#festivals seeking volunteers
cowboyjen68 · 6 months
Hey Jen, thank you for all you do. I'm a young lesbian (going into my first year of university) and while I've met a few other lesbians in my life and retained a friendship (and I am deeply grateful for her), I worry that there are not many others out there like me. I've never had a girlfriend, and while I don't really feel the need to be in a relationship right now, I can't help but feel a little lonely. I'm worried that my strong opinions will make finding someone I click with even more difficult. Do you have any words of wisdom for a young woman worried there really aren't that many fish in the sea?
I didn't date until I was in my early 20's and i was out of college. I was terrified of being a lesbian and I knew boys grossed me out so I just waited.
In retrospect I was really not ready or that interested in dating while in college. I just felt that i didn't have the time or energy and literally no one really interested me enough to give up my focus on school, friends and coming out (not coming out. Yet everyone and thing (movies, TV, magazines, music etc) was telling me I HAD to date in order to be a "normal" teenager to early 20's women. It took some effort to just not date.
Most of us lesbians feel that our dating is already pretty small and then to have the knowledge (that straight people forget) that we are not attracted physically to all woman. AND even in the group of those we find physically attractive there are even few we share similar values and interests with.
This numbers game can really mess with our heads and panic our hearts. The key is to expand your world as you go. Don't be afraid to attend events or gatherings you are unsure about.
Follow what you are interested in. If you love cats volunteer at a shelter or rescue non profit. Attend their events, take the training. If you love reading lesbian history volunteer at the lesbians or lgbt+ archives at your school or at a place nearby. Start a simple book club or Cat Chat or Dog Discussion for lesbians using the meet up app or good old fashioned black and white fliers.
Attend women's festivals or music venues that feature women singers. Seek lesbians publications of zines on line and subscribe. If you attend a group or event and it is not for you take in that experience and move on.
The more you expand your world the more women you meet and in the meantime you are doing things you enjoy. AND at the end of they day you will have gained knowledge about what you like and dislike about dating, friendships and social situations.
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soulessjourney · 9 months
His Love Story
Paring: young!Coriolanus x fem!Reader
Word count: 2.7k
Summary: Coriolanus came to realize what he had lost when it was already too late.
Warnings: ANGST, mentions of cheating, reader throwing things at Coriolanus
A/N: I apologize; unfortunately, the works I promised you for this week will not be posted. I've encountered some issues with my university and have been busy trying to get them to fulfill their responsibilities. However, I wanted to provide you with something to read. I hope this little angsty one-shot serves as a small compensation for what I was unable to post this week. I promise you that the other works will be posted before the end of the year.
The holidays were meant to be festive and warm, so why did Coriolanus feel so cold? The house lay dark, enveloped in an icy chill that seemed to freeze everything within. The once radiant glow of Christmas lights failed to cast their comforting warmth across the rooms of his home. He found himself alone, stripped of your presence—no longer able to hear your declarations of love or your pleading to have him place the star atop the tree, especially after you nearly tumbled from the ladder, too stubborn to seek assistance.
"Coryo, please, I really need your help unless you want to witness a first lady take a tumble from this ladder again. I don’t know why you insisted on getting such a massive tree," you grumble, holding the golden star in your hand, while kicking at the ground in front of you, the fluffy socks on your feet sliding against the tile.
Coriolanus raises a brow and lets out a chuckle before stepping forward and gently pressing his lips to your forehead. "I asked if you wanted help and you refused, telling me you'd be able to do it," he shrugs. It was true; you had snapped at him five minutes prior, insisting you could place the star at the top of the tree without his help. You knew Coriolanus wouldn’t assist until you fluttered your eyelashes and asked him nicely, but being you, that was unlikely to happen.
The two of you were hosting a grand holiday celebration as in previous years, and Coriolanus had suggested getting a large tree for the foyer, so it would be the first thing guests saw upon arrival. At the time, you loved the idea. However, now that you volunteered to decorate it, thinking it would be a great way to spend time together, regret was creeping in. "Please, I don’t think my ankle can take another leap off the ladder to save my life," you grumble, lifting your head once Coriolanus grabs the star with a laugh.
You watch his every move as he scales the small ladder and reaches up to place the star at the top. Once he's back on the ground, his arms wrap around your waist, and his lips land on your cheek. "The tree looks amazing, Darling. The guests are going to love how beautiful it is," he whispers, brushing your hair back, his eyes softening as he looks down at you.
Smiling up at him, you lean up and pause just before your lips touch his. "The star is crooked. Please fix it before I decide to topple this tree," you hum, patting his chest before turning on your heel to begin decorating the living room, leaving Coriolanus grumbling about how much of a tease you are.
Coriolanus stood in the foyer, his gaze lingering on the space where the tree would usually stand. He could still hear the echoes of your laughter bouncing off the walls and recall the moments when you hummed while adorning the tree with ornaments. Yet, those memories seemed to darken abruptly, and he felt a tightening sensation in his chest, prompting him to massage the muscle over his heart in an attempt to alleviate the discomfort. Moving toward the grand hall, Coriolanus glanced at the portraits lining the walls. Each one still held photos of your wedding and some captured moments from when he first became President and you the First Lady. Pausing at the top of the stairs, he halted, allowing his eyes to sweep the room, searching for any sign of life.
"Coryo, there you are!" you grin, catching the attention of your husband. Wrapping your arm around his, you tug him down the stairs. "Tigris has been wanting to speak to you, and I’ve had a run-in with the mayor of Two. Don't worry, though; he won't be bothering you until later. I ensured his wife would keep him busy. The Mayors of Five and Eight are also eager to talk to you, and they've made it clear they wish to do it sooner rather than later. About what? I'm not sure; I couldn't get much out of them. They were pretty cryptic," you say, missing the loving gaze aimed towards you as the two of you weave through the crowd.
Coriolanus felt blessed to have a wife as dedicated as you. You were well-versed in politics and adept at handling party guests, much better at welcoming and mingling than he was. He appreciated how you kept him informed about who needed to speak with him or requested his presence, ensuring there were no surprises as the event progressed. Tigris often teased that you were more of a secretary due to how efficiently you organized things for him or rearranged his schedule to accommodate last-minute meetings or events. Though her comments sometimes irked him, you never once complained about assisting him. In fact, when he tried to lighten your workload, you argued that it was your duty as his wife to ensure things were organized so he could come to bed at a reasonable hour.
Coming to a stop, he spins you around and presses his lips against yours, drawing out a surprised gasp. When he leans back, he can't help but grin at your expression, taking your face in his hands. "I am extremely thankful to have you by my side. I know I don’t say it enough, but I do appreciate everything you do for me. I love you," he whispers, leaning down to place a small kiss against your nose, noticing how your eyes well up at his words.
Pulling him closer by his shirt, you plant a small kiss on his lips before looking around. "Go talk to your cousin and then the two mayors. Once you're done, come back to the bedroom; I have a surprise for you," you whisper in his ear, shooting him a sly smile as you slip away from him and head toward your shared bedroom.
