#fengjiu of qing qiu
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dreamingsushi · 1 year ago
Eternal Love - Episode 33
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I know, from already having watched the series and read the book that some very unpleasant events are coming. Don’t worry, nothing as painful as when Bai Qian was a poor human stuck in her palace, waiting to give birth to her baby. But still, it makes my blood boil just to think about it. So I’ll try to remain nice, but I don’t make any promises that I will.
Bai Qian fell asleep and when she wakes up, Ali is nowhere to be found. Fortunately, she had the bronze mirror and could see where Ali was... which was in a brothel. He followed a girl in there because a guy forced her in and he wanted to save her. Bai Qian tells him that he has to keep this adventure a secret between the two of them, not let his dad know. Yehua comes just back in time to save Bai Qian that is being harassed by a man. She brushes the incident as something unimportant, he just touched her a little. So he kisses her just a little, that’s fine then right? Then he goes back for the Emperor’s birthday while Bai Qian takes Ali back to Qing Qiu.
Even though I knew what was coming, I’m still so disgusted by Sujin. So her plan was to trick Yuanzhen, the second prince’s son, to her room. There she makes him unconscious and forces him to drink a whole lot of alcohol. She sends her maid asking for help because she’s going to pretend hang herself following being sexually abused by Yuanzhen. Who’s like a teenager, barely. I know I know, they are old and all in terms of years, but he’s still a kid. Like how could you do this to a child? People selfish like Sujin should be banned from existing seriously. I can’t fathom how can one destroy anybody’s life for their own little games. That’s not working hard to earn what you want. You don’t deserve anything. Ugly wench!
Yehua and his uncles are going to his palace where the Emperor is already dealing with the situation. I love how Yehua is just rolling his eyes at Sujin. He’s definitely like: I know you’re full of shit. Why do I still have to deal with you? She’s like please, let me die, please. I wish Yehua could just say alright, go hang yourself, good riddance. Unfortunately, the Emperor won’t let that happen, he likes Sujin too much and trusts her too much. That old dude is always in the way. Poor Yuanzhen, he tries to state the truth, but the Emperor won’t believe him. Of course. He doesn’t know to what lengths Sujin may go to “get” what she wants. So he gets sent to the mortal world to go through a 60 year long trial. The logic of the Emperor “You, his father, left with a woman and I never thought you would do something like that! No wonder your son did something so bad!” That guy... How did he even become the Emperor to begin with? So dumb.
Yehua warns her that next time she does shit like this, he won’t let it slide. The only reason she’s still alive right now is because she has Susu’s eyes in her eye orbits. When she dies, Susu’s eyes die with her. You see how worthless she is to him? And she made herself even more worthless. There you go, your stupid plan worked to perfection, right?
Since as Susu she never had any good memory in the palace, Yehua wants to start over with Bai Qian and have her fall for him. It’s alright she forgot.
More of Donghua and Fengjiu’s love story in the mortal realm. Very boring.
And that is all for today. I’m sorry if I offended any Sujin fan here, but she has no excuse for her behaviour except selfishness unlike other dislikable characters (for example Meng Yao in the Untamed who was an awful person, but I could still pity him for his sad sad sad life). Sujin’s only life problem is that her parents died. She was raised like a princess, sister of the Crown Prince. We can’t say she really has anything to be bitter about. I’m not trying to say that losing your parents is nothing, it’s hard at whatever age you are. But she had a happy life and only her own desires are guiding her.
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sorysblog · 4 years ago
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He closed his eyes, hugged her, and whispered in hoarseness: "What sweet thing would you like to hear?" She tried to suppress the sweet tang rising in her throat: "Say you like me." He rested his head on her shoulder. She felt her shoulder getting wet as she heard him whisper in her ear: "I love you." The dull pain in her chest slowly dissipated and gave rise to an airy feeling through her entire body. She stroked his silver hair and softly replied, "And I you."
~Three lives three worlds the pillow book
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felialione · 4 years ago
Eternal Love of Dream
Hola!! Hola!! Aunque un poco tarde, como había prometido, esta semana hablaremos del c-drama San Shi San Shi Zhen Shang Shu, conocido en estos lares como “Amor Eterno: El Libro de la Almohada” o “Eternal Love of Dream”, que en realidad vendría a ser algo como Tres Mundos, Tres vidas, 10 millas de flores de durazno: el Libro de la Almohada, pero bueno, ya sabemos que los títulos en América tienen un comportamiento abstracto jajaja, aunque reconozco que era un nombre bastante largo.
