#fergus portal
viva-la-runaway · 3 months
I think I mentioned my headcanon about Wheatley’s siblings in the RickRatt post. So, I thought I'd share these while I work on my Pride Month drawing.
All the siblings are characters either from the game, or from the series “Meet the cores” on Youtube by Harry101UK. I own none of these characters.
Small TW: Implied child neglect (nothing too detailed.)
I’ll start off by showing y'all my more recent Wheatley design. This is the one I usually stick to these days
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Then right here is the older design, and with him is my human design of Space core.
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Headcanon time, yippee :D
So, almost all of Wheatley’s siblings come from different moms, but they all have the same dad. Ray, Clark, and Rose have the same mom because they're triplets. Rick and Wheatley have the same mom, but she died while giving birth to Wheatley
Most of the kids don't have much contact with their moms, as they all grew up with their neglectful fathers. Their mothers were never in positions to care for them entirely or were products of one-night stands, so they usually just ended up in the care of the oldest three brothers.
Rusty, Fergus, and Chuck were in charge growing up. They each worked jobs to help feed the younger siblings, while the middle kids did things for their neighbors to earn extra cash.
For such a chaotic and sometimes rather unfortunate life, they all turned out fine and got jobs at Aperture. Wheatley’s good record at work actually helped most of the siblings get jobs there, even if some of their jobs were rather unimportant in some peoples eyes.
Wheatley was actually rather brilliant before he was turned into a core. He was still very talkative while working at Aperture. He also tended to be a bit clumsy and often made mistakes, sometimes forgetting to do his work because he was too busy yapping at his coworkers. Those little flaws are what I imagine led to his selection for the core experiments.
If you guys want more specific headcanons, I have a TON. I guess this could be considered an Au, so I'd love to share more if you guys have any questions about it. :)
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playing fe7 and I have not learned anything from the Gluing Fergus To His Horse incident. used some cheat codes and accidentally deleted legault from my army. My survival rank is still at the max so he's not dead I think? I just can't find him in my army anymore. He's blacked out in the support logs and everything. I suppose I'll see in the end cards if the game thinks he's dead or just unrecruited somehow
Mark is going through post-battle summary with the lords: "...and finally, we seem to have lost Legault."
Eliwood: "He was killed? That's--"
Mark: "Oh, no, I don't think so. I just can't find him anywhere. Nobody's talked to him since the last battle and all his stuff is gone from the barracks."
Hector: "So he ditched us."
Mark: "Well...about that..."
Lyn: "Mark, why was your book of tactics open to a page about 'teaching a thief or assassin to stealth so hard he exits the game'? What does that mean?"
Mark: "...yeah he definitely ditched us, Hector you're right. I didn't do anything."
Lyn: "Why does this same tactics book advocate for gluing your soldiers to their horses, ruining their capability to fight indoors?"
Eliwood: "Is it too late to find another tactician?"
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transatos · 2 years
Spoilers for every campaign ahead.
Here is my fan-theory fan-timeline for connections between every single Just Roll With It campaign. There are approximately six regions to look at. In chronological order, with the world name listed first and included campaigns second, here they are:
Prevarus - "Apotheosis":
This one's special! No direct ties, just in the same universe as the rest.
Mana - "Convergence", "Riptide":
The first glimpse of this world is in Convergence's underwater society (e3). This is an early, shallow undersea civilization. Sometime afterwards, the Convergence Crew's adventure ends. Kasper (and any potential other crew members) enters a final portal to take him to Mana's Feywild. The Black Rose Pirates prequels occur. Riptide occurs. A decade after Kasper's entry to the Feywild, he meets the Riptide Pirates. Additionally, Horsea, or the Western Sea, has a continent or island on which Convergence's ghostly wild west (e7-8 [lost]) is. This is one of the Archangels' and the Party City Ghost's hometown. Mana and Prime are in the same solar system.
Earth - "Blood in the Bayou", "Convergence", "Paradise Chronicles":
Blood in the Bayou occurs in Galloway, Louisiana. Many decades later, a meatball-like meteor (meateor) hits Earth, similar to the one that threatened Prime. This is the home planet of the infection in Galloway, and it finds a new home on the streets of New York. This time, nobody can stop it. Scientists attempt to study and isolate it, with little luck. The Dimension Dudes arrive a few years into the infection in Convergence's City of Nightmares (e4-6). Alastyr gets infected with "Fergus", a slow-acting transformative version of the rot. The crew portals away. Despite the hopes of those in the Garden, it eventually rots a hole into the center of the earth, almost splitting it in two. The world deals with this fallout, and the Paradise Chronicles occur 300 years later.
