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futbol-xxi · 2 years ago
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¿Cuál es el historial de enfrentamientos y clasificaciones de jugadores entre el Celta de Vigo y el FC Barcelona?
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¿Cuál es el historial de enfrentamientos y clasificaciones de jugadores entre el Celta de Vigo y el FC Barcelona?
Historial de enfrentamientos Celta de Vigo vs FC Barcelona
El enfrentamiento entre el Celta de Vigo y el FC Barcelona es uno de los clásicos más destacados en la historia del fútbol español. Estos dos equipos han protagonizado numerosos encuentros llenos de emoción, rivalidad y momentos memorables a lo largo de los años.
La historia de estos enfrentamientos se remonta a décadas atrás, con partidos que han dejado huella en la memoria de los aficionados. Tanto el Celta como el Barcelona cuentan con una larga tradición futbolística y un gran número de seguidores, lo que hace que cada enfrentamiento entre ellos sea esperado con gran expectación.
A lo largo de los años, hemos sido testigos de duelos intensos y emocionantes entre estos dos equipos. Desde goleadas hasta empates dramáticos, los enfrentamientos entre el Celta y el Barcelona siempre han sido impredecibles y emocionantes.
Los aficionados han podido disfrutar de grandes jugadores enfrentándose en el terreno de juego, como Messi, Ronaldinho, Luis Suárez, o Samuel Eto'o por parte del Barcelona, y figuras como Iago Aspas, Gustavo López, o Alexander Mostovoi representando al Celta.
Cada enfrentamiento entre el Celta y el Barcelona es una oportunidad para presenciar un espectáculo de alta calidad futbolística, con jugadas brillantes, emociones a flor de piel y momentos que quedan grabados en la memoria de los aficionados.
En resumen, el historial de enfrentamientos entre el Celta de Vigo y el FC Barcelona es una parte fundamental de la historia del fútbol español, con encuentros que han dejado una huella imborrable en la memoria de los aficionados y que seguirán emocionando a las generaciones venideras.
Clasificaciones de jugadores Celta de Vigo
El Celta de Vigo es uno de los equipos más emblemáticos de la liga española de fútbol. Durante su historica, ha contado con numerosos jugadores destacados que han dejado su huella en el club. En este artículo, vamos a hablar sobre las clasificaciones de algunos de los jugadores más importantes que han vestido la camiseta del Celta de Vigo a lo largo de los años.
Empezando por la delantera, figuran jugadores como Iago Aspas, considerado uno de los mejores goleadores en la historia reciente del club. Su calidad técnica y capacidad goleadora lo han convertido en un ídolo para la afición celtista. Otro delantero destacado es Juan Carlos Valerón, conocido por su elegancia con el balón y su visión de juego excepcional.
En el centro del campo, encontramos a figuras como Alexander Mostovoi, un talentoso centrocampista ruso que brilló en el Celta con su habilidad para distribuir el juego y marcar goles decisivos. También es imposible no mencionar a Gustavo López, un incansable volante argentino que dejó todo en el campo en cada partido.
En defensa, se destacan jugadores como Fernando Caceres, un sólido central que aportó seguridad y liderazgo a la zaga celeste. Otro defensor importante es Roberto Lago, un lateral con gran capacidad para proyectarse al ataque y recuperar balones en la defensa.
Estas son solo algunas de las clasificaciones de jugadores que han dejado huella en la historia del Celta de Vigo. A lo largo de los años, el club ha contado con una larga lista de futbolistas talentosos que han defendido con orgullo su camiseta y han dejado una marca imborrable en la afición celtista.
Rivalidad histórica Celta vs Barcelona
La rivalidad entre el Celta de Vigo y el Barcelona es una de las más antiguas e históricas en el fútbol español. A lo largo de los años, estos dos equipos han protagonizado encuentros emocionantes y llenos de intensidad que han mantenido a los aficionados al borde de sus asientos.
El Celta de Vigo, fundado en 1923, es un club con una larga trayectoria en la Primera División española. A pesar de no contar con tantos títulos como el Barcelona, ha logrado destacarse en varias ocasiones por su estilo de juego atrevido y ofensivo.
Por otro lado, el Barcelona es uno de los clubes más exitosos a nivel mundial, con numerosos títulos de liga, copas y torneos internacionales en su palmarés. La rivalidad entre ambos equipos se ha acrecentado a lo largo de los años debido a la competitividad y el deseo de ambos de demostrar su superioridad en el terreno de juego.
Los enfrentamientos entre el Celta y el Barcelona suelen estar cargados de emoción y tensión, ya que ambos equipos buscan imponer su juego y conseguir la victoria. Los aficionados de ambas escuadras viven estos partidos con gran pasión y se vuelcan en apoyar a sus colores en cada encuentro.
En definitiva, la rivalidad histórica entre el Celta de Vigo y el Barcelona es un motivo de emoción y expectación en el fútbol español, con enfrentamientos que quedan grabados en la memoria de los seguidores de ambos equipos.
Estadísticas duelos Celta Vigo Barça
El partido entre el Celta de Vigo y el Barcelona es siempre uno de los más esperados de la temporada de La Liga. Ambos equipos tienen una larga historia de enfrentamientos apasionantes que han dejado huella en el fútbol español. Las estadísticas de los duelos entre el Celta y el Barça suelen reflejar la intensidad y la competencia que caracterizan a estos encuentros.
En general, el Barcelona ha tenido un historial de buen desempeño contra el Celta de Vigo en La Liga, con un alto porcentaje de victorias a lo largo de los años. Sin embargo, el equipo gallego ha logrado sorprender en más de una ocasión al gigante catalán, mostrando su potencial y capacidad para plantar cara a uno de los clubes más grandes del mundo.
Los resultados de los partidos entre el Celta y el Barcelona suelen ser reñidos y emocionantes, con un juego rápido y lleno de oportunidades de gol. Los aficionados de ambos equipos siempre esperan con ansias estos encuentros, sabiendo que pueden presenciar un espectáculo del más alto nivel.
En resumen, los enfrentamientos entre el Celta de Vigo y el Barcelona son siempre un acontecimiento destacado en el calendario de la Liga española, con estadísticas que muestran la rivalidad y la calidad futbolística de ambos equipos. Los duelos entre estos dos clubes prometen emoción, intensidad y grandes momentos para los aficionados de ambos lados.
Trayectoria enfrentamientos entre equipos rugby
En el mundo del rugby, la trayectoria de los enfrentamientos entre equipos es crucial para entender la intensidad y la rivalidad entre ellos. Cada partido es una oportunidad para demostrar la fuerza, habilidad y estrategia de los jugadores, así como la pasión y lealtad de los seguidores.
Los enfrentamientos entre equipos de rugby a menudo están marcados por momentos icónicos que quedan grabados en la memoria de los aficionados. Desde competiciones locales hasta internacionales, la historia de estos enfrentamientos está llena de emoción y competitividad.
Los enfrentamientos entre equipos rivales suelen ser especialmente intensos, ya que están motivados por la historia de rivalidad y las ansias de demostrar superioridad. La atmósfera en el campo se carga de emociones y los jugadores dan lo mejor de sí para obtener la victoria.
Algunos enfrentamientos entre equipos de rugby han trascendido las fronteras del deporte y se han convertido en verdaderos clásicos, donde se enfrentan no solo dos equipos, sino también dos culturas y tradiciones.
En resumen, la trayectoria de los enfrentamientos entre equipos de rugby es un reflejo de la pasión, competitividad y grandeza de este deporte. Cada partido es una oportunidad para presenciar actuaciones excepcionales y para celebrar la camaradería y el espíritu deportivo que caracterizan al rugby.
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rgcqblog · 3 years ago
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Sub Interior Manuel Monsalve Benavides PS 56 Médico
Sub Desarrollo Regional Miguel Crispi Serrano RD 36 Sociólogo
Sub Prevención del Delito Eduardo Vergara Bolbaran PPD 43 Cientista Político
Sub Relaciones Exteriores Ximena Fuentes Torrijo Indep. 54 Abogada
Sub Rel. Econom. Internac. José Miguel Ahumada Muga Indep. Cientista Político
Sub Defensa Fernando Ayala González PPD Economista
Sub FF.AA. Galo Eildestein Silber PC Ing.Civ.Elec./Psicol
Sub Hacienda Claudia Sanhueza Riveros RD Economista
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Sub Segpres Macarena Lobos Palacio Indep. Abogada
Sub Segegob Valeska Naranjo Dawson FC Antropóloga Soc.
Sub Econ. y Emp.Med.Tamaño Javiera Petersen Muga PC 31 Economista
Sub Turismo Verónica Kunze Neubauer Indep. Economista
Sub Pesca y Acuicultura Julio Salas Gutiérrez Indep. Abogado
Sub Evaluación Social Paula Poblete Maureira RD Economista
Sub Servicios Sociales Francisca Perales Flores CS Ing.Civil Bioquímica
Sub de la Niñez Rocío Faúndez García RD Trabajadora Social
Sub de Educación Nicolás Cataldo Astorga PC Profesor
Sub Educación Parvularia María Isabel Díaz Pérez PS Educ. de Párvulos
Sub Educación Superior Verónica Figueroa Huencho Indep. Adm. Pública
Sub de Justicia Jaime Gajardo Falcón PC Abogado
Sub Derechos Humanos Haydee Oberreuter Umazabal Indep. Profesora
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Sub del Trabajo Giorgio Boccardo Bosoni Común. Sociologo
Sub Prev. Social Christian Larraín Pizarro Indep. Ing. Comercial
Sub OO.PP. Alfredo Gutiérrez Vera Indep. Ingeniero Civil
Sub de Salud Publica Cristóbal Cuadrado Nahum RD Médico
Sub Redes Asistenciales Fernando Araos Dattoli Indep. Médico
Sub Vivienda y Urbanismo Tatiana Rojas Leiva RD Antropóloga Soc.
Sub Agricultura José Guajardo Reyes FRVS Médico Veterinario
Sub Minería Willy Kracht Gajardo CS Ing. Civil Químico
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Sub Transporte Cristobal Pineda Andradez Indep. Ing.Civil Tranpsorte
Sub Telecomunicaciones Claudio Araya San Martin PC Ing. Civil Electronic
Sub Bienes Nacionales Marilen Cabrera Olmos INDEP. Profesora
Sub Energía Julio Maturana Franca PC Ing.Civ.Hidraulico
Sub Medio Ambiente Maximiliano Proaño Ugalde CS Abogado
Sub Deporte Antonia Illanes Riquelme CS Abogada
Sub Mujer y Equidad Genero Luz Vidal Huiriqueo Indep. Trab.Casa Part.
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Sub Cultura y las Artes Andrea Gutiérrez Vásquez Indep. Actriz
Sub Patrimonio Cultural Ma. Paulina Soto Labbé RD Dra.Estud.Americ.
Sub Ciencias Carolina Gainza Cortés CS Sociologa
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World Cup Tickets: Venezuela cites a Liga MX player for Conmebol FIFA World Cup 2022 Qualifiers
In light of Ecuador and Peru for the South American qualification Qatar FIFA World Cup 2022 and a call led by striker Solomon Rondon, Leonardo Gonzalez will remain as coach of the national team Venezuela, the local federation declared this Thursday. The arrival of attacking midfielder Luis Gonzalez, a Junior Colombian, is the most notable addition to the list of 26 names provided by the Venezuelan Football Federation (FFV).
Fans from all over the world are called to book Football world Cup tickets from our online platforms WorldWideTicketsandHospitality.com. Football World Cup fans can book Venezuela Football World Cup Tickets on our website at exclusively discounted prices.
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Cariaco González, 30, is called to the Red Wine for the first time since November 2018 and is in the midst of a good season, with 7 goals and 4 assists in the league. The central Yordan Osorio (Parma, Italy) and Rondón (Everton, England) are two significant returns. Both were unable to participate in their respective national teams in 2021 due to a variety of factors.
Venezuela will meet Ecuador in Quito on November 11 and Peru in Caracas on November 16 for Football World Cup Qualifiers after being derailed in the battle for FIFA World Cup berths by sitting at the bottom of the table with only 7 points in 12 games played. Although the technician Leo Gonzalez declared in an interview with AFP last month that he would only be willing to continue at the helm of the Red wine if he did so as an official coach, he will watch two more matches.
It's really difficult to be an interim for so many games in this manner, and it's even more difficult to make decisions because the decisions must be made by whoever is available, he declared at the time. Gonzalez is also a coach for the Venezuelan league's Deport Ivo Lara. After taking over as temporary coach in August following the departure of the Portuguese, he has managed the team in six games. Jose Peseiro is responsible for the defaults. He has a one-win and five-loss record.
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The FFV's president, Jorge Gimenez, has stated that he is in talks with an international technician, and the Argentine Jose Peterman has been mentioned in the press as a possible option. For more to know about FIFA World Cup 2022 Tickets Click here
Goalkeepers: Wuilker Farinas (Lens, France), Joel Graterol (America de Cali, Colombia), and Rafael Romo (OH Leuven, Belgium).
Defenders: Roberto Rosales (AEK Larnaca, Cyprus), Ronald Hernández (Atlanta United, USA), Jefre Vargas (Metropolitans), Yordan Osorio (Parma, Italy), Nahuel Ferraresi (Estoril, Portugal), Christian Makoun (Inter Miami, USA) , Luis Adrián Martinez (Deportivo La Guairá), Oscar González (Monagas) and Daniel Carrillo (KuPS, Finland).
Midfielders: Tomas Rincon (Torino, Italy), Edson Castillo (Caracas FC), José Martinez (Philadelphia Union, USA), Junior Moreno (DC United, USA), Cristian Caceres Jr (NY Red Bulls, USA), Darwin Machís (Granada , Spain), Eduard Bello (Antofagasta, Chile), Jefferson Savarino (Atlético Mineiro) and Luis González (Junior, Colombia).
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Forwards: Brayan Hurtado (Cobresal, Chile), Fernando Aristeguieta (Puebla, Mexico), Eric Ramirez (Dynamo Kiev, Ukraine), Jan Hurtado (RB Brigantine, Brazil) and Salomon Rondón (Everton, England).
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ultrasfcb-blog · 7 years ago
VAR: Cristiano Ronaldo, Portugal & Spain get to grips with system
VAR: Cristiano Ronaldo, Portugal & Spain get to grips with system
VAR: Cristiano Ronaldo, Portugal & Spain get to grips with system
World Cup: A night of VAR – what was Match of the Day pundits’ verdict?
World Cup 2018 on the BBC Host: Russia Dates: 14 June – 15 July Live: Coverage across BBC TV, BBC Radio and BBC Sport website with further coverage on Red Button, Connected TVs and mobile app.
VAR had its most controversial night at the World Cup on Monday. And as Portugal boss Fernando Santos said – “it all got a little weird”.
On four occasions across two games of football the referee stared at a pitchside camera to decide whether he made the right decision or not. The results were mixed.
It all climaxed with two referees, 2,000km apart from each other, making simultaneous decisions in the 92nd minute of two breathless games.
In the end, Portugal drew 1-1 with Iran and Spain were held 2-2 by Morocco. Spain went through to the last 16 as Group B winners and Portugal joined them as runners-up.
What happened?
Ronaldo’s red card reprieve
Three of the decisions were made in Saransk, where Portugal just about held off Iran to make it through to the knockout stage:
Portugal penalty – with Portugal leading 1-0, Cristiano Ronaldo was barged in the box by Saeid Ezatolahi. Play continued, but on-field referee Enrique Caceres reversed his decision at the next break in play. Ronaldo’s spot-kick was saved.
Ronaldo reprieved – midway through the second half, Ronaldo, chasing the ball, tried to get around Morteze Pouraliganji. In doing so, he swung a right arm at the defender, who was struck in the mouth. Caceres reviewed the footage and decided that Ronaldo’s indiscretion only merited a yellow card.
Portugal denied – in injury time, Iran, chasing the game, lofted a ball into the Portugal box. Sardar Azmoun jumped and headed the ball into Cedric’s arm. Iran appealed for a spot-kick and, after watching a replay, Caceres concurred.
Iran equalise with controversial penalty
Meanwhile, in Kaliningrad:
Spain spared – As Iran were being awarded a penalty, Spain, trailing 2-1, thought they had equalised against Morocco through Iago Aspas’ flicked finish. The offside flag was raised immediately. When the footage of the incident was replayed, referee Ravshan Irmatov decided Aspas was onside, and Spain went top of the group.
And those were only the decisions that were reviewed.
Spain defender Gerard Pique was lucky to escape punishment for a two-footed challenge, when replays may have led to him receiving a red card.
Not only that, but Iran thought they could have had a penalty much earlier in their match against Portugal, when Sardar Azmoun was knocked over in the area.
Aspas levels for Spain with late VAR goal
‘In the rules it doesn’t say if it is Messi or Ronaldo’ – what they said
Even though Portugal were questionably punished by VAR, manager Santos still believes the system “did its job”.
“I wasn’t concerned by the three decisions,” he said. “It seemed like a normal thing in the match. The referee did what he had to do. That’s what we have to accept.”
However, Iran manager Carlos Queiroz said that “VAR is not going well”, despite his side benefiting from the late spot-kick.
Queiroz was critical of the decision not to dismiss Ronaldo, saying: “You stop the game to VAR. There is an elbow. An elbow is a red card in the rules. In the rules, it doesn’t say if it is [Barcelona and Argentina forward Lionel] Messi or Ronaldo.
“The decisions must be clear for everybody. Everybody agrees that VAR is not going well. There are a lot of complaints.
“We asked Fifa for a clarification and they refused. We just want to know who is refereeing the game, who is taking decisions in the game. We have the right to know.”
Cristiano Ronaldo said it was ‘goal accomplished’ after the draw with Iran secured Portugal’s last-16 place
Morocco could not have qualified for the last 16 after losing 1-0 to Iran and Portugal before playing Spain but were nevertheless felt hard done by after being denied a win against Spain following the intervention of VAR.
“We needed this [VAR] in the last game,” keeper Munir Mohamedi told Moroccan website Hespress. “There was an error in the goal when Portugal scored against us.
“They did not treat us in the same way. They did not look at the VAR and they did not look at the screen to confirm that there was an error. Because of this we complained.”
Morocco midfielder Faycal Fajr added: “The video technology was not used in our interest in the game against Portugal, and it was used against us ahead of the Spain equaliser. Despite this, we don’t want to look for excuses.”
