#fenrin gustafsson
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Fenrin Gustafsson → Austin Butler → Witch
→ Basic Information
Age: 575
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Powers: Aquakinesis
Birthday: March 14th
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Religion: Norse Paganism
Mark: Unknown
Generation: Presumed 2nd Generation
→ His Personality
Most of the time Fenrin is like the sea on a calm summer's day. That is to say that he is easy going, warm and friendly, spending most of his time just going with the flow. He’ll invite you to join him for coffee, even if you’ve never met before, and then insist you stay for cake two hours later when you say you should leave. His relaxed nature can also put people at ease when they’re around him. This often means he makes a good teacher and a good sailing partner. He doesn’t rattle easy, managing to stay calm even in the stormiest of waters when out sailing as well as in life.
On the flip side he can be quite impulsive. One minute its calm waters, the next a torrent of activity. When he decides to do something he doesn’t give it much thought, he just does it. But whatever he does he tries to do well; putting his all into every detail. This goes for people too. He lets people in easily and once he’s decided you're a friend you can expect him to be there for you whenever you need him for the rest of your life.
→ His Personal Facts
Occupation: Boat Builder and Sailing Instructor
Scars: One of his right foot, One on his left arm, A few small ones on his hands
Tattoos: Old, slightly faded ones across his chest, arms and back
Two Likes: Being Outdoors and Lingonberry Juice
Two Dislikes: Electronics and Fastfood
Two Fears: The Desert and Bleeding Out
Two Hobbies: Sailing and Wood Carving
Three Positive Traits: Relaxed, Hospitable, Loving
Three Negative Traits: Impulsive, Flippant, Meticulous
→ His Connections
Parent Names:
Gustaf Henriksson (Father/deceased): he doesn’t remember much of his father as he was killed when Fenrin was still just a boy, but he does remember he was caring but strict with his children.
Aslaug Ivarsdotter (Mother/deceased): Fenrin has fond memories of his mother. She was a gentle and kind woman. His twin sister reminds him a lot of her, which is likely why she is still so clear in his memory.
Sibling Names:
Jonna Gustafsdotter (Twin sister): As is often the case with twins, Fenrin and Jonna have always been close. Where he can be changeable like the sea, she is constant like the earth. She has often stopped him from making impulsive and reckless decisions.
Ingrid Gustasdotter (Sister): Ingrid was always more independent than the rest of the family but they still share a close bond.
Children Names:
Romantic Connections:
Birgitta Olafsdotter (wife/deceased): She was a human he met in his youth and instantly fell in love with. Though she aged whilst he did not, he stayed with her. Their relationship changed over the years, becoming less romantic but he cared for her till the end of her life.
Platonic Connections:
Judson Cleirigh (Friend): Judson and Fenrin first met whilst surfing years ago. When they bumped into each other again in Chicago a friendship formed between them. Judson is currently using Fenrin as a lab rat for potions to help battle dehydration. Fenrin is happy to help, both as a favour for a friend and because he wouldn’t mind having such a potion.
Raul Santiago (Friend): They met last summer at the mariner one sunny day. Fenrin was preparing his boat for a trip and Raul came over to ask him about it. They got chatting and easily became friends from there.
Simon Lee Weyden (Friendly): Simon has recently reached out to Fenrin with regards to his interest in genetics and is now trying to connect Fenrin’s mark to that of others from the Norse countries. Whilst it started as Fenrin simply being a research project in Simon’s training as a Mark Keeper, they have found they get along quite well.
Simone Campbell (Friendly): Fenrin met Simone a few months ago at Anonymous where she works. They clicked pretty quickly, especially after he mentioned his love of the water and she expressed her love of swimming. After a few chats they exchanged information and have started to become friends.
Arianna Torres (Student/Friend): Ari is one of Fenrin’s sailing students but one he has come to think of as more of a friend than a student. He always looks forward to their lessons.
Vladimir Draga (Good Friend): Vlad and Fenrin have known each other for many years. They met not long after Fenrin arrived in Chicago. At first their shared histories on the high seas drew them together but a more solid friendship has grown out of that over the years.
Ezra Scultz (Friendly): Fenrin met Ezra at a local woodworkers group one of his students had told him about. As one of the only other supernaturals in the group he’d made a point of introducing himself and found that they get along quite well.
Mason Harley (Friendly): As with Ezra, Fenrin met Mason at a local group for woodworkers. As one of the only other supernaturals in the group he’d made a point of introducing himself and found that they get along quite well.
Eric Lasiter (Friend): At first Eric and Fenrin met because of business. With Eric being a master of craftsmanship and Fenrin being a master boat builder, they teamed up to make an unsinkable boat for a client. They’ve worked together since then and have formed a friendship through their time together.
Hostile Connections:
Harry Reeves (Cautious Of): A few years ago Harry electrocuted Fenrin. He’s sure it was an accident but he’s been wary of him since.
None but he’s considering getting a dog
→ History Fenrin was born a few minutes after his twin sister, Jonna, in the northern reaches of Sweden. Both his parents were elemental witches - his mother a viking from Norway and his father a slightly younger witch native to Sweden. When they found she was pregnant they decided to travel back to his village to raise their children. Sadly Fenrin didn’t have the chance to truly get to know his father as he died shortly after Fenrin’s younger sister, Ingrid, was born. Like Fenrin, he had the gift of aquakinesis and was prone to dehydration. It was in this weakened state he was caught unaware by a bear and killed.
Growing up in their village they were always viewed as a slightly odd family, likely because his mother still hung onto many of the ways she had known in her own youth. She still took them to the small local church when the preacher visited so that they weren’t completely ostracised from their community but at home it was different. They weren’t raised to belief in one God or the Bible but instead to worship Odin, Thor, Freya and the rest of the Norse gods. It is something that Fenrin has never stopped believing in. Once they were of age she also encouraged them to get tattoos as was the custom for her people. Over the years that followed Fenrin built up a collection that spanned his arms, chest and back. The ink has faded a little over the centuries but they are still clearly visible today.
Their village was on a vast lake and before he died Fenrin’s father had been a boatbuilder. As Fenrin grew older one of his father's friends, a human, offered to teach the young witch the same trade. Wanting to be closer to the memory of his father Fenrin accepted the offer and began his training that spring. When he wasn’t working or getting some fundamental magic training from his mother, young Fenrin could be found at the lake or falling in love with a girl who lived on the other side of it. His mother warned him against falling for a human but he couldn’t help it. A few months into his courting of Birgitta an old enemy caught up with his mother. She was a powerful witch but he was stronger and she didn’t survive the fight. Fenrin would have likely killed the man himself if it weren’t for someone else getting the before him. The three siblings were naturally heart broken, the loss pulling them even closer together. They decided to leave their home in search of a mentor that might take them on and when they left Fenrin asked Birgitta to marry him, and come with them. She said yes far more quickly than he’d expected.
