kaantt · 1 year
Kaamelott incorrect quotes:
Lancelot : Everyone but you has deserted me.
Ferghus : *glances at the pie*
Lancelot : And you just came for the food!
Ferghus : And your charming compagny!
Lancelot : Get out.
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xyberscene · 2 years
Merry Christmas from Tir Chonaill!
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forgot to post this earlier - my submission for the 2022 Mabi Discord Wreath Contest
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randomnameless · 1 month
The fun thing about the Crest system argument is that before Hopes, myself and others were pointing out how Edelgard's claims make no sense when held up to the various nobles we have in game. The Alliance was a big sticking point in this regard, it was only in the Kingdom where it seemed to exist but it was also tied to defending their lands. Then Hopes came out where Sylvain explained that yes, there is a Crest system… that the nobles ignore and do their own thing. Fodlan itself basically says no one follows the Crest system, so is it really that important that Edelgard removes it while consolidating power on herself?
Where in Nopes does Sylvain mention the Crust system?
Crust system is basically the Fodlan equivalent of inheritence laws, and not that different from a male/female/klingon primogeniture rule, legitimacy rule, or picking the most able "person" to inherit...
Especially since the "most able" notion is as variable as the contents of a teaspoon and Fodlan refuses to elaborate what kind of magical superpower each crest gives.
The Nabateans using hair dye in the War of Heroes make more sense than the crust "system"!
I remember Houses thought trying to push the "wah wah inheritence based on crusts bad" with Sylvain (or was it Dimitri?) saying that the crested heir inherits, and the others are disinherited or something? I haven't checked the jp version and if it is worded differently, but, come on.
We see Rufus and Gilbert, sure they don't inherit the ancestral seat/throne of the house (Gilbert's bro is the baron, and Rufus is salty bcs Lambert got the throne), and yet they're not left in the boonies, are we really supposed to believe that both Rufus and Gilbert didn't get a penny, a house, titles (Gilbert became a knight) or anything for inheritance? Disinherited Rufus would never have became a grand duke (unless Dimitri's grandma was from Itha so Rufus took the inheritance from his mom?) or have lived a relatively more privileged life than Ashe and be free to "seduce around".
Jury's out about whether Glenn had a crust or not, and yet, Glenn got a fiancée and is always highly spoken of by his dad - not something you'd do for a kid you disinherit!
So, what were Sylvain (or Dimitri?) talking about in Houses?
Or were they full of shit to pretend there is a "system" that exists but isn't applied anywhere in the land, so it's totes important to get rid of it and make "ReFoRmS" and in the end, Supreme Leader wasn't totally in the wrong and had some good ideas, but please don't ask more about those ideas or what the "most competent" means to her, especially since Bernie in her solo ending in CF (just like in the other routes) can rule her territory ?
We don't see Hector crying a river because Uther is the Lord and not him, or Eirika doing the same (even if it would have been better for Magvel lol) just like Tana, hell, Elincia's dad didn't want to create an inheritence feud between his daughter and Renning so he hid her, and when Renning returns in FE10, he's not throwing a fit because he should have become King instead of his niece, and what not.
Hell, Desmond wanting to make Guinivere Queen wasn't a move to empower her or to shit on Zeph, but ultimately, a move he pulled off because of his own insecurities at being a worthless King compared to his son.
In Fodlan? Tana - after Innes' death at the hands of her accomplices - starts a war to conquer Magvel to get rid of male primogeniture.
And to make this less stupid than it sounds, the devs insist that Magvel's primogeniture laws are very bad and ruin a ton of lives in the continent which would justify killing Ross and Garcia because they're sacrifices to be made for the greater good.
Yeah :/
I'm not playing this version of FE8.
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motordyk · 7 months
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so why don't you love me back?
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patantasma · 4 months
Shout out to all the Mabinogi characters that never made it past their closed beta appearances!
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polishsidema · 11 months
Playful land event spoiler ahead? I'm cryinf
What the fuck are you thinking you're doing Ferro Honest eat a fucking snickers cuz i refuse to believe you're resorting to fucking
Man wtf i am literally going to send this abomination after you
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That shit maybe ain't good ol' Ferghus but it does have a hammer !!!!!!!!!!
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altamhoes · 2 years
watching crime and violence happen in real time-
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toskarin · 1 year
remembering the bewildering mabinogi ad campaign where they had a guy playing ferghus host a fake talk show, except they realised how cheap it looked halfway through and made him start doing a really vague pseudo-olde-english accent
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dagss · 2 years
j'oublie trop que le fait que ferghus soit orcanien est un headcanon, genre quand je le vois dans les fics des autres et qu'il est pas appelé "l'orcanien" ça me trigger
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kaantt · 1 year
Kaamelott incorrect quotes:
Ferghus : You killed him!
Lancelot : Actually, I believe he died of natural causes.
Galessin : Knife to the neck.
Ferghus : I thought you said he died of natural causes.
Lancelot : There is nothing more natural than dying from a knife to the neck.
Galessin : What would be unnatural is if he survived.
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bardeban · 2 years
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Sketch of my OC twins Ferghus and Feruna Скэтч маіх осаў-блізнятак Фергуса і Феруны
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dagonet · 3 years
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Kaamelott Premier Volet (2021) réal. Alexandre Astier [requested @kaantt]
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Est-ce que quelqu’un (pas moi) écrirait pas un p’ti Guenièvre/Ferghus juste comme ca pour voir ce que ca fait ? (s’il vous plait ?)
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yumeka-chan · 3 years
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Je suis tombée sur ce gif, et ça m'a fait penser que je trouve l'aide de camp de Lancelot hyper gentil. (trop gentil?) Il a le petit sourire pour Guenièvre quand elle veut construire quelque chose. Elle est un peu naïve, mais lui aussi, il la trouve très touchante je pense. (bon, il laisse aussi Perceval parler à Angharad, donc on va dire qu'il est pour la paix des ménages) Dommage qu'il soit proche de Lancelot, il aurait fait un bon garde à Kaamelott en rentrant avec Guenièvre (et je sais pas, je le vois bien palefrenier) Et j'ai dû chercher wikipedia sur nom, parce que je m'en souvenais plus.... Guenièvre qui veut créer quelque chose, qui veut s'occuper...et Lancelot qui comprend pas.
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aramielles · 3 years
me ft le tutut de ferghus dans kv1
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altamhoes · 2 years
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cool but give me a -friend of Shuan title, give me a shuan doll bag, mini gem, puppet, etc. i want to stan him the way people do ferghus. He deserves more love tbh- if i had to put up with the squires and the Milletian id probably be an anxious wreck too
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