En fin, es un drama de fantasía, romance, estilo histórico, que consta de 56 capítulos que fueron transmitidos por Tencent Video, Dragon TV y Zhejiang TV, del 22 de enero al 5 de marzo de este año.
Protagonizado por Diralba Dilmurat, Vengo Gao, Liu Ruilin, Baron Chen, Huang Junjie, entre otros, puede ser considerado la segunda temporada de Amor Eterno; aunque también puede verse como un drama completamente aparte, es decir, si no viste Amor Eterno, no te preocupes, no tendrás problemas para entenderlo, aunque el Cameo de Bai Qian te pasará desapercibido.
Este drama es una adaptación de la novela de  Tangqi Gongzi, lo que obviamente significa que tiene algunas diferencias, pero en su mayor parte se mantiene bastante fiel y el cambio principal es que las intervenciones de Bai Qian son sustituidas y realizadas por Bai Zhen (lo que para mí es mejor porque podemos ver unas escenas más de la hermosa sonrisa del guapo Huan Jinjie).
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Si leyeron la reseña sobre Amor Eterno, probablemente no tengan mucha intención de ver Pillow Book, pero la verdad es que merece una oportunidad, personalmente me gusta más que la primera parte, es más fluido, más ligero de ver, tiene un poco de más acción y aunque son los personajes y el mundo que vimos en Amor Eterno, está a años luz de distancia.
Pillow Book se centra en la historia entre Bai FengJiu y Dong Hua Dijun, partiendo de la celebración de la boda entre Bai Qian y Ye Hua (que era el objetivo final del anterior) y mostrando a manera de retrospectiva lo ocurrido antes de eso cuando FengJiu estuvo en el Palacio del Amanecer como doncella.
Si vieron Amor Eterno, borren de su mente cualquier rastro de existencia de FengJiu como algo que nunca pasó (si quieren también borren a Dijun), e imaginen que recién los conocen aquí.
Los escenarios son mucho más “celestiales y divinos” que en el anterior, están mejor logrados y ya no dan la impresión de ser el palacio normal de un gobernante mortal de rango medio, son más luminosos y más ricos, para representar al Señor Imperial de los cielos, la tierra y el mar, la colina verde, es más exhuberante, etc., se lucieron más.
La reina de Qing Qiu, Bai FengJiu es la única zorra roja de nueve colas conocida en el mundo. Como tal, creció mimada por quienes la rodeaban, pero fue solo frente a aquellos a quienes realmente amaba que mostró su lado más mimado. Para las personas sobre las que gobernaba, era una mujer fuerte, valiente y una buena reina.
Un día, mientras buscaba cultivarse en las montañas, FengJui es atacada por una bestia salvaje. Atrapada en una situación precaria, FengJui se salva por la repentina aparición del unificador de mundos y el Emperador del Cielo, Dong Hua. Agradecida con el Emperador Celestial y sintiendo que ella le debe mucho, FengJiu acompaña a Dong Hua en su búsqueda para luchar contra un demonio ancestral.
A medida que los dos pasan más tiempo juntos, FengJiu comienza a darse cuenta de que su gratitud hacia Dong Hua se ha transformado lentamente en amor. Desafortunadamente para ella, Dong Hua olvido desde hace mucho lo que es el amor, pero eso no significa que se haya perdido toda esperanza. Todo el mundo sabe que incluso los corazones más fríos pueden derretirse con el tiempo, pero ¿serán realmente suficientes incontables vidas para unir a estos dos corazones?
El cliché de que FengJiu se enamora de la nada luego de “ir a pagar su deuda” se mantiene, pero a diferencia del desastre anterior, este drama está basado en puros malos entendidos, ya que cronológicamente Dong Hua ni se entera de la existencia de FengJiu hasta la boda de Bai Qian y doy gracias por que aquí NUNCA se siente obligado a corresponderle solo porque la ve todos los días.
En esta versión, la relación de ambos es bastante divertida y a veces un poco exasperante por todas las confusiones que hay de uno hacia el otro y viceversa, hay muchas veces que una odia a Dong Hua por insensible, pero luego recordamos que él NO SABE la historia detrás y realmente nos damos cuenta que no actuó mal, al contrario, está siendo bastante amable y considerado (para su estándar de cubo de hielo y dios nacido de una roca). Otras veces odiaremos a FengJiu por caprichosa y porque cuando al fin consigue el amor de Dijun lo rechaza, portándose “vengativa” y tajante, luego recordamos que ella tampoco sabe todo lo que Dong Hua hizo por ella, ni todo lo que le costó o lo que siente en realidad, así que también se le puede perdonar la mayoría, sí, solo la mayoría porque su personalidad si es caprichosa, aunque no a ese extremo.