They married under the midnight sun on Midsummer and left for the south a week later. It was their thinking they’d have a better chance of finding others like themselves in one of the bigger cities. They were right. Fenrin and Jonna found a witch who was willing to take them both on and Ingrid found a warlock to mentor her too. The four of them, the three siblings and Fenrin’s wife, lived very happily for many decades but then things started to change. Fenrin had stopped ageing in his twenties but of course Birgitta, being human, had not. Eventually a decision was made. Jonna and Ingrid would stay with their mentors in the city whilst Fenrin and Birgitta went back to their village. By that time their relationship had changed. They still loved each other very much but it had shifted from something passionately romantic to something more platonic. Given that no one in their village knew what Fenrin was they decided to lie and say that Fenrin was in fact not himself but their son. They village brought the lie easily and they were able to stay there in peace until Birgitta passed on of old age.
Fenrin spent another year up in the north grieving her loss before he moved back to be with his sisters and resume his training. They stayed there a long time before deciding it was time to seek new mentors. At first they stayed in Sweden, moving even further south, then to Norway, then onto Scotland. It was after a while here that the three siblings went their separate ways for a time. Jonna headed south into Wales, whilst Ingrid chose to stay in Scotland. As for Fenrin, he took to the place that had been tugging at his soul since he was born - the sea. He sailed for a while on a merchant ship before bumping into a rather eccentric old warlock whilst in port. This particular warlock shared Fenrin’s abilities and spent their life permanently sailing the seven seas on their own boat. They offered for Fenrin to come with them and to mentor him whilst they sailed around the world. Fenrin stayed with them for a little over two centuries, with a few breaks in between to visit his sisters. Over those centuries he started to learn to truly master his abilities and collected a treasure chest worth of stories from the places he’d been and the things he’d done.
If he could have, he would have stayed with them longer but in the interest of learning more it eventually came time for him to find a new mentor. This meant returning to land but he made sure that he was still on the coast. Here he mentored with a witch his twin had started mentoring with a few years before. Though he missed being at sea he truly loved getting to spend time with his twin again. Once their training was declared complete at the age of 500 the twins travelled to stay with their sister for a time. Where she was though, was somewhere landlocked and eventually the river that ran through it just wasn’t enough for Fenrin. So he decided to move on but not too far, somewhere he could still easily visit his sisters. He settled on Chicago. With no training to do he set himself up as a boat builder and after a while took up teaching sailing lessons too.
→ The Present Fenrin is hoping that with time he can convince his sisters to settle in Chicago as he has but for now he’s just happy he can see them regularly. He’s started to let himself really put down roots in the city. Along with setting up his business, he’s also joined a local woodworking group and has been rekindling old friendships, as well as developing new ones. Now that he’s feeling settled he’s starting to think about becoming a mentor himself and taking on a student or two. On a slightly smaller scale he’s also considering getting a dog.
At present Fenrin lives on his boat and he doesn’t much see any reason to change that. He’s managed to make it very comfortable and knows plenty of tricks for keeping it cosy through the cold winters.
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Judson Cleirigh → Burak Çelik → Warlock
→ Basic Information
Age: 761
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Sapiosexual
Powers: Therionology
Birthday: August 16th
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Religion: Buddhist
Mark: Cleirigh
Generation: 2nd
→ His Personality
Judson is very kindhearted, passionate, and loyal. He is willing to risk his life for a loved one in every way possible. He sees helping others as his purpose in life, but while normal people can be found engaging rescue efforts and doing charity work, Judson's real passion is to get to the heart of the issue so that people do not need to be rescued at all. Though soft-spoken, Judson usually has very strong opinions and will fight tirelessly for an idea he believes in. He can be decisive and strong-willed. While in his lab, he acts with creativity, imagination and faith. Also, with sympathy to not create an advantage to the supernatural community only, but to create for the human population too. He wants to take care of the world. As a user of theriogenology, Judson had to fight for the respect of his peers and most of the supernatural community, because of the power to control animals and eventually mythical creatures. He holds that respect and the trust he gained above all else.
→ His Personal Facts
Occupation: Potions Master and Owner of Wondering Worlds of Magic
Scars: None
Tattoos: Infinity symbol on left ankle
Two Likes: Kiwi and Potions
Two Dislikes: Green Peas/Beans and The Color Orange
Two Fears: Called out or Judged For Being Ambidextrous and Somniphobia
Two Hobbies: Stress Eating and Surfing
Three Positive Traits: Unselfish, Approachable, Passionate
Three Negative Traits: Jealous, Obsessive, Vindictive
→ His Connections
Parent Names:
Ronan Cleirgh (Father): Judson takes his love and art for magic from his father. Ronan has taught him nearly everything he knows today.
Ishtar Cleirigh (Mother): Judson takes his personality after his mother the most. Ishtar gives the best hugs and no one comes close to her cooking.
Sibling Names:
Nathan Cleirigh (Brother): Nathan was always the doting older brother. He never lost his patience with Judson or his temper.
Ethan Cleirigh (Brother): Being a couple of years apart made them closer. Judson will never forget that Ethan volunteered to postpone his studies so that they could start schooling, and later on, training together.
Sean O’Payne-Cleirigh (Brother): Judson never hung out with Sean. He’s sure Sean hated him with a passion. Ishtar and Jo forbid them being in the same country at one point.
Teyla ‘Tikka’ Cleirigh (Sister): Judson wasn’t sad that he wasn’t the youngest anymore when Tikka was born. He was the first to note the scent of decay, alerting everyone she was a necromancer. She’s already his little potion master in the making and everyone knows it.
Altair Cleirigh (Brother): Judson wasn’t sad he wasn’t the youngest boy anymore when Altair was born. Loland couldn’t pry Judson away from his little brother. Judson has recently taught Altair how to swim and have many future beach trips planned out already.
Children Names:
Ryan Cleirigh (Son): Ryan came as a surprise to everyone but Judson. Judson had heard about a private witch and warlock surrogate program and sperm donors. Without telling anyone, Judson closed up shop to ‘find himself’ and returned 9 months later with a newborn. Ryan is Judson’s greatest accomplishment. Sometimes it's easy to forget that Ryan is his son because of their close friendship.
Romantic Connections:
Abigail Sookram (Ex Girlfriend): Abigail was the closest thing to lust at first sight that Judson has ever experienced. They had instantly clicked when they met and soon tumbled into the sheets with each other. For ages their relationship stayed strictly sexually without strings attached until they decided to give the prospect of a serious relationship a go. Months later Judson ended things when he caught her stealing a few family heirlooms; apparently it wasn’t the first time either.