Prime - "Mythborne", "UH-OH!", "Agents of P.I.S.S.", "Prime Defenders":
Mythborne contains early manifestations of superhero powers, to a certain few individuals. UH-OH! occurred on Earth in post-BITB, pre-Convergence days, but Bacon-Man simply flew incredibly fast through space (Earth and Prime are in different solar systems) and got to Prime later in his career and life. Agents of P.I.S.S. are early prototypes of W.A.T.C.H. Prime Force occurs. Prime Defenders occurs. Sometime during PD, Convergence Space (e9 [lost]) takes place. The Strangehold is in the same orbit as the W.A.T.C.H. space base, and the two groups are aware of eachother. Sometime during or after the end of the Convergence Crew's adventures, Alastyr planehops to Prime and joins W.A.T.C.H. Prime Defenders takes place after Earth was lost to the rot and before Paradise Chronicles.
Fauna - "Prime Defenders", "Convergence":
Fauna, as seen in Prime Defenders and as the world Vyncent knows, is still overrun by monsters. It is the world prior to the great goddess planting Yggdrasil, saving it. A thousand years after Yggdrasil being planted, Convergence (e1-2) occurs. Cultists of the Corn takes place somewhere within its world, in a distant town.
"Intergalactic Gameshow"s:
All of it has genuinely happened, it is just never acknowledged.
Some notes, and shorter campaign mentions:
Goobleck is omnipresent, and watching at any point. Food, the food store, is one of the universe's funny repeating patterns, appearing on both early Mana and City of Nightmares-era Earth. The Fight Before Christmas occurs somewhere out in the galaxy. Where? Who knows. Have fun. The Final Episode is somewhere in another distant corner of the galaxy, chronologically far after all other campaigns have occurred. Lastly, ties to the Fated's world have been omitted out of respect for the current DMs.
@strawberri-syrup and @kasperconvergence you asked for this! Thank you for the encouragement.
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300iqprower · 2 years
Hypothetical Summer Singularity: Male-Swimsuit Spectacular on the Stygian Shores!
I'm just gonna format this like a point by point outline/narration of how it'd play out. See previous list for the full casting. With that said:
Good news, everyone! A hell portal has opened up! Also Rider Caesar finally materialized, and he's so powerful he broke the male swimsuit curse! Finally we’ll have- er, hey wait a sec, isn’t this TOO many swimsuits?!
Heading through said hell portal into the singularity to investigate the source of grail-like summonings, they find themselves somewhere in Hades, though it feels awfully warm and summer like.
The villain of our story appears to be Chiron! Or rather, Chiron Alter, a disgruntled and bored Charon who took matters into his own hands and possessed Chiron for a beach body and potential summer fling!
Now a mysterious figure revealing himself as Brutus has come to help, loyal as ever to Rider Caesar and determined to restore the emperor to his full power, who with an elated Cleopatra, and now Saber Mandricardo (something about equivalent exchange?), must traverse the transformed "River Styx Resort" and figure out what the hell is even going on, before Chaldea’s systems (and budget) are completely overwhelmed by the numbers of alts, costumes, and chain summons being released!
Recruiting d’Eon, Mephistopheles, and Fergus, as well as the new Gundrun alongside her husband Erik, after the usual misadventures and enjoying of what vacation we can get, it’s time to put a stop to Charon!
…Until, upon defeating Charon, it turns out the real cause is Pretender Blackbeard, alongside his “boyfriend” Berserker Achilles and a mysterious shielder (Who really did try to stop them, honest…). After so many years of being stuck as some weird 2 star pervert, Teach got sick of it and after realizing his bisexuality last Summer, set out to fix things! Starting with reuniting his new bestie Achilles with their long lost boyfriend Patroclus! Rally your mistreated, your underpowered, your constantly referenced but never actually given, for Blackbeard is here to unite us against the tyranny of heteronormative gacha oppression! …well, that was the plan anyways, except didn’t Grand Carnival already do this joke?!
Regardless, we don't't stand a chance against a roided out Achilles! Falling back, Hektor and a now adult Paris are the only option to turn to, though is it just Hektor or are things getting a bit chilly around here? Whatever. Hektor’s certain we’re gonna need Bedivere and the round table knights, as well as a powerful curse user to take down an enraged Achilles. That’s one sorceress already taken care of, a bunch of himbo knights to go. Off to recruit them!
