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Lunes 23 de septiembre, 2024.
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Monday, September 23rd 2024.

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Renée Claude en noir et blanc

RenĂ©e Claude et Pauline Julien sont deux idoles qui ont marquĂ© notre jeunesse, je parle des baby-boomers il va sans dire. Ces deux chanteuses, diffĂ©rentes par leurs styles, symbolisaient le nouveau QuĂ©bec en devenir. Les gars de ma gĂ©nĂ©ration, nous Ă©tions tous en pĂąmoison devant lâune et lâautre. AndrĂ© Ducharme ne dit-il pas, en prĂ©face, quâil a « voulu lâĂ©pouser [RenĂ©e Claude] aux premiĂšres notes entendues Ă la tĂ©lĂ©vision, au dĂ©but des annĂ©es 1960 » ? Â
Le journaliste Mario Girard nous dĂ©voile, dans cette biographie consacrĂ©e Ă RenĂ©e Claude, un pan de notre histoire culturelle rĂ©cente. Car raconter cette grande interprĂšte de la chanson, câest Ă©voquer les noms de ClĂ©mence Desrochers Ă Luc Plamondon, en passant par Mouffe, Michel Tremblay, Michel Robidoux, StĂ©phane Venne et plusieurs autres qui ont marquĂ© notre patrimoine culturel. Â
En fĂ©vrier 2019, on apprenait que RenĂ©e Claude souffrait de la terrible maladie dâAlzheimer. AussitĂŽt a germĂ©, dans la tĂȘte de quelques artistes, dont le producteur Nicolas Lemieux et lâanimatrice radio Monique Giroux, lâidĂ©e dâun spectacle-hommage Ă cette grande dame de la chanson. Ce spectacle aura lieu Ă la Maison symphonique, avec la participation, entre autres, de ClĂ©mence Desrochers, Marie Denise Pelletier, Ariane Moffatt, Isabelle Boulay, Luce Dufault, Marie-Ălaine Thibert, Kathleen Fortin. Â
RenĂ©e Claude (de son vrai nom de famille BĂ©langer), nĂ©e dans le quartier ouvrier du Plateau-Mont-Royal en 1939, un peu avant le dĂ©clenchement de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, est lâaĂźnĂ©e dâune famille de six enfants. Sa mĂšre, CĂ©cile, plutĂŽt extravertie, a toujours rĂȘvĂ© de devenir une artiste de la scĂšne et sa fille RenĂ©e rĂ©alisera ce vĆu Ă sa place. Sa mĂšre lâinscrit, trĂšs jeune, Ă des cours de piano. Elle tient mordicus Ă ce que ses enfants aient une bonne Ă©ducation. Tous suivront des cours de diction et dâart dramatique au Conservatoire Lassalle, oĂč CĂ©cile a Ă©tudiĂ© vingt-cinq ans auparavant. RenĂ©e frĂ©quentera cet Ă©tablissement jusquâĂ lâĂąge adulte. Â
Ă seize ans, RenĂ©e rĂȘve de devenir artiste. Elle a assistĂ©, Ă sept reprises, au spectacle que Gilbert BĂ©caud donne au ThĂ©Ăątre Saint-Denis, au printemps 1955. Aussi participe-t-elle Ă diffĂ©rents concours dâamateurs. Ă deux reprises, elle remporte la palme. Sa mĂšre « se laisse alors convaincre que sa fille a peut-ĂȘtre du talent », raconte son frĂšre Michel. Elle commencera ainsi Ă chanter dans des cabarets, en matinĂ©e, toujours accompagnĂ©e de son pĂšre. Â
RenĂ©e Claude est ambitieuse et elle nâabandonne jamais en cours de route un projet qui lui tient Ă cĆur. Elle sait quâelle ne peut que compter que sur ses propres moyens. Elle a dĂ©cidĂ© de devenir chanteuse et elle va donc se constituer un rĂ©pertoire de chansons Ă la mesure de ses goĂ»ts : FerrĂ©, Brassens, BĂ©art, AznavourâŠÂ  Â
Raison de vivre Â
