nova0611 · 3 months
HomeFerrous Sulphate
Ferrous Sulphate
Vamika Dhir April 19, 2024
Iron(II) sulfate or ferrous sulfate denotes a range of salts with the formula FeSO₄·xH₂O. These compounds exist most commonly as the heptahydrate but several values for x are known. The hydrated form is used medically to treat or prevent iron deficiency, and also for industrial applications.
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444namesplus · 9 months
Amavdei Baboisar Balokonoe Bane Bdeinudoaf Bdoebar Bdudre Bdukolisnoe Bduvar Bedkeir Beldoe Bemir Bez Bidnosez Bilaf Bindusoar Binimoe Bisenir Boekiste Boiner Bokar Bomobbojur Budar Budnargimoz Budnasir Budnunuddir Bufbioe Bufuse Buise Buker Bummarke Bummisnoe Bunisnoe Bunose Buriolus Burnkidne Dafose Danaboei Darimmei Dipamvoaf Dipommaf Dokose Dufamar Dufe Dufesur Duvopar Duvopu Eadimoes Eadude Eaparnar Earnid Earuse Ebduloni Eboumei Ebummu Ebummusoe Edir Edkeloar Edlunemoe Edneverlur Ednifor Edoumoke Egdokar Eide Eikaoner Einidsoner Ekaeiramor Ekaomu Ekiddeikendoei Ekkaonidfi Ekonar Eldoes Elduner Eliuse Emifusoe Emizeslid Emizour Emroaf Enise Ennor Erkmiboar Erno Esekou Eserneroar Esernerour Esldusojur Esnifoar Esnifsei Esnikudni Esnusosar Espiduse Espone Esse Evalesnoe Eviuse Fane Fanorndenus Fanosar Feadoki Fedkar Fedkoes Fedr Fedufepu Fefakoaf Fekdosar Fenane Feoe Feoirne Fepsar Fesaim Fesir Fesnae Fesoe Fexudoes Fezisnoar Fezofoes Fezofosar Fidkada Figoner Filondose Filoumesaf Fimmuse Firrud Fisdke Fise Fisr Fokeim Fonder Forisu Fosidke Fudne Fudolasaf Fudr Fusgiddenu Fusine Gadoir Gadose Gampude Gearnoner Geasar Gease Gefe Gekusoar Gemekdosi Gesu Gevamosar Gidusoe Gimokoner Givdor Gmude Gmudoes Golir Gudafgamkoo Gudafsukaf Gudnase Gudsez Gusnar Ibeirnar Idaz Ide Ideie Idejmuser Idekmoar Idfir Idkamesiaf Idkamir Ifbesle Ikisnar Ikolisrke Imepevemar Indadoe Ipirnir Irnoe Islukimokar Isnimme Ivudekaf Kabol Kadoe Kamkes Kamnadsar Kaodonor Kaodosar Kaosnommar Kasose Kavimi Kdifuse Kebotto Kedar Kedekemme Kedfisne Kedlekeni Kedlie Kedosar Kedsie Kedufepu Kefamulasaf Kefidoe Kefiseiir Keiredufepar Keisose Kekase Kemidoes Kemir Kemisnosoes Kemisr Kemkedoe Kemopame Kenesoe Kepmoedo Kepsoekei Kernimribdou Keslimogide Kidamefoaf Kidir Kidkimmo Kidnafsar Kidoner Kigemù Kiknor Kimioe Kindesou Kioukor Kirberoes Kirne Kisar Kisegdaf Kisnofopmoe Kmealoar Kmearisnaf Kmenidsei Kmifisnoe Kmuekose Kmunepisoaf Kodnar Kodobmekee Koekisse Koido Koknudoe Kolaar Konafsar Konimmoar Koslumesle Kosukoe Koszoe Kuboe Kudar Kudoe Kudosoaf Kuffular Kufu Kuimar Kumafse Kumnadsar Kumussene Kure Kuskespor Kuskiknud Kuskudloe Kusleni Kuslonud Kusrar Kusrnesnoar Kusrnesnosi Kusrnesr Ladsukedoe Ladukopanaf Ladukudsukoaf Ladukuvdokor Ladumobusr Ladumonaf Lavdor Leilemoaf Lesaf Lie Lifinid Likidde Likide Likofe Loar Loe Loese Loloar Lor Lorkobmose Lorkudloe Loukminoes Lufonoes Maisnosaf Makidoe Makoar Makogid Makose Mapakemoaf Mase Maso Medir Mekidse Meknesr Meknuludaf Menoaf Mepisnoaf Minukinaf Miu Miulor Miusnour Mofe Mokosoar Moslosor Movid Movide Movidemoner Movidner Movoar Movonose Mudoaf Muslosoaf