After a good walloping, as well as a bit of calming down from an understanding d’Eon and Fergus, a defeated Achilles and Blackbeard relent, and we can find out where the grail causing all this mess is- waddya mean Blackbeard doesn’t know? Waddya mean someone else told him how to kick off a male summer event?! AND WHY IS IT SO FREAKIN COLD AROUND HERE?!
Suddenly, a ghostly crew of ice shades seem to answer that question! A lot of them! How is this event still not over?! Well Hektor seems certain Charon knows. And he does. The servants of Cocytus, the riverbank those who could not pay Charon, seek those who cannot move on from their own lamentation and drag them back to their master. A sick melding of Hades and Inferno, Cocytus is more like the monstrous Charybdis than an actual body of water, devouring those who cannot escape their own sins and refuse to pay for them.
Brutus’s work was done, and his bargained time up. He had returned Caesar to his glory in the Grand Order, even if he had to throw all of Styx into a mess of overflowing swimsuit servants to do it. Now he was to throw himself into the depths of Cocytus for good. Not as Assassin Marcus Junius Brutus, but as Pretender Decimus Junius Brutus Albinus, the true and much less noble architect of Caesar’s death, who could never forgive his own cowardice.
But when did Caesar ask for such “justice”? No, he did not permit it, let alone ask for it. As Mephistopheles and Bedivere attest, cowardice is not an absence of love, and to live eternally believing such is a fate none deserve. Brutus may not forgive himself, but Caesar does, and if only through arrogance is certain that is all that matters. Thus, with Blackbeard’s ship at full power from the number of servants gathered, at Caesar’s command they take to the waves, and bring down the leviathan-like Cocytus to protect Chaldea’s newest member.
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Ever After Academy route summaries
Abel Hawthorn the Woodsman
Abel has been cursed with the same contract that bound the Tin Man to kill Hero and Heroine. But Hero believes they can overcome the curse together and they renew their vows to each other. Abel can’t let Hero go, curse or not. But, a mysterious green fog claws its way across campus, draining magic everywhere it goes. The rush to cure the trees increases as they discover Arin is dying from their connection. Hero learns to wield axes from Abel and to use magic from Nora. In return, Hero teaches Abel how to cook. To everyone’s horror, they find the green fog was sent by the Wizard as it takes over the Labyrinth! Hero discovers that fixing the lighthouse lamp has to be from his own magic. As the fog gains power, everyone begins to see creepy magical illusions of their fears. In the finale, the fog is strong enough to possess Abel’s body and Hero must fight him. But in the end, it’s love—not power—that saves them both. Breaking the spell on Hero helps break the curse on Abel at the last minute through love.
For the remaining seasons, trust, loyalty, and ‘love as an answer’ were to be the main themes. Hero fixes the lamp as he retakes his Light Keeper role and becomes an unofficial Woodsman. Abel becomes an efficient cook and confidently faces down all his past enemies. They continue on many adventures in both realms, often able to fulfill their separate duties together. Eventually, Abel is given his own, unique title from the White Queen and becomes his own boss, employing dedicated Woodsmen around the world. This gives him more time with Hero where they raise orphaned children together.
Lavinia the Ice Queen
The mystery of Lavinia's parentage is revealed. She was born to Titania, the queen of the Summer Fae Court and the most powerful of the Fae. Titania loved her daughter for a time, but Lavinia was half human and Titania also realized that Lavinia could grow up to be a threat to her. So she had Lavinia left in the snow to freeze. Lavinia has no memory of her early days among the Fae, but she does remember doing anything she could to survive...and she does remember that magic came to her naturally. When Lavinia came into her full power, she caught the attention of Titania who at first wondered who this new queen was...and then realized it was the daughter she tried to abandon.
We planned on spending the rest of Lavinia's route delving into the topics of betrayal and love and Lavinia would grapple with both her struggle for power (which has always been her way of self preservation) and her own sense of morality. After finding out she is the daughter of her worst enemy and a universal villain, she will also struggle with who she is as a person. Titania will try many tactics to either destroy Lavinia or make Lavinia give away her power. Ultimately, it will be the grounding love of Heroine that will help Lavinia through this difficult time. They will break the spell on Heroine and defeat Titania and her Fae Court. Lavinia will choose Ezra to rule as regent in her kingdom while she travels with Heroine while she works as the Path Finder. When Heroine and Lavinia's child grows up, that child will become the Path Finder. Heroine and Lavinia will return to Lavinia's Ice realm and rule as equals.