Todo el drama, FengJiu cree que Dong Hua está enamorado de alguien más, así que mucho de su sufrimiento es... autoinflingido por decirlo de algún modo, pero volvemos al punto de que nosotros como espectadores lo sabemos, pero ella como personaje no tiene ni idea. 
Dong Hua no es ni de lejos el hombre perfecto ni el “príncipe azul”, es súper celoso, posesivo, arrogante y debemos recordar que su pasatiempo favorito es humillar a otros, su laaaaaaaaaarga existencia, la naturaleza de su divinidad, las cicatrices de su experiencia y demás lo han hecho de corazón frío y desinteresado, aunque ya cuando lo conocemos más, es grato ver que una vez que al fin se siente en confianza, saca a relucir su personalidad verdadera que es más bien como un niño travieso que solo necesita amor y atención (aunque no se le quita lo celoso y posesivo), pero principalmente es alguien exageradamente protector, leal e irónicamente, responsable (al menos cuando de verdad importa), es tierno y tiene detalles románticos muy geniales, solo que es un completo tonto a la hora de expresarse, algo que tiene en común con FengJiu, eso más los celos de él y la creencia casi obsesiva de ella de que él ama a otra, además de su torpeza total a la hora de interpretar los avances de Dong Hua, los hacen pasar por un sinfín de situaciones de vida o muerte antes de que puedan llegar a entenderse.
La primera vez que él la nota, la descubre haciendo “maldades” a unos pretendientes, por lo que se le hace entretenido hacerle un par de travesuras él, lo que no sabe es que ella está tratando de evitarlo y escaparse “porque decidió superar su amor por él”, por lo que termina metida en un montón de situaciones vergonzosas, mientras que él no tiene ni idea de porqué le huye, pero le da curiosidad y se empecina más en molestarla, cuando las cosas se les salen un poco de las manos y terminan en peligro, él no duda ni por un momento en rescatarla, pero dada su tendencia a meterse en situaciones intrincadas, salvarla requerirá más que bajar de su nube con su luz divina y pegarle al malo, normalmente tendrá que hacer preparativos, reunir o renunciar a su poder y más cosas que harán que ella piense que se había olvidado de rescatarla o que simplemente la dejó al último.
Aunque Dong Hua es claramente descrito como el más poderoso del Universo, no es invulnerable y no derrota a todos con la mano en la cintura... podría... si FengJiu no interviniera jajaja, pero el punto es que no es un personaje tedioso, al contrario, el drama es entretenido porque ves al más poderoso en sus momentos más precarios y desesperados, enfrentando peligros y renunciando a lo ganado a través de incontables eones por la mujer que ama.
En cuanto a FengJiu, no es la de Amor Eterno, no tiene nada que ver con ella, no se parece, es el extremo opuesto. Esta Xiao Bai consentida, ya ha empezado a madurar un poco, ya entiende que como la Emperatriz de la Colina Verde, tiene que mantener cierto estándar de comportamiento y que pese a sus deseos personales, todavía tiene alguna que otra responsabilidad que atender de vez en cuando. Además, es más parecida a su tía Qian y va más acorde con el estilo de la familia Bai ya que podemos ver a una espadachín experta, que tiene grandes habilidades no solo en el uso de armas, si no en su forja, con conocimientos de ingeniería, inteligente, ÚTIL, aunque suele ser la que causa los problemas, no solo se sienta a esperar ser rescatada, pone de su parte, ayuda, cuida de sí misma y de los demás hasta donde puede y aunque claro que llora por amor, jamás se tira a llorar por las dificultades de su vida, al contrario, racionaliza y busca formas de seguir adelante. 
El amor de estos dos es bastante bonito, porque nace de una manera un tanto inocente, como niños molestándose y jugando, que al convivir y conocerse mejor, encuentran una persona con quien tienen intereses en común, con quien se sienten en confianza para ser ellos mismos, encuentran cierto grado de comprensión y se apoyan mutuamente, de modo que nace un lazo muy fuerte. A Dong Hua le enamora que ella le ame desinteresadamente aún después de conocer su peor lado, que está dispuesta a decirle las cosas a la cara y discutir con él cuando debe hacerlo, que aún sabiendo que es el más poderoso, todavía arriesgará su vida para protegerlo; mientras que ella, aunque empieza como un capricho y un enamoramiento absurdo e idealizado, mientras más profundamente lo conoce, más se va enamorando de verdad.