Coriolanus found himself standing in the center of the tiled floor, the very spot where you both had been not long ago, vivid memories flooding his mind. His skin still tingled from your touch, and his lips retained the sensation of where you had kissed him before slipping away to your room. Shaking his head, he stormed out of the room, catching the eye of one of the maids as he walked past.
"Close it off, tear it apart, rebuild it—I don't care what you do. I don’t want to see that room anymore," he snapped, forcefully making his way past the maid and toward your shared bedroom. Even this space wasn’t a sanctuary. He hadn't touched a single thing since the night you stormed into the room, consumed by embarrassment and rage. He hadn't dared enter that room since things between you both began to unravel because of a foolish mistake.
The shattered flower vase you had thrown still lay beside the window, its fragments mingling with the wilted roses scattered on the floor. Your green gown lay discarded, adorned with the diamond earrings placed delicately nearby. The necklace rested in a heap next to the cracked mirror on the opposite side of the room, evidence of the impact from the small piece of metal. That night, he had been oblivious to where that argument would lead because deep down, he had refused to believe he could ever lose you.
Coriolanus couldn't process the force with which the door had flung open, slamming against the wall, surely leaving a small hole from the impact of the door handle. Suddenly, a flower vase filled with white roses hurtled towards him, leaving him little time to react before it crashed against the wall, shattering into fragments on the ground.
"Y/N, what the hell was that for?!" he yelled, turning towards you, anger flashing in his eyes. However, the sight before him halted any further words. There you stood, shoulders hunched, body trembling with quick breaths. But what concerned him more were the angry tears streaking down your cheeks, leaving a trail of eyeliner and mascara in their wake. Your clenched fists and tense jaw spoke volumes as you glared at him.
"I've given you the benefit of the doubt, Coriolanus Snow. I've tried being patient because you've been so engrossed in the Games, but tonight? It was the last straw. You've been distant, and it’s been a month since you touched me. Not a single brush of contact," you declared, standing taller while Coriolanus felt himself inwardly shrinking in response to your fury.
"You promised me you'd make a speech. You knew how long I worked on this campaign to help these kids have a better life. But you never showed up, and all they could talk about was how this wasn’t your priority," you snapped, tearing off your dress and tossing it aside along with your earrings.
Coriolanus stood frozen, mentally reworking his schedule before realization struck him. You had been devoted to this project for over a year, aiming to provide less fortunate children in the capital with an equal educational opportunity at the academy to build their reputations. You had poured your time and effort into tutoring these children and forging partnerships, neglecting your own home life. Tonight was the culmination of your hard work, and Coriolanus had promised to be there to support you. But he had forgotten.
"I'm sorry, Y/N. I truly meant to be there, but I got caught up with Evadne. Did they approve your project?" he asked, tentatively approaching you.
You scoffed bitterly. "No, Coriolanus, they didn’t. They laughed me out of the room. Why approve a project my own husband wasn’t there to support, as he promised? A year and a half of work down the drain, and children’s futures ruined because you got caught up with your assistant." Arms crossed, you turned away, your voice softening. "You've been spending more time with her lately. Is there something going on between the two of you?"
Something flared in his eyes before he clicked his tongue, shaking his head. "She's been around more, almost seeming more like my wife."
His words hung heavy in the air, and you fell silent, your breaths slowing before you ripped off your necklace and hurled it across the room, ignoring the distant sound of breaking glass. "Y/N, please, I—" he started, but your glare silenced him.
Retreating into the closet, you grabbed your clothes and slipped into a nightgown before heading for the door. "We can sleep in separate rooms since you don't see me as your wife anymore, especially after I've been working so hard for change. Talk to me when you come to your senses, Coriolanus," you murmured quietly before leaving the room, your back turned to him.
After that fateful night, something irreparable fractured in your relationship. Arguments became more frequent, often ending in both of you retreating to your respective corners for the rest of the day. The rift widened when you accidentally discovered Coriolanus's infidelity through Tigris. She inadvertently let slip about Coriolanus and Evadne during a lunch together. Her realization dawned too late, assuming you had already known about their affair. That revelation shattered something within you, causing you to shut down completely, intensifying the growing distance between you and Coriolanus.
Before long, you found yourself restricted within your own home. All work was mandated to be completed in your office, conveniently situated down the hall from his. You were forbidden to leave for lunches with Tigris, who was now only permitted to visit you at home. Coriolanus confined you due to his selfish reasons, leaving you feeling trapped and adrift. He foolishly believed that keeping you isolated at home would prevent you from leaving.
As he stepped into your closet, many dresses he had gifted you hung there, but one solitary item remained. It was a sweater that belonged solely to you. It was the same sweater he often found you wearing during the early hours of the morning, curled up in a chair in the dining room with a book and a cup of coffee. It became the last tangible link he had to you and, unexpectedly, his most cherished possession.
Seated at the dining table, you absentmindedly toyed with the ends of your sweater, awaiting Coriolanus's arrival. It marked the first time in weeks that you'd had a conversation with him, and he had promptly agreed to talk once he finished sorting through his papers. As Coriolanus entered the room, a pang of familiarity struck him; it felt reminiscent of old times when he'd find you in that very sweater, engrossed in a book. Yet, things were starkly different now. No book graced the table, and you seemed diminished in the sweater, the atmosphere devoid of the warmth it once radiated.
Sitting across from you, Coriolanus nervously wiped his hands on his pants and cleared his throat. "You mentioned wanting to speak with me. I apologize for the delay; we encountered funding issues for the upcoming fundraiser at the academy, so I had to make some calls," he said softly.
You appeared transformed from the vibrant person he had known. Your complexion was paler, your eyes lacked their former vivacity, and your hair, no longer meticulously styled, was gathered into a simple bun, stray strands framing your face. Most noticeably, your lips, once adorned with a perpetual smile upon seeing him, now curved into a permanent frown. You were no longer the same, and he knew it was his doing.
"I know about your affair with Evadne," you murmured quietly, your gaze drifting down to the ring on your finger. Coriolanus stiffened at your words. "Don’t concern yourself with her; I dismissed her as soon as I found out. I’ve been managing your schedule, just like old times."
Coriolanus looked down, nodding slowly. "It was a regrettable mistake, one that should never have happened. I have no excuse, and I apologize. I'll do whatever it takes to prove I'll never hurt you like that again," he pleaded, halting as he noticed your lack of response.
"This isn’t about your infidelity, Coriolanus. For months, we haven’t shared a bed, barely breathing the same air until now. I've tried to give you space, but you've become consumed by your work that I don't even get a glance anymore. I wouldn't bring this up unless I felt it necessary. I’ll offer you a choice: me or drowning yourself in your work," you spoke softly, twirling the ring on your finger.
Coriolanus remained silent for a moment, contemplating his next words. "I can't sacrifice my work, Y/N. I'm the President of Panem; everything hinges on me, you know that," he responded quietly. His gaze fixed on your hand as you slid off your ring and pushed it towards him. He had made his choice, and it shattered you more than you believed possible.