Sa carriĂšre professionnelle dĂ©butera aprĂšs sa premiĂšre audition Ă la tĂ©lĂ© de Radio-Canada. Dans la jeune vingtaine, elle chantera Ă quelques reprises Ă lâĂ©mission Chez ClĂ©mence, puis elle deviendra une habituĂ©e des studios de tĂ©lĂ©vision et multipliera les entrevues dans des magazines culturels. Le public en redemande et son rĂ©pertoire sâouvre Ă dâautres crĂ©ateurs. « La chanson populaire ne lâintĂ©resse pas », nous dit son biographe. Pour Monique Giroux, elle fait partie de la « Sainte TrinitĂ© » des interprĂštes de lâĂ©poque, aux cĂŽtĂ©s de Pauline Julien et Monique Leyrac. Pour Michel Tremblay, ces trois artistes « avaient une intelligence du texte ». Pour François Dompierre, « ce sont elles qui ont le plus vĂ©hiculĂ© la chanson quĂ©bĂ©coise Ă cette Ă©poque ». Â
Si on la voit presque toujours vĂȘtue de cette petite robe noire, câest, explique la chanteuse, « pour forcer les gens Ă Ă©couter mes chansons ». Elle a fait sienne la phrase de Cocteau : « LâĂ©lĂ©gance cesse si on la remarque. » Au dĂ©but des annĂ©es 1960, elle est sur la scĂšne de toutes les boĂźtes Ă chansons, aux cĂŽtĂ©s des Leclerc, Vigneault, ClĂ©mence, Gauthier, LĂ©vesque, Ferland, Brousseau, LeliĂšvre, LĂ©tourneau et autres Tex Lecor. Â
Percer le mystĂšre de cette fabuleuse interprĂšte nâest pas chose facile. Mario Girard y rĂ©ussit merveilleusement. On dĂ©couvre une RenĂ©e Claude timide, fĂ©brile, doutant toujours dâelle-mĂȘme, mais dĂ©cidĂ©e, parce que la chanson Ă©tait sa raison de vivre.  Â
Un magnifique voyage dans le temps et un hommage nécessaire à cette interprÚte qui nous a tant chantés et enchantés.
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11. favourite native writer/poet? Uhhh fave writer, Matthieu Simard definitely wrote some of my favorite books, 'Ăa sent la coupe' being my fave. I've read it multiple times and I saw the movie based on it 2 times. I don't have a fave poet I would probably choose Albert Ferland since he is my great great great uncle, so just because he is family. 24. what other nation is joked about most often in your country? Probably the USA, I really don't know. 27. favourite national celebrity? Not national but she is my fave. VĂ©ronique Cloutier. She is a TV/radio host and she also have a Magazine. She used to work for Musique plus (more or less like Much Music/MTV) and she was my idol growing up(she still is lol) and she was also a customer where Inused to work so I had the chance to really get to know her and she is the most awesome person in the universe lol she is extremely down to earth and exactly like she is on TV. We were talking like we were friends and yeah, I really love her. Thanks for asking đđđ
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Analyse dâun magazine
Annaëlle Ferland
Je suis en Ă©quipe avec Alexandrine Marquier
Voici des captures dâĂ©cran du tableau rĂ©ponse des questions #1 et #2
Le magazine nâest pas nĂ©cessairement sĂ©parĂ© en sections. Il y a un peu de tout partout: mode, bijou, parfum, produit de beautĂ©, etc. Ceci est peut-ĂȘtre une technique pour faire en sorte que le lecteur fouille le magazine afin de trouver un autre article plus loin sur la mode.