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philtatosh · 6 years ago
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Dijun, you must have thought that the troublesome Bai Fengjiu of Qing Qiu has already left, haven’t you? You must have thought I am the one who doesn’t know how to repay a a kindness. It’s not that I don’t want to. But... I honestly don’t know how to repay you, for what you did was saving my life. 
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mejomonster · 5 years ago
i just um. if i wrote tmopb the biggest difference i’d have done is write the final battle as Bai Qian fighting for a solid chunk, weakening the villain, then Mo Yuan shows up DISGUISED as Ye Hua, and finishes Qing Cang off.
Mo Yuan ‘dies’ too, Bai Qian still thinks its Ye Hua and cries and refuses to move as she holds the body on the river shore. Then finally Zhe Yan and Bai Zhen convince her to take the body back to Qing Qiu, where she finds Ye Hua STILL unconscious (Mo Yuan knocked him unconscious/bound him so he couldn’t go die) and very much alive. Bai Qian realizes its Mo Yuan who ‘died’. She and Zhe Yan wake up Ye Hua, and Ye Hua would use his newfound ‘other half of father god’s powers’ from slaying the god beasts, to help Bai Qian ‘preserve Mo Yuan’s body’. After 3 years of them grieving and coping (much like the drama ending, but a little less utterly messed up), Mo Yuan awakes. He explains why he did - that same ‘Ye Hua’s got a ton of power now’ explanation. That power, allowed him to hold onto his soul this time around in the Bell fight. Ye Hua still has one arm, and will need a long time of cultivation before he can move the prosthetic. 
Mo Yuan has completed his arc, and is alive in a more believable way then Ye Hua was in the original - because he IS capable of fighting Qing Cang based on what we know, he’s done it before, and Bai Qian would’ve worn Qing Cang down if she’d been part of the fight. Bai Qian also would feel less guilty then in the original, because she did everything she could to help Mo Yuan (disguised as Ye Hua) to win the fight - at least she can’t say she didn’t do Everything she was capable of. Even though Mo Yuan-disguised-as-Ye-Hua would ‘die’, she did everything possible in the fight to keep him alive and so could not have any regrets. It would parallel Fengjiu and Dijun on the beach, being willing to ‘live or die together.’ It would also contrast well to the two of them fighting Qing Cang and the Bell the first time.
I just... I would be a lot more satisfied with this ending.
Also... I would write a self-indulgent prologue, where Alive Mo Yuan returns to Kunlun just as Yan Zhi is leaving. Being wise, and loving, and newly awakened after going through A LOT, he sees Zi Lan and calls him out (the way Bai Qian easily called Zi Lan out on his crush). He tells Zi Lan not to wait, not to regret, not to make the choices Mo Yuan made a little too much. He gets Zi Lan to talk about the deal-with-the-universe Zi Lan made where he swore he’d guard Wuwang sea if he could just help Yan Zhi and the baby. Mo Yuan says he considers the debt paid, and would not mind helping to pay it by ‘guarding’ on Zi Lan’s behalf sometimes, if Zi Lan would like to ever go see her (because we know Zi Lan won’t leave this self-imposed-Wuwang-sea-exile easily).
Tens of thousands of years pass. Unlike Ji Ling, luck is not destined to destroy Zi Lan’s life constantly. He finally willingly goes out, for the first time, to see Yan Zhi. He finds her not in the Ghost Realm, but in the mortal realm. She looks unreadable when she sees him. He apologizes, deeply, and says even though she can’t come to Kunlun, he can at least come here - and he should have come sooner. 
A little bittersweet but hopeful ending for Zi Lan and Yan Zhi. Thank you.
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lovedramaaditlove-blog · 5 years ago
Eternal Love of Dream Episode 27
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Streaming Eternal Love of Dream Episode 27
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Streaming Eternal Love of Dream episode 27 subtitle indonesia menceritakan tentang Dua ribu tahun cinta abadi dan obsesi antara raja wanita Qing Qiu dan dewa kuno Kerajaan Surgawi. Kaisar Qing Qiu, Bai Feng Jiu, diserang oleh monster saat berlatih di pegunungan. Dia diselamatkan oleh Kaisar Dong Hua dan tidak pernah melupakannya. Untuk membalasnya, dia mengikuti Dong Hua untuk bertarung melawan setan. Dalam waktu yang dihabiskannya bersama Dong Hua, dia menyadari perasaan syukurnya telah berubah menjadi perasaan cinta. Tapi, Dong Hua telah melupakan apa itu cinta, setelah berjuang melawan kejahatan selama ribuan tahun.