‘Farcical and shambolic’ – the pundits
Former England striker Alan Shearer discussing Iran 1-1 Portugal: “That was farcical, shambolic. The referee is a very lucky guy. If Iran score at the end it would have been absolute chaos. He was hopeless today.
“How on earth can he think that is a penalty?
“It is ridiculous. How can the defender do anything about that? He is half a yard away and his eyes are closed. There is no way on earth that is deliberate handball.
“You are playing in the biggest competition in the world and it seems like VAR is on trial and it is not right.”
Former Chelsea striker Didier Drogba added: “I am a big fan of VAR because it is going to clear up a lot of situations, but at the same time it is bringing a lot of controversy. You need to find the balance and we are still looking for that.
“You see the time it took him to have a look and make the decision. We all thought it was not a penalty because he had to review it a few times before awarding it.
“There is controversy because it is the referee who decides, so we will still criticise whatever decision he makes.”
Former Manchester City full-back Pablo Zabaleta: “I like VAR and if you get it right, that is great. What I did not like is the players’ behaviour – they are acting too much. After little contact, they were rolling around the floor, complaining to the referee.”
What you said
Rhys: Personally I’d give the captain three VAR requests per game each. If they waste them, tough luck… the “clear and obvious” error rule doesn’t work cause you have to check so many to see if it is clear and that’s questionable so 50/50s get over turned. Cap it I say.
Alex Haworth: I still love VAR and think the pros of it far outweigh the cons.
Colin Macdougall: I think VAR was brought in too soon at this tournament. Should have been left till 2022. See if it’s a success by then.
Neil Holloway: VAR is bad, the way it’s used at the minute, but the most pathetic thing at this World Cup is the players falling down holding their faces and just about every other part of their body play-acting. Do they not understand how pathetic they look? Ruining football.
Amosgyan: After watching the Portugal v Iran game, if VAR is the future of football then I give up. It is no more the game I love. Not exciting to watch. Boring. It’s a disaster. Football at its worst stage.
Ben: VAR, what is it good for? Absolutely nothing.
@mr_navit on Twitter: “It seems that two things will lead to a decline in football and the World Cup. One is VAR and the other is 48 teams.”
@Persian_George on Twitter: “After the referees watched the VAR they realised that Ronaldo should receive a red card. They understood at that moment that if Ronaldo is not playing the next game FIFA will lose all its commercial and sponsoring revenues.”
Abdel Bel on Twitter: “VAR!!!! Fifa (Football Isn’t For Africa).”
What the papers said:
Spain’s Mundo Deportivo says ‘Thanks VAR’ after it allowed Iago Aspas’ late goal
Spain’s Marca also thanks the intervention of VAR in the 2-2 draw with Morocco
Sport’s headline has Spain going through top of their group after ‘a minute of madness’
Portugal’s A Bola goes with the headline ‘Magic and Suffering’ after the game against Iran
Portugal’s Record also goes with the headline of ‘Magic and Suffering’ after the 1-1 draw with Iran
BBC Sport – Football ultras_FC_Barcelona
ultras FC Barcelona - https://ultrasfcb.com/football/6870/
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romi1985 · 7 years ago
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ЗАЯВКА СБОРНОЙ УРУГВАЯ НА ЧЕМПИОНАТ МИРА 2018 В РОССИИ Team # Pos. FIFA Popular Name Birth Date Shirt Name Club Height Weight Uruguay 1 GK MUSLERA Fernando 16.06.1986 MUSLERA Galatasaray SK (TUR) 190 74 Uruguay 2 DF GIMENEZ Jose 20.01.1995 J.M. GIMENEZ Atletico Madrid (ESP) 185 77 Uruguay 3 DF GODIN Diego 16.02.1986 GODIN Atletico Madrid (ESP) 185 73 Uruguay 4 DF VARELA Guillermo 24.03.1993 VARELA CA Penarol (URU) 173 70 Uruguay 5 MF SANCHEZ Carlos 02.12.1984 SANCHEZ CF Monterrey (MEX) 171 74 Uruguay 6 MF BENTANCUR Rodrigo 25.06.1997 BENTANCUR Juventus FC (ITA) 187 73 Uruguay 7 MF RODRIGUEZ Cristian 30.09.1985 C. RODRIGUEZ CA Penarol (URU) 178 79 Uruguay 8 MF NANDEZ Nahitan 28.12.1995 NANDEZ CA Boca Juniors (ARG) 171 61 Uruguay 9 FW SUAREZ Luis 24.01.1987 SUAREZ FC Barcelona (ESP) 182 85 Uruguay 10 FW DE ARRASCAETA Giorgian 01.06.1994 DE ARRASCAETA Cruzeiro EC (BRA) 172 64 Uruguay 11 FW STUANI Cristhian 12.10.1986 STUANI Girona FC (ESP) 186 78 Uruguay 12 GK CAMPANA Martin 29.05.1989 CAMPAÑA CA Independiente (ARG) 184 79 Uruguay 13 DF SILVA Gaston 05.03.1994 G. SILVA CA Independiente (ARG) 185 74 Uruguay 14 MF TORREIRA Lucas 11.02.1996 TORREIRA UC Sampdoria (ITA) 168 61 Uruguay 15 MF VECINO Matias 24.08.1991 VECINO FC Internazionale (ITA) 189 80 Uruguay 16 DF PEREIRA Maximiliano 08.06.1984 M. PEREIRA FC Porto (POR) 173 73 Uruguay 17 MF LAXALT Diego 07.02.1993 LAXALT Genoa CFC (ITA) 178 66 Uruguay 18 FW GOMEZ Maximiliano 14.08.1996 M. GOMEZ Celta Vigo (ESP) 186 85 Uruguay 19 DF COATES Sebastian 07.10.1990 COATES Sporting CP (POR) 196 89 Uruguay 20 FW URRETAVISCAYA Jonathan 19.03.1990 URRETAVISCAYA CF Monterrey (MEX) 172 66 Uruguay 21 FW CAVANI Edinson 14.02.1987 CAVANI Paris Saint-Germain FC (FRA) 188 78 Uruguay 22 DF CACERES Martin 07.04.1987 CACERES SS Lazio (ITA) 178 75 Uruguay 23 GK SILVA Martin 25.03.1983 M. SILVA CR Vasco da Gama (BRA) 187 82
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Uruguay Squads vs Russia
Watch Uruguay vs Russia Fifa World Cup 2018 Live Match 6/23/2018. Uruguay vs Russia Fifa World Cup 2018 Highlights. Uruguay vs Russia 25 June 2018 Live Stream HD. Uruguay vs Russia Fifa World Cup 23rd June 2018 watch online Free Live. Uruguay vs Russia Fifa World Cup 2018.  
Watch Uruguay vs Russia Fifa World Cup 2018 Live Match 6/23/2018
Uruguay 23-man squad:  Goalkeepers:  Fernando Muslera, Martin Silva, Martin Campana. Defenders: Diego Godin, Sebastian Coates, Jose Maria Gimenez, Maximiliano Pereira, Gaston Silva, Martin Caceres, Guillermo Varela. Midfielders: Nahitan Nandez, Lucas Torreira, Matias Vecino, Rodrigo Bentancur, Carlos Sanchez, Giorgian De Arrascaeta, Cristian Rodriguez, Gaston Ramirez. Strikers: Cristhian Stuani, Maximiliano Gomez, Edinson Cavani, Luis Suarez.  
Russia Squad 23-man final squad:
Goalkeepers: Igor Akinfeev (CSKA Moscow), Vladimir Gabulov (Brugge), Andrei Lunyov (Zenit St. Petersburg). Defenders: Mario Fernandes (CSKA Moscow), Vladimir Granat (Rubin Kazan), Sergei Ignashevich (CSKA Moscow), Fyodor Kudryashov (Rubin Kazan), Ilya Kutepov (Spartak Moscow), Andrei Semyonov (Akhmat Grozny), Igor Smolnikov (Zenit St. Petersburg).   Midfielders: Denis Cheryshev (Villarreal), Alan Dzagoev (CSKA Moscow), Yuri Gazinsky (FC Krasnodar), Alexander Golovin (CSKA Moscow), Daler Kuzyaev (Zenit St. Petersburg), Anton Miranchuk (Lokomotiv Moscow), Alexander Samedov (Spartak Moscow), Alexander Yerokhin (Zenit St. Petersburg), Yuri Zhirkov (Zenit St. Petersburg), Roman Zobnin (Spartak Moscow). Forwards: Artyom Dzyuba (Arsenal Tula), Alexei Miranchuk (Lokomotiv Moscow), Fyodor Smolov (FC Krasnodar). Read the full article
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Qatar World Cup: The Uruguayan National Team reserved 30 foreign players for the FIFA date of October
Coach Oscar Washington Tabarez reveals which players he plans to call on in the next round of knockout games. In less than two weeks, another day begins for the South American team on the road to the next Qatar Football World Cup 2022.
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                        Uruguay will be the first opponent of the Colombian national team in October, and the Uruguayan strategist is already thinking about a duel with the tricolor, as well as with the Argentines and the Brazilians, and for this reason, has published a list of 30 Uruguayan players among the foreigners of the day.
In the list, you can see bases that work for several years, among them in the goals are Fernando Muslera of Galatasaray in Turkey and Martin Campania, who plays in Saudi Arabia. In defense, Professor Tabarez relies on Diego Godin and Martin Caceres from Serie A of Cagliari, Jose María Jiménez of Atletico Madrid and Ronald Araujo of FC Barcelona.
In midfield, the experienced strategist relies on Rodrigo Bentancur of Juventus, Lucas Torreira of Fiorentina as well as Federico Valverde of Real Madrid, and Nathan Nandes of Cagliari. In the offensive department, Luis Suarez of Atletico Madrid, Edinson Cavani of Manchester United, and Maximiliano Gomez of Valencia in Spain are worth mentioning.
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Celesta will have to compete with these players and some from Uruguayan soccer as a local against Colombia's national team on September 7, as a tourist against Lionel Messi's Argentina, and finally against Brazil.
Uruguay will have a tough day, as the last day of September was the most favorable in FIFA, as they took seven of their possible nine points, tied with Peru, and defeated Bolivia and Ecuador, making them third in the South American standings with 15 points, just three points behind second-place Argentina.
Uruguay's team lineup is now complete
Archers: Fernando Muslera, Martín Campana.
Defenders: Diego Godín, José María Giménez, Sebastián Coates, Ronald Araújo, Maximiliano Falcon, Yonathan Rak, Martín Cáceres, Marías Vina and Joaquín Piquerez.
Players: Bryan Rodriguez, Nicolas de la Cruz,  Mauro Alambari, Lucas Torreira, Rodrigo Bentancur, Matias Vecino, Federico Valverde, Manuel Ugarte, Fernando Goliaran, Nahitan Nandes, Jonathan Rodriguez, Bryan Lozano, Gaston Pereiro, David Tranz and George de Alascada.
Forwards: Luis Suarez, Darwin Nunez, Maximiliano Gomez, and Edinson Cavani.
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Qatar World Cup: Uruguay 'saved' unfamiliar stars against Colombia, Argentina and Brazil
Uruguay gave its first rundown for what will be the triple date of October of the Qatar Football World Cup 2022 Qualifiers in Conmebol. Presently he is going with Suarez and Cavani for FIFA World Cup Qualifying. Luis Suarez and Edison Cavani got back to the held rundown for Uruguay's mentor, Oscar Washington Tabarez, for the following triple date of the Qatar Football World Cup 2022 Qualifiers in which they will confront Colombia, Argentina, and Brazil in October.
Fans from all over the world are called to book Football world Cup tickets from our online platforms WorldWideTicketsandHospitality.com. Football World Cup fans can book Uruguay Football World Cup Tickets on our website at exclusively discounted prices.
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The Atletico de Madrid forward had been precluded a couple of days before the last phase of the Qatar World Cup 2022 Qualifiers in September for the Uruguay National Team because of a knee injury that took him a few days to recuperate, yet Suarez has effectively gotten back to the field of play and it very well might be considered.
Cavani, in the meantime, was excused without a second to spare by 'El Maestro' Tabriz in Uruguay because of the contention that proceeds with the Premier League that forestalled the South American footballers who are dynamic there from making a trip to guard their nations.
Uruguay looks to proceed in the primary spots of the Qualifiers
The DT, in spite of the fact that he comprehended that FIFA constrained the clubs to surrender their players, chosen to drop the 'Bullfighter' so he would not lose cadence of the game at Manchester United - since when he returned he would need to be isolated for a long time to show up with a superior level in this triple day that will be vital.
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The rundown likewise shows the arrival of protector Sebastian Coates, who couldn't be in September because of a knee injury, just as the arrival of Benfica forward Darwin Nunez, who was missing from the courts for a very long time, however, has as of now returned. Furthermore, he has even wound up at a decent footballing level.
Albeit this rundown is saved and isn't the last in Uruguay - in which it is assumed that a portion of the figures who play in the neighborhood association will likewise be incorporated there are a few astonishments, for example, that of safeguards Maximiliano Falcón and Yonatan Rake, who are dynamic in Cool and Tijuana, individually. At present, the eastern cast is in the third situation with 15 focuses, just beneath Brazil and Argentina, so this triple-stage will be key when considering getting a pass to Qatar. For more to know about Qatar World Cup Tickets Click here
Uruguay's save list for its outsiders for Qualifying
Goalkeepers: Fernando Muslera (Galastasaray) and Martín Campania (Al Batin).
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Protectors: Diego Godin (Cagliari), José Maria Jimenez (Atletico de Madrid), Sebastian Coates (Sporting Club), Joaquin Piquerez (Palmira's), Maximiliano Falcon (Cool), Yonatan Rake (Tijuana), Ronald Araujo (FC Barcelona), Matias Vina (Palmira's) and Martín Caceres (Florentine).
Midfielders: Nathan Nandez (Cagliari), Lucas Torreira (Florentine), Rodrigo Betancourt (Juventus), Mauro Arambarri (Getafe), Matias Vecino (Inter), Federico Val Verde (Real Madrid), Fernando Gorriaran (Santos Laguna), Nicolas de la Cruz (River Plate) and Manuel Ugarit (Sporting Club).
Advances: Brian Rodríguez (Los Angeles FC), Jonathan Rodríguez (Cruz Azul), Luis Suarez (Atletico de Madrid), Georgian De Arrascaeta (Flamingo), Gaston Pereira (Cagliari), David Trans (Atletico Paranaense), Brian Lozano (Santos Laguna ), Darwin Nunez (Benfica), Maxi Gómez (Valencia) and Edison Cavani (Manchester United). (EFE).
We are offering tickets for Qatar Football World Cup 2022 admirers can get Qatar Football World Cup Tickets through our trusted online ticketing marketplace. Worldwideticketsandhospitality.com is the most reliable source to book Qatar Football World Cup Hospitality tickets and Football World Cup Packages & Sign Up for the latest Tickets alerts.
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ultrasfcb-blog · 7 years ago
World Cup 2018: All the confirmed squads for this summer
World Cup 2018: All the confirmed squads for this summer
World Cup 2018: All the confirmed squads for this summer
Everton midfielder Gylfi Sigurdsson will be in Russia – who else will be?
With the 2018 Fifa World Cup fast approaching, all 32 competing nations have now named their final squad for Russia.
BBC Sport list the final 23 selected by each nation, including the England squad named by Gareth Southgate on 16 May.
Group A
Goalkeepers: Igor Akinfeev (CSKA Moscow), Vladimir Gabulov (Club Brugge), Andrey Lunyov (Zenit St Petersburg).
Defenders: Vladimir Granat, Fyodor Kudryashov (both Rubin Kazan), Ilya Kutepov (Spartak Moscow), Andrei Semyonov (Akhmat Grozny), Sergei Ignashevich, Mario Fernandes (both CSKA Moscow), Igor Smolnikov (Zenit St Petersburg).
Midfielders: Yury Gazinsky (Krasnodar), Aleksandr Golovin, Alan Dzagoev (both CSKA Moscow), Aleksandr Yerokhin, Yuri Zhirkov, Daler Kuzyaev (all Zenit St Petersburg), Roman Zobnin, Aleksandr Samedov (both Spartak Moscow), Anton Miranchuk (Lokomotiv Moscow), Denis Cheryshev (Villarreal).
Forwards: Artem Dzyuba (Arsenal Tula), Aleksei Miranchuk (Lokomotiv Moscow), Fyodor Smolov (Krasnodar).
Saudi Arabia
Goalkeepers: Mohammed Alowais, Yasser Almosailem (both Al Ahli), Abdullah Almuaiouf (Al Hilal).
Defenders: Mansoor Alharbi (Al Ahli), Yasser Alshahrani, Mohammed Alburyak (both Al Hilal), Motaz Hawsawi (Al Ahli), Osama Hawsawi (Al Hilal), Omar Othman (Al Nassr), Ali Albulayhi (Al Hilal).
Midfielders: Abdullah Alkhaibari (Al Shabab), Abdulmalek Alkhaibri, Abdullah Otayf (both Al Hilal), Taiseer Aljassam, Hussain Almoqahwi (both Al Ahli), Salman Alfaraj, Mohamed Kanno (both Al Hilal), Hatan Bahbir (Al Shabab), Salem Aldawsari (Al Hilal), Yahia Alshehri (Al Nassr).
Forwards: Mohammed Alsahlawi (Al Nassr), Muhannad Asiri (Al Ahli), Fahad Almuwallad (Al Ittihad).
Goalkeepers: Essam El Hadary (Al Taawoun), Mohamed El-Shennawy, Sherif Ekramy (both Al Ahly).
Defenders: Ahmed Fathi, Saad Samir, Ayman Ashraf (all Al Ahly), Mahmoud Hamdy (Zamalek), Mohamed Abdel-Shafy (Al Fateh), Ahmed Hegazi (West Brom), Ali Gabr (Zamalek), Ahmed Elmohamady (Aston Villa), Omar Gaber (Los Angeles FC).
Midfielders: Tarek Hamed, (Zamalek), Abdallah Said (Al Ahli), Sam Morsy (Wigan Athletic), Mohamed Elneny (Arsenal), Ramadan Sobhi (Stoke City), Mahmoud Hassan (Kasimpasa).
Forwards: Mohamed Salah (Liverpool), Marwan Mohsen (Al Ahly), Shikabala (Zamalek), Amr Warda (Atromitos), Mahmoud Kahraba (Al Ittihad).
Goalkeepers: Fernando Muslera (Galatasaray), Martin Silva (Vasco da Gama), Martin Campana (Independiente).