You hadn't expected him to relinquish his position. In truth, you had hoped he'd recognize the perfection of your life together when he balanced his personal and professional life. But he was so far gone that your once-private life had disintegrated. You loved Coriolanus dearly, but in the end, this was the best for both of you.
Coriolanus removes the sweater from the hanger, clutching it tightly to his chest, then presses it close to his face, inhaling its familiar scent. Crumpling to the ground, he clings to the garment, still redolent of roses and lavender. The fragrance of roses, his doing, a constant presence around you, reminiscent of moments when you tended to the flowers in the rose garden. The lavender, your choice, believed to alleviate the stress that often burdened you. He cherished the scent, often burying his nose in your hair to catch the calming aroma of lavender, a solace during his stressful work times.
Tears trickled down his cheeks, escalating into audible sobs as reality sank in. It had been months since you departed, and Coriolanus, preoccupied with work, attempted to fill his days to avoid noticing your absence. Yet, with the approaching holidays, he couldn’t ignore that you wouldn’t be there to greet him with tender morning kisses or engage in playful debates over home decorations. You were gone, and he had lost you. This, he realized, was his love story—a narrative that ended in losing you. Despite his efforts to locate you, you had vanished into thin air, taking his heart with you.
A/N: While writing this, I kept listening to 'Love Story' on repeat, and suddenly, the song felt much more heavier and beautifully sad. I hope you enjoyed reading this one-shot, my holiday gift to you. I promise to diligently work on the next parts of my projects and get them up as soon as possible
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Tags: @andwhatofthelight @sabrinasbd @snowlandstop @obsesseddd @quicksilversg1rl @runningfrom2am @weeeoosworld @poppyflower-22 @butlersluvbot @lugiastark @alana4610 @i-love-ptv
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carharttlesbian · 3 months
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What is RISE?
Reigniting Intergenerational Sisterhood Everywhere
Are you interested in building intergenerational lesbian community? Are you a feminist seeking to make change? Do you want to spend a week in the woods with sisters from all walks of life? Join us at RISE.
What does sisterhood mean to you? The gathering is designed around community dialogue and learning from each other: we differ in age, race, class, ability, life experience, and opinions. Workshops will include topics in intergenerational lesbian community-building, organizing for change, intersectional feminism, and preserving lesbian cultural heritage. We aim to build trust through open sharing and respectful listening in this focused, intimate setting. Aside from the core programming, RISE offers the chance to bond in person with other women during concerts, dances, movies, coffeehouse open mics, skill-shares and swaps. We each bring our energy and gifts to the Land and leave with new friends, skills and ideas. We are participant-driven. If you want to see something happen here, create it!
RISE is sharing our week on the Land with WPI music camp for women and girls. All performances and RISE workshops will be open to everyone attending either festival; if you want to attend WPI music classes, you'll need a WPI ticket.
Getting your ticket is a 2-step process. First, registerat tinyurl.com/RISE24reg— once you're registered, you'll receive an email from [email protected] with the link to purchase your ticket at Goldenrod. The standard rate is $325: sliding scale options & payment plans available (just ask).
Volunteer Opportunities
We have several opportunities for organized women to help with various aspects of RISE. In particular, we're currently looking for sisters to MC a coffeehouse open mic, to help make & serve beverages in our festival coffee shop, and for one more on-call conflict mediator. Email [email protected] with your interest & experience. We are also still soliciting workshop & discussion leaders. What topic would you like to bring to RISE? Sign up to lead a workshop or discussion here: tinyurl.com/RISE24workshop
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sleepingdayaway · 3 months
idk if requests are still open, but if so, would you be willing to do some more player!reader and oot/mm young Link with a big/little sibling or parent/child kind of relationship? Not necessarily in a LU or HW context but can be if u wanna. If requests are in fact closed feel free to disregard this lol. Love your writing! <3
I can definitely do a stand alone version!! Sometimes it's nice to just gush about Majora's Mask! Also thank you for reading my silly stories, I'm so glad you and others are enjoying <33 I'm sorry if it's short and yknow just realized I can never make him be happy, sorry it's how I show affection.
The blood in his ears is roaring as the young boy tries to get his breathing under control as he stares up at the Clock Tower. In a few hours he'll have to go up and face the Skull Kid again, but this time he won't have to play the Song of Time again just to prepare. The boy feels his throat swell up just by thinking about it. His vision on the edge of blurring as he tries to will the tears away.
He's nervous yet he shouldn't be, this fight is nothing compared to his battle with Ganon. At least, he didn't fail this town for 7 years. Except Ganon was a battle that was determined for him long before he was born, this one was something that was just thrown upon him. In his heart he can't allow these people to die by the falling moon.
His view of the clock tower is ruined by the tears he tried desperately not to let fall. He's stuck as a 10 year old even if mentally he was no longer the fairy boy that began this journey. Barking from the wild dog in the square isn't helping with his mood, nor is the loud voices of the construction workers as they prepared for the festival. Some stubborn to pretend that their home wouldn't be destroyed by the grinning moon.
Until the sound of footsteps coming closer to him causes him to tense up, and attempt to wipe the tears away. A shadow is cast over his face as it goes down as the person gently guides his face lower to face them. His tears freely fall down his cheeks as his smaller hands clutch the ones holding him. Link's eyes open to look at the person who's kneeling in front of him.
A soft smile is on their face once Link's eyes has opened up. [Name] stares down at him fondly; there is no hint of disgust nor any emotion of exasperation on their face. In all honesty, they were getting a bit worried about him since this entire journey he was putting on a brave front.
That's right.
[Name] has been exploring with him from the moment he entered Termina as a Deku Scrub. He remembers meeting them for the first time inside the Clock Tower with the Happy Mask Salesman, an eccentric man, who would help Link, return to how he was, in return for his mask. [Name] was there with them and volunteered to assist Link in collecting it; their excuse was that it would be better if he had a helping hand. although tatl would disagree at first.
Link was unsure of [Name] when they left the tower. He didn't know if they joined, purely for the thought of wanting to help him, or because they had alternative motivations. But it was shown that they did wanted to help him without anything in return. Assisting in playing hide-n-seek with the Bomber gang, and exploring the Astral Observatory.
When the first three days were ending and they stood side by side, staring up at the Skull Kid watching as he called the Moon closer, did an idea form in his head. Using the ability of the deku; he struck at the imp and was able to obtain his ocarina. Link quickly holds onto his instrument and is about to play until he stops to stare at [Name].
[Name] was smiling at him and for a moment he's reminded of ----
His breath hitches as he realized who they were, and why their voiced sounded so familiar. He slowly pulls away from the ocarina, but they speak up, "Don't falter now, Link. I'll be with you from the beginning. Save Termina."
Upon his return and being able to return as a human did he actively seek them out and dragged [Name] around in search of the four giants across the land. From exploring the swamp, and helping the monkey prove his innocence, to saving the Deku Princess from the temple, and fighting the boss. Did [Name] stuck through with him, and was quite adept at the bow and arrows they arrived with.