Muspame Muspedokaf Nados Narkamaf Ndexes Ndivusoesar Ndofusnoaf Ndokoe Nekonar Neudfose Nidde Nidfosar Nifbirnir Nimmar Niubomur Niulude Niuluroar Niulurour Nonar Novidoar Nudnuse Odisi Ofekede Okdie Orbimmaf Oreek Oror Oslokoe Osnidefse Pdenoes Peddoesusaf Peine Pemidoar Pemmoisar Pemve Pevoo Pidienor Pine Pisue Pmakidoar Pudloes Raelime Raere Raffesar Rammusoekei Ravdoskosenud Rbir Redonud Reibosaf Remar Remosei Renads Reskar Ribnifbile Ribnofoar Ridebor Rifusoe Rikadoner Rikidar Ripusnoaf Risnosaf Rkoekke Rndisae Rneadejour Rnene Rnevoei Rnofame Romkesar Rudr Rufsar Rum Rumasnaf Safidoes Saslose Seisoe Sekou Sekuse Sibnasi Sidke Sidu Sifirndosar Sikirroner Sinaf Sojibudur Sudve Suse Suz Tiareifomoes Tisu Tuiekiddei Ubr Udkar Udnusoaf Udvuse Ukkenud Umavdoar Umokese Unu Urnomoes Usudoar Usur Uvedenud Vavuse Vdannoaf Vekkar Vemvosar Veoei Verom Veromorkar Vessekisne Vikepse Vimmuse Vukommei Vuse Vuvvou Xabonid Xakisner Xamoar Xamoes Xanadse Xarnos Xarnosoes Xasu Xesar Xuessir Xukoes Xus
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milesbutterball · 1 year
Home - WXNA
Orkos by Maha
New Track by Francis Bebey
Ohiani Sua Efir by Asaase Ase
Fazer Bem by Paolo 9
Feso Jaiye by The Sahara All Stars Of Jos
Aon Aon by Tabu Ley Rochereau
OutKast by Hey Ya!
Sebastian Cabot by It Aint Me Babe
The Kinks by Sunny Afternoon
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rusrolli · 2 years
Level 345 words of wonder
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If you're wanting support for a game we don't currently have, head over to our game requests page and either submit a new game request or upvote an existing one on the list and we can look into adding it. This page is specifically for Word Mansion, but you can check out the other games we support. Our goal with this site is to provide as many answers, guides, and cheats as possible for your use. Here's some quick links to a few other levels, in case you need to jump around more than 1 level at a time. If they're not answers, most of them should at least be bonus words. In other words, a fine and functional place to stay but not an experience or. The first word I found in this level is CON, then the other words began to fall one by one.I was a little bit stuck with : INCOME which was the hardest one I crossed. Hotels near School of Wonder, Brooklyn on Tripadvisor: Find 23823 traveler. Now, I can reveal the words that may help all the upcoming players. To read or hear the Buddha s words is, as it were, to come into direct contact with the Buddha himself. There, you can tell us what letters are on your level and we'll display a list of words that can be made with those letters. Hi All, Few minutes ago, I was playing the Level 345 of the game Word Trip and I was able to find the answers. If our answers aren't matching, check out our word unscrambler. Sometimes games can randomize levels, change them between systems, or just move them around in an update. If you've already found some answers, you can tap on them to help narrow down which ones you haven't used yet.