David Scott (Ex Boyfriend): Judson and David dated for a few years before calling it quits. He was Judson's first serious relationship with a vampire. Their relationship was great in the beginning but as time went on their personality differences and unmatching long term wants were getting harder to ignore. They tried to maintain a friendship after breaking up, however, David eventually left Allegra Cove for Getta’s son seethe in Europe.
Marlon Bentley Jr. (Ex Boyfriend): Marlon was a local wolf shifter that Judson randomly met at Anonymous. Something about him had caught Judson’s attention and he knew he had to have the wolf shifter to himself. It took nearly a full year of jumping through hoops to establish a relationship and nearly another year to tell their friends and family about each other. Judson fought tooth and nail to make their relationship work but he didn’t realize that they were in a toxic relationship. The constant belittling, controlling behavior, lack of support, hostility towards family traditions, blatant disrespect and jealousy caused Judson to break emotionally, mentally and physically. The relationship ended badly enough that Judson left Allegra Cove.
Platonic Connections:
Katherine ‘Kate’ Brooks (New Friend): Judson likes her and he thinks that Ryan does too. She’s a fascinating human.
Jev ‘Patch’ Cipriano (Best Friend): Patch is the little brother that Judson always wanted. Their friendship is one of the best that Judson has ever had.
Bill White (Good Friend): Bill might as well be family at this point in their friendship. Bill, Patch and Judson have an amazing connection.
Fenrin Gustafsson (Friend): Judson and Fenrin first met whilst surfing years ago. When they bumped into each other again in Chicago a friendship formed between them. Judson is currently using Fenrin as a lab rat for potions to help battle dehydration. Fenrin has been a great help and Judson plans on crediting him.
Cassandra Askeris (Old Friend): Cassandra and Judson have been friends for centuries. Judson considers her essentially family at this point.
Jia Hu Cleirigh (Old Friend): Judson has a deep respect for Jia. It's something about the man that peaks Judson interest.
Audo Wilhelm (Friend): Audo isn’t bad for a Wilhelm. He was weary of him at first but once Judson got to know him more, Audo wasn’t that bad.
Emmett Wilhelm (Friend): Emmett isn’t bad for a Wilhelm. Everyone is usually familiar with the local liaison but Emmett has earned more than just a title.
Minsky Edison (Friend): Minsky is a cool dude. They do a lot of business together which Judson appreciates because Minsky is old enough not to need him.
Kenneth McStevens (Friend): Ken secretly works for Judson. As a Benevorous user not a lot of magic users trust Ken but Judson sees potential in him.
Lyla Wilhelm (Friend): Lyla is married to Emmett and is Audo’s best friend. Emmett and Audo introduced her to Judson and they have been friends since.
Kudzai Rinker (Strained Friendship): Not alot of people agree with Kudzai’s ways but due to her age and success, a lot of people show her respect. Mainly Judson.
Naomi Goode (Mentee): Naomi came to him not to enhance her powers but to master potions, which Judson is used to. He enjoys her as his student.
Margo Wilhelm (Mentee): Margo is absolutely adorable. He has been helping Audo care for her and is proud that her first words were ingredients to a potion.
Mattie Cocci (Mentee): Mattie came to him not to enhance her powers but to master potions, which Judson is used to. She’s not bad but has far to go.
Roman Cleirigh (Former-Mentor): Roman is also Judson’s uncle. At a young age, Judson was attached to Roman’s hip and for the most part, he still is.
Kaylor Genesis (Former-Mentor): Kaylor is also Judson’s aunt. They share the same powers and same carefree attitude. They’ve always got along.
Brighton ‘Bee’ Genesis (Business): Bee is also his uncle by marriage. Bee joined him and Ethan on the battlefield and saved them both multiple times. Bee powers also come in handy when he needs rare ingredients for projects.
Belle Cunningham (Business): Belle can do amazing things with her powers. She uses Wondering Magic as a Consignment Store.
Garrett Cleirigh (Employee): Garret is also Judson’s uncle. Both of them are willing to drop everything at once to help the other out.
Hostile Connections:
Louis Martin-Rovet (Dislike): Judson has nothing against other supernatural creatures but Louis and his rats are pushing it too far.
Diaval Brazil (Familiar/Exotic Shorthair Cat): Diaval is Judson familiar. He was a gift from Kaylor and Roman once he started working on his Master’s level powers.
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Vladimir Draga → Peter Facinelli → Warlock
→ Basic Information
Age: 614
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Powers: Aerokinesis
Birthday: February 17th
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Religion: Hellenism
Mark: Draga
Generation: 1st
→ His Personality Vladimir, who prefers being called Vlad, has developed throughout his years. He was once erratic, immature, impulsive, and intense. A man who craved power. Vlad was extremely unpredictable, violent, and had horrible impulsive behavior due to the rejection and abuse during his early childhood. He shunned his feelings, he was emotionally erratic and paranoid, and easily found weakness in those who wore there’s on their sleeves. As he grew with his anger towards the world the more he lost and the more he started reevaluating his outlook on life. Especially, when his powers turned against him and Vlad remained invisible for 68 years, 3 months, 22 days and 19 hours. Young, untrained and unable to control his powers, Vlad watched as his family, friends and the world moved on without him; the majority of them were happy that he was gone.
It changed him. It developed him into the man he is today. Vlad is a logical chess player that watches the world around him quietly before speaking, calculating, being able to look ahead and anticipate others. He wants the most out of life; experiencing love and fatherhood as he developed for the better. He has done a complete 360. However, when angered or under stress, he quickly returns to his self-reliant and suspicious old manners; being distrustful and fearful of what others will impose on him. He will be harsh and judgmental. It took a lot for him to grow and fulfill his need for love which is often upset with a snap of a finger when annoyed and drowning under pressure.
→ His Personal Facts
Occupation: Translating Spells
Scars: None
Tattoos: A feather on his left front shoulder and they’re 8 birds escaping from it onto his chest. He also has a triangle on his right back shoulder.
Two Likes: History and Pointillism
Two Dislikes: Bourgeois People and Plastic Surgeries
Two Fears: The True Meaning of Life and Losing a Limb
Two Hobbies: Painting/Sculpting and Translating Spells
Three Positive Traits: Responsible, Courageous, Intelligent
Three Negative Traits: Impatience, Dry, Stingy
→ His Connections
Parent Names:
Aldee Meago (Mother): Aldee died nearly in her 100s and gave Vlad the best years of his life. If he could he would bring her back to meet her grandkids.
Sibling Names:
Viktor Draga (Brother): Viktor shares Vlad mark. He is Vlad's younger brother. Vlad took on Viktor’s last name and has made it their official mark name.