Link never questioned how [Name] remembered the first cycle, nor did he ask if they remembered his first journey; too afraid that they'll react negatively. So once more they explore the land together and they're together for every cycle until they were ready to face Majora. Enjoying the presence of a someone he once thought was lost forever.
But each cycle wears him down. The never ending thinking and planning about what is needed to do next. When Link acquired the bomber's notebook and realized that the people of Termina has regrets that hasn't been recovered. He placed the burden of the people's wishes on his shoulders with the intent of making sure that when he leaves. The people are happy.
Yet here he stands crying out for comfort as his own mask of strength crumbles. [Name] soothingly running their hand through his hair as they hummed the Song of Healing for him. Link clutches onto their clothes as he openly weeps. He mourns Hyrule for the 7 years he was gone, he mourns Saria, the Deku Tree and the children of the korkiri forest, his home. The childhood that stripped away from him the moment he chose to save Hyrule.
Finally, he mourns the feeling of [Name] leaving him when his journey ended. Leaving him alone and become desperate to leave just to search for them. Link lost the only person he could truly call family and has now reunited again, but for how long?
So, Link plays the Song of Time.
He takes them back to the Dawn of the First Day.
He just wants to spend more time with them.
For once, the world can wait three more days.
When he opens his eyes; he's back at the entrance of Clock Tower as Tatl is shouting at him about why he decided to go back in time. Link ignores the temperamental fairy and carries himself over to [Name]. Who waits for him, without fail, in the area where the Great Fairy resides. The same accepting and knowing smile on their face as they embrace the young boy with open arms.
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marxistcomedy · 1 year
Anyone working in counter-propaganda can testify to a curious experience: we’ll put in hours of careful research collecting an impeccable set of resources that undermines some warmongering narrative, and we’ll eagerly share it with someone who claims to despise racism in all its forms — say, an outspoken opponent of the West’s so-called “War on Terror.” Unexpectedly, we are met with a response that is somewhere between chilly reticence and downright hostility. What’s going on?
From our perspective, we’re offering water to a person who’s self-identified as thirsty, and yet they react as if we were trying to poison them! They turn on a dime to defend the same institutions whose lies they were denouncing just moments before. At this point the sense of pride and accomplishment that comes from seeing through propaganda and putting puzzle pieces together into a satisfying historical account gets brutally transformed into its exact opposite: a sense of crushing defeat. In response to this bitter experience, many researchers — serious people, with plenty of experience reading and writing, and sometimes even of being published! — lash out. They decide that people have been “brainwashed” beyond the point where they can be reached by words or rational appeal. They “realize” that the masters of propaganda have been far more successful than we first imagined: it turns out we’re not David fighting Goliath, we’re more like an ant facing an asteroid.
The same inquisitive nature that first led them to unravel war propaganda narratives begins to feed an even larger psycho-historical narrative, and nihilism takes hold. The tragic cycle begins to appear eternal: innocent, well-meaning, hard-working folks are, time and again, viciously tricked by the scapegoating of a new rogue in the gallery — Indigenous, Black, Spanish, Jewish, Soviet, Vietnamese, Cuban, Serbian, Muslim, Libyan, Syrian, Korean, Venezuelan, Russian, Chinese. Due to the sheer power of propaganda and mass-media, the masses helplessly fall for hatred and volunteer for war, even though it comes at a very high cost to ourselves, our loved ones, and our ideals (religion, environmentalism, etc.). Sadly, the innate human propensity to “hate the Other” seals our fate as a society… or something along those lines.
I am going to argue that this narrative is nonsense. It tries to pass off as universal and eternal something that in reality is particular and ephemeral. In short: Westerners aren’t helpless innocents whose minds are injected with atrocity propaganda, science fiction-style; they’re generally smug bourgeois proletarians who intelligently seek out as much racist propaganda as they can get their hands on. This is because it fundamentally makes them feel better about who they are and how they live. The psychic and material costs are rationally worth the benefits. As for those anti-imperialists who don’t participate in this festival of xenophobia — and here I include myself — we have our own elitist consolation: we accept the tragedy of masses of gullible sheeple falling for cunning propaganda because having overcome it flatters our own intelligence. The more we condemn society’s stupidity, the smarter we feel in comparison.
But am I not just worsening the problem, aggravating our hopelessness, by criticizing the critics in a way that suggests that no one escapes ideological self-flattery? I don’t think so. Paradoxically, it brings us all back to a more even and possibility-rich playing field.
The prevailing populist narrative grants the People (of the West) moral innocence by attributing to them utter stupidity and naivety; I invert the equation and demand a Marxist narrative instead: Westerners are willingly complicit in crimes because they instinctively and correctly understand that they benefit as a class (as a global bourgeois proletariat) from the exploitation enabled by their military and their propaganda (in Gramscian: organs of coercion and consent). We’re not as stupid as we’re made out to be. This means that we can be reasoned with, that there is a way out.
[emphasis mine]
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atskiruma · 2 years
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you bump into him while looking down at what you were holding, you didn't notice the person in front of you; bumping straight into them (kazuha, dansleif, heizou, childe) GN
his reaction to your pajamas they pay your house a visit and see you in your pajamas, flustered by the exposed skin when they're so used to seeing you in your regular outfit (diluc, xiao, scaramouche, cyno) GN
his reaction to your pajamas (ayato)
snow day snow falls on the ground and you find yourself enjoying it by yourself until someone stumbles upon you (kaeya, ayato, gorou, tighnari) GN
his attempts at courting you he finds himself thinking about you more often, wanting to seek you out consistently, and giving you numerous gifts every day to see you smile (alhaitham, zhongli, diluc, ayato) GN
the maid cafe at the school festival you offered to volunteer at the maid cafe being held in room 3-2 when you realized they needed more employees, you and your friend were having a great time until someone you knew walked in with their friends (alhaitham, xiao, tighnari, heizou) GN
he makes you cry he doesn't usually care about others' feelings, so how was he supposed to know what he did to you was mean? (scaramouche, xiao, albedo, tighnari) GN
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tetsuro-wulf · 5 months
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Saturday, April 27th @ 8:00pm EST | Balmung Yanxia, Plum Springs
Spring has swept over the Far East in the form of the blossoming cherry trees! Join us this year to sit beneath the cherry blossoms with friends, loved ones, and companions and indulge in all spring has to offer. We open the festival with a ceremony that leads into the open market, and the evening closes with a themed play. 🍵
Join the discord to sign-up and get involved! Currently we're seeking; vendors, fortunetellers, geisha, and taxi volunteers: https://discord.gg/YmBHZWxTtf
If you're unable to fly in Yanxia, we will have volunteer taxi services present in Namai awaiting your arrival! 🍡
Tags for visibility: @mooglemeet @ffxivrp @mateus-rp @balmungrp
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lisbeth-kk · 10 months
December moments
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Prompts used in this chapter: wrapped up - gift - festive
Preparations are made in both flats at 221 Baker Street. They’re quite different, but that’s to be expected, right?