If unable to get the correct answer for Level 684 let us know, by commenting below and we’ll update our answers. So answers for 4 letters are grouped together, with 6 letters grouped together and so on. Just take a look at the words below to know what to enter. Word Stacks Level 345 Answers are displayed and sorted by the solutions word length. Enjoy ANSWER: DECADE If your picture and answer are different at our main page we collected and shared all versions answers for Game. The oddness of the demon's way of dying, the way it died, was too unordinary. Whereas the spoken word tends to be more. The word farm invites you to tour in a nature of hundreds of products. at all levels of education, much of schooling is defined by the books you read and the papers and tests you write. Prove your intelligence and knowledge in the bridal word-finding business. In silence, that was how the glorious victory was faced. If youre assertive about word search, word Farm is a natural wonder for you. A single managed to disintegrate the demon clinging to end Wang Ling's life. Hoskinson 345-359), others interpret the novel as a critique of mass culture. Dengan menggunakan situs web kami, Anda akan dapat dengan cepat memecahkan dan menyelesaikan permainan Words Of Wonders. After every update we share here answer and photo of Level 345 of Escape Room: Mystery Word Game. Chapter 345: Words of present and past Celestial Peak The Gray Figure magnificently slew the demon. Over time, science fiction gradually acquired a level of cultural prestige. Desliza el dedo para conectar letras con el fin de formar palabras vlidas dadas por el juego, a veces, hay algunas palabras ocultas por descubrir. Kami berkumpul di sini semua kebutuhan - jawaban, solusi, penelusuran dan curang untuk seluruh level. Es muy divertido jugar Words Of Wonders Guru feso - Level 282, el clsico juego de crucigramas reinventado por Fugo. It's the simplest way to beat the hardest levels. Tepat halaman ini memiliki semua jawaban yang Anda butuhkan untuk menyelesaikan Words Of Wonders Fushimi inari-taisha - level 345. Here are all the answers for Word Mansion Level 345 including bonus words.
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nichilismous · 3 years
Feso #86
Oggi è venuto a mancare un ragazzo. Aveva 24 anni. Cazzo la vita è puttana e bastarda. Lo conosco da quando lui aveva tipo 10 anni. Era proprio un bel ragazzo, sveglio e con un grande talento per i graffiti e l'arte in generale. Ha sempre avuto un debole per le droghe. Se ci mettete il fatto che aveva disponibilità economiche praticamente infinite, la combo è stata davvero letale. Mi dispiace. Nessuno dovrebbe morire a quell'età. Io sono stato fortunato. L'ho capita qualche anno dopo. Quindi mi sento davvero fortunato ad avere di nuovo la possibilità di ricostruirmi un qualsivoglia futuro. Le droghe mi mancano. Perchè tante volte il mondo va troppo veloce e la mia testa invece continua a sbattere sulle mie paranoie. Di Feso ricorderò sempre un pomeriggio quando io e Sole fatti di felicità chiedemmo aiuto a lui per un pò di erba e finimmo al parco di Monza sdraiati a parlare di musica, droga e arte. Poi non ci siamo visti per anni e l'ho ritrovato una sera ad un bar. Le droghe avevano ormai preso il sopravvento, di quel ragazzino sorridente e spensierato con la visiera di lato era rimasto ben poco. Abbiamo parlato. Mi ha detto che stava continuando a scrivere sui muri. Mi ha mostrato qualcosa e mi ha chiesto di Sole. Lui è parso molto dispiaciuto e poi prima di andarsene mi ha detto: "Lei era quella giusta". Chissà Feso. Dovunque tu sia i tuoi graffiti ancora rimarranno e spero che i più giovani possano capire quanto è pericoloso quel cazzo di mondo.
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hot-crest · 5 years
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the-red-arty-soul · 8 years
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Valentines day special! FeSo <3
dedicated to bae <3
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ngosikadzistyle · 7 years
#FESOChallenge: Brand New FESO Hair Mask Review
HARARE – The sun is not being friendly to my strands as they have dried out so much lately thanks to the weather changes. One day is scorching Next its freezing. So FESO has a new hair mask they have available at Curtleys Zimbabwe in Mt. Pleasant as a hair treatment. For $15 one gets the FESO treatment and blowdry at the saloon. So seeing the state of my strands I knew I needed to get it done.…
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hufmagazine · 6 years
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#No Ordinary Day, photography by Giovanni Di Palma for HUF Magazinehttp://hufmagazine.com/no-ordinary-day-photography-by-giovanni-di-palma-for-huf-magazine/
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Alexander McQueen ready to wear spring 2016
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torikaku · 3 years
If requests are open, I would love to see a FeSo x Sebek. The SO is feeling insecure because Sebek is always yelling ningen this and ningen that and generally down playing humans. The SO is feeling insecure and tell Sebek that and he just realizes his mistake and comforts them? And tries to change? Or whatever you want to do??
