centre in Gandhi Nagar
 How to prepare for the Construction Stress Test?
·         You can be forbidden to eat and drink anything for 4-8 hours. You must also empty the bladder before the test.
·         Stop smoking immediately if you smoke, because smoking can reduce the child's activity and heart rate.
·         You will be asked to sign a consent form, according to which you understand the risks of the test and agree to it.
·         Talk to the doctor to answer any questions related to the need for the test, the risks involved, how it is done and its results.
What happens during a contra stress test?
You are forbidden to eat and drink anything 6 to 8 hours before the test; there is a limited possibility that you may be asked for a C section in an emergency based on the results.
At the time of the test, you will be asked to sleep on the left side. Two devices are placed on your stomach. One monitors the baby's heart rate and the other records the contractions in your uterus. The machine records your contract and the child's heart rate as two separate lines on graph paper.
The test is carried out over a period of 10 minutes, with three contracts and each contract lasts 40 to 60 seconds. This may take up to 2 hours. You will hardly feel the contract or feel like cramps during the periods. It should not be as strong as delivery.
If you do not have a contract in the first 15 minutes, the doctor will give you small amounts of synthetic oxitone intravenously or ask for a massage of the nipple for the release of oxytone in a natural way.
What happens after a contra stress test?
After the test, you are monitored until your contract is over or slows down to the pre-test position. The test takes 2 hours to finish.
Consult your doctor if you have any doubts about the contract stress test and understand the advice given. Diagnostic Centre in Gandhi Nagar  Healserv also Provides 24X7 online appointment facilities of Hospitals for healthcare
Visit our website to get more details about HealServ-
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fetusuae · 1 year
Fetal Echocardiography Test Near Me
If you are an expecting mother searching for a reliable and accurate fetal echocardiography test near me, look no further than Mother and Fetus Medical Group. With a team of highly trained and experienced fetal medicine specialists, our clinic offers the highest quality of care for both mother and baby, including advanced fetal echocardiography testing. Fetal echocardiography is a specialized ultrasound examination that evaluates the structure and function of the fetal heart. This test can help detect and diagnose any potential heart defects or abnormalities in the fetus, allowing for early intervention and treatment if necessary.
At Mother and Fetus Medical Group, our fetal medicine specialists use the latest technology and techniques to perform fetal echocardiography testing, providing accurate and reliable results for our patients. We understand the importance of early detection and intervention for any potential heart issues in the fetus, and we are dedicated to providing the best possible care for both mother and baby. Our clinic provides a supportive and compassionate environment for our patients, with a focus on personalized care and individualized treatment plans. Expecting mothers can trust Mother and Fetus Medical Group for the highest quality of fetal echocardiography testing and comprehensive fetal medicine care.
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fetusuae · 2 years
Fetal Medicine - The Science of Life in the Womb
If you have a chronic health condition such as high blood pressure, or you or your baby experience a surprising problem during pregnancy, your doctor or midwife may refer you to a maternal fetal medicine specialist in Sharjah. These doctors help deal with high-risk pregnancies, providing additional monitoring and care as necessary.
At first, getting referred to an expert for fetal medicine may seem alarming, but seeing one provides you and your baby with the best possibility of having a healthy pregnancy and birth. And at the same time as you will look forward to have more doctor appointments than if you had a low-risk pregnancy, you may not ultimately experience any more difficulties.
For every parent, taking care of the babies is the key duty. However, in a few cases, the parents need to offer special care to their babies even before they are born. Yes, we are talking about fetal care. At times, it turns out to be essential to determine the health of the unborn babies and provide them with proper medicine and treatments.
This is not at all a simple task, and it entails a lot of experience, skill and deep knowledge in fetal medicine. Several diagnostic procedures are brought into play to determine the health condition of the fetus, and then a maternal fetal medicine specialist offers the right treatment to deal with those issues. As a parent, you are supposed to opt for a leading hospital where you can get the best fetal medicine and care for your unborn child.
What does a doctor for maternal fetal medicine do?
A doctor for maternal fetal medicine offers recommendations for care, keeps an eye on the condition of a pregnant woman, and oversees any testing or treatment that a woman or her baby requires. Care can begin before a baby is conceived, during pregnancy, or post the delivery. One is a part of a medical team, which can consist of a family physician, an ob-gyn, or a midwife. All of them work abreast to make sure that you get comprehensive care throughout your pregnancy.
Such doctors may even work closely with other experts such as surgeons, pediatric cardiologists, or neonatologists, as well.
Do not hesitate to look for and a visit a maternal fetal medicine specialist near me if you are planning to get pregnancy and have a chronic health condition or are at risk of certain pregnancy complications. One will help you create a roadmap to make sure that you have the healthiest pregnancy possible.
A specialist can consult with you regarding carrier genetic testing to find out if you or your partner may be at higher risk of passing along specific conditions, such as Tay-Sachs disease or sickle cell disease. This is particularly if you have a child with a genetic condition. One may be capable of identifying the origin if you experience frequent pregnancy loss.
Reasons to visit a maternal fetal medicine specialist
During pregnancy, a doctor for maternal fetal medicine can help diagnose and treat pregnancy complications. This may consist of performing or overseeing biophysical profiles, ultrasounds, prenatal genetic testing such as amniocentesis and CVS (chronic villous sampling), and fetal echocardiograms. A maternal fetal medicine doctor may provide advice for care during labor and birth. One may assist with the delivery, including providing care after birth if there are complications.
Correct Diagnosis
You need to stumble on the best place for such sort of treatment so that you can get a precise diagnosis from the leading fetal care specialists. There are professionals who deal with maternal fetal medicine, which is also known as perinatology. The primary job of such specialists is to keep an eye on and deal with the health condition of the mother as well as the fetus. They offer their proficiency before, during and just after the delivery as well.