#4 et #5
La plupart du temps, il y a une publicitĂ© aprĂšs une page dâarticle concernant la mode et/ou les produits de beautĂ©. Ceci concorde bien, car quand le lecteur lira lâarticle sur les produits de beautĂ©, il voudra en avoir. DĂšs quâil tournera la page, il verra une publicitĂ© sur un mascara, par exemple, alors cela lâincitera encore plus Ă acheter ce produit, puisquâil en aura lâenvie. Par ailleurs, les publicitĂ©s de vĂȘtements se retrouvent aprĂšs les articles sur la mode. Les petites publicitĂ©s se cachent parfois Ă travers les nombreux articles bref. Les publicitĂ©s des grandes marques (ex: Covergirl, Joe Fresh, Guess, etc.) occupent une page complĂšte, afin dâĂȘtre lâĂ©lĂ©ment principal de la page. Certaines, comme Maybelline, occupent une double-page, afin que quand le lecteur visionne les deux pages ouvertes en mĂȘme temps, on voit uniquement le produit. Dâautres, comme Miss Dior, occupe un carton recto-verso qui est facile Ă distinguer dans la revue. Ceci permet au lecteur dâatteindre facilement cette page et de voir la publicitĂ© ainsi que les deux articles, un qui prĂ©cĂšde, lâautre qui suit. Tout cela pour influencer encore plus le lecteur Ă acheter.
DĂ©crivez lâobjet
Type de papier: Papier glacé
Nombre de pages: 132 pages
Proportion entre les articles et les publicitĂ©s: Il y a plus de publicitĂ© que dâarticles. Il y a environ 2 publicitĂ©s par 3 pages.
Couleur dominante: Il nây a pas de couleur dominante, car chaque publicitĂ© a sa propre couleur
Couleurs codes: Les couleurs jaune, rouge et rose étaient récurrentes. On retrouvait le rouge et le rose dans le titre de certain article de mode ou de publicité. De plus, on retrouvait le jaune sur des titres en noir pour effectuer un effet de surlignage.
Couleur code: Il y a du rouge et du rose de la page couverture qui se retrouve Ă quelques places, en tout petit (ex: une Ă©criture). Aussi, il y a des titres qui sont surlignĂ©s en jaune Ă quelques places. Cependant, il nây en a pas beaucoup. Un simple lecteur ne remarquera peut-ĂȘtre pas nĂ©cessairement cette rĂ©pĂ©tition.
Jeu de caractĂšres: LâĂ©criture utilisĂ©e pour les articles est la mĂȘme partout, seulement avec quelques exceptions (par exemple des caractĂšres gras, ou dâautres Ă©critures plus originales pour faire ressortir des Ă©lĂ©ments).
Les photographies
#1 Il y a au moins une photographie par page pour les publicitĂ©s et au moins 3 photos lorsquâil sâagit dâun article de mode ou de cĂ©lĂ©britĂ©s. Donc, il y a environ 300 photos dans ce magazine de 132 pages.
#2 Il y a environ 30 photos représentant un visage en gros plan, souvent utiliser pour promouvoir du maquillage.
#3 Il y a environ 100 photographies en plan pied, elles sont souvent utilisĂ©s pour les articles sur la mode et sur les cĂ©lĂ©britĂ©s que lâon dĂ©sire montrer de la tĂȘte au pied.
#4 Il y a environ 220 images de produits en raison des nombreuses publicitĂ©s qui se retrouvent Ă chaque page. Le but de ce magazine est avant tout de promouvoir une multitude de produits, il est alors composĂ© en majoritĂ© dâannonces.
#5 Il avait trĂšs peu de photos de paysage, de voyage ou de maison. Il y en avait environ 5 dans tout le magazine.