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Okay, let's start from the very beginning: if Sebek ever falls in love with a human, he will be in absolute denial, turning his tsundere mod on. Even despite the fact that he's half-human himself, he down-looks at them.
He will study from afar that poor human (aka you) that happened to catch his attention. Do you use certain magic to charm him to prevent him from doing his duties? Why do you look so special in his eyes? Why is your smile so attractive... that makes him blush?
If you do something, Sebek will criticize you and at the same time, he will show you how to do things right (honestly, he wants to show off you how smart he is). For example, when in the alchemy class, you use the wrong ingredients and the potion goes wrong, he will roll his eyes and take away from you your stuff and show you how you should do it, explaining in detail every step, so you'd better remember, because he won't repeat (or will he?). And when you do everything right after his explanation, Sebek will smirk, saying you're not so bad… for a human.
Sebek shows you off how intelligent and capable he is: how good he's at riding horses, at solving math problems quickly, at fighting with swords... but he does it not because he wants to be noticed by you, a simple human, but because he's so skillful! But when you compliment him, you can see how quickly his face changes in colour, and how he coughs and tries to hide his face. And he still wonders how the human makes his heart beat so fast with some simple words.
After you two become a couple, Sebek stops calling you 'human' and generally badmouths you for being one. Since you are now his beloved he can't insult you.
But it doesn't mean he has stopped putting down humans in general. Old habits are hard to get rid of. (Though if he meets a human that shows their skills or talents, he will openly acknowledge them for their strength).
"Humans are far too powerless...", "What on earth is that human thinking about...", "Even human like you can do it..." Even though these words are addressed to you, you still feel uncomfortable. Sebek still continues to down-look humans, despite the fact he loves one.
"But it isn't about you" and "You're an exception" is all he says when you confront him about his condescending comments.
Sebek insults Silver again, but the latter has got used to the antics of the former, so he just turns a deaf ear to his words as usual. But for you, it is the last straw.
"If you hate humans so much, why are you even with me? Do you hate me too?" You burst into tears and run away.
He doesn't really understand what is wrong he has said while Silver is disappointed in him and says that he should apologize to you.
Sebek will ask for a piece of advice from a more knowledgeable person, aka Lilia, who says that if Sebek really does love you, he has to change his attitude toward humans.
It will be awkward for Sebek, but he's determined to try at least to beg for your forgiveness.
He has written you an apologizing poem (or tries to do). He reads it to you when you two talk.
Sebek takes your hand and kisses it, then he looks you in the eyes and says in a low voice, not typical for him:
"I really want you to accept my apologies. Even though you're a human, but you've become a very important human to me. I promised to protect you, and instead of this, I made my loved one cry. It was low of me. After thinking, I realized that it can't be continued this way. For your sake, I want to change, to become a better person who will never hurt your feelings. And I promise I will change my attitude. So... will you forgive me? Will you give me another chance?'
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jackhkeynes · 3 years
20m Lexembr
copros /koˈprɔz/ [kʊˈpʀɔz] sulphate, vitriol, ionic compound containing the anion SO₄²⁻; (historical) iron(II) sulphate, green vitriol, the compound with chemical formula FeSO₄
compare cohol /koˈhɔl/ [kʊˈxɔw] sulphide, ionic compound containing the anion S²⁻
Etymology: attested in various European languages from the thirteenth century, adapted from Mediæval Latin cuperosa et al. "metal sulphate, especially copper sulphate", short for aqua cuprosa "water of copper". Originally referring in particular to blue vitriol/copper sulphate, by the Revitalist period it was in most common use for green vitriol/iron sulphate.