Defenders: Diego Godin, Jose Maria Gimenez (both Atletico Madrid), Sebastian Coates (Sporting Lisbon), Maximiliano Pereira (Porto), Gaston Silva (Independiente), Martin Caceres (Lazio), Guillermo Varela (Penarol).
Midfielders: Nahitan Nandez (Boca Juniors), Lucas Torreira (Sampdoria), Matias Vecino (Inter Milan), Rodrigo Bentancur (Juventus), Carlos Sanchez (Monterrey), Giorgian De Arrascaeta (Cruzeiro), Diego Laxalt (Genoa), Cristian Rodriguez (Penarol), Jonathan Urretaviscaya (Monterrey).
Forwards: Cristhian Stuani (Girona), Maximiliano Gomez (Celta Vigo), Edinson Cavani (Paris St-Germain), Luis Suarez (Barcelona).
Group B
Goalkeepers: Anthony Lopes (Lyon), Beto (Goztepe), Rui Patricio (Sporting Lisbon).
Defenders: Bruno Alves (Rangers), Cedric Soares (Southampton), Jose Fonte (Dalian Yifang), Mario Rui (Napoli), Pepe (Besiktas), Raphael Guerreiro (Borussia Dortmund), Ricardo Pereira (Porto), Ruben Dias (Benfica).
Midfielders: Adrien Silva (Leicester), Bruno Fernandes (Sporting Lisbon), Joao Mario (West Ham), Joao Moutinho (Monaco), Manuel Fernandes (Lokomotiv Moscow), William Carvalho (Sporting).
Forwards: Andre Silva (AC Milan), Bernardo Silva (Manchester City), Cristiano Ronaldo (Real Madrid), Gelson Martins (Sporting Lisbon), Goncalo Guedes (Valencia), Ricardo Quaresma (Besiktas).
Goalkeepers: Pepe Reina (Napoli), David de Gea (Manchester United), Kepa Arrizabalaga (Athletic Bilbao).
Defenders: Nacho Fernandez, Sergio Ramos, Dani Carvajal (all Real Madrid), Gerard Pique, Jordi Alba (both Barcelona), Alvaro Odriozola (Real Sociedad), Nacho Monreal (Arsenal), Cesar Azpilicueta (Chelsea).
Midfielders: Andres Iniesta, Sergio Busquets (both Barcelona), Saul Niguez, Koke (both Atletico Madrid), Isco, Marco Asensio (both Real Madrid), Thiago Alcantara (Bayern Munich), David Silva (Manchester City).
Forwards: Iago Aspas (Celta Vigo), Rodrigo (Valencia), Diego Costa (Atletico Madrid), Lucas Vazquez (Real Madrid).
Goalkeepers: Mounir El Kajoui (Numancia), Yassine Bounou (Girona), Ahmad Reda Tagnaouti (Ittihad Tanger).
Defenders: Mehdi Benatia (Juventus), Romain Saiss (Wolves), Manuel Da Costa (Istanbul Basaksehir), Nabil Dirar (Fenerbahce), Achraf Hakimi (Real Madrid), Hamza Mendyl (Lille).
Midfielders: M’barek Boussoufa (Al Jazira), Karim El Ahmadi (Feyenoord), Youssef Ait Bennasser (Caen), Sofyan Amrabat (Feyenoord), Younes Belhanda (Galatasaray), Faycal Fajr (Getafe), Amine Harit (Schalke).
Forwards: Khalid Boutaib (Malatyaspor), Aziz Bouhaddouz (St Pauli), Ayoub El Kaabi (Renaissance Berkane), Nordin Amrabat (Leganes), Mehdi Carcela (Standard Liege), Hakim Ziyech (Ajax), Youssef En Nesyri (Malaga).
Goalkeepers: Alireza Beiranvand (Persepolis), Rashid Mazaheri (Zob Ahan), Amir Abedzadeh (Maritimo).
Defenders: Majid Hosseini (Esteghlal), Ramin Rezaeian (Ostende), Mohammad Reza Khanzadeh (Padideh), Morteza Pouraliganji (Alsaad), Pejman Montazeri (Esteghlal), Milad Mohammadi (Akhmat Grozny), Roozbeh Cheshmi (Esteghlal).
Midfielders: Saeid Ezatolahi (Amkar Perm), Masoud Shojaei (AEK Athens), Mehdi Torabi (Saipa), Omid Ebrahimi (Esteghlal), Ehsan Haji Safi (Olympiacos), Karim Ansarifard (Olympiacos), Vahid Amiri (Persepolis).
Forwards: Alireza Jahanbakhsh (AZ Alkmaar), Mehdi Taremi (Al Gharafa), Sardar Azmoun (Rubin Kazan), Reza Ghoochannejhad (Heerenveen), Saman Ghoddos (Ostersunds), Ashkan Dejagah (Nottingham Forest).
Group C
Goalkeepers: Hugo Lloris (Tottenham), Steve Mandanda (Marseille), Alphonse Areola (Paris St-Germain).
Defenders: Lucas Hernandez (Atletico Madrid), Presnel Kimpembe (Paris St-Germain), Benjamin Mendy (Manchester City), Benjamin Pavard (Stuttgart), Adil Rami (Marseille), Djibril Sidibe (Monaco), Samuel Umtiti (Barcelona), Raphael Varane (Real Madrid).
Midfielders: N’Golo Kante (Chelsea), Blaise Matuidi (Juventus), Steven N’Zonzi (Sevilla), Paul Pogba (Manchester United), Corentin Tolisso (Bayern Munich).
Forwards: Ousmane Dembele (Barcelona), Nabil Fekir (Lyon), Olivier Giroud (Chelsea), Antoine Griezmann (Atletico Madrid), Thomas Lemar (Monaco), Kylian Mbappe (Paris St-Germain), Florian Thauvin (Marseille).
Goalkeepers: Brad Jones (Feyenoord), Mat Ryan (Brighton), Danny Vukovic (Genk).
Defenders: Aziz Behich (Bursaspor), Milos Degenek (Yokohama F. Marinos), Matthew Jurman (Suwon Samsung Blue Wings), James Meredith (Millwall), Josh Risdon (Western Sydney), Trent Sainsbury (Grasshopper Zurich).
Midfielders: Jackson Irvine (Hull City), Mile Jedinak (Aston Villa), Robbie Kruse (VfL Bochum), Massimo Luongo (QPR), Mark Milligan (Al-Ahli), Aaron Mooy (Huddersfield), Tom Rogic (Celtic), Tim Cahill (Millwall).
Forwards: Daniel Arzani (Melbourne City), Tomi Juric (Luzern), Mathew Leckie (Hertha Berlin), Andrew Nabbout (Urawa Red Diamonds), Dimitri Petratos (Newcastle Jets), Jamie Maclaren (Hibernian).
Goalkeepers: Pedro Gallese (Veracruz), Carlos Caceda (Deportivo Municipal), Jose Carvallo (UTC).
Defenders: Aldo Corzo (Universitario), Luis Advincula (Lobos Buap), Christian Ramos (Veracruz), Miguel Araujo (Alianza Lima), Alberto Rodriguez (Atletico Junior), Anderson Santamaria (Puebla), Miguel Trauco (Flamengo), Nilson Loyola (Melgar).
Midfielders: Renato Tapia (Feyenoord), Pedro Aquino (Leon), Yoshimar Yotun (Orlando City), Paolo Hurtado (Vitoria Guimaraes), Christian Cueva (Sao Paulo), Edison Flores (Aalborg), Andy Polo (Portland Timbers), Wilder Cartagena (Veracruz).
Forwards: Andre Carrillo (Benfica), Raul Ruidiaz (Morelia), Jefferson Farfan (Lokomotiv Moscow), Paolo Guerrero (Flamengo).
Goalkeepers: Kasper Schmeichel (Leicester), Frederik Ronnow (Brondby), Jonas Lossl (Huddersfield).
Defenders: Simon Kjaer (Sevilla), Mathias Jorgensen (Huddersfield), Andreas Christensen (Chelsea), Henrik Dalsgaard (Brentford), Jannik Vestergaard (Borussia Monchengladbach), Jens Stryger Larsen (Udinese), Jonas Knudsen (Ipswich).
Midfielders: Christian Eriksen (Tottenham), Lasse Schone (Ajax), Michael Krohn-Dehli (Deportivo La Coruna), Thomas Delaney (Werder Bremen), William Kvist (FC Copenhagen), Lukas Lerager (Bordeaux).
Forwards: Andreas Cornelius (Atalanta), Kasper Dolberg (Ajax), Martin Braithwaite (Middlesbrough), Nicolai Jorgensen (Feyenoord), Pione Sisto (Celta Vigo), Viktor Fischer (FC Copenhagen), Yussuf Poulsen (RB Leipzig).
Group D
Goalkeepers: Willy Caballero (Chelsea), Franco Armani (River Plate), Nahuel Guzman (Tigres).
Defenders: Gabriel Mercado (Sevilla), Federico Fazio (Roma), Nicolas Otamendi (Manchester City), Marcos Rojo (Manchester United), Nicolas Taglafico (Ajax), Javier Mascherano (Hebei Fortune), Marcos Acuna (Sporting Lisbon), Cristian Ansaldi (Torino).
Midfielders: Ever Banega (Sevilla), Lucas Biglia (AC Milan), Angel Di María, Giovani Lo Celso (both Paris St-Germain), Manuel Lanzini (West Ham), Cristian Pavon (Boca Juniors), Maximiliano Meza (Independiente), Eduardo Salvio (Benfica).
Forwards: Lionel Messi (Barcelona), Gonzalo Higuain, Paulo Dybala (both Juventus), Sergio Aguero (Manchester City).
Goalkeepers: Hannes Thor Halldorsson (Randers FC), Runar Runarsson (FC Nordsjælland), Frederik Schram (FC Roskilde).
Defenders: Kari Arnason (Vikingur), Ari Skulason (Lokeren), Birkir Saevarsson (Valur), Sverrir Ingason (FC Rostov), Hordur Magnusson (Bristol City), Holmar Eyjolfsson (Levski Sofia), Ragnar Sigurdsson (FC Rostov).
Midfielders: Johann Gudmundsson (Burnley), Birkir Bjarnason (Aston Villa), Arnor Traustason (Malmo FF), Emil Hallfredsson (Udinese), Gylfi Sigurdsson (Everton), Olafur Skulason (Kardemir Karabukspor), Rurik Gislason (SV Sandhausen), Samuel Fridjonsson (Valerenga), Aron Gunnarsson (Cardiff City).
Forwards: Alfred Finnbogason (Augsburg), Bjorn Sigurdarson (FC Rostov), Jon Dadi Bodvarsson (Reading), Albert Gudmundsson (PSV Eindhoven).
Goalkeepers: Danijel Subasic (Monaco), Lovre Kalinic (Gent), Dominik Livakovic (Dinamo Zagreb).
Defenders: Vedran Corluka (Lokomotiv Moscow), Domagoj Vida (Besiktas), Ivan Strinic (Milan), Dejan Lovren (Liverpool), Sime Vrsaljko (Atletico Madrid), Josip Pivaric (Dynamo Kiev), Tin Jedvaj (Bayer Leverkusen), Duje Caleta-Car (Red Bull Salzburg).
Midfielders: Luka Modric (Real Madrid), Ivan Rakitic (Barcelona), Mateo Kovacic (Real Madrid), Milan Badelj (Fiorentina), Marcelo Brozovic (Inter Milan), Filip Bradaric (Rijeka).
Forwards: Mario Mandzukic (Juventus), Ivan Perisic (Inter Milan), Nikola Kalinic (AC Milan), Andrej Kramaric (Hoffenheim), Marko Pjaca (Juventus), Ante Rebic (Fiorentina).
Goalkeepers: Francis Uzoho (Deportivo La Coruna), Ikechukwu Ezenwa (Enyimba), Daniel Akpeyi (Chippa United).
Defenders: William Troost-Ekong, Abdullahi Shehu (both Bursaspor), Tyronne Ebuehi (Benfica), Elderson Echiejile (Cercle Brugge), Bryan Idowu (Amkar Perm), Chidozie Awaziem (Porto), Leon Balogun (Brighton), Kenneth Omeruo (Chelsea).
Midfielders: Mikel John Obi (Tianjin Teda), Ogenyi Onazi (Trabzonspor), Wilfred Ndidi (Leicester), Oghenekaro Etebo (CD Feirense), John Ogu (Hapoel Be’er Sheva), Joel Obi (Torino, Italy).
Forwards: Ahmed Musa, Kelechi Iheanacho (both Leicester), Victor Moses (Chelsea), Odion Ighalo (Changchun Yatai), Alex Iwobi (Arsenal), Simeon Nwankwo (Crotone).
Group E
Goalkeepers: Alisson (Roma), Ederson (Manchester City), Cassio (Corinthians).
Defenders: Danilo (Manchester City), Fagner (Corinthians), Marcelo (Real Madrid), Filipe Luis (Atletico Madrid), Thiago Silva, Marquinhos (both Paris St-Germain), Miranda (Inter Milan) Pedro Geromel (Gremio).
Midfielders: Casemiro (Real Madrid), Fernandinho (Manchester City), Paulinho (Barcelona), Fred (Shakhtar Donetsk), Renato Augusto (Beijing Guoan), Philippe Coutinho (Barcelona), Willian (Chelsea), Douglas Costa (Juventus).
Forwards: Neymar Jr (Paris St-Germain), Taison (Shakhtar Donetsk), Gabriel Jesus (Manchester City), Roberto Firmino (Liverpool).
Goalkeepers: Roman Buerki (Borussia Dortmund), Yvon Mvogo (Leipzig), Yann Sommer (Borussia Monchengladbach).
Defenders: Manuel Akanji (Borussia Dortmund), Johan Djourou (Antalyaspor), Nico Elvedi (Borussia Monchengladbach), Michael Lang (Basel), Stephan Lichtsteiner (Juventus), Jacques-Francois Moubandje (Toulouse), Ricardo Rodriguez (Milan), Fabian Schaer (Deportivo La Coruna).
Midfielders: Valon Behrami (Udinese), Blerim Dzemaili (Bologna), Gelson Fernandes (Eintracht Frankfurt), Remo Freuler (Atalanta), Xherdan Shaqiri (Stoke City), Granit Xhaka (Arsenal), Steven Zuber (1899 Hoffenheim), Denis Zakaria (Borussia Monchengladbach).
Forwards: Josip Drmic (Borussia Monchengladbach), Breel Embolo (Schalke), Mario Gavranovic (Dinamo Zagreb), Haris Seferovic (Benfica).
Costa Rica
Goalkeepers: Keylor Navas (Real Madrid), Patrick Pemberton (Liga Deportiva Alajuelense), Leonel Moreira (CS Herediano).
Defenders: Cristian Gamboa (Celtic), Ian Smith (Santos de Guapiles), Ronald Matarrita (New York City), Bryan Oviedo (Sunderland), Oscar Duarte (Espanyol), Giancarlo Gonzalez (Bologna), Francisco Calvo (Minnesota United), Kendall Waston (Vancouver Whitecaps), Johnny Acosta (Rionegro Aguilas).
Midfielders: David Guzman (Portland Timbers), Yeltsin Tejeda (Lausanne-Sport), Celso Borges (Deportivo La Coruna), Randall Azofeifa (CS Herediano), Rodney Wallace (New York City), Bryan Ruiz (Sporting Lisbon), Daniel Colindres, Christian Bolanos (both Deportivo Saprissa).
Forwards: Johan Venegas (Deportivo Saprissa), Joel Campbell (Real Betis), Marco Urena (Los Angeles FC).
Goalkeepers: Vladimir Stojkovic (Partizan Belgrade), Predrag Rajkovic (Maccabi Tel Aviv), Marko Dmitrovic (Eibar).
Defenders: Aleksandar Kolarov (Roma), Branislav Ivanovic (Zenit St Petersburg), Dusko Tosic (Guangzhou R&F), Antonio Rukavina (Villarreal), Milos Veljkovic (Werder Bremen), Milan Rodic (Red Star Belgrade), Uros Spajic (Krasnodar), Nikola Milenkovic (Fiorentina).
Midfielders: Nemanja Matic (Manchester United), Luka Milivojevic (Crystal Palace), Sergej Milinkovic-Savic (Lazio), Marko Grujic (Liverpool), Adem Ljajic (Torino), Dusan Tadic (Southampton), Filip Kostic (Hamburg), Andrija Zivkovic (Benfica), Nemanja Radonjic (Red Star Belgrade).
Strikers: Aleksandar Mitrovic (Newcastle United), Aleksandar Prijovic (PAOK Salonika), Luka Jovic (Benfica).
Group F
Goalkeepers: Manuel Neuer (Bayern Munich), Marc-Andre ter Stegen (Barcelona), Kevin Trapp (Paris St-Germain).
Defenders: Jerome Boateng (Bayern Munich), Matthias Ginter (Borussia Monchengladbach), Jonas Hector (Cologne), Mats Hummels (Bayern Munich), Joshua Kimmich (Bayern Munich), Marvin Plattenhardt (Hertha Berlin), Antonio Rudiger (Chelsea), Niklas Sule (Bayern Munich).
Midfielders: Julian Brandt (Bayer Leverkusen), Julian Draxler (Paris St-Germain), Leon Goretska (Schalke), Ilkay Gundogan (Manchester City), Sami Khedira (Juventus), Toni Kroos (Real Madrid), Mesut Ozil (Arsenal), Sebastian Rudy (Bayern Munich).
Strikers: Mario Gomez (Stuttgart), Thomas Muller (Bayern Munich), Marco Reus (Borussia Dortmund), Timo Werner (RB Leipzig).
Goalkeepers: Guillermo Ochoa (Standard Liege), Alfredo Talavera (Toluca), Jesus Corona (Cruz Azul).
Defenders: Carlos Salcedo (Eintracht Frankfurt), Diego Reyes (Porto), Hector Moreno (Real Sociedad), Hugo Ayala (Tigres), Edson Alvarez (America), Jesus Gallardo (Monterrey), Miguel Layun (Sevilla).
Midfielders: Rafael Marquez (Atlas), Hector Herrera (Porto), Jonathan dos Santos, Giovani dos Santos (both LA Galaxy), Andres Guardado (Real Betis), Javier Aquino (Tigres), Jesus Corona (Porto).
Forwards: Javier Hernandez (West Ham), Raul Jimenez (Benfica), Oribe Peralta (America), Carlos Vela (Los Angeles FC), Hirving Lozano (PSV Eindhoven), Marco Fabian (Eintracht Frankfurt).