Réflexion (Annaëlle Ferland)
Selon moi, lâintĂ©rĂȘt de ce magazine est de se faire de lâargent et des abonnĂ©s de plus. Son mandat pour accomplir ses intĂ©rĂȘts est de faire de la publicitĂ© de plusieurs produits des compagnies diffĂ©rentes destinĂ©e aux adolescentes, comme des produits de beautĂ©, du parfum, des accessoires et des vĂȘtements. Ceci sâexplique en partie par le fait quâil y a une publicitĂ© Ă presque chaque page. Il y a trĂšs peu de page de texte, alors le but principal de ce magazine nâest pas de parler de lâactualitĂ© (les vedettes et la mode Ă©tant les sujets principaux), mais bien de vendre des produits en majoritĂ© destinĂ©s aux femmes. Alors, la revue est principalement destinĂ©e aux femmes, car le sujet dont il est question intĂ©resse beaucoup moins les hommes. De ce fait, le public cible est trĂšs large et facilement influençable par les publicitĂ©s, alors les Ă©diteurs se feront beaucoup dâargent. Pour ce qui est des hommes, il y a peu de publicitĂ© destinĂ©e Ă eux (seulement quelques parfum), car ils savent que peu dâhomme lira ce magazine. Les hommes sâintĂ©ressent plus aux sports, et non Ă la mode.Â
Pour ma part, je pense que ce magazine accomplit bien son but, qui est de se faire plus dâargent et dâabonnĂ©, car il est rempli de publicitĂ©. Cependant, pour une personne comme moi, ce magazine nâest pas vraiment intĂ©ressant, car il y a peu dâarticles pour mâenrichir et me donner des nouvelles de lâactualitĂ©, pourtant lâĂ©lĂ©ment premier pour lequel jâachĂšterais ce magazine. Personnellement, je trouve que dâapparence, ce magazine est trĂšs attirant, car il y a beaucoup de couleurs et dâĂ©lĂ©ments. Alors plusieurs jeunes comme moi prendraient ce magazine pour son apparence, mais se lasseraient rapidement de le lire, car il nây a pas beaucoup dâinformations et beaucoup plus de publicitĂ©.
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Champions League Highlights | Bleacher Report | Latest News, Videos and Highlights
Uefa champions league highlights today - Highlights | UEFA Champions League |
Watch the best of leaguue action as Mason Mount's fine opener set Chelsea on their way to a first-leg advantage in Seville. Watch the best of the action from the City of Manchester Stadium as a late Phil Foden strike gave the hosts a lead to take into the second leg in Germany.
See how Bayern eased into the last eight with a comfortable aggregate success. Watch the best highlibhts the action from Stamford Bridge where goals by Hakim Ziyech and Emerson secured the hosts their ticket for the quarter-finals.
A stunning Kevin De Bruyne strike was the highlight as Manchester City coasted into the quarter-finals. Watch that goal and the best of the rest of the action now. Karim Benzema and Sergio Ramos were among the goals as Real Madrid comfortably made it into the last eight.
Watch Erling Haaland's double as Dortmund made it into the last eight with a aggregate success. Watch the leaguw of the action as champkons stunning cuampions Ferland Mendy strike gave Real Tdoay a first leg advantage against ten-man Atalanta.
See how Manchester City got a highligyts on this round of 16 tie thanks to goals by Bernardo Silva and Gabriel Jesus. Watch Olivier Giroud's spectacular winner and the best of the rest of the action as Chelsea got a first-leg edge in this round of 16 tie. See how the holders took command of this round of 16 tie, with Robert Lewandowski and year-old Uefa champions league highlights today Musiala amongst the goals. See how Porto gained a first leg advantage in this round of 16 clash thanks to uefa champions league highlights today strikes in both uefa champions league highlights today. Watch the best of the action from Spain where a Erling Haaland double gave the visitors a first leg edge.
For the best possible experience, we recommend using ChromeFirefox or Microsoft Edge. Favourite club. Filter by Filter. Tel-Aviv Man. City Man. An click for source occurred while playing the video Next Video.
Now playing Highlights: Bayern Paris 2 mins.
Highlights: Bayern 2-3 Paris (2 mins)
Highlights: Porto Chelsea 2 mins Watch the best of the action as Mason Mount's fine opener set Chelsea on their way to a first-leg advantage in Seville.
Now playing Highlights: Porto Chelsea 2 mins. Highlights: Manchester City Dortmund 2 mins Watch the best of the action from the City of Manchester Stadium as a late Phil Foden strike gave the hosts a lead to take into the second leg in Germany. Log in. Champions League Magazine - Episode UCL Highlights - Episode Extended highlights: Porto Chelsea.
Davies - We had a lot of chances to beat Uefa champions league highlights today tonight. Mbappe - I love tooday play against the best in the world. Highlights - Porto Chelsea. Highlights Uefa champions league highlights today - Real Madrid Liverpool.
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Highlights - Manchester City Borussia Dortmund. Highlights - Man City Barcelona Agg Highlights - Wolfsburg Chelsea Agg Extended highlights Log in. Full match replays Log in. Goals and best moments Unlikely hero Chilwell bags huge second for Chelsea.
