#fenrich x valvatorez
disgaeaconfessions · 4 years
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anon confessed: Canon can kiss my bisexual ass, Valvatorez and Fenrich are lovers and care about each other alot
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mechon · 4 years
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Eboy Valzy and Fenfen, because I felt like it would suit them.
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missblurose · 5 years
So...what if Artina lived?
So, as my mind tends to do, I started thinking about potential fan fic ideas. In this case, it’s Disgaea--more specifically, Disgaea 4, a series I somehow both love and hate at the same time for strange reasons. In particular, I thought of the Time Leap episode that failed to satisfy my Valvatorez x Artina urges, and what could’ve happened if Artina actually DID survive.
But my speculating was about the “original” storyline, where nary a mechanic or time traveler’s to be seen. The first thing I thought was that if Artina survived, Valvatorez would still stick around in the human world and...he’d probably die because I like to imagine that Artina would never genuinely be afraid of him no matter what he does because he’s just too nice. Or he could just be on the brink of death due to starvation when Artina goes “your pride’s not worth your life” and gives him her blood while he’s unable to resist, forcing him to (sort of) break his promise. Valzy’s naturally upset at her, but he’s also mad at himself, because not only did he fail to scare Artina, but she went out of her way to save his life despite him pretty much threatening hers. It makes him question if he’s an inept demon who never really grasped the concept of fear. He feels like they BOTH need to be punished (Artina for making him break his promise and Valvatorez for proving incapable of keeping it), so he decides that he’s going to feed off of ONLY Artina until the day that she dies, because SHE deserves it for being so willing to give up her blood and HE deserves it because he considers himself “unworthy” of even biting another human’s neck.
And Artina...is okay with that, much to his dismay.. Because SHE thinks she needs to be punished, too--not for saving Valzy’s life or not having enough common sense to be afraid for her own life, but because she felt responsible for exhausting him to the point of nearly killing himself. Then she starts thinking about that one soldier who got in trouble because she saved him and thinks she ought to receive some punishment for not thinking abou the consequences of her actions--even her good ones.
Valzy takes Artina back home to the netherworld and Fenrich, who is naturally upset with the fact that his powerful lord is much weaker now due to some human woman with no common sense. He tries to convince Valzy to change his mind and just punish Artina by killing her, or keep drinking blood from other humans since he couldn’t possibly take enough blood from a single person to even satisfy his hunger, let alone bring his strength back to what it used to be. But Valzy is willing to accept whatever consequences come from this “punishment” as something he deserves, so he instead insists that he’ll take care of Artina until one of them dies. Fenrich attempts to have Artina killed a couple of times, but it fails because Valvatorez always swoops in to save her and Fenrich, not wanting his weakened lord to be hurt, always ends up helping to foil his own schemes. Whether or not he realizes what his servant has been doing, Valzy confides to Fenrich that if Artina died, he’d pretty much just let himself die since breaking another vow would be too much for him. So Fenrich begrudgingly tolerates Artina’s presence while scheming of ways to get him to drink more blood and regain his power before he’s forced to fall to Hades.
Eventually (or inevitably?) Valvatorez tells Artina he’s going to marry her, which he insists is because it would be awkward and rude to drink her blood if she were someone else’s woman. Despite Fenrich pointing out that he could just lock her up somewhere or keep her in a tighter leash, Valzy refuses to give Artina another choice. She gets upset about it since she’s a nun and also admits that she’d rather get married to someone who loves her, he states that not every couple who gets married loves each other and that this is just another layer to their “punishment” of being together, and they spend the first months of their marriage upset with one another. But eventually (inevitably?), they make up. Artina confesses that she’s fallen in love with Valvatorez and he...promises to be a good husband and make her content. Despite Artina’s disappointment with his unromantic response, she’s happy that they’re no longer on bad terms, and at some point in the near future, they finally consummate their marriage.