Quickest Solutions
At times, correct diagnosis isn’t the only thing you need to secure the health of the fetus during or just after the pregnancy. You need some quickest solutions as well. Once the issue is diagnosed, then the fetus is supposed to get the right treatment as soon as possible. This is one more reason you are supposed to look for the fetal medicine specialist in Alain.
Proper Counseling
At times, the parents need proper counseling regarding this whole process of fetal care. The role of an advanced mother and child care hospital doesn’t end with offering the right treatment, but even offering proper counseling to the parents to make them aware of the need of fetal medicine. They are supposed to know the way pregnancy can turn out to be complicated of fetal abnormalities and what are they supposed to do to get rid of this problem.
Monitoring The Right Growth
Fetal medicine is a subject that even includes a proper monitoring of the growth and well-being of the fetus inside the womb. It even consists of the maintenance of the health condition of the fetus as well as come across the abnormalities in the same as the due date is coming closer. Whenever they stumble on any abnormalities in the fetus, they begin the treatment as soon as possible.
Where can I find a maternal fetal medicine specialist near me?
As compared to the pregnancy without any complications, a high-risk pregnancy usually necessitates more doctor visits. If you do not live near a major medical center, you may have to travel farther to see a doctor for maternal fetal medicine.
You can always ask your midwife or ob-gyn for a referral to help you find a maternal fetal medicine specialist in Sharjah. If you have insurance, be sure to check that the provider accepts your plan and whether you will need a referral from your primary care doctor, ob-gyn, or midwife. Feel free to approach Mothers & Fetuses for a specialist doctor for maternal fetal medicine!
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fetusuae · 1 year
If you are an expecting mother searching for a reliable and accurate fetal echocardiography test near me, look no further than Mother and Fetus Medical Group. With a team of highly trained and experienced fetal medicine specialists, our clinic offers the highest quality of care for both mother and baby, including advanced fetal echocardiography testing. Fetal echocardiography is a specialized ultrasound examination that evaluates the structure and function of the fetal heart. This test can help detect and diagnose any potential heart defects or abnormalities in the fetus, allowing for early intervention and treatment if necessary.
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fetusuae · 1 year
If you are an expecting mother searching for a reliable and accurate fetal echocardiography test near me, look no further than Mother and Fetus Medical Group. With a team of highly trained and experienced fetal medicine specialists, our clinic offers the highest quality of care for both mother and baby, including advanced fetal echocardiography testing. Fetal echocardiography is a specialized ultrasound examination that evaluates the structure and function of the fetal heart. This test can help detect and diagnose any potential heart defects or abnormalities in the fetus, allowing for early intervention and treatment if necessary.
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fetusuae · 1 year
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If you are an expecting mother searching for a reliable and accurate fetal echocardiography test near me, look no further than Mother and Fetus Medical Group. With a team of highly trained and experienced fetal medicine specialists, our clinic offers the highest quality of care for both mother and baby, including advanced fetal echocardiography testing. Fetal echocardiography is a specialized ultrasound examination that evaluates the structure and function of the fetal heart. This test can help detect and diagnose any potential heart defects or abnormalities in the fetus, allowing for early intervention and treatment if necessary.
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fetusuae · 1 year
If you are an expecting mother searching for a reliable and accurate fetal echocardiography test near me, look no further than Mother and Fetus Medical Group. With a team of highly trained and experienced fetal medicine specialists, our clinic offers the highest quality of care for both mother and baby, including advanced fetal echocardiography testing. Fetal echocardiography is a specialized ultrasound examination that evaluates the structure and function of the fetal heart. This test can help detect and diagnose any potential heart defects or abnormalities in the fetus, allowing for early intervention and treatment if necessary.
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fetusuae · 1 year
Maternal Fetal Medicine Near Me | Mothers and Fetuses Group
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Maternal Fetal Medicine is a specialized field of medicine that focuses on the diagnosis and management of high-risk pregnancies. This field involves a range of medical professionals, including obstetricians, sonographers, and genetic counselors, who work together to provide the highest level of care for both mother and baby. At Mother and Fetus Medical Group, we are proud to offer the best possible maternal fetal medicine care in your local area. Our team of highly experienced maternal fetal medicine specialists is dedicated to providing personalized and compassionate care to each and every patient.
Our comprehensive maternal fetal medicine services include prenatal diagnosis and testing, fetal echocardiography, high-risk obstetric care, and genetic counseling. We use state-of-the-art technology and the latest medical advancements to ensure the best possible outcomes for both mother and baby. At Mother and Fetus Medical Group, we understand the unique challenges and concerns that come with high-risk pregnancies. Our team is committed to providing the highest quality care and support to help you navigate these challenges and achieve a successful pregnancy and delivery. If you are looking for the best maternal fetal medicine near me, look no further than Mother and Fetus Medical Group. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and experience the compassionate, expert care you and your baby deserve.
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fetomat-wellness · 2 years
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Fetal echocardiography aims to detect your baby's heart abnormalities before birth using ultrasound waves. Look up "obstetrician near me" and find the best clinic that performs the test.
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fetomat-wellness · 2 years
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What Are the Benefits of Fetal Echocardiography?
An ultrasound-like test, fetal echocardiography is used to diagnose fetal heart defects. It is very important for both the mother and the baby, so it is always advisable to get the test done at the best pregnancy testing centers in Kolkata. Check here for more about fetal echocardiography.
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fetomat-wellness · 2 years
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What Are The Advantages Of Fetal Echocardiography?
The purpose of a fetal echocardiography exam is to detect any abnormalities in the heart before birth using ultrasound waves. Search "obstetrician near me" and consult the best clinic to do the test.
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