Arin Langdon the Guardian
The final challenge is interrupted by the arrival of Wilhelm Grimm, one of the Brothers Grimm. Heroine is able to use her magic to turn the tide in the fight against Wilhelm, and in doing so finds a way to use the magic of the Path Finder...to create paths and to open portals between this world and the magical realm. The clash with Wilhelm culminates in the temporary defeat of Wilhelm, but in the death of Dr. James Tutorea. As he dies he gives Heroine a ring that matches the one she wears. Fergus also sees the error of his ways and withdrawals [sic] from the competition. It is decided the best thing the group can do is find a way to travel to the magical realm and go to the Red and White Queens as James was doing to get the seeds.
Arin and Heroine are then confronted with a problem that they will have to deal with the rest of their lives: that Heroine's place as the Path Finder is in the magical realm and Arin's is in the Library. Over the course of the rest of the seasons we would break the spell on Heroine and have Heroine and Arin grow in their magic together as well as in their love. They would wear matching rings that magically create a space between the worlds where time stops for just the two of them where they can be together whenever they want for as long as they want. In this way they can fulfill their duties but also be together. Before Heroine goes into the magical realm, they have a wedding that solidifies their union. Heroine and Arin will eventually retire from their roles and pass them down to their children.
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renee-writer · 1 year
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What If It Were Brian Chapter Thirty-five
“He was an evil man, cruel to all around him. The time was different but the queen and prince still wished to get away from him. They went through a portal that brought them to a place and time where the real king lives. He wasn’t like the other. He was kind and loving. There a princess was born to them named, Olivia. There they lived happily forever.”
She watches her big brother, fascinated by his words. At a few months old, she doesn’t understand them but, she loves his focused attention and her name being said.
Jamie loves his son’s storytelling skill and the role he has in it. The true king, indeed. Claire is out collecting herbs for her surgery. With the new house finished, the original house can now be used as such. Fergus went with her as a guard. Murtagh is out hunting. It is just himself and his children.
“Grand tale son. Storytelling is in your blood. It is a Scottish tradition.”
He smiles down at Olivia, who is contently resting in his lap. Claire can only make short trips. The lass remains fully content only with her mama, as it should be at her age.
“Your turn daddy. Tell us a story.”
He is happy too. Patting his free knee, he invites Brian to join him. 
“There once was a poor lad, wondering about the land, in service to his uncles. A Laird in excel, you see. Unable to return to his land because the evil Englishmen.
One day, he fell off his horse, injuring himself. Well, neither his uncle nor the other lads with him knew how to fix it. They were discussing it when suddenly, like a dream, there was a lass there.
She looked like no other lass the poor wonderer had ever seen. She behaved like none either. She took charge, you see. Neither weak nor obedient was she.
When she spoke, demanding leave to see to his shoulder, he realized she was an English lass. It didn’t matter, he knew still she was to be his lady.
She fixed his shoulder, a type of magic, then they rode together back to his uncles keep. He was a stubborn one, was the lad, not telling her he was injured another way.
She found out when he fell off his horse. He woke to her kneeling a top him, speaking words no lass should. He knew then, even more then before, she was to be his bride.
They were married, amidst a room full of candles. Now they have sons and a daughter. He is Laird of his own land. They are living happily.”
Brian has falling asleep. Olivia is awake, looking at him with her round eyes, a grin on her face.
“Aye, my lass, the story is about your daddy and mama.”
He adjusts to lay Brian down on the bed. Then he just rocks his daughter until Claire and Fergus, return.
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ghxstkn1fe · 1 year
thinking about alastyrs arm in pd. when did he make and attach the prosthetic? did he cut his entire arm off or is the prosthetic some type of device used to fend fergus off? is fergus even still there? if so, how much is it affecting alastyr? is it one of the reasons alastyr went a little mad? what is that green stuff he injects into the arm? it looks like how the portals in convergence were described but if there is truly a connection then why? what is that green liquid and why is he injecting it into his arm? is the liquid what keeps fergus at bay???? i need answers??? bizly please????
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martianbugsbunny · 2 years
OUAT Thoughts Pt.44--Episodes 1-2
I have watched through S5E2; spoilers DNI. Also, spoiler warning for those further behind than I am.
—The Dark One dagger being the end of Excalibur is awesome! I hope at some point we actually get to see when Merlin created the dagger.
—I didn’t know Excalibur destroyed anybody who failed to remove it from the stone. That’s dark.
