#feronia the four kingdoms
eliavraay · 10 months
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"The Love Duel"
The relationship between Prince Xilas and Princess Narisa doesn't start pretty. Both have different goals in life and they both belong to different royal houses. Xilas is especially furious at Narisa, because being captured by her beauty hinders his political plans. He has a different marriage in mind, which could be beneficial for his family, but the love he starts to feel towards Narisa is luring him to a different path. Xilas is angry at Narisa first and tries to humiliate her to silence his heart, and it leads to a duel for first blood between them during a party.
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eliavraay · 1 year
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Characters for my story "FERONIA - The Four Kingdoms"
We have four royal families, their friends and relatives.
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eliavraay · 2 months
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A knight of the Black Throne riding his steed.
Made for my own story "Feronia: The Four Kingdoms".
(I tried a new style and I kind of like it ^^)
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eliavraay · 1 year
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Feronia - The Four Kingdoms painting I made to feel better and practice a bit.
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eliavraay · 4 months
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Yako: "Greetings noble sir! I am Yako, the Chronicler. A traveler from the far and glorious Four Kingdoms. My goal is to see as much of the world as possible and write about my grand adventures. However, currently I am quite lost. Moa here likes to go after her stomack, you see! So I would be most grateful, if you could tell me about this seemingly never ending sea of grass!"
Storm: "You are... small. And I have never seen someone like you. How did you get this far?"
Yako: "That's quite the tale, my friend and I would be very happy to share it, if you would kindly show me the way around!"
Following the events of my original story "The Four Kingdoms", a young chronicler Yako, descides to cross the dangerous northern desert to see if the world is really dead outside and write a grand book of his adventures.
He crosses paths with many similary sentient animals and eventuall he reaches the Grasslands, where he encounters the first horse he ever sees, a young stallion named Storm. They quickly develop a friendship as Yako tells about his travels and the different things he knows.
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eliavraay · 11 months
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"The wounded god and the orphan girl"
A bit of spoilery picture, but I had to make it. One of my favorite relationships in my story is between the de-throned god Monstra and Raana.
Monstra had power over other snake's will with his magical eyes. But a rebellion was led against him and his family was masacred. A young snake Sethek managed to cut out Monstra's eyes during the battle, but couldn't kill him, so they crafted a prison for him.
Centuries later Monstra's prison is worshiped by his secret followers in the jungle, who can't break the seal keeping him imprisoned. They hold sacrifices for him in hope they can break the seal that way, but it never works and Monstra only grows disgusted at them. Until one day a little girl is about to be sacrificed and Monstra senses the power of one of his daughters in her. He sends visions to the little girl to wish his freedom and thanks to his daughter's power, the seal breaks. Monstra kills all of his worshipers but keeps little Raana safe. The little girl who just lost her parents and her life, quickly accepts him as a father-figure and becomes his most loyal priestess. Monstra often calls her "daughter" but only because of his true daughter's magic is inside her. Raana later in her adult life understands this, but chooses to ignore it.
I just... love that he grows in my head, from the generic evil god of the tale into something more complex. He is very confused, not being able to adjust his mind to the passing of time. He is furious about it and tries to keep himself to his main goal. But he still slips with names and events and it frustrates him. The only person he can trust is Raana, who sees these failings, but forgives him, because still sees him as a father. This also motivates Raana, because she believes her "father" will be better if he achieves his goal.
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eliavraay · 7 months
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Old Gods of the Four Kingdoms
A background I created as a title backdrop for my story. The gods of the snake kingdom as a mural.
Monstra, his wife Citra, and his daughters Radia and Saphira.
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eliavraay · 1 year
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Everyday problems of a huge snake
Kefra’s size makes him a monster in battles, but handycaps him in real life, since most civilized buildings never made for him to fit. ^^
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eliavraay · 1 year
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Map of the Four Kingdoms
I tried to create an official map for my world. I hope it didn't end up being too messy.
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eliavraay · 1 year
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The River Riders vs. Kefra's Marauders
This is part of an original tale I am working on, featuring snakes in a fantasy world. I really enjoy working out how different species of snakes integrate into this setting.
The Great River Luin is the main trading route of the jungle and the many settlements are ravaged by pirates. The most fearsome among them are anacondas, who are the biggest snakes in the region and very adapt fighters in the river. They are practically invincible in water and the famous River Riders, who guard the trading routes, have great losses if they have to fight one. The anacondas lead the most successful pirate gangs, Kefra being one of the most brutal among them, hence his nickname "Riderbane".
Also the Riders have some traditions about their armor and spear being a rite of passage to make by themselves. They are employed and funded by the region's King, among many different fighting forces to keep order.
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eliavraay · 5 years
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Malachite the Unborn
Another thing for my fantasy story about snakes is gods. And he is the most important of them (regarding the story).
Malachite is the third child of the main god, Monstra. Before his father was able to hatch him, rebelling mortals besieged the temple and Malachite’s egg was destroyed by the flames in the moment of his hatching. He lived only for a moment. His father could see him only for a glimpse, before the flames consumed the newborn god.
Malachite was named the patron of unborn, unwanted children, unfulfilled destiny.
His godly power is emerald green. His symbol is an unhatched egg, sometimes with his crown.
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