Goalkeepers: Robin Olsen (Copenhagen), Karl-Johan Johnsson (Guingamp), Kristoffer Nordfeldt (Swansea).
Defenders: Mikael Lustig (Celtic), Victor Lindelof (Manchester United), Andreas Granqvist (Krasnador), Martin Olsson (Swansea), Ludwig Augustinsson (Werder Bremen), Filip Helander, Emil Krafth (both Bologna), Pontus Jansson (Leeds United).
Midfielders: Sebastian Larsson (Hull), Albin Ekdal (Hamburg), Emil Forsberg (RB Leipzig), Gustav Svensson (Seattle Sounders), Oscar Hiljemark (Genoa), Viktor Claesson (Krasnador), Marcus Rohden (Crotone), Jimmy Durmaz (Toulouse).
Forwards: Marcus Berg (Al Ain), John Guidetti (Alaves), Ola Toivonen (Toulouse), Isaac Kiese Thelin (Waasland-Beveren).
South Korea
Goalkeepers: Kim Seung-gyu (Vissel Kobe), Kim Jin-hyeon (Cerezo Osaka), Cho Hyun-woo (Daegu FC).
Defenders: Kim young-gwon (Guangzhou Evergrande), Jang Hyun-soo (FC Tokyo), Jung Seung-hyun (Sagan Tosu), Yun Yong-sun (Seongnam FC), Oh Ban-suk (Jeju United), Kim Min-woo (Sangju Sangmu), Park Joo-ho (Ulsan Hyundai), Hong Chul (Sangju Sangmu), Go Yo-han (FC Seoul), Lee Yong (Jeonbuk Hyundai Motors).
Midfielders: Ki Sung-yueng (Swansea), Jung Woo-young (Vissel Kobe), Ju Se-jong (Asan Mugunghwa), Koo Ja-cheol (Augsburg), Lee Jae-sung (Jeonbuk Hyundai Motors), Lee Seung-woo (Hellas Verona), Moon Seon-min (Incheon United).
Forwards: Kim Shin-wook (Jeonbuk Hyundai Motors), Son Heung-min (Tottenham), Hwang Hee-chan (Red Bull Salzburg).
Group G
Goalkeepers: Koen Casteels (Wolfsburg), Thibaut Courtois (Chelsea), Simon Mignolet (Liverpool).
Defenders: Toby Alderweireld (Tottenham), Dedryck Boyata (Celtic), Vincent Kompany (Manchester City), Thomas Meunier (Paris St-Germain), Thomas Vermaelen (Barcelona), Jan Vertonghen (Tottenham).
Midfielders: Yannick Carrasco (Dalian Yifang), Kevin de Bruyne (Manchester City), Mousa Dembele (Tottenham), Leander Dendoncker (Anderlecht), Marouane Fellaini (Manchester United), Eden Hazard (Chelsea), Thorgan Hazard (Borussia Monchengladbach), Adnan Januzaj (Real Sociedad), Youri Tielemans (Monaco), Axel Witsel (Tianjin Quanjian).
Forwards: Michy Batshuayi (Chelsea), Nacer Chadli (West Brom), Romelu Lukaku (Manchester United), Dries Mertens (Napoli).
Goalkeepers: Jose Calderon (Chorrillo), Jaime Penedo (Dinamo Bucharest), Alex Rodriguez (San Francisco).
Defenders: Felipe Baloy (Municipal CSD), Harold Cummings (San Jose Earthquakes), Erick Davis (Dunajska Streda), Fidel Escobar (San Miguelito), Michael Murillo (New York Red Bulls), Adolfo Machado (Houston Dynamo), Luis Ovalle (Olimpia), Roman Torres (Seattle Sounders).
Midfielders: Jose Luis Rodriguez (Gent), Yoel Barcenas (Cafetaleros de Tapachula), Armando Cooper (Universidad de Chile), Anibal Godoy (San Jose Earthquakes), Gabriel Gomez (Bucaramanga), Valentin Pimentel (Plaza Amador), Alberto Quintero (Universitario).
Forwards: Abdiel Arroyo (Alajuelense), Ismael Diaz (Deportivo La Coruna), Blas Perez (Municipal), Luis Tejada (Sports Boys), Gabriel Torres (CD Huachipato).
Goalkeepers: Farouk Ben Mustapha (Al Shabab), Mouez Hassen (Nice), Aymen Mathlouthi (Al Baten).
Defenders: Rami Bedoui (Etoile du Sahel), Yohan Benalouane (Leicester), Syam Ben Youssef (Kasimpasa), Dylan Bronn (Gent), Oussama Haddadi (Dijon), Ali Maaloul (Al Ahly), Yassine Meriah (CS Sfaxien), Hamdi Nagguez (Zamalek).
Midfielders: Wahbi Khazri (Rennes), Anice Badri (Esperance), Mohamed Amine Ben Amor (Etoile Sportive du Sahel), Ferjani Sassi (Al Nasr), Ellyes Skhiri (Montpellier).
Forwards: Saifeddine Khaoui (Marseille), Fakhreddine Ben Youssef (Al Ettifaq), Saber Khalifa (Club Africain), Bassem Srarfi (Nice), Naim Sliti (Lille), Ahmed Khalil (Club Africain), Ghaylen Chaaleli (Esperance).
Goalkeepers: Jack Butland (Stoke), Jordan Pickford (Everton), Nick Pope (Burnley).
Defenders: Trent Alexander-Arnold (Liverpool), Gary Cahill (Chelsea), Fabian Delph (Manchester City), Phil Jones (Manchester United), Harry Maguire (Leicester), Danny Rose (Tottenham), John Stones (Manchester City), Kieran Trippier (Tottenham), Kyle Walker (Manchester City), Ashley Young (Manchester United).
Midfielders: Dele Alli, Eric Dier (both Tottenham), Jordan Henderson (Liverpool), Jesse Lingard (Manchester United), Ruben Loftus-Cheek (Chelsea).
Forwards: Harry Kane (Tottenham), Marcus Rashford (Manchester United), Raheem Sterling (Manchester City), Jamie Vardy (Leicester), Danny Welbeck (Arsenal).
Group H
Goalkeepers: Bartosz Bialkowski (Ipswich), Lukasz Fabianski (Swansea City), Wojciech Szczesny (Juventus).
Defenders: Jan Bednarek (Southampton), Bartosz Bereszynski (Sampdoria), Thiago Cionek (SPAL), Kamil Glik (Monaco), Artur Jedrzejczyk (Legia Warsaw), Michal Pazdan (Legia Warsaw), Lukasz Piszczek (Borussia Dortmund).
Midfielders: Jakub Blaszczykowski (Wolfsburg), Jacek Goralski (Ludogorets Razgrad), Kamil Grosicki (Hull City), Grzegorz Krychowiak (Paris St-Germain), Rafal Kurzawa (Gornik Zabrze), Karol Linetty (Sampdoria), Slawomir Peszko (Lechnia Gdansk), Maciej Rybus (Lokomotiv Moscow), Piotr Zielinski (Napoli).
Forwards: Dawid Kownacki (Sampdoria), Robert Lewandowski (Bayern Munich), Arkadiusz Milik (Napoli), Lukasz Teodorczyk (Anderlecht).
Goalkeepers: Khadim N’Diaye (Horoya AC), Abdoulaye Diallo (Rennes), Alfred Gomis (Torino).
Defenders: Kara Mbodji (Anderlecht), Kalidou Koulibaly (Napoli), Moussa Wague (Eupen), Saliou Ciss (Angers), Youssouf Sabaly (Bordeaux), Lamine Gassama (Alanyaspor).
Midfielders: Badou Ndiaye (Stoke), Idrissa Gueye (Everton), Cheikhou Kouyate (West Ham), Cheikh N’Doye (Birmingham), Salif Sane (Hannover 96), Alfred N’Diaye (Villarreal).
Forwards: Moussa Sow (Bursaspor), Sadio Mane (Liverpool), Keita Balde Diao (Monaco), Moussa Konate (Amiens), Ismaila Sarr (Rennes), Diafra Sakho (Rennes), Mame Biram Diouf (Stoke), M’Baye Niang (AC Milan).
Goalkeepers: David Ospina (Arsenal), Camilo Vargas (Deportivo Cali), Jose Fernando Cuadrado (Once Caldas).
Defenders: Cristian Zapata (Milan), Davinson Sanchez (Tottenham), Santiago Arias (PSV Eindhoven), Oscar Murillo (Pachuca), Frank Fabra (Boca Juniors), Johan Mojica (Girona), Yerry Mina (Barcelona).
Midfielders: Wílmar Barrios (Boca Juniors), Carlos Sanchez (Espanyol), Jefferson Lerma (Levante), Jose Izquierdo (Brighton), James Rodriguez (Bayern Munich), Abel Aguilar (Deportivo Cali), Mateus Uribe (America), Juan Fernando Quintero (River Plate), Juan Cuadrado (Juventus).
Forwards: Radamel Falcao (Monaco), Miguel Borja (Palmeiras), Carlos Bacca (Villarreal), Luis Fernando Muriel (Sevilla).
Goalkeepers: Eiji Kawashima (Metz), Masaaki Higashiguchi (Gamba Osaka), Kosuke Nakamura (Kashiwa Reysol).
Defenders: Yuto Nagatomo (Galatasaray), Tomoaki Makino, Wataru Endo (both Urawa Reds), Maya Yoshida (Southampton), Hiroki Sakai (Marseille), Gotoku Sakai (Hamburg), Gen Shoji, Naomichi Ueda (both Kashima Antlers).
Midfielders: Makoto Hasebe (Eintracht Frankfurt), Keisuke Honda (Pachuca), Takashi Inui (Eibar), Shinji Kagawa (Dortmund), Hotaru Yamaguchi (Cerezo Osaka), Genki Haraguchi (Hertha Berlin), Takashi Usami (Augsburg), Gaku Shibasaki (Getafe), Ryota Oshima (Kawasaki Frontale).
Forwards: Shinji Okazaki (Leicester), Yuya Osako (Werder Bremen), Yoshinori Muto (Mainz).
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ultrasfcb-blog · 7 years ago
World Cup 2018: All of the confirmed squads for this summer season
World Cup 2018: All of the confirmed squads for this summer season
World Cup 2018: All of the confirmed squads for this summer season
Everton midfielder Gylfi Sigurdsson shall be in Russia – who else shall be?
With the 2018 Fifa World Cup quick approaching, all 32 competing nations have now named their last squad for Russia.
BBC Sport record the ultimate 23 chosen by every nation, together with the England squad named by Gareth Southgate on 16 May.
Group A
Goalkeepers: Igor Akinfeev (CSKA Moscow), Vladimir Gabulov (Membership Brugge), Andrey Lunyov (Zenit St Petersburg).
Defenders: Vladimir Granat, Fyodor Kudryashov (each Rubin Kazan), Ilya Kutepov (Spartak Moscow), Andrei Semyonov (Akhmat Grozny), Sergei Ignashevich, Mario Fernandes (each CSKA Moscow), Igor Smolnikov (Zenit St Petersburg).
Midfielders: Yury Gazinsky (Krasnodar), Aleksandr Golovin, Alan Dzagoev (each CSKA Moscow), Aleksandr Yerokhin, Yuri Zhirkov, Daler Kuzyaev (all Zenit St Petersburg), Roman Zobnin, Aleksandr Samedov (each Spartak Moscow), Anton Miranchuk (Lokomotiv Moscow), Denis Cheryshev (Villarreal).
Forwards: Artem Dzyuba (Arsenal Tula), Aleksei Miranchuk (Lokomotiv Moscow), Fyodor Smolov (Krasnodar).
Saudi Arabia
Goalkeepers: Mohammed Alowais, Yasser Almosailem (each Al Ahli), Abdullah Almuaiouf (Al Hilal).
Defenders: Mansoor Alharbi (Al Ahli), Yasser Alshahrani, Mohammed Alburyak (each Al Hilal), Motaz Hawsawi (Al Ahli), Osama Hawsawi (Al Hilal), Omar Othman (Al Nassr), Ali Albulayhi (Al Hilal).
Midfielders: Abdullah Alkhaibari (Al Shabab), Abdulmalek Alkhaibri, Abdullah Otayf (each Al Hilal), Taiseer Aljassam, Hussain Almoqahwi (each Al Ahli), Salman Alfaraj, Mohamed Kanno (each Al Hilal), Hatan Bahbir (Al Shabab), Salem Aldawsari (Al Hilal), Yahia Alshehri (Al Nassr).
Forwards: Mohammed Alsahlawi (Al Nassr), Muhannad Asiri (Al Ahli), Fahad Almuwallad (Al Ittihad).
Goalkeepers: Essam El Hadary (Al Taawoun), Mohamed El-Shennawy, Sherif Ekramy (each Al Ahly).
Defenders: Ahmed Fathi, Saad Samir, Ayman Ashraf (all Al Ahly), Mahmoud Hamdy (Zamalek), Mohamed Abdel-Shafy (Al Fateh), Ahmed Hegazi (West Brom), Ali Gabr (Zamalek), Ahmed Elmohamady (Aston Villa), Omar Gaber (Los Angeles FC).
Midfielders: Tarek Hamed, (Zamalek), Abdallah Stated (Al Ahli), Sam Morsy (Wigan Athletic), Mohamed Elneny (Arsenal), Ramadan Sobhi (Stoke Metropolis), Mahmoud Hassan (Kasimpasa).
Forwards: Mohamed Salah (Liverpool), Marwan Mohsen (Al Ahly), Shikabala (Zamalek), Amr Warda (Atromitos), Mahmoud Kahraba (Al Ittihad).
Goalkeepers: Fernando Muslera (Galatasaray), Martin Silva (Vasco da Gama), Martin Campana (Independiente).
Defenders: Diego Godin, Jose Maria Gimenez (each Atletico Madrid), Sebastian Coates (Sporting Lisbon), Maximiliano Pereira (Porto), Gaston Silva (Independiente), Martin Caceres (Lazio), Guillermo Varela (Penarol).
Midfielders: Nahitan Nandez (Boca Juniors), Lucas Torreira (Sampdoria), Matias Vecino (Inter Milan), Rodrigo Bentancur (Juventus), Carlos Sanchez (Monterrey), Giorgian De Arrascaeta (Cruzeiro), Diego Laxalt (Genoa), Cristian Rodriguez (Penarol), Jonathan Urretaviscaya (Monterrey).
Forwards: Cristhian Stuani (Girona), Maximiliano Gomez (Celta Vigo), Edinson Cavani (Paris St-Germain), Luis Suarez (Barcelona).
Group B
Goalkeepers: Anthony Lopes (Lyon), Beto (Goztepe), Rui Patricio (Sporting Lisbon).
Defenders: Bruno Alves (Rangers), Cedric Soares (Southampton), Jose Fonte (Dalian Yifang), Mario Rui (Napoli), Pepe (Besiktas), Raphael Guerreiro (Borussia Dortmund), Ricardo Pereira (Porto), Ruben Dias (Benfica).
Midfielders: Adrien Silva (Leicester), Bruno Fernandes (Sporting Lisbon), Joao Mario (West Ham), Joao Moutinho (Monaco), Manuel Fernandes (Lokomotiv Moscow), William Carvalho (Sporting).
Forwards: Andre Silva (AC Milan), Bernardo Silva (Manchester Metropolis), Cristiano Ronaldo (Actual Madrid), Gelson Martins (Sporting Lisbon), Goncalo Guedes (Valencia), Ricardo Quaresma (Besiktas).
Goalkeepers: Pepe Reina (Napoli), David de Gea (Manchester United), Kepa Arrizabalaga (Athletic Bilbao).
Defenders: Nacho Fernandez, Sergio Ramos, Dani Carvajal (all Actual Madrid), Gerard Pique, Jordi Alba (each Barcelona), Alvaro Odriozola (Actual Sociedad), Nacho Monreal (Arsenal), Cesar Azpilicueta (Chelsea).
Midfielders: Andres Iniesta, Sergio Busquets (each Barcelona), Saul Niguez, Koke (each Atletico Madrid), Isco, Marco Asensio (each Actual Madrid), Thiago Alcantara (Bayern Munich), David Silva (Manchester Metropolis).
Forwards: Iago Aspas (Celta Vigo), Rodrigo (Valencia), Diego Costa (Atletico Madrid), Lucas Vazquez (Actual Madrid).
Goalkeepers: Mounir El Kajoui (Numancia), Yassine Bounou (Girona), Ahmad Reda Tagnaouti (Ittihad Tanger).
Defenders: Mehdi Benatia (Juventus), Romain Saiss (Wolves), Manuel Da Costa (Istanbul Basaksehir), Nabil Dirar (Fenerbahce), Achraf Hakimi (Actual Madrid), Hamza Mendyl (Lille).
Midfielders: M’barek Boussoufa (Al Jazira), Karim El Ahmadi (Feyenoord), Youssef Ait Bennasser (Caen), Sofyan Amrabat (Feyenoord), Younes Belhanda (Galatasaray), Faycal Fajr (Getafe), Amine Harit (Schalke).
Forwards: Khalid Boutaib (Malatyaspor), Aziz Bouhaddouz (St Pauli), Ayoub El Kaabi (Renaissance Berkane), Nordin Amrabat (Leganes), Mehdi Carcela (Customary Liege), Hakim Ziyech (Ajax), Youssef En Nesyri (Malaga).
Goalkeepers: Alireza Beiranvand (Persepolis), Rashid Mazaheri (Zob Ahan), Amir Abedzadeh (Maritimo).
Defenders: Majid Hosseini (Esteghlal), Ramin Rezaeian (Ostende), Mohammad Reza Khanzadeh (Padideh), Morteza Pouraliganji (Alsaad), Pejman Montazeri (Esteghlal), Milad Mohammadi (Akhmat Grozny), Roozbeh Cheshmi (Esteghlal).
Midfielders: Saeid Ezatolahi (Amkar Perm), Masoud Shojaei (AEK Athens), Mehdi Torabi (Saipa), Omid Ebrahimi (Esteghlal), Ehsan Haji Safi (Olympiacos), Karim Ansarifard (Olympiacos), Vahid Amiri (Persepolis).
Forwards: Alireza Jahanbakhsh (AZ Alkmaar), Mehdi Taremi (Al Gharafa), Sardar Azmoun (Rubin Kazan), Reza Ghoochannejhad (Heerenveen), Saman Ghoddos (Ostersunds), Ashkan Dejagah (Nottingham Forest).
Group C
Goalkeepers: Hugo Lloris (Tottenham), Steve Mandanda (Marseille), Alphonse Areola (Paris St-Germain).