—Yay, Merida! Her dress is a very nice shade of blue, although I personally adore the dark green one from the movie, and her clan tartan cloak is pretty. Her bow has some cool new decorations, too. As far as hair goes, it’s alright, but it’s more wavy than curly and it could have a bit more volume. I mean, come on! This is the princess with possibly the most b*tchenest hair ever, they might as well go whole and a half hog on it.
—It’s a great idea to have Merida and Camelot near each other. They probably aren’t from quite the same time, but I like them coexisting anyway.
—It was funny when Emma’s hallucination-Rumple commented about Merida’s accent.
—I’m gonna nitpick a lil bit here, but I don’t think Merida’s kingdom falling apart because they can’t handle a queen doesn’t quite work. This entire show is woman-geared. Snow leads her people to rebellion, and they don’t decide to switch their loyalties to David when Snow married him. People don’t want Regina to rule them because she’s terrorizing them, not because they had a king before her. Women with the blood right haven’t been forced aside in favor of men previously, and I’m not thrilled with it showing up now. There could’ve been any other reason for Merida’s kingdom to fall apart. Maybe they could’ve used the war that united the kingdom in the first place—it seems Fergus was the rallying force in the war, so his death itself could’ve been the catalyst for collapse. Then Merida could eventually have the chance to prove herself on the battlefield, as a leader and as a warrior, like her father did, and reunite the kingdom that way. Full circle, brah.
—Are we gonna see Emma in full Dark One makeup? I’d love that.
—It’s cool how her hair is full-on bleached pale now. I don’t think it’s quite as flattering as the honey blonde she had before, but it’s cool.
—I love that Regina’s dress for the Camelot ball matched Snow’s. I like it that they’re being friends now. I also adore that Charming and Snow taught Regina how to dance.
—Actually, the Camelot ball outfits were strong overall. Emma’s white lace dress with the wide sleeves and flower crown was gorgeous. Snow’s dress had perfectly-done decorations, and the material looked gorgeous, and her little gold circlet really suited her hair. And Regina got to wear pink! And Hook…well, Hook was just a fancy pirate. But who’s complaining? Pirate looks great on him.
—Emma giving Regina the knife was cool. Although, I don’t think Regina wants to stab Emma even if she does get out of line.
—The tornado portal was fun. They’re all lucky Granny’s dropped back into its original spot, though.
—The dwarves riding around in their van with Sneezy strapped to the roof was hilarious. Lucky that he’s back to being human, even if Dopey’s still a tree.
—It’s also good to have some of the dwarves being more involved in stuff. Grumpy is really the only one I love having around (especially when he calls Snow ‘sister’) but I really do love having him there.
—It’s nice that Henry got to meet Violet both in Camelot and in Storybrooke. She’s gotta be somebody, maybe the daughter of a knight or something.
—Guinevere is lovely. Her pink dress is one of the prettiest I’ve ever seen, and her hair is really good in that style.
—Not quite sure how I feel about Arthur yet. He seemed pretty amiable at first, but now that things are going sideways for him, he might get kinda bitter.
—The Fury was cool. Great design, amazing final showdown, interesting principle. And then you’ve got Charon pulling a *Homer in the bush* when the Fury is defeated.
—Grrrrr, that rose is *stressing me out*. It’s totally going to be destroyed at some point, and I’ll have to watch Rumple die again.
—And good grief, like that wasn’t bad enough, Emma doesn’t love Hook anymore? WHY??!!!!! *curses the universe for letting me watch this*
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medmains · 2 years
Clandestiny pc game torrent
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So many images were produced that they had to be stored in an entire room. The characters were drawn and animated using Amino, which was also used to draw sketches before being rendered by Autodesk. All backgrounds were designed and drawn using Autodesk 3D. With his girlfriend Paula (who wants to be the next Countess MacPhiles) and a friendly handyman named Fergus, Andrew must solve the mystery of the MacPhiles curse.ĭuring development the game was to be titled "Castle".