Vara Sookram nee Draga (Sister): Vara is Vlad's younger sister and closest friend. They have their powers in common and a similar personality.
Villard Draga (Brother): Villard is the youngest of them all. Vlad does care for his youngest brother but Villard is too immature for Vlad’s liking.
Vaughn Draga (Brother): Vaughn is Vlad’s oldest brother by two years but the last to be found and added into their family. They get along well enough.
Children Names:
Fallon Draga (Daughter): He doesn’t know where Fallon gets it from but she is the wild child his mother cursed on him when he was young and growing up.
Alucard Draga (Son): Alucard is much like his replica. He’s quiet and enjoys solitary. Vlad finds himself connecting with his son more easily as he ages.
Romantic Connections:
Rhiannon Draga (Wife): Vlad has been with his wife for nearly half of his life. He is sure she’s the piece that he was missing before.
Platonic Connections:
Fenrin Gustafsson (Good Friend): Vlad and Fenrin have known each other for many years. Their shared histories on the high seas drew them together but a more solid friendship has grown out of that over the years.
Arianna Garcia (Mentee): Ari shares the same powers as Vlad and Alucard. Since Ari and Alucard are close in age it has been a breeze training them both together.
Alyss De Silva (Mentee): Alyss is interested in spells and painting. Vlad is fine with mentoring her on both until Eric Lasiter has a mentee position open.
Hostile Connections:
→ History Since the day Vladimir was born, he had been fighting with himself and the world around him. His mother did the best she could and tried to raise him right, but Vlad fell in with the wrong crowd at a young age. He was pulled into piracy at the age of 8. He was scrubbing decks, assisting gun crews and was the aid of the cook. He was treated harshly, rarely paid and Vlad knew he was expendable. He was surprised when he made it to the age of 12 years old and the crew kept him around. He was sure it was because of his relationship with the sailing masters who were officers in charge of navigation and piloting. Vlad had always had a great sense of direction and feel for air movements. He had helped them out of a storm when he was only 9 years old and had earned their respect. By the time he was 14 years old they allowed him to disembark with them as they battled over treasures, raided governed towns, gathered cured meats and fermented vegetables for their journey and pillaged lawless villages. He was also allowed to eat, drink and be merry with the crew, which was a great come up from fighting with the other younger boys his age for crumbs off the floor when the crew finished eating. As the years onboard continued, Vlad had worked his way up to gunmen then junior officer when the captain requested that he was trained as a sailing master. His mother didn’t approve and refused to use his blood money for her living, but she was always happy when he made port and came home.
Vlad was a senior pirate that had been on many ships and well into his mid-30s when he noticed he had abilities no one else had. Mostly everyone called it luck and wanted him on their ships, but Vlad was uneased by his nearly ‘supernatural’ abilities. After plundering the wrong village, Vlad’s ship was attacked hundreds of miles from land, yet he was the sole survivor. He held his breath as the rough seas took him under repeatedly as he made his way home. He swam when he could and floated on his back when he couldn’t. While his mother was happy to see him and have him home, the other villagers counted him as a traitor and abandoner. He lost his street and sail credits and not even the whores would see him. He grew angry and bitter, turning to rum and stalking in his home. It was the one-year anniversary of the death of his crewmates when some of the villagers thought it would be fun to burn down his home and drag him to the sea to die. It was fun but not for them. Vlad was enraged that he had survived and was being punished for it. The air left the area surrounding his cabin, those villagers and a few undeserving animals, and they all choked to death as Vlad yelled in anger and frustration.
He was on the run with his mother when she commented on his skin and him aging well. Vlad was nearing 40 years old and still looked like he could be in his twenties. That’s when he remembered stories about witches and warlocks from one of the ports they visited. They were hundreds of years old and still looked young, they were able to kill with one word or a snap of a finger, and they were hard to kill themselves. When they finally settled on the outskirts of France, they had been traveling for months and Vlad had been testing his theory while his mother slept. Not fully trusting society, Vlad chose to purchase a plot of land with what money he had saved up from his days of piracy. As he built, the neighboring farmer's daughter caught his eye. He needed a wife and he knew nothing would make his mother happier. They were married within the fortnight but she and his unborn child died during a plague years later.
When Vlad's mother died at the age of 97, he was devastated and his world was dark all around. He still looked like he was in his twenties but he was 83 years old. He knew nothing about himself or whatever power he held. Vlad decided to sell his land and restart his quest for answers. He ran every loose end, hunted down every tale and sought out to kill posers who wanted to trick him out of his money. Vlad was 211 years old when he gave up on his search and was considering taking his life when he went invisible. Vlad remained invisible for 68 years, 3 months, 22 days and 19 hours. He was found by Ambrocio Ee (Lee), who taught him how to change back and explained that he was just like him. He was traveling from Nagasaki to England for a potential tutoring job when he noticed Vlad cold stares into nothing. When Ambrocio heard of Vlad's story he offered his sincere apologies and offered to mentor Vlad instead of continuing to England. Vlad offered to follow him on his journey, wanting to leave that part of continental Eroupe behind him.
Apparently, Vlad had mastered deoxygenation and aerokinetic creation during his time as a pirate and while he was on the run. Ambrocio focused more on his invisibility, of which Vlad was hesitant in the beginning but quickly caught the hang of turning himself and objects around him invisible. Ambrocio was a hard teacher and tried his hardest to get Vlad caught up with not only his powers but spells, charms, potions and more. Vlad worked day and night on learning his basic and advanced powers. It was during a day trip to Wales when Vlad met Viktor and Vara. They shared the same mark and the two of them lived off of the land like nomads. Viktor was only two years younger than him and Vara was five years younger. Vlad was skeptical at first but Vara showed him that she could manipulate storms and tornadoes, both of which Ambrocio had yet to mention to him. Vlad said his goodbye and gave Ambrocio his gratitude but followed after his siblings.
Vlad had stopped counting but he was in his 300s when he met Rhiannon. She reminded him so much of his deceased wife and Vlad couldn’t remember the last time he was willing to skip a lesson to spend time with someone he barely knew. She was 400 years his senior but they formed an unbreakable connection from the start. He eventually started to court her and they were married just as quickly. Vlad continued to practice his magic with his siblings' help and was grateful for Rhiannon understanding that he wouldn’t want to have a child while he still learned to control his powers. Rhiannon removed them from their nomadic life and reintroduced them to the finer life once again after many years. It wasn’t long before they moved overseas to America. Vlad loved the culture and could easily find work since he had picked up over 14 languages in his travels; now he’s expanded to 267 languages that also helps with his job. They eventually settled in Chicago. To Vlad’s surprise and to the surprise of his family he had quickly mastered all of his known powers and had the opportunity to mentor Audo Wilhelm for 20 years. It was about 77 years ago when they discovered Rihannon was pregnant. It came as a shock to both of them that she was carrying twins, one boy and one girl. → The Present Vladimir has had a tough life. Remaining stationary in Chicago is slowly getting under his skin. Vlad has been thinking about possibly vacationing in Hawaii, Tahiti, Bora Bora and Fiji. Especially since he and Rhiannon are nearing their 300 year anniversary. He wants a break away from the busy city life with a full month of lazing around on beaches and eating tropical foods. He cannot remember the last time his family vacationed on an island or away from big inner city tourist attractions. He has made comments about leaving for vacation but Vlad is sure that his family is taking it as a joke. He has already let some of his major clients know that he might not be available in the future and is planning on bringing his proposal to Rihannon and letting her decide whether now is a good time since they’ll be leaving behind her mentees and also removing their own kids from under their mentors for a period of time.