Vitriol scencað sur calamin nastisc copros a jast. /ˌvi.triˈɔl xɛnˈkaθ sɪr ˌka.laˈmɪn naˈstɪx koˈprɔz a ʒast/ [ˌvi.tʀɪˈjɔl çɪŋˈkah sɪː ˌka.lɐˈmɪn nɐˈstɪç kʊˈpʀɔz ɐ ˈʒast] vitriol pour-ptcp.pst on calamine bear-s.prs sulphate to zinc Pouring vitriol on calamine produces jast's cuprose. (Sulphuric acid and zinc oxide make zinc sulphate.)
cutting from the pages of the 18th of July 1971 edition of Niacer (literally "relating to nests" but here used colloquially to refer to the home), a monthly Sunday magazine sold across Borland whose focus is news and advice concerning household matters, from gardening tips and tricks to recent advances in refrigeration.
…light of recent developments in Mashick I can only advise that you stock up on dried mause and amback [banana and mango] to prepare for the veritable avalanche of sweetbreads and spice stews you will need to cook for so many August picnic sorties.
Yours, Morrig Agat
Seven soap and washing-oil products have been removed from shop shelves after customers have reported severe rashes after use. The products (for a full list see insert) include bars form the well-known cleaningware companies Pax and Chandler.
Early reports suggest that the culprit may be an impure batch of natre's laurick cuprose [sodium lauryl sulphate], a foaming substance widely added to soap gels and bars. Efforts to trace the source of the contamination are as yet inconclusive, though the lack of any similar cases reported in the rest of Libya (from where Borland imports the majority of these alchemical products for detaxion)'s export market suggests that the issue may lie with the refining mills at Haldanvion.
This paper's inquiries with Rojanasocce Manufactory and the Ministry of Health have so far been met with stonewalling and deflection; we will turn to the in tesquo investigations of our own collocker Sr Johan pamfey, who…
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Anna Feso 177 cm / 5′9.5″ Agency: The Label Management 
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voltagesmutter · 4 years
Lucien - Yes, Professor [Smut]
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I couldn’t resist, part 2 to ‘Too hot” [Part 1]
Bella (OC) takes events into her own hands, well lab coat, after Lucie’ns promise from the night before seems to be fizzling.
Appreciating ‘Professor Lucien’ and the god in the GIF
Smut and NSFW
Lucien kept his promise about going to your office with him the next day, but he tried nothing. You had prepared for him to roughlessly bent you over the desk, against the wall, on the floor, on his chair, anywhere basically but it never happened. You were slightly shocked as he let you do whatever you wanted in his office as he worked at his computer, glancing over and giving you the most innocent of smiles and it was driving you crazy. You wanted him. This was Lucien, the man had a higher sex drive than other living creature and yet there he sat taping away at his work. He didn’t even sniff at you when your skirt hitched up your thighs as you seductively leaned over his desk. It frustrated you and you wanted him to want you. 
“I’m going to get some lunch, do you want anything?” You pout slightly into his ear, leaning over his back.
“No thank you, however a coffee might be good,” He replied, you could hear him saying it with a smile. Your hand squeezes his shoulder before you leave the office, you was glad he didn’t want anything because you weren't going for lunch, you were going to get up to mischief. Hmm, if I was a lab coat where would I be, you thought as you snake down the corridors before you hit the jack-pot, a cub-board stashed of them. Grabbing one you dash back to Lucien's office, dear god please let this work. 
Going into the bathroom next to his office you quickly stripped yourself of your clothes, leaving only your lace, crimson, matching underwear set on and slipping the coat over you. The thrill of being partially naked under the coat made your skin tingle. You bunched up your clothes and shoved them into your back before holding the coat close over you, you didn’t want to ruin the surprise. 
“Lucien-” You whisper as you walk back into his office, but you clutch the coat tight to you as you see another man in there standing in front of his desk, engaging in conversation.
“Ah hello Miss, I don’t think I’ve met you before, I’m Professor Lance, are you part of the new interns?” He said with a smile and turned to you offering his hand. Christ, this is embarrassing. Your left hand clutches the coat against you tightly and you swallow, trying to stop the rising heat in your face.