#Clandestiny pc game torrent full
Morgan Sheppard) who has recently inherited a Scottish castle, being the last MacPhiles standing, full of ghosts, and an earldom along with it. The story is of a young man named Andrew J. The gameplay is basically the same as in The 11th Hour, except that there are no transitions between locations. Clandestiny Download (1996 Adventure Game) Download full Clandestiny: Download (990 MB) Clandestiny screenshots: In this animated tale of ghosts and family redemption set in Scotland, you control the actions and exploits of Andrew MacPhiles as he takes possession of an inherited castle - an isolated, dark, dank and creepy place filled with 12 spirits from the long and cowardly line of his ancestors. Each solved puzzle triggers a brief cartoon to extend the story and also opens another room in the house. Another re-hash of the previous games is the cursors used in the game, which are exact copies of those from the preceding games. Clandestiny is a cartoon puzzle game in which the player wanders around a haunted house solving logic puzzles. The puzzles include mazes, chess problems, logical deductions, and word manipulations. Release: 2015 Developer: Logic Artists OS: Windows 7, 8, 10 (圆4) Processor: Intel. The main protagonist, Andrew MacPhiles, grows as a character and learns the secrets of his family's past along with the help of an array of characters who further the story giving clues and hints along the way.Ī fairly simple plot is played out by animated characters through animated clips as you progress between rooms by solving puzzles of shifting nature and increasing difficulty. The full game Clandestiny was developed in 1996 in the Puzzle genre by the. Like that of The 7th Guest and The 11th Hour, the game is played by wandering a castle, solving logic puzzles and watching animated videos that further the story. On this game portal, you can download the game Clandestiny free torrent. The game was re-released in January 2011 on the Mac App Store.Ĭlandestiny is the third puzzle game made by Trilobyte, and provides an interesting mix of first-person gameplay and third-person cartoon. After the profit loss of The 11th Hour, the second game created by Trilobyte, the producers went on to make a more kid-friendly version of The 7th Guest series.
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Clandestiny, published in 1996 by Virgin Games and developed by Trilobyte, is a video-based puzzle computer game. COC MOD Apk-Clash of Clans Mod Apk 14.635.9 (Unlimited Troops/Gems Mod) is an Online Strategy game from dlandroid Table of Contents Clash of Clans Apk.
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greyspromotion · 2 years
Brave movie
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Brave movie how to#
Brave movie movie#
The mutual dependency reminds them of one another's virtues. What was previously a mild marital discord now takes on a lethal edge, as the bear-hating King Fergus is now, unwittingly, on the trail of his transformed wife. Mother and daughter now need each other in an urgent way. Unlike the Sarah Palin version, she can no longer speak, although she attempts to maintain her fastidious table manners until her ravenous ursine stomach takes over. Major spoiler alert, and major bear alert. There she meets a slightly dotty witch (Julie Walters) who casts a spell to help change Elinor's mind, and, as it turns out, much more than that. When her mother tries to punish her by throwing her bow into the fireplace, Merida rides off into the woods in a temper. Like a pint-sized Katniss Everdeen, she enters the games herself and wins with her archery prowess. "I don't want my life to be over," Merida tells her mother. To their credit, the filmmakers don't dance around the cruelty of bartering off an adolescent girl in an arranged marriage. Also, for boys, Merida is cursed with a trio of identical-triplet brothers who all look as though they will grow up to be Sid, the toy torturer from the first Toy Story movie. While waiting to see which man will win Merida's hand, the clan members squabble and fight at the drop of a hat this prompts Merida and her mother to roll their eyes in exasperation, which may be response of anyone in the audience who isn't a boy under 10. That leads to the Highland games, where a trio of dopey young men are offered up as potential husbands. Her mother, Queen Elinor (Emma Thompson), is prim and critical, and would prefer that Merida spend her time in ladylike pursuits rather than practicing her archery and galloping about on her horse, Angus.Īll this comes to a head when Merida reaches adolescence and is expected to wed to maintain order among the potentially warring clans. Her father, King Fergus (Billy Connolly), is a happy-go-lucky lug who dines out on stories of the bear that once dined out on his leg. The owner of the hair is named Merida, and she's vivaciously voiced by Scottish actress Kelly Macdonald ( Trainspotting, Boardwalk Empire). No fault here goes to the heroine herself, a spritely medieval princess with a superb waterfall of unruly red curls which spill about her cheeks and down past her shoulders. What we get would be fine from another studio, but too safe and familiar for Pixar. It's a bit overstuffed with narrative incidents, occasionally wearying in its slapstick, and dependent on a too-convenient magical plot turn. Beyond the usual visual lustre of the castles, crags and Scottish highlands, and first-rate vocal performances, Brave feels like a merely good-enough children's movie. Now comes Brave, the company's 13th feature film, and first with a female lead. In 2010, Pixar, now under the aegis of Disney, saw its weakest release to date, the mediocre Cars 2, which was never justified as much more than a merchandise grab.
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Hello LGBT Community Part 4
Kinda funny how I thought I was done after part 2 and now I’ve realized how many characters there truly are. Anyway, this part is for Meet The Cores specific characters. This might be put in multiple parts because there’s quite a few of those guys. I’ve been made aware of The Underground fan series as well, but I probably won’t use that, just because the characters have pretty small part and I just don’t really know what I’d say about them. Anyway, here’s some gay headcanons, with the obligatory mention that all Aperture bots/employees are trans.