→ Available Gif Hunts (we do not own these)
Peter Facinelli [1][2][3][4][5][6]
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Judson Cleirigh → Jamie Dornan → Warlock
→ Basic Information
Age: 761
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Sapiosexual
Powers: Therionology
Birthday: August 16th
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Religion: Buddhist
Mark: Cleirigh
Generation: 2nd
→ His Personality Judson is very kindhearted, passionate, and loyal. He is willing to risk his life for a loved one in every way possible. He sees helping others as his purpose in life, but while normal people can be found engaging rescue efforts and doing charity work, Judson's real passion is to get to the heart of the issue so that people do not need to be rescued at all. Though soft-spoken, Judson usually has very strong opinions and will fight tirelessly for an idea he believes in. He can be decisive and strong-willed. While in his lab, he acts with creativity, imagination and faith. Also, with sympathy to not create an advantage to the supernatural community only, but to create for the human population too. He wants to take care of the world. As a user of theriogenology, Judson had to fight for the respect of his peers and most of the supernatural community, because of the power to control animals and eventually mythical creatures. He holds that respect and the trust he gained above all else.
→ His Personal Facts
Occupation: Potions Master and Owner of Wondering Worlds of Magic
Scars: None
Tattoos: Infinity symbol on left ankle
Two Likes: Kiwi and Potions
Two Dislikes: Green Peas/Beans and The Color Orange
Two Fears: Called out or Judged For Being Ambidextrous and Somniphobia
Two Hobbies: Stress Eating and Surfing
Three Positive Traits: Unselfish, Approachable, Passionate
Three Negative Traits: Jealous, Obsessive, Vindictive
→ His Connections
Parent Names:
Ronan Cleirgh (Father): Judson takes his love and art for magic from his father. Ronan has taught him nearly everything he knows today.
Ishtar Cleirigh (Mother): Judson takes his personality after his mother the most. Ishtar gives the best hugs and no one comes close to her cooking.
Sibling Names:
Nathan Cleirigh (Brother): Nathan was always the doting older brother. He never lost his patience with Judson or his temper.
Ethan Cleirigh (Brother): Being a couple of years apart made them closer. Judson will never forget that Ethan volunteered to postpone his studies so that they could start schooling, and later on, training together.
Sean O’Payne-Cleirigh (Brother): Judson never hung out with Sean. He’s sure Sean hated him with a passion. Ishtar and Jo forbid them being in the same country at one point.
Teyla ‘Tikka’ Cleirigh (Sister): Judson wasn’t sad that he wasn’t the youngest anymore when Tikka was born. He was the first to note the scent of decay, alerting everyone she was a necromancer. She’s already his little potion master in the making and everyone knows it.
Altair Cleirigh (Brother): Judson wasn’t sad he wasn’t the youngest boy anymore when Altair was born. Loland couldn’t pry Judson away from his little brother. Judson has recently taught Altair how to swim and have many future beach trips planned out already.
Children Names:
Ryan Cleirigh (Son): Ryan is Judson’s greatest accomplishment. Sometimes it's easy to forget that Ryan is his son because of their close friendship.
Romantic Connections:
Platonic Connections:
Katherine ‘Kate’ Brooks (New Friend): Judson likes her and he thinks that Ryan does too. She’s a fascinating human.
Jev ‘Patch’ Cipriano (Best Friend): Patch is the little brother that Judson always wanted. Their friendship is one of the best that Judson has ever had.
Bill White (Good Friend): Bill might as well be family at this point in their friendship. Bill, Patch and Judson have an amazing connection.
Fenrin Gustafsson (Friend): Judson and Fenrin first met whilst surfing years ago. When they bumped into each other again in Chicago a friendship formed between them. Judson is currently using Fenrin as a lab rat for potions to help battle dehydration. Fenrin has been a great help and Judson plans on crediting him.
Cassandra Askeris (Old Friend): Cassandra and Judson have been friends for centuries. Judson considers her basically family at this point.
Jia Hu Cleirigh (Friend): Judson has a deep respect for Jia. It's something about the man that peaks Judson interest.
Audo Wilhelm (Friend): Audo isn’t bad for a Wilhelm. He was weary of him at first but once Judson got to know him more, Audo wasn’t that bad.
Emmett Wilhelm (Friend): Emmett isn’t bad for a Wilhelm. Everyone is usually familiar with the local liaison but Emmett has earned more than just a title.
Minsky Edison (Friend): Minsky is a cool dude. They do a lot of business together which Judson appreciates because Minsky is old enough not to need him.
Kenneth McStevens (Friend): Ken secretly works for Judson. As a Benevorous user not a lot of magic users trust Ken but Judson sees potential in him.
Lyla Wilhelm (Friend): Lyla is married to Emmett and is Audo’s best friends. Emmett and Audo introduced her to Judson and they have been friends since.
Kudzai Rinker (Strained Friendship): Not a lot of people agree with Kudzai ways but due to her age and success, a lot of people show her respect. Mainly Judson.
Naomi Goode (Mentee): Naomi came to him not to enhance her powers but to master potions, which Judson is used to. He enjoys her as his student.
Margo Wilhelm (Mentee): Margo is absolutely adorable. He has been helping Audo care for her and is proud that her first words were ingredients to a potion.
Mattie Cocci (Mentee): Mattie came to him not to enhance her powers but to master potions, which Judson is used to. She’s not bad but has far to go.
Roman Cleirigh (Former-Mentor): Roman is also Judson’s uncle. At a young age Judson was attached to Roman hip and for the most part he still is.
Kaylor Genesis (Former-Mentor): Kaylor is also Judson’s aunt. They share the same powers and same carefree attitude. They’ve always got along.
Brighton ‘Bee’ Genesis (Business): Bee is also his uncle by marriage. Bee joined him and Ethan on the battlefield and saved them both multiple times. Bee powers also come in handy when he needs rare ingredients for projects.