December 9
Mrs. Hudson is making a list of all the things she must get done the next couple of days. She’ll need to do some shopping, baking, cooking, and luckily John’s volunteered to help making her flat festive with fairy lights and decorating her tree. Her troublesome hip won’t let her climb up on the chairs to decorate around the windows. 
“You really are a gift to both me and Sherlock, dear,” Mrs. Hudson says when they’re finished decorating. 
John, being a proper Brit, clears his throat and rubs his hot neck at this kind of praise. He’s far more comfortable with Sherlock’s compliments than the elderly lady’s heartfelt comments. 
The lady in question, leaves it at that, and just pats John’s arm before he leaves for Tesco. 
Upstairs Sherlock has wrapped up the hideous décor John’s bought for the party at the Yard the following evening. All the small packages are going into a gigantic piñata formed as Father Christmas. This is usually something Sherlock would refuse to be a part of, but since John became his lover, Sherlock seems more inclined to go to some rather extensive lengths to please him. Besides, watching the Yard’s finest euphoric over wrapped gifts, for later to be utterly disappointed when they open them to find hideous and tasteless items inside, is something Sherlock looks forward to. 
“I have a reputation to maintain, John,” Sherlock huffs later that day when John asks him if he’ll be wearing the Christmas jumper Mrs. Hudson gifted him last year. 
John chuckles, which elicits a smile from Sherlock as well. 
“Yeah, I thought as much. Besides I rather like your tightly fitted suits,” John admits. 
“Do you now,” Sherlock purrs, quite satisfied with the outcome of the conversation. 
“Shut up,” John mutters and seeks Sherlock’s waiting lips.
Read it on AO3
@totallysilvergirl @keirgreeneyes @calaisreno @a-victorian-girl @phoenix27884 @peanitbear @sabsi221b @safedistancefrombeingsmart @gregorovitchworld @helloliriels @topsyturvy-turtely @raina-at
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briarridgerp · 26 days
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On Sunday afternoon, gale-force winds and torrential rain abruptly brought the Summer Music Fest to a halt. Unfortunately, Kacey Musgraves, as the headlining act, wasn't able to get a flight to Briar Ridge in time, due to the weather. With a hurricane warning issued, first responders swiftly shut down the event, urging everyone to seek immediate shelter at Oakland Elementary and Middle School. Upon arrival, everyone was sent to the gymnasium as their gathering point to wait out the storm. First responders assigned various tasks to volunteers to help keep things organized and to divide up the work needed to make sure everyone stayed safe.
Okay, so here's the thing, this is rp. And therefore we are taking some creative liberties with how realistic this will be. So please keep that in mind. If you have experience with hurricanes and any part of this is wildly unrealistic, please bear with us! lol
With that being said, please do not start hurricane threads or reference the hurricane in threads before Friday, Aug 30th. We're posting now so that people have time to plot in advance, but we also wanted to ensure that everyone had time to start just festival related threads first.
Since it is hurricane season in South Carolina, the town has long set out plans for hurricane warnings and the school has been prepared to be the gathering point in cases like this where large amounts of the Briar Ridge population aren't at home and can't get home easily. Therefore, the school is stocked up on supplies and tools to help secure the building and keep Briar Ridge citizens safe.
If you would like to say that your character was injured in the rush to get to the school, or becomes sick during the time that they are stuck in the school because of getting drenched by the cold rain, please run your idea by the admin team by sending an IM to the main! We can't have everyone incapacitated lol We also ask that you take into consideration your character's task (described in the next point & assigned in the discord server) before deciding on the extent of the injury, so as to avoid making it impossible for them to finish their task (I.e. please don't give your character a broken leg if they're going to have to walk around the whole school boarding up windows lol). Once we have approved your character being sick or injured, please make sure to use appropriate trigger warnings.
Every character will be paired up with one other character and given a task once they arrive at the school. Your character(s) can still interact with other people in the school, but we ask that each pairing give priority to and at least begin their task thread while the event is still ongoing.
These tasks can be as detailed as you would like to make them, we've listed some examples in the server of things your characters could do, but you don't strictly need to do that. If you think of something else within your assigned task category, please feel free to write it out instead!
Your task threads don't have to be long or last throughout the entire time everyone's stuck in the school. This is just a chance to get random characters to interact and hopefully get threads going with new writers!
The festival goers will be stuck at the school for 24 hours from when the hurricane warning was issued (unbeknownst to them of course!). If your character has family members, pets, etc. at home, feel free to include anxiety over their safety in your characters threads, but maybe there's someone else already taking care of them? We don't want to create REAL issues for your characters' loved ones!
After having been at the school for several hours, the electricity will go off at 10pm and won't come back on until mid morning the next day, a few hours before they're all allowed to go back home.
Please feel free to get creative with this! We're excited for this as we think it's a fun opportunity to pair up characters who might not have interacted otherwise even outside of the tasks!
If you have any questions, please direct them to the event channel in the discord server!
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What if there was a Minish Cap sequel?
Journey to the Minish Realm
I was a little unsure whether to post this to Untold Myths or not, but decided to post it here. Basically what happened:
And now I'm a little obsessed with the idea.
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Exactly one year after The Minish Cap arrives the next Picori Festival. Link anticipated Zelda would ask him to go with her,
The tutorial section would be Link preparing for the tournament, which he actually gets to compete in this year... After the Minister practically begged him to keep an eye on Zelda while she watches over the whole thing, anyway. For the tournament, Link uses a replica of the Picori Blade rather than the Four Sword.
At the peak of the festival, when Link finds he is at the final two, the opponent set for Link is suddenly injured– too much to compete. As they try to find a replacement opponent, a lone silhouette volunteers after a rather dramatic entrance using a wind spell. They are none other than Vaati, who has mysteriously returned from his defeat... But his form is corrupt and indefinite, constantly leaning between his humanoid form and the monstrous one he was slain in. The husk of who was once a great sorcerer seems overly confident despite the fact he can barely hold himself together, proclaiming a rematch is in order. Although the Light Force was removed from him, somehow a portion of the monster form's power has lingered with him.
Link, although alarmed, prepares for a fight... But Zelda quickly intervenes to protect Link. Vaati is only more provoked by seeing her after he failed to contain the Light Force after draining it from her, about to attack her as well. However, he stops himself as a different idea comes to mind. Using a power unknown to the pair at the time, he manifests his own version of the Minish Door, knocking Zelda right through it and following after daring Link to join them.
Without a moment's hesitation, Link races through the door after Zelda. He awakens in the Minish Realm, managing to find Zelda after she evaded Vaati. The two now find themselves in a world they have never seen, and seek out an old friend to help them return home... And stop the revived Vaati.
The Minish Realm is structured like a mix of Hyrule in MC and FS. While vast, it features a lot of areas tied to a specific element.
Other Ideas
Guide character Zelda, Spirit Tracks style...
I call MC Link "Pico", so someone might give him that as a nickname.
There are four types of Minish in the Minish Realm, the ancient sages that proceeded Ezlo being responsible for the Picori Blade. There are Forest Minish, like in Hyrule, Snow Minish, Fire Minish, and Wind Minish. Vaati was a Wind Minish before his descent.