Nonton eternal love of dream ep 27 sub indo
nonton eternal love of dream ep 27 sub indo Untuk melindungi Feng Jiu, Dong Hua mengirimnya ke dunia manusia. Dalam prosesnya, teman-temannya mati sambil melindunginya. Feng Jiu melanjutkan pencarian untuk menemukan buah peri legendaris yang dapat membangkitkan orang dari kematian. Dia memasuki dunia mimpi A Lan Ruo, Putri Suku Bersayap, dan harus menghidupkan kembali kehidupan A Lan Ruo.
Download eternal love of dream sub indo
download eternal love of dream sub indo, Having been saved by Emperor Dong Hua from a vicious monster attack, Princess of Qingqiu, Bai Fengjiu becomes immensely indebted to him. To repay him, Fengjiu follows Donghua around on his adventures to eliminate evil but unwittingly realizes that her feelings of gratitude towards him has turned to romantic. However, after a hundred thousand years of fighting evil, Donghua has long forgotten the meaning of “love". To protect Fengjiu, Dong Hua sends her to the human world but accidentally causes the death of Fengjiu’s friend. Fengjiu enters the dream of Ah Lan Ruo to search for the fruit that will be able to resurrect her friend. However, Fengjiu ends up getting trapped in the dream. Dong Hua comes to rescue, and realizes he has fallen in love with Fengjiu… rekomendasi drakor lain = My New Sassy Girl (2016) shortener site = http://promoted.id Read the full article
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dreamingsushi · 1 year ago
Eternal Love - Episode 57
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Since we're already that close to the end, just might as well go straight to the finish line right? Nothing can be more painful now than last episode anyways.
Bai Qian finally agrees to let go of Yehua, because of his rank. It would make both tribe look bad if she didn't. She just asks that she can be the one getting him ready to enter his coffin. She takes that time to say her goodbyes and promises that she'll never forget their time together. I wish she promised to take care of Ali too. I miss my Riceball.
When they are about to leave, she asks if she can come with them, but since they were never married and she's from the fox tribe, they won't allow her. Fengjiu tries to negotiate, but Bai Qian tells her to stop it. Once they're gone, Bai Qian is destroyed and overwhelmed by sadness.
Bai Qian dreams of Yehua coming to see her. When she wakes up, she looks for him everywhere, but can't find him. Bai Zhen scolds her for being in such a state. She tells him that she can only think of everything good he did for her. That she's just like how she described Li Jing, always pursuing things she can't have and once she has it, she doesn't treasure it. She keeps dreaming about Yehua.
Fengjiu takes over Bai Qian's position as Queen of Qing Qiu. Donghua sends her a very precious gift for the occasion. Bai Qian and Bai Zhen do not attend, these past three years they have been traveling around the world. They currently are in the mortal realm. They bump into Yehua's cousin, who likes Donghua. Then they see a human Sujin running after her husband. But what does that mean? I don't know and the episode already ended.
I thought this would be easier than the previous episode, but I kept crying on and off. Bai Qian just breaks my heart. She's more alive in her dreams than when she's awake. What a sad fate.
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dreamingsushi · 1 year ago
Eternal Love - Episode 54
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I'm feeling kind of meh right now, so I'm just going to treat myself to something I like, since I'm not into the two other dramas I'm currently watching. I know it means that this one will be soon over, but that's okay. It's not like there's not enough drama to watch in the world, so I can always add another one. I like having a choice, depending on my mood.
Bai Qian breaks the Jiepo lamp and as she does so, it releases everything it kept inside from Yehua keeping it lit for 300 years. She recovers her memories of her life as Susu. Meanwhile, human Yehua keeps waiting for her in the mortal realm. Fengjiu thinks that Bai Qian is drunk talking, but it's all true. Bai Qian then says it's about time she gets her eyes back now, since her trial is over. So she rushes to the celestial palace and forbids Fengjiu and Migu to follow her. Fengjiu still follows her, because that girl only ever does whatever she wants.
Bai Qian gets to Sujin's place and unleashes her fury. She's a little mean, but honestly, Sujin deserves it. She takes back her eyes from Sujin, who can't believe that Bai Qian and Susu are one person. She gives a choice to Sujin, either to jump from the zhuxian platform too or to keep watch of Qing Cang. She refuses, so Bai Qian is going to report all of this to the Emperor. Everything. MWHAHAHAHAHAHAAH. Finally.
Fengjiu manages to get inside the palace thanks to Siming and Donghua. She fights with Sujin who claims that Bai Qian took her eyes without reasons. The soldiers help her get to the Emperor. Lucky for Fengjiu, Donghua takes her along too.