Belle Cunningham (Business): Belle can do amazing things with her powers. She uses Wondering Magic as a Consignment Store.
Garrett Cleirigh (Employee): Garret is also Judson’s uncle. Both of them are willing to drop everything at once to help the other out.
Hostile Connections:
Louis Martin-Rovet (Dislike): Judson has nothing against other supernatural creatures but Louis and his rats are pushing it too far.
Diaval Brazil (Familiar/Exotic Shorthair Cat): Diaval is Judson familiar. He was a gift from Kaylor and Roman once he started working on his Master level powers.
→ History Judson has always been a happy person and a go-getter. He rarely cried as a baby, his parents believed he was benevorous, that was until animals annoyingly tried to enter his room and smother him with kindness, love and woodland gifts. His toddler life and childhood was a Disney movie as far as Judson is concerned. He’d wake up to birds singing him a song, deer playing with him outside and raccoons bring him berries and nuts for snacks. Life couldn’t have been any better. He saw no evil in his parents and siblings like the world around them did. As far as little Judson was concerned he had a time traveler for a mother and death as his father.
As he grew, Judson developed a sixth sense for magic. He muttered spells daily, like they were prayers and could mix potions quicker than chocolate milk or lemonade. Before Judson started mentoring, he had potions, spellworks, charms and warding down enough to start selling his personal products to witches and warlocks locally. Judson eventually made a name for himself away from his family and banked on it.
First, Judson mentored under Kaylor and she taught him zoolingualism which took just over a century. Learning to understand and imitate every animal nearly drove him mad but taught Judson how to always smile even when he was dying inside. Zookinesis came easily after being able to communicate with animals in their own language. It was around this time that Judson switched to his second mentor, Ronan. While Kaylor did continue to help him with his advance powers, Ronan took over teaching Judson about more physically created magic. They focused on wards, shields, charms and curses. Judson was as young as 356 years old when he had his third mentor, Roman. Roman had been itching to get his hands on Judson since he had mixed his first potion correctly at the age of 7.
Judson loves potions. Name it and Judson has tried to create it. He pushes the envelope nonstop, wanting nothing but perfection to go with his name. This is mostly thanks to Roman. His uncle had broken him down and built him up again multiple times to make him a legendary potion master before he finished learning his master powers. Judson had put learning his master powers on hold after turning 420. He started deploying with Ethan and Bee during international wars and putting his potions to work on injured, lovelorn or homesick humans and other supernaturals. He became internationally known within the supernatural population. Only then did he allow his current mentor and his previous two, to drag him off and teach him mythikinesis and animal guide generation. Judson was nearly in his mid 500s when he completed his mentorship.
It was the early 1800’s when Judson finally stopped travelling to people around the world and opened a local shop in Chicago. Witches and Warlocks were able to teleport safely into a backroom and shop around for the rarest treats. Judson had scheduled cross country teleports to take goodies to his other supernatural customers who trusted him but were unable to teleport. While it took awhile to gain the trust of the locals in Chicago because of his mastered ability of mythikinesis, Judson is glad that they didn’t take too long to come visit him. Judson had even begun to put in the efforts to help find solutions for animal shifter hypershift and dementia.
It was sometime in the early 1830’s when Judson decided he wanted a progeny. He wasn’t in a serious relationship and finding orphaned with unknown warlock or witch marks was nearly impossible. He tried and failed multiple times using spells and potions to make himself the perfect progeny. Judson even entered the dating scene but quickly left after having put everything he worked hard for on hold for ungrateful, unworthy and abusive assholes. That’s when Judson heard about a private witch and warlock surrogate program and sperm donors. Without telling anyone, Judson closed up shop to ‘find himself’ and returned 9 months later with a newborn. Judson didn’t share his story because of confidentiality clauses. He later told his son, Ryan, the truth about his birth but it is still a secret to their community, that is besides a few rumors.
→ The Present Judson is absolutely excited about having three mentees that are eager to learn. He genuinely enjoys babysitting Margo and having someone to listen to him blab on as he dances around his potion room. Mattie and Naomi stroked his ego hard when he found out they travelled far just to mentor under him as a potion master. Wanting to give them the full experience, Judson has recently made it public that he would not be accepting any more mentees for some time.
Judson has never tried his power, Mythikinesis, within North or South America. He never wanted to use that power without reason and absolute need! He trained with Roman and Ronan off and on in Africa, Asia and Europe years ago and perfected it, much to his dismay. The influx of unfamiliar supernatural creatures and rats has made him uncomfortable. Judson can feel the power boiling over, he is fighting to keep it at bay and from losing control.
While Judson’s plate is full between his shop, mentees and personal life/battles, he has also been putting in effort to help the local witch and warlock population with their phenomena. Specifically he seeks to help those which are not helped with potions, spells or charms. What's foremost on his list is the private experimental study to help find a remedy or cure to the frequent hand spasms that Biokinetics experience daily. Judson does have a few people signed up but is looking for more. Recently, Judson has visited Ryan’s podcast and announced to the local animal shifters that he is finally ready to begin testing on those dealing with dementia or hypershift.
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Arianna “Ari” Torres → Sofia Carson → Witch
→ Basic Information
Age: 82
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Powers: Aerokinesis
Birthday: May 19th
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Religion: Paganism
Mark: Santiago
Generation: 9th
→ Her Personality
Ari is a hopeless romantic. She tends to constantly have her head up in the clouds, running wild with her imagination. This tends to make her come across as spacey and thoughtless. She is a good student when it comes to her mentoring, but she can sometimes get bored and impatient. Ari is extremely personable and friendly, and she has the tendency to try and make friends with just about anyone that she comes across. She can be thoughtless at times, and can fail to think about how things might make others feel. She is also very impatient, which can be attributed to her young age. It often gets her into trouble.
→ Her Personal Facts
Occupation: Student and LPN
Scars: One on her right shoulder
Tattoos: A daisy on her wrist for her mother
Two Likes: Warm Summer Days and Sunflowers
Two Dislikes: Really cold weather and
Two Fears: Enclosed Spaces and Spiders
Two Hobbies: Flower Pressing and Aquascaping
Three Positive Traits: Youthful, Romantic, Friendly
Three Negative Traits: Thoughtless, Naive , Impatient
→ Her Connections
Parent Names:
Elio Torres ( Father ): Elio has lived in Chicago all his life with the exception of spending time in Spain when he was mentoring. He met his future wife there and fell head over heels. When Lluvy died, it destroyed Elio.
Lluvy Torres ( Mother ): Lluvy met Elio when Elio was in Spain during his mentoring and the two hit it off. Lluvy and Ari were very close, so when Lluvy died, Ari was heartbroken and got a tattoo to memorialize her mother.