Ezlo has refused to take an apprentice after Vaati. Although he does miss teaching, especially after departing from Link, he unadmittedly worries about pushing another one down the wrong path. Unfortunately for Ezlo, a ton of younger Minish have heard how he helped a hero in Hyrule like the old Sages... And now they all want him to be their teacher.
Other Minish Sages will be present. Three, to be exact. Ezlo is the Minish Sage of Forest/Earth, but there is also one of Ice, Fire, and Wind.
Ezlo can turn into a bird similar to his cursed cap form. He claims Vaati gave him the idea...
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dreamdaddydutch · 2 years
Christmas Headcanons
I wrote some Christmas/festive season headcanons featuring some of the gang along with a few thoughts on the gang in the modern day. I may write a part 2 for this with other characters (I realise I have left Arthur off!) Only warnings are: Mentions of alcoholism and violence. Seasonal depression. 
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Javier both loves and hates this time of year, it reminds him of his family especially as they were quite religious. Does Javier believe in God? That’s a question for another day and a big one at that. He’s seen so much and suffered so much it makes it hard for him to believe in a God in the traditional sense. But he will still say his rosary/kiss the beads occasionally.
As a child there were some pretty awful Christmases when his father was drunk and violent – though he’d still punish Javier if he took the Lord’s name in vain. Somehow that was a sin to his father but being violent or spending a lot of the families money on booze wasn’t.
Christmas is in interesting time for him, there’s some pain associated with it but overall loves the festive season and although not a fan of the snow/cold, he enjoys getting snug and cosy.
He’s just so grateful for the Van Der Linde Gang who are now his family and will love to sing festive songs around the camp fire with them.
He really loves mulled wine and cider, cinnamon in whiskey etc.
In terms of romantic life – Javier is the sweetest when it comes to the festive season and would want to spoil his partner with gifts, kisses, food etc.
Will take them to a party to go dancing - wearing the most fancy clothing he owns. 
Absolutely smooches under the mistletoe. If he’s with someone in a committed relationship, he will give them the biggest kiss under the mistletoe, tongues, teeth, yeah it’s gonna make other people hot and bothered. If there’s someone he likes in camp then yeah he’s gonna use the mistletoe for his first, romantic move – of course he’ll ask permission before he kisses him, but it’s a talking point and a way to get them away from others. If Javier is drunk then yeah he’ll pretty much kiss any member of the gang underneath the mistletoe, except Uncle!
Doesn’t really get it – but deep down she knows she used to love the holidays, but since Jake was killed it just isn’t the same.
More likely to volunteer at a soup kitchen and want to spend as much time with others as possible. If she’s left alone with her thoughts, she’s liable to get a little bit sad.
But she’s glad for all the food, alcohol and singing. Additionally having Jack around helps her to forget her own pain, she can spend some time with him and seeing how excited he is gets her excited too.
Probably has some nice late-night chats with Arthur and Javier over a few whiskeys. All three of them struggle with the short days, cold, memories of the pasts and seeing happy families, so they seek comfort with one another.
She’s not going to help put up decorations or bake, she probably isn’t going to want to sing either. But she will help make a lot of extra special, delicious mulled wine with Pearson which goes down a treat at camp. While she won’t say it aloud or let others know, she actually enjoys getting involved and doing something for the camp that leaves her feeling warm and fuzzy inside.
For Charles this period is all about reflection, especially with the New Year coming up. He takes stock of his life and what he wants to achieve.
Really enjoys winter sunrise and sunsets and will use them to get up and go hunting by himself.
If he’s with someone he’ll take them along on his hunting trips. Think cosy camps, blankets, hot chocolate with whiskey. Very romantic.
He’s kind of indifferent to the day itself, getting more excited about New Year. But he will ensure he hunts a great boar, large deer or something special to feed the entire gang on the day and will help Pearson to prepare it.
He loves hearing others tell stories round the fire, perhaps folk law surrounding yule and the traditions associated with New Year. 
He has a love/hate relationship with the season, it reminds him too much of Annabelle and that leaves him vulnerable and sad. But he understands that for the gang it’s very important to celebrate, throw a party, feast and have a few days off from hustling.
He would put a little money aside to afford some decorations – holly, mistletoe, candles and small gifts for the gang – though nothing expensive and would not be buying himself. He’ll send Molly out, but for her he will buy her something special.
In fact it’ll become a bit of a mission for him and Hosea or Arthur to go into town without anyone knowing where he’s going so he can get a special gift for her.
Dutch gets very red faced after drinking, and during the festive season it is no different, in fact during the festive season it’s one of the only times that Dutch really lets his hair down.
Behaves a little like a kid at Christmas, but he blames this on Jack and wanting to be excited for his son. Abigail knows the truth.
He’ll still put a stocking out for himself.
Will actually really surprise Abigail by buying a beautiful and well thought out gift that he’s spent ages saving for. He may also make something for her too.
Loves the extra excuse for getting drunk and isn’t sorry.
Avoids Mistletoe like the plague, even if Abigail has it he gets really embarrassed and tries to run away from her while flushed red. Of course Abigail and others find it hilarious and in the end he will relent and kiss her.
Being the romantic belle that she is, Molly loves this time of year. There are so many excuses to cuddle up with Dutch alone in a hotel room or in their tent. Plenty of moments to be together under warm blankets and to warm one another up.
She absolutely has dresses that are especially made for the season, a lot of white, red and green. Even if she appears over dressed in camp she doesn’t care, she just wants to look her best for Dutch and doesn’t mind that she gets the attraction of the men in camp.
One of the few occasions where she will drink a little bit more and allow herself to get merry. Partly because of how she views herself in comparison to others and partly because she’s afraid of losing control, she generally doesn’t drink that much with the gang. She loves a glass or two of wine when out with Dutch or when she feels safe, but it just isn’t something she’s fond of. However, during the festive time of year she allows herself to let her hair down, drinks more and will laugh, sing and dance with the others. The rest of the gang love this side of Molly and are happy that even though it’s only for a brief time, that she allows herself to get close to them and gets off her high horse.
Her year will be made if Dutch makes a big romantic gesture underneath the mistletoe and kiss her in front of everyone before sweeping her off her feet and taking her to bed.
Tilly would love nothing more than to join a choir during the festive season. She loves singing and being a part of something so pure, magical and spiritual means a lot to her. Plus it’s fun and nice to get away from the gang for a bit – thought she’ll love the parties with the gang and singing.
Lights lots of candles round camp on Christmas Eve and tells Jack stories – with him sat on her lap.
The festive season is absolutely the time for board games, card games and dominoes. Tilly has an amazing poker face, she’s competitive and a skilled player. She may go a little easier due to the festive spirit and all of that… but she loves the excuse to play games more than usual. Instead of money they play for sweets, mince pies and small treats.
Makes homemade gifts for all of the gang, there’s different gifts depending on the person. Baked goods is a big one, sweets for Jack, pressed flowers for some of the boys for them to keep as good luck charms etc. She takes care wrapping presents in brown paper and tied up nicely in string with a beautiful bow.