Yehua from the mortal realm is very sick and on the verge of dying. He has been waiting for his fairy bride all along, but she never came. He dies, still holding on to the pearls she gave him. He's in for a surprise when he comes back to his real body. I wasn't thinking of that one, but it still works. He wakes up in Kulunxu and meets with Moyuan who tells him of his origins. Also that when he was still in his lotus form, Bai Qian like to take care of it the most.
Sujin begs the Emperor to help her. She says Bai Qian stole her eyes. The soldiers say that she shouldn't do it secretly if they owed it to her, Fengjiu argues that she did away from sight to let them keep face and not humiliate them. Donghua tells her to shut up when she's about to add more and he says that since it's about Qing Qiu and their court, which already has some sort of beef because of the second prince fleeing with a maid instead of Bai Qian, and that Sujin used to be the Emperor's concubine, people could think that there's a biased opinion. Hence, he offers judging this affair. The Emperor agrees, seeing that he can no longer protect Sujin and that she should reap what she sow. For once, we agree old man, for once we agree.
And on such an auspicious promise, it is the end of this episode. I'm feeling a lot better now. I was waiting for that moment for a while now. It was about time Sujin got exposed for her wrongdoings.
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dreamingsushi · 1 year ago
Eternal Love - Episode 52
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I think that after an episode of the King: Eternal Monarch, I definitely deserve another episode of Eternal Love. Switch from one eternal thing to the other. I think I'll try to stretch thin the ending of this drama, because the two other main ones I have on going right now don't have me so thrilled about them so far. Plus it's going to give a little change daily, I kind of like that.
I'm treating myself with the opening. Seriously, that many years and I'm still so in love with it. It's powerful. Thank you Zhang Jie for this song.
Sujin also pays a visit to mortal Yehua, who doesn't care for her. Just like before. She's really delusional to think she was ever important to him. She always pestered him and he tolerated her because it's part of his duty as the crown prince. After all, her clan sacrificed themselves to win the war for his clan. So at some, he can't be completely rude to her. But when she thinks she's better than Bai Qian or Susu for that matter, she's wrong. Susu was probably the one who understood Yehua the best, except for the pathetic ending of their love when she was pregnant, while Bai Qian could have been, but she didn't get much time to. Sujin is basically just a worm and all she ever did was to hurt Yehua. If you hurt someone to gain their love, you're not sincere towards them, it's just selfishness. So she incrusts herself as his cousin in his mortal life too. And he still won't care for her.
Moyuan makes me so sad. I don't know how I never saw it as much as now that he likes Bai Qian. She talks about the past and he kind of subtly implies that he never rested all these years only to fulfill his promise to come back. She's like yeah you came back for all of us, but his eyes are saying no I came back for you, my precious person. Then Zilan comes and says that a special guest came for Bai Qian. It turns out it's Ali. Poor Moyuan when he hears our baby boy call Bai Qian mother. The pain in his eyes. Obviously, all the disciples love Ali. I mean, who wouldn't? Except for Xuan Nü, but she was crazy, so her opinion doesn't matter.
Sujin in the mortal realm says that she will get married to Yehua. He says he won't and will break off the engagement. She tries to take away the pearls Bai Qian gave him. She gets really mad when she hears from the servant that it's related to Qing Qiu. So she starts sculpting a wooden puppet looking like Susu. That doesn't like a good plan...
More of the Fengjiu drama. She learns that Donghua took off his name of the stone which states the love fate of everyone. So he's not fated to anyone, ever. She decides to cut away one of her tails so it would become a dagger which she will use to engrave his name on the stone. As he watches her go, he looks like Lucius Malfoy. Anybody ever noticed? It's the first time I see it and I can't unsee it now. Anyways, she ends up fainting from the pain and Donghua asks Siming to take her back to Qing Qiu. Migu takes her to Kulunxu so Zheyan can take care of her. When Donghua comes, Bai Qian doesn't bother trying to be nice, she blames him and yells at him. She only stops because her master tells her to calm down. But with her bad temper, she just leaves, frustrated. As I would if anybody even hurt a strand of my sisters' hair. I feel we are just wasting so much time on their love story while we could have more of Yehua and Bai Qian instead. It's like, half of the drama (okay maybe just a third) is all about the two of them and they're supposed to be support characters, not main. Anyways, that's all for now, time to get some cooking going if I want to go dancing. See you soon!
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dreamingsushi · 1 year ago
Eternal Love - Episode 51
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I did watch an episode of the other drama, so I’m back to the one I actually like best between my two ongoing series right now. Plus it’s the last stretch for this drama and I like to get stuff done. The satisfaction is incomparable.