Sibling Names:
Estella Torres ( Sister ): Estella has kinda stepped up as the mother figure in the house since Lluvy passed away. She has been taking care Iria and Lamar, keeping them out of trouble until they are old enough to mentor. Ari helps her when she can.
Iria Torres ( Sister ): Iria has become something of a wild child. She does everything to push the boundaries that Ari and Estella try and set up.
Lamar Torres ( Brother ): Lamar is very quiet and has started spending most of his time at home. Ari is worried about him.
Children Names:
Romantic Connections:
Alex Martin (Ex-Boyfriend): Alex was the first person Ari ever dated and she had honestly believed that she was going to marry him. That is until she caught him with another friend of hers and she broke everything off.
Megan Terra (Ex-Girlfriend): Megan and Ari ended up starting off as a fling that got serious. Megan broke it off when she decided to move out of Chicago and Ari didn’t want to move with her.
Alucard Draga (Crush): Ari has had a massive crush on Alucard for a while and has done nothing on the feelings. She wants to talk to him about going out, just the two of them, but doesn’t want to ruin their friendship.
Platonic Connections:
Vlad Draga (Mentor): Ari is happy to have a mentor with the same power that she has. And she is even happier that it happens to be the father of one of her best friends.
Fallon Draga (Best Friend): Fallon and Ari hit it off almost immediately. Ari loves spending time with her, even if things can be a little difficult with Fallon having to spend most of her time out and about at night.
Alyss de Silva (Fellow Mentee): Ari keeps trying to become friends with Alyss, but Alyss just doesn’t seem to be receptive to it. Ari has tried to keep being persistent and has tried to get Alyss to come out with her and her friends, but Alyss keeps turning her down.
Belle Cunningham (Best Friend): With the two being close in age, Ari and Belle hit it off well and became quick best friends. They’ve been friends for decades and time has not slowed that friendship, they constantly text and talk.
Benjamin “Ben” Nile (Acquaintance): Ari is a huge fan of his music. She, Belle, Flower and Chai constantly meet up and go out to his concerts and she has even spoken with him a few different times.
Flower Hanes (Friend): Ari isn’t as close to Flower as she is to Belle, but she still considers her to be a good friend. They go out and go to concerts all the time and Ari enjoys spending time with her outside of just going to concerts.
Chai Gates (Friend): Ari isn’t super close to Chai but she enjoys going out with her to concerts and hanging out with her Flower and Belle.
Fenrin Gustafsson (Friend/Teacher): Ari started taking sailing lessons from Fenrin and loves it. She and Fenrin have hit it off really well and are more friends than teacher and student.
Hostile Connections:
Cookie ( Puggle ): Ari got Cookie when she moved out, wanting to have company. She adores her dog.
→ History (paragraph(s) on background) → The Present (paragraph(s) on how the character connects to the plot)
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Vladimir Draga → Peter Facinelli → Warlock
→ Basic Information
Age: 614
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Powers: Aerokinesis
Birthday: February 17th
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Religion: Hellenism
Mark: Draga
Generation: 1st
→ His Personality Vladimir, who prefers being called Vlad, has developed throughout his years. He was once erratic, immature, impulsive, and intense. A man who craved power. Vlad was extremely unpredictable, violent, and had horrible impulsive behavior due to the rejection and abuse during his early childhood. He shunned his feelings, he was emotionally erratic and paranoid, and easily found weakness in those who wore there’s on their sleeves. As he grew with his anger towards the world the more he lost and the more he started reevaluating his outlook on life. Especially, when his powers turned against him and Vlad remained invisible for 68 years, 3 months, 22 days and 19 hours. Young, untrained and unable to control his powers, Vlad watched as his family, friends and the world moved on without him; the majority of them were happy that he was gone.
It changed him. It developed him into the man he is today. Vlad is a logical chess player that watches the world around him quietly before speaking, calculating, being able to look ahead and anticipate others. He wants the most out of life; experiencing love and fatherhood as he developed for the better. He has done a complete 360. However, when angered or under stress, he quickly returns to his self-reliant and suspicious old manners; being distrustful and fearful of what others will impose on him. He will be harsh and judgmental. It took a lot for him to grow and fulfill his need for love which is often upset with a snap of a finger when annoyed and drowning under pressure.
→ His Personal Facts
Occupation: Translating Spells
Scars: None
Tattoos: A feather on his left front shoulder and they’re 8 birds escaping from it onto his chest. He also has a triangle on his right back shoulder.
Two Likes: History and Pointillism
Two Dislikes: Bourgeois People and Plastic Surgeries
Two Fears: The True Meaning of Life and Losing a Limb
Two Hobbies: Painting/Sculpting and Translating Spells
Three Positive Traits: Responsible, Courageous, Intelligent
Three Negative Traits: Impatience, Dry, Stingy
→ His Connections
Parent Names:
Aldee Meago (Mother): Aldee died nearly in her 100s and gave Vlad the best years of his life. If he could he would bring her back to meet her grandkids.
Sibling Names:
Viktor Draga (Brother): Viktor shares Vlad mark. He is Vlad's younger brother. Vlad took on Viktor’s last name and has made it their official mark name.
Vara Sookram nee Draga (Sister): Vara is Vlad's younger sister and closest friend. They have their powers in common and a similar personality.
Villard Draga (Brother): Villard is the youngest of them all. Vlad does care for his youngest brother but Villard is too immature for Vlad’s liking.
Vaughn Draga (Brother): Vaughn is Vlad’s oldest brother by two years but the last to be found and added into their family. They get along well enough.
Children Names:
Fallon Draga (Daughter): He doesn’t know where Fallon gets it from but she is the wild child his mother cursed on him when he was young and growing up.
Alucard Draga (Son): Alucard is much like his replica. He’s quiet and enjoys solitary. Vlad finds himself connecting with his son more easily as he ages.
Romantic Connections:
Rhiannon Draga (Wife): Vlad has been with his wife for nearly half of his life. He is sure she’s the piece that he was missing before.
Platonic Connections:
Fenrin Gustafsson (Good Friend): Vlad and Fenrin have known each other for many years. Their shared histories on the high seas drew them together but a more solid friendship has grown out of that over the years.
Arianna Garcia (Mentee): Ari shares the same powers as Vlad and Alucard. Since Ari and Alucard are close in age it has been a breeze training them both together.
Alyss De Silva (Mentee): Alyss is interested in spells and painting. Vlad is fine with mentoring her on both until Eric Lasiter has a mentee position open.