It has uefa champions league highlights today coming! Muller equalises for Bayern.
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TempĂȘte dâidĂ©es (Magazine)
1-   Quels sont vos intĂ©rĂȘts?
Nos intĂ©rĂȘts sont commerciaux et dâactualitĂ©. Nous voulons faire de la publicitĂ© de produits et inciter les lecteurs Ă sâabonner Ă notre magazine et Ă lâacheter. Nous allons mettre quelques articles pour remplir les trous entre les publicitĂ©s.
2- Â Â Quel est votre public cible?
Notre public cible sâadresse aux adolescentes.
3-   Comment allez-vous le rejoindre? (stratégies, intention de communication)
Nous allons rejoindre notre public cible en prĂ©sentant des articles concernant des problĂšmes de filles (exemple : lâacnĂ©), suivie de publicitĂ©s de produits de beautĂ© (ex : crĂšme) qui ont un lien avec les articles prĂ©sentĂ©s. Nous voudrions aussi prĂ©senter un article sur des vedettes fictives et la mode avec une publicitĂ© sur la mode. Â
4- Â Â Titre de magazine
Pour lâinstant, nous pensons le nommer FillactualitĂ©.
5- Â Â Participants
Annaëlle Ferland et Alexandrine Marquier sont en équipe. Nous voulons faire un minimum de 3 pages chaque.
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Ramblings: Keeper Bubble Players â my dilemmas, your dilemmas, letâs hash this out (July23)
Working hard on the Fantasy Guide. Itâs out on August 1 but you can always pre-order it. Iâm about halfway through now. Two weeks to do the first half, eight days to do the second half. Just another year in Fantasy Guide Land.
Welcome to DobberHockeyâs first annual Keeper Bubble Week. I took the deadest week of the summer and factored in that many leagues have their keeper deadlines fast approaching, and decided to have all the columnists dedicate their work and analysis to a single theme â the bubble players. Keep âem or drop âem? Iâll get to those below. First, letâs take a quick look around the hockey worldâŠ
You may recall a few weeks ago when I discussed players who have babies and the impact that it has on their season, particularly with their second child (link on that is here). Getzlaf was a great example â his season after his second baby was terrible. Last year Cam Talbotâs wife had twins. Iâll let you draw your own conclusions on what happened to him in 2017-18 after that. Further to this, guess who had a baby on the weekend? Alex Pietrangelo. Guess who else had a baby? Alex Pietrangelo. Also, guess who had a baby on the weekend? Alex Pietrangelo. Iâm not repeating myself, the guy actually welcomed triplets into the world! Congratulations to the Pietrangelo family, but letâs look at this from a fantasy hockey standpoint â if you think having three infants in the house in August, September and October will have no impact on his training schedule, then youâve never had kids.
Look at this way â if Pietrangelo has a great season in 2018-19, then weâll know heâs a pretty neglectful father! All kidding aside, I think even with a nanny to help, you still love your kids and you want to spend time with them especially during the first few months. Itâs going to have an impact. I havenât reviewed St. Louis yet, but whatever my formula pits out for Pietrangelo, Iâm rolling it back an additional five or six points (and just hope it doesnât get any worse than that).
Jacob Trouba was awarded $5.5 million in arbitration on a one-year deal. He becomes the second highest paid defenseman on the Jets. If feel more bullish about him if he didnât miss at least 17 games in four of his last five seasons. He saw the second most ice time on the entire team last season (average per game), but was third on the totem pole behind Dustin Byfuglien and Tyler Myers in terms of PP time. Now that heâs making more than Myers and the Jets could lose Myers to free agency next year, I think youâll see that flip-flop. Troubaâs PP time should get a boost. If only I could feel comfortable projecting 80 games out of the guy, Iâd feel so much better about him.
ANNOUNCEMENT: The Frozen Tools upgrade has completed the next big step. The Report Generator is now up. Instant load. All the reports. Take a look here. Get any data you want, and weâre taking suggestions on more in the forum. If thereâs info you need and we donât have it â weâll get it.
First, my three leagues. Three different sets of rules, three different strategies, Iâll offer up my thinking.