There’s a distance between Bai Qian and Moyuan setting up. She’s still unaware of his feelings for her, but she’s also thinking too much about Yehua to actually notice anything. Since he doesn’t need her help, she asks her brother to help her hide the fact that she’s going to visit her fiancé in the mortal realm. She wanted about 16 hours, but he only agrees to two hours. Then, he decides to follow her, because he calculated that Yehua would only be around ten at this age and wonders what she would even want to do going now.
Bai Qian goes to see child Yehua who’s getting made fun of because he’s missing an arm. At night, she comes to his room and tells him that they are fated to get married. She’ll come visit him every now and then when she has time. Meanwhile, he shouldn’t get married to anyone else. She gives him a pearl necklace/bracelet and he gives her a jade pendant. When he wakes up, he tries to find info about Qing Qiu, but no one ever heard about it.
Fengjiu is saaaad. She’s having her little trantrum because she doesn’t want to take Bai Qian’s position as the leader of Qing Qiu. She just cares about making Donghua fall in love with her. She’s upset that Bai Qian is not siding with her.
Li Jing decides not to tell Moyuan or the Emperor about Qing Cang because he’s afraid that if Moyuan would try again to seal him in the bell, Bai Qian would try to jump into his place. Since she’s getting married soon, he doesn’t want her to do that. So he plans on doing it himself and to give his role away to Yanzhi.
Bai Qian pays a visit to her master at night, since she’s going to be gone to help Zheyan prepare some medicine and Moyuan is going to isolate himself for a moment. She wants to spend some time with him. He’s still trying to hold back on his feelings for her. When he tells her to go get rest, there’s a shadow at the window. And we don’t know what that is or who that is, because it’s the end of this episode!
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dreamingsushi · 1 year ago
Eternal Love - Episode 50
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Okay, Tumblr kind of looks weird suddenly and I'm not sure if I like that... Anyways. This is the last episode for today, also the next thing I'm going to review has to be the longest promise, I can't push it longer anymore anyways, since we're almost done with this.
Moyuan returns to Kulunxu where all of his disciples welcome him. Zilan talks about how he has been looking for Siyin all along but never could find him and apologizes for not taking care of his junior brother. Then Bai Qian comes in and reveals herself as Siyin. Zilan is super emotional and can't believe she's pretending to be a girl to avoid them. Then she's like dude, have you ever seen a guy looking as good as me? She knows she's pretty and she shouldn't be afraid to say it. Diefeng laughs a little at Zilan for thinking that (but then again he thought the same thing before too). He says that their 17th junior brother is actually Bai Qian from Qing Qiu. Then everybody's happy and Bai Qian really shines amongst her disciple brothers.
Zheyan explains to Moyuan, even though it could be painful to hear, how Bai Qian preserved his body for him all those years.
Fengjiu thought that Donghua was going to die, but it's actually not the case. She humiliates herself even further. Her father also goes to beg Donghua to marry his daughter but he refuses. She tries again to get him to admit he likes her too, but he won't budge saying they aren't fated. So she leaves crying when she hears what her dad asked. She's ashamed of humiliating Qing Qiu again and again.
Poor Moyuan, he can't handle it when Bai Qian talks about her wedding to her senior brothers. Zheyan teases her a little, because she's obviously oblivious to the feelings he has for her.
And yep. That's it for this episode. It was a rather uneventful one, without that much happening, except for the Fengjiu/Donghua love drama, which I find boring.
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dreamingsushi · 1 year ago
Eternal Love - Episode 38
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I’m sick, I don’t feel like having an introduction, so I’m just going straight the recap.
Yehua has a talk with Zheyan. He admits that Bai Qian disappeared for a while after sealing Qing Cang again. He also figured out that she is Susu. Yehua thinks she chose to forget about him because of Moyuan. Zheyan doesn’t seem to think so, even though he doesn’t say anything.
Thanks to Li Yuan’s directions, Xuan Nü manages to escape her cell, with her baby at that. Li Yuan tells her to kill him, so his father can come back and kill Bai Qian for her, since she would never reach the level for that. After, she needs to find Yanzhi and kill her too. She’s reluctant at first, but still ends up stabbing Li Yuan. Instead of going to the mortal realm to find Yanzhi, she actually goes back to Qing Qiu to see her mom. However, she hears her mom say that she won’t recognize her as her daughter. So Xuan Nü leaves, with even more hatred towards Bai Qian, because everything is her fault. Obviously. And to add on to her hatred, she hears Migu telling Li Jing to go back because Bai Qian won’t see her. One more reason to follow Li Yuan’s plan.