Hosea is traditional when it comes to Christmas, he’ll want to go to Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve and is happy to take any of the gang with him as long as they behave! He’ll wear his best clothes.
Loves singing Christmas carols and drunkenly singing more fun festive songs in equal measure.
Is responsible for bringing the mistletoe back to camp.
Expert in wrapping presents and choosing gifts which are perfect for the person due to receive them.
Loves to tell festive Ghost stories round the camp fire late at night, he’s really good at acting things out, putting on voices and building up the tension.
Modern thoughts on this:
Jack knows he saw Father Christmas on his sleigh and all his reindeer. In fact this was actually a clever bit of ‘magic’ that John, Arthur and Javier work out.
Charles – absolutely loves the Christmas special drinks at Starbucks, Costa etc. Egg Nog Latte is his favourite.
Susan actually relaxes and takes some time for self care, going and getting her nails done with Festive nail art and lots of glitter before the Christmas party is a must.
Javier knows Christmas is here when the Coke advert is on…and will start to sing, ‘Holidays are coming’ round the fire place.
The girls and Kieran would love to go and see a Christmas light switch on, especially if there’s a pop star or soap actor doing the switch on.
Javier is the King of ice-skating, while others in the gang are falling over their feet and cannot stay up for the life of them, Javier will be spinning on the ice. His physique, agility and balance means he knows how to pull the moves. If he’s in a relationship he’s going to take them for a romantic spin and stop to kiss them on the ice, making everyone else feel a little jealous but gooey inside.
Arthur loves Hallmark Christmas movies – fight me.
Dutch is terrible at wrapping presents, they’re really, really bad. He just gives up in the end and puts lots of Sellotape round the parcels.
The girls, Javier, Sean and Bill end up singing ‘All I want for Christmas’ at Karaoke.
When the gang suggests secret santa, Arthur absolutely hates it, he wants no part of it and thinks it’s ridiculous. What’s the point!
Taking Jack to visit Santa, but instead of just John and Abigail taking him several other gang members would go along as they’d want to know what all the fuss was about.
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cotecoyotegrrrl · 4 months
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Calling all Minneapolis / St Paul LGBTQIA Choir Geeks! GALA Festival begins July 10, 2024 and end the evening of July 14, 2024 We’re seeking passionate, trusted individuals to join our volunteer team for GALA Choruses Festival 2024! As a volunteer, you’ll play a crucial role in creating an unforgettable experience for attendees from around the globe. Your dedication will help make this celebration of LGBTQ choral music a success. Sign up now and be part of this extraordinary event!
As a thank you for your time, GALA offers the following discounts on Festival attendance:
- 12 volunteer hours = Full delegate badge for all concert and events (must sign up before June 15) - 6 volunteer hours = Receive a voucher for any 1 concert - 3 volunteer hours = Receive a voucher for an afternoon Chorus or Ensemble Concert
Sign up here: galachoruses.org/resource/festival-volunteers/
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In the Court of the Nameless Queen by Natalie Ironside
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Take a trip across the sundered worlds to the Queendom of Corynnod, a dark realm of sorcery and desire, ruled over by she who is Queen, goddess, and mother to us all, in four fantastical and titillating tales of wonder, adventure, love, sex, and—of course—spiders. A true and credible account of how Freydis Thorkilsdottir, war witch, became Freydis Gothi and the Mother of Abominations. Freydis Thorkilsdottir, soldier and war witch in the army of the Nameless Queen, has always struggled to find a place for herself as a transgender woman. She volunteers to lead men over the walls in a castle assault, in hopes that, should she survive, she might earn the attentions—and the favors—of her great and terrible araneidan Queen... An account of how Freydis Gothi made the acquaintance of her most beloved and treasured servant. Fleeing oppression and unspeakable abuse, Kristina Kaminski—a woman who loves women in a land where such things are not allowed—travels into the grim and mysterious north and meets a most peculiar woman upon the shores of the sea. As she settles into her new life, it comes to pass that a dark conversion often necessitates a dark baptism... An account of the coming of Steff Pelczynski, diabolist, to Caer Eldur and the court of the Marchioness. Steff is no man, but don’t try telling her that. When the young wizard travels into the north, seeking a change, she—with the help of a rather commanding older woman—finds a change she didn't know she was looking for... An account of how Freydis Gothi acquired her legendary sword. Freydis Thorkilsdottir, Kristina the Apostate, and their friends take an excursion to a festival of wondrous terrors and delights where nothing is as it seems... and things already seemed pretty suggestive to begin with!
Mod opinion: I haven't read this book yet, but it sounds really interesting!
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hardcoregayanalsegx · 6 months
Title: Embracing Unity and Purpose: The Importance of Joining HACPOAIntroduction: The Holy Association of the Crab People of America (HACPOA) stands as a beacon of unity, purpose, and community. As an organization committed to uplifting its members and promoting the values of harmony, empowerment, and progress, HACPOA offers numerous compelling reasons why individuals should consider joining its ranks.Community and Belonging:HACPOA fosters a sense of belonging and camaraderie among its members, creating a community where individuals can connect with like-minded peers who share common interests and aspirations.Through regular gatherings, events, and social activities, HACPOA provides opportunities for members to forge meaningful friendships and build lasting bonds within a supportive environment.Empowerment and Advocacy:HACPOA empowers its members to advocate for their rights, voice their concerns, and effect positive change within their communities.By uniting under a shared purpose, HACPOA members amplify their voices and leverage collective strength to address issues, promote social justice, and champion causes that align with the organization's values.Personal Growth and Development:Joining HACPOA opens doors to personal growth and development through educational workshops, skill-building seminars, and leadership opportunities.Members have access to resources, mentorship programs, and networking opportunities that facilitate professional advancement, personal enrichment, and the cultivation of valuable skills.Cultural Celebration and Heritage Preservation:HACPOA celebrates and preserves the rich cultural heritage of the Crab People, honoring traditions, folklore, and customs that contribute to a sense of identity and pride among its members.Through cultural events, festivals, and educational initiatives, HACPOA promotes awareness, appreciation, and understanding of Crab People heritage, fostering a deeper connection to roots and heritage.Social Impact and Outreach:HACPOA actively engages in social impact initiatives, community service projects, and charitable endeavors that make a positive difference in the lives of others.By participating in volunteer efforts, fundraising activities, and outreach programs, members of HACPOA contribute to building stronger, more compassionate communities and creating a legacy of service and generosity.Networking and Collaboration:Joining HACPOA provides access to a diverse network of professionals, experts, and leaders across various industries and sectors.Through collaboration, partnerships, and collaborative projects, members can leverage collective expertise, resources, and influence to achieve common goals, drive innovation, and create meaningful impact.Conclusion: In conclusion, the Holy Association of the Crab People of America (HACPOA) offers a compelling array of benefits and opportunities for individuals seeking community, empowerment, personal growth, cultural celebration, social impact, networking, and collaboration. By joining HACPOA, individuals not only enrich their lives but also contribute to a larger movement dedicated to unity, purpose, and positive change.