LEAGUE 1 â Entering its 29th season. The most basic of my leagues â 20 players, 13 teams, keep everyone, top 12 players for points counts, points get traded with the player, and keep the same rosters for the NHL postseason where again the top 12 players count.
I pick 10th and 23rd. Team: Ovechkin, Marchand, Backstrom, Panarin, Granlund, Marchessault, Arvidsson, Tolvanen, Drouin, Zucker, Labanc, Atkinson, Johnson, Palat, Kovalchuk, Coyle, Killorn, Koivu, Marleau, Spezza
Bubble players: Killorn, Koivu, Marleau and Spezza
Decision: This one is obvious because I already set up my team for the draft back at the trade deadline. Marleau was acquired strictly for playoffs (which I won) and Spezza was a throw-in. Those two are gone. Sure, Marleau could get 45 points on this upgraded Toronto team, but so can Killorn and I think Killorn has more upside and is younger. Koivu also has more upside, though if there was a draft pick available and a player I like at the draft Iâd be very comfortable just dropping Koivu and making the pick.
LEAGUE 2 â The âForecasterâ League, with the group that puts together the magazine. I joined it in 2008 and won three straight from I think it was 2012-2014. But havenât won in a bit. This one is Keep 12, points-only but extra bonus for Hits, SOG and PPPts. No playoffs. Regular hockey rosters (4C, 8W, 6D, 2G 4 bench, IR). I have lots of draft picks, all in the first 8 rounds.
Keeping: MacKinnon, Johansen, Granlund, W. Karlsson, Keller, Carlson, Klingberg, Gardiner, Talbot, Bishop, Hellebuyck.
Already dropped: Wennberg, Maroon, Aberg, Koivu, Gaudette, Little, Valimaki, Oleksiak, Ferland, Petersen.
Bubble: Atkinson, E. Lindholm, Montour for the final Keeper.
Other assets: L. Andersson, Frost, Heinen, Matheson, Tuch
Strategy â First of all, I have an Excel file that each of you should also have. It lists my players â each league has its own tab. And the players are listed in order of their value to me. At a quick glance I can always evaluate what I can afford to give up. Itâs just a great way to evaluate your situation.
Second, I hate dropping players. If possible, I try to use them as sweeteners to other deals. Short of that, if a player is on the bubble I might be fine with trading a keeper for a draft pick, and replace that keeper with a bubble player. And thatâs what I did here. I received an offer of a fifth round pick for Jake Gardiner. I had him upgrade the pick to the fourth round and did the deal. Brandon Montour has now been moved from the âBubbleâ section to the âKeepingâ section. Iâve already done Anaheim in the Guide and can tell you that I projected 41 points for him. Iâm guessing Gardiner will be low-50s when I get to the Leafs. But Montour had 27 more shots, 45 more hits and three fewer PPPts. Iâm guessing all three of those numbers get better for Montour in the year ahead and according to our league rules, the guess is that these two players will turn out to be equal or pretty close to it. And I just gained a fourth.
Now I have to choose between Cam Atkinson and Elias Lindholm, who I firmly believe will be Johnny Hockeyâs new linemate. Atkinson had 33 points in his last 33 games and heâll have a great season with Artemi Panarin. However, Panarin is looking like heâll be traded. Furthermore, Atkinsonâs value is hidden. As in â nobody is going to draft him in the first round. I can drop him and then draft him in the second round (if Panarin stays) or the fourth round (if Panarin is traded). So thatâs my plan. But until that point, Iâll be trying to work in a trade. I hate wasting assets.
LEAGUE 3 â Keep everyone, rosters are 33 players, 15-team league, top 12 forwards, top 4 defensemen, top 2 goalies count for points-only.