Defenders: Lucas Hernandez (Atletico Madrid), Presnel Kimpembe (Paris St-Germain), Benjamin Mendy (Manchester Metropolis), Benjamin Pavard (Stuttgart), Adil Rami (Marseille), Djibril Sidibe (Monaco), Samuel Umtiti (Barcelona), Raphael Varane (Actual Madrid).
Midfielders: N’Golo Kante (Chelsea), Blaise Matuidi (Juventus), Steven N’Zonzi (Sevilla), Paul Pogba (Manchester United), Corentin Tolisso (Bayern Munich).
Forwards: Ousmane Dembele (Barcelona), Nabil Fekir (Lyon), Olivier Giroud (Chelsea), Antoine Griezmann (Atletico Madrid), Thomas Lemar (Monaco), Kylian Mbappe (Paris St-Germain), Florian Thauvin (Marseille).
Goalkeepers: Brad Jones (Feyenoord), Mat Ryan (Brighton), Danny Vukovic (Genk).
Defenders: Aziz Behich (Bursaspor), Milos Degenek (Yokohama F. Marinos), Matthew Jurman (Suwon Samsung Blue Wings), James Meredith (Millwall), Josh Risdon (Western Sydney), Trent Sainsbury (Grasshopper Zurich).
Midfielders: Jackson Irvine (Hull Metropolis), Mile Jedinak (Aston Villa), Robbie Kruse (VfL Bochum), Massimo Luongo (QPR), Mark Milligan (Al-Ahli), Aaron Mooy (Huddersfield), Tom Rogic (Celtic), Tim Cahill (Millwall).
Forwards: Daniel Arzani (Melbourne Metropolis), Tomi Juric (Luzern), Mathew Leckie (Hertha Berlin), Andrew Nabbout (Urawa Crimson Diamonds), Dimitri Petratos (Newcastle Jets), Jamie Maclaren (Hibernian).
Goalkeepers: Pedro Gallese (Veracruz), Carlos Caceda (Deportivo Municipal), Jose Carvallo (UTC).
Defenders: Aldo Corzo (Universitario), Luis Advincula (Lobos Buap), Christian Ramos (Veracruz), Miguel Araujo (Alianza Lima), Alberto Rodriguez (Atletico Junior), Anderson Santamaria (Puebla), Miguel Trauco (Flamengo), Nilson Loyola (Melgar).
Midfielders: Renato Tapia (Feyenoord), Pedro Aquino (Leon), Yoshimar Yotun (Orlando Metropolis), Paolo Hurtado (Vitoria Guimaraes), Christian Cueva (Sao Paulo), Edison Flores (Aalborg), Andy Polo (Portland Timbers), Wilder Cartagena (Veracruz).
Forwards: Andre Carrillo (Benfica), Raul Ruidiaz (Morelia), Jefferson Farfan (Lokomotiv Moscow), Paolo Guerrero (Flamengo).
Goalkeepers: Kasper Schmeichel (Leicester), Frederik Ronnow (Brondby), Jonas Lossl (Huddersfield).
Defenders: Simon Kjaer (Sevilla), Mathias Jorgensen (Huddersfield), Andreas Christensen (Chelsea), Henrik Dalsgaard (Brentford), Jannik Vestergaard (Borussia Monchengladbach), Jens Stryger Larsen (Udinese), Jonas Knudsen (Ipswich).
Midfielders: Christian Eriksen (Tottenham), Lasse Schone (Ajax), Michael Krohn-Dehli (Deportivo La Coruna), Thomas Delaney (Werder Bremen), William Kvist (FC Copenhagen), Lukas Lerager (Bordeaux).
Forwards: Andreas Cornelius (Atalanta), Kasper Dolberg (Ajax), Martin Braithwaite (Middlesbrough), Nicolai Jorgensen (Feyenoord), Pione Sisto (Celta Vigo), Viktor Fischer (FC Copenhagen), Yussuf Poulsen (RB Leipzig).
Group D
Goalkeepers: Willy Caballero (Chelsea), Franco Armani (River Plate), Nahuel Guzman (Tigres).
Defenders: Gabriel Mercado (Sevilla), Federico Fazio (Roma), Nicolas Otamendi (Manchester Metropolis), Marcos Rojo (Manchester United), Nicolas Taglafico (Ajax), Javier Mascherano (Hebei Fortune), Marcos Acuna (Sporting Lisbon), Cristian Ansaldi (Torino).
Midfielders: Ever Banega (Sevilla), Lucas Biglia (AC Milan), Angel Di María, Giovani Lo Celso (each Paris St-Germain), Manuel Lanzini (West Ham), Cristian Pavon (Boca Juniors), Maximiliano Meza (Independiente), Eduardo Salvio (Benfica).
Forwards: Lionel Messi (Barcelona), Gonzalo Higuain, Paulo Dybala (each Juventus), Sergio Aguero (Manchester Metropolis).
Goalkeepers: Hannes Thor Halldorsson (Randers FC), Runar Runarsson (FC Nordsjælland), Frederik Schram (FC Roskilde).
Defenders: Kari Arnason (Vikingur), Ari Skulason (Lokeren), Birkir Saevarsson (Valur), Sverrir Ingason (FC Rostov), Hordur Magnusson (Bristol Metropolis), Holmar Eyjolfsson (Levski Sofia), Ragnar Sigurdsson (FC Rostov).
Midfielders: Johann Gudmundsson (Burnley), Birkir Bjarnason (Aston Villa), Arnor Traustason (Malmo FF), Emil Hallfredsson (Udinese), Gylfi Sigurdsson (Everton), Olafur Skulason (Kardemir Karabukspor), Rurik Gislason (SV Sandhausen), Samuel Fridjonsson (Valerenga), Aron Gunnarsson (Cardiff Metropolis).
Forwards: Alfred Finnbogason (Augsburg), Bjorn Sigurdarson (FC Rostov), Jon Dadi Bodvarsson (Studying), Albert Gudmundsson (PSV Eindhoven).
Goalkeepers: Danijel Subasic (Monaco), Lovre Kalinic (Gent), Dominik Livakovic (Dinamo Zagreb).
Defenders: Vedran Corluka (Lokomotiv Moscow), Domagoj Vida (Besiktas), Ivan Strinic (Milan), Dejan Lovren (Liverpool), Sime Vrsaljko (Atletico Madrid), Josip Pivaric (Dynamo Kiev), Tin Jedvaj (Bayer Leverkusen), Duje Caleta-Automobile (Crimson Bull Salzburg).
Midfielders: Luka Modric (Actual Madrid), Ivan Rakitic (Barcelona), Mateo Kovacic (Actual Madrid), Milan Badelj (Fiorentina), Marcelo Brozovic (Inter Milan), Filip Bradaric (Rijeka).
Forwards: Mario Mandzukic (Juventus), Ivan Perisic (Inter Milan), Nikola Kalinic (AC Milan), Andrej Kramaric (Hoffenheim), Marko Pjaca (Juventus), Ante Rebic (Fiorentina).
Goalkeepers: Francis Uzoho (Deportivo La Coruna), Ikechukwu Ezenwa (Enyimba), Daniel Akpeyi (Chippa United).
Defenders: William Troost-Ekong, Abdullahi Shehu (each Bursaspor), Tyronne Ebuehi (Benfica), Elderson Echiejile (Cercle Brugge), Bryan Idowu (Amkar Perm), Chidozie Awaziem (Porto), Leon Balogun (Brighton), Kenneth Omeruo (Chelsea).
Midfielders: Mikel John Obi (Tianjin Teda), Ogenyi Onazi (Trabzonspor), Wilfred Ndidi (Leicester), Oghenekaro Etebo (CD Feirense), John Ogu (Hapoel Be’er Sheva), Joel Obi (Torino, Italy).
Forwards: Ahmed Musa, Kelechi Iheanacho (each Leicester), Victor Moses (Chelsea), Odion Ighalo (Changchun Yatai), Alex Iwobi (Arsenal), Simeon Nwankwo (Crotone).
Group E
Goalkeepers: Alisson (Roma), Ederson (Manchester Metropolis), Cassio (Corinthians).
Defenders: Danilo (Manchester Metropolis), Fagner (Corinthians), Marcelo (Actual Madrid), Filipe Luis (Atletico Madrid), Thiago Silva, Marquinhos (each Paris St-Germain), Miranda (Inter Milan) Pedro Geromel (Gremio).
Midfielders: Casemiro (Actual Madrid), Fernandinho (Manchester Metropolis), Paulinho (Barcelona), Fred (Shakhtar Donetsk), Renato Augusto (Beijing Guoan), Philippe Coutinho (Barcelona), Willian (Chelsea), Douglas Costa (Juventus).
Forwards: Neymar Jr (Paris St-Germain), Taison (Shakhtar Donetsk), Gabriel Jesus (Manchester Metropolis), Roberto Firmino (Liverpool).
Goalkeepers: Roman Buerki (Borussia Dortmund), Yvon Mvogo (Leipzig), Yann Sommer (Borussia Monchengladbach).
Defenders: Manuel Akanji (Borussia Dortmund), Johan Djourou (Antalyaspor), Nico Elvedi (Borussia Monchengladbach), Michael Lang (Basel), Stephan Lichtsteiner (Juventus), Jacques-Francois Moubandje (Toulouse), Ricardo Rodriguez (Milan), Fabian Schaer (Deportivo La Coruna).
Midfielders: Valon Behrami (Udinese), Blerim Dzemaili (Bologna), Gelson Fernandes (Eintracht Frankfurt), Remo Freuler (Atalanta), Xherdan Shaqiri (Stoke Metropolis), Granit Xhaka (Arsenal), Steven Zuber (1899 Hoffenheim), Denis Zakaria (Borussia Monchengladbach).
Forwards: Josip Drmic (Borussia Monchengladbach), Breel Embolo (Schalke), Mario Gavranovic (Dinamo Zagreb), Haris Seferovic (Benfica).
Costa Rica
Goalkeepers: Keylor Navas (Actual Madrid), Patrick Pemberton (Liga Deportiva Alajuelense), Leonel Moreira (CS Herediano).
Defenders: Cristian Gamboa (Celtic), Ian Smith (Santos de Guapiles), Ronald Matarrita (New York Metropolis), Bryan Oviedo (Sunderland), Oscar Duarte (Espanyol), Giancarlo Gonzalez (Bologna), Francisco Calvo (Minnesota United), Kendall Waston (Vancouver Whitecaps), Johnny Acosta (Rionegro Aguilas).
Midfielders: David Guzman (Portland Timbers), Yeltsin Tejeda (Lausanne-Sport), Celso Borges (Deportivo La Coruna), Randall Azofeifa (CS Herediano), Rodney Wallace (New York Metropolis), Bryan Ruiz (Sporting Lisbon), Daniel Colindres, Christian Bolanos (each Deportivo Saprissa).
Forwards: Johan Venegas (Deportivo Saprissa), Joel Campbell (Actual Betis), Marco Urena (Los Angeles FC).
Goalkeepers: Vladimir Stojkovic (Partizan Belgrade), Predrag Rajkovic (Maccabi Tel Aviv), Marko Dmitrovic (Eibar).
Defenders: Aleksandar Kolarov (Roma), Branislav Ivanovic (Zenit St Petersburg), Dusko Tosic (Guangzhou R&F), Antonio Rukavina (Villarreal), Milos Veljkovic (Werder Bremen), Milan Rodic (Crimson Star Belgrade), Uros Spajic (Krasnodar), Nikola Milenkovic (Fiorentina).
Midfielders: Nemanja Matic (Manchester United), Luka Milivojevic (Crystal Palace), Sergej Milinkovic-Savic (Lazio), Marko Grujic (Liverpool), Adem Ljajic (Torino), Dusan Tadic (Southampton), Filip Kostic (Hamburg), Andrija Zivkovic (Benfica), Nemanja Radonjic (Crimson Star Belgrade).
Strikers: Aleksandar Mitrovic (Newcastle United), Aleksandar Prijovic (PAOK Salonika), Luka Jovic (Benfica).
Group F
Goalkeepers: Manuel Neuer (Bayern Munich), Marc-Andre ter Stegen (Barcelona), Kevin Trapp (Paris St-Germain).
Defenders: Jerome Boateng (Bayern Munich), Matthias Ginter (Borussia Monchengladbach), Jonas Hector (Cologne), Mats Hummels (Bayern Munich), Joshua Kimmich (Bayern Munich), Marvin Plattenhardt (Hertha Berlin), Antonio Rudiger (Chelsea), Niklas Sule (Bayern Munich).
Midfielders: Julian Brandt (Bayer Leverkusen), Julian Draxler (Paris St-Germain), Leon Goretska (Schalke), Ilkay Gundogan (Manchester Metropolis), Sami Khedira (Juventus), Toni Kroos (Actual Madrid), Mesut Ozil (Arsenal), Sebastian Rudy (Bayern Munich).
Strikers: Mario Gomez (Stuttgart), Thomas Muller (Bayern Munich), Marco Reus (Borussia Dortmund), Timo Werner (RB Leipzig).
Goalkeepers: Guillermo Ochoa (Customary Liege), Alfredo Talavera (Toluca), Jesus Corona (Cruz Azul).
Defenders: Carlos Salcedo (Eintracht Frankfurt), Diego Reyes (Porto), Hector Moreno (Actual Sociedad), Hugo Ayala (Tigres), Edson Alvarez (America), Jesus Gallardo (Monterrey), Miguel Layun (Sevilla).
Midfielders: Rafael Marquez (Atlas), Hector Herrera (Porto), Jonathan dos Santos, Giovani dos Santos (each LA Galaxy), Andres Guardado (Actual Betis), Javier Aquino (Tigres), Jesus Corona (Porto).
Forwards: Javier Hernandez (West Ham), Raul Jimenez (Benfica), Oribe Peralta (America), Carlos Vela (Los Angeles FC), Hirving Lozano (PSV Eindhoven), Marco Fabian (Eintracht Frankfurt).
Goalkeepers: Robin Olsen (Copenhagen), Karl-Johan Johnsson (Guingamp), Kristoffer Nordfeldt (Swansea).
Defenders: Mikael Lustig (Celtic), Victor Lindelof (Manchester United), Andreas Granqvist (Krasnador), Martin Olsson (Swansea), Ludwig Augustinsson (Werder Bremen), Filip Helander, Emil Krafth (each Bologna), Pontus Jansson (Leeds United).
Midfielders: Sebastian Larsson (Hull), Albin Ekdal (Hamburg), Emil Forsberg (RB Leipzig), Gustav Svensson (Seattle Sounders), Oscar Hiljemark (Genoa), Viktor Claesson (Krasnador), Marcus Rohden (Crotone), Jimmy Durmaz (Toulouse).
Forwards: Marcus Berg (Al Ain), John Guidetti (Alaves), Ola Toivonen (Toulouse), Isaac Kiese Thelin (Waasland-Beveren).
South Korea
Goalkeepers: Kim Seung-gyu (Vissel Kobe), Kim Jin-hyeon (Cerezo Osaka), Cho Hyun-woo (Daegu FC).
Defenders: Kim young-gwon (Guangzhou Evergrande), Jang Hyun-soo (FC Tokyo), Jung Seung-hyun (Sagan Tosu), Yun Yong-sun (Seongnam FC), Oh Ban-suk (Jeju United), Kim Min-woo (Sangju Sangmu), Park Joo-ho (Ulsan Hyundai), Hong Chul (Sangju Sangmu), Go Yo-han (FC Seoul), Lee Yong (Jeonbuk Hyundai Motors).
Midfielders: Ki Sung-yueng (Swansea), Jung Woo-young (Vissel Kobe), Ju Se-jong (Asan Mugunghwa), Koo Ja-cheol (Augsburg), Lee Jae-sung (Jeonbuk Hyundai Motors), Lee Seung-woo (Hellas Verona), Moon Seon-min (Incheon United).
Forwards: Kim Shin-wook (Jeonbuk Hyundai Motors), Son Heung-min (Tottenham), Hwang Hee-chan (Crimson Bull Salzburg).
Group G
Goalkeepers: Koen Casteels (Wolfsburg), Thibaut Courtois (Chelsea), Simon Mignolet (Liverpool).
Defenders: Toby Alderweireld (Tottenham), Dedryck Boyata (Celtic), Vincent Kompany (Manchester Metropolis), Thomas Meunier (Paris St-Germain), Thomas Vermaelen (Barcelona), Jan Vertonghen (Tottenham).
Midfielders: Yannick Carrasco (Dalian Yifang), Kevin de Bruyne (Manchester Metropolis), Mousa Dembele (Tottenham), Leander Dendoncker (Anderlecht), Marouane Fellaini (Manchester United), Eden Hazard (Chelsea), Thorgan Hazard (Borussia Monchengladbach), Adnan Januzaj (Actual Sociedad), Youri Tielemans (Monaco), Axel Witsel (Tianjin Quanjian).
Forwards: Michy Batshuayi (Chelsea), Nacer Chadli (West Brom), Romelu Lukaku (Manchester United), Dries Mertens (Napoli).
Goalkeepers: Jose Calderon (Chorrillo), Jaime Penedo (Dinamo Bucharest), Alex Rodriguez (San Francisco).
Defenders: Felipe Baloy (Municipal CSD), Harold Cummings (San Jose Earthquakes), Erick Davis (Dunajska Streda), Fidel Escobar (San Miguelito), Michael Murillo (New York Crimson Bulls), Adolfo Machado (Houston Dynamo), Luis Ovalle (Olimpia), Roman Torres (Seattle Sounders).
Midfielders: Jose Luis Rodriguez (Gent), Yoel Barcenas (Cafetaleros de Tapachula), Armando Cooper (Universidad de Chile), Anibal Godoy (San Jose Earthquakes), Gabriel Gomez (Bucaramanga), Valentin Pimentel (Plaza Amador), Alberto Quintero (Universitario).
Forwards: Abdiel Arroyo (Alajuelense), Ismael Diaz (Deportivo La Coruna), Blas Perez (Municipal), Luis Tejada (Sports activities Boys), Gabriel Torres (CD Huachipato).
Goalkeepers: Farouk Ben Mustapha (Al Shabab), Mouez Hassen (Good), Aymen Mathlouthi (Al Baten).
Defenders: Rami Bedoui (Etoile du Sahel), Yohan Benalouane (Leicester), Syam Ben Youssef (Kasimpasa), Dylan Bronn (Gent), Oussama Haddadi (Dijon), Ali Maaloul (Al Ahly), Yassine Meriah (CS Sfaxien), Hamdi Nagguez (Zamalek).