Artina eventually conceives and everyone has different reactions to the news. Artina is delighted and strives to prepare things for the baby. Fenrich is worried that the child will grow up to be someone who’ll intervene in his lord’s “destiny” to rule the universe. Valvatorez aspires to take care of his little family as best as he can, and so ends of getting a job in the corrupternment (but only because more “ordinary” employers were too intimidated by his reputation to hire him), though he’ll probably wind up in Hades due to slowly losing his power. All in all, it seems like a happy ending for those two.
As for Nemo, or the man who would’ve become Nemo, I’m torn between speculating that Artina surviving the war changes nothing about his own hatred for humanity or it helps him keep hope in the kindness of people. Regardless of whether he survives the war somehow or not, he might dedicate the rest of his (after)life helping others the way Artina helped him, or simply trying to find her to make up for the trouble that he believes he caused her. Or maybe he’s able to pass on and become a Prinny without waiting four centuries.
But if he doesn’t go about wanting to end all life on earth with his stupidly long and complicated scheming, that opens up a problem with those damn aliens, because Nemo’s the one who somehow gets them to NOT blow up the earth. Perhaps something else will stop them or they’ll just not go to Earth at all, but there’s also the matter of Desco not existing because Nemo’s the one who apparently(?) supported the research that went into making her. Maybe she’d be created at a much later time, at a point where Fuka had grown out of her desire for a younger sibling or her dream to conquer the world. For that matter, who knows what sort of ripple effect hijinks this could mean for Fuka? She might have a different fate, a different personality, someone else may be born in her place or her entire family tree could be drastically altered. Emizel’s life could be different, too, as it might take even longer to stop being a brat since there’s no netherworld-ending situation that forces him to mature. Though I’m entertaining the thought of “something” happening to Hugo, forcing Emizel to live in the lowest level of the netherworld and work in Hades just to make ends meet while he plots to claw his way back to the top.
And what about the rest of the Disgaea series at large? After all, 400 years worth of a ripple effect could have an effect on a LOT of things. Maybe D1 will follow the bad ending where Lamington is killed and Laharl becomes a Prinny. Maybe that could cause the events of DD2 to follow its bad ending where the entire netherworld is destroyed because Etna and Flonne (who doesn’t have access to her Pure Flonne form) don’t’t have the power to stop Xenolith, or because angels don’t go to the netherworld to slow down the rate of its destruction since it’s unlikely ANYONE would want to go to the place where the murderer of their Seraph came from. Maybe Zenon never reincarnates, making the plot of D2 never happen and ensuring the residents of Veldime remain happy, but also dooming Zenon to continue her lonely, paranoid existence. Maybe Almaz becomes the Overlord like in that one ending for D3, which is eventually accepted by his friends and he tries to share the responsibilities with Mao, who just wants to defeat him and earn the title rightfully.
Then again, this is all stupid speculation from someone who’s sick and been up since 12AM, so who knows how likely any of this would be. I’m almost curious to see if anyone responds to this mess and has their own ideas about what could happen. All I know is...I might actually write about this.
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claw · 7 years
Disgaea 4
❤ Favorite Male: vvvvv v v vv vvalvatorez❤ Favorite Female: asagi, pram, rutile, stella❤ Favorite Pairing: fenrich x valvatorez ✖ Least Favorite Character: fuka ✔ who’s most like me: woof woof❤ most attractive: Tyrant Valvatorez ..and stella❤ three more characters that I like: i love disgaea
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homriette · 7 years
Fenrich x Valvatorez?
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disgaeaconfessions · 4 years
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anon confessed: No disrespect, but I wish more Valfen shippers would be willing to acknowledge that their relationship is kinda toxic. Like, it's pretty clear Fenrich only likes the IDEA of Val, but in practice hates the person he's become. Plus he's distressingly comfortable lying to him and manipulating him to get what he wants. I'm not saying that's bad, quite the opposite, I think it could be really interesting if it was explored, and I wish more people would, but most fans just seem to ignore it for fluff.
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