“Um, yes, sorry Bella,” You say and your right hand reaches out to shake his. You couldn’t even look at Lucien right now.
“Ah perfect, I was just finishing up with Lucien, why don’t you let me give you a private tour of some of the facilities, let you get to know your bearings better,” He says with a sweet smile and yours eyes widen.
“I-um,” You stutter.
“Sorry Lance, but Bella is here to actually help me with my theory research for the study of visual perspective,” Lucien chimes in and you mouth a thank you to him. 
“Ah, Lucien always stealing away the most beautiful women, well if you ever want that tour please feel free to find me,” Lance smiles to you before leaving the office and you let out a sigh. Not taking another chance to be interrupted again you quickly locked his office door. 
“So you're an intern?” Lucien chuckles and finally looks up from his desk at you with a smile. 
“I am, I’m actually here to do a study on you professor,” You seductively replied, slowly walking forward.
“Oh and what that might be?” A mischievous smile on his face.
“I’m here to study your arousal and what it takes for you to cum,” You smirk slightly, un-clutching the coat and letting it all partly off your shoulders revealing the crimson underwear you were wearing, it contrasting against your pale skin and the white coat. 
“You mean the study of attributed sexual arousal and stimulants?”.
“What? No, Lucien just play along you know I don’t understand science,” You pout and lean forward against his desk as he chuckles. 
“Sorry miss, please tell me more about the study,” He leans back in his chair.
“Well first we need to you fully aroused,” You say as you move around his desk and straddle his lap, his hands placed on your waist under the lab coat. You lean down and bite his lip and before letting it, his eyes glaze over with darkness eyeing you up hungrily. You press yourself down and grind yourself against his lap, his hardening member stiffening at the sensation. Tracing a finger his chest before palming him over his trousers, continuing to grind against. 
“That's a very big check,” You whisper, your hand lightly grabbing him over his trousers. He let out a low hum in his throat, his hips impatiently thrusting up, wanting you touch him properly. 
“Now, the question is, do I prolong the study and engage in your pleasure, or should I-” You say biting your lip innocently but the growl from his throat stops you. 
“I was meant to be teasing you all day, how have the tables turned,” He groaned, his hands finally cupping your breasts over the flimsy material. You knew it, he wasn’t ignoring you all day, he was doing to tease and test you, seeing how far he could make you go without even touching you after his promise from last night. 
You moan his name as his lips come crashing down over your nipples, still covered by the material, but he takes one hand and delves into your panties, humming in approval at your already wet fold. He rubs his fingers against you before sliding two of them into you.
“Ride my hand,” He groaned as he thrusts his fingers against you, your hand coming up to cover the moans releasing from your mouth. Following his orders your hips begin to grind against his hand, your head thrown back slightly from the feeling. Your eyes shut tightly as the feeling sets your skin on fire. You became desperate for him, you wanted him fully inside you, pounding into you. Your wetness grew and began to trickle down your thighs, leaving a wet stain on his trousers and definitely running your panties. 
“L-lucien,” You whimper as your hips began to buck, he hummed in response, his mouth still latched to your clothed breasts.
“M-more,” You manage as his fingers curl inside.
“Please-oh!” You moaned, biting your lip to try to repress it. 
“Define more,” His movements keeping at his steady pace, he wasn’t going to let you off for your little lab coat stunt so easily. You needed him and you could feel his need for you, his erection fully pressing against his trousers, looking painfully tight. 
“Fuck me Lucien please,” You whined as your his ground into his hand, desperate for the friction. With a animal growl from his throat and he removed his hand, standing you up and turning you around. He pushed you against the desk and the sound of his belt unbuckling damped your panties even more than they were. 
“Is this what you wanted,” He groaned, bunching the coat you was wearing up over your hips, pushing your panties to the side before you felt his hot member pressing against your core. He didn’t even let you respond before slamming into you, a cry leaving your lips with as your back arched.
“What did you say last night? Bent over the desk, rough and hard?” He growled as his actions followed his words, leaving you speechless, words unable to form from your mouth. A gasp left your mouth as a sharp hand movement met your ass, Lucien's hand smacking against it.