Midfielders: Wahbi Khazri (Rennes), Anice Badri (Esperance), Mohamed Amine Ben Amor (Etoile Sportive du Sahel), Ferjani Sassi (Al Nasr), Ellyes Skhiri (Montpellier).
Forwards: Saifeddine Khaoui (Marseille), Fakhreddine Ben Youssef (Al Ettifaq), Saber Khalifa (Membership Africain), Bassem Srarfi (Good), Naim Sliti (Lille), Ahmed Khalil (Membership Africain), Ghaylen Chaaleli (Esperance).
Goalkeepers: Jack Butland (Stoke), Jordan Pickford (Everton), Nick Pope (Burnley).
Defenders: Trent Alexander-Arnold (Liverpool), Gary Cahill (Chelsea), Fabian Delph (Manchester Metropolis), Phil Jones (Manchester United), Harry Maguire (Leicester), Danny Rose (Tottenham), John Stones (Manchester Metropolis), Kieran Trippier (Tottenham), Kyle Walker (Manchester Metropolis), Ashley Younger (Manchester United).
Midfielders: Dele Alli, Eric Dier (each Tottenham), Jordan Henderson (Liverpool), Jesse Lingard (Manchester United), Ruben Loftus-Cheek (Chelsea).
Forwards: Harry Kane (Tottenham), Marcus Rashford (Manchester United), Raheem Sterling (Manchester Metropolis), Jamie Vardy (Leicester), Danny Welbeck (Arsenal).
Group H
Goalkeepers: Bartosz Bialkowski (Ipswich), Lukasz Fabianski (Swansea Metropolis), Wojciech Szczesny (Juventus).
Defenders: Jan Bednarek (Southampton), Bartosz Bereszynski (Sampdoria), Thiago Cionek (SPAL), Kamil Glik (Monaco), Artur Jedrzejczyk (Legia Warsaw), Michal Pazdan (Legia Warsaw), Lukasz Piszczek (Borussia Dortmund).
Midfielders: Jakub Blaszczykowski (Wolfsburg), Jacek Goralski (Ludogorets Razgrad), Kamil Grosicki (Hull Metropolis), Grzegorz Krychowiak (Paris St-Germain), Rafal Kurzawa (Gornik Zabrze), Karol Linetty (Sampdoria), Slawomir Peszko (Lechnia Gdansk), Maciej Rybus (Lokomotiv Moscow), Piotr Zielinski (Napoli).
Forwards: Dawid Kownacki (Sampdoria), Robert Lewandowski (Bayern Munich), Arkadiusz Milik (Napoli), Lukasz Teodorczyk (Anderlecht).
Goalkeepers: Khadim N’Diaye (Horoya AC), Abdoulaye Diallo (Rennes), Alfred Gomis (Torino).
Defenders: Kara Mbodji (Anderlecht), Kalidou Koulibaly (Napoli), Moussa Wague (Eupen), Saliou Ciss (Angers), Youssouf Sabaly (Bordeaux), Lamine Gassama (Alanyaspor).
Midfielders: Badou Ndiaye (Stoke), Idrissa Gueye (Everton), Cheikhou Kouyate (West Ham), Cheikh N’Doye (Birmingham), Salif Sane (Hannover 96), Alfred N’Diaye (Villarreal).
Forwards: Moussa Sow (Bursaspor), Sadio Mane (Liverpool), Keita Balde Diao (Monaco), Moussa Konate (Amiens), Ismaila Sarr (Rennes), Diafra Sakho (Rennes), Mame Biram Diouf (Stoke), M’Baye Niang (AC Milan).
Goalkeepers: David Ospina (Arsenal), Camilo Vargas (Deportivo Cali), Jose Fernando Cuadrado (As soon as Caldas).
Defenders: Cristian Zapata (Milan), Davinson Sanchez (Tottenham), Santiago Arias (PSV Eindhoven), Oscar Murillo (Pachuca), Frank Fabra (Boca Juniors), Johan Mojica (Girona), Yerry Mina (Barcelona).
Midfielders: Wílmar Barrios (Boca Juniors), Carlos Sanchez (Espanyol), Jefferson Lerma (Levante), Jose Izquierdo (Brighton), James Rodriguez (Bayern Munich), Abel Aguilar (Deportivo Cali), Mateus Uribe (America), Juan Fernando Quintero (River Plate), Juan Cuadrado (Juventus).
Forwards: Radamel Falcao (Monaco), Miguel Borja (Palmeiras), Carlos Bacca (Villarreal), Luis Fernando Muriel (Sevilla).
Goalkeepers: Eiji Kawashima (Metz), Masaaki Higashiguchi (Gamba Osaka), Kosuke Nakamura (Kashiwa Reysol).
Defenders: Yuto Nagatomo (Galatasaray), Tomoaki Makino, Wataru Endo (each Urawa Reds), Maya Yoshida (Southampton), Hiroki Sakai (Marseille), Gotoku Sakai (Hamburg), Gen Shoji, Naomichi Ueda (each Kashima Antlers).
Midfielders: Makoto Hasebe (Eintracht Frankfurt), Keisuke Honda (Pachuca), Takashi Inui (Eibar), Shinji Kagawa (Dortmund), Hotaru Yamaguchi (Cerezo Osaka), Genki Haraguchi (Hertha Berlin), Takashi Usami (Augsburg), Gaku Shibasaki (Getafe), Ryota Oshima (Kawasaki Frontale).
Forwards: Shinji Okazaki (Leicester), Yuya Osako (Werder Bremen), Yoshinori Muto (Mainz).
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ultrasfcb-blog · 7 years ago
World Cup 2018: All of the confirmed squads for this summer season
World Cup 2018: All of the confirmed squads for this summer season
World Cup 2018: All of the confirmed squads for this summer season
Everton midfielder Gylfi Sigurdsson shall be in Russia – who else shall be?
With the 2018 Fifa World Cup quick approaching, all 32 competing nations have now named their last squad for Russia.
BBC Sport record the ultimate 23 chosen by every nation, together with the England squad named by Gareth Southgate on 16 May.
Group A
Goalkeepers: Igor Akinfeev (CSKA Moscow), Vladimir Gabulov (Membership Brugge), Andrey Lunyov (Zenit St Petersburg).
Defenders: Vladimir Granat, Fyodor Kudryashov (each Rubin Kazan), Ilya Kutepov (Spartak Moscow), Andrei Semyonov (Akhmat Grozny), Sergei Ignashevich, Mario Fernandes (each CSKA Moscow), Igor Smolnikov (Zenit St Petersburg).
Midfielders: Yury Gazinsky (Krasnodar), Aleksandr Golovin, Alan Dzagoev (each CSKA Moscow), Aleksandr Yerokhin, Yuri Zhirkov, Daler Kuzyaev (all Zenit St Petersburg), Roman Zobnin, Aleksandr Samedov (each Spartak Moscow), Anton Miranchuk (Lokomotiv Moscow), Denis Cheryshev (Villarreal).
Forwards: Artem Dzyuba (Arsenal Tula), Aleksei Miranchuk (Lokomotiv Moscow), Fyodor Smolov (Krasnodar).
Saudi Arabia
Goalkeepers: Mohammed Alowais, Yasser Almosailem (each Al Ahli), Abdullah Almuaiouf (Al Hilal).
Defenders: Mansoor Alharbi (Al Ahli), Yasser Alshahrani, Mohammed Alburyak (each Al Hilal), Motaz Hawsawi (Al Ahli), Osama Hawsawi (Al Hilal), Omar Othman (Al Nassr), Ali Albulayhi (Al Hilal).
Midfielders: Abdullah Alkhaibari (Al Shabab), Abdulmalek Alkhaibri, Abdullah Otayf (each Al Hilal), Taiseer Aljassam, Hussain Almoqahwi (each Al Ahli), Salman Alfaraj, Mohamed Kanno (each Al Hilal), Hatan Bahbir (Al Shabab), Salem Aldawsari (Al Hilal), Yahia Alshehri (Al Nassr).
Forwards: Mohammed Alsahlawi (Al Nassr), Muhannad Asiri (Al Ahli), Fahad Almuwallad (Al Ittihad).
Goalkeepers: Essam El Hadary (Al Taawoun), Mohamed El-Shennawy, Sherif Ekramy (each Al Ahly).
Defenders: Ahmed Fathi, Saad Samir, Ayman Ashraf (all Al Ahly), Mahmoud Hamdy (Zamalek), Mohamed Abdel-Shafy (Al Fateh), Ahmed Hegazi (West Brom), Ali Gabr (Zamalek), Ahmed Elmohamady (Aston Villa), Omar Gaber (Los Angeles FC).
Midfielders: Tarek Hamed, (Zamalek), Abdallah Stated (Al Ahli), Sam Morsy (Wigan Athletic), Mohamed Elneny (Arsenal), Ramadan Sobhi (Stoke Metropolis), Mahmoud Hassan (Kasimpasa).
Forwards: Mohamed Salah (Liverpool), Marwan Mohsen (Al Ahly), Shikabala (Zamalek), Amr Warda (Atromitos), Mahmoud Kahraba (Al Ittihad).
Goalkeepers: Fernando Muslera (Galatasaray), Martin Silva (Vasco da Gama), Martin Campana (Independiente).
Defenders: Diego Godin, Jose Maria Gimenez (each Atletico Madrid), Sebastian Coates (Sporting Lisbon), Maximiliano Pereira (Porto), Gaston Silva (Independiente), Martin Caceres (Lazio), Guillermo Varela (Penarol).
Midfielders: Nahitan Nandez (Boca Juniors), Lucas Torreira (Sampdoria), Matias Vecino (Inter Milan), Rodrigo Bentancur (Juventus), Carlos Sanchez (Monterrey), Giorgian De Arrascaeta (Cruzeiro), Diego Laxalt (Genoa), Cristian Rodriguez (Penarol), Jonathan Urretaviscaya (Monterrey).
Forwards: Cristhian Stuani (Girona), Maximiliano Gomez (Celta Vigo), Edinson Cavani (Paris St-Germain), Luis Suarez (Barcelona).
Group B
Goalkeepers: Anthony Lopes (Lyon), Beto (Goztepe), Rui Patricio (Sporting Lisbon).
Defenders: Bruno Alves (Rangers), Cedric Soares (Southampton), Jose Fonte (Dalian Yifang), Mario Rui (Napoli), Pepe (Besiktas), Raphael Guerreiro (Borussia Dortmund), Ricardo Pereira (Porto), Ruben Dias (Benfica).
Midfielders: Adrien Silva (Leicester), Bruno Fernandes (Sporting Lisbon), Joao Mario (West Ham), Joao Moutinho (Monaco), Manuel Fernandes (Lokomotiv Moscow), William Carvalho (Sporting).
Forwards: Andre Silva (AC Milan), Bernardo Silva (Manchester Metropolis), Cristiano Ronaldo (Actual Madrid), Gelson Martins (Sporting Lisbon), Goncalo Guedes (Valencia), Ricardo Quaresma (Besiktas).
Goalkeepers: Pepe Reina (Napoli), David de Gea (Manchester United), Kepa Arrizabalaga (Athletic Bilbao).
Defenders: Nacho Fernandez, Sergio Ramos, Dani Carvajal (all Actual Madrid), Gerard Pique, Jordi Alba (each Barcelona), Alvaro Odriozola (Actual Sociedad), Nacho Monreal (Arsenal), Cesar Azpilicueta (Chelsea).
Midfielders: Andres Iniesta, Sergio Busquets (each Barcelona), Saul Niguez, Koke (each Atletico Madrid), Isco, Marco Asensio (each Actual Madrid), Thiago Alcantara (Bayern Munich), David Silva (Manchester Metropolis).
Forwards: Iago Aspas (Celta Vigo), Rodrigo (Valencia), Diego Costa (Atletico Madrid), Lucas Vazquez (Actual Madrid).
Goalkeepers: Mounir El Kajoui (Numancia), Yassine Bounou (Girona), Ahmad Reda Tagnaouti (Ittihad Tanger).
Defenders: Mehdi Benatia (Juventus), Romain Saiss (Wolves), Manuel Da Costa (Istanbul Basaksehir), Nabil Dirar (Fenerbahce), Achraf Hakimi (Actual Madrid), Hamza Mendyl (Lille).
Midfielders: M’barek Boussoufa (Al Jazira), Karim El Ahmadi (Feyenoord), Youssef Ait Bennasser (Caen), Sofyan Amrabat (Feyenoord), Younes Belhanda (Galatasaray), Faycal Fajr (Getafe), Amine Harit (Schalke).
Forwards: Khalid Boutaib (Malatyaspor), Aziz Bouhaddouz (St Pauli), Ayoub El Kaabi (Renaissance Berkane), Nordin Amrabat (Leganes), Mehdi Carcela (Customary Liege), Hakim Ziyech (Ajax), Youssef En Nesyri (Malaga).
Goalkeepers: Alireza Beiranvand (Persepolis), Rashid Mazaheri (Zob Ahan), Amir Abedzadeh (Maritimo).
Defenders: Majid Hosseini (Esteghlal), Ramin Rezaeian (Ostende), Mohammad Reza Khanzadeh (Padideh), Morteza Pouraliganji (Alsaad), Pejman Montazeri (Esteghlal), Milad Mohammadi (Akhmat Grozny), Roozbeh Cheshmi (Esteghlal).
Midfielders: Saeid Ezatolahi (Amkar Perm), Masoud Shojaei (AEK Athens), Mehdi Torabi (Saipa), Omid Ebrahimi (Esteghlal), Ehsan Haji Safi (Olympiacos), Karim Ansarifard (Olympiacos), Vahid Amiri (Persepolis).
Forwards: Alireza Jahanbakhsh (AZ Alkmaar), Mehdi Taremi (Al Gharafa), Sardar Azmoun (Rubin Kazan), Reza Ghoochannejhad (Heerenveen), Saman Ghoddos (Ostersunds), Ashkan Dejagah (Nottingham Forest).
Group C
Goalkeepers: Hugo Lloris (Tottenham), Steve Mandanda (Marseille), Alphonse Areola (Paris St-Germain).
Defenders: Lucas Hernandez (Atletico Madrid), Presnel Kimpembe (Paris St-Germain), Benjamin Mendy (Manchester Metropolis), Benjamin Pavard (Stuttgart), Adil Rami (Marseille), Djibril Sidibe (Monaco), Samuel Umtiti (Barcelona), Raphael Varane (Actual Madrid).
Midfielders: N’Golo Kante (Chelsea), Blaise Matuidi (Juventus), Steven N’Zonzi (Sevilla), Paul Pogba (Manchester United), Corentin Tolisso (Bayern Munich).
Forwards: Ousmane Dembele (Barcelona), Nabil Fekir (Lyon), Olivier Giroud (Chelsea), Antoine Griezmann (Atletico Madrid), Thomas Lemar (Monaco), Kylian Mbappe (Paris St-Germain), Florian Thauvin (Marseille).
Goalkeepers: Brad Jones (Feyenoord), Mat Ryan (Brighton), Danny Vukovic (Genk).
Defenders: Aziz Behich (Bursaspor), Milos Degenek (Yokohama F. Marinos), Matthew Jurman (Suwon Samsung Blue Wings), James Meredith (Millwall), Josh Risdon (Western Sydney), Trent Sainsbury (Grasshopper Zurich).
Midfielders: Jackson Irvine (Hull Metropolis), Mile Jedinak (Aston Villa), Robbie Kruse (VfL Bochum), Massimo Luongo (QPR), Mark Milligan (Al-Ahli), Aaron Mooy (Huddersfield), Tom Rogic (Celtic), Tim Cahill (Millwall).
Forwards: Daniel Arzani (Melbourne Metropolis), Tomi Juric (Luzern), Mathew Leckie (Hertha Berlin), Andrew Nabbout (Urawa Crimson Diamonds), Dimitri Petratos (Newcastle Jets), Jamie Maclaren (Hibernian).
Goalkeepers: Pedro Gallese (Veracruz), Carlos Caceda (Deportivo Municipal), Jose Carvallo (UTC).
Defenders: Aldo Corzo (Universitario), Luis Advincula (Lobos Buap), Christian Ramos (Veracruz), Miguel Araujo (Alianza Lima), Alberto Rodriguez (Atletico Junior), Anderson Santamaria (Puebla), Miguel Trauco (Flamengo), Nilson Loyola (Melgar).
Midfielders: Renato Tapia (Feyenoord), Pedro Aquino (Leon), Yoshimar Yotun (Orlando Metropolis), Paolo Hurtado (Vitoria Guimaraes), Christian Cueva (Sao Paulo), Edison Flores (Aalborg), Andy Polo (Portland Timbers), Wilder Cartagena (Veracruz).
Forwards: Andre Carrillo (Benfica), Raul Ruidiaz (Morelia), Jefferson Farfan (Lokomotiv Moscow), Paolo Guerrero (Flamengo).
Goalkeepers: Kasper Schmeichel (Leicester), Frederik Ronnow (Brondby), Jonas Lossl (Huddersfield).
Defenders: Simon Kjaer (Sevilla), Mathias Jorgensen (Huddersfield), Andreas Christensen (Chelsea), Henrik Dalsgaard (Brentford), Jannik Vestergaard (Borussia Monchengladbach), Jens Stryger Larsen (Udinese), Jonas Knudsen (Ipswich).
Midfielders: Christian Eriksen (Tottenham), Lasse Schone (Ajax), Michael Krohn-Dehli (Deportivo La Coruna), Thomas Delaney (Werder Bremen), William Kvist (FC Copenhagen), Lukas Lerager (Bordeaux).
Forwards: Andreas Cornelius (Atalanta), Kasper Dolberg (Ajax), Martin Braithwaite (Middlesbrough), Nicolai Jorgensen (Feyenoord), Pione Sisto (Celta Vigo), Viktor Fischer (FC Copenhagen), Yussuf Poulsen (RB Leipzig).
Group D
Goalkeepers: Willy Caballero (Chelsea), Franco Armani (River Plate), Nahuel Guzman (Tigres).
Defenders: Gabriel Mercado (Sevilla), Federico Fazio (Roma), Nicolas Otamendi (Manchester Metropolis), Marcos Rojo (Manchester United), Nicolas Taglafico (Ajax), Javier Mascherano (Hebei Fortune), Marcos Acuna (Sporting Lisbon), Cristian Ansaldi (Torino).