Iâm not going to list my roster as itâs too big. Iâll just reiterate that I hate just dropping a guy. Iâll have no choice on two obvious ones in Nathan Beaulieu and Nick Bonino. But other players I didnât like I felt I could get something for them. First I traded Jordan Staal and Richard Panik for third- and fourth-round picks (itâs a four-round draft). Staal is Staal â you know exactly what youâre getting and thatâs not going to get better or worse anytime soon. Panik is a wildcard. Heâs averaged 40 points the last two seasons and heâs 27 years old. But he had 15 points in the last 20 games and Arizona has a good-looking top nine now. I have in the Fantasy Guide 42 points for Panik, with line combos that look like this:
Panik â Derek Stepan â Clayton Keller
Christian Fischer â Alex Galchenyuk â Vinnie Hinostroza
Brendan Perlini â Christian Dvorak â Michael Grabner
Because I donât think Panikâs upside is any higher than 60 points at best, getting a third for him I felt was good value. Especially when Iâm the one using the pick. My last few third rounders: Lehkonen (2017), Sheary (2017), Brossoit (2017), DeBrincat (2017), Grimaldi (2016), Gostisbehere (2016). Thatâs not a bad track record, even with the warts!
Then I traded Aaron Dell, Lars Eller and Jordan Weal. All three were on the bubble for me â and now all three are off my team. I got a second and a third for them. I had been hoping Dell would sign with Detroit or Buffalo and as soon as he signed with San Jose, I didnât want him anymore. Martin Jones just starts his new contract this season, so heâs locked in no matter how bad he is (I think heâs bad). Ellerâs best years are still ahead of him, in my opinion, but thatâs not saying much. I think heâll get 40 points this year, but with upside for 55 if Kuznetsov or Backstrom get hurt for 20 games or more. Weâve seen him flourish when he sneaks onto that top PP unit. As for Weal, I just didnât like his chances. I havenât given up all hope as he always seems to overachieve and I really like those players. But I can do better with a good draft pick and his inclusion helped me get a second rounder instead of another third.
The last move I made (so far) was actually going the other way. But only because there was a deal to be had. A GM made his bubble players available and I took a stab at getting two of his best for my lowest draft pick (a future fourth rounder). That got me Jaret Anderson-Dolan and Samuel Montembeault. I think I would draft JAD in the third round in September, so thatâs a deal right there. And Montembeault is a bubble player â Iâd probably draft him fourth, but thatâs not set in stone and dependent on the goalie options out there. I like Montembeault but heâs three years away at least. Two years of no help at all, followed by a year or two as a backup. And thatâs if it works out.
Jaret Anderson-Dolan (more on him here) is a sure-fire NHLer. But will he be second-line 60-point guy with upside for 70? Or a third-line 45-point guy? I donât think he has a long wait time. Maybe a year away. I like that about him.
I went to Twitter for your Bubble questions. A bubble player varies from league to league, but when you start having to decide between Tarasenko and Voracek, or Draisaitl vs. Pastrnak â I donât consider it a keeper league! Thereâs no wrong answer! Try flipping a coin. (Note: I answered these ones right on Twitter)
If your league is a Keep 3, a Keep 5, or even a Keep 8 â to me thatâs a one-year league where you get to hold onto a couple of guys. True keeper leagues allow you to actually recognize your roster from one year to the next because you get to keep 10, 12, 15, 20 or even all of your players. Keeper leagues!
With that in mind, here are some Twitter queries:
{source}<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-conversation="none" data-cards="hidden" data-partner="tweetdeck"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Whoâs got a better likelyhood of holding a top six spot, Beauvillier or Athanasiou?</p>â Barry Miles (@barryhmiles) <a href="https://twitter.com/barryhmiles/status/1021168514659385345?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">July 22, 2018</a></blockquote>
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Athanasiouâs fancy stats indicate that he can really make an impact and put up first-line points on Detroit, perhaps even better than Gustav Nyquist. And he probably deserves that spot over Nyquist. But zero chance that happens. This is another stepping-stone year for Athanasiou. So my answer is Anthony Beauvillier. If Jan Kovar fails to make things happen in the NHL as a top sixer, then Beauvillier will get his chance. And then, whether or not he makes that chance work is up to him. If Kovar clicks, then Beauvillier is a depth guy again. So in that sense, Athanasiou is a safer play. I have Athanasiou for 42 points. Nice and safe. So this question becomes â do you want safe, or do you want to swing for the fences?