Hostile Connections:
→ History Since the day Vladimir was born, he had been fighting with himself and the world around him. His mother did the best she could and tried to raise him right, but Vlad fell in with the wrong crowd at a young age. He was pulled into piracy at the age of 8. He was scrubbing decks, assisting gun crews and was the aid of the cook. He was treated harshly, rarely paid and Vlad knew he was expendable. He was surprised when he made it to the age of 12 years old and the crew kept him around. He was sure it was because of his relationship with the sailing masters who were officers in charge of navigation and piloting. Vlad had always had a great sense of direction and feel for air movements. He had helped them out of a storm when he was only 9 years old and had earned their respect. By the time he was 14 years old they allowed him to disembark with them as they battled over treasures, raided governed towns, gathered cured meats and fermented vegetables for their journey and pillaged lawless villages. He was also allowed to eat, drink and be merry with the crew, which was a great come up from fighting with the other younger boys his age for crumbs off the floor when the crew finished eating. As the years onboard continued, Vlad had worked his way up to gunmen then junior officer when the captain requested that he was trained as a sailing master. His mother didn’t approve and refused to use his blood money for her living, but she was always happy when he made port and came home.
Vlad was a senior pirate that had been on many ships and well into his mid-30s when he noticed he had abilities no one else had. Mostly everyone called it luck and wanted him on their ships, but Vlad was uneased by his nearly ‘supernatural’ abilities. After plundering the wrong village, Vlad’s ship was attacked hundreds of miles from land, yet he was the sole survivor. He held his breath as the rough seas took him under repeatedly as he made his way home. He swam when he could and floated on his back when he couldn’t. While his mother was happy to see him and have him home, the other villagers counted him as a traitor and abandoner. He lost his street and sail credits and not even the whores would see him. He grew angry and bitter, turning to rum and stalking in his home. It was the one-year anniversary of the death of his crewmates when some of the villagers thought it would be fun to burn down his home and drag him to the sea to die. It was fun but not for them. Vlad was enraged that he had survived and was being punished for it. The air left the area surrounding his cabin, those villagers and a few undeserving animals, and they all choked to death as Vlad yelled in anger and frustration.
He was on the run with his mother when she commented on his skin and him aging well. Vlad was nearing 40 years old and still looked like he could be in his twenties. That’s when he remembered stories about witches and warlocks from one of the ports they visited. They were hundreds of years old and still looked young, they were able to kill with one word or a snap of a finger, and they were hard to kill themselves. When they finally settled on the outskirts of France, they had been traveling for months and Vlad had been testing his theory while his mother slept. Not fully trusting society, Vlad chose to purchase a plot of land with what money he had saved up from his days of piracy. As he built, the neighboring farmer's daughter caught his eye. He needed a wife and he knew nothing would make his mother happier. They were married within the fortnight but she and his unborn child died during a plague years later.
When Vlad's mother died at the age of 97, he was devastated and his world was dark all around. He still looked like he was in his twenties but he was 83 years old. He knew nothing about himself or whatever power he held. Vlad decided to sell his land and restart his quest for answers. He ran every loose end, hunted down every tale and sought out to kill posers who wanted to trick him out of his money. Vlad was 211 years old when he gave up on his search and was considering taking his life when he went invisible. Vlad remained invisible for 68 years, 3 months, 22 days and 19 hours. He was found by Ambrocio Ee (Lee), who taught him how to change back and explained that he was just like him. He was traveling from Nagasaki to England for a potential tutoring job when he noticed Vlad cold stares into nothing. When Ambrocio heard of Vlad's story he offered his sincere apologies and offered to mentor Vlad instead of continuing to England. Vlad offered to follow him on his journey, wanting to leave that part of continental Eroupe behind him.
Apparently, Vlad had mastered deoxygenation and aerokinetic creation during his time as a pirate and while he was on the run. Ambrocio focused more on his invisibility, of which Vlad was hesitant in the beginning but quickly caught the hang of turning himself and objects around him invisible. Ambrocio was a hard teacher and tried his hardest to get Vlad caught up with not only his powers but spells, charms, potions and more. Vlad worked day and night on learning his basic and advanced powers. It was during a day trip to Wales when Vlad met Viktor and Vara. They shared the same mark and the two of them lived off of the land like nomads. Viktor was only two years younger than him and Vara was five years younger. Vlad was skeptical at first but Vara showed him that she could manipulate storms and tornadoes, both of which Ambrocio had yet to mention to him. Vlad said his goodbye and gave Ambrocio his gratitude but followed after his siblings.
Vlad had stopped counting but he was in his 300s when he met Rhiannon. She reminded him so much of his deceased wife and Vlad couldn’t remember the last time he was willing to skip a lesson to spend time with someone he barely knew. She was 400 years his senior but they formed an unbreakable connection from the start. He eventually started to court her and they were married just as quickly. Vlad continued to practice his magic with his siblings' help and was grateful for Rhiannon understanding that he wouldn’t want to have a child while he still learned to control his powers. Rhiannon removed them from their nomadic life and reintroduced them to the finer life once again after many years. It wasn’t long before they moved overseas to America. Vlad loved the culture and could easily find work since he had picked up over 14 languages in his travels; now he’s expanded to 267 languages that also helps with his job. They eventually settled in Chicago. To Vlad’s surprise and to the surprise of his family he had quickly mastered all of his known powers and had the opportunity to mentor Audo Wilhelm for 20 years. It was about 77 years ago when they discovered Rihannon was pregnant. It came as a shock to both of them that she was carrying twins, one boy and one girl. → The Present Vladimir has had a tough life. Remaining stationary in Chicago is slowly getting under his skin. Vlad has been thinking about possibly vacationing in Hawaii, Tahiti, Bora Bora and Fiji. Especially since he and Rhiannon are nearing their 300 year anniversary. He wants a break away from the busy city life with a full month of lazing around on beaches and eating tropical foods. He cannot remember the last time his family vacationed on an island or away from big inner city tourist attractions. He has made comments about leaving for vacation but Vlad is sure that his family is taking it as a joke. He has already let some of his major clients know that he might not be available in the future and is planning on bringing his proposal to Rihannon and letting her decide whether now is a good time since they’ll be leaving behind her mentees and also removing their own kids from under their mentors for a period of time.
→ Available Gif Hunts (we do not own these)
Peter Facinelli [1][2][3][4][5][6]
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Congratulations Michaela,
Welcome to the City of Clans RPG. You’ve been accepted as Anahita Mishra, Fenrin Gustafsson, Winifred (Winnie) Zhao, Cassandra Askeris, Helenus Askerism, Ainsley MacLeod, Elizabeth (Bess) Bonnaire, Isabetta Sofia Cornari, Averill Sookram and Hailey Colt. You have until Friday, November 13th to create your accounts. Also please be sure to track all the tags and follow everyone on ‘People to Follow’ link. Once your account is finished, send the link to the main! It’s wonderful to have you apart of our group!
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