‘Onathan (Ego Core)
He gives off sophisticated gay vibes
He has never loved a woman in his damn life
Trans man, he/him pronouns
Turret Core
I headcanon the human turret as demigirl and human defective turret as demiboy I just like thinking of them as the yin and yang of each other, just thought this would fit here
Asexual panromantic
Gay for reasons I can’t put into words
Trans guy, he/him
Trans man
I’ve heard people ship him and Space Core, and I haven’t decided my thoughts on that, but I can definitely understand it
I also just want to appreciate his chaotic energy and also pray for his VA’s larynx
Trans dude, he/him
Literally his whole role in the series was him wondering what his purpose was
Getting maybe abrosexual vibes from him?
Rose (Botanical Core)
Definite bisexual
Trans woman, she/her
I’d say lesbian, but I can’t deny the romantic undertones of when she was talking to Fact. (Yes I think Fact is gay, but he’s also an entirely different character in Meet the Cores from what I’ve created. Kinda like how Caroline is in the Portal 2 Musical)
Fergus (Gel Supervisor)
Asexual homoromantic
Trans man, he/him pronouns
Dr. Alma
Lesbian, so very lesbian
Trans woman, she/her
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Presenting!!! The Fanmade Cores competition!!!
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Jumping on the bandwagon to these things!!! This competition is gonna be for the fan-made cores in some portal series and games! Obviously I probably didn't get everyone, but The Underground is already sort of obscure enough I didn't want to use more unknown ones that were definitely going to loose anyways because only 5 other people knew about them!
All of the cores I'll be using are from Meet the Cores 1-3, Portal: The Underground, Portal Stories: Mel, and Aperture Tag! And these are ONLY the Cores, so no turrets, P-body/Atlas variations and others won't be included here!
With that out of the way! Here are the matchups (no links right now since I'm still setting up the polls!)
Avery vs Enrichment Core
Ray vs Gaming Core
Chuck/Security Core vs General Core
Fergus/Gel Supervisor vs Rusty Core
Narrator Core vs Dr. Alma
Omni Core vs Oxygen Core
ST4NL3 Core vs Humour Core
Glitchy vs Music Core
Loose Screws Louis/Jazz Core vs Ohnothan/Ego Core
Rose vs Turret Core
Legal Core vs Quest Core
Virgil vs Heavy Metal Core
Rainbow Core vs Nigel
Paranoia Core vs Storyteller Core
Friendship Cores vs Optimism Core
Ambition Core vs Interview Core
Protocol Core vs Elite Core
Once I get the polls set up these will all have links! For now please rb to spread this to other Core fans :]
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arinlangdon · 3 years
From the Lovestruck official website, a summary of the remainder of Arin's route:
The final challenge is interrupted by the arrival of Wilhelm Grimm, one of the Brothers Grimm. Heroine is able to use her magic to turn the tide in the fight against Wilhelm, and in doing so finds a way to use the magic of the Path Finder...to create paths and to open portals between this world and the magical realm. The clash with Wilhelm culminates in the temporary defeat of Wilhelm, but in the death of Dr. James Tutorea. As he dies he gives Heroine a ring that matches the one she wears. Fergus also sees the error of his ways and withdrawals from the competition. It is decided the best thing the group can do is find a way to travel to the magical realm and go to the Red and White Queens as James was doing to get the seeds. 
Arin and Heroine are then confronted with a problem that they will have to deal with the rest of their lives: that Heroine's place as the Path Finder is in the magical realm and Arin's is in the Library. Over the course of the rest of the seasons we would break the spell on Heroine and have Heroine and Arin grow in their magic together as well as in their love. They would wear matching rings that magically create a space between the worlds where time stops for just the two of them where they can be together whenever they want for as long as they want. In this way they can fulfill their duties but also be together. Before Heroine goes into the magical realm, they have a wedding that solidifies their union. Heroine and Arin will eventually retire from their roles and pass them down to their children. 
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renee-writer · 2 years
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I Fought the Law Chapter 53
“You best prepare them.” Murtagh suggests. Jamie nods and steps out. He goes up to the door and enters.
Claire stands at his entrance, Fergus cradled in her arms. “Jamie, Gel knows a barrister that can help us with his paperwork.”
He smiles, kisses her and then the top of his son’s head. “That is excellent.”
“Did you guys get everything sorted?”