A little of the mortal realm, because I can’t always ignore what’s happening over there. Siming tells Feng Jiu that it’s time she makes Donghua unhappy. Also Zilan bumps into Yanzhi and decides to find a way to remain close to her, in case he could find some info about Siyin’s whereabouts.
When Yehua takes Bai Qian to his place, Li Jing is still waiting for her to agree to see him. Yehua tells her she should have a talk to him, so everything’s over for both of them. So she tells him that he disappointed her and there’s no way they can go back. She pretended to be okay with how things happened, while she wasn’t and used a lot of courage to ask of him the jade to help her master. She even thought at some point about how to persuade to have her parents let her marry him. But then, at the highest point of their relationship, he let her down. It’s about time Li Jing mans up and stop self-pitying. You acted wrong, now get over it. The only thing you can do to make it up is leave her alone.
And that is all for this episode. Pretty uneventful, apart from Xuan Nü’s escape. I’m really not interested in Donghua and Fengjiu’s romance, it’s quite boring to me. Until next time!
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dreamingsushi · 1 year ago
Eternal Love - Episode 36
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I should probably get some rest, because I’m exhausted, but at the same time, my nose is so runny that I don’t see how am I ever going to fall asleep. So might as well indulge a little more and sleep in tomorrow morning.
Sooo. Yuanzhen is fine and avoided his trial thanks to Bai Qian. However, jumping into the water, Fengjiu changed Donghua’s fate, now that he fell in love with her instead. So now she has to stay and take over the execution of his love trial. She has to make him fall deeply in love with her and then trample on his heart. She’s quite reluctant in doing so, however, if she doesn’t, she’ll be cursed. That’s the only way for her. Siming admits to Yehua that it’s convenient that Bai Qian came in to intervene, because Donghua went to the mortal realm to let Fengjiu have a short romance with him, since they are not fated.
Bai Qian comes back to Qing Qiu only to find a mesmerized Migu. She lifts the spell and he tells her that Xuan Nü came looking like her and took Moyuan and Ali away. Bai Qian grabs her fan again from the lake and rushes to get Xuan Nü to pay for her crime. Migu is like oh crap, I let her go alone what should I do? Oh yeah, let’s go get Yehua.
Meanwhile, Yehua determined that the puppet people are sent by Xuan Nü to revive her dead child. He stops Lian Song to go advise the Emperor yet, he wants to go to the Yi territory first. He’ll get a good excuse now, as Bai Qian went there to get back her master and Ali. As soon as Migu tells him, he leaves in a rush. Meanwhile, Li Jing recognizes the Yunqi Kunlun fan and returns to the palace.
So hang on tight, this is going to be a ride. Obviously, Bai Qian is super mad. Someone dared to touch her master. (And her adoptive-real son. We know it’s mostly about Moyuan, but still). She charges in, without any pity. Xuan Nü notices that her eyes aren’t doing well with light, so she blinds her by summoning more light. That’s not enough though to stop Bai Qian from kicking ass. And that’s here that you see how good of an actress Yang Mi is, as she plays both Bai Qian and Xuan Nü’s descent to hell. She’s quite injured when Yehua finally arrives. He lets her do the honour of getting rid of Xuan Nü, however, Li Jing saves her, thinking at first that she’s Si Yin. Then he understands she’s his very problematic wife. He tries to plead for her, since she’s gone crazy after giving birth to a dead child. Yehua isn’t feeling very merciful and gives two options to Li Jing: either he gets rid of her, or it’s war. Bai Qian removes Xuan Nü’s ability to use her appearance. Since she used the magic to do evil, her face ends up covered in scars. She’s so upset about being ugly that she pierces her own eyes blind. Yehua takes Bai Qian away, because she’s exhausted and can’t go on any longer.
As of now, Xuan Nü is mostly dealt with. We only need to teach Sujin a lesson. Seriously, Bai Qian is surrounded by petty women.
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sorysblog · 4 years ago
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Fengjiu e Dong Hua nel Profondo Mare Azzurro
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sorysblog · 4 years ago
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Fengjiu and Gun Gun
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sorysblog · 4 years ago
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Her hands trembled as she unconsciously mumbled, "You..." She thought of something. "Did my grandfather give you a difficult time? I heard he once asked you to write an annulment paper. He was only saying it out of anger. Even though we've separated, you still shouldn't be made to write a divorce paper. Grandpa has a tendency to speak folly in his anger. For both of our reputations, it's best to come to Lady Nuwa so we can mutually..." His countenance was calm, but his eyes were ice cold: "I won't mutually separate from you, Xiao Bai. You'll always be my wife to the day I die."
~Three lives three worlds the pillow book
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