Midfielders: Ever Banega (Sevilla), Lucas Biglia (AC Milan), Angel Di María, Giovani Lo Celso (each Paris St-Germain), Manuel Lanzini (West Ham), Cristian Pavon (Boca Juniors), Maximiliano Meza (Independiente), Eduardo Salvio (Benfica).
Forwards: Lionel Messi (Barcelona), Gonzalo Higuain, Paulo Dybala (each Juventus), Sergio Aguero (Manchester Metropolis).
Goalkeepers: Hannes Thor Halldorsson (Randers FC), Runar Runarsson (FC Nordsjælland), Frederik Schram (FC Roskilde).
Defenders: Kari Arnason (Vikingur), Ari Skulason (Lokeren), Birkir Saevarsson (Valur), Sverrir Ingason (FC Rostov), Hordur Magnusson (Bristol Metropolis), Holmar Eyjolfsson (Levski Sofia), Ragnar Sigurdsson (FC Rostov).
Midfielders: Johann Gudmundsson (Burnley), Birkir Bjarnason (Aston Villa), Arnor Traustason (Malmo FF), Emil Hallfredsson (Udinese), Gylfi Sigurdsson (Everton), Olafur Skulason (Kardemir Karabukspor), Rurik Gislason (SV Sandhausen), Samuel Fridjonsson (Valerenga), Aron Gunnarsson (Cardiff Metropolis).
Forwards: Alfred Finnbogason (Augsburg), Bjorn Sigurdarson (FC Rostov), Jon Dadi Bodvarsson (Studying), Albert Gudmundsson (PSV Eindhoven).
Goalkeepers: Danijel Subasic (Monaco), Lovre Kalinic (Gent), Dominik Livakovic (Dinamo Zagreb).
Defenders: Vedran Corluka (Lokomotiv Moscow), Domagoj Vida (Besiktas), Ivan Strinic (Milan), Dejan Lovren (Liverpool), Sime Vrsaljko (Atletico Madrid), Josip Pivaric (Dynamo Kiev), Tin Jedvaj (Bayer Leverkusen), Duje Caleta-Automobile (Crimson Bull Salzburg).
Midfielders: Luka Modric (Actual Madrid), Ivan Rakitic (Barcelona), Mateo Kovacic (Actual Madrid), Milan Badelj (Fiorentina), Marcelo Brozovic (Inter Milan), Filip Bradaric (Rijeka).
Forwards: Mario Mandzukic (Juventus), Ivan Perisic (Inter Milan), Nikola Kalinic (AC Milan), Andrej Kramaric (Hoffenheim), Marko Pjaca (Juventus), Ante Rebic (Fiorentina).
Goalkeepers: Francis Uzoho (Deportivo La Coruna), Ikechukwu Ezenwa (Enyimba), Daniel Akpeyi (Chippa United).
Defenders: William Troost-Ekong, Abdullahi Shehu (each Bursaspor), Tyronne Ebuehi (Benfica), Elderson Echiejile (Cercle Brugge), Bryan Idowu (Amkar Perm), Chidozie Awaziem (Porto), Leon Balogun (Brighton), Kenneth Omeruo (Chelsea).
Midfielders: Mikel John Obi (Tianjin Teda), Ogenyi Onazi (Trabzonspor), Wilfred Ndidi (Leicester), Oghenekaro Etebo (CD Feirense), John Ogu (Hapoel Be’er Sheva), Joel Obi (Torino, Italy).
Forwards: Ahmed Musa, Kelechi Iheanacho (each Leicester), Victor Moses (Chelsea), Odion Ighalo (Changchun Yatai), Alex Iwobi (Arsenal), Simeon Nwankwo (Crotone).
Group E
Goalkeepers: Alisson (Roma), Ederson (Manchester Metropolis), Cassio (Corinthians).
Defenders: Danilo (Manchester Metropolis), Fagner (Corinthians), Marcelo (Actual Madrid), Filipe Luis (Atletico Madrid), Thiago Silva, Marquinhos (each Paris St-Germain), Miranda (Inter Milan) Pedro Geromel (Gremio).
Midfielders: Casemiro (Actual Madrid), Fernandinho (Manchester Metropolis), Paulinho (Barcelona), Fred (Shakhtar Donetsk), Renato Augusto (Beijing Guoan), Philippe Coutinho (Barcelona), Willian (Chelsea), Douglas Costa (Juventus).
Forwards: Neymar Jr (Paris St-Germain), Taison (Shakhtar Donetsk), Gabriel Jesus (Manchester Metropolis), Roberto Firmino (Liverpool).
Goalkeepers: Roman Buerki (Borussia Dortmund), Yvon Mvogo (Leipzig), Yann Sommer (Borussia Monchengladbach).
Defenders: Manuel Akanji (Borussia Dortmund), Johan Djourou (Antalyaspor), Nico Elvedi (Borussia Monchengladbach), Michael Lang (Basel), Stephan Lichtsteiner (Juventus), Jacques-Francois Moubandje (Toulouse), Ricardo Rodriguez (Milan), Fabian Schaer (Deportivo La Coruna).
Midfielders: Valon Behrami (Udinese), Blerim Dzemaili (Bologna), Gelson Fernandes (Eintracht Frankfurt), Remo Freuler (Atalanta), Xherdan Shaqiri (Stoke Metropolis), Granit Xhaka (Arsenal), Steven Zuber (1899 Hoffenheim), Denis Zakaria (Borussia Monchengladbach).
Forwards: Josip Drmic (Borussia Monchengladbach), Breel Embolo (Schalke), Mario Gavranovic (Dinamo Zagreb), Haris Seferovic (Benfica).
Costa Rica
Goalkeepers: Keylor Navas (Actual Madrid), Patrick Pemberton (Liga Deportiva Alajuelense), Leonel Moreira (CS Herediano).
Defenders: Cristian Gamboa (Celtic), Ian Smith (Santos de Guapiles), Ronald Matarrita (New York Metropolis), Bryan Oviedo (Sunderland), Oscar Duarte (Espanyol), Giancarlo Gonzalez (Bologna), Francisco Calvo (Minnesota United), Kendall Waston (Vancouver Whitecaps), Johnny Acosta (Rionegro Aguilas).
Midfielders: David Guzman (Portland Timbers), Yeltsin Tejeda (Lausanne-Sport), Celso Borges (Deportivo La Coruna), Randall Azofeifa (CS Herediano), Rodney Wallace (New York Metropolis), Bryan Ruiz (Sporting Lisbon), Daniel Colindres, Christian Bolanos (each Deportivo Saprissa).
Forwards: Johan Venegas (Deportivo Saprissa), Joel Campbell (Actual Betis), Marco Urena (Los Angeles FC).
Goalkeepers: Vladimir Stojkovic (Partizan Belgrade), Predrag Rajkovic (Maccabi Tel Aviv), Marko Dmitrovic (Eibar).
Defenders: Aleksandar Kolarov (Roma), Branislav Ivanovic (Zenit St Petersburg), Dusko Tosic (Guangzhou R&F), Antonio Rukavina (Villarreal), Milos Veljkovic (Werder Bremen), Milan Rodic (Crimson Star Belgrade), Uros Spajic (Krasnodar), Nikola Milenkovic (Fiorentina).
Midfielders: Nemanja Matic (Manchester United), Luka Milivojevic (Crystal Palace), Sergej Milinkovic-Savic (Lazio), Marko Grujic (Liverpool), Adem Ljajic (Torino), Dusan Tadic (Southampton), Filip Kostic (Hamburg), Andrija Zivkovic (Benfica), Nemanja Radonjic (Crimson Star Belgrade).
Strikers: Aleksandar Mitrovic (Newcastle United), Aleksandar Prijovic (PAOK Salonika), Luka Jovic (Benfica).
Group F
Goalkeepers: Manuel Neuer (Bayern Munich), Marc-Andre ter Stegen (Barcelona), Kevin Trapp (Paris St-Germain).
Defenders: Jerome Boateng (Bayern Munich), Matthias Ginter (Borussia Monchengladbach), Jonas Hector (Cologne), Mats Hummels (Bayern Munich), Joshua Kimmich (Bayern Munich), Marvin Plattenhardt (Hertha Berlin), Antonio Rudiger (Chelsea), Niklas Sule (Bayern Munich).
Midfielders: Julian Brandt (Bayer Leverkusen), Julian Draxler (Paris St-Germain), Leon Goretska (Schalke), Ilkay Gundogan (Manchester Metropolis), Sami Khedira (Juventus), Toni Kroos (Actual Madrid), Mesut Ozil (Arsenal), Sebastian Rudy (Bayern Munich).
Strikers: Mario Gomez (Stuttgart), Thomas Muller (Bayern Munich), Marco Reus (Borussia Dortmund), Timo Werner (RB Leipzig).
Goalkeepers: Guillermo Ochoa (Customary Liege), Alfredo Talavera (Toluca), Jesus Corona (Cruz Azul).
Defenders: Carlos Salcedo (Eintracht Frankfurt), Diego Reyes (Porto), Hector Moreno (Actual Sociedad), Hugo Ayala (Tigres), Edson Alvarez (America), Jesus Gallardo (Monterrey), Miguel Layun (Sevilla).
Midfielders: Rafael Marquez (Atlas), Hector Herrera (Porto), Jonathan dos Santos, Giovani dos Santos (each LA Galaxy), Andres Guardado (Actual Betis), Javier Aquino (Tigres), Jesus Corona (Porto).
Forwards: Javier Hernandez (West Ham), Raul Jimenez (Benfica), Oribe Peralta (America), Carlos Vela (Los Angeles FC), Hirving Lozano (PSV Eindhoven), Marco Fabian (Eintracht Frankfurt).
Goalkeepers: Robin Olsen (Copenhagen), Karl-Johan Johnsson (Guingamp), Kristoffer Nordfeldt (Swansea).
Defenders: Mikael Lustig (Celtic), Victor Lindelof (Manchester United), Andreas Granqvist (Krasnador), Martin Olsson (Swansea), Ludwig Augustinsson (Werder Bremen), Filip Helander, Emil Krafth (each Bologna), Pontus Jansson (Leeds United).
Midfielders: Sebastian Larsson (Hull), Albin Ekdal (Hamburg), Emil Forsberg (RB Leipzig), Gustav Svensson (Seattle Sounders), Oscar Hiljemark (Genoa), Viktor Claesson (Krasnador), Marcus Rohden (Crotone), Jimmy Durmaz (Toulouse).
Forwards: Marcus Berg (Al Ain), John Guidetti (Alaves), Ola Toivonen (Toulouse), Isaac Kiese Thelin (Waasland-Beveren).
South Korea
Goalkeepers: Kim Seung-gyu (Vissel Kobe), Kim Jin-hyeon (Cerezo Osaka), Cho Hyun-woo (Daegu FC).
Defenders: Kim young-gwon (Guangzhou Evergrande), Jang Hyun-soo (FC Tokyo), Jung Seung-hyun (Sagan Tosu), Yun Yong-sun (Seongnam FC), Oh Ban-suk (Jeju United), Kim Min-woo (Sangju Sangmu), Park Joo-ho (Ulsan Hyundai), Hong Chul (Sangju Sangmu), Go Yo-han (FC Seoul), Lee Yong (Jeonbuk Hyundai Motors).
Midfielders: Ki Sung-yueng (Swansea), Jung Woo-young (Vissel Kobe), Ju Se-jong (Asan Mugunghwa), Koo Ja-cheol (Augsburg), Lee Jae-sung (Jeonbuk Hyundai Motors), Lee Seung-woo (Hellas Verona), Moon Seon-min (Incheon United).
Forwards: Kim Shin-wook (Jeonbuk Hyundai Motors), Son Heung-min (Tottenham), Hwang Hee-chan (Crimson Bull Salzburg).
Group G
Goalkeepers: Koen Casteels (Wolfsburg), Thibaut Courtois (Chelsea), Simon Mignolet (Liverpool).
Defenders: Toby Alderweireld (Tottenham), Dedryck Boyata (Celtic), Vincent Kompany (Manchester Metropolis), Thomas Meunier (Paris St-Germain), Thomas Vermaelen (Barcelona), Jan Vertonghen (Tottenham).
Midfielders: Yannick Carrasco (Dalian Yifang), Kevin de Bruyne (Manchester Metropolis), Mousa Dembele (Tottenham), Leander Dendoncker (Anderlecht), Marouane Fellaini (Manchester United), Eden Hazard (Chelsea), Thorgan Hazard (Borussia Monchengladbach), Adnan Januzaj (Actual Sociedad), Youri Tielemans (Monaco), Axel Witsel (Tianjin Quanjian).
Forwards: Michy Batshuayi (Chelsea), Nacer Chadli (West Brom), Romelu Lukaku (Manchester United), Dries Mertens (Napoli).
Goalkeepers: Jose Calderon (Chorrillo), Jaime Penedo (Dinamo Bucharest), Alex Rodriguez (San Francisco).
Defenders: Felipe Baloy (Municipal CSD), Harold Cummings (San Jose Earthquakes), Erick Davis (Dunajska Streda), Fidel Escobar (San Miguelito), Michael Murillo (New York Crimson Bulls), Adolfo Machado (Houston Dynamo), Luis Ovalle (Olimpia), Roman Torres (Seattle Sounders).
Midfielders: Jose Luis Rodriguez (Gent), Yoel Barcenas (Cafetaleros de Tapachula), Armando Cooper (Universidad de Chile), Anibal Godoy (San Jose Earthquakes), Gabriel Gomez (Bucaramanga), Valentin Pimentel (Plaza Amador), Alberto Quintero (Universitario).
Forwards: Abdiel Arroyo (Alajuelense), Ismael Diaz (Deportivo La Coruna), Blas Perez (Municipal), Luis Tejada (Sports activities Boys), Gabriel Torres (CD Huachipato).
Goalkeepers: Farouk Ben Mustapha (Al Shabab), Mouez Hassen (Good), Aymen Mathlouthi (Al Baten).
Defenders: Rami Bedoui (Etoile du Sahel), Yohan Benalouane (Leicester), Syam Ben Youssef (Kasimpasa), Dylan Bronn (Gent), Oussama Haddadi (Dijon), Ali Maaloul (Al Ahly), Yassine Meriah (CS Sfaxien), Hamdi Nagguez (Zamalek).
Midfielders: Wahbi Khazri (Rennes), Anice Badri (Esperance), Mohamed Amine Ben Amor (Etoile Sportive du Sahel), Ferjani Sassi (Al Nasr), Ellyes Skhiri (Montpellier).
Forwards: Saifeddine Khaoui (Marseille), Fakhreddine Ben Youssef (Al Ettifaq), Saber Khalifa (Membership Africain), Bassem Srarfi (Good), Naim Sliti (Lille), Ahmed Khalil (Membership Africain), Ghaylen Chaaleli (Esperance).
Goalkeepers: Jack Butland (Stoke), Jordan Pickford (Everton), Nick Pope (Burnley).
Defenders: Trent Alexander-Arnold (Liverpool), Gary Cahill (Chelsea), Fabian Delph (Manchester Metropolis), Phil Jones (Manchester United), Harry Maguire (Leicester), Danny Rose (Tottenham), John Stones (Manchester Metropolis), Kieran Trippier (Tottenham), Kyle Walker (Manchester Metropolis), Ashley Younger (Manchester United).
Midfielders: Dele Alli, Eric Dier (each Tottenham), Jordan Henderson (Liverpool), Jesse Lingard (Manchester United), Ruben Loftus-Cheek (Chelsea).
Forwards: Harry Kane (Tottenham), Marcus Rashford (Manchester United), Raheem Sterling (Manchester Metropolis), Jamie Vardy (Leicester), Danny Welbeck (Arsenal).
Group H
Goalkeepers: Bartosz Bialkowski (Ipswich), Lukasz Fabianski (Swansea Metropolis), Wojciech Szczesny (Juventus).
Defenders: Jan Bednarek (Southampton), Bartosz Bereszynski (Sampdoria), Thiago Cionek (SPAL), Kamil Glik (Monaco), Artur Jedrzejczyk (Legia Warsaw), Michal Pazdan (Legia Warsaw), Lukasz Piszczek (Borussia Dortmund).
Midfielders: Jakub Blaszczykowski (Wolfsburg), Jacek Goralski (Ludogorets Razgrad), Kamil Grosicki (Hull Metropolis), Grzegorz Krychowiak (Paris St-Germain), Rafal Kurzawa (Gornik Zabrze), Karol Linetty (Sampdoria), Slawomir Peszko (Lechnia Gdansk), Maciej Rybus (Lokomotiv Moscow), Piotr Zielinski (Napoli).
Forwards: Dawid Kownacki (Sampdoria), Robert Lewandowski (Bayern Munich), Arkadiusz Milik (Napoli), Lukasz Teodorczyk (Anderlecht).
Goalkeepers: Khadim N’Diaye (Horoya AC), Abdoulaye Diallo (Rennes), Alfred Gomis (Torino).
Defenders: Kara Mbodji (Anderlecht), Kalidou Koulibaly (Napoli), Moussa Wague (Eupen), Saliou Ciss (Angers), Youssouf Sabaly (Bordeaux), Lamine Gassama (Alanyaspor).
Midfielders: Badou Ndiaye (Stoke), Idrissa Gueye (Everton), Cheikhou Kouyate (West Ham), Cheikh N’Doye (Birmingham), Salif Sane (Hannover 96), Alfred N’Diaye (Villarreal).
Forwards: Moussa Sow (Bursaspor), Sadio Mane (Liverpool), Keita Balde Diao (Monaco), Moussa Konate (Amiens), Ismaila Sarr (Rennes), Diafra Sakho (Rennes), Mame Biram Diouf (Stoke), M’Baye Niang (AC Milan).
Goalkeepers: David Ospina (Arsenal), Camilo Vargas (Deportivo Cali), Jose Fernando Cuadrado (As soon as Caldas).
Defenders: Cristian Zapata (Milan), Davinson Sanchez (Tottenham), Santiago Arias (PSV Eindhoven), Oscar Murillo (Pachuca), Frank Fabra (Boca Juniors), Johan Mojica (Girona), Yerry Mina (Barcelona).
Midfielders: Wílmar Barrios (Boca Juniors), Carlos Sanchez (Espanyol), Jefferson Lerma (Levante), Jose Izquierdo (Brighton), James Rodriguez (Bayern Munich), Abel Aguilar (Deportivo Cali), Mateus Uribe (America), Juan Fernando Quintero (River Plate), Juan Cuadrado (Juventus).
Forwards: Radamel Falcao (Monaco), Miguel Borja (Palmeiras), Carlos Bacca (Villarreal), Luis Fernando Muriel (Sevilla).