“Well sort of. We did get the portal destroyed but…, there was a complication.”
“Us, or a version of us, my ancestor, James Alexander Malcolm Mackenzie Fraser and his wife, Elizabeth, who I swear Claire is the split of you, came through. They are here, literally, in the car.”
Geillis is forgotten until she calls out, “The hell you say!”
“Hand to God.” He replies not taking his eyes off Claire. “Shall I bring them in?”
She nods as her mate says, “Absolutely!”
“Yes, bring them in.”  She says through numb lips.
They enter with hesitation. At seeing Claire and Geillis, wearing trousers, Jamie the first, starts to say something and then stops, recalling when they are. Instead, he bows low while his wife courtesies.
“Lasses, thank you for your hospitality. I am James Alexander Malcolm Mackenzie Fraser, the Laird of Lallybroch and this is my wife, the Lady Elizabeth.”
“Very nice to meet you. I am Geillis Duncan and this is my mate, Claire Beauchamp and her son, Fergus.”
“Our son.” Jamie adds.
“Won’t you have a seat.” Claire offers.
They do, Elizabeth tucking her dress carefully in. She looks amazingly like herself. It is eerie. The others find seats around the room. Jamie takes Fergus rocking him against his chest. They all look at each other.
“So, you ah, came through the stone?” Geillis says.
“No Mistress Duncan. We were at Castle Leoch and suddenly found ourselves in the presence of the others.” James answers.
“It was quite a shock.” Elizabeth adds. Her accent is higher browed then Claire’s who has lived all over.
“I can well imagine.” Claire answers. The two lasses look at each other. The similarities are amazing.
“Jamie, we must have a child. Lady Beauchamp must come from us.”
“Aye, mo ghra, we must.”
Jamie and Claire look at each other. Does this mean they are related way back? Before either can speak, there is a knock.
“Oh that must be Ned, the solicitor.” Geillis exclaims.
“Oh boy.” Angus mumbles.
“You might as well let him in Gel. Maybe he can help make sense of all this.”
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thadeeliv-si · 3 years
Mansion Harvest Party Day 4: Party Time!
An earth pony and a pegasus, both dressed as vampires, stood near the refreshment table, not at all bothered by the well-dressed person and magical girl running past them in a panic.
“What is this, anyway?” the pink one, Diamond Tiara, asked.
“I dunno,” the beige one, Quill Ink, replied.  “Could be punch.  Could be red wine.  Could be blood.  Could be white wine dyed red.”
“And what was with that invitation?” Dia continued.  “And those woods...this house...that kid?”
“Haunted,” Quill said.  “All of them.  The kid’s probly a ghost.”
The two ponies continued their conversation.  Meanwhile, labrador!Thade walked around with Fergus.
“You think any of them can understand us?” Fergus asked.
“I sure hope not,” Thade said.  “Otherwise, I just spoiled Portal 2 for everyone in this room.”
“I hear ya,” Fergus said, clearly not hearing her as he swiped a small sandwich from the table.  “Do you like your meals with or without impalement?”
“That’s a context-sensitive question and you know it.”  Thade sniffed the sandwich.  “I don’t think I can even digest half this stuff anymore.”
“Only one way to find out,” Fergus said, removing the toothpick and tossing the sandwich into Thade’s mouth.  Thade made angry muffled yelling noises, but calmed down when she started eating.
“I haven’t had cheese in too long,” she moaned.
Quill looked over at the labrador, in ecstasy over a sandwich.  “Even the dogs are having more fun than we are.”  She looked at the entrance.  “I wonder how Ocellus is doing as our carved pumpkin.”
“She’ll be fine,” Dia said, wrapping her foreleg around Quill’s neck.  “Now, isn’t there something you’re forgetting?”  She smirked.
“Of course!” Quill exclaimed.  She grabbed an empty plastic cup and placed it upside-down on Dia’s head.  “How could I forget the party fez?!”
“I will never understand where this came from,” Dia said, adjusting her cup.
“Fezzes are cool,” Quill responded.
“That didn’t answer my question.”
Natsuki approached them, holding Destiny.  “Is, uh...is this your dog?” she asked.
“Excuse me?!” Destiny shouted.  “What do you mean, ‘their dog’?!  I’m not anybody’s dog!”  She sighed.  “Why are humans so dense?”
Natsuki glared down at Destiny.  “Well, sorry for trying to help you!”
The two continued their bickering next to Quill and Dia.
“...should we…?” Quill started.
“Never,” Dia answered.  “Come on, let’s see if we can find any couples that don’t involve you.”
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