{source}<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-conversation="none" data-cards="hidden" data-partner="tweetdeck"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">12 team keeper pool, keep 10 .. G/A/PPG/PPA/+-/PIMS/BLKS/Hits   my final 2 spots are between Shea Weber , Shatts, Koneckny and ROR <br><br>Thanks</p>â REALMUTT (@REALMUTT1) <a href="https://twitter.com/REALMUTT1/status/1021162914923679745?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">July 22, 2018</a></blockquote>
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Kevin Shattenkirk and Ryan OâReilly. No way I keep Shea Weber.
{source}<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-conversation="none" data-cards="hidden" data-partner="tweetdeck"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">12 teams keep 15. G/A/P/PPP/S/H/W/GAA/S%. Keep 4 of the following- Perron Stastny Stepan Bailey Zetterberg Bjugstad Weber E Staal OReilly Lundqvist.</p>â Sean Liebich (@seanliebich) <a href="https://twitter.com/seanliebich/status/1021160832082722816?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">July 22, 2018</a></blockquote>
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Eric Staal and Ryan OâReilly are the obvious keeps. I like Derek Stepan and Josh Bailey over the other forwards there. I already spoke about Weber. I believe Bailey will get the star treatment now that heâs coming off a big year, even losing Tavares I think heâs still safe for 55 points. A contract like the one he signed will see to it that he gets optimal linemates and PP time. And Stepan has a great supporting cast around him and is safe for 52-55 points. However, if you are hurting for goalies, then you have to keep Henrik Lundqvist over Stepan. But if you have two other good ones, then King Henrik can go.
{source}<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-conversation="none" data-cards="hidden" data-partner="tweetdeck"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">$100 cap auction league. G,A, points, Ppg, shg, I have to choose one of E. Lindholm, Hertl or Konecny for $3 Iâm struggling hard with it. Thanks</p>â Kyle Webb (@KyleWebb03) <a href="https://twitter.com/KyleWebb03/status/1021136988743794688?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">July 22, 2018</a></blockquote>
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I like these choices as it embraces three players who âcouldâ break out in the year ahead. But I am the most bullish on Elias Lindholm so thatâs my selection here.
{source}<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-conversation="none" data-cards="hidden" data-partner="tweetdeck"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Cap Keeper League 6F 4D 1G <br>G A PIM SOG PPG PPA Hits Blocks<br><br>Keep one âprospectâ <br><br>Jake Virtanen vs. Timo Meier</p>â Geoff Boldgloom (@geoffboldgloom) <a href="https://twitter.com/geoffboldgloom/status/1021131975275380737?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">July 22, 2018</a></blockquote>
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This one is only close because Jake Virtanen has so much potential in terms of hits. I would still keep Timo Meier here.
{source}<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-conversation="none" data-cards="hidden" data-partner="tweetdeck"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Points only. 1g, 3d, 9f. Auto protected until game #83 for prospects. Finished 17th and 18th out of 18 in last 2 seasons. Protect 10. Final 2 spots between C Coyle, Klefbom, Hanifin, Matheson, Zacha. Must protect at least 1 D out of this list.</p>â Alexandre Lussier (@lusshouse) <a href="https://twitter.com/lusshouse/status/1021117363918376961?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">July 22, 2018</a></blockquote>
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This one is incredibly hard. And Iâm only looking at the defensemen here, as they are harder to replace in-season. So between Mike Matheson â huge upside and Iâm so very certain he will eventually get there, but it will be another âstepping stoneâ year for him (projection: 35 points). Nick Hanifin â on a new team, steadily improving, should be a safe play for low-40s (I project him for 44 this year), but doesnât have Mathesonâs upside. Oscar Klefbom â still Edmontonâs only option for PP QB and could âget itâ at any moment (projection: 38 points for this season). I think my two picks here will be Matheson and Hanifin â one for immediate results and the other for future results.
One more note â Iâm hard at work on the Guide, so once again Iâm late with the Goalie Rankings. Theyâll be out in early August.
See you next Monday. Enjoy Keeper Bubble Week!
 from All About Sports https://dobberhockey.com/hockey-rambling/ramblings-keeper-bubble-players-my-dilemmas-your-dilemmas-lets-hash-this-out-july23/
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