Goalkeepers: Eiji Kawashima (Metz), Masaaki Higashiguchi (Gamba Osaka), Kosuke Nakamura (Kashiwa Reysol).
Defenders: Yuto Nagatomo (Galatasaray), Tomoaki Makino, Wataru Endo (each Urawa Reds), Maya Yoshida (Southampton), Hiroki Sakai (Marseille), Gotoku Sakai (Hamburg), Gen Shoji, Naomichi Ueda (each Kashima Antlers).
Midfielders: Makoto Hasebe (Eintracht Frankfurt), Keisuke Honda (Pachuca), Takashi Inui (Eibar), Shinji Kagawa (Dortmund), Hotaru Yamaguchi (Cerezo Osaka), Genki Haraguchi (Hertha Berlin), Takashi Usami (Augsburg), Gaku Shibasaki (Getafe), Ryota Oshima (Kawasaki Frontale).
Forwards: Shinji Okazaki (Leicester), Yuya Osako (Werder Bremen), Yoshinori Muto (Mainz).
BBC Sport – Football ultras_FC_Barcelona
ultras FC Barcelona - https://ultrasfcb.com/football/5262/
0 notes
ultrasfcb-blog · 7 years ago
Why a single nation might by no means host the World Cup once more
Why a single nation might by no means host the World Cup once more
Why a single nation might by no means host the World Cup once more
Picture copyright Getty Photographs
This summer time’s World Cup in Russia may properly be the final one staged by only one nation for a while, as monetary and political concerns play an ever-increasing function in selecting hosts.
With the price of this yr’s occasion hovering to £8.8bn ($12bn) soccer authorities and bidding nations are a methods of sharing the daunting monetary prices and boosting political relationships.
The reply is joint internet hosting. In 2002, South Korea and Japan collectively staged the World Cup so there already is a precedent, whereas a number of European Championships have additionally been collectively hosted.
It means the load could be unfold in the case of constructing new stadiums and supporting infrastructure comparable to roads, railways and airports, in addition to safety.
“There are materials advantages from sharing the internet hosting of main occasions, to not point out being politically expedient,” says Simon Chadwick, professor of sports activities enterprise at Salford Enterprise Faculty.
Picture copyright Getty Photographs
Picture caption Joint internet hosting the World Cup is about to turn out to be extra frequent
“It’s a useful method of constructing a relationship with numerous companions for political functions.
“There are advantages by way of sure value efficiencies. There are enormous monetary points round internet hosting prices in the case of World Cups, European Championships and Olympic Video games.
“This ‘distributed occasions’ mannequin will be the method ahead when you think about the financial prices of occasions internet hosting.”
Joint internet hosting
There’s already a joint USA-Canada-Mexico bid in to host the 2026 occasion, and Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay are placing collectively a bid for the 2030 occasion.
In the meantime, there are indicators that the 2022 World Cup in Qatar might should be widened to incorporate different Center Japanese nations after world governing physique Fifa mentioned it could expand that tournament from 32 to 48 teams.
Picture copyright Getty Photographs
Picture caption Poland and Ukraine collectively hosted the 2012 European Championships
As talked about, European governing physique Uefa has lengthy been a supporter of internet hosting their main event for worldwide groups in multiple nation.
Kicking off in 2000, when the occasion was held within the Netherlands and Belgium, it has has subsequently been staged in Austria-Switzerland in 2008 and Poland-Ukraine in 2012.
And the finals of the 2020 Euros will probably be staged throughout a minimum of 12 soccer nations to mark the 60th anniversary of the primary event.
“Former Uefa president Michel Platini was credited with the Euro 2020 mannequin, however actually the brains behind the throne was Gianni Infantino,” says Prof Chadwick.
Ex-Uefa basic secretary Mr Infantino is now president of Fifa, and has talked of increasing the 2022 World Cup from 32 to 48 groups.
As Qatar couldn’t host that quantity of video games, there may be speak of bringing in different nations within the area..
Picture copyright Reuters
Picture caption Mr Infantino is cited because the brains behind a multi-nation Euro 2020
“If you have a look at the 2026 and 2030 tournaments, then Infantino might now preside over one, or certainly extra, World Cups that would undertake an analogous kind of mannequin to Euro 2020,” says Prof Chadwick.
“He has an eye fixed for making an attempt to reconcile disparate companions over internet hosting. He’s shrewd in that sense.”
Protected choice
For Fifa the thought of a 2026 World Cup within the USA, Canada, Mexico, could be an economically and politically protected choice after among the points round Qatar 2022, provides Prof Chadwick.
The organisers of the bid declare it will make an $11bn (£8.1bn) revenue for Fifa, and create $14bn in income.
US President Donald Trump has been banging the drum for the bid, tweeting: “The US has put collectively a STRONG bid w/ Canada & Mexico for the 2026 World Cup.”
However it’s not a assured shoo-in, and is up towards rival bidders Morocco for what’s be promised to be a 48 team World Cup.
Picture copyright Getty Photographs
Picture caption Uruguay, Argentina and Paraguay intend to bid to host the 2030 World Cup
In the meantime in South America, Uruguay Sports activities Secretary Fernando Caceres has defined the reasoning behind their supposed bid for 2030.
“We will not say what the ultimate prices will probably be to every of our international locations, but it surely can’t be measured solely within the constructing of infrastructure.
“There’s an intangible measure, which is how a lot a rustic earns in coexistence, in integration, id, and the development of citizenship by internet hosting an occasion of this magnitude.”
Spreading internet hosting
David Davies is a former FA chief government and in addition a soccer advisor whose experience is ceaselessly known as upon by soccer associations and confederations globally.
“I occur to suppose that the thought of getting 48 groups in Qatar is not going to occur,” he says. “The political will, I feel, isn’t there.”
“However I agree that joint internet hosting is a longtime idea now. The basic level is that extra international locations could be concerned and profit from holding main occasions.
Picture copyright Getty Photographs
Picture caption Qatar has constructed numerous new stadiums within the expectation of internet hosting a 32-team World Cup
“That is likely one of the aims of those that are in positions of affect within the sport, to give you these kinds of proposals to unfold internet hosting to as many differing nations as they’ll.”
A joint North American bid for 2026 would even be deemed helpful politically, each throughout the US and the regional footballing physique Concacaf, says Mr Davies.
“So whereas financial concerns are a part of the image, there are at all times over-riding political ones.”
Pooling sources
Sean Hamil, lecturer at Birkbeck School’s Sports activities Enterprise Centre, says there are solely so many international locations who can host occasions comparable to Euros or World Cups by themselves.
“After the final Euros in France (in 2016) I do not suppose Uefa may discover any extra international locations prepared to tackle the prices.”
Picture copyright Getty Photographs
Picture caption France and Portugal are the one nations to have solely hosted the Euro finals over a 20 yr interval
There was a number of analysis into sporting mega-event, “and the stability of opinion is that the financial advantages do not at all times stack up,” he says.
“With a World Cup you want numerous international-standard stadiums and it’s a enormous monetary burden. so pooling sources by way of stadiums to assist unfold that load would seem logical.”
BBC Sport – Football ultras_FC_Barcelona
ultras FC Barcelona - https://ultrasfcb.com/football/5160/
0 notes
ultrasfcb-blog · 7 years ago
Why a single nation may never host the World Cup again
Why a single nation may never host the World Cup again
Why a single nation may never host the World Cup again
Image copyright Getty Images
This summer’s World Cup in Russia could well be the last one staged by just one country for some time, as financial and political considerations play an ever-increasing role in choosing hosts.
With the cost of this year’s event soaring to £8.8bn ($12bn) football authorities and bidding nations are looking at a ways of sharing the daunting financial costs and boosting political relationships.
The answer is joint hosting. In 2002, South Korea and Japan jointly staged the World Cup so there already is a precedent, while several European Championships have also been jointly hosted.
It means the load can be spread when it comes to building new stadiums and supporting infrastructure such as roads, railways and airports, as well as security.
“There are material benefits from sharing the hosting of major events, not to mention being politically expedient,” says Simon Chadwick, professor of sports enterprise at Salford Business School.
Image copyright Getty Images
Image caption Joint hosting the World Cup is set to become more common
“It is a helpful way of building a relationship with a number of partners for political purposes.
“There are benefits in terms of certain cost efficiencies. There are huge financial issues around hosting costs when it comes to World Cups, European Championships and Olympic Games.
“This ‘distributed events’ model may be the way forward when you consider the economic costs of events hosting.”
Joint hosting
There is already a joint USA-Canada-Mexico bid in to host the 2026 event, and Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay are putting together a bid for the 2030 event.
Meanwhile, there are signs that the 2022 World Cup in Qatar may have to be widened to include other Middle Eastern nations after world governing body Fifa said it could expand that tournament from 32 to 48 teams.
Image copyright Getty Images
Image caption Poland and Ukraine jointly hosted the 2012 European Championships
As mentioned, European governing body Uefa has long been a supporter of hosting their major tournament for international teams in more than one country.
Kicking off in 2000, when the event was held in the Netherlands and Belgium, it has has subsequently been staged in Austria-Switzerland in 2008 and Poland-Ukraine in 2012.
And the finals of the 2020 Euros will be staged across no less than 12 football nations to mark the 60th anniversary of the first tournament.
“Former Uefa president Michel Platini was credited with the Euro 2020 model, but really the brains behind the throne was Gianni Infantino,” says Prof Chadwick.
Ex-Uefa general secretary Mr Infantino is now president of Fifa, and has talked of expanding the 2022 World Cup from 32 to 48 teams.
As Qatar could not host that amount of games, there is talk of bringing in other nations in the region..
Image copyright Reuters
Image caption Mr Infantino is cited as the brains behind a multi-nation Euro 2020
“When you look at the 2026 and 2030 tournaments, then Infantino may now preside over one, or indeed more, World Cups that could adopt a similar type of model to Euro 2020,” says Prof Chadwick.
“He has an eye for trying to reconcile disparate partners over hosting. He is shrewd in that sense.”
Safe option
For Fifa the idea of a 2026 World Cup in the USA, Canada, Mexico, would be an economically and politically safe option after some of the issues around Qatar 2022, adds Prof Chadwick.
The organisers of the bid claim it would make an $11bn (£8.1bn) profit for Fifa, and create $14bn in revenue.
US President Donald Trump has been banging the drum for the bid, tweeting: “The US has put together a STRONG bid w/ Canada & Mexico for the 2026 World Cup.”
But it is not a guaranteed shoo-in, and is up against rival bidders Morocco for what is be promised to be a 48 team World Cup.
Image copyright Getty Images
Image caption Uruguay, Argentina and Paraguay intend to bid to host the 2030 World Cup
Meanwhile in South America, Uruguay Sports Secretary Fernando Caceres has explained the reasoning behind their intended bid for 2030.
“We can’t say what the final costs will be to each of our countries, but it cannot be measured only in the building of infrastructure.
“There’s an intangible measure, which is how much a country earns in coexistence, in integration, identity, and the construction of citizenship by hosting an event of this magnitude.”
Spreading hosting
David Davies is a former FA chief executive and also a football advisor whose expertise is frequently called upon by football associations and confederations globally.
“I happen to think that the idea of having 48 teams in Qatar will not happen,” he says. “The political will, I think, is not there.”
“But I agree that joint hosting is an established concept now. The fundamental point is that more countries can be involved and benefit from holding major events.
Image copyright Getty Images
Image caption Qatar has built a number of new stadiums in the expectation of hosting a 32-team World Cup
“That is one of the objectives of those who are in positions of influence in the game, to come up with these sorts of proposals to spread hosting to as many differing nations as they can.”
A joint North American bid for 2026 would also be deemed useful politically, both within the US and the regional footballing body Concacaf, says Mr Davies.
“So while economic considerations are part of the picture, there are always over-riding political ones.”
Pooling resources
Sean Hamil, lecturer at Birkbeck College’s Sports Business Centre, says there are only so many countries who can host events such as Euros or World Cups by themselves.
“After the last Euros in France (in 2016) I don’t think Uefa could find any more countries willing to take on the costs.”
Image copyright Getty Images
Image caption France and Portugal are the only nations to have solely hosted the Euro finals over a 20 year period
There has been a lot of research into sporting mega-event, “and the balance of opinion is that the economic benefits don’t always stack up,” he says.
“With a World Cup you need a large number of international-standard stadiums and it is a huge financial burden. so pooling resources in terms of stadiums to help spread that load would appear logical.”
BBC Sport – Football ultras_FC_Barcelona
ultras FC Barcelona - https://ultrasfcb.com/football/5160/
0 notes
ultrasfcb-blog · 7 years ago
Why a single nation might by no means host the World Cup once more
Why a single nation might by no means host the World Cup once more
Why a single nation might by no means host the World Cup once more
Picture copyright Getty Photographs
This summer time’s World Cup in Russia may properly be the final one staged by only one nation for a while, as monetary and political concerns play an ever-increasing function in selecting hosts.
With the price of this yr’s occasion hovering to £8.8bn ($12bn) soccer authorities and bidding nations are a methods of sharing the daunting monetary prices and boosting political relationships.
The reply is joint internet hosting. In 2002, South Korea and Japan collectively staged the World Cup so there already is a precedent, whereas a number of European Championships have additionally been collectively hosted.
It means the load could be unfold in the case of constructing new stadiums and supporting infrastructure comparable to roads, railways and airports, in addition to safety.
“There are materials advantages from sharing the internet hosting of main occasions, to not point out being politically expedient,” says Simon Chadwick, professor of sports activities enterprise at Salford Enterprise Faculty.
Picture copyright Getty Photographs
Picture caption Joint internet hosting the World Cup is about to turn out to be extra frequent
“It’s a useful method of constructing a relationship with numerous companions for political functions.
“There are advantages by way of sure value efficiencies. There are enormous monetary points round internet hosting prices in the case of World Cups, European Championships and Olympic Video games.
“This ‘distributed occasions’ mannequin will be the method ahead when you think about the financial prices of occasions internet hosting.”
Joint internet hosting
There’s already a joint USA-Canada-Mexico bid in to host the 2026 occasion, and Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay are placing collectively a bid for the 2030 occasion.
In the meantime, there are indicators that the 2022 World Cup in Qatar might should be widened to incorporate different Center Japanese nations after world governing physique Fifa mentioned it could expand that tournament from 32 to 48 teams.
Picture copyright Getty Photographs
Picture caption Poland and Ukraine collectively hosted the 2012 European Championships
As talked about, European governing physique Uefa has lengthy been a supporter of internet hosting their main event for worldwide groups in multiple nation.
Kicking off in 2000, when the occasion was held within the Netherlands and Belgium, it has has subsequently been staged in Austria-Switzerland in 2008 and Poland-Ukraine in 2012.
And the finals of the 2020 Euros will probably be staged throughout a minimum of 12 soccer nations to mark the 60th anniversary of the primary event.
“Former Uefa president Michel Platini was credited with the Euro 2020 mannequin, however actually the brains behind the throne was Gianni Infantino,” says Prof Chadwick.
Ex-Uefa basic secretary Mr Infantino is now president of Fifa, and has talked of increasing the 2022 World Cup from 32 to 48 groups.
As Qatar couldn’t host that quantity of video games, there may be speak of bringing in different nations within the area..
Picture copyright Reuters
Picture caption Mr Infantino is cited because the brains behind a multi-nation Euro 2020
“If you have a look at the 2026 and 2030 tournaments, then Infantino might now preside over one, or certainly extra, World Cups that would undertake an analogous kind of mannequin to Euro 2020,” says Prof Chadwick.
“He has an eye fixed for making an attempt to reconcile disparate companions over internet hosting. He’s shrewd in that sense.”
Protected choice
For Fifa the thought of a 2026 World Cup within the USA, Canada, Mexico, could be an economically and politically protected choice after among the points round Qatar 2022, provides Prof Chadwick.
The organisers of the bid declare it will make an $11bn (£8.1bn) revenue for Fifa, and create $14bn in income.
US President Donald Trump has been banging the drum for the bid, tweeting: “The US has put collectively a STRONG bid w/ Canada & Mexico for the 2026 World Cup.”
However it’s not a assured shoo-in, and is up towards rival bidders Morocco for what’s be promised to be a 48 team World Cup.
Picture copyright Getty Photographs
Picture caption Uruguay, Argentina and Paraguay intend to bid to host the 2030 World Cup
In the meantime in South America, Uruguay Sports activities Secretary Fernando Caceres has defined the reasoning behind their supposed bid for 2030.
“We will not say what the ultimate prices will probably be to every of our international locations, but it surely can’t be measured solely within the constructing of infrastructure.
“There’s an intangible measure, which is how a lot a rustic earns in coexistence, in integration, id, and the development of citizenship by internet hosting an occasion of this magnitude.”
Spreading internet hosting
David Davies is a former FA chief government and in addition a soccer advisor whose experience is ceaselessly known as upon by soccer associations and confederations globally.
“I occur to suppose that the thought of getting 48 groups in Qatar is not going to occur,” he says. “The political will, I feel, isn’t there.”
“However I agree that joint internet hosting is a longtime idea now. The basic level is that extra international locations could be concerned and profit from holding main occasions.
Picture copyright Getty Photographs
Picture caption Qatar has constructed numerous new stadiums within the expectation of internet hosting a 32-team World Cup
“That is likely one of the aims of those that are in positions of affect within the sport, to give you these kinds of proposals to unfold internet hosting to as many differing nations as they’ll.”
A joint North American bid for 2026 would even be deemed helpful politically, each throughout the US and the regional footballing physique Concacaf, says Mr Davies.
“So whereas financial concerns are a part of the image, there are at all times over-riding political ones.”
Pooling sources
Sean Hamil, lecturer at Birkbeck School’s Sports activities Enterprise Centre, says there are solely so many international locations who can host occasions comparable to Euros or World Cups by themselves.
“After the final Euros in France (in 2016) I do not suppose Uefa may discover any extra international locations prepared to tackle the prices.”
Picture copyright Getty Photographs
Picture caption France and Portugal are the one nations to have solely hosted the Euro finals over a 20 yr interval
There was a number of analysis into sporting mega-event, “and the stability of opinion is that the financial advantages do not at all times stack up,” he says.
“With a World Cup you want numerous international-standard stadiums and it’s a enormous monetary burden. so pooling sources by way of stadiums to assist unfold that load would seem logical.”
BBC Sport – Football ultras_FC_Barcelona
ultras FC Barcelona - https://ultrasfcb.com/football/5160/
0 notes