Join the crab cult
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luvcraze · 6 months
Ideas for Local Places Couples can Enjoy Together
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1. Botanical Gardens:
Explore the beauty of nature together by visiting a local botanical garden. Take romantic strolls through lush gardens, admire colorful flowers, and enjoy peaceful moments surrounded by greenery.
2. Local Parks:
Spend quality time together in a nearby park. Pack a picnic and enjoy a meal outdoors, go for a leisurely walk or bike ride, or simply relax on a blanket and watch the world go by.
3. Scenic Lookouts:
Seek out scenic viewpoints or lookout points in your area where you can enjoy breathtaking views together. Whether it's a hilltop, a rooftop terrace, or a waterfront promenade, watching the sunset or city lights can be incredibly romantic.
4. Cafés and Coffee Shops:
Discover cozy cafés and coffee shops in your neighborhood where you can enjoy intimate conversations over cups of coffee or tea. Find a quiet corner, sip your favorite beverages, and savor sweet treats together.
5. Local Wineries or Breweries:
Take a tour of a nearby winery or brewery and sample local wines or craft beers. Learn about the production process, indulge in tastings, and toast to your relationship with a glass of your favorite beverage.
6. Art Galleries or Museums:
Get cultured together by visiting local art galleries or museums. Appreciate the beauty of paintings, sculptures, and exhibits, and discuss your favorite pieces with each other.
7. Farmers' Markets:
Explore farmers' markets in your area and enjoy browsing fresh produce, artisanal goods, and handmade crafts. Sample local delicacies, pick out ingredients for a romantic dinner at home, and support local vendors.
8. Outdoor Concerts or Events:
Check out outdoor concerts, festivals, or events happening in your community. Enjoy live music, performances, or cultural celebrations together under the open sky.
9. Historic Sites or Landmarks:
Learn about the history of your local area by visiting historic sites, landmarks, or heritage buildings. Take guided tours, explore architectural wonders, and immerse yourselves in the stories of the past.
10. Cooking Classes or Workshops:
Sign up for cooking classes or workshops together and learn new culinary skills. Whether it's baking bread, making pasta, or mastering sushi rolls, cooking together can be a fun and rewarding experience.
11. Hiking Trails:
Explore nearby hiking trails or nature reserves and enjoy outdoor adventures together. Take in scenic views, breathe in fresh air, and bond over shared experiences in nature.
12. Beaches or Lakes:
Spend a day at the beach or lake soaking up the sun and enjoying water activities such as swimming, paddleboarding, or kayaking. Pack a beach bag with snacks, sunscreen, and towels for a relaxing day by the water.
13. Bookstores or Libraries:
Get lost in the aisles of a local bookstore or library and discover new reads together. Browse through shelves of books, share recommendations, and find cozy nooks to read aloud to each other.
14. Food Trucks or Street Food Markets:
Seek out food trucks or street food markets in your area and embark on a culinary adventure together. Sample a variety of dishes from different vendors and enjoy a casual and delicious dining experience.
15. Local Theaters or Performing Arts Centers:
Support local arts and culture by attending performances at theaters or performing arts centers in your community. Enjoy live theater productions, concerts, or dance performances for a memorable date night.
16. Farm-to-Table Restaurants:
Dine at farm-to-table restaurants or farm-to-fork eateries that showcase locally sourced ingredients and seasonal menus. Experience the flavors of your region while supporting sustainable and eco-friendly dining establishments.
17. Community Gardens or Urban Farms:
Volunteer or visit community gardens or urban farms in your area and get your hands dirty together. Help plant, tend to, or harvest fruits and vegetables while learning about sustainable gardening practices.
18. DIY Workshops or Classes:
Take part in DIY workshops or classes that interest both of you, such as pottery, painting, photography, or home decor. Get creative together and unleash your artistic talents while learning new skills.
19. Historical Walking Tours:
Join historical walking tours or heritage trails led by local guides and explore the rich history of your city or town. Discover hidden gems, architectural landmarks, and fascinating stories from the past.
20. Outdoor Yoga or Fitness Classes:
Attend outdoor yoga or fitness classes held in parks or green spaces in your area. Stretch, sweat, and strengthen your bodies together while enjoying the beauty of the outdoors and staying active as a couple.
These local date ideas offer couples the opportunity to bond, connect, have fun, explore, and create cherished memories without having to travel far from home. Strengthening their relationship right in their own backyard. Whether it's exploring nature, supporting local businesses, or learning new skills, there's no shortage of ways to enjoy quality time together in your local area.
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
Michael Kohlhof’s family says he contracted typhus from a flea bite, which led to him losing his hands and parts of his feet
A single flea bite has caused a Houston man to contract a serious disease that led to the amputation of both of his hands, and parts of his feet.
Michael Kohlhof, a handyman and pet-sitter, was in San Antonio helping his mother recuperate from a surgery when he woke up with numbness in his feet.
“We thought it was the flu,” his mother, J’Leene Hardaway, explains in a GoFundMe set up to help pay for her son’s expenses. 
Once at the hospital, Kohlhof’s condition quickly deteriorated: The 35-year-old man went into septic shock, and by the next day, was on a ventilator, dialysis, antibiotics, beta-blockers, and more medications as his mother writes “his organs were failing.”
"He almost died once or twice," his brother Greg Kohlhof told KEN5 news. "They were worried about him being brain dead."
The culprit: Typhus, a disease caused by a bacteria carried by infected fleas. Symptoms include fever and chills, body aches and muscle pain, loss of appetite, and vomiting, according to the CDC.
And although the CDC says “flea-borne typhus is a rare disease in the United States,” it does say it’s found in Hawaii, California, and Texas, and that “untreated [typhus] can cause severe illness and damage to one or more organs, including the liver, kidneys, heart, lungs, and brain.”
Hardaway explains that her son was “the victim of a severe and traumatic bite from one single flea — with unimaginable consequences. His hands and feet had dry gangrene,” which the Mayo Clinic describes as the “death of body tissue.”
Doctors amputated both of Kohlhof’s hands “up to his forearms,” his mother writes.
He’s already lost his toes and parts of his feet. “As of now, we do not know how much of his feet are salvageable,” Hardaway adds about her son, whom she says was also an avid volunteer at community gardens and festivals.
"Me and him talked about it. It's not your hands that do all these great things. It's your mind," Greg told KEN5 News. "You'll just have to find a new avenue to exercise it."
His brother also said that Kohlhof wants people to be aware of what he’s going through so they can protect themselves. 
"I think he also wants people to know this kind of stuff is out there. There are fleas, there are diseases, but just be cautious, be aware, don't be afraid to live your life.”
His partner, Alishpa Masood, told KHOU11 that “he has gone beyond our expectations as far as strength and bravery. He has a really positive outlook that we’re all really proud of.”
And Kohlhof’s family is stressing the importance of seeking medical care. “If it were 48 hours later,” Masood said, “he would have not made it.”
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