“Answer me,” He groaned through gritted teeth, his rough thrusts into you causing the table to move forward slightly.
“Y-Yes!” You moaned, one hand gripped the edge of the desk whilst the other covered your mouth, you biting lightly against your fingers to muffle your moans.
“Yes who?” Another smack landed against you and the new feeling set your skin ablaze, you back arching so intensely your chest pushing harshly against his desk. 
“Yes-Oh fuck-Pro-ooh-feso-oh Lucien!” You barely managed as your walls tightened, and you knew you was on the edge. His continued thrusts cause you to release with little warning, your hips bucking under him, a glass shattering orgasm released within you.
“Lets try that again,” He groaned through moans, slowing his thrusts right down but making them forceful, hitting your g-spot inside. Having just come down, the sensation was making you dizzy. 
“Yes professor,” You managed as his thrusts began to pick up speed again, his hand grabbing your ass tightly, as his hips snapped forcefully against yours. 
“Now scream for me,” He groaned as his hand moves down to circle, tease and pinch your clit, his thrusts becoming so forceful the desk beneath you shifts as he bites the sensitive weak spot on the back of your neck.
“Ah, Lucien! Lucien!” You cry out loud from the pleasurable sensation overload, his name being the only words you could manage. You felt like you would pass out and your hands turn white from griping the desk so much, your back almost snapping from arching before you clench around him one more, more intensely than ever as you feel all your sanity slipping away. Your moans catch in your throat as you essence releases tightly over his cock, his following suite inside you at the moment, both your essences mixing inside you. Your hips continue to buck as he rides you down with gentle thrusts and pulls out of you, the trail of you both beginning to leak down your thighs. He holds your waist and pulls you onto his lap, sitting back down in his chair as your legs collapse unable to stand up. 
“18 minutes,” He softly hums against you, as you try to regain your breath and you look at him confused.
“It took 18 minutes to get me aroused and cum, but I suppose you could say ever since I met you, I’ve been highly aroused ever since I met you,” He replies and you blush slightly at his words. 
“Ah yes, I’ll do, I’ll do something sciency with that information,” You breathlessly answer.
“Something sciency,” He chuckles.
“Shut up I’m not good at roleplaying a scientist,” You bashfully reply, hiding in his chest. 
“I think you're perfect just the way you are,” He whispers as he presses kisses to your hair. 
“I know you're already worried, but no-one is near my office, only I get to hear your sweet voice,” As he presses you closer to his chest.
“That was really intense,” You finally manage and his hand takes your as he presses soft kisses to it. 
“You foiled my plan, I wanted to see how long you could without me making a move but I never expected you to do that, it released something new in me,” He softly whispered.
“I was waiting for you to act on what you said last night,” You whispered into his chest.
“My sweet, you only need to ask,” He responds with a slight grin.
“What you want me to come in next time and say Lucien fuck me over your desk right now,” You giggle.
“Well, if you insist,” His mouth pressing kisses to your neck and you let out a little cry.
“I can’t go again, professor,”.
“Well I guess we’ll have to continue at home,” He whispers into your and presses a kiss to your lobe. 
“Here, get dressed and you nap on the sofa, I shouldn’t be much longer,” He adds as he helps you to your feet. You slide off the lab coat and get dressed.
“I think we’ll have to keep this, its kinda ruined,” You say, examining the wet stains that were visible.
“Oh we’re definitely keeping it, now come here,” He says as he holds out his hand, sitting on the sofa. You take a seat and lie down, your head resting on his lap and his hands softly traced over your arms and hair.
“Thats it my love, rest,” He whispered followed by soft and sweet words, lulling you to sleep in his arms.
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bingjo · 5 years
love is whack but everything else is too
song is from dodie, a non love song from nashville 
its helped me fall asleep 
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cursoti · 5 years
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Desafio de Medicina do Dia!!! (Questão 3 - Unifeso 2019.1) #matematica #feso #unifeso #teresopolis #medicina #vestibulando #vestibulanda #medbulando #vestibulardemedicina #vestibularunifeso #unifeso2019 #estudos #vestibulares #vestibular2019 https://www.instagram.com/p/BzFt90vAvpF/?igshid=14tq9x51pogj9
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